pufflekittehreads · 1 year
Blog Tour: The Promises Of The Runes - Christina Courtenay.
Blog Tour: The Promises Of The Runes - Christina Courtenay. @rararesources @PiaCCourtenay
I’m excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you a stop of the Promises Of The Runes blog tour. I have the pleasure of bringing you a very exciting content piece, but before we get to that, let’s meet the author and take a look at the book. Christina Courtenay writes historical romance, time slip and time travel stories, and lives in Herefordshire (near the Welsh…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Let Your Lips Twitch - R.A. Clarke.
Blog Tour: Let Your Lips Twitch - R.A. Clarke. @rararesources @raclarkewrites
I’m excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you today’s blog post, which is part of the Let Your Lips Twitch tour! Before we get to the book itself, let’s meet the author, R.A. Clarke. R.A. Clarke is a former police officer turned stay-at-home mom from Portage la Prairie, MB. She shares life with a sport-aholic husband, two adorable children, and an ever-expanding…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Ellie-May & Her Toy Dragon, Ben - Genna Rowbotham. Extract.
Blog Tour: Ellie-May & Her Toy Dragon, Ben - Genna Rowbotham. Extract. @rararesources @gennarowbotham
It’s time for the second of the blog posts promised today. I am excited to be bringing you a short extract for Ellie-May & Her Toy Dragon, Ben by Genna Rowbotham. Before we get to the extract, let’s meet the author and take a look at the book itself. Genna Rowbotham wrote her first children’s story in 2017, fitting it in around caring for her young family, and is now an author of nine children’s…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Shooters - Julia Brogio.
Blog Tour: Shooters - Julia Brogio. @rararesources @juliaboggio @twolitchicks
It’s Mother’s day here in the UK, and I am bringing you TWO stops today! The first of two blog tour stops today is a nice and short book promo feature. It is for Julia Brogio’s Shooters with Rachel’s Random Resources. Before we get to the book, let’s take a book at the book itself. Originally from New Jersey, Julia Boggio moved to London in her early twenties. She worked as an advertising…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Where The Water Flows - Romola Farr.
Blog Tour: Where The Water Flows - Romola Farr. @rararesources @romolafarr
I’m a little late with this blog post, I thought it had been scheduled to go up yesterday, and discovered this afternoon that it was still sat waiting to go up. Apologies for that. However, I am still excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you a stop on the Where The Water Flows blog tour. Today is a nice and short spotlight post, so let’s get to it and meet the…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: The Last Good Summer - JJ Green. Extract.
Blog Tour: The Last Good Summer - JJ Green. Extract. @rararesources
I am excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you a stop on the The Last Good Summer blog tour today! I have the pleasure of bringing you an extract, but before we get to that, let’s meet the author and take a look at the book in question. J. J. Green is an Irish writer who hails from Donegal and lives in Derry. She’s had a passion for writingfiction from childhood and…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Quilling Me Softly -Nigel May. Excerpt.
Blog Tour: Quilling Me Softly -Nigel May. Excerpt. @rararesources @Nigel_May
I’m excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources today to be bringing you a stop of the Quilling Me Softly blog tour. Nigel to no stranger to the worlds of both publishing and crafting. He has published seven previous novels – six glam fiction blockbusters such as Trinity, Addicted and Revenge, which saw him gain fabulous reviews and nicknamed as the ‘UK’s male Jackie Collins’, and a…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Ascent - Cathie Dunn. Guest Post.
Blog Tour: Ascent - Cathie Dunn. Guest Post. @rararesources @cathiedunn
I’m excited to be working with Rachel Random Resources to be bringing you a stop on the Ascent tour today. Cathie Dunn is an award-winning author of historical fiction, mystery, and romance. The focus of her historical fiction novels is on strong women through time.Cathie has been writing for over twenty years. She studied Creative Writing online, with a focus on novel writing, which she also…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Virtual Strangers - Sam Canning Review.
Blog Tour: Virtual Strangers - Sam Canning Review. @rararesources @yesshecan @zaffrebooks
I’m excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources today to be bringing you a stop on the Virtual Strangers blog tour. Today’s stop is a little later than planned today, because my book had a few issues getting to me, and I was doing my best to get it finished to give you a full review instead of a partial (I had 160 pages to finish today, so knew I’d ordinarily have been able to fit it in,…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Daughters Of Paris - Elisabeth J Hobbes Extract.
Blog Tour: Daughters Of Paris - Elisabeth J Hobbes Extract. @rararesources @ElisabethHobbes
I am so excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you a stop on the Daughters Of Paris blog tour! For today’s stop I have the pleasure of bringing you an extract. However, before we get to that, let’s meet the author, and take a look at the book. Elisabeth began writing in secret, but when she came third in Harlequin’s So You Think You Can Write contest in 2013, she was…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: The Heart Warrior's Mother - Marilyn Cohen De Villiers Extract.
Blog Tour: The Heart Warrior's Mother - Marilyn Cohen De Villiers Extract. @rararesources
I’m excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you this stop on the The Heart Warrior’s Mother blog tour. For today’s post, I am bringing you an extract. However, before we get to that, let’s meet the author and take a look at the book. I was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, the youngest daughter of an extraordinarily ordinary, happy, stable, traditional…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Twelve Nights - Penny Ingham Q&A.
Blog Tour: Twelve Nights - Penny Ingham Q&A. @rararesources @pennyingham
I’m so sorry for being a day late with this post, don’t really know what happened to be honest. Having said that, I am excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you a stop with supplied Q&A content for Twelve Nights by Penny Ingham. Before we get to the content, let me introduce the author, and show you the book. I was born and raised in Yorkshire where my father…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Solving Shelley - Grayson Avery Promo Spot.
Blog Tour: Solving Shelley - Grayson Avery Promo Spot. @rararesources
Nice and short post from me today. I’m working with Rachel’s Random Resources, to be bringing you a promo post for Solving Shelley by Grayson Avery today. Let’s get straight on, shall we? Grayson Avery is the author of The Sweet Water Circle Series, a romantic comedy series that focuses on childhood friends in their 30’s and 40’s as they help each other navigate the stormy waters of dating,…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: Mystery In The Palace Of Westminster - Sarah Lustig Extract.
Blog Tour: Mystery In The Palace Of Westminster - Sarah Lustig Extract. @rararesources @SarahLBooks
I’m so excited to be bringing you today’s stop on the Mystery In The Palace Of Westminster by Sarah Lustig tour, with Rachel’s Random Resources. You’re in for a treat, because I get to bring you an extract. Before we get to that, let’s meet the author, and take a look at the book itself. Sarah Lustig grew up in London and went to school in Westminster, with politicians’ children. Her experiences…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: A Wedding In Tuscany - Sandy Barker Extract.
Blog Tour A Wedding In Tuscany - Sandy Barker Extract. @rararesources @sandybarker @0nemorechapter_
I’m so excited to be working with Rachel’s Random Resources, to be bringing you an extract of A Wedding In Tuscany for today’s blog tour stop. As usual, we’ll meet the author, take a look at the book, and then we’ll read the extract. Let us get started. Sandy is a writer, traveller and hopeful romantic with a lengthy bucket list, and many of her travel adventures have found homes in her novels.…
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pufflekittehreads · 2 years
Blog Tour: A Wish For Jo - Audrey Davis.
Blog Tour: A Wish For Jo - Audrey Davis. @rararesources @audbyname
Apologies, but I’ll be bringing you a two posts today. Some how it slipped through the net and just didn’t manage to upload? I’m not quite sure what I did, so I’m a day late. I’m working with the amazing Rachel’s Random Resources to be bringing you a sweet promo post for Audrey Davis’ A Wish For Jo. Audrey Davis is a Scottish-born former journalist, now resident in the canton of Vaud,…
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