#raihan's polydex
klonoadreams · 2 years
As far as I can understand, public opinion is something important in Galar, they have sponsors for gym leaders and they are treated like celebrities, so how does the public see the members of the polydex?
I understand that Raihan should be loved like, I don't know Ryan Reynolds (for some reason I think they have a similar personality) and Leon is his undefeated champion for 10 years, but Brie is wild, Piers seems like someone not to approach and because of his mother one could have an erroneous preconceived opinion of Gordie, and Sonia, could be slightly recognized for her career in pokemon battles but besides that it would be for her friendship with other leaders (and more than friendship) and her family connection with Professor Magnolia not much more is known about her, it could be said that she's a pokemon researcher but I don't think those are jobs that people care about very much.
Is this important too in Paldea?
Gordie is an exceptionally popular man who gets fanmail and gifts. He might have to deal with his Mama, but he is genuinely loved by Galar. Which is cute, because like his Mama, he is also on the heavy side
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YOU ARE LOVED. Absolutely lovely.
Piers has his fans that are especially supportive (though it's not enough for his town just yet). And Sonia is fine, if sometimes feeling a bit overshadowed, but she has her fans, mostly because of what things that people were able to see during her time as a Trainer. Like, she thinks she's nothing special, but some her battle records are often played, because she really stuck out strongly and while she never went farther than what she's done, she still should be proud of her achievements.
Brie started off rather roughly on her own Journey, since she lost often, and like, her very first public appearance, alongside the rest of the newcomers (you know that cutscene of your character taking their first step into the stadium, with people watching), she tripped and fell flat on her face. And that...pretty much got eyes on her, since she is ALSO Opal's adoptive granddaughter.
They don't really know much about her background, since Opal and Chairman Rose are doing their damn best that it STAYS like that. No one needs to know that this is the wild child of the Glimwood Tangle - that's the one thing that only a select few people know.
Brie's effectively a mystery, until events happen and rumor come out, and then all attention is on her. Honestly, it's that same attention that is what drew Bede towards her.
And effectively made Bede each out to her and Opal, like...he's a bratty kid in my head. He latched onto one of their legs and refused to let go. Say hello to your little brother, Brie!!
Anyways Brie's effectively viewed with a lot of positivity (public opinion favors her highly, the only ones talking shit about her are those jealous and *cough*SwordwardShieldbert*cough*), as someone who lost a lot, but still has the tenacity and drive to keep trying anyways. :V
Brie might've passed on the title to Bede, but Bede is always ready to hand it back to her, should she ever feel like it. :V
by the by, should definitely be mentioned, as a result of Brie's existence here, whatever happens in Sword and Shield goes a LOT more differently, including Chairman Rose. Honestly, I think what I want best is the reconciliation between Rose and Peony, because at the very least, I think they should be on speaking terms.
After all, despite being often compared to Rose, Peony still has his attachment to him, from the fact that he still has the very first Pokemon that they caught together. :V
That's enough spoilers on that end for me. (this is also me confirming that, while it was never intentional, I realized it'd be VERY weird if things didn't change in the future, because hey, this is different now and would be very STRANGE to keep going as if things are still in the game)
Anyways I don't think this is as important in Paldea, since their battles aren't as broadcasted as Galar. Not to mention, you need endorsements to go on the Gym Challenge in Galar, so there's a heavy emphasis on sports for this like it's Soccer/Football.
It's like...not as high of a career, and isn't as difficult to juggle multiple jobs. Like Nessa has some difficulty on her end, while Tulip has no issues at all, whatsoever, despite the two having similarities in their careers outside of being a Gym Leader.
Katy can juggle it well, though she REALLY wants to go full-out in Pokemon battling instead of being a warm up of sorts, like Milo in Galar (though even Milo feels bad about defeating Trainers if he manages to be stronger than them - otherwise, he's very HAPPY to help them grow stronger).
Larry is a complete outlier here, considering he is a Gym Leader, an Elite Four Member, and a Salaryman that works for the POkemon League (if I remember reading that correctly, idk, but his entire career REVOLVES around the Pokemon League). Geeta gets on his ass, yes, but Larry ALSO KEEPS WORKING OVERTIME.
Not to mention, he's mainly situated by the entrance into Area Zero. My dude is competent, but he is also tired from various stressors (one of which he inflicts on himself with the voluntary overtime). Geeta's just part of it, but god damn, man, take it easy on yourself too, before you HAVE to get put on MANDATORY vacation.
Grusha is mainly a Gym Leader, but he's doing okay - most of his struggles stem from the issues he has with the end of his snowboarding career. Which is fair. :V
Of course, that doesn't make any of them less popular, but it's definitely a "you have to be there to see it" sort of thing with most gym leaders. Which is why so many of the locals are ready to cheer Larry on.
Scarnoa has her own fans too, but they're certainly nothing to compare with Brie's die-hard fans after she struggled so much with her Gym Challenge. Scarnoa is more of a "oh shit, do we finally have another champion in the making????"
but she is still loved. Brie's just got fans with massive soft spots for the child that kept rematching Kabu until she FINALLY won, albeit, rather scuffed because her Wimpod traded out (Wimp Out) with an Eiscue of hers that wasn't registered for the battle and while she DID get scolded for it, the timing of it allowed the battle to continue without any disqualifications...
and she won. Sure got some criticism for it (main from a pair of brothers), but eventually, everyone just "accept the win - you still won!!" and best of all, she made it past the biggest hurdle that most Trainers usually give up at. So keep at it.
anyways sorry for the late response, I KEPT FORGETTING TO ANSWER THIS DX
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klonoadreams · 2 years
The polydex is adorable, but i have a little question now, how tall is Brie?
Is this like PBAkari and Volo comparison height but with the polydex? or because Brie is a Unovan is a tall? i mean not like Surge but . . .
Brie isn't THAT short, but compared to everyone else, it does really look like it, ESPECIALLY next to Raihan. As adults, she comes up to his chest in height. She's like an inch or two shorter than Milo.
for comparison
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So she's like maybe at the 5'0" mark. She's still taller than Punch Baby Akari (there's no contest there, given that Great-Grandma Calaba's genes made her short)
You could say she got nerfed a bit, considering the shit she dealt with before Opal took her in. Anyways, rip to Brie. At one point, she was the same height as Raihan...but then he kept shooting up in height and she's just, "STOP GROWING!!!"
meanwhile Leon was Hop's height for a good while, before shooting up. Piers, however, has always been a tall, lanky boy. He just got even taller without Brie realizing it until it was too late.
Gordie was gradual, so it was harder to track him getting taller. So Milo and Allister are the only ones who escape Brie's height ire. ESPECIALLY Allister, who she is taller than. She loves her baby bro, just squeezes him as he taps on Kashmiri's pot.
(anyways, you could say that it's like Volo and Punch Baby Akari, but I don't think anything will match up to them, considering how fucking tiny Akari is, especially compared to Volo, mr canon height is TALL)
(by the by, at some point, Volo and Akari were the same height, and once - JUST ONCE, was Volo shorter than Akari...by like a smidge. And then Akari stopped growing, while Volo kept GROWING, and rip)
(Akari doesn't care about it until Volo keeps poking fun at her and then she bites his finger when he does his finger point. He joking calls it a love bite and says he's had worse, because he raised a baby Gible - he's not wrong lmao)
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klonoadreams · 2 years
oh yeah, side note, but Scarnoa exists in the same timeline as Punch Baby Akari and Brie.
They are, effectively, the same person...but have become their own separate beings through time and their environment. So if Brie and Scarnoa were to meet, they’d really wouldn’t recognize each other and, at most, they’d just ?????
(Punch Baby Akari has since lived out her lifetime, she’s in her own blurb, with her bloodline continuing with Cynthia and Dawn. :V)
anyways what I’m saying, is that I need Iono constantly bringing up Raihan and just commenting on his polydex like “have you seen that thing? who WOULDN’T be envious? But at least I got you guys! *wink wonk*”
Raihan shows up as a guest and whoops.
Anyways for japes and hilarities, due to the fact that Brie IS sponsored by a luxury brand due to the fact that her clothing is the Eldegoss and Cottonee mix, based on this Shield dex entry blurb:
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Here’s me killing two birds with one stone, and that’s Brie’s sponsor legitimately being Ortega’s family company brand. From one fairy user to another.
anyways, this brought to you by the fact that Opal bought Brie the most expensive set of clothes, of which included a turtleneck that Brie refused to remove because the fabric was SO nice, and it kept her nice and warm, and cool when she needed it...only to proceed to wade into mud, get covered in honey, curry, and get into fights with Pokemon.
The fact that the material survived the ordeal is the big reason why Ortega’s fam decided “WE NEED HER NOW”. Who else to make the most of the clothing-line’s high pricing, but Brie’s disastrous adventures? :V
(Ortega, of course, loses his fucking shit whenever he sees her battles and the like. and has the whole collection of her Galarian Pokemon Tournament journey)
(he will never admit it, but Penny knows about it because Ortega thinks he’s being sneaky on his private social media account, not knowing he and Penny are private mutuals DISASTER)
(others that are part of this timeline are USUM’s Alolan!Noa, who has adoptive dad Nanu, and a different SIOC, Sawyer, brought upon by my sinus infection suffering last May, of which is set in Black and White - she is what we would refer to as the Touko replacement, because Touko (Hilda) doesn’t exist, just Touya (Hilbert), but there’s something familiar about these two, and in many ways, Touya effectively sees himself as her older brother, SO...yeah)
(forget about whatever elaborate family tree I had when I was writing Pokemon fic like a decade ago, the new meta is the PokeNoa Verse, where aspects of my SI OCs exists within the same timeline of each other)
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klonoadreams · 2 years
I can imagine Raihan collecting them like pokemons, style:
This is my Piers, he is a dark type but don't worry, as long as you don't touch his kid/little sister everything will be fine, he likes music and being alone in dark places, so if you see him in an isolated corner don't bother him.
This is my Gordie, rock type, he shares territory with his mother, please don't touch his glasses or bother him, I don't know what will be the worst that can happen to you, that his mother grabs you or that Brie grabs you.
The one who tries to find the door from the patio is my Leon, he is the strongest but the sweetest, just like my Piers, do not touch his little brother, I am not responsible for what happens, if he is lost for a long time, do not worry Brie will bring him back.
And this here is my Brie, be careful she's a bit territorial, she can see in the dark so if you hear something at night it must be her playing with other pokemon, she's a fairy type but you have to be careful she's the most protective, both of adults as the smallest.
I don't know how it would be with Sonia, something like "this is Sonia, Leon's partner" and I even arrived.
Sonia got dragged into this polycule, kicking and screaming, and is disappointed in herself because she feels like her standards dropped.
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(source: X and Y Adventures, by Artist Black who has done Black Adventures and has otherwise shaped my entire being towards Pokemon humor and shenanigans since 2010, when Black and White had only just released in Japan - it's intended for mature audiences in a "references Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt" kind of way - you'll know it when you see it :V)
Anyways rip to Sonia. She had some semblance of "normalcy" when she and Nessa dated briefly, but it didn't last long since the two realized they were better off as friends (not to mention, Nessa's lingering mess of a rivalry/crush on Milo is VERY distracting lmaoo)
Raihan's Pokedex, except it's the Polydex, and it's just random snaps of his polycule doing cute stuff and/or wacky shenanigans.
Gordie posing in front of the mirror to check out how his new accessories go with his uniform. He is very stylish and cute. He is embarrassed about being caught tho lmao
Piers passing out on the couch, with Leon draping a blanket over him before promptly getting lost by going outside, down a straight path.
Leon brushing out the leaves and tangles in Brie's hair after she dragged his ass out of the woods he got lost in by straying from the path (which, may I mention, WAS A STRAIGHT LINE)
And then there's Piers and Brie trading uniforms, with Leon trying to do the same with Gordie, but Gordie refuses to let ANYONE near his clothes. He's a very picky boy.
And of course, you have the final pic that Raihan treasures dearly (and later updates to include Sonia), with him taking a selfie with the polycule while they sleep on a pile of pillows. It gives him the fuzzies when he looks at it.
(obviously, he's shared this photo with Gordie's mom, and she just so happy that her son is popular, even though they often bump heads because of ice and rock, but shhhh, don't tell Gordie)
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