#quinn borel
quinn-borel · 3 months
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sometimes you realize your husband is really pretty....like really pretty
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self-chromtempt · 11 months
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Quinn learns something new about Aymeric and Estinien
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jessu-uu · 8 months
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Aymeric and Quinn having a little wine date
(lighting practice)
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nerdygirlkerrie · 4 years
Characters I love pt 4 final
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It’s time for video games and strap in, this one’s a long one lol
Video Games
1.      Tokugawa Ieyasu – Samurai Love Balad Party
a.       I don’t know why the Japanese love to make Ieyasu into a spicy, blond brat, but they do. Not always, but in otome games for sure.  His SLBP iteration stands at the top of my otome game ladder.  He’s an asshole with good reasons to be an asshole, but something about him… I can’t even say what.  I usually don’t like his kind of character – the tsundere who would DIE before admitting their feelings, but I just love him.  He’s interesting and clever and so so pretty.
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2.      Zevran Aranai – Dragon Age
a.       Ahh Zevran… not my first choice of romance, but probably my favorite character in the whole series (though almost tied with Dorian).  His smart mouth and hilarious, overly sexual dialogue make him a party must. He’s so interesting, and despite his dark past, the story doesn’t dwell to the point of obnoxiousness.  One day I’m going to write an OC with him.
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3.      Malavai Quinn – Star Wars: The Old Republic
a.       I played a Sith warrior first, so he was my first romance.  His romance was literally shocking – so shocking I had to write about 100 pages of fanfic to address my feelings on the matter.  This, combined with my warrior being the head of my dynasty, cements his place.  He’s so fun to play with too lol since he’s uptight but also distractingly in love with your character.  Ahhhh, good stuff
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4.      Aymeric de Borel – Final Fantasy XIV
a.       This elf is just so fucking beautiful.  Like unfairly beautiful.  Practically a meme.  Doesn’t help that he’s charming, charismatic and a great leader.  Also pretty in love with the player character.  He is literally prince charming, and one of the reasons Heavensward was the best xpac.
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5.      Thancred Waters – Final Fantasy XIV
a.       The Scion thot. Thancred is a cliché mix of pretty, tragic, and slut.  He’s a playboy who seems to take nothing seriously, but really, his growth throughout the series is really good.  He’s got the WoL’s back.  His HW look tipped me over the edge and made me fall in love with him.  So snarky and cool, and ends up doing really well despite losing his magic.  10/10 would bang
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6.      Dorian Pavus – Dragon Age: Inquisition
a.       I love Dorian. He’s my favorite Inquisition character. I think fandom does him wrong by always turning him into the gay best friend™  Now, he IS my inquisitor’s best friend (or love interest depending on the inquisitor), but his sexuality just adds to the story.  He is not the sum of it.  He’s snarky and bitchy but super loyal and supportive.  He really is the inquisitor’s best friend and would probably do anything he had to to protect them.
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7.      Theron Shan – Star Wars: The Old Republic
a.       Snarky slicer that is a master spy?  Yes please. Theron is the most interesting of the post vanilla game.  His motivations are always murky, but in the end, it always turns out that he was on your side.  Also snarky and clever, he constantly makes me laugh, and his romance is pretty adorable.
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8.      Cullen Rutherford – Dragon Age series
a.       Sweet, masculine chantry boy.  He’s strong, but also vulnerably, and it’s only when he absolutely trusts you that he lets you see this.  His romance is really good, very little internal tension and just very sweet.  As a character, he expresses what I want to a lot while dealing with Josephine and Leliana – eye rolling and sighing.  He seems super serious, but is a huge dork. And he loves animals XD
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9.  Fenris – Dragon Age II
a.       Tickles the ‘broody, beautiful elf with a tragic past’ itch.  Fenris is fun because he goes from hissing and complete distrust, to standing beside you no matter what choice you make, even if it is to support the mages, whom he neither likes nor trusts.  I like that his romance isn’t easy, and doesn’t just go from confession, sex, relationship, and instead goes on this windy journey of pain, that culminations in the best confession of feelings in the game.  Love him so much.  Plus Gideon Emery could read the phone book and I’d be like mmm yeah
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10.  Sylvanas Windrunner – World of Warcraft
a.       Even though I’m not a loyalist, because this bitch is dark, I still think she’s so important and impactful.  She is the ONLY female leader in the horde until Thalyssra, and she is a strong leader.  I think I would preferred a different outcome to her story, but nothing for it now.  I wish I could murder Nathanos though.
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11.  Lor’themar Theron – World of Warcraft
a.       Admittedly, most of my love for him came after I created my newest hunter and created a backstory, since I had to read his history and shit on Wikipedia.  I just like that he never wanted to lead the Blood Elves, but after his friend and Prince went insane was like “Fine, I guess I will” and just became the regent.  He’s my character’s dad, and is the best dad lol.  Plus, he’s a Gideon Emery character – see Fenris comments.
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12  Gelu – Heroes of Might and Magic III – Armageddon’s Blade
a.       I had a mad crush on this character stemming from a dream I had while I was playing the game.  Heroes III is my favorite in this series and this xpac was baller as fuck.  Pretty black and white elf with red hair – early teen Kerrie likey.
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13.  Jacke – Final Fantasy XIV
a.       The leader of the Rogue’s Guild ��� his speech is sometimes incomprehensible, but he is hysterical.  Seems like a joke and is often not taken seriously because of his pretty boy face, but will literally cut you.  I love the Rogue’s Guild as a whole, and the Rogue’s story.
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14.     Khadgar – World of Warcraft
a.       Okay, so, I will admit that most of my love for Khadgar comes from young!Khadgar in the Warcraft movie.  He was so incompetent then, especially look at where he in the game now.  Silver fox, we laughingly call him Dadghar in our house. So powerful he could probably just end all struggles himself, but always makes the player character do the work. I like that he doesn’t care about Alliance or Horde and is usually instrumental in bringing them together.
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thepaige-turner · 2 years
THERE ARE BASEBALL ROMANCE BOOKS??? If you find any good ones please share with the class 🥺
RIGHT?????? Baseball boys are very underrated!!!
Here's what I've found so far:
The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams (I’ve read this twice and love it)
The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory
The Locker Room by Meghan Quinn
Bender by Stacy Borel
Squeeze Play by Kate Angell 
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nbiblioholic · 6 years
Down the TBR Hole was originally created by Lost in a Story! The point of it is to help cull your reading lists down, or maybe push higher anticipated releases up on your TBR! And maybe you all can help me along the way, and tell me if you’ve loved or hated any of these! How it works: ➽ Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf. ➽ Order on ascending date added. ➽ Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books ➽ Read the synopses of the books ➽ Decide: keep it or should it go?
Shards of Glass (The Glass Trilogy #1) by Arianne Richmonde Rating avg: 3.69 Release: Feb. 17, 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2M8rCzd (FREE) I really enjoyed another series from this author, Pearl, and immediately started to add all of her work to my TBR. However, I've re-read the blurb and the blurbs of the following books, and now I don't think it's for me. Verdict: Delete
Hooked Up (Hooked Up #1) by Arianne Richmonde Rating avg: 3.67 Release: Dec. 28, 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oPiGW1 See above Verdict: Delete Finding Allie (Breaking Away #1) by Meli Raine Rating avg: 3.71 Release: March 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wRBJCN I've enjoyed the few books I've read from this author and this particular series sounds interesting. A romantic suspense involving rival MCs, drug rings, and a Romeo & Juliet romance. Why not? Verdict: Keep
Hustler by Meghan Quinn & Jessica Prince Rating avg: 4.13 Release: May 9, 2016 Amazon: Out-of-Print Since I can't find a digital copy of this and I don't copyright shit so although a bunch of bootleg versions came up during my search, that's a huge no-no, I guess reading this book isn't in the cards for me. Verdict: Delete
Property Of by C.P. Smith Rating avg: 4.01 Release: April 21, 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wU5Ut6 I'm a sucker for a great romantic suspense and I still think that this one may be one of them. The fact that it keeps popping up as a recommendation so it might be a sign. Verdict: Keep
Challenged (Vipers Creed MC #1) by Ryan Michele Rating avg: 4.12 Release: April 4, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wQYJ5O I've seen a lot of my GR friends read this author's books and state that she's really good at writing MC stories, so I think it's only fair that I give one a try. Verdict: Keep The Player and the Pixie (Rugby #2) by L.H. Cosway & Penny Reid Rating avg: 4.14 Release: April 12, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wRKNrj (FREE in KU) I've read this series out of order and I missed this one. I can't believe I did that! Verdict: Keep The Obsession by Nora Roberts Rating avg: 4.19 Release: April 12, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2QhkML5 Honestly, it's Nora Roberts. Verdict: Keep Cleat Chaser (The Cleat Chaser Duet #1) by Celia Aaron & Sloane Howell Rating avg: 3.55 Release: March 15, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Cy6GSz (FREE in KU) A book by two authors that I've come to adore? Seriously, it had me at erotic romcom. How could I possibly resist? Verdict: Keep Touching Scars by Stacy Borel Rating avg: 4.01 Release: Dec. 24, 2013 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wUeCri (FREE in KU) This story has a concept that I could totally get behind. Alpha ex-military hero falls for the girl who his friends bullied in high school? He's suffering PTSD and she's got a haunting secret? Yeah, I'm all over it! Verdict: Keep
The Boss (The Boss #1) by Abigail Barnette Rating avg: 3.84 Release: Nov. 2013 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oNBeG2 It's currently FREE right now on Amazon and I wasn't going to pass up such a great deal! Verdict: Keep Serial, Volume One by Lily White & Jaden Wilkes Rating avg: 3.86 Release: Sept. 22, 2014 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2CFkhY6 (FREE in KU) I'm usually down to take a trip to the dark side. It's a not-so-secret love of mine. However, after going through what these books are about, I'm not feeling it. I need the characters to draw me in and these ones seem like more of a miss. Verdict: Delete
The Goode Fight by Seth King Rating avg: 3.82 Release: Oct. 12, 2014 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2CybNSL I added this because I thought it was a standalone but... surprise surprise... it's not. And the next book isn't out, not that I could find anyway. Bummer! Verdict: Delete Confessions of a Bad Boy by J.D. Hawkins Rating avg: 4.01 Release: April 27, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Czc4Vy (FREE in KU) I've read everything from this author. Or at least I think I have. Except for this book. Why??? Verdict: Keep The Empty Jar by M. Leighton Rating avg: 4.43 Release: May 8, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oSScmp I haven't met an M. Leighton book that didn't give me a nose tingle and this one seems like a freaking doozy. I'm going to save it for when I'm in the mood to be tricked into an ugly cry. Verdict: Keep
Wicked Heart (Starcrossed #3) by Leisa Rayven Rating avg: 4.26 Release: May 17, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2MVeBhw I usually love books about movie stars and romance. However, this is supposed to be a second chance romance but the hero is engaged to another woman so I'm wondering how deep was the love? This sounds like angst I want no part of. Verdict: Delete
And that's it for this edition of keeping it real with my TBR. Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think? Are any of them on your TBR and do you agree with my verdicts? I hope your TBR continues to flourish!! Happy reading!! xoxo
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quinn-borel · 4 months
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It never hurts to have a dance in the foyer 💙
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quinn-borel · 3 months
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You'll be the moon, I'll be the earth
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quinn-borel · 3 months
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"I may have missed your first performance...but this one? I wouldn't miss it for the world."
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quinn-borel · 2 months
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Quinn tries something new with Aymeric but he's almost TOO much of a gentleman....
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quinn-borel · 9 days
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"Not only was he a formidable warrior, he was a dear friend to both your mother and I. Would that he be here today, I know he would have proven to be a wonderful uncle to you, Haurchefant."
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quinn-borel · 25 days
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for Wolmeric week on twitter/Bsky, Day 7: I love you
I will eventually write their proposal in long-form fic. For now, here's a taste.
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quinn-borel · 5 months
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Unwrap your present, Aymeric!
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quinn-borel · 13 days
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Quinn and Aymeric enjoying their honeymoon in Thavnair
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quinn-borel · 24 days
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for Wolmeric week on twitter/Bsky, Day 8: Aymeric Day
this man is well-loved.
featuring Oceania Quasar @starladyquasar and Pebbles @pebblebbles
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quinn-borel · 8 months
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"You are the warmth of my hearth and the sun in my skies. My stars. My rock. My love.
Would I be the man I am now without you? It's hard to say…
Thank you for being my guiding light…Happy Nameday, my beloved Quinn."
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