#rachel didnt get to do shit 😭
osculum--obscenum · 2 months
What’s your ranking of the Jackass guys? From favorite to not so much. And maybe the Cky crew?
I NEVER GOT AROUND TO ANSWERING THIS not because I forgot... but I was overthinking it too much LOL. since I haven't seen all of cky yet I'm gonna hold off on ranking them, but here's my ranking of the jackass guys :3 (to make things interesting, I'm gonna include the new people they introduced in Forever! idk if they're gonna be permanent additions to the cast but I'm assuming they are.)
1. steve-o
2. johnny knoxville
3. chris pontius
4. ryan dunn
5. zach holmes
6. dave england
7. danger ehren
8. jasper dolphin
9. wee man
10. preston lacy
11. bam margera
12. dark shark
13. eric manaka
14. rachel wolfson
15. poopies
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ma1dita · 3 months
if you had to rank pjo/hoo characters how would you rank them and why?
i have not fully ventured into hoo im gonna be real w you so lets do a semi analysis, and since im kinda type a and scared that i dont get directions ill do favorite and least favorite
i have big main character syndrome and i think its my fatal flaw (/j) but mcs always get me... so fucking emotional--- watching the show and in comparison to the books AFTER the fact, i think its crazy but ---percy would have to be first i would cradle that boy into my arms and fight the gods for him. he needs a BREAK. ALL OF THEM DO HONESTLY.
the whole dumbification of him as a character irks me sometimes because its so obvious that he has little to no self esteem but is an intelligent guy in his own right. imo viewers were critiquing that bit in the show a lil too hard, walker ate that shit up. percy is The Himbo though. also idk if this is unpopular but i also loved rachel as a character bc she is The Girlboss. i wish i was as cool and as smooth as her as a teenager
least favorite?? i didnt feel any specific hatred towards any of the kids maybe bc i read the series for the first time as an adult (if yall didnt know from my older works i grew up a potterhead) and i cant be mad at kids acting like kids, but i would say uncle rick found more of his rhythm as the series progressed if that makes sense??? but it felt like a lot of push and pull on some tropes and like for example i felt like chris and clarisse getting together were random... thats just my stronger opinion at this moment in time lol
but what can i say coming from a fandom where the author is a transphobe and cant worldbuild for shit? name reveal why do yall think i go by jo 😭😭😭 its bc its actually joanne and when we yell at jk rowling i feel like we're yelling at me too 😭😭😭 are my opinions even valid
that was a ramble and none of it makes sense hope that helps
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themagnadefender · 1 year
screaming crying eating glass at the smosh news and ian and anthony interview !!! so happy to see two friends reconnect and let go of so much pain in favor of their relationship and to find love in what theyre doing and creating with one another again! was literally crying through half that video because friendship breakups are so devastating !!!! excited that they got their channel and that mythical was in full support of them like the good dads they are, and probably as a duo themselves KNEW what that meant for ian when he brought that to them 😭😭
on the other hand i am ALSO lowkey worried. i mean i know ian said that smosh pit and games will basically be the same and that he’s excited for the main channel to get an identity, or to kind of reclaim what that identity once meant for smosh, but hmMmM idk the thing that ian said about smosh turning into this entity that focused not only on what was going on in front of the camera but highlighting all the people behind it too and this cool community of a company put together by the people in it and watching it, ESPECIALLY after what happened with defy and having to rebuild all of that with mythical’s help, is why i love what the channels are now too!! i like how the crew is loved and shown as well as the cast and i dont want the bitches who hated on smosh after anthony left to,, idk just be stinkers to this very wonderful group of people who put out GOOD content too!! i will defend them to my fucking grave, tommy and rachel and greg and lisa and kiana and zoe and garrett and erin and I SWEAR TO GOD PETER and rock and marcus and heidi and just!! everyone MAKE those videos what they are, and what they are is such a good, fun, and genuinely funny time !! i just dont want anyone coming back to smosh with the mindset that only the ian and anthony stuff is any good and then using that to go hating on the other stuff, or the people always saying they miss the old smosh somehow feeling ?? idk like vindicated or using this as a tool against these people to make them feel bad. i know i cant stop people from commenting shit or talking shit, but i wish i didnt have to think that those people are probably on their way :(
i’m excited for the change! i’m worried too! but at the end of the day, ian saying that he’s willing to burn down the channel he has been with since the beginning so long as he’s doing it with the person he started it with is enough for me to trust them.
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
grecia reading The Trials of Apollo #1: the hidden oracle
first impression: the covers of this saga look actually dope
"My name is apollo. I used to be a god" hi sweetheart
"I inflicted a plague on the Greeks who besieged Troy." can u shut the fuck up
A four thousand year old god being afraid of a 12y.o girl? this is amazing
“I know someone who might help. He lives on the Upper East Side. Take me to him, and I shall reward you.” let it be who i'm thinking of please 😭😭😭
"Zeus did not answer. He was probably too busy recording my humiliation to share on Snapchat." Help me 💀💀
“Let’s find Percy Jackson.”' WAAAAAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭
"For children blessed with an immortal parent, they were strangely sensitive about their backgrounds." this bitch didnt just say blessed
"the young man swung open the apartment door and said, “Why?” As usual, I was struck by his resemblance to his father, Poseidon. He had the same sea-green eyes, the same dark tousled hair, the same handsome features that could shift from humor to anger so easily." PERCY MY BELOVED SON, MY FIRSTBORN HI BABY BOY 😭😭😭😭😭
"sacred sybil" ??? "Are u cursed?" what the actual fuck apollo 😭😭
“The war ended in August. It’s January.” percy is 17 im gonna fucking SOB 😭
sally finally got to write her book <333
"He smiled, and some of that old demigod mischief twinkled in his eyes." STOP 😭😭😭
“Some of the best demigods have gotten their start by blowing up toilets.” *sobs in the lightning thief* 🤧
"I did not like the way she was grinning at Percy. I didn’t want the girl to develop a crush. We might never get out of here" LMFAO everyone falls in love with my boy i know he's so gorgeous he's stunning he's mesmerizing 😭
Because Poseidon 😭
“I keep thinking, I have now killed every single thing in Greek mythology. But the list never seems to end.” “You haven’t killed me yet” “Don’t tempt me.” percy is so done w apollo's shit 💀
"The calmness of his eyes, the smile resting easily on his lips, the way his hair curled around his ears…" oh? look at that! im sobbing!
"crotchkicker mccaffrey" I CACKLED
significant annoyance
"they were so cute together it made me feel desolate" istg 😭😭
not paolo's arms JFJKFKS 💀💀💀
"She's a communist!" JFKFKDJF THIS CSNT BE REAL 💀
apollo sayin' gay relationships w gods can also have children might be the best thing i've read
paolo got his leg sewed for god's sake 💀
will being a doctor in charge and nico his little nurse this is good food
rachel elizabeth dare my redhead beloved so pleased to see u again !! <3
rachel jealous over apollo having more oracles bestie pls 😭
apollo using meg's rings as a necklace </3
apollo's thoughts about daphne in the woods oh the poetic tragedy of a lost love <\3
"rhea's laugh reminded me of a piglet with asthma" HELP ME??💀💀
who's the emperors??? nero??? caligula??? commodus?? TELL ME
apollo's melancholy singing for daphne & hyacinthus <\333
'“Sing. Sing like you did before" "I—I can’t. My voice is almost gone.” Besides, I thought, I don’t want to risk losing you again.' man dont do this to me 😭😭😭
"I love the Internet! It is impossible for me to fade completely now. I am immortal on Wikipedia!” i DID SEARCH THIS DUDE, sorry apollo 💀💀
"Artemis shot me in the groin because I was flirting with her Hunters." JDFKDFK GO BESTIE💀
"I stared at my beloved Dumpster waif. Yes, somehow over the past week she had become beloved to me." awe 🤧
The dryads & zephyros helping apollo in the woods <3
"Will, Kayla, Austin. Come with me" "And Nico. I have a doctor's note" boi ur doctor's note only consist on being by will's side 😭😭
"I wanted to flirt with Chiara and steal her away from Damien…or perhaps steal Damien away from Chiara, I wasn’t sure yet." this dude is so painfully bisexual it kills me 😭
percy & rachel together again it's been so long since i read them interact <3
they're beating the shit out of my boy leo 💀💀
"When they first saw each other, Percy and Calypso had hugged awkwardly. I hadn’t witnessed such a tense greeting since Patroclus met Achilles’s war prize, Briseis. (Long story. Juicy gossip. Ask me later.)" DUDE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME
"piece of torta" help. also my water boi & fire boi giving each other a high five 😭
apollo, leo & calypso walking together to the amphitheater <3
more of my reviews & reactions of the rrverse books here: percy jackson & the olympians, the heroes of olympus, RRverse mini stories
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. LO Eris looks like a humanized version of that chicken from FNAF 💀 you know the one
From OP: Not Chica 😭
2. ya know rachel wouldnt have to acknowledge the issues in her work if she just ... didnt put them in to begin with. no one told her there had to be a creepy age gap, a worship of capitalism, slavery, etc, like she gets all huffy and angry people point it out and call it weird and it's like??? ma'am no one forced you to put that in?? and depict it so badly on top of it??
3. Just a thing a noticed. I feel like apart of Hera’s racism towards the nymphs is some sorta inferiority complex. Hades was almost engaged to a nymph that Hera hated, but also had an affair with hades and didn’t believe he “outgrew” Hera until Minthe and Hades broke up. And then there’s Zeus and Thetis and Zeus’ other nymph gfs. Like she’s a fraud being the goddess of marriage but covers up that insecurity by pretending Minthe, Thetis and other nymphs could ever be with her men (Zeus and hades)
And Hera really doesn’t like other women just like any other myth. Hera doesn’t like Artemis or Aphrodite (i think that follows the myths) like she only likes her sisters, hebe and Persephone. She doesn’t seem to like anyone else. Idk I just wished we could see Hera actually like someone without being racist at first.
4. Lo Eris being Zeus and Hera's kid makes me irrationally angry. Like , she's really just decided to MAKE SHIT UP. Not as a joke, but in complete seriousness, she looked Greek mythology fans in the eye and said "Eris, the goddess of Chaos and Discord, is not Nyx's child anymore. I changed that cause I didn't like it. She's Zeus and Hera's child now."
Absolutely ridiculous. If anyone can take this comic seriously after that then they're brainwashed.
From OP: Some people have said Eris is Hera and Zeus’ child in some versions but I do think her being Nyx’s child in this case would be better.
5. so are we just.. supposed to ignore persephone is r//ped onscreen, and it's supposed to be framed as "romantic" she calls hades afterwards? that's literally using sexual assault to push a couple together, as if she had a bad argument with her crappy boyfriend as is now venting her frustrations to her "nice guys finish first" love interest as opposed to being R//PED and having no reaction to it besides talking to some old man she met only hours before? what the fuck???
6. I absolutely HATE that Minthe was made to be an abuser in LO (when she slaps HAdes & verbally abuses him). Minthe is dependent on Hades in almost every regard, esp financially but also emotionally. He is her boss! Her dependence on him is what he likes about her. The power dynamics are NOT in her favour at all. This is just not how abusive relationships work & it's obviously only there to make Minthe look even worse in comparison to Persephone.
7. i don't think how hxp is depicted in LO is grooming, I just think it's just a really badly written relationship that hinges on outside forces forcing them together than actually developing the, realistically. take out apollo, hera, eros, etc then what tells us theyd even talk to each other, much less end up a coupe? that is the problem to me, they just arent written well, hence why rachel having other characters having to mention how "in love" they are all the time is a self aware red flag.
From OP: Yeah, I personally don’t see it as grooming either (the power dynamic is still another red flag though).
8. Ok, ok ... But no one is going to talk about the fact that Ares has children with Aphrodite, they maintain an "open" relationship, even Ares stays at his partner's house, and yet he tells Zeus that he would love to get married with Persephone? I mean, fuck, Ares here doesn't respect Aphrodite (Nobody in the comic actually does) and it's horrible.
The "Open relationship" thing does not justify this type of actions, because even so, you must have respect and be honest with your main partner, which Ares never applies, and it sucks that Aphrodite is the only one who really contributes to the relationship. He cannot sleep with Zeus, nor have relations with certain men, but instead, can Ares court minors and all kinds of women when he feels like it? That's not very feminist of you, Rachel
9. i get its like a fandom joke to call apollo "asspollo" but it seems imho to kinda trivialize what he did?? like idk would you call ted bundy "ted BUTTY" and think its funny? idk how they claim to care so deeply about the "darker topics' in comic when they seem to much rather make a joke out of them than give it any weight. even the SA itself is treated as more of something for P to just "get over" so she can get to making Hades babies. I get the fans are young but its gross behavior.
10. I hate how LO stans praise Hades for being better than Apollo like do you hear yourselves? Why are we praising a man for barely being better than her literal r4pist? Plus even then Hades still grabs her body and face without her consent. controls her life/money/shelter. and even forced her to tell him about her sexual assault which she wasn't comfortable with because HE WAS SPYING ON HER. Sure he's not a r4pist, but how does he deserves all this praise? How low is the bar here?
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quillsink · 3 years
Hi bestie.
I must know.
Why is Ross trash?
Like I don’t know anything about this guy; and I want to hate him, but I gotta know why yknow?? Enlighten me!
Bea my friend you do not know what you have unleashed
When his wife realised she was a lesbian and left him for another woman he asked her to, loosely paraphrased, “put aside” her being a lesbian so they could get back together again
He was low-key kinda gross about Carol and Susan (ex wife and her gf) calling them “close friends” and refusing to recognise they were in love like. I get she left you but that doesn’t give you the right to be this homophobic my dude
Back when he was in high school when Rachel wouldn’t date him, he got together with a friend and spread rumours about her bECAUSE SHE WOULDNT DATE HIM
He was so, SO possessive of Rachel, she talked about ONE GUY at work and ross was INSISTENT he wanted to sleep with her and was just low-key so possessive. Come on my dude
When Rachel later started dating Joey he low-key freaked out, and just overall weird when HE AND RACHEL HADNT DATED FOR SIX FUCKING YEARS. ITS BEEN SIX YEARS ROSS. THE FUCK
But yeah he’s very possessive of Rachel and it’s just. No. Ross my dude please stop.
When he and Rachel got married when they were drunk he promised he’d get a divorce, then DIDNT, THEN LIED TO HER SAYING HE DID GET  A DIVORCE, JUST BECAUSE HE “DIDNT WANT ANY MORE DIVORCES” GOOD GOD
He was lowkey really mean to his sister Monica when they were kids and fatshamed her a lot
i don’t remember the girl’s exactly age but she was like around 20/21 hE WAS LIKE 29/30 ROSS MY MAN WHAT THE FUCK
He also like. Made romantic advances to his cOUSIN. KNOWING SHE WAS HIS COUSIN
Did I mention he’s a whiny bitch
He’s also just low-key sexist and such fragile masculinity like Ross come on 😭 
Okay basically one day hes with his son Ben right whos like a kid, 2-3 at the time maybe and Ben’s playing with a Barbie and Ross goes fucking CRAZY just trying to get him to stop playing with it and make him play with cars or some shit come on man it’s a fucking doll why do you care
Also when Rachel hires a male nanny who’s pretty sensitive and very good with children Ross outright asks him if he’s gay, he also freaks out about the very idea of a MAN being a nanny and just. God I hate this man so much
Also I’m a petty bitch and I don’t like him
There’s a lot more reasons but that’s all I can think of rn so ye!
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