#r6 clash
l3r40l · 1 year
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chttwn · 2 years
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itsohh · 10 months
big fan of the RJL weapon kit
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crimsonpeak33 · 2 years
I'm terrified of clash
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boostroom · 2 months
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Elevate Your Game: The Ultimate Guide to R6 Boost Services
The Ultimate Guide to R6 Boost Services is an essential resource for Rainbow Six Siege players aiming to elevate their game. This comprehensive guide dives into the nuances of boosting services, offering insights into how they work, their benefits, and how to choose a reputable provider. Boostroom offer  ,R6 boost help to  improve your rank and gameplay skills to save time and unlock exclusive rewards, this guide covers everything you need to know to make informed decisions and maximise your gaming experience. Whether you're a casual player or aspiring pro, this guide is your key to climbing the ranks efficiently.
Visit: https://boostroom.com/games/rainbow-six-siege/boosting/popular
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glacialispictorem · 2 years
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For today’s dose of Sims 4: Chaos Hours edition... Maverick from Rainbow Six gets a call from a Photo Studio to help in photoshoots for scheduled people.
The folks that were scheduled for a photoshoot are: Ada Wong from Resident Evil, Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII, Star-Lord from the Guardians of the Galaxy and Azura from Fire Emblem: Fates. Don’t mind the photobombing townie in Azura’s photoshoots.
A note, in this save file - Star-Lord is a well-known party DJ and Azura is a world class songstress.
Also BONUS Section:
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While Maverick is shooting pics, Clash here is chilling in the lounge area. In this picture, she’s chit-chatting with Ada and Aerith while the photoshoots for Star-Lord and Azura were taking place.
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itskeej · 1 month
bro why you worry about maining someone? like I play a different person in r6s depending on what I feel like / the map / the location of site. actually when I first started playing the game all I would use is the random button! like unless ur in comp it really doesn't matter. one of the only reasons why I don't do random these days is because the button isn't in standard only qp. just like... click someone- except for mira or clash. banned.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT i've actually got like... little to no gameplay experience playing r6, most of my knowledge comes from watching other people play. I've played maybe about 2 hours worth of actual matches tops :P
after going through enough fps games with characters that have unique abilities/guns, i eventually figured out i learn a game best if i just pick a character and try to learn just them until i'm comfortable with their utility enough that im not trying to learn the maps, the plant spots, etc etc while also fighting learning my own ability and guns. x_x
I ALSO USUALLY JUST PLAY WHOEVER I WANT TO IN GAMES, apex i do that a lot, but i only really started to learn once i told myself "okay, i'm gonna just pick ONE character to play", and so i'd only play mirage until i felt comfortable in the battle royal format. now, i play a variety of legends! >:)
i do get you though, it's not like... a giant worry, starting is just hard for me LMAOOOOO. the r6 gameplay loop is so foreign to me and these kinds of learning curves i find i get over the fastest if character choice isn't an aspect im fighting against too, if that all makes any sense?
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weaponwiki · 6 months
arknights r6s collab thoughts and predictions
really hyped for the new collab. they've revealed fuze and i assume he's going to be the free event operator, which is fine by me since i am a simpleton.
i think they're going to most likely add three new characters, rerun the previous banner and event, add one new event operator (fuze?) and two new gacha operators, one 6-star and one 5-star. unless they're going to go for the same split as the first collab, of two women and two men, one defender and attacker each.
assuming they'll only pick one attacker that's a man, i didn't predict anyone who falls to that category.
predictions / defenders
makes sense: smoke, ela, caveira, doc
popular but hard to apply: jäger, vigil, azami, mozzie
predictions / attackers
makes sense: zofia, nøkk
popular but hard to apply: iana, dokkaebi, hibana, iq
easiest to adapt for the game:
- almost any trapper, ela, lesion, gridlock, fenrir, nomad etc etc. so many options i can't list them all
- capitão / sniper (any subclass)
- thunderbird / supporter - artificer
- glaz / sniper - deadeye
- smoke / supporter - hexer or sniper - spreadshooter
- montagne / defender - protector
- mute / supporter - hexer
my faves that i'll [REDACTED] over if they're added: wamai, aruni, bandit, gridlock, nøkk, goyo, kaid
waifu picks: iq, dokkaebi, ela, iana
waifu picks but i'm not mad: hibana, twitch, caveira, azami
worshiping hypergryph if they're playable: clash, wamai, ying, kapkan, sens, lion, castle, flores, brava
cursing hypergryph if they're playable: thatcher, blackbeard
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r6shippingdelivery · 1 year
So my friends and I have a R6 discord server and a couple weeks back we got into a discussion over why we think Thatcher has the codename he does. Some of the people in the server are British and think it’s weird how a working class northerner who canonically hates authority would willingly name himself after an authoritarian conservative politician. We ended up deciding there’s two potential options on how he got the name Thatcher: One is that it was given to him by someone else as a joke (that’s our more plausible one) and then the other (not at all canon but it’s funny) option is he just named himself after a famous British woman cuz he’s transfem and in denial about it
Uhh, I think his codename makes a lot of sense, and there's a lot of canon backing for it. Long story short, yep, he does like Margaret Thatcher, sorry.
I remember there was some nugget of information we got from Clash's... bio? Concept art? I forgot where that was originally. Anyway, the thing is that Clash has a strained relationship with him due to differing views in politics. Aka, she's left leaning and he's conservative.
Second hint about the origin of his codename is Thatcher's elite. It's called Operation Nimrod, also known as the Iranian Embassy siege, which is a real life operation. It was the first public appearance of the SAS, and there's a famous photo of Margaret Thatcher, the then prime minister of the UK, greeting/condecorating two SAS operators. It's generously implied those operators were the inspiration to create the character of Thatcher. So, in R6 canon, he would have participated in Operation Nimrod and got to meet Margaret Thatcher afterwards.
The idea that the codename was bestowed upon him as a joke (for being old, british and conservative) is a good especulation. However, if that was the case, he wouldn't have named his boat and house "The Iron Maggie", in reference to Margaret Thatcher's nickname, the Iron Lady.
My conclusion is that Thatcher is a right-winger old codger who unironically admired the infamous prime minister for several reasons (getting to know her, political leaning, being part of the army, etc). And maybe he has a bit of a kink for authoritatian older women :P
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ethangriefs · 2 months
How to CORRECTLY USE CLASH in R6S! #gaming #trending #r6s
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laflechanet · 1 year
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/la-industria-del-videojuego-en-espana/
La industria del videojuego en España
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El videojuego facturó 1.795 millones de euros en 2021, con una audiencia superior a los 18 millones de usuarios en España. Hace años que el sector está en crecimiento, pues no solamente se trata de una opción de entretenimiento, sino que se ha ido transformando y acercando a otros sectores. En la actualidad hay una gran cantidad de aplicaciones que tienen tecnologías usadas en videojuegos. Por ejemplo, la realidad virtual, el diseño, el arte 2D y 3D, el software, turismo, etc. Teniendo este carácter multidisciplinar tiene también un gran impacto social tanto en la economía como en el mercado laboral.   
Dentro del sector del videojuego destacamos los eSports que tuvieron 34 millones de ingresos en España con un 49% de penetración del sector, estando España en el top 3 de países Europeos con mayor índice de penetración de los eSports. 
La cifra de competiciones de videojuegos en España también ha crecido y según datos de la Asociación Española de Videojuegos (AEVI) en la actualidad hay un total de cuatro ligas profesionales de carácter nacional (Superliga Orange de League of Legends o de CSGO y Clash Royal, así como R6 Spain Nationals de Rainbow Six Siege) pero también otras similares de carácter internacional como los Dreamhack Valencia o los Challenger Series de torneos de PS4.  
Este crecimiento económico implica que las empresas también requieran de perfiles técnicos más especializados y que, a su vez, las Universidades y Centros sigan apostando por ofrecer programas universitarios y de formación profesional que se ajusten a las demandas del mercado laboral. 
Según los mismos datos del Informe Anual del Gobierno, sólo en la actualidad hay más de 90 grados y postgrados relacionados con los videojuegos en universidades públicas y privadas de toda España, lo que significa que se busca impulsar el encaje con el mundo laboral. 
Ante esta demanda de perfiles, España también tiene el reto de ser capaz de atraer talento extranjero del sector para impulsar el mismo como referente internacional. En consecuencia, también existen vías de acceso para que tanto el estudiante extranjero audiovisual como el profesional con experiencia pueda introducirse en el mercado laboral español de una forma más ágil y rápida que años anteriores mediante la obtención de permisos de trabajo necesarios. 
Por: Marc Fernández de la Peña, Responsable área Inmigración. AGM Abogados
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l3r40l · 6 months
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Siegetober: days 21-24
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yaboikapo · 4 years
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Among R6
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itsohh · 1 year
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transwarcriminal · 3 years
Smoke: I just don’t understand why kids don’t like me today
Smoke: oh yeah, heheh
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ask-team-rainbow · 4 years
Does Clash act like that... all the time? Like is she always yelling insults all day, or just on missions?
"Morowa just gets a little heated from time to time. Despite how she seems every now and then, she's actually a really nice woman. I'm glad to have her as a teammate in the GSUTR. She was the one who introduced me to the GIGN when we first arrived. Guess her and Monty go way back. As for the yelling, she yells to make sure others can hear her. She used to have to handle riots and very actively filled scenes where there were dozens of people. She had to yell for them to hear her. She's one of the best teammates I've ever had."
-Erik "Maverick" Thorn
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