#quote is from surlalunefairytales.com
nightsofreylo · 6 years
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Koschei the Deathless { Reylo Fairytale Series }
Koschei overtook the beautiful Tsar's daughter on her way to the war, seized her from the midst of her army and carried her away across three times nine Tsardoms to his own land.
“For ten years,” he rasps, his gaunt frame a black cut against the light that pours into the hollow tree. “You have kept me chained in torment, with neither food nor drink...nor the touch of another living creature. Have you not punished me enough? Are you now to steal my life as well, zvezda moya?”
“Do not call me that,” Rey whispers. The needle in her palm burns against her skin with the brand of his magic. Horror rises in her at the knowledge of what he has done to himself. 
Has she not seen the havoc he has wrought upon her country? Has she not traversed the known world in search of this island where he has hidden away his soul? She has spent ten years of her life searching for a means to rid the earth of his vile sorcery, and finally she has found it.
Then why does her determination falter when he speaks? Why does he not look afraid, when she now holds his soul in the palm of her hands?
“I could destroy it,” she says, even as her heart declares that she cannot. She is the commander of a thousand men, yet without him, she will be be utterly alone. “I could destroy your soul, so that you would be mortal once more and we would meet on the battlefield as equals.”
Rey opens her fist, showing him the power she holds over him. The slender needle shines silver in the light. Kylo does not try to take it from her - he does not even look at it, for his eyes are fixed on hers.
"My soul is yours,” he says. “Do with it what you wish.”
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