#ragna x mitsuru
nkn0va · 7 months
Masterlist/Current works
Current works:
Noel and Tsubaki's male S/O distracting them while they're mind-controlled
Rachel falling in love with Valkenhayn's student
Under Night In-Birth:
If someone can find good genderbend Carmine art I will do headcanons for that
Completed requests:
Noel + Aigis friendship HCs
Yukari, Marie, Kokonoe, and Phonon needing to rely on S/O due to non-functioning arms
S.E.E.S ending up in Kanzakai
Noel, Kokonoe, and Linne wearing a taller boyfriend's clothes
Orie, Wagner, and Mitsuru with an S/O that picks them up
Wagner, Tsubaki, and Kaguya with an S/O that grew up poor
Celica, Yuzuriha, and Rise with a mellow, laid-back S/O
Mitsuru, Yukiko, and Makoto (P5) getting caught making out with S/O
Sumire and Beelzebub getting proposed to
Chie, Wagner, and Orie with an S/O who swears a fuck ton
Beelzebub and Azazel's S/O suddenly picking them up
Judgement, Justice, and Lucifer cuddling HCs
Cynthia, Lusamine, and Diantha relationship HCs
Persona 5:
Phantom Thief girls + Sumire relationship headcanons
Ann and Haru with an S/O believed to not be a real S/O
Makoto and Futaba helping S/O study
Makoto and Haru's S/O reveals their aunt is Commissioner Kaburagi
PT girls + Sumire with a bedridden S/O
PT girls with a western S/O
PT girls with S/O sacrificing themselves to help defeat Yaldabaoth
Persona 4:
IT girls with a western exchange student S/O
IT girls whose male S/O doesn't feel good enough for them
Naoto giving her hat to her younger sibling
IT girls with a best friends to lovers S/O
Yukiko with a homeless S/O
Izanami spying on the IT and falling in love with male S/O
Persona 3:
Fuuka relationship HCs
Mitsuru, Yukari, and Fuuka comforting Minako's S/O after her death
Litchi with an S/O that gets frequently injured
Izanami relationship headcanons
Nine, Bullet, and Izanami cuddling headcanons
Noel being flustered headcanons
Murakumo Unit relationship headcanons
Tsubaki and Kokonoe with househusband S/O
Kokonoe's cat-like tendencies headcanons
Ragna x Nu relationship HCs
Bullet coffee date headcanons
Tsubaki with Hakumen's adopted son/apprentice
S/O kissing Tsubaki during a spar to throw her off
Tsubaki wearing her taller boyfriend's clothes
Tsubaki relationship HCs
Tsubaki's S/O accidentally taking the Mind Eater curse from her
Makoto with an S/O that likes to sleep on her tail
Izanami accidentally having a child with male S/O
What if Ragna had saved Nu in CT?
Bullet, Litchi, and Makoto relationship HCs
Celica introducing her S/O to her friends/family
F!Ragna x M!S/O relationship HCs
Noel, Kokonoe, and Tsubaki accidentally getting pregnant
Litchi's S/O not being bothered by Arakune
Nine relationship HCs
Ragna + Nu parenting HCs
Six oneshots here and here
Noel, Tsubaki, and Makoto with an S/O with Izanagi-no-Okami
Under Night In-Birth:
Hilda's S/O being caught with lipstick marks
Orie and Wagner with an S/O that loves to fluster them
Linne platonic headcanons
Wagner coffee date headcanons
Kaguya with an S/O that loves to pick her up randomly
Kinds of music the Licht Kreis girls would like
Yuzu, Hilda, and Kaguya with an S/O that calls them mommy
Wagner and Kaguya with a sarcastic smartass of an S/O
Wagner's S/O asking her out
Eltnum relationship HCs
Yuzu, Wagner, and Orie meeting their S/O in bbtag
Wagner, Orie, and Kaguya with an S/O who collects video games
OC oneshot
Wagner, Kaguya, and Yuzu with a gunslinger S/O
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mystech-master · 5 years
what are your thoughts on the ragna X mitsuru ( age she was in P4 arena) crossover ship
Okay, sorry for the wait I had to think about this.
People clearly like the opposite attracts style couples because they are foils and they bring out each other’s personality. We get to see the characters acting more like themselves. You come to the funny guy for laughs, the smart one to see them geek out, the cute one to go “awww” or the angry one to laugh at their tantrums and emotional episodes.
What I DON’T like is when people put together 2 people who do nothing but argue in casual situations and need some big emotional moment or some lif or death battle to show they care about one another.
Ragna is the gruff, aggressive, brute force using guy, Mitsuru is the elegant, intelligent, calculating woman.
When Iw as looking at P3 stuff she wasn’t insulting Junpei with Yukari,  so she isn’t the type of girl to mock her friends for her amusement.
basically, it has the same aesthetic as the Ragna x Rachel ship *vomits* but with none of Rachel’s bitchiness and if the female was more on even footing with the male.
Mitsuru being more cool-headed means she would be able to handle Ragna’s intensity but I doubt she’d go super far to command him (get your dominatrix fantasies out of here), and if she learns about his past she might be a bit more understanding of his attitude.
One of Mitsuru’s faults is apparently that she tends to try and put all the responsibility on herself, something she still struggles with up to Arena. Ragna has had to learn how to ask for help so he could impart that lesson onto Mitsuru too. Only this time Ragna’s good traits won’t bite him the ass and be used as an excuse to have everyone wail on him and “just forgive” (no one in P3 was treated like Yosuke, Kanji or Ryuji. Everyone insults Yosuke and Ryuji just b/c, and Kanji is treated like a complete dumbass).
and I do feel like Rgna would be accepted into her circle of friends, Yukari is normal enough so she won’t annoy him, Junpei might be a hassle but he isn't as bad as the usual crazies Ragna hangs with, if Akihiko can make friends with Shinjiro then he might be able to navigate Ragna’s personality, Ken is pretty mature for his age and unlike Carl he isn’t trying to attack him, I could see him helping Fuuka with cooking, and we know he’ll treat robot girls like people so Aigis and Labrys won’t phase him at all.
The only limit for this is I recall in P3 you had to be a genius level intelligence to start Mitsuru’s social link, but maybe that could simply be interpreted as her wanting to make sure you aren’t failing your classes b/c you’d rather chat with friends. School first, then friends.
Sorry if I can’t think of anyone on one things right now, these are just the main thoughts that have been rolling around in my head.
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mystech-master · 3 years
what are your thoughts on ragna X yukari
Sorry this took way too long.
I haven't seen much of Persona 3 stuff outside of a playthrough of P4AU I saw a while back, andI only got up to the Hierophant/Lovers boss in the P3 playthrough I was watching. But I'll try and answer this.
There are two ways these two can interact.
1. Ragna and Yukari hit it off mostly because Yukari is the most "normal" out of everyone. Mitsuru, while nicer than Rachel, is still kind of high class and not Ragna's speed. Akihiko's training and protein obsession can get on one's nerves (also #Akimitsu for life), Junpei can stick his foot in his mouth sometimes, and Fuuka would remind him of Noel a bit. Also, Junpei x Fuuka is another ship of mine so this is also kind of Pair the Spares
Yukari just seems like she'd cause him the least amount of grief and maybe she'll be understanding of all his dark circumstances. Also, Yukari kind of knows that it is like to have important info constantly hidden from you (her wth Mitsuru during P3) so she might connect with Ragna on that level (with Rachel and Jubei being very vague and unhelpful with a lot of their advice sometimes).
2. The one I feel like is more "anime" and the one that'd more likely be picked. Ragna is basically made into the "Kanji" of their group. A big sort of dumb muscle head who everyone teases because "lol, look at the angry punk swear." Yukari proceeds to groan and complain about him.
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mystech-master · 5 years
Alright, I feel like I am jumping the gun.
Me and everyone else who make BBTAG crossover shit always IMMEDIATLY to everyone world hoppign and hanging out without giving regards to how it starts.
So let’s look at the situations they are in at the time of BBTAG’s first story mode (like I said No AH, SK or AB)
Going off of the endings of their Episodes, in Blazblue we see Ragna leaving Noel to be found by Makoto, Ragna chewing out Rachel, and Hazama having System’s Crystal. All of these could be wrapped together.
Small retcons could be made to explain Noel’s outfit, Azrael being there we could just explain as the BB crew knowing his reputation, but I have NO excuse for Es being present.
I should really make a novelization of BBTAG that actually gives a more serious twist onto this.
Persona and Under Night are more gag endings, with Persona ending in a high school AU, and Under Night just resulting in the battle royale in Kanzakai.
RWBY just ends with the team back in the dorm with their system crystal.
Now for my idea, assuming that everyone keeps a Keystone, 1. Not too sure if Hazama will end up with it (he will eventually for some special bullshit) so either Rachel or Kokonoe. 2. Assuming that Yu will telport back to Inaba with his friends, then Aigis would go along too and Yu would hand the System crystal over to Aigis to give to Mitsuru back at Shadow Ops HQ. 3. Not too sure on Under Night, There’s no real Big Good in Under Night and we haven’t seen too much of Licht Kreis’ top brass to get a feel for them, so Under Night is up in the air. and 4. Ruby keeping System in her pocket and then tyring to hide it only for her to be discovered by Ozpin and all the shit that follows because seriously RWBY should be the LEASt prepared to deal wit comsic other worldly bullshit.
That is where the peices lie, but the next big question is......why?
WHY do all the charactrs start coming over? Who is the first one to try and reach across dimensions and have an interdimensional skype call or something? Rachel would want System locked up so she doesn’t cause any more damage plus she doesn’t want other worlds to get dragged into their cosmic game with Terumi and/or cause distractions, and I doubt the Blazblue bag guys want to add MORE variables to their complex plan of manipulation. I don’t see any other reason for the other keystone holders to connect. I could only see the more friendly main characters wanting to see their interdimensional buddies again but goign to all that trouble seems like much.
BUT, if soem heroes start coming over to Blazblue world and making friends and helping them out, THEN the BB baddies might start getting nervous and just call on the bad guys of the other worlds just to get some man power to keep these new guys off their tails so they can keep their o.g. plan on track. With IDK the promise of ultimate power or something, destroying their worlds and the  gving them the power of Observation to make them the gods of their world
And then there is a HUGE division in the characters with factions and such:
With Blazblue you have the main Coup with Kokonoe Tager, Makoto and Noel (this is before CP but after CS) with Kagura and Hibiki helping on the inside and Celica most likely still being made, Jubei is training Jin, Platinum is with Bang, Ragna is with Tao, and Carl are all on their way to Ikaruga for various reasons. Litchi joins the NOL and Tsubaki is brainwashed.
You have Litchi joining the NOL because she wants to cure Roy no matter the cost and Kokonoe is being a callous bitch
Bang would speak of Kagura being a traitor to the NOL and how Jin killed his master Tenjo
Then if any of them run into Bullet wanting to find the truth about what happened to her captain from Kokonoe only for Koko to sick Tager on Bullet to kill her.
Tager not being able to disobey Kokonoe due to his programming and Kokonoe doing a LOT of shady things
These things do not seem liek they’d make the other good guys think that the main “good guys” of Blazblue are trustworthy.
For Persona, you have the Investigation Team and the Shadow Operatives. To keep thign ssimple let’s just have the og. Arena Shadow Ops here since having Yukari and Junpei (how have their own jobs and lives) and Ken (who quit so he can have a normal school life) would be a bit much.
Mitsuru would be professional and treat this like the serious mission that it is, but the I.T. mgiht still want to help out their new friends. Adachi is arrested, and SHo is off doing whatever, and Igor and the Velvet Room dudes only show up for the Wild Cards and don’t exactly seem like they’ll join in on big meetings
Then you got Under Night In-Birth, You’ve got Hyde, Linne and Waldsteina as the main crew, with Vatista also being there. Orie is with Lex, Kaguya and Mika as the local Licht Kreis squad, with Wagner and her two attendants there o probabtion. Carmine just runs around and beats people up. You’ve got Amnesia with Hilda, Chaos and Enkidu, with Gordeau being hired as a Mercenary (not a full member) due to his depression. Merkava is also running around doing his own thing, so are Seth and Yuzu, and no one gives a shit what Byakyua, Phonon and Nanase are doing. I’ll have to wait for cl-r to come out to see how Londrekia will fare in all this, but then we’ve gotside guys like Kuon, Azel, and tons of other side characters.
Under Night is hard because everything story wise we’ve seen has technically been a prologue in Chronicles Mode, and Arcade Mode is a mish mash of events that don’t know which is canon, and all of them make Hilda look like the biggest chump in the universe.
For RWBY, in Volumes 2-3 they are in a time of peace, not feelinjg too good after the Breach, and I doubt they would want to stick their noses in an interdimesnional conflict if it’ll come to bite their world in the ass. Cinder and company are trying to lay low since they are undercover, Roman is arrested on Ironwood’s ship, Adam is off preparing the WF for the Fall, and Salem and co. are doing.......whatever they were doing for the first 3 volumes.
Honestly I’d have to all go something like this
Blazblue character with Keystone: new Stone who dis?
someone from the other worlds: hey this is X, I’m a friend of Y, could we come over and hang?
Blazblue character: No
other person: PLEEEEEEASE!
BB person: fine
other BB character: Whassup we’ve got a world government to overthrow
other characters: Oh shit that seems bad, want some help new BFFS
other Bb characters: Sure *Brofist*
Hazama and the others: “Oh shit this is not according to keikaku” *calls other bad guys* “Hey, if you help us take care of your enemies we’ll give you free candy...I mean world omination...or......I DON’T know just get these kids off my lawn!”
and then go from there.
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