#r6 ecre
infinitewhore · 2 years
What are maybe 5 languages you're oc speeks fluently or is learning
Cuz languages are really intresting and i wanna know :D
Achlys:Russian, German, Uzbek, Spanish, learning french
Ecre: Spanish, Greek, Arabic, Norwegian, Swedish, learning dutch
Arca: Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish Arabic, Learning Norwegian
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infinitewhore · 3 years
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infinitewhore · 2 years
I want to write HC abt my oc's and canon r6s/ dbd characters :/
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infinitewhore · 2 years
All our ocs together
i just thought it'd be cute to do this lol
@illmetbymoonlight, @faunawoodsart, @lethal-justice,
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infinitewhore · 2 years
@faunawoodsart mention oc Nav
"I'd say horror, you know? Its the best genre" said Mute having the TV remote in hand, "I dont know if the old men here will survive it" laughed Achlys, "Oi we aint that old ye brat" Thatcher smacked her on the head, while Tachanka and sledge laughed, "So horror it is" said mute and scrolled through the horror section.
5 hours prior
"Hey! wait up" yelled ecre running after Sledge, "Ah Hello Mo ghràdh"(My love) sledge hugged the smaller woman "Achlys and Tachanka are hosting a Movie night and she invited the whole SAS!" Ecre giggled while sledge planted a kiss on her forehead, "Well ye wanna go Mo ghràdh?",sledge asked holding the smaller woman close, "Yeah, it going to be fun!" She said with excitement.
"Any other details?" Seamus continued walking back to the dorms, "Well, the Spetznaz Men are comming, Nav maybe?, And a few french men!" Ecre held onto sledges arm. "sounds like fun, why not go"
"What about the shining?" Suggested Nav, while mute was scrolling through Netflix,"No that movies boring мой маленький кролик"(My little bunny) said kapkan pulling Nav closer to him,"The thing?" Ecre pointed to a movie in the bottom corner, "Sounds interesting?" Said lion, " 'The thing' it is then" said mute putting on the movie, cuddling up to the rest of the people on the couch.(lions sitting on the floor. Willingly!!)
The thing:A research team finds an alien being that has fallen from the sky and is starting to hunt them down. Things take a sinister turn when they realise that the creature can take the shape of its victims.
Also this may be really shitty bc i didnt put much effort into this since i have like 2 other fics working and im not as productive as other people soo yeah in a lazy fuck xD
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infinitewhore · 3 years
(Btw I know it's way too much detail but I like it so fuck off <3)
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Uniform: ☟︎︎︎ Logo: ☝︎
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Operator name: [REDACTED] Romero
Nickname: ARCA
ORG: Unaffiliated
Side: Attacker
Role: Flank, Back Line
Height: 1,75cm
Weight: 87 kg
Place of birth: Spain
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 14th August
(age: [REDACTED] )
Primary Wepons
PDW9 - Submachine gun
ITA12L - Shotgun
Secondary Wepon
USP40 - Handgun
ITA12S - Shotgun
Frag Granade
Unique Ability: Glitch Pelotas
The Glitch Launcher makes use of Small Balls. the balls/Pelotas latches onto the nearest enemy device and obscures its camera. It then initiates an override sequence to hack the device and give Full control of the device to ARCA
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Uniform: ☟︎︎︎ Logo: ☝︎
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Operator name: Mikaela Romero
Nickname: ECRE
ORG: Unaffiliated
Side: Attacker
Role: Disable, Flank, intel Gathering
Height: 1,68 cm
Weight: 63kg
Place of birth: Spain
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 22th November (age: [REDACTED] )
Primary Wepon
C7E - Assult rifle
ITA12L - Shotgun
Secondary Wepon
USP 40 - Hand gun
Stun Grenade
Smoke granade
Unique Ability: chameleon cloak
The CHAMA is a cloak built within ECER's Uniform. which, when activated, reduces her ambient noise output and hides her image, making her blend in with her surroundings.
Arca's and Ecre's early years are unclear due to incomplete foster care records.
Eventually released into the care of their Grandmother, Gracia. the two of them were absent from official records for several years until Gracias Age caught up to her, leaving once again Arca and Ecre without a home.
Without none to care for them, they joined the Cuerpo Nacional de Policía once they were at the proper age to do so. Fast-tracked through the academy, the two of them stood out as quick learners with exceptional lateral thinking. Their dogged determination resolved several criminal investigations.
Tagged by the Grupo Especial de Operaciones for further training, excelled in off-road driving, abseiling, marksmanship, and knowledge of terrorist groups. They are a part-time instructors at the CNP academy.
Ever since they can remember, Ecre and Arca have been nocturnal. Throughout thier career, it’s been almost a blessing given the demands of the job.
Arca and Ecre have a few solid relationships with their teammates, including Specialists Mike “Thatcher” Baker, Gilles „Montagne“ Tourés, Elena María “Mira” Álvarez. They worked closely with Specialist Ryad “Jackal” Ramírez Al-Hassar. I can see in their interactions the deep respect Ecre and him have for each other.
Past experiences have given Arca & Ecre a protective nature and a fierce sense of justice, I noticed Arca dislikes taking orders from anyone els expecthis sister, yet in all cases, he is able to check himself before endangering an operation. They described to me that before each operation they take alone time from other to ratchet up their abilities and maintain focus.
-- Dr. Harishva “Harry” Pandey, Director of Rainbow
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Saw This Picrew on @lethal-justice Blog (This post)
And well YEEE WANTED TO DO IT. (Credit goes to ice cuz yee.. ily bestie)
Achlys In Demonic, Normal and Angelic looks ig?
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And Ecre in Demonic, Normal and Angelic
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infinitewhore · 2 years
XII for Ecre
For the ask thingy
XII. The Sun-in-Rags What do they consider to be their greatest loss? How have they coped with it?
She loved the dude but they werent meant for eachother, and her grandma but thats obvious
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infinitewhore · 2 years
First day experience!
Mentions:@lethal-justice oc Gorgon
A little note:it may be way too long bc i went into detail so i apologize dearly!
Also only warning is Swear words but thats already a knowing thing for me
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"Mornin, Im Tory Nickname Gridlock!" A woman with a Thick Aussie Accent Held her Hand out, "Hel-", Before the smaller woman could speak, The other one spoke to her in a quite tone "No hables con ella, seré yo quien hable."(Don't talk to her, I'll be the one to talk.) "Hola, im Arca" he points at the smaller woman "ella es Ecre". (Shes Ecre)
"We just have to wait for Thermite" Said Tory, "Why?" Asked Arca with obvious confusion, "Well ya and Yer friend there Gonna be Split Up Since We cant Have One person Showin Around Multiple Peps!", Her Australian Accent was Amazing to Ecre, it really ignited the love for Languages and Accents in her. "Hey! Sorry im late i had a little bicker with Eliza", A guy with Bee like goggles, a black helmet and bandages around his Arms came running into the room, "Aight kiddos this is jordan or Thermite wichever ya prefer.", Gridlock put a arm around the smaller man, "So your coming with me" said Thermite pointing at Ecre, "And your comin with me" gridlock pointed at arca.
Ecre Started walking towards Thermite when Arca grabbed her Arm, "No hables, mantén tu máscara puesta, y no le digas tu verdadero nombre."(dont talk, keep you're mask on and dont tell him you're real name) "sí hermano" (yes brother)
"So, Whats with the mask?" Jordan was showing her the way to the Gym, "its a Privacy thing, My brother doesn't really like having people know our identity's" Ecre's'
head hung low, "can i see you're face?" Taking off his Protective goggles, he looked at her with puppy eyes,"I- i dont really know if thats a good idea, sir" resisting him is hard, his good looks and that goofy puppy dog face is making her want to give in, "Pleasee? Aren't we like Best friendssss?" He spoke in a female like voice putting his hand on his hip, "Fine i guess, But no pictures okay. Or else" With a stern voice she took off the top part of her mask. "Damn you have Pretty eyes. And hair!" he looked at her like she was something he had never seen before. She put on her Mask again, "We arrived in the Gym" opening a door to a huge room full of training gear for Ecre to walk into. "Whos thiz you brought Jordan!" Someone's from across the room yelled, "The newbie, just showing her Around Monika!" A blond haired woman came running up to them, "Hallo! Ich bin Monika! Nickname IQ part of The GSG9!"(im Monika) She held out her hand, "Ecre, Es ist mir eine Ehre, Dich kennenzulernen!"(its a honor to meet you) fluent german with a Spanish accent came out of her mouth wich shocked both the Texan and the German woman before her, "fluent in German, Wunderbar!" Iq was Jumping in Excitement when screaming was heard from across the room. "Gorgon! Lesion is so much fucking better then that dumbass blond!" A woman with brown hair, pink bangs and a russian Accent yelled at another woman with green and black hair, Named gorgon, most likely. "Achlys you have to stop listening and believing the bad shit they say about him hes not Heartless!!" She Awnserd, "Well hes a arrogant little shit!" The 'russian' woman called Achlys said. Gorgon was about to say something again when achlys interrupted her, "i will set you up with lesion! You need better taste in men!" Gorgon looked a bit mad at that. "Im litreally right next to you guys." a Blond Man said, "Shut up Flament!" Achlys yelled, "None gives a shit!" The three of them walked out of the gym, the two women stilll bickering at eachother while the Man waved at jordan and Monika, "Das war Achlys, Gorgon und Olivier."(that was)(And) Said IQ with a giggle. "Ill let the two of you Infrieden, Auf wiedersehen Ecre!"(ill let the two of you be, goodbye) Monika walked off waving, but she stopped,"You and Jordan do look Adorable Together!" She laughed and ran, while Erce's face heated up. Jordan took the opertunity to sweep Ecre off her feet holding her by her waist, "Shes not lying you know" he whisperd to her with a wink. "Oh Fuck you, Trace!" She pushed him away to stand infront of him, "When and Where, My lady? Saturday, My Dorm? Of course!" He joked, "Sure, Saturday sounds nice for Sore legs~" she whisperd in his ear in a teasing manner.
"Lets go get some lunch eh?" She patted the man on his back, "sure, My lady!" he put his arm around her waist, "After lunch I'll show you to the CBRN unit" he looked down at her, "Oh, The CBRN. I wanted to join them when i was a bit Younger" she Giggled, the older Man had a confused look on his face, "Whats wrong?" She asked him thinking he was uspet with her
"So Why didn't you join them?" He looked at her with a caring look.
"Is it because of youre brother ?"
"Dont, talk Badly about Arca" she didn't look at him, instead she looked at the floor Thermite wrapped his arms around her,"i didn't mean it that way sweet cheeks" he said to her, She tried to push him off. "Please accept my apology" she sighs, "fine.. Pero solo porque te amo"(But only because I love you), she patted his head, "what does that mean?" He let go and looked at her, "nothing you should worry over, with you're little brain" she laughed, "You're a rude Woman!", he elbowed her side while she laughed it off.
"You guys dont have any Paella Valenciana?" She was obvious angry, "whatever that is, but No we dont have it. Im sorry? But we do have uhm i think it was Tortillas?" He rubbed his neck, "ah Tortillas! My favorite thing to-" Jordan was confused at her sudden silence. He tried to follow her head to see where she was looking. Arca entered the cafeteria with Girdlock, "you alright?" He didn't talk above a whisper but loud enough for her to hear she just nodded. "You can go sit down at that table. Ill order a Tortilla for you" he pointed towards the table where she was supposed to go and left to go get her, her food.
Ecre sat down at the table Jordan told her too, "Ah, Hola. Youre the Newbie, Right?" A woman with brown, curly, shoulder length hair spoke. "sí", ecre looked at her through the mask, "im Elena, Nickname Mira" she looked at the male who sat beside her, with his head buried deep in his book, waiting for him to introduce himself, he lifted his head and spoke "Ryad, Nickname Jackal" Ecre nodded, "Ecre" Elena tilted her head,"you're real name?" She looked at ecre,"im not allowed to give that intel about myself" Mira looked at Jackal and he just shrugged with his shoulders, "like Nøkk" he said.
"You're Tortilla, My lady" jordon cam from behind Ecre and placed down her plate with the tortilla on it, "gracias" she lifted the bottom part of her mask exposing her mouth, and started eating. Jordon started a conversation,but mostly Elena and Jordan were talking.
After a few minutes Ecre readjusted her mask to cover her whole face and stood up, "can we go to the CBRN unit now?" Ecre turned her head towards jordan, "hmm? Oh sure! See you later Elena and Ryad" he waved at them, grabbed ecres arm and dragged her away, "i can walk estúpido" she said, yanking her arm away from his grasp. "Were here!" Jordan tapped the code into the keypad, wich opend a door to a Huge Laboratory.
"The CBRN unit"he said putting his arm around ecre,"oh mi maldito dios"(oh my fucking god) excitement was the only thing Ecre felt that moment, "Oi Mate, Whose this Girlie?" A Man with a Avon S10/FM12 gas mask, and a british accent appeard infront of them, "This is the new girl Ecre, Porter" jordan spoke and pulled Ecre closer, "you're british. So you must be SAS, Special Air Service" Ecre looked at him, her eyes glowing in admiration under the mask, "You Know ya Military forces girlie" he laughed, he put out his hand for her to shake,"James, Nickname smoke" Ecre shook his hand," Leave the girlie to me, ill show her around the res of the CBRN Unit aighty?" Jame looked towards Jordan, "what do you want to do? He knows the lab better" jordan looked at ecre,"i guess, i mean I've always wanted to meet someone from the SAS" Ecre sounded excited to be able to get to know smoke better, smoke laughed at her statement,"then you'd be more then happy to meet my palls", thermite turned his back to the two, "Alright, enjoy yourself" thermite spoke "and Porter, Keep her safe! Doc doesn'twant the newbies in the medbay today" with that He left the CBRN lab. "What made a girlie like ya want to join rainbow?", smoke looked at her, "well my brother, Arca. Wanted us to join as It'd be a great opportunity to become better at what we do", she said.
Smoke walked to his testing box, "each operator who Uses CBRN related things have thier own testing box here, they're actually rooms but i call them box! some also call them thier Workstation. This is my Little box", Ecre tapped smoke's shoulder," is there a way i could uhmm join the CBRN unit of Rainbow?" She started fumbeling with her hands,"Ye wanna join the CBRN? Yeah after of course a few months of being at tainbow you can make that request. But you'd have to talk to the person in charge, lesion" ecre Tilted her head in confusion to who that is,"Right you dont know the man yet", Smoke took off his gas mask, took a deep breath and yelled
"What is it porter?" A man in his forties came, "the newbie wanted to meet ya", smoke put his hand on Ecres lowerback and pushed her towards lesion, "Hello sir!" Ecre bowed her head, "you're making me feel older then i am by bowing" lesion laughed, "Lesion, my great pall!" Smoke walked up to the man and threw an arm around his shoulder, "im not giving you more money you sly bastard", lesion looked at him,"I'll act like i did not hear that, but no i wanted to ask if the newbie can join us", smoke smiled at him, "The CBRN Unit? Isn't she new. She can't change units yet" lesion pushed smokes arm off, "Please mate!" Smoke put his hands together in a begging motion,"Bloody hell mate.." smoke put his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet, "I'll pay you back the money i borrowed..", lesion sighs,"fine. But if anything happens its youre fault" lesion pointed at smokes chest, "thanks mate i appreciate it!" Smoke handed lesion the money and he left.
"Did- did you just bribe him?", Ecre looked at smoke,"Bribe him? i just paid the Dude back, wich i never do after i borrow Money!" He laughed,
"Welcome to the CBRN unit my Luv!"
"Smoke bribed Lesion?" Jordan sounded shoxked, "Yeah! But i got to join the CBRN unit sooooo" both of them laughed, "Alright last stop, My dorm!" Ecre giggled. Jordan stopped walking and rubbed his neck, "about that... You'd have to share a room with Jackal for a bit because we thought only one person will come, so we only added one room." Jordan let out a awkward giggle, "Hijo de puta"(son of a bitch) she pinched the bridge of her nose, "its only for a few days" jordan spoke, "hey" Jackal came running, "Esa perra de Mira me dijo demasiado tarde que se suponía que debía llevarte a nuestra habitación compartida."(That bitch Mira told me too late that I'm supposed to take you to our shared bedroom.) He mumbled under his breath, Jordan looked at jackal,"translate?" Ecre just giggled, "mira didn't tell him hes supposed to bring me to our room" jordan nodded,"welp since hes taking care of you now im heading to bed, Byeee!" Jordan walked off.
"¿estás bien?"(are you okay?) Ecre looked at the man, "sì, Follow me" he started walking. "Each special force have thier own dorms, For example the SAS share a dorm. And each dorm is fitted with a kitchen and a livingroom. The operators have thier own room each, With a bathroom. And thats it", Jackal spoke, "were here" he slid his keycard through a keycard lock.
Mira looked towards the door and laughed, "Idiota, no debería tener que decirte que hagas algo, ¡te lo dijeron antes!"(You idiot i shouldn't have to tell you to do something, you were told to do before!) She's sitting on the couch watching TV, "Vete a la mierda, perra"(fuck you, bitch), Mira laughed, "¿Ustedes siempre se hablan así?(do you guys always talk to eachother like that?), Ecre looked at them, "Oh yes this is Standard language!",Ecre laugher her response,"Come, i have to show you where my room is" jackal grabbed her arm and dragged her up a pair of stairs,"i can walk, Coño"(cunt),"Sorry Princesa" he Chuckled, and opend a door. "You'll be staying here until Friday, so the end of your first week", He closed the door behinde her once she entered the room,"I have 4 rules. 1 dont Anoy me on purpose. 2 dont go through my shit. 3 dont cuddle up to me in bed, since we'll sleep in the same bed." Ecre nodded, jackal took of his shirt,"im going to take a shower alrigh?" He turned to her,"Uh- ye-Yeah go do that!" She turned her head to the side, while he Chuckled and left for his shower.
'This week will be soo annoying'
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Aftermath of Ideal type!
"Dokkaebi showed me the footage, Mon lapin"
"I-.. Im oh so sorry Sir Touré"
"Mon lapin, call me Gilles. Or babe of it soothes you're nerves" he laughed
"Yes Sir!"
"It was cute!"
"Shut it Cowden! And it was not cute either!"
"Just admit it. You're madly in love with me~" he Chuckled
"Fuck you dear"
"The bed is upstairs so.. why dont you do the job"
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infinitewhore · 2 years
ICE CREAM - what is their favorite treat?
Achlys: chocolate ice cream
And she loovvveees these alcohol sweets
Ecre: chocollate
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Ecre becoming friends with smoke and lesion (before smoke left for NH) and her changing her Ability to toxins and working i n the CBRN unit if rainbow?????????
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Theyre vehicles!!!(+ helmets)
Ecre(my baby girl)
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Arca(dont aks how he had the money to buy the cars that finna be in the lore ;))
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Arca and ecre wepons (no guns)
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Cuz i lovw suffering one of my Rainbow six Ocs is Sadly going to die.
Im not saying who. Or when
But they will die
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infinitewhore · 3 years
Ecre 100%
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