rad10rebel · 4 years
Radio, toata lumea stie,
Oameni care fac magie, melodie dupa melodie,
Pentru un copil, un job in radio e imposibil,
O nebuloasa confuza, ceea ce este teribil.
Feetita care care visa sa vorbeasca c-un popor,
A avut sansa sa viseze la un glorios viitor,
Insa "viitorul" doar sase luni a durat,
Iar progresul ei, usor, usor, a stagnat.
Inca sase luni au trecut rapid,
Fetita a cautat in Bucuresti, timid,
Un post care sa-i vada stralucirea,
Dar dupa un timp, s-a intrebat "Asta mi-e menirea?"
Da, asta este, muzica-i canta in vene,
Entuziasmul si talentu-i dau putere,
Energia pe care o emana este electrizanta,
Asa ca dati-i o șansă s-o consume pe toata.
Generația asta și-a pierdut speranta-n viitor,
Prea mulți tineri renunta de dragul părinților,
Vreau sa fiu vocea care le da glas,
Sa se ridice și sa crească, pas cu pas.
Dragi oameni de radio, aveți literatura-n vene,
Jocul cuvintelor pentru voi e-o placere,
Ajutați o tânără muza sa fie,
Si pe ceilalți sa reușească, încet încet, sa-i inspire.
Viata nu e dreapta, toata lumea stie,
Probabil credeti ca-s un pic dilie,
Dar vreau sa devin radio host!
Asa ca a mea istorie, cam asta a fost.
-Visuri - iulie 2020
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rad10rebel · 5 years
I’ll never forget you for leaving
They say that life in Romania can get pretty hard, especially if you’re a young adult trying to find his way in this life, so, most of the highschool graduates leave for a better future in foreign countries like Netherlands, UK, Germany and many more.
I, on the other hand, decided to stay in my home country and go to the most prestigious University in the capital, The “Politehnica” University. My parents were pleased that i got in, and so far, everything is okay-ish. But this is not about my college life, oh no, this story starts in the early 2019, february, to be exact, when i met one person that changed my life completely. I never believed the thing about “Love at first sight” and i’d be lying if i said i’ve ever experienced it. No, when i met him, it was more like a familiar feeling, something warm, something like a home should feel like. 
At first i didn’t really know what to do when i met you. Our common friend only said that she wanted me to meet you, cause you were one of her best friends and of course i was excited. But, i never expected to actually have feelings for you. I had my fair amount of heartbreak, and honestly every man i’ve ever met in my life managed to let me down, beginning with my damaged father, but you...you were like a ray of sunlight coming through my cracked walls, bringing light into my darkness. 
At first i noticed some familiar movements in you. The way you moved your body when you were laughing from a joke, or the way you smiled, it actually remembered me of my brother (chill not in THAT way). I just felt comfortable being around you. And you were so sweet and kind and gentle, that you got me hooked right away. I heard from our friend only stories about you, but i never thought that you’d be this amazing. 
I admit i was affraid of being left alone with you, cause i’m always awkward when it comes to meeting new people, especially boys, and the thought of me and you being all alone kinda scared me. But when i finally had the courage to make a move, i knew there’s no coming back. I was hinting you that you’ve captured my attention and that i kinda, sorta liked you. Crazy huh? 
And then it happened. We had our first kiss. It was sweet and gentle, you knew just the right way to do it. And just like that we were a couple. I did have many questions like “What if it goes wrong?” or “Isn’t it too soon? Are we moving too fast?”. But as the days went by, i realised that even though we’ve met this year, it felt like i’ve known you forever. You were so amazing at this, you were always making sure i was ok, or if i got home safe, everyday you’d pick me up from school and walk me home. You were truly perfect.
But of course life doesn’t always make you keep amazing opportunities like this last...because there was something...you were leaving for university in Netherlands to study law. When i found out i was devastated, but of course i didn’t tell you, because i didn’t wanted to upset you. But one day i asked you what should we do in this situation, and you avoided the subject. Not very cool of you.
But later in the relationship i understood why. You were falling for me and couldn’t even stand the thought of leaving me. I get it. It hurt too much, but we had to talk about it at some point. 
Summer rolled along and after we happily graduated and finished with all of our exams, you told me that you didn’t believe in long distance relationships, and it will hurt much more if we continue. I myself hated the idea of a long distance relationship, but i would’ve done it for you. You changed my life. You made me grow by showering me with love and support the way my dad never did. You made me wanna live my life and explore my abilities. You inspired me to start drawing again after i stopped long ago.
You became the light source of my life. That’s why i’ll never forgive you for leaving. I perfectly understood and still understand why you left, i’ll never blame you for pursuing your dream, god no. But i’ll never forgive you for the emptiness that you left inside me. You left a whole, a dark void bigger than my dad’s and unfortunately that’s a lot to say. 
I’m proud of you for following your path to the success, doing what you love, but i’ll never forget that you let me go, cause soon our precious memories will start to fade...you’ll find someone out there far more better than me and you’ll live happily, while im still here, in the cold air of the romanian december, dreaming of the one boy who truly loved and apreciated me. I love you so much baby, but you’re not mine anymore. And that’s why, i’ll never forget you for leaving.
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