Is it weird to make characters that are neither heroes, villains, nor vigilantes, like making an entomologist character or a pharmacist character?
Not at all!! I think it’s great to explore other aspects of the world. It gives the chance to see how heroes/villains affect normal people plus the potential of work-base quirk licenses. Not everyone is going to want to be a hero, and those characters are just as interesting and offer a unique perspective. Plus I think it allows for wider variety of quirks as you’re not limited to “heroic” quirks.
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Ideas for a Quirk Marriage between Hardening and Acid?
Kirishima and Ashido! Super cuties!
Coat skin in acid/Skin turns to acid
Body hardens but in between the cracks is acid
Skin is acid proof
Create acid and harden it into shapes (useful for weapons, make sharp acid spikes out of the skin, etc.)
Hardened “quills” that drip acid
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I just discovered this blog and my mind is BLOWN! I'm not sure if you went over this already, but could you go over some of the detrimental side effects of class 1a's quirks? Thank you so much!
Ah, thank you so much! Oooh, detrimental side effects? You are speaking my language! Some effects are worse than others (not all really being detrimental), but I hope you enjoy these!
Aoyama: Blindness after long term exposure to a bright laser beam
Ashido: Acid slowly corroding and weakening her skin
Asui: I’m not sure what, but I think it’ll involve her ability to spit out her stomach
Iida: Overheating causing burns on his legs surrounding his engines and breathing problems from the fumes
Uraraka: Chronic vertigo
Ojiro: Back problems from balancing the weight of his tail
Kaminari: Memory loss from shorting out his brain as well as Lichtenberg scars
Kirishima: I don’t know why, but I’m feeling joint pain and stiffness. Potential mental trauma that he has to take whatever’s thrown at him (not just fighting but say abuse)
Koda: Abandons humanity to live only in the company of animals
Sato: Issues with blood sugar and heart disease
Shoji: Develops a paranoid need to always be watching and listening with extra eyes and ears
Jiro: Permanent ringing/buzzing/white noise in her ears
Sero: Stiff and aching elbows
Tokoyami: I’m not convinced Dark Shadow won’t permanently take over some day. As he strengthens, a possible nyctophobia could develop
Todoroki: Physical trauma from constantly bouncing between the two temperature extremes
Hagakure: The mental trauma of never being able to see herself
Bakugo: Deafness, weak arm joints, tremors, low blood pressure
Midoriya: Besides the massive physical issues he’s already obtained in his arms that will no doubt cause him chronic pain throughout his life?
Mineta: I do not know this person
Yaoyorozu: An eating disorder
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I’ve had a quirk idea with the name “Psychopomp” in greek mythology it’s a guide of souls to the place of the dead; the spiritual guide of a living person's soul.
Psychopomp allows a user to resurrect someone whose been dead as long as they can touch skin (so decommissioned/skeletons don’t work). the dead can be resurrected for a day as long as the user doesn’t touch them (after a day they go back to being dead). when the user touches them a second time they, well, go back to being dead. this is heavily based off Ned from “Pushing Daisies”.
So my question is; could an oc with this quirk be able to be a hero or would they just be better off as a detective. I know its a good idea for a detective but i’ve been wanting a hero able to resurrect the dead. I wonder how this ability can help them with villains and what not.
can you help me?
Oooooh, now this is interesting with some very dark possibilities! So first touch reanimated the body (as long as it hasn’t decomposed too much) and the second touch returns them to a corpse, and the quirk lasts a maximum of 24 hours or until that second touch.
What is this like to the dead person?
Based on your desire to use this for solving the murder, I assume that this person comes back remembering how they were killed. That must be horrible for the victims of traumatic and gruesome deaths.
Do they feel alive? Or are they aware that they’re dead?
How many get reanimated then try to run off to either save themselves, return to their families, or settle unresolved business?
How do the victims handle being told they have to die again in 24 hours?
Can the resurrected use their quirk?
To me, this quirk would be more useful in the hands of a detective rather than a hero. Heroes seem more in the business of preventing/stopping villain activity while a detective will be the one called to an alleyway to investigate a body.
Not that this quirk couldn’t be useful to a hero hunting down a villain, but it would require there to already be a dead body to use. I’d probably put them in the underground hero business like Eraserhead. Or, in a war zone, have them resurrect any fallen heroes to keep fighting.
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you know alot about quirks right? well if someones quirk was like agility or enhanced movement. and im just guessing that since present mic's quirk is voice than if eraser head used his quirk on him that he wouldnt be able to speak. so with that in mind if eraser head used his quirk on someone with enhances movement or agility would they not be able to move? or what would happen?
Mic’s Voice quirk allows him to amplify his voice to extreme levels, but he’s still able to speak when it isn’t activated. If Eraserhead was to use Erasure on him, Mic would be unable to use his quirk to amplify it, but he’d still have the ability to talk. It’d be the same as someone with a speed or agility enhancement quirk; the person is still capable of walking when they aren’t using their quirk to enhance it, so they’d still be able to move even if Eraserhead was erasing their enhancement quirk.
Along this point you have mutant quirks. Physical mutations themselves aren’t affected by Erasure, but the abilities they have are (for example if Shouji was hit with Erasure, he’d still have his tentacles arms, but he wouldn’t be able to use them to duplicate eyes, mouths, etc. for the duration of the erasure).
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Quirk idea: Flying Fish. A quirk where the person can swim through the air as if it were water. Notes: 1. their hair is almost always floating due to thier quirk. 2. The ‘gravity’ of the airs ‘water effect’ is revers to them. Meaning they have no truble walking, have to jump a foot or two to start floating, and if they go too high from the starting point the start to feel the pressure unless they wear a protective suit. (Planes are fine if start point is INSIDE)
This is a fun quirk!
To start floating, is it about how high the lowest part of them is or is it about losing contact with the ground? So say they were starting at a higher or lower altitude, how would that affect their floating?
What’s their max height?
Can they breathe very well that high?
Is this a passive ability (something that happens automatically wether they want to or not) or do they have to choose to sky swim? This could be important if they get knocked out in the middle of floating and either stay in the air or drop.
If they’re floating, without any intent will they stay in place or naturally drift in any specific direction?
How much do air currents affect them?
Will the temperature of the air affect them?
How fast can they swim in the air? Is it easier or harder than in water?
Are there any difficulties when landing?
Can they make anyone/thing else float?
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Any ideas for a Quirk marriage between Glamour and Explosion?
Bakugo and Camie, eh? One of my fav brotps.
My top thoughts on this were:
Hallucinogenic sweat (either through skin contact or ingesting, cause random tripping or maybe let the user have minor control over the hallucination) 
Breathing explosive gas (perhaps this would require manual ignition, like a lighter)
Create illusions but only of explosions (can vary by size, sound, etc.)
Create illusions but through the hand instead of mouth (not as exciting as the others but a viable option to occur)
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Here's a stranger one: a Quirk Marriage between Comic and Lizard Tail Splitter
That is indeed a stranger one.
Materialize words/letters into solid forms and telekinetically control them (throwing “X”s like ninjas stars)
Split off a body part and it transforms into words/letters
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I need help a making a quirk. The person is from a web-series called Sanders Sides, and is literally the embodiment of anxiety. His name is Virgil btw
This gives me no information on what you want.
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The result of theorizing what quirk Hawks/Fuyumi kid might have: Snow Wings. On a hot dry day the kids wings look like adorable miniature wings of their dad, and can barely keep themselves in the air. But in the winter the snow abs frost gathers into their red feathers, long feather like icicles widen the wing span, and they can munipulate snow and ice around them with nearly a twitch of a feather. Theyre also I mine to cold and snow can be shed from wings at will Bonus: wings look like thier moms hair in the winter 💕
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, I love this ship so much!! 
I definitely like the idea of merging their quirks this way (the specifics of Fuyumi’s quirk haven’t been revealed yet, but we do know it’s ice based). 
How does ice and snow gather on the wings?
Does this mean that if it doesn’t snow, then they’ll remain like they are in summertime?
Are they made of feathers or ice?
How does the manipulation of ice and snow work? Does it actually anything to do with the feathers?
If there’s no snow gathered on the wings, can they still manipulate nearby snow?
Can they independently control the feathers like Hawks can?
Another way you could work this is that the wings are made of ice and snow all year long, but in the summertime it’s too hot for them so they’re constantly melting and regenerating which makes them smaller and fragile (and means they’re constantly dripping water everywhere, haha), and then in winter they’re able to stay frozen and strong. They could even be made of red ice (which makes the melting part during summer so much creepier).
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What are some good quirk ideas for someone who has wings?
You could focus on animal based quirks, something transformative, and explore different types of wings.
Steel wings/feathers, which could include the feathers being removeable into little knives (or not and just have the wings as giant multi bladed weapons). It’d be funny if they were magnetic.
Use wings to cause powerful gales or soft breezes.
Soft wings. It’s nothing more than that you have the softest, fluffiest, comfiest, silkiest wings ever.
Feathers that can change colors.
Wings that can harden to wrap around yourself as a shield.
Wings that can release scents or hypnotic pheromones.
Fiery, watery, rocky, leafy feathers.
Detachable feather that are useable as writing pens.
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Interested in creating a ice/snow/cold related Emitter/Transformation quirk for my figure skater oc!
To define her in simple terms would be: Dangerously driven individual that lacks care for others if it is for her goals. This personality only comes out in dire straits but usually she’d be silently worrying for people. She is a figure skater in non-MHA world and a freestyle dancer so if possible, I’d like to incorporate that feature to her quirk. Of course, that isn’t absolutely required. Thanks!
What about something like the ability to create ice from her body. Not shooting it out like Todoroki can, but like she can form ice spikes on her back or a thin block of ice on her arm to use as a shield, etc. Basically the ice (in whatever shape she chooses) juts out from her skin and then when she’s done with it the ice either melts or just falls off. As a character trait, she could prefer using her quirk to make ice skating blades on the bottom of her feet.
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Quirk Marriage between Wave Motion and Permeation
I don’t think these are two quirks that would mix together well, and might end up with the kids leaning towards one of the parents.
Make objects move like waves at a touch
A beam that makes other objects permeable
Use something skin to Wave Motion, but you’re always permeable when you do
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what are some quirks like shinsou’s? i’m very interested in psychic quirks and stuff and personally think it would suit me best :)
Shinsou’s Brainwashing is a mental quirk that requires his target to give him a verbal response to trigger the ability that forces his target to follow his orders.
Similar quirks would include things like forms of telepathy, empathy, and suggestion. If you’re looking more for things that do allow some form of control over the person...
Telepathy: Input thoughts into the target’s head that they or may not realize are not their own.
Empathy: Force the target to feel specific emotions.
Suggestion: Psychically nudge the target into doing what you want. This isn’t as powerful as Shinso’s full control as it probably wouldn’t be able to make them do something they wouldn’t normally do, but it may not need a trigger from the target in order to make it work. However, even if it’s limited to things the target would possibly do under their own control, this could nudge them into doing more complex things than Shinso’s brainwashing is capable of.
Maybe something that involved altering the target’s senses, like giving them hallucinations.
There’s all sorts of mental quirks, and while I just gave very basic possibilities with these, there are more powers like these varying in what exactly they do. Just think about what you really want to be able to affect and establish how you do it, how strong it is, what can break it, and what/if any drawbacks there are to using it.
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Hi! So I'm trying to create an OC who's related to Kai Chisaki and I'm having trouble thinking of a quirk. I'm looking for something with basics similar to Chisaki's but it has more differences while remaining powerful. So far I've thought of Programmer quirk, in which the user can see and change the code of whatever he touches for up to 5 minutes afterwards so I hope that kind of gives insight. Thank you and have a nice day/night!
Hmmmmmm. Well Chisaki’s quirk is Overhaul which allows him to disassemble and reassemble matter with a touch of his hands. It’s instantaneous and affects living and non-living matter alike. I wish we knew what any of his family members’ quirks were.
Seems the part you’re interested in is the manipulation aspect. If you’re wanting something technological, you could focus on the disassemble/reassemble part and have the ability to “break” the code, make all of it or parts of it stop working and then put it back together so it works again. This breaking is something that could probably be fixed normally by a programmer, but it could be difficult, especially if the quirk does nothing more but move pieces of code around. Not deleting anything, just putting them where they don’t belong, similar to Chisaki’s. Going along with your idea, it’d be an interesting and difficult quirk if, to change the code, you could only use the code that was already there, no adding or deleting characters, just switching them around so they do something different.
Other possibilities are being able to take raw materials and combine them into the final product/the reverse. So it’s not just tearing things apart like Overhaul, but separating them into their basic parts. It’s a little more.....clean, I suppose?
Maybe the ability to combine things together in terms of functionality. Like...you could take a flashlight and a light and merge them together into a single device that can do both. Then there’s the reverse, take a swiss army knife and separated it into several little knives, a corkscrew, scissors and whatever else is in those.
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Do you have any ideas for a duplicate-making Quirk that isn't too similar to Ectoplasm or Twice's Quirks?
It can depend on what you’re duplicating. Ectoplasm vomits a weird fluid that turns into clones of himself while Twice’s Double quirk lets him make a perfect copy of whatever he touches. Are you wanting a cloning quirk or do you want to make copies of objects?
For clones of yourself you could...
Turn inanimate objects into temporary versions of yourself
Make other living creatures look like you (could be funny if you do it to an animal)
Cut off a body part and a clone grows from it (the severed part grows back, too). The smaller the part, the longer it takes for the clone grow (like a finger vs an arm). Big problem is you’re now stuck with a full physical clone that very possibly won’t disappear in a puff of smoke
For duplicating objects...
Turn inanimate objects into another object (for a limitation, only be able to do it with a specific thing like a leaf or rock)
Touch an object with one hand and the copy pops out of the other hand (could mean size limitation)
3D printer type ability (inside mouth, between hands when placed just so, and this is sounding more like Momo’s quirk)
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