pregnant-piggy · 4 years
Sirius Black x reader
words: 2.5k
warnings: alcohol and making out
A/N: written for @omgrachwrites 500 followers writing challenge I wanted to write something light and easy and then this was created. This reminded me a bit of when I first started writing fanfiction and I only wrote short Sirius fics. I hope you like it!!
prompt: you’re so cute
The Gryffindor common room was crowded. There were first-years at the fire, trying not to fall asleep at this late at night. Second- and third-years at the windows, doing some last-minute homework. Fourth-years watching fifth-years longingly, whether because they wanted to be with them or be them, no one knew. Sixth-years in a circle in the middle of the space, their drinks hidden from anyone who might enter the common room. The seventh-year girls sat in the corner of the room, contemplating what do to this weekend.
The only ones who were missing were the seventh-year Gryffindor boys. They were nowhere to be seen and usually that meant no good.
‘Where are the boys?’ Lily asked you. From the four girls around you she was the only one else, beside you, who had noticed the absence of your friends.
‘I haven’t seen them since dinner, ‘ you mumbled, stretching your neck to find them.
‘I don’t like this,’ Lily said. ‘James promised me he would spend the night with me. Do you think he forgot?’
‘No, I think maybe something else might have come up,’ you said, smiling at the insecurity of your friend’s new relationship. ‘It’s not like their lives are without struggles.’
‘Wouldn’t you know…’ the red-head mumbled, nudging your shoulder. ‘What happened with Sirius this afternoon?’
You blushed and shook your head. This afternoon, Sirius had pulled you with him to an empty classroom. He had shown you a letter his cousin had sent him, concerning a pureblood ball his parents were giving soon. His parents had not informed Sirius about it, but he feared he had to come. It wouldn’t be the first time that his parents would take him from school for something useless like a ball. He had just wanted to tell someone about it and you were the person he opened up to about his family the most.
‘It was nothing. He had gotten a letter from his cousin. It was nothing big, but he just needed a friend to tell it to.’
‘Right, a friend…’                                                                                  
‘Lily, stop that! Do you want to search for James?’
Together with Lily you made your apologies to the other girls and left he busy common room. The silence of the dark corridor was as a warm escape from the busyness. It wasn’t after curfew yet, but it would be soon. There were very few students out at this time. You came across a Ravenclaw prefect, Mrs. Norris and Nearly Headless Nick, who greeted you happily. When you asked if he might have seen the boys, he chuckled and told you and Lily that he had heard some noises from the old History of Magic classroom, that was out of use these days.
‘Thank you, Nicholas,’ you said and quickened your pace as you walked with your friend to the second floor.
The hallway of the classroom was colder and darker than the others. The classroom hadn’t been used for years and the only other door in the corridor was to a broom closet. There were no lights but one on the ceiling. It gave a creepy feeling, but luckily there was a small stroke of light coming from under the door of the classroom.
You approached the door and cleared your throat. With a sharp voice, that was close to McGonagall’s, you said: ‘Is anyone there? I’ll be damned if it are those annoying Gryffindors…’
Lily had to hold onto the wall to not fall from laughing as there were shuffles in the classroom and the light went out quickly. The footsteps sounded for a second and then there was silence. You chuckled and pushed the door open.
‘Accio James’ glasses,’ you whispered and from the corner of the room a pair of glasses came flying to your hand.
‘Hey!’ James protested and he appeared from nothing.
‘You really thought that that would keep you safe from McGonagall? After she had seen the light?’ you asked and threw James’ glasses back at him.
He caught them skilfully and shrugged. ‘At least she wouldn’t know who it was.’
Lily stood behind you in the doorway. She was watching James and though the smile you had brought her was still on her face, you could see she was a bit nervous. James, however, was too busy with his glasses to notice his girlfriend.
‘James, I thought you’d spend the night with Lily?’ you mumbled, piercing your eyes on him. He looked up to you and then his eyes widened, before he turned to Lily.
‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you meant the whole night! If I had known…’
You looked around the room as James kept making apologies to Lily, who you knew had already forgiven him at his first word. You knew the other three boys were there too, you just had to find out where. James was under the cloak, but he was holding that in his hand now, so there was no on under that anymore. A sound in the corner of the room made you turn your head.
‘Really? In the closet?’ you laughed. The door opened softly and Remus and Peter stepped out, both with slight embarrassment on their faces.
The only one left was Sirius, but before you could even turn your head to look for him, two arms were wrapped around you from behind and you were pulled into someone’s chest. The smell of cigarettes, peppermint and alcohol reached your nose and the rings on the fingers told you who it was.
‘Drinking without me?’ you asked, pretending to be hurt.
Sirius let go of you, but his arm stayed around your shoulder as he took his place next to you. Even from across the room you could sense the look Lily was giving you. You shrugged Sirius’ arm of your shoulder and lit up the room with your wand again.
‘There’s some left, if you want,’ Peter said and he pulled a bottle from behind.
‘Yes, please,’ you pleaded as you sat down in the middle of the room and Sirius sat down next to you, his knee bumping against yours. You cursed yourself for the warm feeling that spread through your body at the touch.
You wanted to bring the bottle to your lips, but you were stopped by Sirius, who took the bottle from you and smirked. ‘Can’t drink without a game, darling,’ he grinned and you groaned.
The most tense game of truth and dare you had ever played begun. The glint in Lily’s eyes and the smirk that James gave you, told you that your options were either spilling all your secrets or getting piss drunk. And you wanted neither of those.
You had a while before it was your turn. Peter did a spot-on imitation of Slughorn, James and Lily switched bottoms and Remus drank after he was asked who his favourite friend was.
Then it was Sirius’ turn.
‘Truth?’ you repeated surprised.
‘I’m not far drunk enough for a dare, sweetheart,’ Sirius said and you shivered lightly as he brought his body closer to talk to you.
‘Alright, Pads,’ James said, handing Sirius the bottle that had been full at the start but was now already half empty. He looked at his girlfriend and his eyes slid over your face before he settled on Sirius. ‘Have you ever felt more than just pure sexual attraction for someone? Do you now?’
You scoffed at the question, but managed to hide it in a cough. You watched Sirius as his eyes went from the bottle in his hands to James’ face. His eyebrows furrowed as James smiled at him. A sigh escaped his mouth before he answered.
‘I do.’
James and Lily looked at each other and now Remus joined them too. The three of them shared the same stupid smirk on their faces and even Peter gave you a peculiar look as you turned to him.
Your inside burned with curiosity. You really wanted to know who Sirius felt that for, but you also feared the answer. It could never be you and that hurt. You wanted your friend to be happy, of course, but the thought of sharing him with someone else made you want throw with stuff.
‘Okay, y/n. It’s your turn,’ James said and Sirius gave you the bottle.
‘Dare,’ you said, not wanting Lily to ask you questions that already implied too much.
‘I dare you to kiss Sirius,’ Lily said.
Your hand tightened around the bottle. This was a tricky game. If you said no, you might cause suspicion. If you said yes, you would be kissing the boy you had a crush on who was in love with someone else. What if you kissed him and he would realise how bad you wanted it? But you also didn’t want to cave for a simple dare. You knew you would never hear the end of that.
The sound the bottle made as you placed it on the floor in front of you sounded loud and clear through the classroom. It was the last sound you heard clear in your mind before it was taken over with a low buzz.
The words barely came out of your mouth and you only knew you said it because you felt them cross your lips; you didn’t hear them. Sirius turned his head surprised to you and you saw a glimmer in them. However, you didn’t stand still at it. You just wanted this to be over.
A lazy smirk played in Sirius’ lips as you leaned in to him and his hands rested on your hips. His lips were softer than you had imagined, his hair in your hands smoother and his scent less penetrant. His mouth tasted like alcohol and his skin felt soft against yours. His fingers dug into your skin as he pulled you closer to him. You tugged his hair lightly and he opened his mouth as a reflex. His tongue ticked against your still closed lips once, as if to ask for permission, and before you had realised it you had parted your lips.
You melted into the kiss. You forgot about the people around you, you forgot about the dare, about the room. You forgot what had happened just minutes earlier and you forgot your feelings. All you could focus on where the lips on yours and your breath that was getting shorter and shorter.
But as quick as you forgot about everything, so fast and hard it came back. It was as if you crashed into a wall. You pulled back without any warning and let go of Sirius’ hair. His hands were still on your hips, pulling you close while you tried to shift back. His eyes showed an expression that you had never seen before and you weren’t sure if you wanted to ever see it again; it caused your inside to heat and your stomach cramped together at the small smile that played on Sirius’ wet lips.
From the corner of your eyes you saw Lily had her hands over her mouth, James was looking at the spot where just seconds ago your and Sirius’ heads had been, Remus was grinning like a madman and Peter had his hands in front of his eyes, peaking through the space between his fingers.
Shaking your head, you pulled away from Sirius’ hands and scrabbled up. Sirius cocked an eyebrow up at your standing figure and you averted your eyes from his face.
‘Sorry,’ you whispered and left the classroom.
Your head was screaming as you walked through the empty corridors. It was late and the few people you had seen on your way earlier this night, were now all gone. You doubted even the teachers were still up.
All you heard in your mind was cursing and crying. You wanted to scream, to yell, to shout. All that left were sobs. Silent sobs that made your body shock as you dropped down on the floor next to a window. You hid your face in your knees that you pulled close to your chest.
Silence and darkness was all that filled the space around you. After a minute you felt the presence of someone close to you. Their breathing sounded softly through the air as they sat down in front of you. But you kept your eyes shut and your face hidden. You had a thought of who it was and when they talked after a few minutes, your thoughts were confirmed.
‘Why did you run away?’ Sirius asked. ‘Am I that bad a kisser?’
A watery chuckle escaped your mouth and you looked up. Sirius was looking at you in all earnest. His eyes stood sad and he was playing with the ring on his ring finger while he stared at you.
‘No, you’re not bad. Not bad at all,’ you mumbled with a smile. ‘It’s just that…’ You didn’t want to tell, you didn’t want him to cast you aside, you didn’t want to lose him. But you just couldn’t stop yourself. ‘I like you, Sirius. And you like someone else. I never should have kissed you. I’m sorry…’
It was silent for a while and then Sirius took your hand. He shifted to his knees and leaned forward, resting his forearms on your knees. You looked up to him and shuddered at the close proximity. Sirius was so close that you felt his breath on your skin and you could see his eyelashes even in the dark.
‘I don’t like someone else,’ he breathed. ‘I like you. A lot.’
For the second time that night, his lips were on yours. But this time was different. This time you didn’t forget everything, this time you sensed everything around you. You noticed the darkness around you, your heard Sirius’ breath and a bird outside, you smelled peppermint and shampoo, you tasted the faint taste of alcohol. But most importantly, you felt Sirius. You felt his lips, his tongue, his hands, his nose, his skin, his teeth. You felt every part of Sirius and you realised that you might for a long time.
You moved your knees to the side so Sirius could come closer. He placed his hands on the ground next to your bum, his thumbs touching it lightly. After he broke the kiss he stayed close, so close that his lips touched yours every time he spoke.
‘I’m sorry for not telling you,’ Sirius whispered. ‘I was scared. I have never felt like this before and I was afraid you would turn me down.’
‘What changed your mind then?’
‘That kiss. I have never kissed someone with such passion. You, my love, made me feel things I didn’t know existed.’
‘I kiss everyone like that, don’t feel too special,’ you smiled and winked before you pressed your lips against Sirius’ again. He blew a raspberry against your lips and you giggled.
‘You’re so cute,’ Sirius breathed. ‘I want you all to myself.’
‘I’m all yours.’
sirius black: @treestarrrrrrrr @bumbelbeeesblog @with1love1anu @transparentttttttttt @sirius-satellite @cheoco @figlia--della--luna @malikinglove @alwaysinmydaydreams @eateraa @bi-andready-tocry @fangirlofbooksandpasta @littlemissgothgirl @always394patronus @heavenly-ascended-melodies @mrs-moony @coldlilheart @fific7 @april-showers-and-flowers @susceptible-but-siriusexual
marauders: @secretsthathauntus @ronniethelost @sognatrice-as-a-hobby @hxrgreeves @wecouldbreakthedistance @valentina-007
general: @kitkatkl @girllety @yuptha-tsme @sleep-i-ness @iamak20 @thefuturelawyer @weasleydream @missmulti @deafgirltingz @moonstarrnghtsky @bloodblossom73 @mytreec @lilulo-12fanfiction @emmaloo21 @kashishwrites
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weasleydream · 4 years
How are you guys? 
I’m sorry my posts are so irregular these days, but with school it’s a bit more difficult to find the time to write. 
However, here is my participation to @omgrachwrites​ writing challenge! Again congrats love 💜 I’m sorry this is so late!
As usual, feel free to like, comment and reblog, and I hope you enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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It had never happened that the Burrow seemed to be that empty. Bill was with Fleur in their house, probably trying to live one more day as a happy couple, pretending their newly obtained bliss wasn’t threatened by the ongoing war. Ron had disappeared months ago, gone with Harry and Hermione for a mission, a dangerous task that his family couldn’t even imagine. No one had any news coming from Percy, and everyone was worried as he was as threatened as them. Ginny was at school, put in danger because she had to keep up appearances, she had to make sure that her family wouldn’t be more watched than it already was. Arthur had insisted he should go to work for the same reason. George was gone with Y/N, who stayed at the Burrow with her boyfriend as her parents were hiding, both joining Lee Jordan in Dean’s forest to participate in Potterwatch. 
The Weasley family seemed to be torn in all directions, and no one suffered more from this situation than Molly. She was trying to remain strong, because everyone needed it, her children as much as Arthur and herself, but every night, terrible nightmares would keep her awake. Charlie was far away in Romania, gathering wizards to support the Order’s side, what if he stumbled upon Death Eaters charged with the same task for their master? And Percy, since the day he had left his family, Molly’s heart shattered every time she thought of the eventuality of him dying without knowing how much he meant for his family. 
However, all these worries, although terrifying, were nothing compared to the feeling she had deep in her stomach that something would go wrong for George and Y/N, and Fred’s constant agitation wasn’t helping her. The boy didn’t want to let them go alone in the first place, playing the “I want adventures too” card before admitting he wanted to make sure everything would be okay for them. After a while, though, Fred had reluctantly accepted, and Molly was pretty sure his twin had found a way to convince him, though she didn’t know which one. 
It should have lasted three days. George and Y/N were gone for almost a week. 
Plenty of explications were possible, maybe they needed to hide a bit longer, maybe they were staying for another emission. In Molly’s head, everything was good to ease the constant burning sensation in the pit of her stomach. 
Fred felt like he was dying from anxiousness. Two members of his family - because to him, Y/N was his sister in the very same way as Ginny - were missing, and he couldn’t help but think he should have been with them. 
“Don’t think that,” would say his mother, “you know the three of you would have been an easy target. Don’t worry for them, I’m sure they are okay.”
She was lying though, and Fred knew it as much as Molly did. 
The next morning, the very first thought occupying the Weasleys’ minds was that it had been a whole week. Seven day of George and Y/N being somewhere out there, none of them giving any sign of life, except the emission in itself. After that, radio silence. 
Fred dragged his tired body to the kitchen to find that Bill and Fleur were here. His brother tried to smile at him, but the grimace he showed made Fred’s guts twist a bit more. 
“I’ve received a letter from Minerva.” announced Molly. The relief was earable in her voice. “Ginny is okay, Minerva managed to ease her punishment.”
Fleur murmured it was a good thing, Bill nodded and Fred stayed silent. Of course he was glad Ginny was right, but something felt worse than usual. Without even being able to put words on it, he knew something had happened, and it could only be George and Y/N. Who else?
Suddenly, someone banged at the door. Molly jumped, almost dropping the plate she was holding. Bill got up and crossed the kitchen in a few steps, followed closely by Fred. The eldest opened carefully and immediately lowered his wand. Remus Lupin was behind the door, and it wasn’t his apparent tiredness that immediately hit Fred. It was the incredibly pained look in his eyes. Without saying a word, doing such things on your doorstep having become dangerous lately, Lupin stepped forward. His gaze fell on Molly, who had left the kitchen to see what was happening. Fleur joined Bill, who wrapped an arm around her, and Fred joined his mother. 
“We’ve found George and Y/N,” announced Lupin. He couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence, and hearing the sighs of relief around him made his heart clench. 
“And where are they?” squeaked Molly. “When will they come back?”
“I’m sorry Molly. They- they are gone.”
First POV
“Keep each other safe. Keep faith. Good night.”
Lee lightly hit the radio with his wand before sighing loudly. 
“Sometimes I feel like I’m lying to them,” he admitted. “I keep trying to bring everyone hope, but things certainly don’t look like there’s hope anymore.”
“Don’t say that, mate.” George, who was sitting next to me, patted Lee’s shoulder. “You are not lying, you tell them the truth as it is.”
“Everyone needs hope, and especially now.” I added. 
Lee smiled slightly and waved his hand above the dying fire. In a second, it gained a new vigour and a wave of warmth hit us. It was welcome as the nights in the end of february were absolutely freezing. The three of us were sitting on the floor, our clothes wet by the humidity of the night. Only the fire brought us some comfort. 
“I won’t stay long.” announced Lee after a short silence. 
Indeed, Lee had warned us that he would leave shortly after the emission. “Safety precaution.” he had said before explaining that we would have to stay a bit longer to make sure no one had found him. “This way I can keep moving with my mind at ease.”
“No problem mate. Be safe.”
George and Lee shared a quick embrace, I waved at him and he disapparated with his radio. 
“Now it’s just the two of us, isn’t it?” asked George while wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Don’t hope too much!” I laughed. “It’s way too cold to do anything beside cuddling.”
“That’s exactly what I had in mind, who do you think I am?”
I rolled my eyes and sat between his legs. He wrapped me in his arms and we stayed like this for a while. I drifted off a few times and so did George, sometimes I felt his head falling on mine. After what felt like an hour or so, the forest seemed as empty of human presence as it had been since our arrival. 
“I think we can leave.” eventually declared George, much to my relief if I had to be honest. 
We extinguished the fire, hid its last traces, and prepared ourselves to leave. I grabbed George's hand and I felt him tensing like everytime he apparated. However, the world never turned around us and George stayed tense as ever. For a good reason: I was pretty sure I had heard footsteps too. 
It was still late at night and I highly doubted this person was here for a walk in the park. That left only one solution… A Death Eater was after us. For a split second, time seemed to stop and George and I exchanged a panicked look. Then the Death Eater yelled. 
“I know you’re here! Whoever you are, you can’t apparate. Show yourself!”
It was the warning signal. Dropping our belongings, we rushed far from the Death Eater, George holding my hand as firmly as he could. He was faster than me, way faster, and I tripped a few times on the roots strewing the ground. All around us, the trees were only huge dark shapes. Some were uprooted and I couldn’t help but fear all that could hide between them. 
The first spell hit the floor a few centimeters away from George’s feet and he dived behind a felled trunk, leading me in his fall by grabbing my waist. I was lying on him yet the only thing I could think was that we were going to die. 
“You won’t die here Y/N, I promise.” whispered George. 
It was as if he had read my mind, and the darkness prevented me from seeing his expression. Everything around us was deadly silent, and if George’s words of comfort had come under his breath, it had made me fear the eventuality of the Death Eater hearing him. 
“I’m scared…” I trembled. 
George’s hand found the back of my head and he pulled me all against him. His frantic heartbeat was matching mine, proof of the state of panic we were currently in. 
“It’s not over for us.” It felt like George was trying to reassure himself as much as me, and I wanted so badly to do the same for him… But I was unable to say anything. My brain was focused on the death that was probably waiting for me. “We still have too much to live. I’ll marry you one day, you’ll be my wife, we can’t-”
“Show yourself, traitors! Show yourself and maybe you won’t die right now!”
He was only a few meters away. He was here, and he knew where we were. Without either of us realizing it, my tears were soaking George’s jacket and he was trembling under my body. He murmured Fred’s name followed by a shaky sorry before whispering in my ear. 
“Whatever happens, I love you.” He gently pushed me aside and let his hand on my shoulder a second, as if he wanted to make me understand he would deal with this alone. “I won’t go quietly, you bastard.” he muttered, and I heard him perfectly even though his voice was covered by the Death Eater’s swears.
“I offer you a chance to fight loyally! Fight, traitors, fight or you’ll die!”
And George got up, his shadow dominating me from all its height. I immediately did the same and grabbed his hand. 
“Here you are.” smiled the masked man. 
It had never happened that the Burrow was so silent. Lupin was gone after having held Molly in his arms for hours, only letting go of her when Arthur had come back from work and collapsed next to his wife. Now, every now and then you could hear a sob or screams cried out to the skies, screams of agony, questions that would never have any answer. 
Fred was going insane. He had almost ripped Lupin’s head off when he had said they couldn’t see them yet. Now, he was locked up in his old room, and there was no doubt the loudest and most painful sobs were coming from this place he had shared with George for all his life. He didn’t know what to do to get all this pain out of him, pacing, hitting the walls, screaming, nothing could ease the sorrow that was suffocating him, and nothing would never ease it, Fred knew it. He had lost two members of his family, his twin, the other part of himself, gone and leaving a gaping hole in his heart. It was his fault, he knew that too, he was supposed to be with them, he could have saved them, or died instead of them. George and Y/N. The most joyful people, the bravest too. Another wave of insufferable pain hit him and he fell on his knees. 
“Why? Why them? Why?”
The least I could say was that the stone floor wasn’t the most comfortable. Next to me, George groaned, still unconscious, and with his voice died the only sound I had heard for hours. Even though the sun was probably high in the sky by now, we were still plunged into darkness. I hadn’t dared to move from where the Death Eater had pushed me, and I was curled up against the nearest wall. 
“The hell…”
George lifted his head weakly and his face froze when he realized where we were. 
Without paying attention to his own pain, which I saw with his grimace, he suddenly got up and engulfed me in a bear hug. I tightened him as hard as I could, trying my best to ensure that he was alive and okay with me, having feared the worst since the moment one of the several Death Eaters that had been hiding the forest had knocked him out. 
“It will be okay my love, it will be okay.” he whispered before laying a gentle kiss on my lips. “I swear I’ll make us leave this place as soon as-”
“I don’t think so, lovebirds. We have some questions for you.”
It was the masked man we had seen first in the forest. His clothes weren’t dirty anymore but he still looked like he was in his natural environment, his sordid appearance somehow matching with the damp walls and the smell of rot. Only at this moment did I realize I didn’t have my wand anymore, and George came to the same realization as he placed himself in front of me. 
“You volunteer? Brave boy, but you’ll soon beg us to take the girl instead, you’ll see.” 
The disgusting smirk never left his lips as he pointed his wand on me to make me step backwards, the bastard delighting in my screams. George was tense and his head was high, he was determined to be the hero of the story, and that was what I feared the most. 
“George! No, George! Please, let him go! George!”
No one listened to me and the door closed after the Death Eater and George, the latter’s face disappearing as he was trying to smile at me. But I had seen the terror in his eyes, he knew what was waiting for him. We both knew it. And I couldn’t help but feel it was because of me. 
I had no way to know how much time had passed since the moment they had taken George, but it felt like it had been hours. Now alone in what seemed to be a cellar deep down underneath the ground, I was trying my best to keep a bit of warmth for me even though it was difficult. I was curled up in the tightest ball with my arms wrapped around my knees, yet my teeth were chattering and shivers shook me every now and then. I hadn’t heard any sound, which had made me foolishly hoped George was okay, but all this time spent alone had also made me imagine the baddest things. Not knowing what was happening was certainly the worst, way worse than fearing what could happen to me in the near future. 
It was only when my eyes threatened to close and the exhaustion was on the verge of taking over me that the heavy metallic door opened and something fell on the floor. Initially frozen, fearing another danger, I however got on my feet as fast as my numb limbs let me and rushed to George, who was lying on the floor and trying to catch his breath. In the dark, I struggled to see in what state he was, but when I got close enough I gasped and fell on my knees next to him. 
“George, oh, love…” 
A sob died in my throat, desperately contained not to worry George. He was half asleep - or unconscious, I didn’t even know - and only moened with pain when I lifted his head as gently as I could. 
“You okay…” 
His voice was weak, but he still managed to open his eyes completely and to smile at me. It was tiny, just the corner of his lips lifting up, yet a bubble of relief exploded in my chest. 
“You shouldn’t be the one worrying for me…” I whispered, sniffling slightly before running my hand in his hair. They were wet, some strands seemed to be glued to his skin or to each other, and I felt like throwing up when I understood it was blood. 
“I’m afraid it comes with the package.” A small wink finished persuading me George was relatively okay and I helped him sit. 
“Always something funny to say, don’t you?” I said with a weak chuckle, which came out muffled by his neck, in the crook of which I had hidden my head.
“It comes in the package too.”
And with that, George wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on mine, a lot of unspoken things remaining between us as we enjoyed this little moment together, the both of us secretly fearing it could be the last. 
“They tortured me.” George eventually whispered, his voice shaky as his hands gripped a bit tighter the back of my jacket. “At first they wanted to know why we were in the forest, but then-” his voice broke, and he breathed loudly before continuing. “Malfoy recognized me. They want to know where Harry is. I- I’ve tried Y/N, I swear to you I’ve tried but- it was too painful, it was too much and I said- I told them he was at the wedding. They know Ron’s with him and- and-”
George was now fully sobbing, his tears making shining trails on his dirty cheeks. My heart was broken in a million tiny pieces and all I could do was pull him against me and try to hold back my own tears as I did my best to calm him. He was persuaded he had betrayed his family and Harry, persuaded that now they would be kidnapped because of him, and he would be the cause of their death. He wouldn’t listen to me, and no matter how hard I tried to tell him that the Death Eaters already knew that, he never stopped blaming himself, once or twice crying out that Fred would have been stronger than him, and he eventually fell asleep, his exhaustion being more than welcome as it plunged him in a deep sleep. 
One of the thoughts that regularly crossed Fred’s confused mind was that George would have handled this way better than him. Fred was convinced that his twin had always been stronger than himself, never seeming affected in a way or another by whatever situation. Of course, Fred knew better than that, but he knew George’s first reflex wouldn’t have been to get himself drunk hoping it would get easier. He would have been disappointed for sure, but this thought only added to Fred’s pain and he eventually stopped thinking about this. Instead, his mind drifted to a dark place, which he believed was quite similar to the one George and Y/N had been locked up before dying. It was what Fred always imagined since the moment Lupin had told them what the Order knew of their death. 
He imagined them both trying to protect each other, George pushing Y/N behind him, wanting to save her at the risk of his life. Of course he would do this, thought Fred. Saving Y/N, being the hero to her. But she would have wanted to be the heroine too. 
And then the same question, the one that always pushed him to grab another bottle of alcohol. 
“Did you- were you together?”
Someone had thrown two pieces of bread on the floor in front of the door while George was sleeping, and I hadn’t had the heart of waking him up, nor did I have enough appetite to eat. Instead, I stayed in the very same position, his head resting on my shoulder, trying my best not to think. It was probably the night now, and only now did I realize it was really silent, that during the preceding hours I had heard faint noises that I missed more than anything now. I was unable to sleep and not only because of the fear that was obsessing me. All my body hurt from the cold and the stone, but my exhaustion was so strong that I eventually fell asleep too. 
“Y/N, wake up love. You have to eat.”
I opened my eyes and found out I was lying on the floor, George’s jacket spread out on me. My head was resting on my arms and as George’s fingers brushed lightly against my cheek, I almost forgot what had happened. Almost. 
“I’ve already eaten, that’s for you.” I muttered. 
The only thought of these pieces of bread was enough to make me want to throw up, and in anyways George needed it more than me. I watched as he frowned and got up, a grimace of pain briefly deforming his features. 
“Wait!” I exclaimed before jumping on my feet, the only thing preventing me from falling because of my numb legs being George’s arms. 
“What a pitiful sight we must be!” he chuckled bitterly. “That’s not exactly how I imagined our little trip.” 
“I know… And it’s cold here.”
George grabbed his jacket, which had fallen on the floor, and wrapped it around me. He shook his head when I insisted he should put it on, pretending he wasn’t that cold and I was looking like I would freeze on the spot. Then we sat back on the floor and stared at the door in front of us. 
I was so lost in my thought I almost didn’t react when the door opened. Only the fact that George immediately put himself in front of me alarmed me, and I mimicked him half a second later. It was the same man as the previous day, with the same sick smirk. 
“You were a fun boy, but now I wanna play with your girl.” 
The pleasure in his voice was undeniable, and it made my blood freeze in my veins. The Death Eater had his wand pointed on George, but he didn’t move. 
“George, please…” I whispered, both my hands on his back, fearing he would get killed. “I’ll be okay.”
“No, you won’t.” he muttered between his clenched teeth. “They’ll torture you. I won’t let that happen.”
“Step aside boy, or else I’ll have to kill you.” It didn’t seem like it was bothering this bastard, though.
“George! George please, don’t worry for me!”
“Step aside!”
“Avada Kedavra!”
George tensed for a split second before falling limp on the floor. He was dead. It felt like all the blood had stopped running through my veins and my eyes fell on him. His lifeless body lying at my feet, his eyes still open but not expressing any emotion, his lips I had learnt to know by heart losing their sweet colour. George was dead. Only a few seconds later did I scream louder than I had ever done, I screamed to try and wake him up, but I knew there was no use. 
“Come on, you’ll join him soon, shut up, would you?”
The Death Eater grabbed my arm and dragged me outside, ignoring my screams and my attempts to get rid of him and join George. My heart seemed to be broken on the floor, just next to George, and my throat was already sore from yelling. Never in my life had I thought something could hurt me that much. This physical agony, this pure pain coming right from my heart, from that same place where George had been for years and where he would be until the end, it was overwhelming and suffocating me. 
But when the Death Eater pushed me in an empty room with only a chair, when he forced me to sit down and tied me, I knew it was the end. I knew whatever he would ask me, whatever I would answer, I would die and this thought didn’t even scare me. I wanted to die. I wanted him to kill me, because living in a world where George wasn’t anymore wasn’t something I wanted to do. The only regret I had was being unable to kill this bastard that was standing in front of me with the disgusting smile I could barely see through my tears.
“Your boyfriend didn’t tell me what I wanted to know. Where is Harry Potter?”
My only reaction was to contain another sob. I didn’t know where Harry was and even if I had known, I wouldn’t have told him. Even when the cruciatus spell hit me, when my bones burnt my whole body and my voice broke after screaming too loud, even when I felt like life was beginning to leave my exhausted body, I never said anything. 
“Maybe I would have left you alive if you had told me what I wanted to know, but you leave me no choice.” shrugged the Death Eater. “Avada Kedavra!”
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