#r au challenge
carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“I'm in love with a fairytale, Even though it hurts,  'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind... I'm already cursed.”
~“Fairytale” by Alexander Rybak
I blame this ENTIRE idea on @drinkyoursoupbitch​​​...but yes, with this, I issue a new challenge for all of you --
The R AU Challenge!
Basically, take one of your MC’s closest friends or even love interest and make them a sleeper agent from R, placed at Hogwarts specifically to help them find and infiltrate the Cursed Vaults. How do they fill the role of villain (or anti-villain)? What sets them apart from their canon self? How does MC and their friendship with them affect them? Do they go through a character arc of redemption, or does MC get corrupted by them instead? And yeah, as you can see, I chose Carewyn’s future love interest Orion for my entry! 💚
It was so fun designing Orion’s R look! I naturally had to include some long gloves over his blousy tunic because Orion, and his necklace (similar to his one from the game) features an evil eye pendant, specifically a light blue one, which used as a symbol of protection and as a conduit for peace, solitude, and deeper, more open-minded thinking. The red “R” tattoo, in my personal canon, only appears when its magic is activated or when someone with it makes skin-to-skin contact with another R member: I’ve drawn both Jacob and Rakepick with it in the past. I also headcanon Orion’s wand being made of beech, so I kept his wand’s coloring rather light compared to the rest of his outfit. 
As a member of R, I see Orion as an anti-villain in the vein of Princess Kraehe/Rue from the anime Princess Tutu -- a talented, but tragic figure who was raised knowing nothing but selfishness, cruelty, and manipulation, but still somehow knows how to love, no matter how much pain it causes him. 
In this version of Orion’s storyline, he’s picked up from the orphanage he was raised at by R as a very young boy. It turns out that his father was indebted to R for some unknown reason, only to die in the height of the Wizarding War. This debt was then transferred over to his child -- thus Orion, as long as he can remember, was a loyal servant to and puppet of R’s will, most notably its Leader, the cold and cruel man who Orion doesn’t know is called Charles Cromwell. The mark on his face, cursed to only appear when its magic was activated, made it so that Charles Cromwell always knew where he was and could inflict any of the Unforgivable Curses on him, even without articulating the spell or being right beside him. Among other members of R, Orion was referred to as the Magpie, referring to the bird of the same name, which can be symbolic of bad luck and deception. This symbol turned out to be more appropriate to Orion than any of R’s leadership realized at first, however -- for the magpie can also represent good fortune and true love. 
At Hogwarts Orion serves as R’s faithful agent, keeping an eye on the Cursed Vaults -- but while at school, he’s enough distanced from Charles Cromwell that he can actually live something akin to a normal life. The flying prodigy soon makes friends in the Quidditch world and even earns the position of captain while only a fourth year. He also makes friends -- not just his team, but especially his best friends, Murphy McNully and Skye Parkin. Then, in his third year, when the Ice Vault is causing havoc, a new figure appears: the “Cursebreaker,” Carewyn Cromwell. Knowing R won’t want anyone else going after the Vaults, Orion craftily arranges it so that Carewyn’s friends try to coax her onto the Quidditch scene, thinking to both keep an eye on her and distract her enough that she won’t have time to get in R’s way again. But once he gets to know Carewyn after she seeks out the open Chaser position on his team, Orion soon realizes that Carewyn’s seeking the Vaults out for her brother’s sake, and that she won’t rest until she finds him again. Orion soon develops a soft spot for the noble little Cursebreaker, and wants all the more to coax her back onto his team to try to keep her out of harm’s way. When that doesn’t work, he appears to her in his red robe and explicitly warns her to stay away from the Vaults, only for Carewyn to refuse to back down. And so Orion -- ever a master at reading people -- reluctantly tries to use Carewyn’s heart against her. If Carewyn won’t back down for her own sake, perhaps she will for the sake of the people she loves...and so Orion uses the Imperius Curse on Ben one year and Rowan the next, trying to scare Carewyn enough that she’ll stop pursuing the Cursed Vaults. Try as Orion might, though, Carewyn will not be deterred. And, as Professor Rakepick herself warns Orion at one point in his sixth year, R would never leave her alone, even if she did --
“You know R as well as I do, Mr. Amari. Surely you don’t think you’ll be able to keep her safe, now that she has caught their notice?” 
Orion himself merely keeps his back to her, clasping his hands tightly in front of him as he obscured his anger behind a cool, passive-aggressive mask.
“She certainly has caught your notice. …I do believe, Madam Rakepick, that you warned the student body to stay out of your way, when you first arrived. Do not force me to echo that warning myself.”
It’s also Rakepick who told him that R’s Leader was the man called Charles Cromwell. She says coldly that Charles isn’t having Orion scare Carewyn to keep her away from the Vaults, but instead to scare her into joining R, as her brother had before her. Orion doesn’t known how much if any of this is true, but it troubles him greatly. He hadn’t known Carewyn’s brother had been forced to join R as well, and if it is true, that Carewyn’s family is in R, as his father had been...then it means that Carewyn is fated, like him, to join their ranks. As much as that thought makes him nauseous at the start, it also fills Orion up with a bizarre kind of comfort. He’s always known that upon leaving Hogwarts, he’ll have to go back to being R’s puppet again. He’ll have to abandon Quidditch, his friends...the entire person he’d been able to be at school, forever. But if Carewyn joins R...then he won’t be completely alone, once he graduates school. They won’t have to be enemies any longer. He won’t have to frighten her or her friends again. They won’t have to fight each other. And R will no longer threaten the safety of the friends that they’d both made while in the safety of Hogwarts’s walls...the friends they’d each come to see as family...
There could be some peace for both him and Carewyn if they merely accept their fate, Orion thinks. What point would there be in them fighting against R anyway, aside from more suffering? Maybe that’s why Carewyn’s Patronus took the same form as his, that time R sent a dementor to Hogwarts. Maybe, somehow...he and Carewyn were fated to meet...to serve together, as servants of R...
But Carewyn Cromwell, of course, is not one to believe in Fate. And so now our Slytherin paragon has to find a way to both defeat R and save the wisest, gentlest young man she knows from their abusive, defeatist claws. 
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rose-n-gunses · 9 days
Social media au:
Eddie runs a satirical Instagram account called hawkins--official where he posts memes and fake headlines and stuff shitting on the town because he hates it here and it's fun. Tons of people follow it and they all know it's run by a Hawkins High student they just don't know who.
Anyways, he posts shit on his story all the time when he's at different places (like a picture of steve's pool and "who else at the Harrington House?"). People often respond to it (and get ghosted) or they just show up trying to figure out who it is behind the account but he's already long gone.
Until one day he posts a picture of the ferris wheel and says "yo who else at the fucking fun fair". Not even five minutes later his phone pings because someone has responded to his story. He's about to ignore it, but then he sees who it's from.
Chrissy🌼 replied to your story
I am lol!
He blinks down at his phone and decides, y'know... what the hell. He's bored and the day that he doesn't lunge at the opportunity to be within ten feet of Chrissy like a dog for scraps is the day he drops dead.
Well howdy, Cunningham
(Yeah, because that's cool.)
If you're still near the ferris wheel come over to the popcorn stand
I um
I got stood up so I have an extra
Oh and don't worry I'll keep your identity a secret 🤫
Eddie's never looked up so fast in his life. As soon as he finds the popcorn stand he makes a beeline for it, keeping an eye out for Chrissy.
He's thinking of something suave to say when he finds her, but she beats him to it. As soon as she sees him she waves and holds out a little paper bag of popcorn. "Hello, Mr. Hawkins Official."
Eddie takes the popcorn and looks away grinning. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Chrissy hums like okay, sure and smiles into her drink.
He was gonna play coy but she's just so cute that he can't help it. "How'd you know?"
Chrissy does this like. Full body wiggle that just screams see, I was right! "You posted a picture at Benny's a few weeks ago and I could see your reflection in the window," she whispers conspiratorially.
Eddie clicks his tongue. "Damn. I thought I was being pretty covert."
She shrugs. "I don't think anyone else has caught on yet. They don't wanna believe it's you."
"True," he laughs. "So...you got stood up, huh?"
Chrissy nods. "Big surprise, right?"
Eddie snorts. "Well, then. As the official representative of the town of Hawkins, Indiana, would you grant me the opportunity to show you around one of our finest attractions?" He sweeps an arm out dramatically at the fair before offering her his hand.
For a second he thinks she's going to turn him down, but right before he can drop his hand she takes it, grins, and says "Only if you promise to take my picture at the top of the ferris wheel."
(He does, but that picture doesn't go on hawkins--official. It goes on his personal story, along with a matching post of him on Chrissy's.)
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months
How i envisioned Danny's ghost form/Phantom in my Danyal Al Ghul au (images at bottom of post). His ghost form has some pr heavy influence from the League, because I thought it'd be neat + to kinda show how even after four years, the League still had some kind of impact on who is he as a person. Plus some milder Robin influence in his boots and the cape (which i meant to be split down the middle to have some kind of 'bird wing' silhouette) as a way to indicate his lingering desire to meet his dad.
The pauldron lookin-thing on his upper chest is based off certain Danny Phantom designs I see that give him that white,,, marking,,, thing. I've been calling it the Jedi Chestplate because it reminds me of the clone wars Jedi armor. So like, slight homage to his hazmat suit.
(not pictured: his thermos and his sword)
behold! the judgmental lil shit (affectionate) himself
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It’s that time of the year!
I’ve compiled a list of Unreality/SCP related prompts that I plan on using this October
I’m not really expecting anyone else to participate, especially since this is really last minute (in my opinion). However, I would like to invite you all to include your own characters, alternate universes, or just plain scp content!
There are no rules for this- post anything you’d like (writing, art, head-canons, etc) and you can go in any order you want! But if you do choose to participate, tag me so I can see it! :)
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doostyaudi · 5 months
Rave-N Sun (Rnun) redesign (he/him)
Sorry for all the redesigns lately! I find it fun to redesign old characters lol
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Pre death rnun music is like. Sundance music? Ik that's not an actual genre of music, but i imagine festival music n stuff. Idk just a general vibe honestly. Post death rnun is doom metal
Also yes! In this universe Sun does come back!! And gets the revenge he deserves! He gets to kill rnank... Once...
Unfortunately for him, all he can ever think abt is killing rnank and the only thing he can feel is anger, spite, vitriol, ect
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Fun fact! Rnaudi and Rnun used to be VERY close friends, qpt type of relationship. But then uhm. Things. Happen. By the time rnaudi escapes from hell, rnun is already dead
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Rnaudi being desperate for "the good ol days" obsessively tries to repair their friendship, but unfortunately for rnaudi, Rnun hates everyone, including her, but she refuses to accept it
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Random useless fact that i think everyone needs to know tho; rnun's face is based on those paintings/drawings ppl make of the sun with a face, like all flushed and wearing makeup alot of the time. I hope yall know what I'm talking about.....
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dinodogs · 2 years
Playing with palletes and whiterose. (palletes by @/ultrainfinitepit)
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(click for better quality and reblog if you can!)
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
A Little Helping Hand
Fandom: Stranger Things, Streamer AU
Summary: Robin has Eddie and Steve do the Not My Hands Challenge, only Steve has a cold
Notes: Thanks @dontfeeltoohot for bouncing this idea around with me!
CW: Contagion, non-intentional
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“Hi lovelies!! You asked and asked and asked and I finally convinced the boys to do the Not My Hands Makeup Challenge!”
Robin addressed the stream and gestured to Steve and Eddie who were next to her.
“I would be in bed right now, but Robs really wants to do this stream today…” Steve muttered, consonants slightly rounded.
“Oh come on, I know you’ve been looking forward to this all week.” Eddie playfully elbowed him and then addressed the stream. “Stevie’s got a cold. He’s just grumpy.”
Aww poor Steve
Such a trooper doing this anyways
You’re so cute Robin!
Robin laughed. “Well okay! Let’s set this up then?!”
Eddie sat down with his legs slightly spread, Steve sitting in between so he was in front of Eddie, blocking his view.
“So Steve is gonna put his arms behind his back…” Robin narrated.
Steve held up his hands and wiggled his fingers before putting both arms behind his back. Robin took some duct tape out and stuck it to Steve’s chest and started wrapping it around him.
“Well. I definitely can’t use my hands.” Steve grumbled.
“And Eddie here. He’s going to act as Steve’s hands!”
Eddie had his chest pressed up against Steve’s back and his arms were sticking out to the side.
Robin had them set up at her makeup table, the streaming camera in front of them. She had an array of makeup brushes, powders, foundations, and eyeliners splayed out on the table in front of Steve. He was eyeballing them all.
“This. SnFF Looks like a bad idea.” He sniffled.
Are they gonna even know what all those are for??
Eddie might actually do killer eyeliner…
Yeah but he can’t see???
Robin perched herself behind them on her bed. “Okay guys I’ll tell you what you’re going to do, and Eddie is gonna do it as best he can. Steve you can help tell him where things are I guess. Start with foundation.”
Eddie started slapping his hands along the counter trying to grab anything he could.
“No Eddie just snf wait a second. The foundation… maybe the bhehh back left cehh corner..?”
Oh fuck.
Eddie could feel Steve’s breath hitching. He loved his partner but god damn was he bad at covering. And his hands were literally tied. The last thing he wanted was for Steve to sneeze all over Robin’s things.
Eddie felt Steve’s chest expand as he inhaled. Without thinking, his reflexes kicked in and Eddie found himself using his own hands to cover Steve’s nose and mouth.
Eddie screamed as Steve continued to spray his hands with each cold ridden sneeze. “STEVE STOP!”
Robin’s jaw was on the floor and comments were pouring in while Steve sniffled helplessly.
Eddie NO!!!!!!!
I saw the spray ☠️☠️☠️
The pause was only momentary as Steve immediately started to hitch again. This time almost more desperately.
“Don’t you DARE!” Eddie grappled around for the collar of Steve’s own shirt, bringing it up towards his boyfriends face.
Eddie felt a damp spot form on part of his hand, so he shifted the shirt slightly, still trying to use it to shield himself.
“TszzIEW! H’aTSsuHEW!”
Stop he’s still going 😩
RIP headphone users
Someone step in maybe??
Fuck is he okay?
Steve sniffled thickly, clearly embarrassed.
Robin had gotten up quickly, grabbing the box of tissues off her nightstand and bringing them over to the boys. After quickly untaping Steve, she knelt down and handed him several tissues that he pressed to his nose.
Eddie stood up frantically, a disgusted look plastered on his face as he looked at his hands. He made a dramatic show of flicking his hands towards the floor with a snapping motion, trying to rid himself of the mess Steve had left.
The older man walked out the open bedroom door and into the bathroom and started washing his hands. Robin took Eddie’s spot and sat next to Steve, rubbing a hand up and down his back as he continued to fight against the tickle.
Are you okay Steve?
Didn’t get very far into the makeup challenge did they?
Steve looked at the comments coming in.
“I’m okay. That just happens when I’m sick. Sorry guys that was gross.”
As if on cue, Eddie walked back into the bedroom. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his hands were still damp from washing them. He pointed dramatically at Steve.
“I swear to GOD Steven, if you get me sick…”
Steve snuffled again and lowered the tissues from his face. “I’m sorry I can’t help it!”
Robin put an arm around Steve and spoke to the viewers.
“Well that was an absolute train wreck! We didn’t even get to the makeup and I’m pretty sure the boys are never going to do that again.” She laughed.
“We’re gonna end the stream here but be sure to tune in tomorrow when Nancy and I play Smash Bros. And go give Eddie and Steve a follow as well!! Byeeeeeeee!”
[Four Days Later]
Eddie’s slouched forward at his gamer desk, a blanket draped over his shoulders. His complexion is paler than normal and the tip of his nose is tinged pink. He had a plastic water bottle and a small bowl off to the side, barely in frame.
“Hey guys.” He said sluggishly, punctuated with a watery sniffle.
You look so tired :(
Are you sick?
No jam session today??
Eddie’s eyes slowly moved back and forth as he read the stream comments.
“Someone got me sick, so instead of the regularly scheduled program, we’re playing Animal Crossing and eating soup.”
Steve shouted from the next room, “I said I was sorry!!”
Eddie sat up and turned over his shoulder, “Sorry doesn’t kill germs, Steven!!”
The long haired man twisted himself so that his legs were dangling over the armrest of his chair. Hugging the blanket tighter to him, he quickly brought an arm up to his face.
“N’xxT! H’ixxTCHU! iiKSHTiew!”
Bless you!!
Poor guy sounds awful
Take it easy okay?
“Ughhhh fuck,” Eddie groaned, leaving his face in the crook of his elbow while he reached for a tissue, “I’b sorry guys. This is so disgusti’g.”
He replaced his arm with the tissue, blowing his nose a few times before leaning back against the chair and going back to the game.
He played for an hour or so before Steve finally came in and placed a gentle hand on Eddie’s blanketed shoulder.
“Hey, it’s time for your night time cold meds.” He held his hand out, dropping two green pills into Eddie’s hand.
“Thanks Steve.” Eddie looked up at him from where he was sat in the chair.
Steve leaned over and pressed a kiss to Eddie’s forehead before disappearing back to the living room.
“Kay guys I think that’s it for tonight. Once I take these, I’ll sleep for like…1-3 business days.” Eddie joked to the stream, “I’ll see you guys later!”
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truly-morgan · 11 months
[Friend with benefits, Sukuna wants to try something new (18+)]
SukuIta | Jujutsu Kaisen No Curse AU 27-05-2023
[#sukuita, rimming, no curse AU, Friend with benifite]
Yuji had been bored all day, especially after the only class he should have had was cancelled. He had been stuck at the apartment all day, not sure what to do and feeling horny. He decided to ignore the handful of times his mind had strayed towards "I wish Sukuna were there" to cure his boredom.
He also hated how embarrassingly happy he had been (and likely looked) when Sukuna was finally back from work. At least he knew he could likely cure his boredom like this.
"I can read on your face what you want me to do" Sukuna laughed, "Do you always have such a cockslut look on your face?" he then added.
Yuji pouted at his word. He had never really liked the way Sukuna seemed to enjoy degrading him like this. "If you're going to be an asshole about never mind" Yuji replied back, although he didn't actually want for Sukuna to do that.
"Aw," Sukuna said mockingly, "Don't be like that, you know I always mean it well" he added, pulling Yuji close to him with a grin. "Plus I feel horny right now, it would be a real shame to let such a good ass go like this" he commented, slapping Yuji's ass before just playfully massaging it.
Yuji had decided he would let it fly, deciding a good fuck was enough to make up for it. And as much as he hated admitting it to himself, Sukuna was a pretty good partner, even if he was sometimes mean.
he then started pulling Sukuna towards his room, not wanting to take much longer when they both agreed that a good session of fucking around would be good.
Barely were they in the room where they were making out, hands easily pulling away any clothes, throwing them haphazardly around the room.
Yuji was nearly thrown on his bed, complaining about Sukuna being so brusque, although it likely fell on deaf ears, seeing how the man then flipped him around with ease.
Yuji felt like Sukuna had quite an idea of what he wanted to try today, seeing how he didn't quite play and teased around as he would often do. It was direct to the point.
So Yuji found himself with his ass in the air, his upper body laying on the bed mostly. He wasn't too surprised when he felt a finger tease his rim, as if testing the water.
"Yuji is still soft and wet down there" Sukuna commented, "Were you that expectant of this that you were a good boy and properly cleaned up" he added.
The young man couldn't help but hide against the covers, as he felt embarrassed about it. He had been touching and fingering himself for a big part of the day thinking about this. Had even decided that to pass the time he could clean up even better than he usually did.
"You deserve a reward for being such a clean boy" Sukuna chuckled, one of the hands on his ass caressing it. "I've been wanting to try something out, I guess this is the best time to do so" he then stated, although Yuji wasn't so sure what he was talking about.
He thought Sukuna would just start fingering him some more, teasing him until Yuji was a begging mess on the bed (it wouldn't be the first time he did so).
He had not expected to feel breathing so close to his ass, nor to have his cheeks spread so suddenly.
"Wait Sukuna" Yuji yelped when he felt a tongue tease him, making him look over his shoulder where he could partially see Sukuna over his behind. The man chuckled, biting playfully at his ass.
"Don't be shy, just let me work and it will feel nice"
Yuji tried relaxing as Sukuna went back to work. He would have to see, he was a bit surprised at how pleasurable it felt. It was different from straight-up fingering himself or getting fucked.
He had never realised how much he could feel from his rim alone as Sukuna licked and
sucked it, making it even more sloppy than it could have been from leftover water from his bath.
The more it went on and the more into it Yuji would get, unconsciously pushing back against Sukuna so his tongue could go even deeper.
Since when had his tongue been this long anyway? he felt like it could surprisingly reach deeper than what he assumed it could possibly do.
"Sukuna I want more" Yuji ended up whining. It felt good, he was hard from all of it, yet it wasn't enough to bring him over and it was likely going to drive him crazy.
Sukuna chuckled against him before pulling back a little. "Then be a good boy for me and hold yourself open~" he asked.
Yuji felt embarrassed at the request, but ended up following it. If it meant feeling even better he could do it.
Like this Yuji couldn't look back anymore, upper body leaning on the bed fully. It felt a bit weird to hold himself like this.
Soon Sukuna was back to business, although this time a finger joined the game. It was a strange mix of the flexible tongue and the rather hard finger.
Yuji found himself being a bit noisier this time, trying to move his hips in a way to get more when it was clear Sukuna was still just teasing him, knowing exactly how to avoid all his good points enough to keep him going.
But when he got serious Yuji couldn't take it. He could feel his orgasm build up, somehow feeling even better than usual. When he finally came Sukuna kept rimming him through it, adding to the feeling and pleasure.
When Yuji was done coming he tried pushing Sukuna's head away, his tongue feeling a little bit too much now.
He found himself flipped over again, although this time Yuji was happy that he wouldn't have to hold himself up on shaky legs.
He felt Sukuna lean over him, his cock lazily rubbing against his as he stayed between his legs.
"So, how was it for your first time?" Sukuna asked, a somewhat smug smile on his lips as he knew very well Yuji had enjoyed it.
the young man huffed, hooking a leg around him. "It was fine, maybe you should try another time to be better" he taunted him.
He immediately regretted his words when he saw the smile on Sukuna's lips changing a little. He was clearly taking this as a challenge.
Maybe he shouldn't have provoked him like this
(this took me longer to write (the spicy part, let's forget how I wrote the starter part yesterday then fell asleep lol). Wrote rimming centred once, prolly won't again. y'all enjoy it😂)
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marlenmckinnon · 1 year
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qocc oc challenge — day three : alternate universe remix
Elizabeth Pevensie and Nerve Olwenn • The Chronicles of Narnia — “He was my first love when I was still young and innocent, a little white swan. Now everyone wonders who's the black swan out of the two.” [challenge by @nolanhollogay] — glitch tutorial
Elizabeth Pevensie had been sent to Narnia from London after her father's death, the famous King Peter, who was nowhere near royalty in London. Cancer destroyed him. Elizabeth traveled to Narnia, having heard about the world from her family, but obviously thinking it was fake. The first person she met was Nerve, a cute young man. He was kind and affectionate, they both fell for each other. Elizabeth did not understand why she was sent to Narnia, it was winter, yes, but nothing seemed to appear out of the ordinary. She couldn't save a world that was at peace, could she? Well, at least she thought it was safe. Her downfall was caressing her blonde locks. Nerve. The White Witch's son. How, unfortunate. Elizabeth gathered the Narnians and promised herself never to be that naive and trusting again. She felt betrayed, yes, but could not act on it. She had to be Queen. Her choices were fair, sometimes hard to swallow to some, but fair. She took the burden of the crown without failing and protected those who were harassed by the Usurper King, Nerve. She's the hero's daughter, she can't fail, she's good, she's the light.
But sometimes, the roles can be swapped. [Role Swap AU] And the darkness filled her lungs with disturbing ease. She was the hero's daughter. Her Crown was hers by blood and fate. She can't be the villain, her actions were justified, and her means are necessary. Right?
Both of their graves are next to each other, and the Narnians pay their respect, but they all know that the both of them are better dead, together in death than one of them on the throne. Greedy with power, surrounded by envy, they both had the same plan. Create a distraction with innocent love, the memory of theirs, and both of them had a dagger plunged into their backs. How poetic.
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polarisblitzwing · 2 years
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The au Pits hanging out in a hotspring! They had a fun Christmas ^^
A gift for the cool people who were part of the apartment collab :D
@farvaduvet @brushstrokesapocalyptic @kopawz @mango-peach-strawberry @verdanturfwind
Who they are + a few silly captions ^^
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 1 year
Two Truths and a Lie
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor,
Summary: Will a game of two truths and a lie strengthen Kara and Lena's relationship or make it worse?
Word Count: 2488
Note: Part of the r/AO3 Promptober 2023 challenge
Lena was nervous as she walked up the stairs. When Kara asked her out two weeks ago, she was shocked. She never thought that someone with such a bubbly personality would go for her. She was initially happy. She had wanted to be with Kara since they first met, but their signals kept getting crossed, and she was with Mike for the longest time. However, ever since they started dating, Kara had become more and more distant. Lena was even more worried when Kara called her a couple of hours ago to meet her at the apartment to “talk” about their relationship before everyone arrived for game night. 
She really wouldn’t break up with me before having friends over, would she?
Those thoughts have been spinning around in her head for the last several hours. She had sweated through her last outfit in panic and had to quickly shower and change clothes before going to the apartment. Once she reached the top of the stairs to the roof entrance, it felt like her heart was beating out of her chest. She looked around rapidly and spotted Kara sitting on the edge of the roof. She sprinted over to her. As she approached, Kara looked up startled at first, and then frowned. 
“Lena, are you okay? Your face is flushed.”
Lena stopped in front of her nearly gasping for air.
“I am fine,” Lena panted.
Kara took Lena’s hand in hers and guided her to sit down on the roof next to her. 
“No, you are not fine. You are panting like crazy. What happened?”
Lena stared at her for a minute before looking away. She didn’t want her to see the tears forming on her face. She took several deep breaths and sighed. 
“You said that we needed to talk about our relationship,” said Lena softly. 
Kara frowned at her for a minute until a light bulb went off in her head. She started rubbing soothing circles around Lena’s hand. 
“Lena, I don’t want to break up with you.”
Lena looked up with tears streaming down her face and asked meekly, “Really?”
Kara gave her a soft smile while caressing her face and wiping away her tears. 
She kissed her on the cheek and said, “Asking you out has been one of the best decisions that I have made in a long while.”
Lena smiled softly and said, “Ohhh.”
She paused for a moment then frowned. 
“Then why did you say that we needed to talk about our relationship?”
Kara sighed and shook her head. 
“I kind of forgot how loaded that connotation was. I didn’t mean that our relationship was in trouble. Let me start over again.”
She took a couple of breaths while twiddling her thumbs. She looked back up at Lena hesitantly.
“You know that I have been going to therapy a lot since breaking up with Mike?”
“Yes, I remember,” said Lena softly. 
She tried to keep her face passive, but she couldn’t help balling up her first in rage. 
When she was dating Mike, it was like she became a shell of herself. She had nearly isolated everyone except for Lena. Part of the reason is that she just remained a listening ear instead of constantly telling her to break up with Mike like everyone else. She wanted to scream it too, but she knew that Kara needed to make that decision herself. When they finally broke up, Lena was overjoyed at first but was devastated at the state it left Kara in. She was despondent for the longest time. She barely ate anything, which was scary in itself considering how much she loved food. However, she started to stop bathing, cleaning her apartment, and going to work. Lena had to buy Catco to make sure Kara wasn’t fired. 
Everyone around her tried to get her to come out, but she wouldn’t budge. She just became more and more of a recluse. However, Lena would always go by every day just to be a sounding board or just to sit there with her. She would like to believe that it was because she did those things that Kara finally listened to her suggestions about therapy. She wasn’t really happy with her choice of therapist, Harley Quinn, especially given her psychotic background. However, their arrangement seemed to work. Gradually, Kara started to feel better. Thinking about everything now kind of made Lena feel a little stupid with her thoughts earlier. She always assumed that Kara would leave because of her family’s reputation, but she didn’t think to consider that Kara may not be ready for something serious. 
She grabbed Kara’s hand and kissed it. 
“You have been progressing well since seeing Harley despite her craziness.”
Kara chuckled and said, “She is eccentric. I will give you that. However, she gets it you know.”
Lena smiled and said, “As long as she is helping, I am happy for you.”
They stared out into the city lights before them. Both were too hesitant to say anything else. 
Kara took a couple of deep breaths and said, “I told her that I recently started dating again.”
“Oh, and what did she have to say about that?”
Kara smiled and said, “She is happy for me that I am ready to put myself out there again and allow myself to be more open and vulnerable with someone else. However, she made one suggestion.”
Lena frowned and said, “Which is?”
Kara looked down and fidgeted with her shirt and said, “One of the reasons why my relationship with Mike didn’t work was that we weren’t open in communication with each other and I didn’t express my boundaries. That is something that I want to start today.”
“Okay. How did you want to achieve that?” asked Lena hesitantly.
“I thought we start with an icebreaker game that Harley taught me. Two Truths and a Lie.”
Lena gave her a deadpan look and asked, “You really want to start a serious conversation with a common high school game?”
“Can you please humor me? It is a fun way to open communication and also to learn things about each out.”
“We have been friends for several years. What more is there to know?”
Kara smirked and asked, “So you are saying that I know everything about you to the very last detail?”
Lena rolled her eyes and said, “Well, no…”
“Good. So this will be a good way to start.”
Lena shook her head and said, “Fine.”
She wasn’t fond of the idea, but Kara was right that it would get them to know more about each other’s likes and dislikes. 
She turned to Kara and asked, “Did you want to start?”
“Do you mind going first?”
“Okay let me see.”
Lena pondered while tapping her fingers on her leg. Then she smiled at some good tidbits about herself. 
“All right. I was nearly expelled from school for streaking across the courtyard in the middle of winter on a dare. I built a spaceship when I was 10 to try to escape my family, but it exploded on a test launch, and I was arrested for reckless driving for speeding 150 mph in a 20 mph residential area.”
Kara chuckled. 
Lena frowned while picking at her skirt. 
“What’s so funny?”
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to imagine you in a lab coat as a child building a spaceship. That had to be so adorable.”
“So you believe that one is true?” asked Lena coyly.
Kara smirked and said, “I know that it is true. As far as the others…”
She thought about it a minute, and said, “The arrest is a lie.”
Read the rest on AO3
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willow-lark · 1 year
*to the tune of london bridge is falling down*
jopper in the upside down, upside down, upside down! jopper in the upside down, MY FAIR LADY
0 notes
suntoru · 8 months
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— synopsis: 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔, the popular guy in your class, chooses to sit next to you, of all people. you've fallen head over heels, what happens next?
— warnings: highschool au! angst, fluff in the beginning, will not be writing a part 2, swearing, gaslighting, betrayal, just a bet troupe, gojo being a dick or everybody generally, 3.4k words!
— a/n: not my proudest work to be honest :( also tried another formatting lmk if u liked it! comments and reblogs r very much appreciated i will love u forever
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"yo. can i sit here?" gojo satoru grins, effortlessly sliding into the empty seat next to you and making himself at home.
...huh? isn't that the popular guy who's usually surrounded by his friends? he's constantly the subject of admiration among the girls in your class, eliciting swoons and whispers of infatuation wherever he goes. confusion creeps in as you wonder why he didn't choose the empty seat next to suguru. there's no conceivable reason for someone like gojo, popular and charismatic, to opt for the seat beside you. you feel a sense of self-consciousness settling in.
nevertheless, you nod softly, though you're well aware the question was more of a rhetorical one. he's fashionably late, by twenty minutes, to be precise, unabashedly ignoring the scolding glares from your teacher about punctuality. instead, he buries himself in the deep blue plastic seat, sticking his tongue out when the teacher turns his back, letting out a huffy pout from the lecture.
nervously, you glance up from your notebook, cautiously stealing a peek at your new desk buddy. he's pretty─ real pretty, snowy white lashes adorning his pretty cerulean spheres, dainty fingers idly spinning a pencil out of sheer boredom. and as if kissed by the blush of a gentle sunrise, his lips possess a natural rosy hue, smooth and plump, belong to him like a delicate work of art. you wonder just how many kisses they've stolen. caught in a moment of admiration, you find yourself staring a tad longer than socially acceptable.
his eyes flicker, locking onto yours, and the realization hits you—oh, he caught you staring. shit. immediately, you break eye contact as you cough awkwardly. you swiftly attempt to play it off, pretending as if you were engrossed in examining the intricate texture of your silver-grey desk instead. your cheeks burn with embarrassment, and you hope he hasn't interpreted your lingering gaze as anything more than idle curiosity.
...should you say something? try to deny you were very clearly eye fucking him? he probably thinks you're a freak now. perhaps he sat next to you out of pity, and now he regrets it. out of sheer embarrassment, the words die in your mouth before they could ever leave, keeping your gaze glued to the floor as you refuse to acknowledge that his presence ever existed.
however, it appears that gojo won't let you suffer the embarrassment in peace. when your stern teacher turns away, he subtly slides a ripped edge of his blue-lined paper towards you, bearing a simple 'hi :)'. he's attempting a conversation, a surprising but welcome distraction from the awkwardness of being caught staring. an opportunity to salvage a bit of your dignity. now, the challenge lies in crafting a response that strikes the right balance.
would 'hey' sound too dry? but 'heyyyy' makes it seem like you're a little too interested. you opt for a casual 'heyy' with your black pen, scribbling the reply with extra caution to avoid prying eyes. as soon as the teacher is out of view, you subtly slip the note back to gojo. his lips curl into a slight smile upon reading your response.
two minutes pass by before you get a response. 'do you get this lesson? i'm soo lost..' accompanied by a small doodle of a crying suguru. you can't help but stifle a giggle; the drawing is poorly done, yet undeniably cute. the teacher swiftly turns around at the sound, prompting both of you to scramble and make it look like you're diligently focused on the lesson. the suspicious gaze lingers for a moment before the teacher returns to the whiteboard.
'maybe it's cause you missed like, half of the lesson.' you write back. he rolls his eyes playfully upon reading your retort, swiftly countering with a pout. "it's not my fault this class is so boring.'
'who said philosophy was supposed to be fun?' you reply. in response, gojo eagerly accepts the note, maintaining the subtle exchange of eye contact. 'hey, be nice to mr. aristotle, he's a great guy :(' he sends back. and thirty minutes seem to pass in the blink of an eye.
the bell chimes, signaling the end of the philosophy session and the need to transition to your next course. reluctantly, you stow your textbook in your bag, feeling a twinge of sadness at the realization that this amusing interaction might have been a one-time occurrence.
it's been a while since you've genuinely laughed. so when his ocean blue eyes latch onto yours with a genuine sense of hope, you quickly fold when he asks you if you're interested in sitting with him again tomorrow.
in those thirty short minutes, you learn three things about gojo satoru. firstly, you realize you've sorely misjudged him. he's not just another nepo-baby cheating his way through school; he's actually quite smart, smarter than he lets on. he's especially good in biochemistry, and he promises to help you study next time.
secondly, you discover that he loves sweets, just as you do. you both agree that kikufuku mochi is better than strawberry dango, and he even tells you about his favorite shop. maybe you can go together sometime.
and thirdly, he doesn't tell you this outright, but you learn that gojo is insecure. what strikes you the most is the glimpse of uncertainty you catch beneath his confident exterior. it's not about his looks or intelligence, but it's actually about his relationship with suguru. he's afraid to lose him, a fear that seems to drive him more than anything else. he overcompensates for his self-doubt. but you find that his flaws make him all the more pretty.
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it's peculiar, the speed at which gojo somehow effortlessly integrates into your daily life. how he's feeling is how you're feeling, which is usually reflected on his friendship with suguru. if they had a fight, he'd be sad, and if everything was alright, he was too. but either way was okay with you, you just want to be there for him. what was once a dreaded fourth period now stands as the radiant highlight of your entire day.
despite the limited instances of verbal communication —perhaps a mere once or twice— the inexplicable truth remains: you've fallen head over heels for him. the simple act of passing notes with satoru becomes more than a routine; it evolves into the sole force that awakens you in the morning, the singular thought that propels you forward and keeps you going throughout the day.
and just maybe, the hopeless romantic within you fervently clings to the belief that his sentiments go beyond mere friendship. his actions seem to carry an extra layer of care, an attentiveness that extends beyond your platonic friendship. he notices the little things that escape the notice of others. it wasn't lost on him when you shed tears the other night due to the weight of stress; he went out of his way to procure your favorite candy bar, a sweet gesture aimed at brightening your spirits.
he took notice of your new haircut, expressing in a note that it frames your face nicely. he had comforted you when a classmate aimed a subtle insult your way, he wrote that the words of someone whose foundation didn't match their face shouldn't hold much weight. he even made an effort to be punctual for class, all to engage in the shared exchange of silly notes with you. and honestly, even if he didn't like you back, you'd be fine.
because your heart swells with gratefulness at the fact that he chose to sit with you. he wanted to be your friend even when nobody else did. you trusted and loved him with your whole heart, because that's what you believed he deserved.
so imagine your surprise when you overhear his conversation with suguru that day.
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"just a day more, then you win the bet." geto groans, tossing his head back in exasperation. the two of them linger in the now-empty classroom, the echoes of other students long gone.
"yep, twenty four hours, then you owe me three hundred dollars." satoru sings, playfully nudging his best friend's shoulder. he's all sunshine and smiles, swinging his feet from the desk he's currently sitting on.
"and it wasn't even that hard. i just had to get 'em to fall for me." suguru rolls his eyes. "dude, if i was you, i would've tapped out the first week. how'd you manage to do it?" he huffs, clearly annoyed at the impending financial loss.
satoru mischievously grins. "just used my charm." he fluffs his hair with a smug expression on his face. "can't believe it worked so fast, though. they must be real desperate for someone's attention. all it took was for you to fuckin' pretend like you cared." suguru grouches, being a sore loser. you don't hear the rest, the notebook you had lost long forgotten.
a lump forms in your throat, a sensation of dread creeping up on you. you desperately want to believe he's not talking about you, but you can't shake the realization that to him, you were nothing more than a pawn in a bet— a tool used for his amusement. you're overwhelmed by a sense of stupidity, a painful realization sinking in, drowning every rational thought.
he never cared. you could fall dead at this moment and he wouldn't even spare you a glance. you should've known. why would he? you feel stupid for allowing him entry into your life, stupid for naively believing in his sincerity, and stupid for daring to love a heartless jerk who played with the fragile strings of your heart.
they're right. you are pathetic. you just blindly fell for the first person who gave, or rather, pretended to give a shit. a relentless ache throbs in your chest as you stubbornly refuse to succumb to tears over a boy— a resolution crumbling like fragile glass. despite your stubborn determination, an uncontrollable torrent of hot tears streams down your face, distorting the world into a watery blur.
the desperate yearning for someone to choose you, to envelop you in unconditional and pure love, had fueled your hopes. and for a fleeting moment, you believed you'd found it, only to witness your heart being ruthlessly trampled blue. clutching onto the tattered shreds of your dignity, half-broken and bleeding, you muster the strength to leave swiftly before they catch a glimpse of you.
the bitter taste of betrayal lingers in the air, each teardrop is a testament to the shattering of dreams, the dead hope that once soared. the yearning for a love that stands unwavering proves to be a mirage, leaving you grappling with the shards of a love that was never truly yours.
that day, you learn one more thing about gojo satoru. he's just like everybody else.
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cerulean eyes, like pools of shimmering azure, flicker with concern as they scan the empty seat beside him. minutes stretch into eternity on the clock, each tick of the second hand amplifying the weight of his worry. nine twenty morphs into nine fifty pretty quickly, and he can't help but be a little annoyed. at this rate, you'll only get in twenty minutes of 'talking.'
you're always punctual—eight fifty-five on the dot. but today, the clock ticks on, and there's no sign of you anywhere. his brows furrow with concern, a nervous flutter dancing in his stomach. did something happen to you? the mere possibility sends a pang of anxiety through him, and he fidgets restlessly in his seat, unable to focus on the lesson before him.
yet, when his gaze shifts to meet suguru's, he swiftly masks his apprehension with an air of nonchalance, as if feigning indifference to your absence. but inwardly, his heart races as he anxiously awaits your arrival. when you finally walk in, he's already scribbling furiously on a piece of paper, filled with questions about what could have delayed you today. yet, as he extends his hand to pass you the note, his eager smile fades into confusion and disappointment.
you walk right past seat thirteen, your usual spot, without so much as a glance in his direction. instead, you approach a random girl and ask if you could sit with her. his heart sinks, a flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks as a torrent of thoughts flood his mind. is something wrong? are you upset with him? he replays every interaction in his mind, searching for any misstep. but he can't find one. he's been careful to maintain the perfect facade when you're around. perhaps you simply forgot, he reasons with himself, attempting to quell the rising tide of hurt and confusion.
yes, that must be it.
...just a simple oversight.
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"hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!! just wait a moment!!" gojo's voice cuts through the chatter of students eager to leave as soon as the bell rings. he grabs your wrist, his touch gentle yet firm, halting your attempt to blend into the rush. his heart races in his chest, the sudden surge of adrenaline making his palms clammy.
"um... you didn't sit with me today." he mumbles, the words coming out in a rush, his voice tinged with uncertainty. his fingers toy with the ring around his finger, his gaze fixed on the ground as he struggles to find the right words to continue the conversation. he doesn't like the way you're looking at him. there's a flicker of irritation in your gaze, a departure from the usual warmth and affection that he's grown accustomed to. normally, when his eyes meet yours, your cheeks tint pink, your pupils dilate, and you give him the cutest starry-eyed look. but not today.
"yeah," you mutter casually, your eyebrow raising ever so slightly. there's a certain coldness in your eyes that sends a shiver down his spine. you're about to leave again, but he moves to block the door, a frown creasing his forehead.
"did i do something wrong? i don't understand why you're suddenly acting so bitchy," he huffs, irritation lacing his voice. the words tumble out before he can stop them, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "no," you reply simply, your tone devoid of any emotion, as if you genuinely don't care. it stings his ego, leaving a sour taste in his mouth.
"you can 'use your charm' to make a new friend. since it's so easy for you, right?" you mutter, your voice trembling with suppressed anger. you promised yourself you'd hold it together, but the wound is still raw, etched deep into your mind as a flush of resentment rises within his eyes widen in shock, a pang of guilt stabbing at his heart. you heard that? no, no, no... he hadn't meant for you to be there. he had been so careful, or so he thought.
"i didn't mean it, i just-" he stutters, desperately searching for an excuse, but he knows it's futile. there's no chance you'd believe him now, would you? his heart sinks. he doesn't want you to hate him. "i was easy, right?" you laugh bitterly, each word dripping with sarcasm and pain.
"i hope that three hundred dollars was worth it. not that you even needed it, though. you think toying with people is fun? you're a dick, satoru, go to fucking hell." you hiss, your words laced with venom, cutting through the air like a sharp blade. "let me explain-" he protests, desperation evident in his voice as he tries to reason with you. but you're too angry to even consider it.
"explain? explain what?'" you explode, your voice rising with each syllable, oblivious to the judgmental glances of passersby. you scoff, tears threatening to spill over.
"i didn't mean it," he cuts you off, his own voice strained with emotion. "you're my friend, i just—" his voice cracks. "friends don't manipulate other people's feelings." you interrupt, your voice laced with venom as you spit out each word. you're aware you look like a mess, mascara staining your cheeks. "friends don't trick and hurt you on purpose!" you yell, tongue dripping with malice. "and here's the thing. you may be the greatest, satoru, but you will never, be enough. not for suguru, not for anybody."
you almost regret saying it. targetting his biggest insecurity. but then again, he deserves it. "how could you say that?" his voice is broken, quiet, as he mumbles it out as a whisper. the eyes that you once found so stunning suddenly look just like everybody else's. they well with tears, but are quickly blinked away. "you don't get to cry, satoru," you scoff, unzipping your bag and opening the front pouch.
you toss all the letters you've written in class, all the sticky notes, every single ripped paper, every little doodle, flipping your bag over and emptying it on the floor. every single heart fluttering moment you experienced seems so dead now. "you don't get to act like you cared. it's only fair, after all." you manage to muster, fighting to keep your voice stable. tears drip down your chin as your bottom lip trembles.
every step feels like a battle, a relentless tug-of-war between what your heart wants and what your mind knows is right. leaving him behind is like tearing off a piece of your own soul, but you convince yourself it's for the better— for your own sanity, for your own self-respect. each stride forward is heavy with the weight of goodbye, each breath drawn in a struggle against the ache in your chest. and as you finally turn away, a part of you dies inside, a piece of your spirit crumbling in the wake of shattered trust and broken dreams. you can feel his eyes on your retreating figure, the silent witness to your silent agony.
this time he doesn't try to stop you. and when you leave, gojo finally allows himself to cry.
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today, gojo finds himself seated next to suguru, reclaiming his former spot from before the bet. yet, everything feels different now. the idiotic jokes his friends make just aren't as funny anymore. their presence is irritating to him. he laughs, but the sound lacks the same genuine joy it once held with you. he smiles, but it's a mere shadow of the radiant expression he wore in your presence. his heart may feel a fleeting sense of happiness, but there will always be a hole where you once were.
his so-called 'buddies' don't even notice that he's at his lowest point, and he can't help but think about the way you would've noticed immediately.
how you would've sent him a cute note with his favourite candy attached, because you kept them in your bag just for him, for these kinds of days. he feels so numb. he's always been so confident, yet he can't even muster up the courage to pass by your desk.
and he can't help but wonder what might have been if he had chosen differently that day, if his intentions had been pure from the start. would you two have gotten somewhere? he supposes that now, he'll never know the answer. his eyes cloud over at that thought, slouching back down into his seat.
he never had the chance to tell you how sorry he was, how he would take it all back in an instant if he could. he didn't mean to hurt you. he was stupid and careless. and yet, he tries to convince himself that he'll be okay. that he'll be able to get over you one day. one day, when he's married and has two kids, he'll look back at this and laugh. so then why does his heart feel so heavy? you're not suguru, it's true. but suguru never made him feel this way. and he's confused with his own feelings.
he doesn't know what love is.
he's only sixteen.
perhaps he'll never know. but for him, love was sneaking kikifuku mochi into class for you to share. it was sending you cat memes at three am in the morning, only for you to groggily respond with your own. it was doodling you in his notebook in his spare time. it was how what you were feeling was how he was feeling too.
you were right, it seems.
gojo satoru, the greatest, yet not enough to make you stay.
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© KAEFFEINEE 2024. do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works on any platform.
2K notes · View notes
love-belle · 6 months
every dead end street led you straight to me !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which no one knows how they're both each other's daylight.
for when you find the one you were meant to find all along. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // f1 drivers x platonic!driver!fem!reader // milo manheim x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - i am SO sorry for leaving u all but i had my finals going on and now i am DONE with school i just have my college entrance exams left and then im free free FREEEEEE !!!! i love u all sm thank you <333 i hope u like this !!
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by milomanheim, lewishamilton, carmenmmundt and 2,528,519 others
yourusername me n baby boy
edit : he says it's baby MAN i disagree ☝️‼️
username NAHHHH HOLD UP ☝️☝️☝️☝️
username who u calling baby boy 😞
username gf reveal his face we won't be mean to him pls pls pslase
username screaming what in the world in this
username y/n soft launching her man wasn't on my bingo card this year like OH KAY
username bf reveal when ‼️‼️‼️
username cannot wait for the grid to be summoned and be Weird
landonorris i thought i was the baby boy
-> yourusername girl u r a problem species
-> yourusername he says u can be his baby boy tho 🫵🫵
-> landonorris no thanks
-> yourusername FUCK UUUU FUCKKKKKK U - the bf
-> username lord what is this
username speechless who is THAT
username milo 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 did u get lost 🤨🤨🤨🤨
-> milomanheim wdym i'm not even here
-> username gaslighter 🫵🫵
username cannot wait for race weekend it's gonna be sooooooo fun 🤞🗣️🗣️🗣️
alexandrasaintmleux the cutest 💘
-> yourusername no u 🫵🫵🫵
-> charles_leclerc stop trying to steal my girlfriend please
-> yourusername stop flirting with my bf maybe ?????
-> alexandrasaintmleux charles ?
-> charles_leclerc this isn't what it looks like
username y/n casually wrecking homes and stealing her colleagues gfs lile yasssss queen i support it
-> username support women's rights and wrongs 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️🤞🤞🤞
username madly obsessed with her this is life altering to me
milomanheim real life angel visited the angel store !!!!!!! employees must've been happy
-> maxverstappen1 biblically accurate angel but sure
-> yourusername i pray on ur downfall every minute
milomanheim "baby boy" wasn't even directed at me and i blushed
-> yourusername homewrecker vibes stay AWAY!!!! 🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺
-> milomanheim wow
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, landonorris, alex_albon and 2,157,816 others
milomanheim ur in her dms i'm on google searching nutrient rich soils i'd keep her in if she was a worm
username usually i don't get men but like,,,,,,okayyyyshajshsjsjsd haha hi!!!!!!!!!
*liked by yourusername*
-> username MISS GIRL WTFFF
-> username no y/n get UPPPPP
username prettiest boy oh my god
username not to alarm anyone but half the grid is here and i am having Thoughts
username Y/N??? LANDO??? ALEX???
-> username my met gala honestly
alex_albon delete the caption before lily sees it 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
-> milomanheim let the queen know she shouldn't settle for less ☝️🗣️
-> lilymhe yeah alex you're being a 🚩🚩🚩 right now
-> alex_albon oh god
-> username baby breathe
-> username FUCK OFF LUCAS
lewishamilton i see someone's challenging my paddock icon title
-> lewishamilton i really like you
-> milomanheim DIED
username i feel things looking at those pictures OH MY GOD
username no bc if y/n and milo are together i will simply combust bc HAVE U SEEN THEM???? I BI PANIC I BI PANICKED
username everyday i wake up and bless god for milo manheim ❤️
username the way i KNOW he posted this for y/n like just trust me
-> username girl they don't even know each other ☝️
-> username TRUST ✊✊✊
*this comment was deleted*
yourusername nice
-> milomanheim ty
yourusername i see the vibe we went for was "raided grandpa's closest that was in my inheritance"
-> milomanheim sadly the only thing i inherited
-> yourusername that and those genes 😮‍💨
-> milomanheim that too 🥰
-> username oh yeah they're dating alright 👍
yourusername the filter is so cool
-> milomanheim ahahahahhaa rhank y
-> milomanheim thank you********
yourusername 🦕
-> milomanheim why
-> yourusername cute
-> milomanheim yes u are
username y/n's engagement under this post goes WILD like
-> username girlie really commented the most random bullshit
username i bet the driver's gc is going CRAZY rn
-> username somewhere on this earth there is a george russell yelling at everyone in the gc to keep it strictly for professional things
-> username russell george i am sorry they are putting u through that😞😞😞
≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
yourusername added to their close friends' stories
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by milomanheim, maxverstappen1, lilymhe and 2,517,986 others
yourusername there are things (inappropriate stuff) i wanna say to u (my BOYFRIEND) but i'll just let u (my COLLEAGUES) live
username she's so real for this
username speak ur truth queen 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
username her pr team is trying so HARD like i feel like they don't get paid enough to deal with all this
-> yourusername i'll take that as a compliment thank u
username the power couple and we don't even know who he is
-> username mama y papa
-> username honestly they eat up everyone with these pictures
username hidden and secret and private??? girl really picked out her battles
username LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE this for her
landonorris thank you because i saw what you texted him this morning and osc had to physically stop me from bathing with bleach
-> yourusername why are u acting as if u literally didn't just straight up ask us if we "needed a third"
-> landonorris LIES SHE LIES SHE'S A LIAR
-> oscarpiastri mate the entire paddock was there
-> landonorris details but like..........do u
-> yourusername do we what.
-> landonorris ............need a third
-> mclaren oh hello ! guess who just lost their phone PRIVILEGES
username screaming bc they're already parents
-> username he's an absent father but ok
username babe come home the kids and the cats and the cow and that goat miss u ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username mother never misses
username lewis WISHES he was her
-> yourusername RIGHTTTT
-> lewishamilton roscoe's godmother privileges REVOKED
username f1 grid will never fail to make to laugh bc what do u mean lando asked y/n and the bf if he needed a third and what do u MEAN that y/n is roscoe's godmother
username live laugh toaster bath sayonara 😞
-> username felt this in my bones
milomanheim speak out ur truth queen !!!!!!
-> yourusername i did
-> charles_leclerc is that why he's redder than my car righOH MY GOD PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU
-> yourusername charles LOOK AWAY !!!!!!
-> username no bc
-> username oh
-> username she bout to be yelled at by her manager i can FEEL her anger rn
username that man better know how to fight bc the grid can and WILL come for him if he does something
-> milomanheim i am scared
-> yourusername uh
-> milomanheim for him i mean haha autocorrect
-> username did he just
-> username oh yeah
-> username all that build up and for milo to just
-> username guess who's sleeping on the couch
milomanheim before u say anything
-> yourusername i am SO disappointed rn
-> milomanheim I'M SORRY
-> yourusername :(( i had 3 months of soft/hard launch planned with annotations and notes
-> milomanheim we can still do that!!! anything u want!!!
milomanheim i love u
-> yourusername ok
-> milomanheim girl
-> yourusername wow ok damn i love u more then ig 😒
-> milomanheim ❤️
-> username fuck u both STOP RUINING SINGLE PEOPLE'S LIVES
-> username crazy about them
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 2,317,637 others
milomanheim something about how taylor swift said every dead end street led u straight to me 💘
tagged yourusername
username we knew but OH MY GOD THE REVEAL
username and everyone cheered
username roman empire or roman empire
-> yourusername it's how he won me over
-> milomanheim wait actually
-> yourusername yes 🥰
-> milomanheim i thought it was me saying PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE till u agreed
-> yourusername that probably sealed the deal 💘
-> username i love how he's so "golden retriever" bf and she's "just proud of him in whatever case" gf
-> username truly mom and dad
username i don't wanna hear bitches say love ain't real anymore bc how do u explain THIS
username taylor wrote that song for them trust she told me herself
-> username he set the bar so high it's a dash at this point
username in love with both of them honestly
username crying LOOK AT THEM!!!!!
landonorris how you've both grown up! i still remember the first time she saw you and cried to me about how fucking pretty you are :)
-> milomanheim OHHHH ????
-> yourusername im gonna jump u this weekend WATCH UR FUCKING BACK
-> username nah bc y/n is so real for this
username milo with that drawing is so "what if i told u i'm a mastermind"
-> username NAH HONESTLY
-> username bro prophesied his relationship
username if my relationship isn't like this then i don't want it 💔💔💔
username lord i see how kind u have been to others
username and adding onto my 252719262 reasons we have THIS
username all the love songs in the universe are about them fyi !!!!!!
username AHHSHSHSHDHSJJDJDNX 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
yourusername also about how she said i wanna teach u how forever feels
-> milomanheim nah bc u will like where r u gonna go 🤨
-> yourusername baby we were having a cute moment there
-> milomanheim BABY 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️😬😬😬😬🤞🤞🤞🤞🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
-> charles_leclerc give him some time he's buffering
-> username something tells me that this is a very regular occurrence
-> oscarpiastri it is
yourusername my baby's fit like a daydream
-> milomanheim 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
-> username what is happening
-> oscarpiastri just give him some time
yourusername not to be a hopeful romantic loser on the main but i find u in every love song i listen to so yea
-> milomanheim look at u being nice for once
-> yourusername boy i will block u
yourusername love u
-> milomanheim who love me
-> yourusername *i* love you
-> milomanheim ilyt
-> username NO HE DID NOT 😭😭😭
-> username bro needs to learn how to hesitate
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by milomanheim, francisca.cgomes, alexandrasaintmleux and 2,785,159 others
yourusername if the whole world was watching i'd still dance with u
tagged milomanheim
username GOODBYE
username this post right here your honour
username the way i teleported to the railway track
username pls block me b4 posting happy stuff (im so happy i cry)
landonorris you can't even order on your own sir DOWN
-> yourusername FUCK UUUUU OMG
username i just ascended to the pearly gates
-> username i shed tears
username they're literally winning in life BOTH OF THEM
username the orange theory is true and it's real because y/n and milo just proved it argue with air
username is no one gonna talk about how his name is saved as "mylo(ve) <3333"
-> username i had to take SEVERAL deep breaths so as to not break down in front of my family
-> username no one's doing it like them
*liked by yourusername*
lilymhe with me obviously 🙄
-> yourusername obviously
-> milomanheim 😧
-> alex_albon 😧
username if he doesn't stand outside my window with a sign asking when can he see me HE IS NOT THE ONE
-> username FRRRRR like stop‼️settling‼️for‼️less‼️
username going crazy over these photos like there's SO MUCH content
username y/n feeding us those milo crumbs
-> username nah she gave us whole PLATES with utensils and all ☝️☝️☝️
username i truly cannot wait for milo to be in her garage bc we all know that they're stupidly in love with each other and watching them giggling and smiling and laughing will be much more entertaining than racing
-> username nah bc bro doesn't know how to function with her around
-> username i don't even blame him bc that's Y/N Y/L/N
charles_leclerc how is this relationship gonna work when none of you has the guts to go and say that they got your order wrong
-> yourusername ur saying this as if alex hasn't been the one to go up and say that u asked for no pickles
-> charles_leclerc that was classified information
-> yourusername not anymore 🤗
username i live for y/n terrorizing the grid fueled by nothing but coffee and/or spite
username they're soooooooooooo disgusting im just gonna cry in a corner bc i do not have someone to peel my oranges for me and i have to do it myself like a common peasant
milomanheim i would peel oranges for u forever dw baby i got u 🍊🍊🍊
-> yourusername this is so sweet i cried stfu
milomanheim cannot believe i get to tell everyone ur my gf like OH MY GOD 😭😭😭
-> yourusername bf
-> milomanheim gf
-> landonorris bf AND gf ?
-> yourusername STOP ASKING
milomanheim wdym i cannot love u more than life itself 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 lies bc i do love u more than life itself
-> yourusername i would sacrifice max for u
-> milomanheim doesn't mean that much bc i know u would sacrifice him for a juice box
-> maxverstappen1 OH REALLLLLLLLY
milomanheim angel 🍒
-> yourusername no u
milomanheim u make me feel all golden like daylight
-> yourusername u make me feel all i like shiny things but i'd marry u with paper rings
-> username bye y'all this was fun
-> username brb i need to test if my toaster is waterproof or not
2K notes · View notes
ghostfacd · 10 months
PAIRING. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
SUMMARY. in which yn takes her career to the next level and drops a few bangers that left everyone in awe
installment of this au (recommend reading for context !!)
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ynuser guys. a lil secret i’ve been holding onto for my dear life that not even my bf knows, i wrote a song for tbosas!! you’ll definitely hear it after the movie’s over and the credits starts rolling. a fun, challenging, and exciting experience and i really really felt like i outdone myself so hopefully you guys like it as much as i do 🥹 (p.s first photo is when tom and i listened to it for the first time together and he was just in awe)
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tomblyth i love you my talented songbird !!
➥ user1 time to cry he called her his songbird
➥ user2 this is a sign that i should probably move on from tom blyth.. 😔
user3 just listened to it, it was absolutely amazing. yn stays changing lives
rachezegler lucy gray irl
➥ ynuser stopp ily
conangray YN AVOCOT, I LOVE YOU! - your #2 supporter (because tom insisted on being #1)
➥ tomblyth damn right i’m #1
user5 the second pic of her and tom 🥹🥹
user6 conan and yn r the best friends we needed
user7 her life seems so fun omg im jealous
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ynuser oops.. another secret?
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rachelzegler YN.
➥ conangray stealing my title?? 😡😡
➥ ynuser you both are my best friends!
➥ tomblyth i thought i was your best friend?
user8 not the best friend argument 🫢
user10 she can act, she can sing, what else can’t she do?
user11 GUTS!
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tomblyth hi guys! as you all know, my amazing girlfriend just released her first album — GUTS! it’s honestly such an amazing album with songs that yn has held super close to her heart. I would love it if you guys supported her because she honestly deserves the world. YN, I’m so incredibly proud to be your boyfriend.
tagged @/ynuser
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ynuser tom. im crying.
➥ rachelzegler can confirm, she’s in tears rn
user12 i am so grateful that they met each other because they make each other so happy 😓
user13 he bought her cd and album 😭😭 i need a bf like tom
user14 “i am so incredibly proud to be your boyfriend” get married already cause wow.
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2K notes · View notes
wandanatw0rld · 2 months
+18 | men & minor denied
beefy!natasha romanoff x pillowprincess!female reader x college!au
warnings: girlxgirl; Natasha being a boxer; rough sex; anal sex; strap on use (r receving); a little bit of praise; fingersucking; brief mention of war; Alexei & Bucky being two assholes; not propfread
b: Natasha's father comes to visit her, but their meeting doesn't go very well, and (un)fortunately for you, you have to pay for her frustration.
I think that's it, have fun ;D
"Okay, I love you too, Mom. Bye" You're sitting on Natasha's bed, notepads and books on every surface, you stop writing and look at the redhair.
"Is everything okay, Nat?" She looks at you, her jaw is clenched, her poor phone pressed against her strong hands, she sits on the edge.
"My dad's coming to visit, he wants to take a tour of Steve's gym," you crawl next to her, taking her hands off her thighs and replacing them with you.
"Is that so bad?" You hold her face, green eyes with a hint of desperation.
"Let's say my dad wanted me to be a doctor and not a boxer," Natasha didn't like to talk about her parents, especially her dad.
Her parents are both from Russia, late Soviet Union, and came to America after the war destroyed their home, the United States seemed to be a place to have a new life with more hopes. Natasha was young and didn't remember much about it, but she remembered the bombs, a whole reason why she hated New Year's Eve.
"Do you want me to be with you?" Natasha seems to consider for a few seconds.
"Are you ready to meet Alexei Romanoff?" She asks you sweetly. "One of the founders of this masterpiece?" Natasha pointed at herself in a very silly way.
"Actually, I am. But let's stop talking about your dad and talk about how much I need you to kiss me".
"I agreed," she says, standing up, you laughing as she holds you, her lips pressed to yours.
You were nervous to meet Natasha's father, lost count of the number of times you looked in the mirror, even though the redhead said you looked gorgeous as always. At first, Alexei Romanoff seems really scary with his bear, but he's really an idiot like his daughter. He told jokes, shared stories about Natasha wanting to be a superhero, you kissed her red cheek when the old man made fun of her blue hair.
Now the three of you are in Steve's gym, which he closed just so Natasha could show the place to her dad. But the more you listen to them, the more you're worried about Natasha's well-being.
"You're getting too big, sweetheart. And those tattoos, your mom will lose her mind if she sees you," the redhead breathes out, her patience coming to an end.
"I like my tattoos" You watch them very quietly, the way Natasha squeezes your hand and clenches her jaw makes you worry about her dad. "Dad, please. Look at the size of your belly."
"Your mom likes it".
"I bet she does". Alexei doesn't think it's funny, and you only realize that when he say it to her:
"When are you going to get a real job?" His tone is throaty, sharp as a knife, the same tone Natasha uses when she's stressed.
"This is a real job, Dad. I like working here" Her eyes glow with challenge, one more word and she'll explode.
"Yelena is doing great with me, she's really going to run the business one day".
"Yelena was always looking for your approval." You'd never met Yelena before, but Natasha always talked about the blonde with love and affection.
"Someone has to have it" The silence is heavy, you want to say something, but Natasha could kill her father with her eyes.
"Well, my class is in ten minutes, so... Let me walk you to the exit," Alexei seemed shaken, but he turned to you.
"It was really nice to meet you. When Natasha told me how beautiful you were, I didn't think it would be so much". Natasha doesn't look at either of you.
"Thank you, Mr. Romanoff".
"Please, call me Alexei. You make me feel old".
"You are old." The look in his eyes frightened you.
Natasha is taking you home, the fact that she hasn't said a word is worrying.
"See you tomorrow?" You ask and give her a peck on her cheek
"I don't know. I'm busy tomorrow" But she doesn't look at you.
You know what bothers her. Natasha wants her father's approval, all she ever wanted was to make him proud and not being able to do that is killing her. You don't see her the next morning or the day after, so you ask Clint if he knows anything while you both go shopping for baby stuff.
"I don't know, to be honest, she doesn't talk to me" He's looking at the dipers section in the drugstore, you've been helping him for forty minutes now, one of the professors has canceled the class. "I was going to ask her out for a drink, but she didn't answer her phone"
"I'm going to visit her at the gym today after class," you smile sweet at him. "Clint, these are adult dipers".
"God, I'm a terrible dad".
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Clint. These are things you can catch up over time.
"Thank you!" You gave his shoulder a good, enthusiastic squeeze.
"I gotta go. I gotta help Wanda with Billy and Tommy."
"Who are they?"
"Her clownfish, but I think one of them is female".
The hours seemed to pass so slowly that you didn't notice anything. You left your things in your dorm and hurried to Natasha's work. You entered, the place is quiet, there are a few people working out on headphones. You approach the reception, Bucky, another employee looks at you. You don't like him, the way he provokes Natasha and worse, his jokes towards you, they aren't funny, but it definitely amuses him.
"Hi Bucky, is Natasha here?"
"She asked Steve for a day off, she's at the arena" You turn to leave, but he calls you. "Can I ask you something?"
"Bring it on".
"Why are you with her?" See, not funny. "I mean, I know she's hot and rich, but-."
"I don't think that's any of your business, Bucky."
They march into the arena, loud rock music, The Marvels really hate somebody. Natasha hits the bag with precision, she growls with every punch, it is fucking hot. She doesn't realize you're there until you turn off the music.
"What the fuck!" You wave to her, she takes off her gloves and grabs a bottle of water.
"Hi to you too" You reache her. "I miss you"
"Me too" Her response is somewhat mechanical.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She drinks the water.
"Not really". Getting close to her, analyzing every single detail in her, sweat running down her chest, on her strong arms, the veins on her forearm drive you crazy.
"You're avoiding me, was it something I did?" Natasha keeps not looking at you and starts to get on your nerves.
"Everything's fine" She doesn't add a nickname, which means she's really mad.
There are a few details people need to pay attention to with Natasha Romanoff and you mastered them quite well.
When she's angry, she gets quiet, refuses to look at or talk to anyone, plus she listens to rock music really loud, just like it happened. When she is jealous, especially of Bucky and his aproaches towards you, her voice gets husky and scary, hands on your waist, pulling you close, and when takes you home, she makes sure of making you hers, every inch of your skin belong to her.
She was angry. In this case, angrier than she had ever been.
"Fight with me" Natasha seemed confused.
"I'm not going to fight with you" You take a few steps closer.
"Why not?" You ask, her woody perfume smells so good. "Are you afraid I'll hurt you?" You know you have no chance in a fight, you're smaller than her, in everything. Natasha Romanoff could destroy you with one blow. "Okay then. Bye, Natasha."
"Wait" She holds your wrist, her breathing at a normal pace, she looks at you. Natasha was so angry that she didn't notice that you were wearing her favorite outfit. "I'm sorry about that. Is just... Never mind, I'm fine".
"You're not fine, Nat. Something is bothering you, you can tell me," but she just avoids looking into your eyes. "Is it your dad?" The grip in your wrist had tightened.
"I don't want to talk about him" Natasha looks at your body, you're dressed only for her amusement and it's a waste not to take advantage. "Wait here," she opens the door to the arena.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"Steve will be using the arena today. I'll open it for him." After that, Natasha grabs her backpack and drags you to Steve's office, then locks you both in.
"Nat-" She presses her mouth against yours, it's rough, your legs go weak. On your tiptoes you grab her face, her lips a little salty, hands on your waist, nails scratching deep into it. You push her onto the table, paper clips, documents, everything goes down. "You have to use me, okay?"
"About your dad." Her jaw clenches again. "You can bite me, I don't know, just do whatever you want." With worshipful eyes, Natasha turns your bodies over and places you on the table, your legs wrapped around her waist. "I am all yours".
"You are, detka." Finally, the nickname hits between your thighs. "First I'm going to eat you up and then fuck that pretty pussy of yours," you moan, grabbing her hands and putting them over your mouth, sucking her thumb. "You're so beautiful," she touches your lower lip with her wet thumb.
"Nat..." You move your hips into hers.
"No, Malyshka. You have to stay still." Natasha kissed you as she took off your underwear, lifting your skirt just a little, her fingers dipping into your wetness. "This soaked already?" your nails dipped into her neck "And I'm just getting started" You raised your arms to take off the t-shirt, the fact that you were without a bra pleases her, but then she remembered the asshole at the reception. "I wonder if Bucky knows you're not wearing a bra today.
"No, he didn't look at me today." You know that's a lie. Bucky always looks at you, especially today, he definitely noticed the lack of underwear. You bite your lip, her fingers teasing through your folds.
"I think it's just the opposite, Malyshka," she states, her tone assertive. "When he looks at you, he wants you all for himself." Natasha's lips find a place in your neck, a finger dipping gently into your pussy as her teeth in your shoulder. "He wants to fuck you, but he forgets that I'm the only one who can fuck you."
"Nat, please." Natasha firmly squeezes your neck.
"I'm going to remind him, remind everyone. I am worthy of everything, even you" Her fingers slide over your breasts. "Every inch of you is mine, Detka. Your face, your body, this fucking pretty cunt of yours. I can wait until you come in my mouth." Her teeth clamp down on your right nipple, and she sucks hard. You drop your head back, fingers scratching her neck. It hurts, but you're both enjoying it. Natasha spreads your legs wide, her thumb teasing your clit.
"Nat, easy- oh fuck" She buried her fingers deep into your pussy with no mercy.
"You want me to use you, Malyshka. I will. I'll use every hole in you".
"Mm... So good." Natasha's tongue burns your nipples as she adds a third finger.
"Can it fit one more, Malyshka?" You nod, grabbing her fist that adds the fourth one. "So hungry"
"Nat, take off your... "Mmm... please" The redhead is all smiles now, her pretty girl is so needy. Her thumb throbbs in your clit, and you're desperate. Your breasts are sensetive, but Natasha doesn't seem to be tired of them. She'll never be tired of them. "Fuck!" You pull her close with one of your legs, toes clenching inside your shoes. "Don't stop. Please don't" Natasha releases your breast with a lustful pop, her hand bumping for the last time at your soft spot, and then you melt away at her fingers. "Nat..." You hide your face on her neck.
"Thank you, Malyshka." She kisses your cheek. "I'm sorry for avoiding you these days. I've been overthinking about my dad, but I'm handling it."
"Forget about him. For now, I'm going to come into your mouth" You lick her lips slowly.
"God, you're perfect." She kisses you, hungry, her lips pressed on yours, hands on your breasts. You moan on her mouth, they're so painful. Pushing her, you take off her shirt, throwing it with your clothes. Her breasts are perfect, all sweaty, her tattoos glowing. Your hand lands on her ass, squeezing.
She gets on her knees and puts one of your legs on her shoulder. She can't get enough of your cunt.
"Nat, just fuck me" You demand, she dives into your pussy, and begins to grind her tongue on your clit. "Fuck!" You grab her hair and yank, pulling her closer. You try to close your legs, but she holds them open, her fingers digging into your inner thighs. "God... Shit" she plunges a finger into your cunt. "Mm... Don't" You're trembling, so grab her free hand and put it in your mouth. She's watching everything with adoration, loving the sensations that she causes in you. You're mumbling nonsense, sucking her thumb, and pinching your nipples. "I'm going... Don't stop, Nat. Please, don't... I'm almost" You bite your lips, hands on her head now, her red hair tangled in your fingers, holding her mouth firmly on your pussy, she rasps her teeth in your bud, that's enough to make you come, hard, body shaking, legs like jelly. "You're amazing at this"
"I'm not to blame for your choice in men" You smile, bringing her close to your mouth, tasting you on her. "But I have a surprise for you" You watch her put down the cotton shirt, your mouth getting wet. Nothing compares to the wetness between your legs. Natasha is wearing a pink strap, your favorite. "I was planning to come to your place to use as an apology for my behavior."
"I accept your apology after you fuck me hard"
"I will, Detka" she says, her voice low and seductive. She comes closer, her hands on your ribs, thumbs in both of your nipples. "I'll fuck you so hard that you'll not even walk away from here" She pinches your nipples, her eyes locked on yours. "You want that?" You nod, your lips curling into a slow, sensual smile. "You want that everyone see your trembling walk, especially Bucky."
"Yeah" you say, biting your fingertip.
"Let's arrange that for you" her husky voice commands, sending another wave of pleasure through your body. Natasha pushes her cock inside you, lying down on the desk in a mix of pain and lust, nails scratching her arms. She comes forward, hitting your soft spot, her lips seeking yours. "You're mine. I'm fucking worthy of you. Of anything. This job." She leans her forehead on yours, her growls making you moan loud. "He will see." She's not talking about Bucky. Her hands hold your waist, nails digging into your skin. You're too caught up in the pleasure to feel the pain or the blood from the slightly wound.
"Nat, too much." Her hips don't stop, it hurts, but you're too overwhelmed with lust to care. Then she stops, and you moan in tantrum. Natasha pulls out the strap, and you look at her, confused.
"Turn around".
"I don't-"
"You said I had to use you. I'm using you, Malyshka. Now turn around" You do as she says and turn around. "I've always wanted to know what it's like to fuck your tiny hole" She bends you over the desk, deep inside you regret saying she could use you, but now it doesn't matter. "Don't worry. I'll go real slow, Detka".
"Nat, I've never done this before," you said, holding her wrist and looking up.
"It's okay, we can stop if you don't feel comfortable. I'd never do anything to hurt you." The red hair planted a kiss on your bare shoulder, her hands gently caressing your waist.
"I don't want to stop, I just..." You look into her eyes and you have never trusted her as much as you do now. "I trust you.
"Thank you, Malyshka." You bring her close, kissing her lips, stroking the red hair behind her ears, you feel her positioning the strap on your entrance. You exhale into her mouth as she squeezes a tip, nails digging into her cheek. "Fuck!" She curses, it's fucking painful, no more than the pain you feel on your ass. "You're so fucking tight".
"Nat, I don't think I'm going to-" But then she pulls everything into you, and she starts moving, all you can think is why it's taking you so long to do it. "Fuck!" Your arm encircles her shoulder, she puts one of your legs on the table and spreads it. "Right there, Nat," you feel the plastic going in and out, her hands holding you still, it's fucking good, it burns, but you don't want to stop. "Don't stop, please. Don't stop."
"I'm not going to" And there's the rusky voice, Natasha leads her hand to your clit, touching it very slow, the base of the strap lightly on her clit, then rubbing real rough while she fucks your ass. "You're doing great, pretty girl".
"Mmm... Nat, fuck, please. Faster" Steve's table starts to slide on the floor, more things fall off it. "Almost" Her hips are much faster than you think is possible, you lose control of everything, you start mumbling nonsense again, you don't know what's happening, but you can definitely hear voices coming from the arena, you don't know any of these people, Natasha doesn't seem to care, she's not loud, but she's not quiet either.
"I'm almost there too, detka" You can feel her breasts on your back, her hands pulling your hair to make room for her mouth to find your neck and her teeth dip into it, fingers entering your cunt. You know it's not easy to do it, but Natasha made it seem easy. "Shh Malyska, people will start to hear you," you can't help but moan. You stuffed your mouth with your hand, the teeth go deep. She adds another finger, but then begins to lose frequency, you feel more and more close to the edge. "I'm coming, pretty girl" A few more thrusts and you almost pass out.
Breathes throughout the office, Natasha laid on your back, hands caressing your arms.
"Natasha, are you still there?" It's Bucky. "I didn't see your girlfriend leave. Is she there?"
"Yeah, we're cleaning, Steve asked me to and she's helping me, why?" You only realize what happened when you feel her cock digging into your cunt, a slow moan leaving your lips, it's too sensitive.
"Steve wants to know if you want to join in" Natasha begins to slowly push against your pussy, you want more, you need more, your hands searching for any support.
"Only when I finish cleaning" She kisses your neck, on the mark she made. "No way I'm leaving you for that." She whispers in your ear. Her hips are frenetic. "Can you get that box for me, Detka?" But you don't answer, you can't, it's too good. "You have to say something, Detka".
"T-that o-ne??" Natasha laughs in silence, her smile playful and cocky.
"Okay, I'll tell him." You don't know if Bucky believes that, but it's too good to pay attention.
"You liked that, huh?" She raises her torso, holding your waist, her movements bursting. "Don't try to deny it, Malyshka, I can't keep my cock inside you"
"I like it" She bites your sholders, her tongue burning your skin.
"Malyshka, you're so good to me" Her nails dig into your waist, her hips bump against your butt, the strap gliding smoothly over your wet cunt. "So beautiful accepting everything from me" You feel her front on your back, her teeth biting hard into the skin of your ribs.
Natasha's fingers rub your needy bud.
"Nat... I'm going to... Fuck!" You bite your hand, the small room insanely hot, the voices of people on the other side of the door adding another layer of lust.
"It's okay, pretty girl. You can cum on my cock," the walls are tightening around Natasha's cock, she's gripping your jaw very gently, very different from what her hips are doing, she kisses you. And then you feel the nod in your stomach to undo.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Your teeth mark your hands.
Her hips slowly stop, you feel her heartbeat on your back. She pulls her cock out.
"That was hot." She says, kissing your cheek.
"I don't know if I can walk".
"That's what you wanted," you look at her, almost offended. "I'm joking, Malyshka. We'll have to stay here for a while.
"As if I'm going to leave with all these people".
You watch as Natasha goes to her backpack, grabs a towel, and wraps the strap to clean it later. She picks up your clothes, you can't move, the orgasm has melted your legs.
"Let me help you, Malyshka," Natasha pushes one of your legs through the panties, then the other. "Okay. Do you need help with your shirt?" You nod, you don't need it, but you have a soft spot for her being so sweet and helpful. You raise your hands, she helps you, then she pulls up your skirt, your shoes. "Come here, let's get you somewhere more comfortable" You hold her like a koala while she leads you to a sofa. "I'm going to put my clothes on and then put everything back. You need to rest.
"I want to help you" You try to get up, but your legs are still wobbly.
"It's okay, I can do it myself." She strokes your hair behind your ears.
"Nat, I don't care what your dad thinks. I'm really proud of you and I'm happy to be your girlfriend" The way she smiles at you makes your heart warm and race.
"Thank you, Malyshka. I'm lucky to have you as my girlfriend," you kissed her, your hands pulling her closer, legs around her waist. "Detka, you have to let me go, otherwise we'll have to stay here forever.
"I'll stay." You wanted to tell her that you loved her, but you were too afraid of being rejected or of her not feeling the same, so you backed off, you didn't want to ruin this.
You just didn't know that the redhead felt the same way.
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