#r6 gorgon
unbindingkerberos · 1 year
For the smash and pass ask game: Gorgon and/or Icarus in Siege and CoD, up to you!
Henry "Babel" Adler | R6
SMASH - Henry is flattered by this man suaveness and is enthralled by his handsome charm. Might get into a couple of drinks if its a means to meet Kentaro.
PASS - Henry admires Val-- from her inventions to her prowess in battle. But he sees her as a friend, nothing more.
Henry "Babel" Adler | COD MW
SMASH - Henry is obssesed with anything and anyone 141 related. He might see Val as a means to get closer to 141, so when he is handed an opportunity he'll gladly take it.
Amarice "Patriot" Locke | R6
PASS - Once considered it, perhaps to blow some steam. But she goes against it-- her heart only belongs to Marcus baby.
PASS - Age gap is one thing, the other is that Amarice genuinely is uncomfortable around Val since she reminds her of her younger self.
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
The deafening sounds of music and screaming chatters made the hot blood to pound harder in her head. Her cheeks felt as if hot water was poured on them, and alcohol had also made her vision blurry and unstable. It was a special night. Ombra had the opportunity to have this lab scientist soldier next to her. Gorgon’s trained muscles and deep scars on her face did make her look intimidating, but she was still shorter than her, so Ombra could easily press her head to her chest.
The soldier seemed to enjoy this company as well, as Ombra could clearly see the spark in her dark eyes. Her roundish face looked so kissable, so Ombra hooked an arm around her neck, and planted a strong kiss on her cheek.
“I don’t want this company to be over.” Ombra whispered in her ear.
The rush of blood heated Gorgon’s cheeks slightly. Oh, how much she loved this sight.
“Please, stay the night with me.” Ombra leant in for a kiss.
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infinitewhore · 1 year
Do dumb things win stupid prizes
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An A/U where NH never left rainbow and Achlys and gorgon never joined the military.(@poisonedtruth)
Just saying i know nothing abt russia so this is kinda a made up museum lol
"What do you know about her?" Zero asked as he held up a picture of a girl, "She's a General's Daughter, General Gromov. Why?" Confusion lingered on the face of the oldest Russian, "She has been assassinating People of high value" Zero pointed to a town in Russia "St. Petersburg is her next target located." Tachanka leaned back into his chair placing his legs onto the debriefing table, and because it's my town you came to me." He chuckled slightly, "To all of you. She is no easy target, The Army has been after her for too long. This is an unofficial Mission None knows except Harry, Ash, Nøkk, and us"
" if we catch her?"
"You bring her here. To us, Nøkk will be sent with you. She knows what to do." Zero pressed around on the tablet he held, " a museum. There will be a gala and I want you three inside. Glaz will be stationed on the building to the North, Kapkan will place traps around the VIP room, Tachanka will be inside with the VIP as one of his guards, and Fuze you're with Tachanka. Nøkk will try to find out where and when She will arrive and wander around the building."
Tachanka stands up with a groan, "When will we be going"
"How soon do you want to be back home?" Zero looked at the tablet he held.
"You Ready Gorg?" Achlys asked as she Fixed a drink, "Mate, I'm always ready" she adjusted her scope with a smirk, "Got a view of the target.. and oh shit.." they lifted their head from the scope, "We got a problem, Rainbows here." She spoke through their coms to the Russian, "Блядь.. how many?" She gave the man his drink and continued cleaning the bar, "Four on sight and a sniper, spotted him being dropped off on a building to the North." She looked to her scope to the Operatives entering the building, "Right, Take care of him last. I want his mates dead first if needed."
"Sure thing boss, I'll keep an eye out for ya" the other giggled, "Love.. you know how i hate hearing you call me that right?" Achlys shook her head with a smile, "You know I'm just teasin ya"
"I Know, now focus My sweet serpent"
While cleaning, she didn't notice the men approaching her, "Four shots of vodka and a mint julep sweetheart." The man who spoke was non other than Kevin McNeely. a Well known Businessman in America. A corrupt man is what he was, as many others, "Of course! Would you like to pay or open a tab?" A forced smile covered her face, "Cash." His Bodyguard spoke with a Thick Russian accent, "Alright, take a seat as I fix you're drink Sir." She nodded and turned her back to the man to take a bottle of bourbon and vodka, Mixing the cocktail she places the glass in front of the Man with a lemon on the side of the glass. Next, she poured the vodka shots and did the same, "That would be 35 dollars, sir." As achlys reached out to give him the bill, the bodyguard grabbed it out of her hand. "Call me Kev darling" He said as he drank from his glass, "I will kill that cunt" gorgon said with an obvious frown. Achlys just giggled.
"Moving VIP to his Suite." Tachanka said, "Copy that. Still haven't found the girl" Nøkk said as she moved through the halls, "Nothing suspicious on my radar" Kapkan said, " I have an uneasy feeling guys I won't lie" Glaz said as he scanned through the windows, Nøkk agreed. "Just continue keeping watch, Report anything suspicious immediately," Tachanka said. "You boys have a thick Russian accent. Where are you from exactly." Kevin asked Tachanka and fuze who looked unphased by his attempt at small talk, "Not Talkative, hm?" Kevin sat down in his suites office chair that had a big window behind him, "coming up" Kapkan said, "When you arrive place you're EDD" Tachanka spoke as he stood next to the door with fuze. "I'll keep roaming. And whatever happens, catch. The. Girl" Nøkk spoke.
"Hey, Mike! Can you cover at the front? I need to get some food, I'm starving, " Achlys said to her coworker, "Sure, make sure you're back before they notice you're gone, boss, " he said and took Achlys old spot. As She made her way to the lockers to change, she asked her lover, "You have the charge placed in the Powerbox?" Opening her locker to retrieve a smaller version of gorgons venom play and her Balaclava, a hum leaves gorgons lips and achlys nods at that. putting the mask on. Making her way up to the VIP suite with a Cart filled with Alcohol And Candy, she knocks on the door, Tachanka opens it. "Hi! I'm just here to bring sweets and drinks up!" Tachanka looked at her before placing a hand on the cart."We'll take the car -" "Let the women in! " Kevin said with a wave of his hand, and Tachanka let go. "Hey, sweetheart, Watcha got there, hm?" Kevin eyed the woman as she pushed the cart in the room, "I have some vodka, a few pre-made cocktails, Russian chocolate, and a few other sweets" Achlys Smiled at the Man, "Would you like me to pour you some whiskey Kev?" Of course, the sickening pervert smile. "Sure. What's up with the mask?" He said as he propped his head on his hands, "There's a masquerade ball going on downstairs, and The Boss wanted us to wear these. " She points at the mask. And kev nodded, While pouring Kev A drink, she spilled some of the whiskey, "Im so so sorry!" She panicked and wiped the spill with a rag that hung from her belt, wiping her wet hands on her pants. She pressed the button for the power box. "C'mere darling!" Kev said, grabbing achlys her arm and pulling her close. Leading her behind his desk, "It's me! dont shoot!" Kapkan yelled from outside the door as he slowly opened it. "Nøkk! Do you have any idea where the target is?" Tachanka asked over the comms, "No, Im still searching, " she said, her voice calm. Not like the others. "Glaz you?"No. Tachanka, how many people are supposed to be in the room?" Glas asked his voice low, "Five. Why?" As tachanka asked the other male, the light turned on, "Check the VIP!" Nøkk said through the comms as she came running up to the Suite, Tachanka walked over to the desk, peering behind it only to find a dead VIP and No Worker. "VIP dead. We failed." Tachanka said with a sigh.
"Tachanka, The VIP's bag! Is it still there?"
"The Bag has a tracker in it, if they didn't remove it i can find them!"
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"Did they transfer the agreed-upon amount?" Achlys asked as she sat in their haven, "Uh yeah, We got the money Darlin" Gorgon said to their lover before placing her phone down, "What's in that bag anyway? Doesn't seem all that 'mportant to me?" She leaned on the table closer to Achlys whos searching the bag thoroughly, "Aha! Нашел хорошие вещи!" Achlys lifted two plastic bags out of the handbag, "Ugly thing" gorgon mumbled. "This my dear! Is the gooood shit" Achlys said with a smile as she opened one of the plastic bags, "Smell it" Achlys held the open bag to gorgons face who took a deep breath, "Is that?-" "Cannabis? Fuck yeah, Was probably expensive too. shit smells too good to be cheap" Achlys smiled, "And the other bags good ol' Cocaine!" Achlys lifted the other bag, "Put. That. Shite. Away." Gorgon said a death stare drilling through Achlys, "Alright! Calm down любовь!" Achlys threw the bag to the ground far away and pecked her Lover on the forehead, "We good?" Achlys caressed her cheek, Admiring her lover who leans into her touch. "Sure, if I get the good side of the bed tonight" Gorgon Cuckled, "Fine. Проклятье"
"Want a joint?" Achlys asked as she shook the bag up and down, "Sure Darlin" gorgon stood up from the table to lie down in their shared bed While achlys Rolled a joint, "Sooo Still crushing On That Singaporean Military dude?" Achlys giggled, "Ya still haven't forgotten that one?" Gorgon groaned with a smile as Her lover Lied down beside her, "Nope! He was kinda cute tho won't lie!" Achlys Said before Taking a drag of the now lit joint and passing it to Gorgon, "Sure he was But different work settings and all you know is wouldn't work out" gorgon Let out a sigh the smoke lingering in the air before disappearing, " Either way I'm Happy with Ya. Wouldn't trade that for nothin'" gorgon smiled and gave the Russian the joint, "Yeah Suree~" Achlys teased running a hand up and down gorgons side. " I ain't a liar babe" gorgon chuckled moving a strand of hair behind Achly's ear, as She took a drag from the joint. "How do you always manage to look so fucking hot hm?" Achlys said with a smile, her eyes fixated on the ones of the Australian. Pushing Gorgons shoulder softly to signal for her to turn on her back, Achlys Climbed onto her lap. Her hands tracing gorgons body, the joint thrown and disregarded onto the other plastic bag. Burning into the Bag, burning the substance inside it. The fumes lingerd in the air as the Two were caught in a makeout session.
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"Glaz, Eyes on Target building?" "Affirmative Nøkk, no Movement inside." Glaz Zoomed in, watching for any movement, "Kap, Tachanka, Fuze You're with me." Nøkk said as she moved closer to the door, Kapkan and Tachanka following close behind. Leaning against the wall next to the door Nøkk signals For Kapkan to Break down the door and he does, Only to stop as soon as he entered the house, "Gorgon Look! A Butterfly!!!" Achly's pointed to a fly as she sat cross-legged on the desk, And gorgon on The bed. "That's a Cricket Hello?!" Gorgon flung her hands in the air, "Nøkk. They are High. Like Really High." Kapkan said with a slight smirk, "I can see that Kap, Grab em" Nøkk pointed at them before kapkan and fuze went up to each one, "Your mask looks hot!" Achlys threw her hand at Fuze's Mask to which he just Cuckled, "Спасибо" Fuze grabbed achlys her arm, "Lets go" Nøkk turned her back walking away as kapkan and Fuze Tragged the two Away.
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Achlys and gorgon giggled their life away in the back seat, swaying from one side to the other with their upper bodies. "We're going on a trip in our Favorite rocking ship! Маленький Эйнштейн, поднимись на борт, приготовься исследовать " (Little einstein, climb on board get ready to explore) Achlys sung while Gorgon leaned her head onto Achlys, falling asleep right away. "Пять, четыре, три-.." "What are you counting down for?" Kap looked at Achlys from the Rear View mirror, "Два.. один"
The car stops, rolling out its speed before stopping in the middle of the road. Stepping out of the car, fuze goes to check the engine to find nothing wrong with it. Walking back to sit in the backseat of the car, fuze stops. His brows furrowed as he watched how Tachanka held achlys close while the three of them slept, "Sasha" Kap said loud enough to sir the Russian awake, "Извинения"(Apologies) Tachanka moved pushing the two girls off him. Continuing the ride, Achlys spoke up, "The car broke down because you were in the middle of nowhere. It's common for cars to break down for a bit in these woods, especially electro cars." She snuggled closer to her lover as the car was cold. "How would you know?" Nøkk asked, but her question was ignored.
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"Why did you kill him." His hands slammed down onto the desk, her hands tied down to it with cuffs. "Why should I tell you, hm?"
"Why shouldn't you tell me?"
"Why dont you let me go?"
A sigh left his lips, obviously frustrated as this would go nowhere. Both girls held silent for the last hour. How long will they last?
"Let Grim take over, They'll be talking in no time" kali said, impatient with Rainbows way. "We can't torture her. Again, her father is a general. Even if she's a criminal, we still have orders." Ash pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, "Yes, but we can torture her little girlfriend," Grim said. Signaling with his hands to the green haird woman through the CCTV, "After all we won't hurt the his Daughter but get her to talk."
Achlys watched as They dragged gorgon in the room, sitting her in a metal chair with car batteries on each side. "Gorg! you good gorgeous?" Achlys yelled, a worrying look being held in her eyes, "im fine, luv" gorgon smiled at her.
"You either talk now or 'Gorg' will get hurt. Badly."
Achlys laughed at that, "You wouldn't." A man with a German flag on his shoulder lowerd to his knees to attach the wires to the metal chair, "You can't." "Oh yeah? Why's that"
"Becausd my father will kill you, you may not be torturing me physically. But you are mentally." Achlys smiled, a knowing look on her face that they had no other options except wait. "Grab her and move her back to her room." The old man in front of her signaled to the German, who followed his orders immediately. As soon as gorgon and the german left the room, Achlys leaned back in her chair, "Whats you're name sir?" She asked. "You call me Zero, little lady."
"You know zero? Kev, he had a bounty on his head," She said, scanning over her fingernails, picking on the skin that irritated her. Zero is now watching her with intruige, "Of course murder is bad, I agree with that." Achlys chuckled, leaning back in her chair as best as she could, "But.. how would you feel knowing you had the chance to stop bad man but didn't?" Her posture calm, but her eyes held anger. "A bad man you say, What'd he do." Zero leaned on the table, his head tipped to the side to get a better look at the woman before him. She laughed "Oh the list is long, alright." She lifts her hand, starting to count with her fingers, each thing she said. "Human trafficking, money laundering." She stops talking, thinking for a while until a smile creeps onto her face, "And extortion!" Zero nodded, "Why didn't you call police and instead decided to murder him?"
"Pschh," she waved her hand dismissively. "I wouldn't call it murder! I'd call it helping the people! And the police were aware of his doings, just like your spetznas men." Zero raised an eyebrow at that, "Shu, Maxi, Tima, and Alex! They knew, but since they decided not to say anything to you or the higher up, none happened." Achlys stood up, her hand free from the chains, "Its sad too, you know? You people are Rainbow, the people supposed to protect 'em" Zero backed away. "Dont worry, I won't hurt you! Im not a bad dude,more of a vigilante if anything." She sat back down, kicking her legs onto the table, "Let's make a deal, yeah? Me and gorg stay 'ere for a while. Help you and your teletubbies with the bad guys for a year. After that, we're free to go if we wanna. Soundin' good?" Zero looked at her, a sigh leaving his lips, "you'll call your whole gang here, and I'll talk to my superior." He places a phone onto the table and walks out towards harrys office.
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shegetsburned · 1 year
For the smash or pass ask, maybe Val or Kentaro? Or other oc of mine <3
tysm for the ask, ice! I’d be more than happy to answer for your two babies ♡
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇 -> Gorgon
SMASH SMASH SMASH. I mean. smash. She has to be one of the coolest operator Luna knows. And the tattoos, the hair 😫 Can’t deny that Valerie is hot.
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇 -> Icarus
She’d definitely hesitate but still a smash. Hesitation only because of his wise and philosophical side, otherwise, man do be sexy.
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chadillacboseman · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want to Know Better
@scentedcandleibex tagged me :)
3 Ships: Rudy and Alejandro (COD MW2), Echo and Erron (@roofgeese OC x MK Canon), Gorgon and Lion (@lethal-justice OC x R6 Canon)
1st Ever Ship: Mulder and Scully (X-Files)!
Last Song: Freddie Dredd -"Limbo"
Last Movie: 1922
Currently Reading: "Acceptance" by Jeff Vandermeer
Currently Watching: Re-watching the entirety of Reno 911!
Currently Consuming: A sugar free Red Bull
Currently Craving: For this work day to be OVER so I can go home and prepare to be snowed in for three days.
Tagging: Whoever wants to participate! :D
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faunawoodsart · 2 years
Concern (R6 Oc Fanfic)
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A silly little one-shot I thought of when I took a walk just a few minutes ago. This is just for laughs and none of this is actually how Nav tells them that she likes Kapkan.
other oc mentions: Samka @tachankas-whore , Gorgon @lethal-justice , and Lilith @illmetbymoonlight
"Ah... I can't believe me and Alexander have been together for this long now!" Samka said putting her hands together with a big smile on her face.
"Congrats!" Lilith said sitting back, her arms slung around the back of the couch. "I remember when Sam and I got together." she brought up one of her hands and ran it through her own hair. Samka chuckled then turned to Gorgon.
"Don't you like Lion? You should ask him out already ya know?"
Gorgon looked up with an unamused look on her face.
"Shut it. I'll do it when I do it." She huffed out and crossed her arms. "Ya know what?" Gorgon shifts her body towards Nav, who had been scrolling through her phone silently the whole time.
"Nav, do you even like anyone?"
Nav's head shot up.
"Oh um... it's unimportant..."
The three girls looked at her. Samka rose an eyebrow. Lilith put both of her hands in her lap and leaned forward.
"Okay, that's a lie..." Gorgon said, crossing her arms.
Nav tried looking away, all of their eyes were burrowing into her. She waved her hand.
"Oh come on just tell us!" Samka said, interested in what she was going to say.
Nav put both of her feet up on the couch and held her knees to her body, almost as if she was trying to make herself smaller.
" I said it's not important..." Nav squeaked out.
"Yes, it is," Gorgon leaned closer to her.
Nav's eyes went wide, her brows furrowed.
"OKAY FINE!" Nav threw up her hands, "I have a massive crush on Kapkan okay?!"
Everyone stopped...
It was silent.
"What..." Lilith finally spoke up. Gorgon and Samka looked back and forth at each other before their eyes went back to Nav.
"I don't want to sound rude but please tell me you're joking..." Gorgon finally said. "I mean... doesn't he collect knives... That's a bit worrying and that's coming from me."
Nav put her head in her lap. "...Damnit..." she mumbled.
Samka got up and sat next to her, patting her back. "Hey, it's alright we all have our...uh...types."
"Yea and Nav's is people who are emotionally unavailable who collect knives," Gorgon said sitting back and letting out a huff. Lilith gave out a soft laugh as everything was going on.
Nav could not look at any them in the face for 3 days after this incident
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unbindingkerberos · 1 year
💭 could I have Henry and Valerie please? :D
Gorgon, why did you choose this manchild? Henry stuffs some popcorn in his face as he watches a live feed of Olivier getting into another fight. He sips a can of soda right as Olivier lands a blow to Mike's face. You have questionable tastes. He sends the recording through an encrypted number. Henry sighs. But then again, I owed you.
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
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infinitewhore · 2 years
All our ocs together
i just thought it'd be cute to do this lol
@illmetbymoonlight, @faunawoodsart, @lethal-justice,
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chadillacboseman · 2 years
A Moment on the Training Field
Featuring: Valerie "Gorgon" (@lethal-justice), Ace, Lion, and Jaimie "Notch" (me) A/N: Just a short little drabble based on a conversation Ice and I had about Jaimie always getting shot lol.
"Why is everyone always fucking shooting me?" Jaime pops her head out from cover and takes a few unaimed shots in the direction of Silver Team, "I mean, I've been shot like 16 times during these exercises!"
"It's because you don't hide well, mate!" Valerie's voice carries across the field as Jaimie ducks down next to Håvard behind the concrete barrier.
"That is not true!"
"It kind of is, elskling," Håvard slides another clip into his rifle and Jaimie scoffs in response.
"You are all so full of it," she argues, and Håvard sighs in exasperation.
Valerie glances at Olivier, who grins and jerks his head toward the barrier where the couple bickers. The two of them creep to the next cover and the former pulls a flashbang grenade from her vest.
"I'm just saying, I get hit because I'm out there making moves while you guys hide!" Jaimie snarls as she reloads her rifle.
"The point is not to get hit at all!" Håvard snaps.
Jaimie swats at him and he swats back, the two of them too lost in the bickering to notice the metal sphere that rolls into their cover.
"Let's just get this-" Jaimie pauses and her eyes widen as they focus on it, "Is that a grenade?"
Their cover is bathed in an almost atomic brightness that Harry can see from the crow's nest.
Jaimie drops to the ground in agony, shielding her eyes as Håvard cries out and dramatically throws himself out from behind the barrier.
"Okay, okay," Jaimie squeezes her eyes shut and pinches the space between them with her thumb and forefinger, "Maybe you guys are right."
"Maybe?" Olivier stands over her with a wide grin painted on his smug face.
"I hate you," Jaimie reaches her hand up blindly and the GIGN operator helps her to her feet as Valerie prods Håvard with her boot until he rolls over and gets up on his hands and knees.
"The feeling is mutual."
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faunawoodsart · 2 years
Sunken Ships and Loose Lips
R6S Oc Fanfic
Valerie is owned by @lethal-justice
Mention of Lilith who is owned by @illmetbymoonlight
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Lying on the bottom of the ocean. Slowly being lost to time. A large ship sits there. Unmoving. Unwavering. Scratches and bubbles came up from one of the holes in the deck. Metal snapping, more bubbles shot up hitting something that was swimming above the ship.
"Elizabeth?" Valerie yelled down at the ship, "For fuck sake it's cold here..."
Elizabeth's blonde head poked out of the hole. Her grey-green eyes looked up at Valerie.
"Oh hey," She pushed herself out of the ship, her feathered tell fluttering behind her slowly.
"I need to talk to you about something, recently, um... There is this French guy I tried drowning recently, but like... I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know what's going on!"Elizabeth listened to Valarie's worries. Slowly sinking back down to the ship, sitting on it.
"I swear to god if I am catching feelings for... for this...THING... I don't know what I will do! What do I do?" Valerie quickly turned towards the other mermaid sitting on the battleship.
Elizabeth shrugged, "I don't know... I haven't dealt with this before. I don't bother with humans. They're too much trouble. It's just best to watch them from afar and leave them be." Elizabeth crossed her arms before lazily letting them hang. "Then again I don't go out of my way to drown people."
"Now that's a fucking lie." Valerie crossed her arms.
Elizabeth looked away, knowing that she was caught. "Okay I haven't drowned someone in a while, but my point still stands." Her tail twitched, sending a few bubbles up.
" Fuck it, I'm going to go ask Lilith for advice..." Valerie swam off quickly, leaving Elizabeth alone on the battleship. She shrugged and swam back into the hole, going back to whatever she was doing.
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mirrorworldangel · 4 years
Fandom-Related Questions - M I R O W L D ;)
Oh ho ho ho, I love your worldplay here! ;)
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
I got curious about the R6S fandom and I should thank @r6shippingdelivery, @kiruuuuu and you for that! ;)
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
None so far.
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Most of my OTPs are either rarepairs or non-existant pairs so... 
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
My brain is filled with TikTok songs because of my elder sister, so I know who to blame.
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
Julien “Rook” Nizan (R6S), Nyx Ulric(FFXV Kingsglaive), Medusa/Gorgon (Fate series), 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Art, prompts and headcanons. I am either way happy!
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Writing fanfiction. Still proudly continuing to this day, with my own snail pace.
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illmetbymoonlight · 2 years
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Part 4 | Not Just a Fairytale
Characters | Lilith “Nightbird” Nightingale (OC), Sam “Zero” Fisher,  Valerie “Gorgon” Watson (OC of @lethal-justice​)
Music | Charades - James Newton Howard
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It had been a few days since my human almost drowned. Every night I went to the shore but I still hadn’t shown up again. A part of me was worried one of my kind had found him on the beach and killed him. Another part hoped he had been found by his own and was still healing.
I had been keeping myself distracted by looking for shells but the worry still ate away at me. There was no one I could talk to about it. Elizabeth would probably say good riddance. Valerie would probably say it was for the best. And I would just feel worse.
Truth was that I shouldn’t have felt anything for him. He was a human. Human’s were not be trusted. They were a cruel species who would kill or capture us if they could. But my human was different. I was certain.
As the light of day began to fade I swam towards the shore hoping I’d see him again. I had to know if he was okay or not. When I neared the shore something shiny in the sand caught my eye. Swimming closer I picked it up. It was a glass bead.
As I looked at it there was a plop in the water above me. Looking up I watched as another slowly sank to the bottom. I picked that one up as well and put them both in my bag. Then another bead was dropped in. After picking that one up and putting it in my bag I swam towards the rock I used to hide behind.
Cautiously I swam to the surface and looked out and saw him. My human was sitting in his usual spot holding something in his hand. With a smile I watched as he lifted a bead like the other’s I had found and tossed it into the water. Unable to help myself I dived down with a splash and collected it. When I surfaced back behind my rock I watched as he tossed another, this time in my direction. I dived under again and again didn’t care if I made a splash. Picking up that bead I quickly swam back up behind my rock.
My human had moved down the rock near the water. He tossed another bead in the water but not as far as the others. I knew there was a chance he might see me again but at the moment I didn’t care. Diving under again I swam over and picked it up. Before I could swim back to my rock he had tossed another into the water. This one was closer to the rock he was sitting on. Swimming to pick it up, I watched as another was dropped in and quickly moved to pick that one up as well.
Another was dropped right in front of the rock. I watched as it sank down landing softly on the sand. For a moment I hesitated. Slowly I swam over and picked it up just as another was dropped in. As that one sank down I grabbed it and put it in my bag. I waited for a moment but he didn’t drop anymore in the water. Reaching into my bag I grabbed the shell I had been waiting to give him and swam up.
Cautiously I reached my hand above the water and placed the shell down on the rock. As I did I felt his fingers softly touch mine but he did not grab me as would have been expected of a human. I was freely able to pull my arm back down under the water. After I did I watched as he submerged his own hand carefully. Looking closer I saw one last bead. I picked it up out of his hand and put it in my bag with the others.
As he began to pull his hand back out of the water I reached up and gently grabbed it. For a moment we remained still, holding each others hands. After a while he gently pulled his hand back. Instead of letting go I let him pull me up. As my head broke the waters surface my human smiled.
“You’re real,” he said quietly. I couldn’t help but smile softly.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He looked a bit taken aback.
“You speak English?”
“Is that what humans call it?” I asked curiously. He nodded slowly his gaze falling on the lock on the ribbon around my neck.
“I see you found my lock.” My hand grasped it briefly. “Keep it,” he said with a smile. “What are you?”
“I believe humans refer to us in your stories as mer folk.” I watched as his gaze drifted down towards the water. With a smile I pulled myself up onto the rock next to him, sitting with the lower half of my tail remaining in the water.
“Okay,” he muttered quietly as he sat back a look of disbelief on his face. He remained quiet for a time as he stared at me.
“How’s your head?”
“You’re the one who saved me.” I nodded. “It’s better. Thank you.” I smiled softly.
“Why do you come here every night?”
“You’ve been watching me.” I nodded again. “It’s easier to clear my head here. It’s peaceful.” He paused a moment before asking, “So why have you been watching me?”
“Curiosity,” I replied as I leaned back splashing my tail briefly. “My kind doesn’t trust humans. Your kind historically hasn’t been kind to mine.”
“I can believe that.” He reached a hand out and delicately traced the scar on my cheek. “Is that how you got this?” I nodded slowly. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re different.”
“My name is Sam.”
“Lilith.” He smiled at me as he slowly removed his hand from my face. I couldn’t but find his smile to be attractive. Unable to help myself I reached a hand out and touched his cheek and beard.
A sudden splash nearby caught our attention. Looking back at him I said, “I have to go.”
“Will I see you again?”
With a smile, I said, “Of course.” I then slipped back into the water and began swimming away. As I did I looked around to see who it was that might have seen me but didn’t see anyone.
Suddenly out of nowhere a hand grabbed my arm. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Valerie stared at me with a shocked expression. “Do you realize how much of a risk you took?”
“You’re one to talk with your Frenchman issue.”
“Yeah but I didn’t go above the surface and have a chat with him while letting him caress my face.” I sighed. “Lilith I worry about you.” She gently rested a hand on my scarred cheek. “You’re one of my best friends and I already almost lost you once.”
“I know.”
“Humans are dangerous. Even your human could be dangerous.” I said nothing knowing she wouldn’t believe me. “Please be more careful. Stay away from him.” I looked away from her refusing to agree with her. Pulling my arm out of her grasp I quickly swam away. “Lilith!” she called after me but I didn’t respond.
Back in my cave I took a shell and carefully placed the beads in it then put it onto the shelf with the other gifts from Sam. While I still viewed him as my human it was nice to know his name. With a sigh I curled up on the rock I used as a bed. I refused to believe he was anything like the other humans. He couldn’t be. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the creeping doubt from my conversation with Valerie.
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[ Lilith x Sam Masterpost ]  [ Support the Author ]    
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sinclxirx · 2 years
Gorgon Aesthetic @poisonedtruth
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
💭 Ombra please? 👀
“And our toxicologist is Valerie Watson.” The chemist explained, gesturing to Gorgon who was sorting out her equipment.
Ombra eyed her from head to toe. She didn’t often see scientists covered in scars and tattoos.
The possibility of her faking her career is high. I must put her under a microscope.
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Achlys : "eat shit bitch" ( to lion)
Gorgon: standing in the corner of the room far away from them "He Already Eats me out!"
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