#radio boyfriends
musicboxghost · 1 year
Radio Abel Season 1 Spoilers
I love Radio Abel because Jack and Eugene are such wonderful, endearing and very *real*-feeling characters
Thier dialogue feels so organic and believable bc they play off each other so naturally. The way they joke, annoy each other, get distracted, grieve, then have to move on because they're on air and really because in an apocalypse you always have to move on quickly, and continue with banter and music. It all feels so honest.
But it's also hilarious bc they have pre-scripted responses to b unknown music. Like, they got huffy because apparently HOZIER reminded Eugene of an ex??? Like damn, good for you Eugene. Also, they went in an *extended* bit, reenacting the killer guitar riff in a song with no guitar before collapsing into giggles.
But honestly, the boys can get away with it. Because it's funny. Because I can just pretend that they forgot whatever they last played (happened to me all the time when I did radio). And because the most important element, the human element, is so real.
I love them as individuals. I love them as partners. I love thier humanity and that they share that humanity with everyone who listens. ❤️
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Artists in the Zombies, Run! Fandom, your help is needed!
I wanna get a tattoo, and I think I want it to be a Shippo (you know, like Eugene has), half Hippo, half Ship.
While I have a vague idea of what I want it to look like (like, I want the lower part to be a cute hippo but then it has sails on the back like a big sail boat, and no color) I am not a good artist. I remember seeing some pictures of it when the episode discussing Eugene’s tattoos came out, but that was such a long time ago (6 years?) and I can’t find them anymore to contact the artists.
So if you have drawn a shippo, or would be interested to draw one, and want me to give you money to draw one for me, let me know.
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scorrigan · 2 years
Forgive me if this is well trod on-  Im redoing Season 1 of Zombies Run and new theory is that Jack really doesnt have bad body odor, but because Eugene was employed as a food critic, he’s got a highly sensitive sense of smell, and he just objects to smells more.  (Also he mentioned an ex with bad BO, so hes got a history of objecting to smells)
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nokkiart · 2 years
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I got a little carried away with my warm up doodle this morning.
It's inspired by the shenanigans of Rhys & Nathan in the ZR hangout the other day! XD ~<3
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happyfunballxd · 3 years
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Based on tags from @joggerfive on my Wonderwall post and my ability never give up on a joke. Also an wxcustto draw Janinie.
Hope y'all enjoy, cuz this is pretty much gonna what i contribute to this fandom. :P
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was feeling sad so I drew the radio boyfriends🌈
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friedheartsalad · 3 years
Jack: Guess what number I’m thinking of. Phil: 420? Jack: No, that’s really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously. Eugene: 69. Jack: Yeah it was 69.
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limepigeon · 3 years
@crownleys organised an evening of writing sprints over at the Zombies, Fanworks! Discord tonight and here’s what I wrote! I can’t remember if I’ve ever written fanfic for the ZR fandom so it was great fun! Of course I had to write something about everyone’s favourite Radio Boyfriends. Thanks again for organising this Emma! Title: Get it out (or Jack helps Eugene deal with his emotions in a Jack way) Fandom: Zombies, Run! Words: 1,432 Warnings: None Set during Season 1 Notes: I’m sorry if there are spelling/grammar errors in it, I wrote it in two hours and gave it a quick little edit/proof reading but some things may have slipped by (they usually do haha).
Eugene hardly ever gets angry. He doesn’t cause any scenes. If anything he prefers keeping any arguments under a tightly shut lid. Let it simmer for a while until it either fizzes out or boils over. Tonight is the third sleepless night, caused by an unusual large horde taking their sweet time dragging rotten feet across the vast meadows outside of Abel. Everyone is on edge, sure, but Jack and Eugene are the ones trying to keep morale up. “And that’s day three…” Jack sighs into the microphone, “still no signs of stopping. I’m sorry folks but this thing seems to go on forever. Just kilometer after kilometer of endless zombies, all the way to the horizon. There are some places where you can’t even see the ground! I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many in one and the same-“ He’s interrupted by an exasperated groan. “Will you please shut up?” Eugene’s voice is harsh. There’s none of the usual warmth that makes even the coldest of nights comfortable in his presence. He’s rubbing his temples slowly, his eyebrows drawn together tightly. “I’m sorry?” Jack doesn’t even try to not sound offended. “Is my voice bothering you?” “Little bit, yes” Eugene says without as much as looking at Jack. “Too bad, ‘cause this is our job, talking is my job.” “Well, your job is drilling a hole through my skull.” Eugene puts his forehead in his palms and stares at the small red light indicating that they’re still broadcasting. It’s been on for what feels like hours. “Put on a song” he says. “But we have to send out Dr. Myers report on-“ “Put on the fucking song” Eugene demands, punctuating each word harshly, and Jack barely has the time to switch on the CD before Eugene rips his headphones off his head and lets the chair slam into the ground as he stands up.
“Hey Gene, what’s the matter?” Jack reaches out for Eugene’s shoulder but he moves out of the way.   “Aren’t you sick of this?” Eugene mutters while keeping his eyes fixed at the ground. Jack sighs. “Well, it would be nice if they left so we could get some proper sleep, yeah” he says. “I don’t mean the zombies” Eugene says, “I mean all of it.” He seems to lean onto his crutch more than usual. His whole posture seems off. The air outside is chilly now that the sun has set, even though it’s summer. “Gene, I get it, it’s okay to be upset about this, everyone’s-“ Jack gets interrupted again. “I’m not upset Jack! I’m fucking pissed!” The shouting takes Jack by surprise. He can’t remember the last time he’d seen Eugene like this. At least not since… He shakes the past out of his head. “Oh, okay then, uh...” It’s all he can manage. “About what?” “Everything! All this bullshit! We’re just sitting here, talking shit that doesn’t even matter! People are dying out there Jack, and what do we do? We joke, and we laugh, as if that’s what the world needs right now! We’re just…! I’m- I can’t-“ His words get jumbled before his voice cracks. “Hey, hey love, it’s okay” Jack grabs Eugene by his arms “it’s okay.” “I’m just so tired, I don’t know what to do.” Eugene looks into Jack’s eyes, probably for the first time for the entire evening. There’s pain, sure - there always is during hard nights, but there’s something else. Something stuck deep in Eugene, aching to get out. Jack wants to tell him he’s talking shit, that their job is important. That Eugene is important, and not just to Jack. But he knows that’s not what he needs right now. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Jack heads into the tiny shed used for their broadcasts and is back outside in less than a minute. There aren’t many hills in Abel, which is quite ideal when putting up the makeshift homes for newcomers to the township. The radio tower, which has been there long before Jack and Eugene arrived, stands just about a hundred meters away from Janine’s farmhouse at the highest point of Abel. “It’s freezing Jack, what are we even doing here?” Eugene complains. His good leg has started aching from the climb and he didn’t bring any mittens either. “Something that always makes me feel better when I’m angry” Jack smiles. Eugene raises an eyebrow to show his skepticism. “Oi, don’t give me that look! I promise, it’s nothing dirty!” Jack jokingly punches Eugene’s shoulder and Eugene sighs. “You know I love you, but you know what your problem is, Gene? You’re always so bloody calm and collected. When was the last time you just let it all go?” “I, uh” Eugene starts but quickly falters. “Jack, what are we doing here?” His voice grows a bit more cautious. “We’re going to scream” Jack looks at Eugene almost triumphantly and Gene can’t help but laugh. “Oh, you’re serious?” Eugene’s has something akin to terror creeping onto his face when he realizes Jack is in fact not joking. “Dead serious, my man” Jack says and slaps Eugene’s back. “Now go on!” “I’m not going to scream” Eugene protests and he looks like he’s about to turn around to start the journey down the hill. He’s not prepared for the sound and his whole body tenses up in reaction to it. It’s loud, but different from what he’s heard during his time outside the walls, or in their tent at night when his partner wakes him up in a sweat-drenched panic. The scream now is lighter, not nearly is dreadful as the ones Eugene is used to. Afterwards there’s an almost as loud burst of laughter. “What the hell, Jack?” Eugene exclaims as he spins around, only to find Jack almost doubled over. He smiles at Eugene with a wide grin which is incredibly infectious. “Your turn” he says once he’s managed to catch his breath, only a little hoarse. “Come on.” He reaches out his hand towards Eugene, who with the help of his crutches moves closer to Jack. He can’t help but smile.
Janine tends to stay up late. Tonight she’s found something else that needs repairing. The radio has been on for the last couple of days, she likes to keep herself updated on the situation and maybe especially so at night. She barely listens to the song playing, only annoyed at how it interferes with the updates on the horde. Then it abruptly stops as Jack’s voice replaces the tunes. “Very sorry listeners, but I have some urgent business to attend to! We’ll be back shortly, in high spirits! Stay safe!”   She looks out of the kitchen window as two figures make their way up the hill towards the farmhouse. For a second she dreads the possibility of an unannounced drop by but as they start moving towards the radio tower her shoulders lowers again. She follows them with her gaze and even by just the light of the full moon she recognizes Jack and Eugene. Curious by her nature she opens the window just a crack, letting the summer air creep in. She moves some dirty dishes from the counter to the sink and brings her project from the kitchen table. Before the end of the world she had the TV on while working, not as company of course, Janine de Luca would like you to know she was not a lonely woman. It is the same now. She doesn’t watch the two men out of loneliness; she simply wants to know what’s going on in their lives. What Jack Holden and Eugene Woods do when no one else is around, when they are comfortable just the two of them. She’s seen the way they look at each other and lets her mind drift to an imaginary future where maybe something like that could, perhaps, be possible for her too? The first scream almost makes her jam the screwdriver into her hand. She curses loudly while looking out of the window bewildered, and then sighs when she watches the two men up on the hill. The second scream comes a few minutes later. It’s different. Unfamiliar and filled with more emotions than Janine thought possible to fit inside of a person all at once. It lasts at least twice as long as the first one and ends almost in a wail.
The calm silence lingering afterwards lasts for a couple of minutes, until it starts up again. Then the screams starts mixing together with laughter until there’s only the latter left. Janine shakes her head, thinking how everyone in Abel must be just as startled as her. Then she smiles.
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crownleys · 3 years
radio boyfriends??? :3
RADIO BOYFRIENDS! God I love Jack and Eugene so much, I really need to draw them soon. In the meantime, MUSIC
“Kill the Director” by The Wombats
“I Love You Baby” by Surf Mesa
“My Guy” by Kele Okereke
“Let’s Dance to Joy Division” by The Wombats
“Watermelon Sugar” by Harry Styles
~Send me a ship and I’ll build you a mini playlist for it~
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go-kit-go · 3 years
hey hey i’m alive again with a new video and a fancier thumbnail that i spent a little too much time on
this one’s a lil different - instead of grabbing clips from the entirety of the app i went through all of radio season 1 and got audio from there because. well i love these two doofs
please enjoy <3
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runnerfiveready · 4 years
Jack: Five, tell Eugene he's an idiot but I still love him.
Five: Gross. tell him yourself!
Jack: but we're in a fight :(
Five: ...
Five: you are SITTING on his LAP
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scorrigan · 4 years
Jack and Eugene Season 2
No spoilers, but if you like that beginning of S2 Jack and Eugene story line, I finally found playable versions of all three songs.  Theyre all named after Mountain Goats songs. So: Jack and Eugene’s trio of songs. Ghosts:
Let the Dogs Come Out:
Mummys Hand:
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happyfunballxd · 3 years
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Music and love’ll get you through the end of the world~
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runner5ive · 4 years
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I feel like every Five goes through this, but how the hell did I ever hate Zoe and Phil <3 Literally spent the past few days listening to Radio Cabel when I’ve been doodling and they fill me with so much love <3 
Realised I’d never drawn Zoe or Phil, so had to draw a selfie of them all together <3 Moment they finally met face to face perhaps? Idk.
Edit: Lmao should have seen this coming but Tumblr stole the quality of this so click on the picture for  F R E C K L E S. 
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limepigeon · 4 years
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Some reunion Radio Boyfriends for everyone missing someone right now. Stay safe.
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snakeningel · 4 years
ZR Secret Santa gift for @lime-pigeon! Sorry this was a bit late, I had a super rough time with the VPN here in China. Hopefully, you like it and it’s worth the wait! I’ve always adored your blog as a pillar of the fandom, especially with your amazing art, so getting you as my gift recipient was really a dream come true! Your art about the found family between Able Runners and those who care for them really inspired me, so I wrote this fluffy little story about the everyday love that fills the township! (Thanks to @runnerzero and @notforconsumption for organizing this wonderful Secret Santa, by the way. They have run it impeccably and are really the Janines of our time)
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