poison-rat · 3 years
@the-dead-and-the-decaying asked: Anxcietmus for the ❣ asks!
Anxceitmus is my fucking JAM oh my god. My wife was a hardcore Prinxiety shipper, then I got her to ship Dukexiety (the superior ship imo), then I showed her Anxceitmus and it was just downhill from there.
Who is the little spoon?
Remus and Virgil compete to be the little spoon. They're both touch starved and love the warm embrace, but more often than not, Remus will end up the little spoon.
Who sings in the shower?
All of them sing. Virgil has his typically emo music and Remus loves to join in either while sitting in another room or he even jumps in the shower with him. He does the same with Janus. Virgil and Janus don't join Remus in the shower when he's singing, but they listen from the other rooms.
Who plays pranks on the other?
These three love to prank each other. They never put anyone in harm's way or try to hurt them, but they'll constantly try to one-up one another with their pranks.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
When Virgil is in the car, he puts his Bluetooth on and they listen to his music that contains no pop music. They all jam to it anyways. When it's just Remus tho, he will listen to the radio and belt out the songs like he's yelling to the gods above. Janus prefers silence.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Remus brings his mess of sugary coffee to Janus when he's working. Virgil doesn't drink coffee, says it makes him too jittery. He never knows how to make Janus' coffee so he doesn't really bring him any.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Virgil does actually. He likes horror and thrillers, but he really loves comedies. The dumber, the better.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Janus shares his food with both his boyfriends because he's the only one who orders new things at restaurants and his boyfriends will sit there and eye his plate, saying how it looks so good and how they wish they had gotten that.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Janus is probably the most vocal about it. Whenever he calls either of them kind or pretty, Virgil gets embarrassed and hides in his jacket. Remus cries no matter how many times Janus says it because no one calls him pretty but him. Virgil will sometimes say something kind but then do the tsundere thing and pretend he didn't say anything and it's not like he likes them or anything. Remus is always more NSFW with his compliments, but he loves to drop nicknames and comments.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
Remus is the worst about it. Virgil does it every once in a while, but not often. He doesn't want to embarrass himself and get caught.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
Janus doesn't want anyone borrowing his car because his boyfriends are messy as fuck. Virgil and Remus don't care who uses who's car. Both are a mess, both have technical issues, and both barely have any gas in them.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Virgil's is a crumpled list in his pocket, stuff he wrote down right before he left. He winds up calling Janus and Remus to make sure he didn't forget anything. Janus makes an organized list and makes sure they don't have to add anything before they go. Remus doesn't have a list because it's smeared across his face.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
Virgil is actually really good about taking his meds, as is Janus. Remus will forget constantly and have to be reminded often. Virgil has suggested they hide his medicine in his food and for some reason, Janus shoots the idea down, but really, he wonders if it would work.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
They don't watch sports. They're gay.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Remus and Janus are typically the dancers, expelling energy and swaying to a soft song. Virgil loves to just watch them move. He doesn't think he could dance well, but on the rare occasion he does get up, he dances really well, and Remus and Janus love those moments the most.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Janus makes sure both of them are up well in advance. Virgil tends to oversleep and zone out, so he'll be late just because he sat in bed an extra ten minutes. Remus just has a hard time getting up, easily falling back asleep, or being too focused on another task.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
Janus doesn't think name tattoos are a good idea ever. Remus gets a tattoo of their names anyway. Janus' name is hidden in the markings of a snake winding around his wrist and Virgil's name is written in a spider web on his chest. They both love it so much. Virgil wouldn't get a full name, but he would get something subtle like a J or R hidden on the inside of his arm or something, or maybe a symbol like a snake and a tentacle in the shape of a heart.
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poison-rat · 3 years
For the ask thing: intrulogical! P.s. I love your work
Thank you!! I havent written a proper fic in like a year but Im just itching to write lately.
I love Intrulogical so much but my wife doesmt ship them so I never get to talk about it.
Logan and Remus are both chaos but in different ways. This will also borrow from my human AU. I have set ships in it, it is its own thing I may try to write for, but I like using the characterisation Ive made.
Who is the most affectionate?
Remus loves PDA. Hes always holding onto/draped over/sitting on Logan in one way or another. Always dropping sloppy kisses on his face or yelling that he loves him, despite Logan sitting right next to him.
He feels shy in front of other people, but in private, Logan is just as much all over Remus. Hes not nearly as vocal about it, but he also enjoys leaning against him or kissing his cheek or lays with his head in Remus' lap. Its a silent affection and Remus loves it all the same.
Who initiates the handholding?
Remus typically. Loves PDA, again. But Logan will sometimes reach over and just... hold.
Who worries more for the other?
Logan doesnt try to show it, but hes always worried about Remus. He always worried Remus is going to embrace the wrong intrusive thought and hurt himself somehow.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Logan for sure. He understands that he doesnt know everything and is more than happy to stop and ask for directions when theyve passed the same gas station and souvenir shop 3 times. Remus says would rather die than ask for help, but even he can admit when he needs it, and will typically only ask Logan for help, or maybe Janus.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Remus loses everything. If he doesnt have it attached to him, its gone. Hes gone through six pairs of sunglasses while on a vacation, has his phone on a stretchy lanyard when hes out and about (and a good phone insurance in case rhe lamyard falls off), and his keys are on a locking carabiner on his belt loop because the dealership wont give them another set. They really shouldnt have give him the extra 4 that that did.
Logan will lose small things like books or his glasses and occasionally his phone, but he always finds them. His keys stay hung up on a hook by the door and Remus isnt allowed to touch them.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Logan loves to leave post its everywhere. Not just love notes, but reminders for himself and Remus. The notes are all the sort of generic, "I love you!" and, "Remember to commit atrocities against your fellow man!" and Remus steals them all and keeps them in his pillowcase. Its extremely impractical because he has a tendency to pull the pillowcase off with his tossing and turning, but he manages to keep the notes in. Logan will sometimes find more vulgar notes left for him, but also some that say, "Hey nerd, youre cute," or similar, and he hides them in his books for safekeeping.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Both sleep fairly well on their own. Logan wakes more easily without him there. Remus is a sprawling bed hog, so he doesnt typically notice when Logan isnt there.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Logan has been planning it for a long time. He wants things to go according to his plan, but he forgets to factor in that Remus is erratic and unpredictable. He loves that about Remus but its frustrating to his logical brain. Eventually, when he does propose, its out of the blue, in the middle of a crowd, and he doesnt make a big deal of it. Its unpredictable just like his boyfriend. Remus screams in joy, effectively scaring the shit out of many nearby, and of course says yes.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
(Borrows from AU. Remus has an okay relationship with Roman and his mom, Remus being the younger twin, Logan has a tense relationship with his absent parents. All of the sides live in the same house near a college most of them attend.)
Remus met Logan when he and his brother were living together, so Roman knew about Logan the entire time. When Remus told him they were dating, Roman was thrilled for him and also teased him a lot. His mom also knew about Logan the whole time, and when she found out, the first thing she did was ask Roman when he was gonna get a boyfriend, that its improper to marry off the younger child first. She loves Logan and is so happy for her son.
Logan doesnt talk to his parents often. Theyre busy with their business, he knows that. In fact, he doesnt even tell them hes dating someone until theyre getting married. His mom acts all upset that he didnt tell her, but he doesnt believe her. They congratulate him, and thats about it. The nanny that raised him, she's absolutely thrilled and so happy for the two. Shes known about Remus since Logan starred to develop a crush and he called her in the middle of the night to ask for advice. She meets him in person a bit before their wedding.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Remus is a tactile person. He loves to touch and play. When he doesnt have a fidget toy, he demands Logan's hair. Its difficult to read and also not doze off when someone is playing with his hair, but he tries.
Logan also plays with Remus' hair because its long and a bit wild. He mostly does it when he needs to help Remus brush it out, but when Remus is sitting in his lap with his head om his chest, Logan cant help as his hand just wanders up and starts carding through his hair. Remus melts every time, touch starved and desperate for affection.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Both of them are terrible at keeping up with needs. Logan will get into a focus and just not remember the world around him until Remus sets a sandwich and a glass of water down next to him. Hes very grateful. Remus is more an active person, so he'll be running around causing chaos, typically with Janus or Virgil and occasionally Roman, and Logan will make sure he has something when he gets home, because Logam cant focus on anything but making sure Remus is okay when hes gone.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Remus will defend Logan to the death. Whether it be he has to throw hands or yell at someone, he'll do it. Logan is forever glad to have Remus in his life because he is a very passive person.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Remus' surprises are not always safe for work, but he loves to just... have a surprise waiting for Logan at any given moment.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
They both agree the pinky promise is the best way to do things for them. Its childish like Remus likes, and feels a little official like Logan likes.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Janus does because they both just fall asleep draped over each other. Logan doesnt like to sleep anywhere but his bed and Remus will sleep anywhere, and always while laying on top of Logan so he has no choice but to stay there. He denies a blanket, saying hes gonna get up in a bit, but he never does.
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poison-rat · 3 years
❣️ + analogince?
Logan kind of took a back burner in this one, but only because I've talked about him quite a bit, and he doesn't change much between ships. Also, Analogince is a ship I have never touched in my life. Analogical, a bit, but not much. Prinxiety, I kinda ship so easy. Together tho? Difficult.
Who is the little spoon?
Virgil demands to be held. His boyfriends find it extremely endearing and oblige. Roman and Logan sometimes want to be held as well and they swap easily.
Who sings in the shower?
Virgil is a quiet singer unless he gets really into it. Logan listens to classical or nothing when showering, less of a risk that way. Roman is basically a one-man show, belting out show tunes, singing into the loofah and performing for shampoo bottles and rubber ducks. Virgil has more than one recording of Roman singing.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Virgil likes to do things like dying Princey's coat purple or filling his shampoo with glitter. Roman tries to get him back in the same caliber, but his pranks backfire most of the time or Logan gets caught in the crossfire. They owe him dinner after Logan winds up with a face full of slime.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Roman of course. He sings Ariana Grande with passion, moves on to Lil Nas with ease. Virgil is terrified to ride in the car with him driving because Roman will straight up let go of the wheel if he's particularly inspired. So Logan drives.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Neither Roman nor Virgil drink coffee, but they'll make a pot for Logan whenever he's working. Roman guesses his measurements for sugar and creamer, and Logan accepts it graciously. Virgil doesn't like to try and guess and just lets Roman handle it.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Roman loves romcoms and Disney so of course, he tries to pick those every time. Logan makes him break up the routine with other genres.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
None of them do. Logan and Virgil find it embarrassing, and if anyone wants to try someone else's, they'll just scootch plates around.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Roman is a romantic and loves to drop nicknames and fanciful compliments. They always make Virgil roll his eyes or act flustered. On the rare occasion Virgil compliments Roman, the prince won't shut up about it. He teases him and Virgil clams up. Logan finds them both endearing and will give his own in private, snuggled up on the couch or in bed.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
Virgil does it only when no one is looking. Logan knows he's doing it but doesn't mention it. Roman is none the wiser.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
They all share cars. No one really borrows Virgil's, as it's messy and rarely has gas in it, but Roman and Logan have no issue sharing their cars.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Virgil doesn't make a list until he's about to head out and winds up having to call to make sure he got everything. Roman will make a list and not call, thinking for sure he got everything. He didn't. Logan is the most organized, making a list and writing prices down as he shops. He does randomly get calls from Roman, the prince saying he suddenly remembered he needed more face wash and gummy worms.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
They're all very good about their medicine, but Logan will always check and make sure. Virgil tries to stop his antibiotics before he's run the full course, saying he's s fine and he's fully recovered, but Logan makes sure he finishes everything.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Logan watches the Spelling Bee. Neither of the others wants to know the rules of how to spell words in competition.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Roman, much like his brother, is always the dancer. He gets very inspired and will dance all over the house. Logan doesn't like to join in on the energetic songs, but he does love to watch the swing in Roman's hips. Virgil has to be in a really good mood to join in, but he also loves watching Roman's ass hips.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Virgil drags when they have to get ready, but with two boyfriends who want to ensure they're on time, they inspire him to get out of bed.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
Virgil only gets subtle tattoos, like a symbol or a letter, but never their full name. Roman is the same way. He doesn't like to get words but will get images or symbols. Logan doesn't get tattoos.
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poison-rat · 3 years
Can you do Inrtuloceit and Anxceitmus please!!!! I absolutely LOVE the head cannon things!
I'll do one in this answer then post the other separately.
Intruloceit has the strangest dynamic. Remus wants crime, Janus wants to egg him on, Logan wants to stop him. And yet they are in love. Maybe it's that Janus brings out the best in Logan's smarts, that Remus keeps them on their toes, or that Logan can see through the lies and the intrusive thoughts and just sees them. Whatever it is, it works.
Also, this is honestly just mashing together my answers from Dukeceit and Intrulogical so they may sound repetitive at times.
Who is the little spoon?
Remus most of the time. He loves to be sandwiched between two handsome men, even if it's not a sexy way. Sometimes Logan or Janus want to be held, but they're perfectly content holding Remus.
Who sings in the shower?
Janus and Remus sing, but Logan thinks it's a bit dangerous. Remus doesn't think singing is dangerous until he gets a little too into it, slips, and takes out their corner shelf and the curtain while trying to not fall. He was fine, just some bruising, but nearly gave his boyfriends a heart attack.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Janus tolerates pranks and Logan hates them. Remus still pulls them, but it's always little ones. Nothing that could hurt anyone, just mildly inconvenience them at worst. The worst prank he does is he rigs their car doors to spray glitter. Janus is still shaking glitter out of his hair two months and three dozen showers later. Logan keeps seeing flakes of glitter stuck to his glasses and he doesn't know how to get rid of them.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Remus mainly, but every once in a while, a particular song comes on, Logan is driving, and he hears Remus start singing. Then he heard Janus join the harmony. It's a strange sound, Janus being calm and Remus much louder, but it makes Logan smile. He joins in too and even repeats the song and suddenly they've missed their exit and trying to find where to double back because they were too busy performing a three-man show of Adele's Rolling In the Deep.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Almost always, it's Remus, bringing his specialty, the Creamy Mess, which is just coffee with whipped cream and sprinkles. But a few nights, Logan will be up late and Janus will spot him bent over his laptop and he makes him a cup of coffee with exactly the right amount of sugar (three spoonfuls) and will bring it to him. "Don't stay up too late, love," he'll say, leaving a kiss to the top of his head. Logan typically only stays out another hour.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
If Janus doesn't pick a cheesy movie, they would only watch drama, horror, or kids' movies. Logan and Remus are very much attached to what they like, but they enjoy comedies and romcoms.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Janus will feed Remus in public, but only small bites of his food as a way to let him try his food. Logan finds it embarrassing and would rather he didn't, but he also knows Remus will just help himself if they don't intervene.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Remus' compliments are a little vulgar, a little rude, but he has plenty of them. Janus' compliments are teasing but very meaningful. Occasionally he makes Remus cry just by calling him pretty or sweet. Logan is largely the same as Janus, but he more speaks in private than in front of others.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
Rat man Remus will steal their food when he thinks they aren't paying attention. Logan chides him for it, but Janus will poke Remus' hand with his fork on 'accident'. It doesn't deter him for long.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
Janus is very particular about his car. He lets Logan borrow it, but not for long car trips. Logan will let either of them borrow his car because it's the nicest of the three. Both don't want to borrow Remus' car because it's older and has had the check engine light on since shortly after he got it and it slows down and stalls sometimes when he takes off, so it's just a scary time for them.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Janus and Logan will make an entire list throughout the week and set a day aside to go shopping. They make sure they have everything they need. Remus isn't allowed to go shopping by himself or he will get nothing they needed.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
Janus and Logan are very good about remembering medicine, leaving sticky notes if they think they'll forget. Between the two of them, they can get Remus to remember his medicine, but on their own, it's difficult to get him to remember.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Logan only watches the Spelling Bee. Remus doesn't get it, but he likes to listen in. Janus doesn't see the appeal, watching kids spell words in a competition.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Remus is the dancer. He gets inspired and full of energy and drags his boyfriends along. Janus loves to join in on the energetic ones, but Logan will just watch. There's a stretch of music where it's slow love songs, and Janus and Logan love to sway and move with Remus or each other. It's those moments that Remus wouldn't trade for the world.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Logan is the most punctual, showing up at least five minutes early. Janus is good at getting there right on time. Remus would show up two hours late if his boyfriends didn't make sure he's up and ready in plenty of time.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
Logan will never get a tattoo. Janus only wants maybe one or two small ones, with meaning, and never a name tattoo. He thinks they ruin relationships. Remus doesn't care and gets them each a tattoo: Janus' name hidden in the markings of a winding snake around his wrist, and Logan's in stars over a dark background. Both of them absolutely adore them.
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poison-rat · 3 years
❣️ + dukeceit
Yessssss my main ship Dukeceit babey. I am a sucker for sly schemer Janus and feral chaos Remus. Excuse the late reply as well, Ive been out and about with family, so my phone inevitably died while at dinner.
Who is the little spoon?
Remus. Hes a clingy guy, and he loves snuggling up to Janus' chest. Janus will wrap him up in a tight embrace and just play with his hair.
Who sings in the shower?
Both of them. Remus is loud and off key and fast paced, but Janus loves to just listen. Janus is much slower, more sultry, and Remus will sit his ass on the floor of the bathroom to listen if he hasnt joined Janus in the shower by then.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Remus loves to prank, but he does little ones on Janus. Loosening the cap om the sugar shaker, putting sticky tape on the inside of his hat, turning his cape into a glittery mess. Janus always gets him back tho, with the same caliber of prank.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Remus unironically listens to the most popular songs, belts them out while driving, and dances like a madman. Janus likes a few but he'll never admit it. Remus has a playlist with just the pop songs Jan likes.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Remus likes to dress it all up with whipped cream and sprinkles and chocolate, but he will always bring Janus a cup of coffee when hes busy working.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Janus, surprisingly. Remus always wants animated or horror, no in between, so Janus will pick the dumb romcoms or the cheesy comedies just to break up the repetition.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Remus always wants to try Janus' food when they try new restaraunts, so Janus ends up feeding him a fork of it so he cant break off a massive piece.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Janus loves to drop little compliments, calling Remus his little rat, his little trash man, an absolute mess of a human, and its so endearing. He also compliments him on how he can terrorise people and cause general mischief. Remus calls Janus names back, like Snakey or Jan Jan the Snake Man, and he always calls him sexy or hot or pretty. The moment Janus turns the tables and calls Remus pretty, he almost cries. No, wait, he does cry.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
Remus is a little rat thief, stealing pieces when he thinks Janus isnt looking. Janus has 'accidentally' poked his fork into Remus' hand more than once.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
Remus isnt allowed to borrow Janus' car. Janus hates taking Remus' car because its absolutely filthy. Even if he spends hours cleaning it, its a mess the next day.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Janus is very organised and makes a list, always asking Remus is he has anything to add. Remus will scrawl the basics on his arm, but he rarely follows it and is much more likely to smear it on his face. He calls Janus 20 times if hes shopping by himself, so Janus always goes with him.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
If Remus doesnt have a neon sign pointing to his meds, he will forget. Janus leaves sticky notes all over, and he will still miss them. He only remembers when Janus physically put the meds in his hand.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Theyre gay. They dont watch sports.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Remus will always get inspired, spinning and twirling around. Janus watches with an amused smile, but then suddenly Remus is pulling him to his feet, the song has slowed, and theyre swaying. Remus' arms around his neck, Janus' around his waist. Remus smiles at him and Janus falls in love all over again.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Again. Remus forgets everything. Janus will remind him constantly, even so far as getting on the phone with him while he drives to ensure he didnt zone out and forget if its something very important. Remus does remember a lot, but when hes on his own, his focus wavers a bit.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
Both agree name tattoos are a mistake. That doesnt stop Remus from getting a snake tattoo, wrapped around his arm, with Janus' name in the markings of it. Its a beautiful tattoo, and if youre not focused on it, you wont notice the name.
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poison-rat · 3 years
Might I get a Analogical of your ask prince?
Idk if prince was added as a nickname or what but I love it??? Might add that to my pinned??
Excuse the lateness of this too, I had to go to work shortly after I got this ask
Okay, so Analogical is a ship I have honestly ever put thought into other than looking at art. That being said, I will try my best. I think they're cute as hell together and hope I did them justice.
Who is the little spoon?
Virgil is 100% the little spoon. Logan has his days, but not often. Virgil adores just being wrapped up and warm in his embrace.
Who sings in the shower?
Virgil gets embarrassed, but he does sing. Every so often, he gets into a certain song and will belt out the lyrics. Logan loves to listen in from the other room.
Who plays pranks on the other?
Virgil knows Logan doesn't like pranks and doesn't pull them on him. He gets all his pranks out on Remus, Janus, or Roman when he sees them.
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Virgil hates pop music and Logan much prefers classical or indie type music.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Virgil never quite knows how much sugar Logan wants, so he doesn't often bring him coffee. When he does, he brings sugar packets that Logan will usually take with him to work. Logan tries to show him how he makes it, but Virgil doesn't want to get it wrong.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Virgil actually loves comedies and will pick them every once in a while. Usually, he picks thrillers or a Disney movie.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
Both find it embarrassing and strange and don't do it. If they want to share food, they'll just shuffle plates and get their own bite.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Logan likes to compliment, the generic sort, because it makes Virgil blush and get all flustered. In private, he's even worse. Virgil winds up a flustered mess, flailing in his seat. Logan isn't allowed to be cute according to Virgil, but he does it anyway.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
Virgil does on occasion. He thinks Logan doesn't notice but he does. He just doesn't mention it.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
Logan has the nicer car of the two of them, so he lets Virgil borrow his car whenever he wants. That and Virgil doesn't clean his car, so he gets upset when Logan wants to use it.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Logan is organized and makes sure he has everything he needs before he goes. Virgil will scrawl a list and just call before he checks out.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
Both are very good at remembering, but Logan will always gently ask if Virgil remembered and make sure he takes the full extent of it, even if he claims he's fully recovered.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Logan watches the Spelling Bee. Virgil likes to make fun of it while they watch.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Logan doesn't dance often, but when he gets particularly inspired by a waltz, he'll gently tug Virgil to his feet, the emo whining the whole time, and get him to dance and sway to the beat. Virgil gets into it as well, laying his head on Logan's chest and wrapping his arms tight around him. Logan just kisses his head, "I love you." "Shut up."
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Logan is punctual and early always. He makes sure Virgil doesn't drag too much, gently reminding him to get up and be ready soon.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
The most Virgil ever gets is a letter or a symbol, like a robot. He doesn't want to get a full name tattoo because if they break up, then it's awkward. At least with a robot, he can say he just likes robots.
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poison-rat · 3 years
Anaroyality (Virgil x Roman x Patton) My cousin asked for this btw! (By the way)
This is going to be the last of these prompts I do. I'm getting a little bored of these particular questions. I may reblog some new ones later and I'll try those instead because I really do love talking about my ships and my HCs.
I think this is the first time I've talked about Patton?? I love the happy, bubbly Patton that comes with more fanon than canon, but I love Patton. Anaroyality is also a ship I haven't touched before. I kind of ship Moxiety and Prinxiety, but I haven't combined them before. So I hope this comes out good! Also you didn't specify which set so I did the first one instead.
Who is the most affectionate?
People always assume Roman would be, being the romantic type and all, but it's actually Patton. He's considered the heart of the relationship. He loves giving hugs and kissing their heads, holding their hands, and kissing their cheeks. He’s also a verbally affectionate person. He loves to give them nicknames and tell them how cute or pretty they are or how good they are at their hobbies. Virgil always gets so flustered, hiding in his hoodie. He loves it tho. Roman gets blushy and his ego inflates a little and he flaps a bit when he gets overwhelmed.
Who initiates the handholding?
Most of the time, it’s actually Virgil. He gets overwhelmed by the world quite often, and with two extroverted boyfriends, it balances things out when he can just walk up and hold their hand and feel like there’s this barrier between him and the world, that he’s safe. Other than that, it’s Roman, holding hands or arms or wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Who worries more for the other?
Virgil worries about them all the time. Roman hangs out with his wild brother or goes off on his ‘adventures’ for several hours or even days. Patton is more of a homebody, but Virgil always worries something will go wrong at home. So Virgil hangs out with Patton regularly to ‘protect him’. Patton doesn’t see what the big deal is, but he’s happy for the company.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Patton is very quick to ask for help. Virgil and Roman will be arguing for hours if Patton doesn’t ask for help. Imagine they’re in a furniture store and Virgil wants to look at sectionals. Roman would prefer a reclining couch. Patton has no opinion because both are good. They argue for about ten minutes before Patton wanders over to an employee and explains what they all want. Employee helps them find the perfect mix of the two and they leave with a nice sectional that has recliners in it. Virgil and Roman still bicker but they know for a fact that without Patton, they would still be arguing in the middle of the store.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Patton misplaces things all the time, so he has this little keychain that allows him to track his keys, phone, wallet, and other such items. Of course, he loses the keychain too, so now Roman holds onto the keychain.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Roman loves to leave notes all over the house that usually stay hanging up until they lose stickiness and drift off. When he gets particularly inspired, he writes a whole letter. Virgil keeps them pressed in with his books, taking them out when he’s having a bad day. Patton has a scrapbook of their relationship and puts his letters in the back of it.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
They can all sleep fairly well without the other, but they have some difficulty. Virgil sleeping alone, he can’t get tired enough to fall asleep until the wee hours of the night. Roman alone, he tosses and turns a lot. Patton alone, he wakes up very easily. A car drives by just too loud and he’s up.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Roman plans a whole romantic night out to propose to them. He’s been planning a proposal since he was a kid and he’s not about to change it just because he now has to plan for two boyfriends instead of just one.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
(Taken from AU. Virgil has stepdad he hates and mom he loves. Patton has his mom who he adores. Roman has Remus and his mom, both have good relationships with)
Roman introduced Virgil and Patton to Remus first, mostly because they all live together. He also told his mom shortly after because he was just so excited. Patton was shortly after. He hates keeping secrets from his mom. Virgil was last, not telling his stepdad and only telling his mom a year or two down the line. She supports and loves him, glad he’s happy.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Roman loves the feeling of hair running through his fingers and will sit there with both of their heads in his lap as they watch a movie and just pet. Sometimes he braids their hair and makes it pretty, which both of them love. It tends to put Virgil to sleep and Patton very relaxed.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Patton is the dad friend and will always make sure they’re fed and drinking water. Virgil puts up a fight, playfully so, but always listens to Patton because he loves him.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Roman puts up with nothing. He will defend his boyfriends to the death. Virgil doesn’t do it often, but if someone is bothering one of his boyfriends and they aren’t able to defend themselves, he will.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Roman prepared surprises for every special occasion or even just a random Tuesday. He loves to shower his boyfriends in love and will do anything to make them smile. Virgil finds it embarrassing but Patton loves them.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Virgil is a stickler for pinky promises. Patton loves doing it because it’s such an easy way to make sure they stick to promises.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Virgil and Roman will doze off anywhere and Patton always makes sure he has a throw blanket nearby to cover them up. He also has a hundred photos of them snuggling in his phone.
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