yamamuragaku · 7 months
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ShuffleTalk 2024 Mar/Apr Auditions
Auditions for SSR Gaku & Riku & Haruka [ShuffleTalk 2024] with RabiTV will be held from 3/7 (Thu) 17:00 - 5/7 (Tue) 16:59. The ShuffleTalk 2024 set has groups of 2-3 people.
There’ll be a pickup guaranteed campaign which guarantees 1 SSR at 70 pulls and SSR Gaku & Riku & Haruka [ShuffleTalk 2024] at 125 pulls, as well as a medal campaign.
The limited rare audition has a half-off discount on your first 1-pull and 11-pull, as well as a daily half-off paid 1-pull.
The paid audition is available up to 10 times and comes with an item ticket per 11-pull which can be exchanged for various UR training materials.
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carebird · 1 month
"Hey, Touma. You still have ice cream left near your mouth."
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The [4am Dusty Love] RabiTV scene keeps popping into my memory once in a while and I go insane.
Also friendly reminder that Haruka filmed it all happening and Minami was really eager to get the video himself...
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tigerintokyo · 4 years
Rokuya Nagi [RabbiTube] RabiTV - Episode 1
Rokuya Nagi [RabbiTube] RabiTV
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Episode 1: How to Spend Time with Nagi
(other parts in the directory)
Translation under the break.
Staff: .......That's all for the "RabbiTube" explanation.
Staff: We're planning on featuring a part of the video in "NEXT Re:vale" as well!
Staff: We are hoping to show a side of you that people usually can't see on TV. Looking forward to working with you!
Momo: I'm looking forward to it!
Yuki: Anything goes. It's okay to strip down and bare it all.
Mitsuki: Hahaha, please be gentle with us! I'll have to do some research....!
Gaku: Oh yeah, Tenn, you were watching videos on RabbiTube the other day, right? It could be helpful as a reference. Did you see anything that could help us?
Tenn: ........Ah, I was just watching cat videos.
Gaku: Oh, it was just cat videos. That's not helpful atj all.
Ryunosuke: .....No, the cat videos could be helpful too! Like with what kind of behavior can make people smile or give people a sense of healing.....
Gaku: Wait, Ryuu. We can only use a few of them as references.
Yuki:  ........Cat Gaku would be nice.
Tenn: ..........Ha!.........
Gaku: Hey, Tenn! Did you just laugh at me?!
Riku: A cat.....! Like, a video of Iori going to a cat cafe?
Iori: Please stop. Why would it be me?
Yamato: Wait, I don't want to do a video like that......
Tamaki:  I wanna do "Terrific Pudding"!
Sogo: ........If we're choosing, I want to try doing "The Top 100 Spices in the World".....
Nagi: I want to have a Kokona watch party!
Mitsuki: Isn't that just the same as always for you guys?!
Iori: .....well.... a video petting animals is a little cliché, but it has a certain charm to it.....
Riku: Did you just say something, Iori?
Iori: No, I didn't say anything.
Yuki:  Hahaha! Great! You all have a lot of ideas!
Momo: This is what I am talking about! I hope to show off the "everyday you" on RabbiTube!
Yuki:  Well, I'm looking forward to working with you all this year as well.
IDOLiSH7 & TRIGGER: Thank you!
Riku: This year's birthday project is to become a RabbiTube creator......!
Sogo: We always have so much fun hanging out in the RabiChat. I might miss it.
Mitsuki: ....... I might miss itf too. Even though it's nice we can give a video to fans, I still want to celebrate with all of us together!
Yamato: Yeah, since we do something together every year.
Nagi: ...... But, lately we haven't had much work with all of us together. I understand that is hard get our schedules to match.....
Tamaki:  So we can't eat the cake from Mikki?
Mitsuki: I will defnitely be making a cake! Right, Iori?!
Iori: That's right. I will help you.
Riku: Hm...... A birthday..... a birthday.....
Riku: Aha! Okay, well, how about we take the birthday person out somewhere? We can all plan it together and go somewhere.
Riku: It'll probably be tough to get our schedules clear... Let's ask the manager for help, and then, whoever can make it can go somewhere together!
Mitsuki: Go somewhere..... Until now we've been partying in the RabbiChat, so it could be refreshing!
Yamato: It would be a shame if we all can't go, but maybe deciding where to go together could feel like a party too....  For me, a beer brewery would be good.
Mitsuki: You can't just choose by yourself!
Tamaki:  Then, we can take a lot of photos and videos for the ones who can't go. We could send them in the RabiChat.
Nagi: OH! That's a wonderful idea. It'll make it feel like we are partying together.
Iori: People might be happy if we upload it on Rabbiter (twitter).
Sogo: Sounds like fun.....! How about talking to the manager about it tomorrow?
Riku: OK! ...... It's going to be another year of fun birthdays!
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Nagi: Wow...... Is this heaven...?
Mitsuki: Haha, no! This is a Kokona Collab Hotel!
Nagi: The colors are perfect..... Ah, a Kokona standee is here to welcome us too.
Nagi: This must be the pearly gates......
Mitsuki: ........It's no use, he's already completely gone.
Tamaki:  How is it, Nagicchi? Were you surprised?
Nagi: Yes...... Now, I'm so moved. I feel faint.
Mitsuki: But, weren't you the one who came to our rooms every day and gave us the flyer for this collab?
Mitsuki: Tamaki and I didn't even have to think. There was no other option......
Nagi: I was a postman who delivered love to you.....
Tamaki:  Getting the reservation was hard, right, Manager?
Tsumugi: Fufu, Tamaki-san and I had to fight with the internet!
Tsumugi: We reserved for four people, but I'm going to go home in the evening, so be sure to take a lot of pictures tonight!
Nagi: Thanks, Tsumugi! Alright, what's first...
Mitsuki & Tamaki: First?
Nagi: Let's play cards!
Nagi: ……..
Mitsuki: .......
Tamaki:  …….
Mitsuki: Hey, Tamaki, do you have the old maid....? It's written all over your face......
Nagi: Today, I am the strongest. Even luck is on my side.
Tamaki: ..... Nagicchi, pull from me next.
Nagi: Yes. ....This one.
Nagi: .....OH, is this another test of love?
Tamaki:  Yes.....!
Mitsuki: No, Tamaki! Now I know that Nagi has the old maid!
Tamaki:  I don't want the old maid!
Mitsuki: I don't want it either!
Mitsuki: ......since there's only three of us, this is going really fast, this game of Old Maid.
Tamaki:  Nagicchi, are you OK with just playing cards even though we came all the way to this collab hotel?
Nagi: Fufu. The truth is, if I'm spending time with Tamaki and Mitsuki, I am really happy with just that.
Nagi: But.... Without everyone here together, it is a little lonely, after all.
Mitsuki: Nagi......
Tamaki:  .........Alright!
Nagi: Tamaki?
Tamaki:  Even though Nagicchi pretty much decided that we would come here....
Tamaki:  Starting now, Mikki and me will be Nagicchi's escort!
Nagi: .......Wow......!
Mitsuki: ........That's a great idea! Let's take care of Nagi!
Tamaki:  Okay, what's first....
Mitsuki & Nagi: First?
Tamaki:  .......um.......
Mitsuki: Tamaki, you can do it....!
Tamaki:  C--color demon!
Nagi: Color DEMON?!
Mitsuki: But, everything is pink here?!
Nagi: What is color demon?!
Mitsuki: The demon names his color. If you are physically touching the demon's color, the demon can't catch you.
Nagi: That sounds very fun....!
Mitsuki: Your eyes are sparkling....! But if the demon color isn't pink or yellow, it's a just game of endlessly changing demons!
Tamaki:  Hm, then.... hide and seek!
Mitsuki: You keep going after games that are hard to play in a hotel?!
Nagi: I'm going to hide behind the Kokona standee!
Mitsuki: Don't announce it to everyone!
Tamaki:  No fair! Fine, I'll hide in the bathroom!
Mitsuki: Do you guys even understand what hide and seek is?!
Tsumugi: I--I can't really keep up with Mitsuki-san's joking...!
Mitsuki: Haha! ...... Geez, that's why it felt something was off.
Mitsuki: ......I have no choice. Manager! Can you bring me that to me?
Tsumugi: Yes!
Mitsuki: Ta-da!
Nagi: It's a....!
Mitsuki: Kokona-chan bento! Tamaki and I made it for you!
Mitsuki: Today, Tamaki worked really hard! He did way more than his usual taster role!
Tamaki:  I did! I wanted to show you these.
Tamaki:  Nagicchi, here! I cut them into stars, the eggs!
Nagi: Wow, so they aren't starfish!
Tamaki:  They're not!
Nagi: .......It's a very warm bento. Very....
Tamaki:  It isn't cold?
Nagi: No...... A bento full of Mitsuki and Tamaki's love is so very warm.....
Mitsuki: I'm glad you like it. I didn't want to just sleep at a hotel. I want to do something special for you Nagi.
Nagi: ...... I love you, Mitsuki, Tamaki.....!
Tamaki:  Ah.... Nagicchi, you're squishing me!
Mitsuki: Hahaha! You're gonna spill the bento!
Nagi: Tsumugi! Take a picture of us and my bento!
Tsumugi: Sure.....! Everyone go stand by the standee!
Nagi: I am really happy to be able to spend such a beautiful day with you!
Tamaki:  Hehe. It's a little early, but Nagicchi, happy birthday!
Mitsuki: Come on, get closer! OK, we're ready!
Tsumugi: Alright, say cheese.....!
- End of Episode 1 -
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tamasous · 6 years
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YOTSUBA TAMAKI [Dear Butterfly] RabiTV Part 3: Dear Butterfly
Part 1IPart 2IPart 3
Sougo: While sharing the things we like with each other, we chose a place we can enjoy together.
Tamaki: Finding a place that both of us could enjoy instead of one or the other was tough but fun huh!
Tamaki: I really like this place! Since it’s near the mountains I thought it’d take longer, but it was only about an hour from Tokyo.
Sougo: It’s usually a relaxing shop, but on clear Friday evenings they play live piano music, and at night you can stargaze on the terrace.
Tamaki: Sou-chan’s plan was to “take it easy at a coffee shop while listening to music”, and mine was “looking at the stars together” so this is a super perfect spot. It’s amazing how we found a place like this!
Sougo: You’re right. Let’s go ahead and walk in.
Shop Clerk: Welcome~
Tamaki: Hello— ...Whoa!
Dog: Woof woof!
Tamaki: Uwah—! What’s with this guy! Ahaha, he’s so friendly!
Sougo: That’s the owner’s mascot dog, Bess-kun. Since you said you also like dogs, Tamaki-kun.
Tamaki: I can become friends with dogs right away so I really like them!
Tamaki: Bess, woof woof!
Sougo: You’re right, looks like you’re friends already…
Staff: And cut! Thank you very much, that’s a wrap!
Sougo: Thank you very much.
Tamaki: Bess, that was great timing! Thanks—
Dog: Woof woof!
Staff: We got the cut of the meal inside the cafe earlier, so please standby until it’s time for the evening live music!
Tamaki: Got it.
Sougo: Then let’s take a break over there.
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Tamaki: Haa… This is so relaxing…
Sougo: It’s been a while since we’ve had time like this.
Staff: We’ll resume filming soon! Please standby for a little while longer!
Tamaki: ‘Kay.
Sougo: Understood. Thank you.
Sougo: The sun will go down soon.
Tamaki: Yea.
Sougo: It’s quiet, and the wind feels nice.
Tamaki: You’re right.
Sougo: Thanks for today. For picking a relaxing cafe for me.
Tamaki: Thanks to you too. For picking a shop with yummy cake.
Sougo: When the sun goes down, we can see the stars right?
Tamaki: Yeah. Since you said out of the morning, day, and night, you like the night the most.
Tamaki: Plus I like stargazing. Hey, I knew the name of the star in that song you like, right?
Sougo: Aah, that’s right. Orion.
Tamaki: Orion is made up of 3 aligned stars!
Sougo: Haha… Yeah. That and Sirius.
Tamaki: Sirius is the brightest star. In a place called Canis Major the Greater Dog.
Sougo: Is it a dog bigger than the one we saw during the day?
Tamaki: Way bigger! It’s a constellation after all!
Sougo: Haha…
Tamaki: Ehehe.
Sougo: What did you talk about with everyone? You asked what they all like, right?
Tamaki: Iorin likes his own cool face.
Sougo: Heh…..?
Tamaki: Like a bank teller’s.
Sougo: Aah, I get it. So he likes that kind of thing.
Tamaki: What about you, Sou-chan?
Sougo: I asked Yamato-san and Riku-kun. Riku-kun even gave me advice regarding you.
Sougo: As for Yamato-san…
Tamaki: Why are you getting embarrassed? Did he say he likes something weird?
Sougo: No, it’s just…
Tamaki: I know. It’s something pervy.
Sougo: It’s not pervy. ...I don’t think. I think it’s normal.
Tamaki: Then what?
Sougo: Osaka Sougo.
Tamaki: Ah, oh…
Sougo: Haha… It might’ve been flattery, but it made me happy.
Tamaki: ……..
Sougo: I-Is there something wrong? Wouldn’t you be happy if someone said they like you?
Tamaki: Well yeah, but…
Tamaki: I thought about today a lot too,
Tamaki: but you became happy so easily like that.
Sougo: ……..
Tamaki: Y’know, sometimes I lose confidence. About Sou-chan.
Sougo: About me….?
Tamaki: Yeah. When I think I don’t know you, I lose confidence.
Tamaki: When I think I do know you, I’m happy, it’s fun, and I gain confidence.
Tamaki: Being together becomes fun.
Sougo: Aa… I get it. I might be the same.
Tamaki: Did you gain confidence today?
Sougo: Yeah. A little.
Tamaki: Hehe… Me too. Just a little.
Tamaki: Ah! The sky is still bright but I can see the moon.
Sougo: You’re right. It’s pretty…
Sougo: …….. I……
Tamaki: What?
Sougo: When you talk about me like you know me, I gain confidence.
Sougo: I guess it’s not right to say I gain confidence. I feel a sense of relief.
Sougo: Like when you said I wanted others to praise the things I like.
Sougo: I felt like you accepted me for the way I am,
Sougo: I felt like you saved the real me, the me who I didn’t know myself…
Tamaki: …….
Tamaki: Is that, a good thing?
Sougo: Probably… I’d like for it to be. For me, it was a very happy thing.
Tamaki: Then that’s a good thing.
Sougo: Fufu… Maybe.
Tamaki: Hehe…
Tamaki: Y’know in the lyrics, it mentions the butterfly effect.
Tamaki: When I asked you what that meant, you said something complicated right?
Sougo: Aah. The butterfly effect is when slight influences evoke change in the natural world…..
Tamaki: I thought that’s like me and you.
Tamaki: The way we change little by little with the smallest, tiniest things.
Tamaki: With something as small as a butterfly fluttering its wings, a storm occurs or a rainbow appears.
Sougo: …...
Sougo: Yeah… That might be true.
Sougo: Then I hope a wonderful butterfly effect happens tonight too.
Tamaki: Yeah.
Tamaki: Ah, look! Sou-chan!
Tamaki: The first star of the evening!
[End of Chapter 3]
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tamapuddi · 7 years
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[SHUFFLE TALK] Mitsuki and Tenn RabiTV Part 2: Mitsuki and Tenn: THREE QUESTIONS
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Mitsuki: First, while we are walking, we should decide on a shooting location for our two shot. I wonder where should it be? Tenn: Do you have anywhere you want to go? Mitsuki: I actually have a recommendation. I’d like to go there if it’s alright with you! What do you think? Tenn: Well then, since it was my suggestion, you may bring us there. Mitsuki: Okay, follow me! Tenn: By the way, where were you planning to go? Mitsuki: Fufufu, that’s something to look forward to until we get there! Tenn: A typical response, huh. Mitsuki: Ahaha, it’s fine, isn’t it? Don’t you have this kind of exchange with Yaotome and Tsunashi-san too? Tenn: I wonder. With Gaku, we conflict a lot. And Ryuu would be there saying, ���Guys… guys…’ to us. Mitsuki: I see, I see-. Yaotome and Tenn resembles each other a lot so it can’t be helped! Tsunashi-san is kind too so he won’t blame on both of you. Mitsuki: It’s because the three of you trust each other, isn’t that right? Tenn: Well, those two aren’t the sort of men who would have an intention of striking and destroying my true feelings. Tenn: Whenever we are standing before our fans, the three of us understand that we should be seriously working too. Mitsuki: That’s the feeling of TRIGGER, I guess! It’s super cool. Tenn: Are you a fan? Mitsuki: Yeah, I’m a fan! Mitsuki: Besides, we don’t have many opportunities where the both of us could talk like this. I thought that I’d want to talk to you thoroughly. Tenn: Thoroughly … even though this is not our first meeting. Mitsuki: I want to know everything about you though! We are both friends who hold the same dreams, after all! Mitsuki: Even though we have been friends for a rather long time, there are also many things that I don’t know about you. Since we finally get to have a talk, I want to see with my own eyes and learn more! Mitsuki: Once I get to know more about Kujou-san, I want to be able to grow further! Tenn: Eh … I have no intention for it to be as thin as for it to be absorbed easily, understand?
Mitsuki: That will do! I intend on stripping everything on you and that’s why I came, after all! Tenn: Pft. Stop sounding like a highway bandit, alright? (1) Mitsuki: Ahaha! I won’t really strip you! I only intend to bombard you with questions though! Tenn: The plan’s 「Ask any question!」has begun? Mitsuki: No, not yet! There are some things that I want to hear personally.  I have other questions prepared for「Ask any question!」too! Tenn: Then I shall allow you three questions. Mitsuki: Three?! Um ….. well then, your interests! Tenn: Reading. Mitsuki: I rushed myself in asking a question but, you are the same as Riku! Tenn: Is it bad? Mitsuki: It’s not bad at all! Riku will be overjoyed though! What kind of books do you read? Tenn: Mostly by my mood. Recently, I’ve read a detective novel that requires scientific knowledge. Mitsuki Eh?! That one just now was not counted, right? Tenn: Nope. A question is a question. Tenn: Also, that 「 That one just now was not counted, right?  」question is also responded with 「 Nope.  」 . Alright, it’s over. Mitsuki: Ahaha! Are you a genie from a lamp?! The fact that you recently read a detective novel is something that I didn’t know so I shall be satisfied with that. Mitsuki: And just right, I’ve fulfilled my own purpose too! Tenn: A flower shop? Mitsuki: Can you see it? The answer is after CM! - just kidding. Mitsuki: Well then, let’s go in!
Translator’s notes (1) I added the ‘ pft ’ in front of his original statement so as to make him not seem as displeased as it might have! I like how he keeps getting amused by Mitsuki. Those two give me cavities. - It’s also cute how Mitsuki sounded like he only wanted to dig into Tenn’s life but he also wants to distract him until they arrive at Mitsuki’s surprise. What a guy! - I weep a bit knowing that Tenn also worked at a flower shop during his work day experience card.
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yotsutama · 6 years
I wish for hoshimegu rabitv.............
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rabbit-library · 4 years
Hello! Since it's not on the missing cards list, could I please request Momo's Rabbitube RabiTVs for upload? Thanks!
Of course! It’s been added to the queue.
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huhwhatyak · 7 years
Iori's Mechanical Lullaby rabiTV chapters 1-3
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riku7se · 7 years
Tales of Link x i7 Collaboration RabiTV Collection
As both a (new) Tales fan and an (old) i7 fan, this collab is basically a dream come true. But the game disallowing the use of the scout catalog makes collecting the whole set a bit of a hassle in more ways than one, and I’m sure I’m not the only one that wants to take a look at the whole set more than any other set this game has ever produced.
So that’s where this comes in! I’m going to create a public dropbox link (it’s the medium I’m most accustomed to, but I can also open a Drive if people want it) with the goal of having everyone’s screenshotted RabiTV inside. It can also be used as a TL resource for the various i7 TL blogs.
I’m the only one that can edit the dropbox link, so if anyone wants to share chats, please hit me up with links via submission or fanmail, and I’ll get them into the dropbox ASAP!
I’ll update this post with who I still need under a Read More, so keep an eye out!
Iori: 1, 2, 3
Yamato: 1, 2, 3
Tamaki: 1, 2, 3
Sougo: 1, 2, 3
Nagi: 1, 2, 3
Riku: 1, 2, 3
Gaku: 1, 2, 3
Ryuunosuke: 1, 2, 3
Momo: 1, 2, 3
Yuki: 1, 2, 3
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seigyokus · 7 years
Producer Letter #11
The usual translation-paraphrase mix as usual! 
Dear Idolish Seven fans,
Thank you to all the managers out there for cheering us on. Did you all watch the Part 3 PV that was released on April 17th? You can watch it over here! 
It's been a while since Part 2 finished, but at long last it'll be April 27th tomorrow: the day Part 3 will be unveiled. This letter will detail release future plans, developments, and features for the project.
[About the Project as a Whole]
◆ About Story Part 3
As we've written in previous letters, Part 3's plot will be delving into the heart of the story. It is also the longest story to date.
Below are some additional details about the story:
It will be released in the same format as Part 2, with updates once every month.
You will need to have cleared Part 1 and Part 2 to unlock Part 3.
You will need to clear Unlock Missions to read each chapter, just as you did in Part 2. There will also be Part 3 specific bookmarks.
Just as always, we've very carefully written their story and their music. We hope that everyone playing will watch over these boys and the future they're headed to.
The game will be undergoing maintenance on April 27th from 11:00 - 17:00 JST. Maintenance may be extended or shortened if necessary.
You will also need to update to Version 2.7.0.
◆ About the Collaboration
We've already announced this, but Idolish Seven will be having a collaboration with the app game "Tales of Link!" The "Tales of Link" side of the collab will begin April 30th. Idolish Seven's side is slated to begin in June, and you'll get to see the Idolish Seven boys in the Tales' characters outfits! Please look forward to it!
◆ About the Music
New songs will be released alongside each update of Part 3. We plan on releasing the full versions of the songs online as well as in CDs.
◆ About the Anime Project
Production is coming along smoothly. Please look forward to our next announcement.
◆ About the MV Animation
We hope you all enjoyed the first look at Re:vale's music video! You can watch the preview over here. 
The other 2 music videos for Part 3 are also coming along smoothly. We want to make sure that everyone will enjoy these videos.
[Game Tuning and New Features]
◆ About the In-game Campaign
There are currently special campaigns in place to help users finish reading Part 1 and Part 2.
From 4/17 17:00 JST - 5/31 17:00 JST:
Normal and daily roulette lives will give users double the experience!
Story unlock lives will be half LP!
Please take this opportunity to progress through the story, if you haven't already done so!
◆ New Function
We plan on adding in a new functionality, called RabiTV. Unlike Rabbit Chat, where you're talking in private with the idol, RabiTV allows you to watch the daily banter between idols, their conversations at work or in their dressing rooms, etc. You will get to see many other sides to them in a story format.
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Cards will either have Rabbit Chat or RabiTV from here on out. These backstage stories will be separate from the Main Story. Please look forward to it!
As we've mentioned in a previous letter, we're working on a feature where you can raise specific idols' characteristics. [Unsure of what they meant by characteristics last time, still unsure now. Here's to hoping we'll get clarification in the future!]
catch u all 10 PM PST that’s the earliest I can read pt3 orz BUT THAT’LL KEEP ME GOING THRU THAT WHOLE DAY, HOLY SHIT
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osakaso5 · 7 years
hello. first of all i would like to thank you for all your hard work in translating. :-) there was an anon who asked you if it's alright to send you a video of rabbitv, right? i recorded iori's sakura message rabbitv. i wonder if that anon also has iori's or other cards.. if it's not sakura message iori, may i send you the video i recorded? thank you! :-*
i haven’t received any rabitv videos yet, so you can send in anything you like! 
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yamamuragaku · 4 months
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IDOLiSH7 OFF/Tabi @ KYOTO Rerun Auditions
Rerun auditions for SSR [OFF/Tabi 2019] of IDOLiSH7 members featuring RabiTV are being held.
Limited Rare Audition
Held from 5/24 (Fri) 17:00 - 5/31 (Fri) 16:59, there’s a half-off discount on the first 1-pull and 11-pull. There’s also a daily half-off paid 1-pull.
2. Paid Audition
Following the group schedule, a paid 11-pull guarantees 10 R+ & 1 any SSR:
Group A: 5/24 (Fri) 17:00 - 5/25 (Sat) 16:59 - all
Group B: 5/25 (Sat) 17:00 - 5/27 (Mon) 16:59 - Tamaki, Sogo
Group C: 5/27 (Mon) 17:00 - 5/29 (Wed) 16:59 - Yamato, Mitsuki, Nagi
Group D: 5/29 (Wed) 17:00 - 5/31 (Fri) 16:59 - Iori, Riku
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carebird · 10 months
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(Inspired by the Dusty Love RabiTV)
I keep thinking back to this and how Torao just wiped the ice cream off Toma's face with his hand without thinking.
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tamapuddi · 7 years
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[SHUFFLE TALK] Mitsuki and Tenn RabiTV Part 1: Mitsuki and Tenn
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Mitsuki: Ah, Kujou, you are already here! Good morning~! I look forward to working with you today!
Tenn: Good morning, Izumi Mitsuki. Likewise,  I look forward to working with you today. Mitsuki: I thought that I’d arrive here early so I was surprised when you were already here! When did you arrive? Tenn: I have only just arrived too and reaffirmed our plans for today. Mitsuki: Just as expected, Kujou is a serious person-. I’m now seriously super looking forward to our talk! It’s a job for just the both of us, kinda, right? Tenn: That is so. I am looking forward to it too. Mitsuki: Sankyuu-! I heard that our conversation partner will be picked by random so I was really excited. (1) Tenn: You were being talked about by Gaku’s and Ryuu’s conversation partners so I’ve learned all sorts of things about you. Mitsuki: Hm? About me? Tenn: Let’s keep only the job contents in our talk. They didn’t say anything bad about you so please do not worry. Mitsuki: Don’t leave it like that! I am super curious about it! Mitsuki: Well, we can leave the talk about our job for later. How have you been doing recently, Kujou? Tenn: There isn’t anything particular new. And you? Mitsuki: I have been having fun everyday! Riku has been energetic too.
Tenn: I didn’t ask anything about Riku though. Mitsuki: Aren’t you interested though? He’s your family, after all. Tenn: I didn’t say that I wasn’t interested but I didn’t need to hear about Riku too. Mitsuki: I see, I see! You seem to be in contact with him recently too! Tenn: There is that too… We’ve been in the same area. And I get noticed. (2) Mitsuki: Riku seems to be out of it in many ways lately. During this period of time.. Tenn: You were talking about when he thought he wasn’t holding any glasses when they were in his hands? Mitsuki: Eh-You knew about it! Tenn: I am a well-informed person, after all. Mitsuki: I just talked about something that I thought that you wouldn’t know. This is super embarrassing! Tenn: Thank you for your concern. Well then, I think that you would be aware of it already but I would like for us to confirm today’s agenda. Tenn: 「Right now, we are selecting two members from idol groups to form a pair and follow the request of selecting a shooting location to take a two-shot」 Tenn:  「  Ask  「 Any question! 」  to each other and it will become the topic of conversation. After the talk is over, the two-shot that was taken will be offered as a present to applicants who win in a lottery! 」 …….. or something like that. Mitsuki: Amazing-. So smooth…. Tenn: Anyone can do at least this. Holding a conversation is your specialty, isn’t it? The three of us know about the talk surrounding your expertise in being an MC. Mitsuki: Uwah-, thinking about the three people from TRIGGER talking about me makes me so happy that it’s kinda embarrassing! Tenn: That is the quality that makes you amazing. For now, allow me to say this again - I look forward to working with you. Mitsuki: Oh! I definitely won’t lose to you, Kujou! I look forward to working with you too!
Translator’s notes (1) The phrase Mitsuki used here was doki doki but I thought I’d translate it into English because it’d sound .. well, smoother. But how cute! (2) 同じ土俵にいるんだ。was what was used for the first part and I was legit confused. I still am, to be honest. (3) I love how Mitsuki is keeping the mood up in this conversation. You can really see it’s his natural thing. I feel that this talk is between one of the most relaxing person and the stiffest so I’m just tearing up a bit over how good this pair is.
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yotsutama · 7 years
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Appeal Skills:
Iori & Ryuu → Cool & sexy Yamato & Riku → Their small talks Mitsuki & Tenn → Mutual recognition Tamaki & Momo → Competitive Sougo & Yuki → Passion for music Nagi & Gaku → Compatible men
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riku7se · 7 years
Tales of Link Collaboration: Group B!
Group B has finally been released, so I feel like this is as good a time as any to remind everyone about the collaborative dropbox I’m doing! If anyone can share Tamaki or Yuki’s RabiTV’s, please let me know!
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