#r: clary & magnus
jerrydevine · 2 years
showed my little friends from high school 1x12 malec this past weekend and i was like btw alecs gay!! and my friend i love with all my little heart said. you say that about every character. who is gay for real in this show be honest :(
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
U once wrote LBAF deleted scenes???
Even I want Dani, I found one randomly and then I can't find any hehehheh
Dude exams r so fucking hsesfful and I think I'm drinked bye
Tis my mistake for not uploading them on ao3 sigh.
Some ones I found:
Rosewood birth parents discussion
David getting ready for Mavid first date
Voicemails on David's recital day
Alec caught in 4k about his smoking
David and Rafael heart to heart (this was cruel of me)
LB fam cuteness
Clace and Malec parenting fluff
Rafe and Magnus fluff
David's birthday karoake
David and Clary by @springlily25
LB fam + David
Mavid fluff
Magnus and Rafe softness
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ladyhindsight · 17 days
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I’m still in sort of disbelief how Clare thought the canoodling part of the ending scene of this chapter was structured well or even well motivated. How it plays out just paints a pretty clear picture of Clare’s priorities and intentions as a story-teller.
Sometimes some things, especially ill-fitting and ill-timed almost-sex scenes just don’t need to happen, you know.
The chapter opens up with Team Good making their way to Luke’s farm upstate to summon Raziel. They get to talking about Alec’s sexuality and how the Lightwoods are taking it because of a joke Isabelle makes.
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This message about Robert is rather relevant here. Because, like R points out, the narrative surrounding Robert is incohesive at best, and his characterization fluctuates wherever the writing needs to without much consistency. There's a lot of fun discussion points about Robert (and Maryse) under his tag on the blog.
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Yes, Robert escaped to Idris to get away from his gay son that he loved, not to run for the position of the Inquisitor.
→ No phones in Idris, how would've Robert asked about the trip anyway?
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→ Jocelyn doesn’t like Jace (for her own reasons), so she never asks about Jace (Clary complains about this in City of Fallen Angels). → Robert doesn’t care about Magnus (for his own reasons which are a bit complicated and related to the Circle), so he never asks about Magnus.
→ Like the eye color is even guaranteed? Of course this highlights the idiotic opinions of bigoted people, but at the same time, that’s the best you managed to concoct? THE EYES. Though it goes with the little paper cuts for sure.
They are almost at the farm, and we cut to Team Evil. Clary has been sleeping but wakes up when she hears The Boys talking. Jace has been somewhere but would like to see Clary now. Something is off about their exchange and we learn why once Jace goes to see Clary.
We learn that Lilith’s rune on Jace’s chest has been damaged and that he’s momentarily himself again.
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The pugio was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm. I don’t understand why Jace calls it that here when he later talks about an aegis with which Magdalena stabs him and how the aegis burned Lilith’s Mark.
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Again with the em dashes. “She staggered back and grabbed for her worktable, she threw it at me.” I can’t.
→ She staggered back and gabbed for her worktable. There was powdered adamas on it—she threw it at me.
Also “I cried out as she drove it towards my chest”? Awfully poetic retelling of the events that were basically I just kind a shouted when she tried to stab me in the chest.
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This is, if I may say, a preposterous claim. He really isn’t or wasn’t. See, Alec, for one. Let’s not rewrite history.
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This scene started out nice, the way Clary tries to comfort Jace. As if there could be this lovely and nice intimacy between them that doesn’t need the constant fervor.
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…Aaand it’s ruined because everything has to get hot and heavy and passionate between them.
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It’s funny how intentionally hilarious this whole conversation of it’s me, that is not me, it’s the other me, the not me me, this you, no the other you, the other me is. Such a mess.
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Oh hey, you remembered.
Jace then finally gets to the actual point of what happened when he was away. He also finally reveals what Sebastian’s actual plans are, which, you’d think, would take precedence over wondering whether this is the time to have sex for the first time. But what do I know.
Obviously they can’t have the make-out/almost-sex scene once Jace reveals he took the cup from Magdalena and murdered her so all of the physicality needs to happen before that. What I am saying is, it didn’t need to happen at all because the timing was inappropriate considering the following revelations. Intimacy between characters isn’t always being incredibly horny, especially when just comforting one another.
So far Clary and Not-Jace have been doing this every given opportunity, and I understand that it’s somehow different with Actual-Jace, though writing-wise not at all.
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So great that Jace finally got to the point. We almost lost this information because they wanted to bang. Anyway. Now that’s done with. Jace decides he needs to give the cup and himself up to the Clave before he returns to his controlled state, and that’s the end of that bullshit.
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
For @emmalovesfitzloved Clace Christmas present shopping in NYC- what does that look like? Who are they getting for what? What are they getting Malec’s kids? What r they thinking of getting each other? Era can be post engagement or already married
"Well, well, well," Jace said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. It was warm, lined with wool and fleece, functional in the way that he liked and sexy in the way that Clary appreciated. "Looks like we're in for quite the day."
Christmas in Times Square was always a ridiculous affair. One time, Jace and Clary had run into a homeless guy dressed as Santa, and when they bought him a paper cup of cider he'd turned out to be an Eidolon demon that thanked them with a surprise attack. Another time they had almost squared down with a group of teenagers who were trying to climb onto a bus selling Christmas-themed trinkets. Clary had giggled at them, clearly remembering all of the shamefully stupid antics that she and Jace had gotten up to at their age, and the kids had glared daggers at them in a way that made Jace wish he could attack. "We're not going to fight some kids, Jace," Clary said, yanking him away by the hand. "We're way too old for that."
"But what is I want to fight?" His voice was a lazy drawl. "What if I want to feel alive?"
"Then you can start by finding the perfect gift for your new fiancee," she said. A small smile played on her lips, and Jace thought about how he wanted to kiss each of her freckles individually before dragging her into one of New York's many nooks and crannies before...
Well. He shouldn't let his mind get that carried away.
"I do have a great gift for you," Jace said, and it was the truth. Why wouldn't she love a little Swarovski crystal shaped like a wolf? "Who I don't have a present for, though, are Magnus and Alec."
"Or Max and Rafe," Clary said, and Jace hummed his agreement.
"I, for one, think we should get Max a coloring book," Jace said. "All kids love coloring books. Demon Drawing, you know."
"Or we could get him some kid's comics," Clary said. "I think both he and Rafe are at about the right age for some Pokemon. Maybe even Yu Yu Hakusho, or Tokyo Mew Mew if they're down to break gender stereotypes."
"I think you're a genius," Jace said to Clary. "That's way better than black-and-white pictures of demons."
"I mean, a Pokemon manga is basically that with a twist," Clary bumped Jace on the shoulder. "Have you ever seen Grimer? Muk? Ditto?"
"I barely know what Pokemon are," Jace said with an air of superiority.
"I would say I pity you," Clary told him, "but I don't. I'm pretty excited for you, actually because as soon as we're done here, we're definitely going to go back home and binge-watch the Indigo League."
"I have no idea what that means," Jace said, and Clary grabbed his hand and dragged him off in the direction of Newbury Comics. "Here," she said, "I'll give you a sneak peek."
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since there’s no sobh entry today or ever again here’s a fun little list of my fav sobh entries ever!
coming up first we have the first Magnus to Alec letter. Listen this shit changed my life and was probably one of the highlights of my fall semester last year I’m not kidding it was that bad. Magnus and Alec made it better. that photo of them and the kids on vacation is my everything. Magnus calling Alec love. it’s everything. anyway we knew that was first
second we have the other Magnus to Alec letter. this one wasn’t hitting as much but it was still Magnus to Alec hence why it’s up at the top. it was still great. highlights include Magnus calling the kids m and r bc I think it’s cute, and Magnus calling Alec my love again. Also the entire last paragraph !
next is unobjectively the best sobh entry if we are not counting my extreme tmi gang bias. which is Livvy speaking to Julian!!!! I love the inflection the actress used and I think she encapsulated Livvy so so well and I LOVE IT. Kitty angst I am here for it. this was so gearing up for what the wicked powers will be. too bad it’s a decade away. anyway this entry slayed the house down!!!! ty needs kit.
next was a super fun surprise and def one of my favs : emma and Julian visiting the tmi gang in nyc!!! even tho it freaked me out because I am so scared of Janus I got to see my BEST FRIENDS jace clary and Alec <3 Simon and Isabelle could’ve been included but I’ll take what I can get. they ordered pizza my favs for that I love my tmi gang takeout food fiends. yeah this was sm fun
Here’s a random one. TESSA TO MARYSE. this was a banger. I love it. I remember reading it and this was like over a year ago but I was so in shock but so thrilled. Like it’s just random but fun for hearing about kit and Jace and the lightwood fam is my fav obviously. and that cute pic of Jace clary kit and mina!!!
next we have the kit to ty letter that kit burned. sad but good and also just interesting with its connections to james my best friend James Herondale. it’ll be interesting (?) to see what ends up happening with the gun in both chain of thorns and the wicked powers. cool stuff
also ash to Janus. Janus scares me because he very much threatens my fav but also Janus being a threat means tmi gang content right. I mean that makes sense to me I’ll take what I can get! Also I love ash so. I’m excited to see him more
Helen to Julian. this was cute. i love Helen and i love that pic of tavvy and I love them worrying about ty aw. yay blackthorn siblings sometimes I forget that I love them
Honorable mention: dru and Kit texting. i do enjoy the 2014 looking text message entries because they’re fun and like gen z I guess. but also they were j short and didn’t have enough content to be good. you know
More honorable mentions: Ragnor and Ty’s visit, some of Emma’s entries in Bruce, Cristina talking abt Thomas lightwood, and Tessa to Sophie even though it was the saddest thing ever
thats it that’s the list
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masoena · 25 days
On the Tip of My Tongue
Shadowhunter Fan Fic - Hurt/Comfort Bingo Fill
This fic is a one-shot to fill a square on my Hurt/Comfort bingo card cas created by @sweetspicybingo
Prompt filled: it's not fair to recovery room
Fandom: Shadowhunters
Pairing: Jalec - Jace Wayland/Alec Lightwood
Rating: Mature (for violence)
“Jace!!! Nooo!!!” Alec dropped his bow and the arrow he was about to shoot as he watched Jace collapse to the ground, the warlock and his ravener demon were pulverized by Magnus’ magic but not before Jace had been first stung by the demon’s poisoned tail to his shoulder and been blasted by a sickly green nearly opaque pulse of demon powered magic from the warlock who’d been brainwashed to do Valentine’s bidding.
It was the latest of Valentine’s series of passive-aggressive and increasingly less subversive attacks on the New York Institute and the Clave by extension. Alec himself went down as his legs went out from under him with the agonizing pain that raced through him via his bond with Jace. It wasn’t fair that Jace was getting hurt all the time, he protected both Clary, the cup and by extension the entire Downworlder population with stubborn conviction which only left in harm's way time and time again.
He crawled the last few feet, so that he could cradle Jace’s head in his lap, wrap protective arms around him and whisper encouragement to stay awake, to not give in. The spark in Jace’s beautiful multi-colored eyes was dulling and he could sense Jace fading through the bond.
The blond shadowhunter held on to Alec’s arms that embraced him to then look up into those gorgeous hazel eyes and with barely any sound to it said: “I love you too.” before he passed out.
The beeping was annoying and incessant but somehow he knew he needed to not ignore it, as his mind and body came back online. Jace went through what felt like quicksand to try and claw his way up to a fully awake state. When he opened his eyes, everything was blurry at first, but came into focus slowly as he took in the darkened room he was in.
The beeping was a heart-rate monitor beside his bed; he recognized the room as one of the recovery rooms at the New York Institute. He racked his brain for how he had gotten here but came up blank. The last thing he remembered was a flash of green and searing pain in his left shoulder and Alec’s concerned hazel eyes above him and then nothing but blackness until now.
He looked down from his half seated position and saw the blood transfusion needle stuck in the back of his hand along with another in his arm to administer a bag of clear liquids. His shoulder was bandaged he could just see the dark gray material poke out from underneath the navy blue hospital gown he was wearing.
His hand that wasn’t doubling as a pin cushion, was loosely covered by Alec’s, who had fallen asleep, his head resting on the bed beside Jace’s hip. He looked beautiful and peaceful in sleep. Gently Jace pulled his hand out from under his and carded his fingers gently through the shock of unruly black hair, and could feel his parabatai push into the gentle touch. Jace wanted him so much more than he could ever admit out loud, especially after finding out that Alec felt the same way. The words had been at the tip of his tongue ever since that catastrophic memory demon experience a few weeks back. However, Jace also knew that Valak had taken that memory from Alec so who knew if he even still felt the love that he had so unwillingly disclosed in front of all of them as it had floated towards the memory demon.
Alec slowly opened his eyes, he was sleep-drunk and rather adorably rubbed his eyes before he looked up at Jace who regarded him with a gentle smile.
“Hey there, brother.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been blasted by errant magic and stung by a demon?” Jace tried to laugh but winced when the motion pulled the wound on his shoulder.
“Hey take it easy, funny guy. Do you remember what happened?”
“I remember the warlock aiming at me and that ravener demon appearing out of nowhere. I’ve never seen a warlock with a ravener familiar. It was a very strange thing to see. And then I saw you crouching over me, encouraging me to stay awake before I passed out.”
As Jace said this he recalled vividly and with utmost certainty that what he had said to Alec, seeing his parabatai’s face fall was all the proof he needed.
“Anything else you recall?”
“Yeah, only just now though; I love you Alec, been wanting to say it since the Valak incident but too afraid to. The curse, our bond. I was worried it would change everything but I love you in the way that I shouldn't but I can’t deny it.”
Alec kissed him then, a soft tender meeting of their lips, the touch between them was electric and it made their bond thrum with increased intensity and connectedness, as the link between solidified infinitely more and it couldn’t feel more right to either of them.
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x-ceirios-x · 4 months
don't kiss me right now
takes place at the end of city of bones. jace returns home from being kidnapped by valentine, world torn to pieces from the news he received and is looking for any sense of normalcy he can get his hands on.
cw: mild cursing, a couple injuries mentioned
takes place the same night as old friends and familiar faces. could be considered part two.
The dust settled—Rowan finally got Isabelle to go to bed, staying there until she fell asleep, per her request. She was anxious about Jace who still wasn’t home, but she needed to rest in order to heal what the iratze couldn’t. They stopped in the infirmary to check on Alec, who was still asleep. He looked peaceful there—which made them happy but concerned them a little. To save their own sanity, they took his wrist in their hand and held two fingers to the outside, feeling for his pulse. It helped ease their anxieties about him, knowing the magic Magnus used was working and he was just asleep. They gently laid his hand back down and wrote a small note on a scrap piece of paper, leaving it on the bedside table. 
I’m in the library. Shout if you need something. And if you insist on moving, please use the crutches. —R
With that, they walked off to the library, curling up on the window seat with the book they’d left there a few days prior. It shocked them that they hadn’t seen Hodge in a few hours, but he was known to disappear into the greenhouse for hours. They weren’t taking the trip up. 
They had only a few pages of the book left when they heard the Institute front doors open—they were pretty large so made some noise when they moved. With a sigh, they stood and made their way out of the library, going to see who was at the door at this hour. Hopefully, it wasn’t someone from the Clave Maryse forgot to warn them was coming. They had enough problems right now. 
Isabelle was in the hallway when they turned the corner, also walking in the direction of the foyer. “You’re up early,” they said, falling into step with her. “You alright?”
“Can't sleep,” she said with a sigh. “Do you know who’s here?”
“I’m hoping it’s not your mom, at least,” they said, trying (and probably failing) to keep the mood light. “We’ve got enough on our plate. And we still need to find—“
They turned the corner into the foyer and saw Jace standing by the door, kicking off dirty boots and shucking off his jacket. There was some blood on his shirt—which they hoped wasn’t his own. 
“Jace,” Isabelle said in a half whisper, practically running for him. She jumped into his arms and squeezed tight around his neck, feet coming off of the floor slightly as he sat up a little straighter. They noticed the tired look in his eyes as he picked up his head, making eye contact with them from a few feet away. He said nothing, just stared blankly until Isabelle pulled away. Something was incredibly wrong with him. 
“Where were you? Are you alright?” she asked, running her hands over his arms, inspecting for injuries. “Are you bleeding?”
He shook his head. “I’m fine. And Cl—” he coughed like the words were uncomfortable. “Clary is fine.” He spoke slowly, labored—there was a lot he wasn’t letting on and they were curious. The look in his eye told them to leave him alone for the time being, though. 
There was a soft noise behind them, like someone stumbling forward. They turned to see Alec, fumbling with the crutches, slowly hobbling out of the infirmary doors. “What’s all the noise?” he asked, rubbing his eyes while trying not to drop the crutches. 
This time, it was Jace who moved. Isabelle stepped out of his way as he made a beeline for Alec, brushing past Rowan like they didn’t even exist. A few months ago, that would have hurt. Maybe it did now. But they never could compete with the relationship they had, could they?
Alec stumbled back slightly, though Jace kept him upright in his arms. Slowly, his shoulders relaxed and Alec’s head fell on his shoulder. They could hear the two mumbling, but not what was said, and they saw Jace’s shoulders shake slightly. They both stood there, longer than they expected, in an embrace that they knew they each needed. 
The bond between two parabatai was something they’d never understand, though they wished they could. For a while, when they were kids, they thought they did—Alec, maybe. They were inseparable for a long time—the three of them became a trio, after a while. There was always something different between the two, though; they didn’t think they’d ever understand it. Things were tense between themselves and Jace lately, which made things strained with them and Alec. They were one and the same in a lot of ways, but opposites in others. They were soul brothers in a way they couldn’t describe. It was evident in the way both of their shoulders slumped, finally relaxing once they knew the other was safe. 
When Jace finally pulled away, he still kept close to Alec, keeping his hand on his arm. “I can tell everyone the story in the morning, I…I don’t think I’ll be awake for very long.”
Alec nodded. “My leg hurts,” he muttered, slowly slumping over his crutches the longer he stayed awake. 
Isabelle made her way to the two of them, Rowan joining her shortly after. “Bedtime,” they said gently, gesturing down the hall. “Alec, forgive me, but I’m not trusting you upstairs yet. Back to the infirmary.”
He groaned like a toddler being asked to go to bed at a normal hour. It made each of them crack a smile as they led everyone back the hall. Isabelle broke off from them with a quick “goodnight”, and they continued down to the infirmary. 
After getting Alec set up with a glass of water and enough blankets to keep him warm, they turned back to Jace. He sat on the bed next to Alec’s, applying an iratze to his forearm. They sat on the bed next to him, silent until he was done. He put the stele down and ran his hand through his hair. It was quiet. Though New York was never exactly silent, the Institute walls blocked out much of the noise from outside. Surprisingly, Alec broke the silence first—with quiet snores as he slept. 
 “Is that your I’m going to lecture you for disappearing look or your I’m waiting to pick a fight look? Because I’m not in the mood.” Jace’s voice was dry and sarcastic, clearly tired. They noticed the shadows under his eyes and his hands shaking slightly—the longer they looked, the worse he appeared. 
“Neither,” they said. “Just…don’t want to go to bed yet.”
“Me neither.” He turned slightly towards them, curling his legs next to him to sit semi-comfortably on the stiff bed. 
Rowan had always paid attention to the little details—there were things they knew about Jace that few others did. He liked to flip a stele between his fingers like a pencil, fidgeting with it when he was bored. For such a calm and collected person, they’d noticed over the years he had a hard time sitting still, especially if he was anxious about something. When he was thinking, he furrowed his eyebrows just slightly. When he was tired, his shoulders slumped forward, his impeccable posture falling to the wayside. 
And they knew from the look in his eye as soon as he turned what was coming next. 
Jace kissed them. 
It was gentle, probably more gentle than he’d ever kissed them in his life. He wouldn’t admit it but he was fragile at the moment. Whatever happened when he left broke him and he was vying for something to stabilize him. This was familiar—they spent almost two years kissing between training sessions and hanging out in the library, going on missions together, saying little “I love you”s before they fell asleep—they had a hard time sleeping on their own and spent many nightmare-filled nights in his bed instead. 
The worst part—they felt a pit in their stomach as they realized they enjoyed it. They missed spending time with him, laughing with him, kissing him…they were still, stupidly, in love with him. It didn’t matter how angry they were or how harsh his words were when they fought, they couldn’t deny the rush they felt when he kissed them, when his hand found theirs—in short, it was intoxicating and he never wanted it to end. 
He pulled away first, but they backed up farther. They could see the guilt in his eyes as he realized what he’d done, but there was no point in yelling at him and waking Alec. They’d never seen the look on Jace’s face before when he came in the Institute doors a few minutes prior—shell shocked and almost in tears, but it looked like they wouldn’t come if he tried to make himself cry. That was a terrible feeling—swallowing your pride and trying to cry but being unable to. They were all too familiar. 
“Jace,” they said softly, glancing down to their hands—he still had his on top of theirs and they didn’t pull away. 
His voice shook when he spoke. “I’m sorry—“
“Don’t.” They cut him off, not wanting to hear apologies when he was so distraught. “What happened?”
He fell forward, burying his face in his hands and resting his elbows on his knees. They watched, again, as his shoulders and breath shook but heard no semblance of cries. In general, they weren’t good at comforting people—despite their issues, though, they would try. Not trying would be cruel at this point. 
They ran their hand up and down his back, mimicking the things he used to do for them when they woke up with a terrible dream. He settled after a moment and explained. “I found Valentine,” he said, sitting up a bit straighter. They didn’t stop. “He…he took me to his hideout in New York. He told me he’s my father.”
Rowan paused, mouth opening in shock. “That’s not possible, you said—“
“He faked his death and sent me here. He…he knew if people found out he wasn’t Michael Wayland, they’d try to kill him and me, so he ran. He left me alone for years, I…”
He trailed off, struggling to find the words he needed to explain everything. They inched a little closer, very gently laying their arm around his shoulders. “There’s more,” he said after a long minute. “Valentine…he’s also Clary’s father. She’s my sister.”
Rowan’s eyes went wide, but they barely had time to process what he just said when he turned into them and rested his head on their shoulder, half in a hug. Clearly, he needed it. 
That was why he kissed them. That’s why he was spending the night in the infirmary next to Alec—not because he was injured, but because he didn’t want to be alone. That’s why he bolted for Alec the moment he saw him. He needed something normal and familiar now that his life had been completely turned upside down. They took a deep breath and brushed a hand through his hair, trying to help him somehow. But how do you help something like that? 
“I’m sorry, Jace,” they muttered, continuing the small movements, trying to soothe him in any way possible. They knew how much he cared for Clary, not that anyone had to tell them. They’d watch how he looked at her—similar to how he looked at them, once, but somehow it was different. There was something stronger between them—a connection, maybe similar to that of his and Alec’s, that they’d never understand. Maybe that’s what it was. Something didn’t feel right about it, but who were they to question it? 
He didn’t say anything for the rest of the night. After a while, they realized he’d fallen asleep on their shoulder and decided to try to make him comfortable. He’d always been a light sleeper so he tried not to move him too much. They kept their hand on his head and laid him down as they crawled off of the bed and pulled the sheet over him. They placed his stele, still on the bed, on the nightstand and sighed, returning to the library. 
They knew for a fact, once they met this girl with the Sight, things were going to change. Nothing good becomes of mundanes getting involved in the Shadow World. Now Valentine is back and Hodge was gone, Alec almost died, Clary and Jace are siblings and they had no idea what was going to happen next. They always had a plan—whether it was the things they wanted to do in a day, or their goals for the next five years. They had something to rely on and some idea of what they wanted to do—something to come back to. However, they had a sinking feeling that all of that was going to change incredibly soon. 
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lueurichor · 6 months
Rank top 10 TSC ships and a wee bit why they r there 🙈
1) Kit & Ty
Is this a surprise? No. Even though half of this ship consists of (really good) headcanons, I will absolutely go down with it. Both of them are fantastic as individual characters and together they have one of the purest snd most interesting dynamics ever.
2) Magnus & Alec
When I tell how many times I've read their wedding… Phew. This is probably the one fictional couple I‘m the happiest for/proudest of.
3) Clary & Jace
I absolutely hated both of them and their dynamic for most of tmi, but everything after that is absolute relationship goals. And as adults they’re definitely some of my favorite characters.
4) Tessa & Will/Jem
The only love triangle I'll ever accept, because it actually is one. The amount of love these three have for each other is beautiful.
5) Ariadne & Anna
I love the both of them so much individually and they make one hell of a couple. I just love reading about them.
6) Helen & Aline
Loved them since the beginning, definitely my comfort couple in tsc.
7) Thomas & Alistair
One of the only reasons I loved reading tlh. I need even more of them now.
8) Maya & Bat
Comfort couple nr. 2 and one I definitely need more of!!!
9) Cecily & Gabriel
Just so pure. Gabriel is the biggest dumbass ever and the way he was simping for Cecily had me weak for all of tid.
10) Mark & Kieran & Christina
When I realized that three of my favorite tda characters were in a relationship I could not stop giggling.
Omg I hope I didn't forget any totally important ones…
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alexagirlie · 9 months
September Song Challenge
Day 15: a song from a movie soundtrack
Surface Pressure from Encanto Fandom: Shadowhunters Rating: T implied Alec/Magnus warnings/tags: sad fic. Alex has a bad week.
Heavy was the head that wears the crown, or at least that was what Izzy always said and today Alec felt that deep in his bones. Nothing had been going right for him all week and with every new disaster he felt his stress level rise higher and higher.
The headache had started with an email he had received from the Clave earlier that night. His latest proposal to the Clave about an update to the Clave had been shot down and with overwhelmingly negative feedback. Particularly from a certain R. Lightfoot and it had hurt to see his Father's continued disapproval of his life and his decisions. 
It didn't help that his siblings have been back in top form, going off on unsanctioned missions, usually dragging Clary and the vampire along with them. Creating diplomatic crises left, right and center. Clear and indisputable cases of insubordination which he did not need. Not now that he was the official head of the institute and he was campaigning to become the next inquisitor. The goodwill they had earned by beating Valentine, by beating Jonathan and uniting the shadow world could only take them so far.
Tonight they had snuck off and gotten into all sorts of trouble with some wolves that were recent refugees to the New York pack. They had gotten into a scuffle at the new moon bar and Alec had spent the last hour on the phone with Maia trying to smooth over the situation. It made the headache behind his eyes throb all the harder.
The worst part was that Magnus was away at the Spiral Labyrinth working on some super secret Warlock issue. He had been gone all week and still had another week until he would be back and Alec had been feeling his absence sharply. He had his lunch alone in his office. He went home to an empty loft and slept in an empty bed and he couldn't relax or decompress and it was all starting to pile up.
Each new crisis just added more and more stress, drip by drip, until he felt ready to overflow and the next person who brought him bad news he was going to explode on.
taglist: @softhecreator @almostg @gatoenlaciudad
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lowkeywannakermit · 1 year
you mentioned you like the shadowhunter chronicles, so thoughts on clary and jace?!
okay firstly… thank u so much?!? for caring ab what i think? or at least being somewhat curious??? mind boggling truly…
eehhhh… i did not like the whole “they’re not siblings… and then they actually are siblings… but no they’re not” situation, but other than that i actually love them both and love their characters. the way that they had their whole “i know we’re maybe siblings… but i still like u :/“ moment did make me want to throw up a little bc come on guys, like, just ignore it. pretend it does not exist… how r u not embarrassed? but i’ve moved past that lol. (to be fair they were both young and stupid and their prefrontal cortexes were not fully developed so maybe their choices were… somewhat[?] justified…? maybe…?).
i think clary is an interesting character just because she is kind of the typical “i’m different” girl which at first i didn’t like, but as the character grows and changes, that becomes less prevalent. i like her intellect and her fierceness and her wit. i also love her relationships and interactions with the other characters, specifically magnus and jace.
jace, i have always liked. at first i did think that he was kind of weird, just in the way he was kind of an asshole in a teasing way and he was the “all that” boy and he kind of got away with anything, which was annoying and fairly stereotypical. however, he is so loyal and he cares so much about everyone all the time. pretty much i like them both a lot now that i’ve read all of her books and seen them grow and change from being like 16/17-ish to being adults so i like who they r now.
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jerrydevine · 1 year
HELENA 🫶 happy valentine’s day i love love love youu and i love all our shared little fictional guys and you should read the magnus and alec first date story in the bane chronicles for valentines <3 (the order i read the bane chronicles in doesn’t necessarily matter so don’t worry about it) hope you have a really great day and also life 😁😁🫂🫂🫂💖💖💖
BETH THANK YOUUUU HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYYYY i love uuuu im so glad we r mutuals <333 i love our mutual friends alec and magnus and jace and clary and tessa and will and jem and archie and cheryllllll!!!!!! i will def read it literally happy valentine's day time to hang out with you and our gay friends and cassie <333333 hope ur classes are good and u get to have an easy dayyy :D
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
“Brooklyn is such a confusing name,” Georgia notes. “What if you ask someone where is Brooklyn and they say ‘In New York, Duh.”
“I like the name Brooke,” David smiles and then gasps dramatically. “What if she can’t pronounce the letter R and calls herself Book? We have a baby called Book!”
Max giggles at that. “You’re cute.”
David bops his nose. “You’re cuter.”
“You know,” Clary says. “If those two don’t get together when they are older, Jace might throw a fit.”
Magnus chuckles and looks at the boys. “I didn’t think you would approve, to be honest.”
“Excuse me?” Clary looks offended.
“Max can be a lot,” Magnus chuckles nervously.
“But he makes my David happy,” Clary points out. “And that’s all I want for him. To be happy. That’s all any parent wants for their child.”
“No. That’s what good parents want for their children,” Magnus points out quietly.
The bad ones put their happiness first.
Like Magnus is going to do.
3. Mavid the cute
4. Jace The Captain of This Ship
5. Uhm Clary you are going to regret that words
6. Oh Magnus you are the best father someone can have
This was one of my fave scenes to write because it had malec babysitting the lbaf gang 🥺
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
You mentioned how RSOM also tried to retcon Maryse, and now I can see it clearly.
As you quoted, from RSOM. How do we go from this:
Now he was out of the money he’d brought with him. As he’d left the New York Institute, duffel bag slung over his shoulder, to begin this trip, his mother had chased him out and pressed money into his hands, even though he’d tried to refuse it.
“Go be happy,” she had said.
to this (COFA):
“I suppose,” Maryse said. “I’ve met with the Seelie Queen already, and I have a message out to Magnus. Wherever he is.” She rolled her eyes; Maryse and Robert seemed to have accepted Alec’s relationship with Magnus with surprisingly good grace, but Clary could tell that Maryse, at least, didn’t take it seriously.
I was genuinely mad at this because it's once again screaming how negligently Alec's character was written in TMI. Like, what is ACTUALLY going on there with Robert and Maryse? I don't know, nobody knows, the writing doesn't know either. CC didn't put any thought on elaborating and now she tries to patch up things but nothing makes sense unless the TMI books can't be considered canon anymore, and that's something the author would never admit because it's fundamentally due to bad writing.
It's ridiculous, trying to fix everything requires knowing that a lot of stuff was lacking, but she simply always refuses to admit so.
- R
Fundamentally bad writing is where it at. I don’t know either why there was this sudden leniency as to how Maryse was written in TMI compared to later publications.
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People who still post Shadowhunters stuff are heroes.
These. Are. Facts.
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fraybaness · 5 years
seashells by the seashore
clary/maia au for the shadowhunters wlw bingo event
“I’m gonna get fired and die young and unfulfilled with my artistic potential unrealized.”
Magnus sighs over the phone. “Do you always have to be so dramatic about everything?”
“Yes!” Clary cries, flopping down backwards onto her bed. “I interned at this place for two years and the second they give me an actual job with actual money in it, I get hit with the worst art block I’ve ever had. It’s like the universe is against me achieving my dreams.”
“It’s not the universe, it’s you struggling to adjust to a different routine,” Magnus says. “You’ve been in school your whole life. It’s a big change. But you didn't study all those years for nothing, you know what you’re doing. This is just something you have to work through.”
Clary groans; partly because she doesn’t believe him, but mostly because she knows he’s right. “ Please don’t go all therapist on me right now.”
“I’m not playing therapist, I’m playing godparent. Get off your ass and draw.”
“But how ?”
“I don’t know, you’re the artist!” Magnus says. “Draw an apple or something. Or go to the beach and draw some seashells. You always loved drawing those when you were little.”
Clary glances out the window. It looks like it’s going to rain.
“It’s too cold to go to the beach.”
“I know for a fact you own at least one sweater.”
Clary sighs. He’s right, as always - moping and waiting around to screw up the job isn't going to help. She might as well try to do something about it. She does have a mostly-empty sketchbook and new charcoal pencils she hasn’t had a chance to try out yet.
“Yeah, alright, I’ll give it a shot,” she tells him. “Thanks, Magnus.”
“Anytime, biscuit.”
The beach is cold and grey and ugly, but not as deserted as Clary had expected. There are a few people idling by the water, in various degrees of undress, and even more people lounging around on beach blankets, conversing among themselves.  Clary sets down her own blanket and, trying to ignore the sand, puts on her headphones, takes out her sketchbook, and begins to draw. So far, she’s only found one seashell pretty enough to even want to look at, let alone draw, and no crabs, but she decides it could be worse.
After drawing that same seashell in every way imaginable and hating every single iteration, she decides that no, actually, it couldn’t be worse, this sucks. She picks up the seashell and tosses it angrily behind her.
Just as she’s about to call Magnus so he can talk her through this again, someone taps her on the shoulder. Clary turns, startled, to see a woman standing above her with a beach towel and a book tucked under one arm while the other arm is extended towards Clary.
Clary rips off her earbuds, mortified, when she sees what the woman is holding.
“You lose this?” the woman asks, holding the previously-discarded seashell out towards Clary.
“Please tell me that didn’t hit you.”
“Just my arm,” the woman says. She doesn’t sound particularly angry about it, though.
“Crap, I am so sorry.” Clary takes the seashell back and begs whatever higher power is watching over her to drag her under the sand right now before she dies from embarrassment, which will undoubtedly be more painful.
“Seashell kill your family or something?” the woman teases. “I have to know what it did to be shunned by you like that.”
“I was trying to draw it,” Clary admits. “But my hands weren’t cooperating. It wasn’t its fault, it just got caught in the crossfire.”
“That’s always sad to see,” the woman says. “Well, best of luck to you.”
She smiles at Clary. Clary tilts her head up to smile back, humiliated as she feels. It's only polite. That’s when she gets her first proper look at the other woman: brown skin glowing under what little sunlight has managed to part the clouds today, big dark eyes and long eyelashes, full lips pulled into a bright smile, curls blowing in the wind.
Clary almost blurts out “marry me” on the spot.
The stranger begins to walk away to a less crowded part of the beach. Clary leaps up. “Wait!”
The woman stops and turns back to her, frowning in confusion. Clary runs up to her, wringing her hands together nervously, and takes a deep breath.
“Can I draw you?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m an artist,” Clary explains quickly. “I’d like to sketch you, if that’s okay. You can keep the drawing if you want. I could just really use the practice.”
“Um, sure,” the woman looks suddenly self-conscious as she fixes her hair and smooths down her dress. “But why?”
“Because you’re beautiful,” Clary says. She shuts her eyes and curses herself for her lack of filter when the woman’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. But, sadly, still no response on the sand-opening-up-and-swallowing-her-whole end. “I mean…I would love to draw you. Or at least try to. If that's okay with you. May I?”
The woman cocks her head to one side. “Are you hitting on me?”
“No!” Clary says quickly. As much as she wants to, she has bigger problems, like needing to get over this art block so she can draw the damn comic and ensure herself a job for the next year or so. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I didn’t say I was uncomfortable,” the woman says, quickly looking her up and down. She offers Clary her hand. “I’m Maia, by the way.”
Clary lets out a sigh of relief and shakes her hand. “Clary.”
“Nice to meet you, Clary. Is it okay if I read while you sketch?”
“Yeah, that’s totally fine,” Clary says, unable to keep herself from smiling. “Thank you so much.”
So Maia places her blanket down near Clary’s and makes her way through chapter after chapter of Frankenstein while Clary studies her and tries to get the lines of her face right. Clary stops herself from starting conversation multiple times, not wanting to interrupt her. But, surprisingly, Maia is the one who finally breaks the silence some time later.
“So…” Maia starts, keeping her face turned to her book to keep her pose the same. “You’re an artist?”
“Yup,” Clary says. “Comic artist, to be specific. But it’s hard to draw twenty pages of monsters and werewolves in epic battle when you can’t even bring yourself to draw a freaking seashell. What about you?”
Maia sighs. “Well, I just graduated top of my class with a degree in marine biology,” she says. “So, naturally, I’m still interning and bartending.”
Clary makes a small noise of acknowledgment and sympathy as she adds the finishing touches to Maia’s neck and hair in her drawing.
“It’s not so bad, though,” Maia says a little more optimistically. “I might get offered a job as a research assistant soon. That would be pretty cool.”
“I’m sure you will,” Clary says encouragingly. “It’s tough when you’ve just graduated. Guess we just gotta hang in there, work through it and all that.”
Maia chuckles. “Wise words.”
“Just something a friend of mine said earlier.” Clary carefully tears the page out of her sketchbook and holds it out towards Maia. “I’m done, by the way.”
Maia finally looks away from her book. Her eyes widen at the drawing. “Oh my god, Clary, this is amazing!” she exclaims.
Clary can feel herself start to blush. “You think so?.”
“Yes! I can’t believe you’re letting me keep this for free.”
“It's not half as pretty as the model.”
“Oh, shut up, it's perfect.” Maia looks up from the page and Clary nearly melts at her smile. “Can I give you something in exchange? You don’t have to keep it, but I thought you might want it.”
“Yeah, sure, of course.”
Maia gestures at her sketchbook and pencil and Clary scrambles to hand them to her. Maia opens the book to a blank page and scribbles something down quickly, then shuts it and hands both items back to Clary with a grin.
“I hope you like it,” she says, sitting back to pack her things up. “I gotta get going, though. Good luck with the comic.”
“Thanks,” Clary says. “And good luck with the research assistant job.”
Maia waves goodbye and walks off the beach towards the parking lot. Once she’s almost out of sight, Clary finally opens her sketchbook to the page Maia was using.
Maia has written a phone number - her phone number - with a little heart next to it.
Clary hugs her sketchbook to her chest and tries her hardest not to squeal in delight. She’s going to buy Magnus his third “World’s Best Godparent” mug of the month. She’s going to dedicate an entire museum to that stupid, impossible-to-draw seashell. And most importantly, she is definitely going to call Maia.
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izzymalec · 5 years
shadowhunters writers (but especially jamie gorenberg) deserve no rights
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