krikeymate · 10 months
Fic title "Long, Cool Woman in a Black Dress"
"Are you... ok?" Tara asks.
Her sister doesn't hear her apparently, too busy staring, mouth open, at the woman walking away, effortlessly weaving between partygoers.
She appears to be malfunctioning.
Tara can't stop the grin that forms at the sight of Sam's red cheeks. She never gets to see her like this - distracted, blushing. It's a little bit wonderful.
With a giggle, Tara stretches up onto her tiptoes and wraps her arms around Sam's shoulders, dragging her down into a hug. "Someone's in l~o~v~e," she teases.
Her sister blinks at her for a moment, confused, before understanding settles in, spell broken.
"What? No! Shut up!" she mutters, eyes flicking back to the tall and very beautiful woman now engaged in conversation with Gale across the room.
When she looks back, Tara's beaming up at her with a shit-eating grin, and Sam knows she's been caught.
"What?! She's attractive, ok?" Sam responds, feeling a little defensive.
They've never done this before, teased one another about romantic inclinations. It's always been a bit of a... sore topic.
Sam's thought about it before, of course. She's felt the words on the tip of her tongue, considered joining Mindy as they unabashedly roast Chad and Tara, but she always swallows them down.
That's normal sibling behaviour. Sam and Tara aren't normal.
But that doesn't stop Tara from smirking up at her and loudly making kissing noises.
Sam panics and pushes Tara away, whispering desperately at her to stop it!!!
She ends up making the scene she had so sorely wanted to avoid when Tara trips over her own feet and thuds heavily onto the floor of the function room.
Sam freezes, horrified that she had just pushed her sister over. But Tara just laughs, delighted by her response.
Glancing up, Sam's dismayed to find Gale, and her friend in the eyecatching black dress, staring back at them.
She doesn't like the look on Gale's face any more than Tara's. Something tells her they're not going to let this go.
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hraugur · 7 months
@radicalfrancoiseappledelhi suggested this and it was hilarious so i vomited this out rq
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dreamersbcll · 6 months
Sam’s Heart
Last thing we should do is go slow
for @radicalfrancoiseappledelhi
God, Sam loved that color.
Admittedly, the first time she killed- Richie - she was squeamish. The blood was thick and hot, a reminder that the body below her was once a thriving vessel. Crimson blood coated her face dripped down her arms, languid and viscous. Almost like hot molasses.
At first, it made her stomach turn. She had stood up, staring at his body, breathing in shallow, quick breaths. So many questions swirled through her head, so many pointless prayers following each question mark. Sam stared down at her ex-boyfriend’s dead body and tried not to vomit all her sins onto the carcass.
And then, a flip in her head switched on. Suddenly, the blood that made her shirt stuck to her chest wasn’t suffocating- it was an invitation. A hand held out to her, offering her a way out.
If she looked at the hand hard enough, she would notice that it was coated in fake blood-dyed corn syrup, maybe. Not the blood that she had just drawn from the body below her.
Who was she to deny a helping hand?
From then on, crimson was her favorite color—the deep burgundy, the color of love, passion, and even courage.
But she knew it was also the color of rage, warning, and revenge.
It was also the color of ruthlessness.
Sam Carpenter was no stranger to ruthlessness. It fueled her and forced her to adapt and become more creative. Life wasn’t always so simple and direct; adversity constantly plagued her when she was ready to succeed.
Luckily for her, Tara was just as capable of adapting.
“Hand me the knife, mi cielo.”
Tara frowned, gripping the knife tightly in her hands. The pair had just tied down their latest victim, and Sam was putting gloves on as Tara watched him thrash around in his chair. Usually, Sam would let Tara take control- just for a bit- but not today, not on this one.
This one was Sam’s.
“But I want-” her sister whined.
Sam tutted softly, holding out her hand. “My love.”
Her little sister bowed her head in concession and handed the blade to her big sister. Tara stepped back behind the man in the chair and gripped the rope, holding his chest still, playing with the frayed edges. Sam observed her little sister, drinking in the dark eyes that were fixated on their victim. Her little girl was so beautiful. Sam would make sure this man paid for what he did to her little girl.
Pulling back, Sam looked down at the man, grinning a bit. “Now, what do you have to say for yourself, hmm?” she purred, twirling the knife in her fingers.
He pulled away, his eyes full of tears. Sam tutted softly, pushing the blade under his neck, forcing him to look up at her. “Hey, hey. Look at me. Look into my eyes. Tell me what you see.”
“They’re dark. Cold,” he whimpered, tears leaking out of his own eyes.
“They can be forgiving if you tell us who we are,” Tara quietly chimed in.
Sam looked up at her sister, her heart warming at the sight. Her little sister had gotten so much more comfortable with herself and her abilities in her new role. It was clearly reflected in her steely and level voice.
Their prey looks between the two, his eyes darting back and forth as if he couldn’t decide who he was afraid of more. He stuck his tongue out, moistening his lips. Sam noticed how his lower lip quivered and how blurry his eyes were with tears.
Good. He should be afraid. He knows what he did.
“Please,” he pleaded softly, his voice cracking.
There it was. The admission. Sam could feel the air shift, all the joy of their mission slowly leaking. Tara’s shoulders slumped in defeat, her hands slightly trembling.
But Sam hadn’t given up yet. She was ruthless. She would be relentless. It was in her blood, not her sister’s.
“You know. I know you know who we are. Come on, think. Use that big brain of yours,” she snarled, pressing the knife harder on his neck.
“Don’t lie to us. We know,” Tara whispered, pulling at the rope.
The man flailed in his chair, crying like a little bitch. “I don’t! I don’t know! Please just let me go, please!”
Sam shook her head, pulling back. He gulped at the loss of contact against his neck, blood trickling down the cut she left. She couldn’t deny how delightful the crimson looked and how carnivorous she was for more.
“Hmm. Wrong answer, Mr. Carpenter,” she replied, her tone bored.
He paused, frozen. “How do you know who I am?” he asked meekly, his eyes darting between the two.
Without hesitation, Tara replied.
“Hi, Daddy,” Tara breathes, her fingers tightening around the rope.
Recognition floods through his eyes, his body sagging in relief. It took everything in Sam not to scoff at the action. Pathetic. He actually thinks that her little girl will save him. So pathetic.
Sam was the one who raised her, nurtured her, and taught her how to fight and survive. All he did was teach Tara how to leave and run away. It took years for Sam to earn back the trust Tara lost in her, and he thinks he can gain it all back with remorseful eyes.
Not on her watch.
He- Tara’s father- pulled against the restraints, lunging towards Tara. “Tara. Oh my god, Tara. Por favor, mi amor. Please don’t hurt me. Please. I’m your dad. Your Papi.”
Swiftly pushing Tara behind her, Sam wedged herself between the two, thrusting her knife under his jugular, not caring if she nicked his skin or not. He made the mess first in their lives. She didn’t really care if he bled uncontrollably or sparingly; crimson was crimson.
She maneuvered the knife under his chin, forcing him to lol up at her. “Mhm. You are. As much as I hate to admit it, you are.”
Glancing back at Tara, her beautiful girl, she hummed. Tara looked nervous, her eyes darting between her two parental figures. Clearing her throat, she got Tara’s attention. Their eyes locked, boring into each other’s minds. Instead of speaking, Sam just tilted her head, jutting her chin out—a challenge.
Will you stay by my side?
Without hesitation, Tara nodded.
I’m yours.
Sam smiled wide, returning to the pathetic man who once parented her years ago. He looked up at her, hopeful, almost as if Sam would let him go. Pathetic. Men were so pathetic.
She pressed the knife harder into his neck, letting droplets of crimson stream down her brand-new blade. He whimpered at the actions, his eyes wide, his lips trembling in fear.
Bending down, Sam got close to his head, her lips brushing his ear. “But, you’re not my father,” she whispered.
Behind her, Tara nodded, her eyes dark, her lips curling into an intoxicating smile.
Grinning, Sam pulled back, her pupils dilating at the blood trickling down his throat. God. What a sight. It was a treat killing Christina- but this was a new rush. Killing the man who tore their family apart and destroyed her little sister? She couldn’t imagine anything better.
“And you’ll never be her dad ever again.”
One quick flick of the wrist, and Sam was painted crimson once again.
“You look so good, my love. So strong. So powerful,” Sam whispered, wiping a smear of blood off Tara’s jaw.
Tara was sitting on the bathroom counter, her legs wrapped around Sam’s midriff, her eyes closed in exhaustion. Sam was gently washing away the bloodstains, letting Tara press against her body. She would always hold her little sister up. She would always be there for her. Tara was her little girl, always.
Her little sister hummed, her eyelashes fluttering in exhaustion. “I do?”
Sam pulled back, smiling a bit. She reached out, brushing sweaty hair off her sister’s forehead. Her heart grew two sizes as Tara pushed her face into her hand, sighing contentedly.
“Mhmm. Ruthless, my love. You look ruthless,” she purred.
Tara smiled wide, her eyes still closed. “Just like you?” she whispered back, a smile spreading across her face.
Without hesitation, Sam replied. “Just like me.”
Tara then blushes, her cheeks coloring deep crimson.
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krikeymate · 8 months
(no pressure if you're burnt out from this month tho)
With every bang on the door, Tara takes another step back, body shaking in fear.
They were supposed to be safe, how did Ghostface find them?
She collides with a hard body behind her.
"I've got you," he whispers, wrapping an arm around her.
"Oh Chad, how did they find us?"
"Someone told them," he says, unusually serious.
Tara stiffens in his grip. Something feels wrong.
"Why would you say that?" she whispers. "How could you say that?"
"Listen, Tara. I might not get another chance to say this, so-"
A knife slides into her belly, her gaze never leaving Chad's as he pushes it further and further, till the cold metal hilt touches her skin.
He smirks at the betrayal in her eyes. "Oh Tara. If only there was someone out there who loved you."
"That's the line from that stupid movie you love, isn't it? The one where the naive little girl who always runs after her sister gets betrayed by her love interest, right? It seemed fitting."
Tara coughs, blood welling in her throat. "Why," she whispers.
Chad sneers, yanking the knife out and pushing her away, watching as she falls to the floor, unable to catch herself.
"Maybe it's because I'm sick of the way you never put out. Maybe I'm tired of how you never shut up about your fucking sister. Maybe I don't like that my sister is in the hospital again. BECAUSE OF YOU!"
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krikeymate · 7 months
Top 5 moments of your life thus far.
These can be good, bad, or any variation thereof.
Please feel free to disregard if it's too personal of an ask.
Honestly, I... am so boring. Not a lot has happened in my life to be honest, for better or worse.
Top has definitely been deciding to make those Scream posts back in March, I've got to talk to and befriend so many incredible people because of that, and I've never been in a better place mentally. Even in my low moments, I've bounced back faster than ever before. It's really made a significant impact on me as a person and helped continue my growth, and I don't have the words to describe how thankful I am. This fandom experience has been my favourite so far from the past... god, 20 years. I want to give a special shoutout to Bailey and Dreamer, who have inspired me so much and I am so incredibly lucky to call them my friends, I don't remember what it's like before they started talking to me and gave me a chance. One that people really haven't before. Friends, real friends, aren't something I have much experience with.
I guess another formative experience has to be my first foray into fanfiction, I was like 9, maybe younger, it was Pokemon, it was an independent little website as was the norm back in the day, AAML 4 lyfe. God I feel old. Anyway those fics were NOT APPROPRIATE and I still think of them to this day. Would love to reread them, but doubt they're still around, and even if they are it would be impossible to find I think.
Over a decade ago now, when I was much younger, I made a couple of fandom friends, that ended badly, but I don't regret making them. They were important and formative for me too, and more importantly, one of them was the first person to ever call me Kai, instead of my full username Kaishei, although now I tend to go by Kailyr, and that... it changed my life. It felt right.
Uhm. I can drive? I passed my driving test in 2021... on like the fifth attempt or something in two years - and barely at that. The instructor literally said I was a borderline fail, but he decided to pass me because he can see that I know how to drive. And also because I said I was probably going to give up if I failed. I hate driving, it's very stressful, but necessary where I live now.
Oh, when I was like five - yes, literally 5 - I played my first real video game, back in 1999. I'd played some, some educational ones. But this was a real video game, and it was - there's a pattern you see - not age-appropriate. The game was Dungeon Keeper (Gold), and it is to this day my very favourite game of all time, the game that nothing since has matched for me.
As a bonus, here's some things I'm really looking forward to: Top Surgery, eventually (the UK trans medical system is a joke); Dreamer coming to visit me next year; when I eventually get to go visit Dreamer on their turf too; and getting to decorate my new bedroom in the house my parents have just bought, and having some real space to make it my own and exist.
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krikeymate · 10 months
Honesty time: I re-read the writing you did about Sam getting Tara out of the crib to get her some food, waaay too much. I think you mentioned you were making something cute for a requestor, but I think it may also be one of the saddest things I've ever read. I mean the implications of their parents leaving a literal baby in their room constantly, in the dark, and on top of that, ignoring that child crying out in hunger…. that's horrific. Like that's next level Christina Carpenter is a terrible parent stuff. It is so awesome that you were able to imply all that horror without diving into it, by putting the story through young Sam's perspective. Not sure where I was going with this, but just wanted to let you know how much I love it. Really masterful stuff capturing the complex dynamic of the tragic home-life they could have had (in fandom-verse anyway) while juxtaposing it with the sweet, stalwart, and honest nature of the siblings' relationship. All your writing is super good, but this one kicks me in the teeth every single time.
Post. Thank you!! I'm super proud of how that one came out, it was a hard one because I struggled to bridge the scenes in a way that felt satisfying to me.
I think when writing about the girls, especially their childhood, no matter how cute you want to make it, there's always got to be this sinister shadow behind them that is their home situation, and it's a really fun thing to work with. Writing from a young Sam's perspective is something I never intended or thought I would do, but I've found myself doing so several times now, and it really is such a great way to make their situation so much more horrifying.
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krikeymate · 2 months
i started playing Dredge b/c of the a.u. you made. it's actually super fun and very low pressure entertainment?? i'm a chronic video game non-finisher, but this one i actually might. do you have any other recs?
I am SO damn excited to hear that!! It's a fascinatingly wonderful game, isn't it? It really hits the perfect levels of interesting world, storytelling, and freedom.
I feel like it's really one of a kind. What aspects of it did you like the most?
Some low-pressure games with interesting worlds that I've played and can recommend are:
Slime Rancher - the first one, there is a second one in early access but having played it, definitely not worth it atm.
Stardew Valley
Dragon Quest Builders - there are two of them and they both play very differently to one another, but they're both fun games in their own right.
I've also started playing Dave The Diver, which is an interesting little game that can just be taken as it comes
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