#rael got the thing once at a festival and dooku had to finish it
bolithesenate · 6 months
On the topic of food.
Dooku, Sifo, Jocasta, Jaster **least** favorite food?
ohhh, now we're talking. hmmm
I think for Sifo I'll actually say that he is a pretty picky eater, at least compared to most jedi. idk, if I was overwhelmed with the weight of ten diffrent futures at all times I'd probably not want too pungent or strong tasting foods.
So the swamp stew is definitely up there, but I think any sort of blue cheese. Sifo hates them with a passion. waste of perfectly good milk.
For Dooku.... do you know those horrible, horrible sugar bomb burritos you sometimes see on social media? like where ice cream and all sorts of sweet gummied and sprinkles get wrapped in a burrito of candy floss or smt?
Dooku doesn't have much of a sweet tooth anyways and stuff like that just gives him diabetes with just a glance.
As for Jocasta, hm, I could see her dislike something more because of the texture than the actual taste. So maybe anything glibbery, slimy like pudding or roe? Yeah, let's go with roe. Any sort of fish eggs you can hunt her with.
And Jaster i've mentioned before in the serennian cuisine thing i think, but he's mever coming aroumd to any sort of raw fish or meat. Especially when it's like a whole animal like certain mussles or fish, something deep inside him just refises to see it as food.
Mandalorians have the cultural predisposition for well-cooked, stewed into oblivion dishes, so it's umderstandable.
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