rayisme · 1 year
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This is what I've got so far! Please let me know what you think!
Art is done by @oblivionartworks ! I'm just coloring it in and inking it on my phone! ^^ Credit for the character is Thomas Sanders!
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poison-rat · 3 years
For the ask thing: intrulogical! P.s. I love your work
Thank you!! I havent written a proper fic in like a year but Im just itching to write lately.
I love Intrulogical so much but my wife doesmt ship them so I never get to talk about it.
Logan and Remus are both chaos but in different ways. This will also borrow from my human AU. I have set ships in it, it is its own thing I may try to write for, but I like using the characterisation Ive made.
Who is the most affectionate?
Remus loves PDA. Hes always holding onto/draped over/sitting on Logan in one way or another. Always dropping sloppy kisses on his face or yelling that he loves him, despite Logan sitting right next to him.
He feels shy in front of other people, but in private, Logan is just as much all over Remus. Hes not nearly as vocal about it, but he also enjoys leaning against him or kissing his cheek or lays with his head in Remus' lap. Its a silent affection and Remus loves it all the same.
Who initiates the handholding?
Remus typically. Loves PDA, again. But Logan will sometimes reach over and just... hold.
Who worries more for the other?
Logan doesnt try to show it, but hes always worried about Remus. He always worried Remus is going to embrace the wrong intrusive thought and hurt himself somehow.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Logan for sure. He understands that he doesnt know everything and is more than happy to stop and ask for directions when theyve passed the same gas station and souvenir shop 3 times. Remus says would rather die than ask for help, but even he can admit when he needs it, and will typically only ask Logan for help, or maybe Janus.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Remus loses everything. If he doesnt have it attached to him, its gone. Hes gone through six pairs of sunglasses while on a vacation, has his phone on a stretchy lanyard when hes out and about (and a good phone insurance in case rhe lamyard falls off), and his keys are on a locking carabiner on his belt loop because the dealership wont give them another set. They really shouldnt have give him the extra 4 that that did.
Logan will lose small things like books or his glasses and occasionally his phone, but he always finds them. His keys stay hung up on a hook by the door and Remus isnt allowed to touch them.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Logan loves to leave post its everywhere. Not just love notes, but reminders for himself and Remus. The notes are all the sort of generic, "I love you!" and, "Remember to commit atrocities against your fellow man!" and Remus steals them all and keeps them in his pillowcase. Its extremely impractical because he has a tendency to pull the pillowcase off with his tossing and turning, but he manages to keep the notes in. Logan will sometimes find more vulgar notes left for him, but also some that say, "Hey nerd, youre cute," or similar, and he hides them in his books for safekeeping.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Both sleep fairly well on their own. Logan wakes more easily without him there. Remus is a sprawling bed hog, so he doesnt typically notice when Logan isnt there.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Logan has been planning it for a long time. He wants things to go according to his plan, but he forgets to factor in that Remus is erratic and unpredictable. He loves that about Remus but its frustrating to his logical brain. Eventually, when he does propose, its out of the blue, in the middle of a crowd, and he doesnt make a big deal of it. Its unpredictable just like his boyfriend. Remus screams in joy, effectively scaring the shit out of many nearby, and of course says yes.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
(Borrows from AU. Remus has an okay relationship with Roman and his mom, Remus being the younger twin, Logan has a tense relationship with his absent parents. All of the sides live in the same house near a college most of them attend.)
Remus met Logan when he and his brother were living together, so Roman knew about Logan the entire time. When Remus told him they were dating, Roman was thrilled for him and also teased him a lot. His mom also knew about Logan the whole time, and when she found out, the first thing she did was ask Roman when he was gonna get a boyfriend, that its improper to marry off the younger child first. She loves Logan and is so happy for her son.
Logan doesnt talk to his parents often. Theyre busy with their business, he knows that. In fact, he doesnt even tell them hes dating someone until theyre getting married. His mom acts all upset that he didnt tell her, but he doesnt believe her. They congratulate him, and thats about it. The nanny that raised him, she's absolutely thrilled and so happy for the two. Shes known about Remus since Logan starred to develop a crush and he called her in the middle of the night to ask for advice. She meets him in person a bit before their wedding.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Remus is a tactile person. He loves to touch and play. When he doesnt have a fidget toy, he demands Logan's hair. Its difficult to read and also not doze off when someone is playing with his hair, but he tries.
Logan also plays with Remus' hair because its long and a bit wild. He mostly does it when he needs to help Remus brush it out, but when Remus is sitting in his lap with his head om his chest, Logan cant help as his hand just wanders up and starts carding through his hair. Remus melts every time, touch starved and desperate for affection.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Both of them are terrible at keeping up with needs. Logan will get into a focus and just not remember the world around him until Remus sets a sandwich and a glass of water down next to him. Hes very grateful. Remus is more an active person, so he'll be running around causing chaos, typically with Janus or Virgil and occasionally Roman, and Logan will make sure he has something when he gets home, because Logam cant focus on anything but making sure Remus is okay when hes gone.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Remus will defend Logan to the death. Whether it be he has to throw hands or yell at someone, he'll do it. Logan is forever glad to have Remus in his life because he is a very passive person.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Remus' surprises are not always safe for work, but he loves to just... have a surprise waiting for Logan at any given moment.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
They both agree the pinky promise is the best way to do things for them. Its childish like Remus likes, and feels a little official like Logan likes.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Janus does because they both just fall asleep draped over each other. Logan doesnt like to sleep anywhere but his bed and Remus will sleep anywhere, and always while laying on top of Logan so he has no choice but to stay there. He denies a blanket, saying hes gonna get up in a bit, but he never does.
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Yo is it ok if I do some art of Fire? I’ve been wanting to do it for a while now but I’ve got the best materials at the moment
hell yeah you can!
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Helloooo! I’d like to drop in and say that I absolutely love everything about your fics and art! Especially If You’re Going My Way, I’m really invested (if you don’t mind I’d like to be added to the taglist) sorry if I’m annoying you, but I just needed to make it known that I love what you do, thanks for your time!
Aaaaaa tysm omg!! ☺️☺️ I added you to the taglist, ty for the kind words !!!
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mcytblr-limbo · 3 years
I’d like to be a Soot guard if that’s alright with you
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Of course! @oblivionartworks has been sent to final limbo to guard @/sootings!
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100floorpocky · 6 years
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Ahh okay so I desperately need to make some money, and fast. I have custom lanyard commissions at the moment. I do realize that my set price is a little high but for $15 you can get an artwork of mine in a plastic ID protector with a plain black lanyard and a small artwork of your chosen character. This price includes shipping. Message me ( @100floorpocky ) to work out a deal or to buy something.
I do also have other commissions open ~~
Large Headshots - $10 Medium - $8 Small - $5 Fullbody Badge - $15 Digital Fullbody - $13 Digital Headshot - same prices except these are colored in digitally, printed and laminated as where the regular headshots are done traditionally and in my stylistic outlines Digital Icon - $5 Traditional Icon - $3
Whether or not you decide to buy something, please re-blog this as I am desperate. Thank you so much, have a wonderful day!
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oblivionartwork · 7 years
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my first ever dutch angel dragon yooo. an online color sheet with completely flat colors and then a headshot sketch.
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pintrovertsweek2022 · 3 years
hello and welcome to the first ever Pintroverts week! Dates will be October 10-14, and although there is not yet a prompt list, you can fill out this form for interest/prompt submission!
I’ll make an faq soon!
tagging a few people to get the word out! @theimprobabledreamersworld @edupunkn00b @oblivionartworks  @stardustlv
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We Will Say Hello Again- Chapter Ten
I’ve missed writing that title! It’s been a while... but @red-imeanblue and I are back with a brand new chapter of our WandaVision AU story!
This was so fun and interesting to write, we put a heck of a lot of planning into this one, so we’d love to know what you think of it! :)
Taglist for this story: @psychedelicships @lost-in-thought-20 @cats-pyjamas @oblivionartworks (If you’d like to be added/removed, let either me or Blue know!)
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Word count: 2,200
Summary: Where did he live again?
He spun around looking at every house, but his mind began to spin. Patton looked at every one, and none of them felt like home. He didn’t understand, he had escaped the nightmare. The one without Logan in it. This was his perfect place… so why couldn’t he shake the feeling that something was trying to stop him from being happy?
Warnings:  Food, derealisation, manipulation of reality, blurring of lines between dream and reality, confusion, highly emotional moments.
Read the full chapter on AO3!
Error 500
Patton felt the sharp pain from before as the machine began to do its work. He could have sworn that there was some resistance this time, why did he feel like he was fighting himself? He wanted this, if that world was one without Logan in it, he would stay in this one forever. No one would be able to convince him otherwise. He felt his body grind to a halt as he stood on an all too familiar, but unfamiliar street. He remembered the houses; he knew that Janus’ place was on the left side and Virgil’s was on the corner.
Where did he live again?
He spun around looking at every house, but his mind began to spin. Patton looked at every one, and none of them felt like home. He didn’t understand, he had escaped the nightmare. The one without Logan in it. This was his perfect place… so why couldn’t he shake the feeling that something was trying to stop him from being happy? He could feel his chest rise and fall too quickly, his breath was coming out ragged and as he clutched his head; there was only one thought in his mind. He wanted it to stop, he just wanted to be home with his family.
“POPS!” Patton heard squeals as a door was thrown open to his right. He took his hands from his head and turned around sharply. Roman and Remus were hurtling towards him. As they leapt up into his arms, Patton couldn’t help but giggle as he welcomed them with open arms before staggering backwards from the impact. He felt a small spark of joy as they clung to him before he walked all three of them back into the house. As he stepped over the threshold, a sense of calm washed over him. He remembered all the photographs and the other touches to the house that him and Logan decided on together. Patton did try to ignore the fact that some of the photographs temporarily looked like TV static, only some where it was just the two of them. He shook his head and when he looked back, the boys were standing in the photograph with them. He smiled as he saw the funny faces the boys were pulling while him and Logan looked at them fondly.
The boys began to wiggle around in Patton’s arms, so he put them down gently before they raced off ready to cause more chaos. He smiled; this was so much better. Patton walked into the living room and collapsed unceremoniously onto the sofa. As the boys raced past playing Princes and Dragons, he realised that there was someone missing.
“Hey kiddos! Where’s…?” He paused before he could finish that sentence. It felt like he had already asked that to the boys, but he had no idea why it sounded so familiar. More importantly, he couldn’t understand why he felt so… sad to ask. The boys skidded to a halt and Roman’s hand shot up, as if he was in a classroom.
“Ooh! Ooh! Papa went to the store! We, urm, we…” Roman pressed his fingers together as he tried to think of the right word, so he turned to Remus with pleading eyes. Remus squinted before his eyes it up in a lightbulb moment.
“BORROWED!” and Roman agreed enthusiastically before carrying on talking to Patton.
“Yeah, that! We borrowed all the pasta… and Papa wanted to make your favourite for dinner.”
Patton looked at these two rosy cheeked boys who were smiling up at him and felt his own smile fall. His mind was beginning to race, his leg bounced up and down as he failed to control his agitation. He gazed at the boys again and realised that there was no concern on their faces, the smile was almost glued on… and it scared him. He remembered why it hurt his heart to ask that question in the first place.
“B- b- but, you told me that earlier… and he… he was.” A piercing sound crept into his mind, and he frantically looked around him as he felt the room shake. Objects disappeared and turned into glitches, almost like he was waiting for a video game to load. The TV hissed loudly with static and he watched helplessly as photographs, kitchen cupboards, even the stairs turned into glitches. The boys looked more concerned now, but not about what was happening around them… just Patton’s reaction to it all. He clutched his head.
‘Make it stop! Please make it stop! I want Logan… he needs to come back now.’ He pleaded in his mind as the shaking became more violent, and the glitch slowly made its way towards him, consuming everything in sight.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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iberra-6000-blog · 5 years
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One of My Favourite games of all time . . . . #oblivion #tesoblivion #tesoblivionart #elderscrollsart ##stoprighttherecriminalscum #oblivionart #oblivionartwork #digitaldrawing #digitalart #art #drawing #drawings #fanart #artist #myart #myartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcYOYSFcqW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4ckkv28xkqpo
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oblivionartwork · 7 years
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have some art
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100floorpocky · 7 years
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EGG BOY follow me @oblivionartwork or here for random shit but make the egg boy famous.
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Chapter 7 is up for 'We Will Say Hello Again'!
Writing collab with @red-imeanblue 😊
This is a looong chapter, but we promise it's worth it!
Big warning for derealization in this chapter, an explanation is in the author note at the beginning on Ao3!
Taglist: @psychedelicships @lost-in-thought-20 @lolliwoe @oblivionartworks @writerwithtoomanyships
If anyone wants to be added, let me or Blue know! 😊💛
Sneak preview under the line!
Read on Ao3!
Chapter 7: The Unknown Realm
"I beg your pardon?” Janus stared at Virgil like he had just grown a second head.
“You heard me.” He scanned Virgil’s face, praying it was some kind of joke. This kind of thing wasn’t possible, how do you enter someone’s dreams? He turned away and walked straight to his wine glass to finish it off. He was going to need it if he needed to understand everything. Virgil sighed and motioned for Janus to sit down.
“Look. Just listen and let me explain.” Janus nodded, he remember listening to something like that, but he was struggling with the weight of all the machine stuff at the time. He was more concerned about not dropping anything.
“This machine. We’ve used it to access people’s minds during their lucid dream state. Not just looking in, actually going in. It’s been pretty successful in trial runs... but only one person can do it. I’m far too sceptical to be part of a make believe world. So there’s only one option left really.” Virgil looks at the monitor as he speaks, hoping with every word that the barrier fell. Janus stared at him with his mouth slightly open in shock. His brain was working in overdrive mode trying to decipher everything Virgil just threw at him.
"You're going to have to go in and work out what’s happening... Then gradually suggest to Patton that he comes back home." Virgil shrugged as he spoke, this all seemed perfectly normal to him. Janus wasn’t surprised considering he was the science man, but at this point, Janus was considering drinking his wine straight from the bottle because his brain was practically imploding with all of this information.
"Now, h- hang on just a minute. Let me get this straight... You want me... The worst team player ever... to go into Patton's mind?"
"Isn’t that practically breaking and entering? It’s not like Patton has given us permission to go into his mind, especially while he might be finally attempting to acknowledge his grief." Virgil did pause for a second after Janus’ comment. He didn’t stop to consider that this might well be helping him. Knowing Patton though, he was probably getting attached to this world. It would be a world that he wanted but could never have now… and that would do more harm than good...
Read the rest on Ao3!
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100floorpocky · 7 years
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okay so this is a thinggg. I will be selling art commissions that will go in a plastic sleeve and have a plain black lanyard. This will be a smaller art but will cost $15 I do not know how large the art will be since I just ordered the lanyards and plastic covers today and they will be coming in at some point that i do not know yet. Keep in mind that this is just a trail at the moment and I will only have 10 slots available. You have to claim a slot right now and I won’t start creating any of the art until the lanyards and sleeves come in. You will be able to commission almost everything. mainly people or characters from shows/comics/movies or wolves. I will be open do doing animals but keep in mind that i mainly draw dragons or wolves so something else may not be my best art. •• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. •• tags: #oblivionartwork #art #commission #commissionsopen #drawing #buymyart #artforsale
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