exposenseiarchive · 6 years
✏ pls?
i  doodle  your  muse!  (  4 /  5  done!  no  longer  accepting  )
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jetlegs-a · 6 years
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❛ uraraka,  would  you  mind  joining  me  for  a  jog?  the  weather  is  perfect  today  and  i  could  use  a  partner  in  crime. ❜  / @quirkgravity
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unsuccesscr · 6 years
-snatches url- it’s too late I will give you my love and you can’t stop me
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I’ve already ranted about how much I love Ochako but I will never run out of reasons why I love her. Like the fight against Bakugou during the sports festival like of course I admire her determination and the fact that she didn’t give up but can we also talk about how goddamn clever it was to use Bakugou’s quirk to create debri she could use??? She took what Iida said during the practicals about her not being able to fight without touching anything and took it to heart and found a way around there not being any objects for her to use during the fight. I love her so m u c h.How they play them: I adore your Ochako. I like how you take the time to write about her little gestures like pressing her fingers together. It really adds to the overall portrayal and paints such a good picture. And listen we only have one thread so far but Ochako is already such a force of good in Izuku’s life and I live for it.The Mun: We haven’t talked a whole ton ooc but I love the notes you leave in your tags and you made me feel really welcome when I was brand new to the RPC thank you so much!
Do I:
RP with them: yep!Want to RP with them:  of course!!!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: You made me love Ochako more than I already did and that’s honestly a damn hard thing to do given that I already love her a whole awful lot. I love reading your threads!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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centrisc · 6 years
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hey  it’s  only  been  a  week  but  y’all  are  dumb  for  some  reason  &&  think  i’m  quality...  so  yeah,  here  is  my  bias  list.  except  it’s  not  a  bias  list  because  i  love  everyone  here  i’m  just  super  fucking  forgetful  &&  may  forget  some  people  to  tag.  tbh  i  haven’t  even  been  in  this  community  that  long,  maybe  about  3  months  --  but  you  have  all  treated  me  so  nicely  that  it’s  felt  like  forever.  anyway,  i’m  sorry  if  forget  anyone  but  the  people  below  are  a  big  part  of  my  reason  to  write  &&  how  i  portray  monoma.
@eletriq / however many blogs you have ??:  sunny,,,  you’re  pretty  darn  cool.  you  made  me  feel  really  fucking  welcomed  in  this  fandom,  even  if  you  don’t  think  so.  i  think  it  was  you  who  approached  me  first  but  i’m  not  sure  ??  either  way  from  the  moment  we  started  talking  i  was  like  “  why  would  someone  so  cool  &&  amazing  want  to  talk  to  me  ?  ”.  ilu  a  lot  &&  i  can’t  express  in  words  how  much  you  mean  to  me  ??  but  like.  i  tried.  it’s  the  thought  that  counts  ://
@qwikr:  OH  BITCH  I  LOVE  YOU  !  literally  so  valid  !  you  are  an  angel,  &&  you  make  me  smile  all  the  time.  you’ve  helped  me  out  so  much  emotionally,  &&  have  been  a  great  shoulder  to  cry  /  vent  on  ??  also  your  music  tastes  are  valid,  along  with  everything  else  about  you.  you  make  me  so  happy,  i  hope  you  know  this  !  i  hope  i  make  you  happy  too  !
@acidork:  ally  you’ve  literally  taken  over  every  single  blog  i  have  with  your  love  &&  gay  shit.  i’ve  known  you  for  ??  i  don’t  know  how  long,  but  either  way,  you’re  a  fucking  angel  in  my  life.  you  make  me  laugh,  wheeze,  &&  cry  tears  of  joy.  i  don’t  know  how  to  express  how  much  i  love  you  since  i’ve  made  so  many  positive  posts  about  you.  but  i’m  so  glad  i  pressured  you  into  making  mina  :’))
the  people  below  are  my  friends  /  close  friends  who  always  cheer  me  up  &&  make  me  smile.  along  with  that  people  who  always  make  me  laugh  on  my  dash  !  basically  people  i  really  enjoy  talking  to.
@blstking / @explodepunch / @brokenpunch / @stlmidn + all your other muses / @firstvoiced / @kogancs / @stardrifting / @ukubi / @sozdayte + @katsubi + @quirkjokes / @grndzeros / @ofiignition / @boydazzle / @jetlegs / @umbled / @quirklyze / @mezouc / @chargebeat / @sanamentte / @kineticmidn / @mindwrped / @ojimashi / @invisibell + all your other blogs / @uravityheart / @earncst / @redrioted + @jeanvogue / @ohaul / @peachrule
the  people  below  are  people  i’ve  talked  to  a  bit  and  /  or  people  i  admire  on  my  dash,  but  i’m  too  scared  to  talk  to  more.  this  doesn’t  mean  we’ve  never  talked,  it  just  means  i  want  too  more.
@zerorabiti / @dragonaea / @yunihon / @braveaniima / @quirkgifter / @quirkthief / @tskymi / @ksri / @prettyguard / @regelo / @exposensei / @quirkgravity / @ocomet / @jokersene / @jokullfryst / @supcrmight / @saiichii / @alterlifes / @oorumaiito / @wondcrkid / @errased / @msclr + @bgku / @shrrkbait / @herohalf / @mettatoniic  / @cndir / @knifckiss / @01kaibara / @ureio / @creatied / @keiuu / @hairspiked / @palmsplode / @victoryclaimed / @okakebi /  &&  many  more  !
if  i  forgot  anyone  or  they  want  to  be  untagged  let  me  know  !
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needlxd-a-blog · 6 years
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Ahhhhhh oh my god? I literally cannot believe I’ve gotten to this point? It’s so wild. I never expected to get more than, like, 15 followers if I’m bein completely honest. OCs have never been well-accepted in my experience but I’m so glad that people honestly love my little ice cream dork! It means a lot to me, and I’ve made so many friends and memories here despite the hardships. I can’t thank all of you enough for that, and I hope you guys will stick around to make more!
Now, without further delay, here’s the point of this post! A bias list! Yes yes, very boring and uncreative, but I really do love these because it’s positivity! So let’s get right to it!
NOVELTY TREATS - a list of people I’ve interacted with a lot and have made some of the best memories with. I don’t know where I’d be without you guys.
@hcwks | @hgkre / @quirkbreathe | @atshro / @tskymi | @unsuccesscr | @jxjivisha and all of their other blogs, there’s a lot of them cause y’all are the mvps who can manage multiple blogs tbh
SWEET SUNDAES - people I have spoken to or interacted with to some degree and I would kill for 
@flxege / @unhexmlxch | @amplifyingtrace | @xcrematedx | @palmfed / @dphium / @wuvlite | @karitxriki | @echoquirk / @chillquirk | @acremate | @negatiiv
PRO HEROES - people I admire from afar or just talked to a teeny bit but love to pieces regardless!
@ksri | @quirkthief | @brokenpunch | @venereans | @voidtend | @umbled | @froppyhopper / @nouxmu | @darkshadcw | @inspirxnt | @hxwk-eyes | @anxfeather | @quirkgifter | @vinehair | @plagued-yakuza | @horncd | @c0mpressed | @zerogrcvity | @quirkerased | @quirkgravity | @v4n1shed | @bgku / @msclr | @cndir | @cremavi | @latrociniium | @asumatta | @chimeriac | and viewers like you!
I couldn’t mention everyone (I don’t have the attention span for that unfortunately) but just know I love eachand every one of my followers! I would fight an army for all of you!
Thank you all so much! ~Kitiara and Dee Dee
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uravityheart · 6 years
quirkgifter replied to your post: Ppl out here saying to change the urls. What do...
You come into my house, the home of my baby blog, and you demand I change my child’s name? BEGONE
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wildxplosion · 6 years
Fantasy starter for @quirkgravity
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He'd had to get out of there. Everyone had been driving him fucking crazy.
Katsuki dropped down onto one of the long tables that filled this inn. No one would think to look for him here and he could grab something to eat too.
It was a shame to miss the free food he could be having but...at least the only person he could see around here was a brunette woman sat further along.
He scowled at her.
She surely wouldn't bother him.
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pyrrhe · 6 years
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  it’s with a careful touch that he drops the paper in front of her. she’s been struggling with the homework. he’s not... the best at tutoring but... “do you want some help, uraraka?” she can have his notes if she doesn’t want them, written out in jagged but neat scrawl. he knows he’s not the most enjoyable to be around.
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ojimashi · 6 years
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      hey! hi! miumarie here, ever grateful for all the follows despite being about 65% shitpost. here’s a quick bias list to show all the people that make my dash feel like a wonderful place!
     @vbrato @ofiignition @liberomade @tskymi @dckv @chargebeat @charredeyes @hissuccessor @implosiveexplosive @quirkgravity @instabilitat @quirkhop @sacchirine @creatied @ksri @yunihon @thermiia @bgku @umbled @soaringhero @earncst @ukubi @everybodysayhey @boydazzle
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smashkick-archive · 6 years
I love your theme, it's so pretty
AHHHH THIS IS SUPER LATE, BUT THANK YOU!!! ♥♥♥ yours is absolutely adorable as well!!! the animated stars falling in the background and the post box are so cute and fitting for ochako and super space-y i love it ♥♥♥
tysm for this love!! have a beautiful day!!! :-)
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ojimashi · 6 years
SHIPPING INFO     //   answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.   REPOST.   don’t reblog.
1. WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE? : ojiro / anyone jkdsfngkjd ;;;;  nah but real talk i think ojichako is mad cute
2.   WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  RP  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING? : most things, really; but with a ban on sexual acts between minors. it used to be something i used to write because i didn’t know that i was bad, but i’ve learned and grown since then.
3.   HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE? : between minors, anything over 5 years is probably out of line. but otherwise, i’ve rped decently large age gaps  ( maybe 15 years at maximum? )  between adults because i do have older muses and dabble in things like arranged marriage aus and the like. i’d say 20-25 years is where it gets a bit iffy for me.
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : i’m pretty open to shipping; but it’s something that i need a line of communication with the mun about. like, if we haven’t talked ooc then there’s most likely no chance of shipping tbh.
5. HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NSFW? : i usually draw the line where it becomes necessary to describe physical arousal and wandering hands.
6.   WHO  ARE  OTHER  MUSES  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  MUSE  WITH? : is this the part where i advertise my ship with @nijire???? fgjkdfgn but ye, hagakure, yaomomo, kaminari, uhhhh.....idk basically everyone?? I ALSO RLY LIKE OCS like yo hmu with them ocs i’m so down
7.   DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : it doesn’t necessarily have to be  ‘ asked ‘  persay;  even just hitting me up with  “ hey, let’s ship “  would be fine and i’d be open to talk about it. but yeah, discussion ooc is necessary.
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : i adore shipping, but character development through friendships, hateships, and other relationships are just as important and i place a heavy value in those as well.
9.   ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE - OR - LESS? : the definition of shipping is getting hazy here. i want to say that i like shipping ( relation-ships / friend-ships ) in equal parts.
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : yup.
11.   WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? : rarepairs are my a+++
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : just hmu my dude
Tagged By:   @hairspiked​  ( thanks my dude <3 )
Tagging:   @quirkgravity  /  @boydazzle  /  @faceplain  / @prettyguard  /  @barracudabcy  /  @vglnte
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ojimashi · 6 years
some of m’ships  ( the romo ones ) because i’m a forgetful punk,, lmk if i missed any because i’m a goddamn FOOL
hadou // @nijire jirou // @vbrato amon // @healpaws hagakure // @hgkre midoriya // @plehntii nobori // @instabilitat ishikawa // @vglnte uraraka // @quirkgravity
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