bedofthistles · 1 year
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The Moon Princess in her Pearls 🌙
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Some of you know jack shit about painting restoration and it shows
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pansyfemme · 10 days
i love art school. minifridge half full of energy drinks and half full of rabbitskin glue
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cassandragemini · 8 months
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it does, very rarely, snow in the sonoran desert and the weather lately has made me wonder what tulip would wear in cold weather... i think her mama would wrap her up in a little rabbit fur coat and the rest of the rabbitskin would be split up with their fairy neighbors
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jackoshadows · 2 years
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north - Jon Snow
Arya Stark and Jon Snow’s strong attachment for each other has been forged by otherness. The only two Stark children who looked like each other, ‘the odd birds’ as GRRM puts it.
And Arya … he missed her even more than Robb, skinny little thing that she was, all scraped knees and tangled hair and torn clothes, so fierce and willful. Arya never seemed to fit, no more than he had … yet she could always make Jon smile. He would give anything to be with her now - Jon, AGoT
If only she could climb like Bran, she thought; she would go out the window and down the tower, run away from this horrible place, away from Sansa and Septa Mordane and Prince Joffrey, from all of them. Steal some food from the kitchens, take Needle and her good boots and a warm cloak. She could find Nymeria in the wild woods below the Trident, and together they’d return to Winterfell, or run to Jon on the Wall. She found herself wishing that Jon was here with her now. Then maybe she wouldn’t feel so alone - Arya, AGoT
“I know where we could go,” Arya said. She still had one brother left. Jon will want me, even if no one else does. He’ll call me “little sister” and muss my hair. - Arya, ASoS
They associate each other with a sense of togetherness, happiness and home because growing up they are each other’s comfort zone and safe space in a world where they are made to feel as if they don’t belong. We know that Jon thinks Arya belongs with him - ‘Bring her home Mance’.
Reading their POV chapters after leaving KL, there is a sense of loneliness there - especially with Arya. She is searching, always searching, always trying to find a pack, somewhere she can belong. It’s telling that till the end of ASoS, she’s trying to get to Winterfell, Robb, Catelyn and Jon at the Wall. It’s only when the Captain of the galley refuses to take her to the Wall that she finally gives up on getting to the people she loves and decides to take passage to Braavos.
We see that Arya finds friends among the serving girls and cooks and their children because she can’t fit in with Sansa and her friends like Jeyne and Beth. Jeyne mocks and taunts her appearance and Beth has the same interests that Sansa does.
Sansa knew all about the sorts of people Arya liked to talk to: squires and grooms and serving girls, old men and naked children, rough-spoken freeriders of uncertain birth. Arya would make friends with anybody - Sansa, AGoT
Arya had loved nothing better than to sit at her father’s table and listen to them talk. She had loved listening to the men on the benches too; to freeriders tough as leather, courtly knights and bold young squires, grizzled old men-at-arms. She used to throw snowballs at them and help them steal pies from the kitchen. Their wives gave her scones and she invented names for their babies and played monsters-and-maidens and hide-the-treasure and come-into-my-castle with their children. Fat Tom used to call her “Arya Underfoot,” because he said that was where she always was. She’d liked that a lot better than “Arya Horseface.” - Arya, AGoT
We don’t get much in the books about Jon’s friends in Winterfell. I am assuming this is because, unlike with Arya and Sansa, he had a good relationship with Robb. They were brothers and friends. And yet, we also see this:
“Benfred has raised his own company of lances. Boys, none older than nineteen years, but every one thinks he’s another young wolf. When I told them they were only young rabbits, they laughed at me. Now they call themselves the Wild Hares and gallop about the country with rabbitskins tied to the ends of their lances, singing songs of chivalry.”
Bran thought that sounded grand. He remembered Benfred Tallhart, a big bluff loud boy who had often visited Winterfell with his father, Ser Helman, and had been friendly with Robb and with Theon Greyjoy. - Bran, ACoK
Notice how Benfred Tallhard is friends with Robb and Theon and not with Jon Snow. I am assuming there is not much interaction between the sons of other houses and Eddard Stark’s bastard. Similarly, Alys Karstark mentions her father bringing her to Winterfell to meet Robb Stark.
“You came to Winterfell with your father.” The father Robb beheaded. “I don’t recall what for.”
She blushed. “So I could meet your brother. Oh, there was some other pretext, but that was the real reason. I was almost of an age with Robb, and my father thought we might make a match. There was a feast. I danced with you and your brother both. He was very courteous and said that I danced beautifully. You were sullen. My father said that was to be expected in a bastard.” -  Jon, ADWD
I think this is why Arya and Jon are able to quickly make friends outside of lords and ladies. They don’t fit in amongst their own circle and therefore find their packs elsewhere. Jon with his brothers at the Wall and Arya with her little pack in the Riverlands.
And while Arya is too young to understand the depth of the pain that Jon feels at his social ostracization, she considers him one of their own and defends him at every turn, right from the very start of the books.
“Poor Jon,” she said, “He gets jealous because he's a bastard.”
“He's our brother,” Arya said, much too loudly. - Arya, AGoT
“I did not!” she shouted. Jon Snow had given her Needle. Maybe she had to let them call her Lumpyhead, but she wasn’t going to let them call Jon a thief. - Arya, ACoK
And it’s because Jon is able to empathize with Arya’s sense of ‘not being good enough’ through circumstances beyond her own control that he is kind to her in a way that Ned and Catelyn are not. He understands her and what makes her tick. Him giving her Needle in secret (Don’t tell Sansa!) represents that understanding, an admiration and respect for Arya wanting to be who she is.
Jon grinned, reached over, and messed up her hair. Arya flushed. They had always been close. Jon had their father’s face, as she did. They were the only ones. Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair. When Arya had been little, she had been afraid that meant that she was a bastard too. It been Jon she had gone to in her fear, and Jon who had reassured her." - Arya, AGoT
To compare this to a classic romance of cousins growing up together and falling in love, while Jon and Arya are vastly different to Edmund and Fanny in Mansfield Park, there’s some similarities in terms of the kindness and consideration Jon extends towards Arya. Edmund finding pen and paper for Fanny and Jon secretly getting Arya a sword. And Arya’s loyalty and love for Jon Snow mirrors the loyalty and love that Fanny has for Edmund (though Arya’s love is platonic for now and Fanny’s was romantic)
A week had passed in this way, and no suspicion of it conveyed by her quiet, passive manner, when she was found one morning by her cousin Edmund, the youngest of the sons, sitting crying on the attic stairs.
‘My dear little cousin,’ said he, with all the gentleness of an excellent nature, ‘what can be the matter?’ And sitting down by her, he was at great pains to overcome her shame in being so surprised, and persuade her to speak openly - Mansfield Park
Jon and Arya’s deep bond growing up in Winterfell defines their future relationships with other partners - romantic or otherwise. Arya and Gendry, Jon and Ygritte. Jon’s friendships with Sam and Satin. Arya being the single positive female influence during Jon’s childhood in Winterfell means that he is searching for an Arya in every girl he meets.
 It's a  reference to a certain physical type, and a certain indication of what Jon finds admirable. It's like someone who reminds you of, you know... Other people might be put off by this, you know, hair that looks like  small rodents have been living in there. It doesn't put him off because he is used to that. - GRRM
There will be so much to look forward to, such a bubbling pot of emotions when they meet again, a resurrected, more wolfish Jon Snow and a grown up Arya Stark, changed by their life experiences. Will he still muss her hair and call her little sister? But she’s not so little anymore. He will have to call her something else. Was she ever his sister?
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neechees · 1 year
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Yes we do, what are you talking about. Rabbit was a rather popular food, & we made jackets & winter moccasins out of rabbit fur. He even mentioned the Rabbitskin band if Cree (who are called this because they were famous for their rabbitskin jackets)
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loki-zen · 2 years
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paleo diet guys; anprims, ‘Real Men’ etc - talk to me when you’ve made a rabbitskin knife sheath sewn with leather cord using a knife, an awl and a bone needle
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falcoworks · 2 years
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Day 28 -- migration
As bothersome as the imp migration was every year, the witch in the rabbitskin cloak couldn't be too upset about it. After all, almost every part of the buggers could be used as potion reagents.
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k00299795 · 5 months
Acrylic and Chalk on Canvas.
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My first time painting on canvas!
I forgot to record the process…. But I stretched it myself, made rabbit skin glue, didn’t put gesso on it cause I wanted the beige background + I wasn’t going to use oil paints.
Haven’t done enough research but I’m hoping there’s vegan alternatives available in the college to rabbitskin glue.
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martadimitrescu · 2 years
The Wolf and the Rabbit
Look at me writing a fic for the first time in ages. I had this idea this morning a whipped it up really quick. A conversation between Rose and Marta, based on a scene from GOW: Ragnarök. Enjoy.
The Wolf and the Rabbit met at midnight. In a cold, damp Umbrella Corp facility. Abandoned, more or less. The rabbit had been searching for answers, the wolf had been searching for the rabbit. And now they met, after 17 years.
"You've been following me..!"
Marta scoffed. She didn't look like her usually self. No armour, no axe in sight. She wore an old black jacket and jeans. To the outside eye, she looked like any other person. It was all a disguise of course, to blend in. Wearing the rabbitskin to make conversation with bunnies.
"Yes. I have been following you." "I kept seeing you around.. I-I assumed it was coincidence." "Yes.. because New York is such a small city."
The rabbit gulped. She didn't like the wolf's mocking tone.
"Do you remember me?" "...I should, shouldn't I?" Marta pursed her lips together, letting the rabbit stay a comfortable distance away.. for now.
"No, not particularly. I remember you though."
Rose tilted her head. "We've met before." "We have. You were so much easier to deal with back then, so small and docile, though I'm glad you're no longer an infant. It makes killing you less complicated."
Rose shuddered, and tried her best not to run. She knew that instigate a chase, one she was sure to lose.
"Okay, okay, just- before you kill me, could we... talk..?"
Now it was Marta's turn to be confused. "Talk?" "Yes! So I might.. understand you. I have a.. vague idea of who you are but if you really, want to kill me.. I'd like to know about you first.. honour my last wish?"
Marta squinted.
"What? Why not?" "Because you do not deserve the luxury!"
Rose, startled by Marta's sudden change in tone, took a step back. But an anger grew within her.
"I was an infant when Miranda stole me! What could I have possibly done???" "You-!!"
For once, Marta didn't have much of an answer. "You, were the cause of all this! All my grief! All my loss! If you hadn't been born-" "Then what?" "Then my family! My family would still be alive!"
Rose was stunned. "What?" "My mother!! The tall woman who housed you in a golden crib, do you remember?"
Rose reached back into the depths of her memory, she did remember, vaguely, a tall woman putting her in a golden crib.
"..That was your mother." "Yes!!! My mother, who cared for you! My sisters who held you! Me! Who fed you! My uncle, my aunt, my grandmother, your father burst in and took them all from me!!!" "To save me!! I'm his daughter! He was protecting his family!" "By murdering mine???? No. No, that is not a good enough excuse!" "But what would killing me achieve???"
It wouldn't achieve anything. Marta's grief would not be satisfied. A brief high would be felt, and then more despair. She said nothing, and shamefully looked to the floor.
Rose gave a sympathetic sigh, and the two stood in silence for a few moments. Tears had already begun to run down both of the women's faces, reminiscing on their respective losses.
"I'm..  sorry." "...For what?" "On behalf of my dad, I..  I'm sorry he took your family from you." Marta nodded in quiet acknowledgement.
"...I suppose, this is the point, where I forgive you.. or I kill you." Rose steadied herself. "I guess.. have you made a decision..?"
Marta frowned, and shook her head. A thousand emotions went through her mind. "To be honest... I don't think I can do either." Her voice was fragile, and she sniffled away her sobs.
The wolf began pacing, the same thousand emotions still coursing through her;
"There is still.. a part of me, that is.. so.. angry!!!" Her crying could no longer be contained, and she pointed an accusatory finger towards the rabbit; "And it will always be!!! It will always be, angry!!"
She sighed, finally, and put her hand down. "But.. you're right. You are not the one that needs to die... I do see that.."
Rose felt relief was over her,  but she was not comforted. She empathised with Marta's state of mind, even if a little.
It seemed the wolf had nothing more to say, and quickly turned to leave;
The wolf stopped, but did not look behind her. "..You still live in that castle, right?" "...Why."
The rabbit was cautious not to offend. "Could I visit sometime? You gotta hand it to me, I managed to talk my way out of you killing me-" "I am aware, Miss Rose Silvertongue." The rabbit felt emboldened by the nickname. "Maybe I could.. add something to your life? And you mine?"
The wolf seemed to consider for a few moments, before stubbornly reaching into her pocket and retrieving a pen, ripping an old poster from the wall and scribbling something down, before marching over and roughly handing it to the rabbit, before turning back one last time and dissappearing into the shadows.
Gingerly, Rose looked down at what Marta had scribbled. It was an address, and a time;
"Şaru Dornei, Transylvania, Romania. 17th of March. 24:00PM."
Rose smiled softly. The Rabbit was to meet the Wolf at midnight, and she would try her best not to be late.
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bedofthistles · 1 year
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By TheRookieKing412
Rated: Teen
Genre: Romance/Fairytale
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
A dying wish, a promise made, a Curse never to be broken The pearl shattered, the starlight’s glitter, the sunshine gathered; the moonbeam’s mirror A beast that roams the forests of Moonacre, a tapestry of rumours woven, bearer of the Curse undertaken The task of the tracker, the burden of the princess, a tale of love, strife, and acceptance, this is Rabbitskin
Secret of Moonacre
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de-mykel · 10 months
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Nick Schutzehofer. Untitled, 2023.
encaustic, oil, watercolor, rabbitskin glue and paper on glue
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ephemeralsyndicate · 16 days
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〈  sira-anna faal /  non-binary  / she/they 〉well, well, well.. if it isn’t CALYPSO— oh, i mean IRIS DE VALK. their vibe is unmistakable: RABBITSKIN GLUE, ORGANISED PIGMENTS, AND THE GLINT OF A PALETTE KNIFE. they finally turned up at the penthouse, though i suppose you can’t keep a TWENTY-SIX-year-old locked away all day. you know… i heard that they’re A PERFECTIONIST & CRITICAL. i don’t know how the dove syndicate puts up with them, to be honest. maybe it’s because they’re said to be OBSERVANT & CREATIVE? at least, that’s what i heard. i suppose if everyone else finds them tolerable, it’s none of my business. i heard their role in the syndicate is THE HIGH PRIESTESS. i wonder how they ended up there anyway, since they’re from AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS… oh well, it’s none of my business, but i hope they aren’t injured during the next heist.
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pansyfemme · 16 days
oh i forgot to mention this here but i’m going to learn how to prep surfaces with a rabbitskin glue and marble dust gesso soon and im so hyped
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blogynews · 1 year
Unveiling the Hidden Battle to Eliminate 'Birth Evacuations' in Indigenous Communities - Uncover the National Effort
Headline: First Traditional Birth in Sturgeon Lake First Nation in Over 50 Years Marks a Step Towards Restoring Indigenous Birth Practices In a heartwarming event, a fire was kindled in the healing lodge of Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Sask., as Ashley Rabbitskin prepared to bring her baby boy into the world. The atmosphere was purified through a smudging ceremony, and with the guidance of a team…
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blogynewz · 1 year
Unveiling the Hidden Battle to Eliminate 'Birth Evacuations' in Indigenous Communities - Uncover the National Effort
Headline: First Traditional Birth in Sturgeon Lake First Nation in Over 50 Years Marks a Step Towards Restoring Indigenous Birth Practices In a heartwarming event, a fire was kindled in the healing lodge of Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Sask., as Ashley Rabbitskin prepared to bring her baby boy into the world. The atmosphere was purified through a smudging ceremony, and with the guidance of a team…
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