joe9cool · 2 years
Collide-Justin Herbert- 36
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A/N: This is fanfiction only, I am not affiliated with anyone who knows or associate with The Chargers. Also you do not have my permission to post my story anywhere else.
Sara was exhausted.
Something in her switched when Ryder brought up Taylor. After all of these years he still knew how to pick at her biggest insecurity.
After she showered and Justin had given up on trying to talk to her she laid in bed, but she didn't fall asleep. She was back in her overthrowing insomnia phase. For some reason she found herself on Taylor's twitter, where she was liking comments about her and Justin. They were discreet to anyone who wasn't in on the drama.
You're better
Don't let a man leave you for a 2(00) pound bitch.
Deciding to torture herself some more. She went on instagram and went to Taylor's profile and her tagged photos.
She was stunning, and fit the beauty standard. Tall, blonde, thin. Looked good in everything. Put a lot of effort into her appearance. Not that she didn't, but since the pandemic she lived in baggy clothes and little to no makeup.
Even up close she was stunning. Sara's photos posted by professionals were photoshopped. All of the lines and dents of fat and the hyperpigmentation were noticeable up close. Despite men lusting after her, like Taylor said, guys like Justin didn't go after women like Sara. Maybe there was a reason that he wanted to keep her private. How long would this facade last? When they break up would he go back to Taylor? She looked good on his arm, and knew her sports.
Sara ended up staying up the entire night falling down the rabbit hole of Taylor. She looked at her instagram messages.
Fat Bitch
Didn't know Herbert liked them fat
Taylor is better
I saw all of his exes. Blonde, skinny, and actually attractive. You are a secret side chick
There was one more message that stood out. It was a profile by the name of Rachel Hurst who apparently Justin followed.
Rachel Hurst: I didn't believe the rumors til I saw the pics. You're not his usual type. I fucked him in college. Guess he needed your stomach as a pillow you fat fuck.
Seriously though besides the fact he downgraded. What future do you have? You thrive off attention. He doesn't. Leave him alone and find someone who loves takeout and fame as much as you do. Justin likes girls who play sports
She clicked on the profile and saw it was open. She was an influencer that lived in Long Beach California but was from Oregon.
The whole Herbert family followed her. She went to Oregon with Justin and Patrick, she was athletic and was more his type.
She had a photo from December. It was a home game against the Rams.
So proud of you representing our home state well! 🥹😘 @JustinHerbert
And he liked it.
The comments where exactly what she was expecting
Girl you dating Justin Herbert? Liked by RachelHurst
Tell Justin we all love him! @RachelHurst Liked by RachelHurst
So why was he here? Just to get her to agree to sleep with him again? Make his meals and take care of him?
She was sobbing,  trying to control the sobs so Justin didn't hear. She looked and saw it was 4am. She didn't want to face Justin not yet, otherwise she would swing at him. Sara clicked on the messaging app and texted Brittney, hopefully she was getting pregnancy insomnia like she was with Liza.
She was in luck because Brittany was up, and hungry. She texted Sara that she would pick her up.
After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she put on her glasses and some leggings with a hoodie and grabbed her purse just as her sister pulled up. Sara was surprised to see her other sisters in the car. Getting in the backseat next to Alyssa she asked. "Not that I don't mind you and Katie being here, but I didn't think you'd be up this early.
"We all think we need a sister drive." Sister drives started when Katie got her license and a car for her 16th birthday. Whenever there was a personal crisis going on, mom and dad were arguing, or just needed to get out of the house. They kept a tradition even when Katie went to Michigan for college and Alyssa went to move to Chicago with Brent. It was their special time
"Where do you guys wanna go? I'm assuming we are heading straight to the hospital once the visiting hours start." Katie pulled out of her sister's driveway.
Brittney cut in. "Well we have to get food. These girls are hungry." All at once the group looked at Brittany, who was sheepish. "It's another girl?" Sara squealed excitedly, her troubles disappearing for a moment.  Brittney smiled. "Yes, but please don't say anything. Mom doesn't even know and we were going to wait til the baby was born." The girls had to calm her and assure that they wouldn't say anything. Over the years, the sisters knew each other's deepest secrets that they would take to the grave. So far no one has spilled anything, even being trashed.
Once the celebration was over they focused on the reason for the drive. Sara told her sisters the entire story, from their meeting to everything that led them up to where they were at now. They listened, only interrupting to clarify things. Once she was done they had just pulled up to McDonalds. "Wow. I mean he does love you, we all have seen how he looks at you." Brittany pulled into the drive through and they all ordered their breakfast items. Sara was glad she was in the back away from the window, the last thing she needed was to be recognized
They ate in the farthest end of the parking lot while they talked. "Sara, it's up to you, but I think Justin is a good guy. I mean he came all of the way here to beg for you back. Sure he didn't make an effort, but I think that once he realized what life was like without you, he is pulling all of the stops to make sure it doesn't happen again." Alyssa looked at Sara who sighed. Katie cut in. "Is there any other reason besides hesitancy that you won't take him back?" She paused. "Is Harry back in the picture?"
Sara shook her head. "No! We are just friends." She looked down at her coffee. Brittney sighed. "Sara I love you but you really think we don't know our baby sister. What happened that you're not telling us?"
She didn't plan on telling her sisters about what happened before she got the call about dad but she'd rather them hear it from her than someone  else. "Harry came over and we just had lunch and began talking."
Alyssa took a sharp breath. "You are thinking about getting together with him?"
She shook her head. "No, but he wanted to, not only that but he asked me to marry him. Had a ring and everything."
The car erupted in a gasp. Brittany nearly spilled her orange juice on herself. Katie spoke first. "What the fuck? When were you going to tell us this?"
Sara rolled her eyes. "Gee, probably when we visit dad and put mom in the room next to him."
"Don't be a smartass, this is serious." Katie chastised her younger sister. "What did you say?"
"Nothing! Erika came in with the cat and he left. But he told me to think about it."
"And?" The girls were on the edge of their seats. "No way! Are you serious? I'm not going to marry Harry. I can't believe you would think that?"
Alyssa giggled. "I mean you were so crazy about him."
She rolled her eyes again. "Yes, but a lot has happened."
Brittany cut in. "Yeah and we didn't know about it. I mean that article that came out, we were all shocked. All of this time, you said you weren't seeing someone. Hell Brent invited a couple of his teammates to our summer barbecue to set you up."
Sara looked down. "Yeah mom told me she was hurt."
"Well can you blame us? I mean I understand not telling mom and dad. But we're your sisters, we tell you everything. You met everyone in his family, he took you to Oregon and you met his family and girlfriends. Plus he told you he loved you at his college stadium-"
"Wait what? How did you guys know that?" Sara was confused. She had never read the article, so she didn't know what details were in it. She figured it was your typical details that basic sources know, but this was very specific. "I need to read that article." She muttered.
As her sisters chatted away, her brain was working overtime. Who in God's name would sell her out like that? This was a very specific and personal detail.
One that she only told a few people.
Hospital visiting hours officially started. The girls looked at each other. "Do you guys want to go shopping in the downtown district? I don't want to go to the hospital just yet." Katie laughed. "You don't want to hear mom fuss over every single thing?"
With the agreement that they would wait before going up, they started heading towards the shops downtown. They spent a few hours in and out of stores for some retail therapy. When they grabbed lunch at the bistro, Sara's phone buzzed with a message from Justin asking to pick her up from the hospital later. She agreed, knowing that she couldn't avoid the conversation about their pending reunion forever.
While heading back to the car Katie's phone rang and when she picked it up all they could hear was screaming. "We need to get to the hospital now."
The car ride there was quiet, the girls wondering what was causing so much emotion. Once parked, they ran as fast as possible into the hospital and up to the floor (since Mike was off the ventilator, they moved him out of the ICU onto a more private floor)
They found Willa and their mother yelling at each other, security threatening them to calm down or they would be kicked out. They ran up to both of them "What the hell is going on?" Mike's doctor approached the group. "Let's go to my office where we can all talk."
"They all followed into an office room. Once the door was closed Cathy unloaded. "That woman." She pointed at her sister in law. "Says there is no hope and we should consider taking him into hospice."
The girls gasped and Willa rolled her eyes. "Oh please, the man is as dead as a doorknob. You all are just too stupid to see it. Why prolong all this pain and suffering just because you have money to do it?"
Brittany cut in. "He is off the ventilator and making good progress, this isn't your call to make!"
Willa smiled. "Oh but you didn't know that your dad put me and your mom as power of attorney in his will, so I have just as much of a right." Brittany took a sharp breath, her being a lawyer she knew exactly what that meant.
They were trapped unless their dad woke up.
They all knew it too, that's what was so enraged that no matter how terrible she was to all of them she would always have an in.
The doctor cut in. "If I may, he has been here for three weeks. Maybe a rehab facility would work If he wakes up, but hospice would not be a viable option, since he doesn't fit the mold. He is breathing on his own, we are just waiting to see if he wakes up and what damage there is."
Willa threw her hands up. "But this is ridiculous! We have lives!"
Sara growled. "So fucking leave! If you are so concerned about your own life! Leave us be! Don't you have a daughter in prison?" Remembering when Kelsi was brought up at Thanksgiving. Her Aunt's eyes narrowed at her. "Your dad paid for her bail and lawyers, better than wasting it on your career. Which by the way, if I were you I'd get on that chin lipo."
Cathy stood up. "We are not putting Mike in any facility! He is to stay here until he wakes up! I trust the medical staff one hundred percent over the likes of you!" She jabbed her finger at Willa's chest.
"Get your fucking finger-"
"Ladies!" The doctor yelled. "I won't hesitate to kick all of you out and not allow you to come back!"
Everyone  became silent. "Look, I suggest you hire a mediator to deal with this. Mr. Wozniak's vitals look good and we won't know more until he looks good. His heart and brain I'm most concerned about. Until then, all we can do is wait." He got up. "Now excuse me, I have to run rounds."
The group got up and walked out, Sara being one of the last. Her mom and sisters were so engrossed in their conversation they didn't notice what happened next. Sara felt her arm being pulled in the opposite direction. She turned to see Willa pull her into a private corner. Her long, pointed nails were digging into her skin. "You're hurting me!" She tried to pull her arm away but for being in her 60s Willa was strong.
"Listen here, you got some nerve showing up after what you did to your father." Sara was confused. "This doesn't concern you."
"Yes it does, you know how upset he was when you went to visit that giant loser pauper family in bumblefuck Oregon?" Sara was red. "Don't you speak about him like that! You don't fucking know shit so fuck off to your house that your husband owns!"
Willa smiled menacingly and dug her nails deeper into her niece's arm, causing her to wince at the feeling of punctured skin. "Do you really think that he is the one for you? That Taylor that he cheated on you with, is gorgeous, the perfect package someone like him needs. She's blonde, thin, and could be the wife he needs. His agent isn't going to approve of some fat, Brunette who Is loud, obnoxious with a suicidal past."
Sara tried to not let the emotional hit hurt her, but it was pretty below the belt. "You know nothing about our relationship."
"Oh please, Kelsi told me everything. All of those girls who look like models he is following. They are in his inbox right now, and all it takes is for you to eat one cheeseburger before he goes looking, and who could blame him? There is a reason why family friends would call you the ugliest sibling. You contribute nothing to society, you can't even run a mile, do you think it's good for an athlete's image to have you on his arm?"
The tears were flowing now. "Stop it right now. Willa laughed. "Only reason anyone hangs out with you is because of status. Let's face it, all that money and fame goes away and you're nothing but that thirteen year old fat, loser who sits in her room to waste all day!"
"What the hell is going on!" They looked to see Brittney standing there, ready to kill Willa. With a newfound strength, Sara ripped her arm out of her Aunt's grip, resulting in a bad scratch. Not wanting any attention on her, she ran past her sister, past her other relatives and down the stairs so they couldn't catch up with her.
Justin was anxious.
This conversation they were going to be having was the make or break of their relationship. He was nervous, the ball was in her court. Justin wanted nothing more than to be back together. They had been making alot of progress up until last night. Something happened in the few minutes he went to pull the car up to the door. She did her usual shut down and then made sure to be out of bed and gone before he even woke up.
It was around 4 o'clock when he decided to call Sara
No one picked up. Furrowed his eyebrows, he shot her a text
Leaving in ten. Are you hungry? We can get dinner on the way back.
Sara usually responded quickly unless she was at work. This was weird. Justin waited a few minutes before looking at his phone again. Nothing from her at all. Instead of sending another text, he decided to go to the hospital.
He wasn't sure what he was expecting when he pulled up, but it wasn't Brent looking around frantically. Once he spotted Justin getting out of the car he ran towards him. "Is Sara with you?"
Justin was confused. "Um no, I told her I was going to pick her up here earlier why?"
He shook his head. She ran out about an hour ago. She and Willa got into a bad fight and she ran out. I don't know what was bad but according to Brittney she was hysterical. She's not answering her phone or anything."
Justin's face paled. "What?" Brent shook his head. "When Sara gets upset she likes to take walks, sometimes just wanders. It doesn't matter where or when."
"Where do you think she is?" Justin was ready to jump in his car. Brent shook his head. "I don't know, I don't know downtown Pittsburgh like she does. She used to hop buses and trains and take them all around the city, she did that when she would visit me and Lyss in Chicago.
He got back in her car. "I'll try to find her, just keep me updated." Brent shook his head.
Justin drove off, this was more difficult than he thought. This was his first time in the city, and he only had his GPS to guide him. He thought of the bridge that Sara had framed in her bedroom and he began to go that route. After a quick sweep he found nothing, he remembered a few places she said she loved and he went there, but found nothing. Even went inside a few establishments. It must have looked weird for someone his height to do a quick sweep and just walk out but he was desperate.
He had been out for a couple of hours before heading back to the house. Hoping she was there he walked in and called out her name. But unfortunately he was met with silence. Fuck.
He remembered Brent's words. She takes walks.
She probably walked home. He was going to kill her. Granted, being in April it was lighter later, but that was still dangerous, no security guard. Not answering her phone. No one knew where she was.
His phone buzzed and it was a message from Brent
She messaged all of us she was fine. Just needed to be alone. Didn't say where she was. Let us know when she comes home.
What the hell? Why didn't she message him? He wanted to throw his phone against the wall.
Pittsburgh Botanical Gardens was always a beautiful place to reflect.
Sara never told anyone this was her hiding spot as a teen, because she just wanted to get away from it all. It was her place to just think and not have someone try to give you advice, or just brush off the action that hurt you.
She ran as fast as she could out of that hospital, all of the training for the fashion show paid off. Although if Brent was there, he could have easily caught up to her. Once she got to a certain point, she recognized the bus route that could take her to her personal safe haven.
So far no one approached her and she kept watching her back to see if anyone was taking photos. It was a Tuesday, so it was mostly older people, and the kids who were into the beauty.
She had been walking around disguised in sunglasses and a mask, hoping no one caught her tears. Her arm still stung underneath her hoodie, but she didn't bother to look.
Her family and Justin were blowing up her phone. Justin more so. He let her know that Brent messaged him. Sara sighed, she knew she was going to have to face him eventually but what could she say? She was never going to fit into his lifestyle, and vice versa.
It was five pm when she left, it would take about an hour to walk home, however there were sections where it wasn't the most safe and not every area had a sidewalk. Deciding to call a taxi, she routed it to the Starbucks near her house. It would only be a fifteen minute walk from there but she could easily do that.
Thankfully the taxi didn't care who was in his backseat. The entire time she kept checking her phone
Sara please tell me where you are so I can get you.
At least let me know you're safe.
Let's talk please. Don't shut me out
She huffed at that one. Yeah so they could resolve nothing? He could get her to fall again just to tear her heart in two when something happens again? What about Taylor? And this Rachel who the family knows? She thought back to the beginning, Bellas words
You come from two different worlds.
Speaking of which, she should call her. She'd been shutting off all of the friends that reached out. They knew to give her some space, but they were worried.
At the Cafe, she found a private space in the corner and contacted her team. She had messaged Erika since their fight the other night. But from what Alex and Heidi said she was keeping down the house well.
All of her things were pushed back, and like Justin, she was feeling the pressure to get back to work. The Met Gala was in a few weeks and she had been invited this year, with Law Roach, Zendaya's stylist, reaching out to Sara's team to style her in Valentino. To be honest with everything up in the air she didnt even know if she wanted to go anymore.
She made her phone calls and caught up with all of her work. So by the time she was done with that it was nearly ten, and the cafeteria was about to close.She walked the rest of the way home, and after figuring out everything decided that she was going to end things with Justin. As Sara approached her home, she saw Justin's rental car in the driveway and all of the lights on. Standing in the driveway deciding how to sneak in without him noticing. She hoped he was at least asleep, considering he had therapy early. Luck wasn't on her side though
Going to the front door, she slowly put the key in the lock, turning in as softly as she could. She opened it and poked her head in looking around. She slowly stepped in the foyer. Sara heard Justin's voice, coming from the living room. She took off her slides and tiptoed to the area in which he was standing. Peeking again around the corner, she saw his back was turned towards her as he was talking to what seemed like someone on his management team.
She took a couple steps slowly and when he started to turn she ran for it, hoping to get to her room.
"SARA!" She made it halfway before she was lifted off the ground. His right side wrapped around her stomach as he was on the phone. "Yeah she's home. Tell everyone not to worry." He hung up and carried her to the coach where he dumped her. Making sure to put both arms on each side to create a cage.
She felt like a kid being busted breaking curfew. She didn't look him in the eyes, even though he kept trying to meet them. Finally she looked at him to see his green eyes full of anger and worry.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" He got up and began pacing. "Do you know you had me worried sick! This whole time I had no idea where you were! If you are okay!. Where were you?"
"I was around the city."
He stopped to look at her. "How did you get home?"
She shrugged. "I walked." His eyes widened and she realized what he thought. "Jus-"
"YOU walked! What the hell is wrong with you! Do you realize how stupid that was?"
Sara began to get angry as tears gathered at her eyes. "Why do you care?"
He looked at her stunned. "What?"
"I said why do you care? Matter of fact, why are you even here! Shouldn't you be in California or somewhere with Taylor or Rachel? Or someone who fits your needs? I don't understand why you are trying to fight for me when there's no point?"
Justin was lost. What was she trying to say? Was she telling him to take a hike? "Sara what are you saying?"
She shook her head. Tears rolling down her face. "I'm not what you want or need. I'm just someone to fuck and support your football needs. I won't look good on your arm at these events. I'm not athletic. I'm not blonde or skinny, so you're just wasting your time."
She turned her back. "Justin just go home."
He shook his head. "No."
"Just let me forget you." She sniffled. "Who are we fooling? We are two different people. I can't be what you need." She turned towards him to see that he was getting choked up. "Go back to your normal life."
He walked up to her, and before she knew it, he was on his knees in front of her, which was almost her full height. "I can't do that." He looked up at her, tears down his face.
"I belong to you! You're my everything. You don't understand. I love you, you're the love of my life. I can't fall asleep unless I'm next to you. All my life there was always a piece of me missing, I thought it was fulfilled by sports, going to Oregon, the NFL." He took a deep breath. "I finally realized these past few months it was you. Sara you're my lifeline, you're my heart and soul. The best part of the game is waiting for your call or knowing that I'm coming home to you."
Sara's heart was in pieces hearing this. No man had ever made her feel this, have ever spoken to her. "Tay-"
"I don't give a fuck about her. It is you, its always you."
Sara sobbed. "I'm not loveable-"
"I love everything about you. I love your smile, your laugh, how you incorporate movie quotes in conversations. Your passion for your career and your friends. How you add garlic powder on almost everything you cook." She had to laugh at that. "Your makeup all over the bathroom, your obsession with Doritos, and how you only eat lifesaver gummies; everything else candy has to involve chocolate." He rubbed her sides. "There are not enough words In the English languages to explain  how much I love you."
She sniffled. "If we get back together, we do it slowly." He nodded. "It's just me and you, no one else. We have to learn how to communicate."  
Justin nodded and pressed his face into her hair. "I'll claim you for everyone to see." He muttered. She ran her fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss to his head. "I hate how much I love you." She muttered. He looked up at her and pressed his lips to her, backing off he said. "I hate that I ever took you for granted."
She wiped his tears. "Let's just agree to look to the future. Just me and you?" She pushed him away and he got up to stand. "Gee it's warm in here." She pulled off her hoodie and set it down next to her. She smiled at him but saw his focus was on her arm. She noticed what his attention was on. It was bruised, with nail marks that drew blood. Sara hadn't looked at it, it was burning and tender but she had been distracted.
"Oh wow." She was rubbing at the dried blood. "I knew it was hard but not this hard." He grabbed her arm and examined it. "Did someone do this to you?" His voice was menacingly, you knew he was pissed.
"My aunt pulled me aside after the meeting with the doctor." She didn't want to tell him what was said. Of course it being Justin, he didn't let it go. "What the fuck did she say to you? She had no right to put her hands on you." He rubbed the spot, and she winced. "Come on, let's clean it up."
They went upstairs and into Sara's master bathroom. He grabbed a washcloth from the closet and put some warm water as she sat down on the toilet. He grabbed her arm and began cleaning. It was silent for a minute before she spoke. "Tell me everything about Taylor again." He looked at her. "I deserve to know the truth."
"She started off as a fling at the NFL awards in 2021. We just agreed it was a casual thing due to our careers. However we did go places and we were spotted and it was on social media everywhere. She was in Europe after last year's season ended. We just left things up in the air. I met you at the wedding and sort of forgot about her." He shrugged. Sara cut in.
"But you went by her house, and you slept with her that night I was in New York." He shook his head. "I did go over to her place and we had dinner. She tried to initiate sex but I told her no. She kissed me and then I ran out. Before you came back I ran into her at the grocery store, she got in my car to talk and I told her that I no longer wanted to see her. Taylor wanted to get into a relationship and when I said what I said she told me to quote 'fuck off' and that was it." He took a deep breath. "Those photos of me in the restaurant were with a girl I went to school with, Kristen and her boyfriend David.  She knows about us."
He grabbed a couple bandaids out of the cabinet and applied them to the scratches. "Whose Rachel?"
He looked at her confused. "A girl I went to school with. Why?"
"My aunt was telling me all these things about how fat I was and that you were nothing but I didn't even deserve that. It's funny how I believed that. I don't know how I even let her get through my head.
He grabbed her and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around him and moaned, missing his kiss. Pulling away he spoke. "Stubborn woman, never believe a word she says. What does this have to do with Rachel though?"
Sara pulled her phone out of her pocket. Opening the social media app she gave it to him. He took one look at it, and grabbed his phone. She watched as he clicked a few buttons. "I blocked her, and I sent out a message to my family." He was still on his phone. "I also unfollowed Taylor."
"Won't people speculate something went down?" He shrugged. "Who cares?"
She smiled, and kissed him. While she knew all of their problems weren't fixed, it was a start. It was a promise of something new, a fresh start. She moaned and Justin's lip trailed to her neck. "Wait." She pulled away.
"I'm sorry, I know you said we need to go slow." He breathed and she laughed. "Well there's that too, but I also haven't been taking my birth control properly since we broke up and I hate condoms." He smiled. "Me too, but if you wanted to use them I wouldn't complain." She laughed. "I mean we should take things slow. Last time we went too quickly, and I think that was part of the reason for the breakup."
He didn't agree with that. Justin loved that their relationship went fast, but he had to respect Sara's wishes. "Yeah." They left the bathroom, Sara deciding to get ready for bed. Justin decided to go to his room, but she called him back. "Can you sleep with me?"
He didn't hesitate, he nodded and within minutes he was in and out of his room, his bedtime routine completed. She laughed as he got under her covers quickly and patted the spot next to him. "Hold on, I got to get ready for bed."
As she did her routine, Sara got lost in her thoughts. She always knew deep down she would probably take Justin back. He was the one she truly loved, despite his flaws. Her heart felt truly healed now they were back together. She told him they were going to take things slow, and she was going to try her hardest to stick to that plan.
But damn he was her Justin, and she was his. Those words he spoke to her, his actions.
Of course they had things to figure out. But for the first time since they met, she felt peace.
She felt sure.
A/N: I dont know how I feel about this one, I couldn’t keep them apart any longer though! However, they are taking things slow! Thank you for all of the love!
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blog-openwork · 6 years
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It was a great surprise to receive our copy of AA this week. Thank you @architecture_au #rachelhurst and the wonderful team who made Doubleground what it is @NGVmelbourne @irwinconsult_au @dbg.projects @charles.sandford @showorks @programmedgroup @brickworksbp @higgins_coatings @gunnersenptyltd @rmituniversity . We’ll be presenting the project to this year’s @architecture_vic awards jury at the @monash_uni Learning & Teaching Building on Saturday 16 March after lunch. See you there. . . . This is a photo of a photo by @peterbennetts . #ngvdesignweek #melbournedesignweek @muirarchitecture @_openwork #muirarchitecture @rmitarchitecture #rmit #urban #Openwork #NGVmelbourne #DoubleGround #NGVArchitectureCommission #architecture #landscape #landscapearchitecture #garden #architecturephotography #arch #melbourne #publicspace #_openwork @NGVMelboure #smallbutbig (at National Gallery of Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-sPHbFGf5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ms4gyhrf5hmn
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