dampfloks · 3 months
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Schienenbus 796 744-1 (VT98) Darmstadt-Kranichstein
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An introduction to VR multiple units, part 4: Dm12
The Dm12. Lipokas (Slipper) aka Vankka (Stout, Solid) aka Konkka (Bankruptcy), aka Peräkylän Pendolino (Backwater Pendolino... a dear child has many names. These stout boys are currently our only diesel railbuses in use, operating the slow-stopping services on non-electrified routes. They're also our newest multiple units in operation at the time of writing (the Sm6 Allegro trains are newer, but currently not in operation).
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A two-carriage Dm12 train in the current livery at Haapamäki, 2020. My photo.
Since I love context, to understand the Dm12 we need to go back over 30 years. Our previous mainstay railbus class, the Dm7, was retired in 1988. Diesel multiple units (DMUs) remained in use on some local services using the Dm9 units (downgraded from the original express services), but these too were withdrawn in 1990. No new diesel multiple units were built to replace either class; instead, services previously operated with DMUs were replaced by locomotive-hauled trains using blue carriages (which were in turn replaced by the new Intercity coaches on many long-distance trains). This resulted in some funny combinations, such as a single carriage being hauled by a single locomotive.
As should have been obvious from the start, not having any DMUs was A Very Bad Idea. Already in 1995 our Pieksämäki workshop rebuilt a second-class blue carriage into a DMU by putting in two bus engines and fitting control cabs at both ends. This single Dm10 unit was used successfully for three years around eastern Finland, but our illustrious leadership decided not to proceed any additional conversions due to the projected relatively short lifespan, instead ordering 16 brand new units from Alstom. The first of these Dm11 units were delivered in 1997... and quickly discovered to be heavier and noisier than specified, and the windshield had an unfortunate habit of freezing so the driver could not see. Already in 1997, we canceled the contract and all units were returned to the builder (reportedly they were eventually sold to Cuba).
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Left: The sole Dm10. Photo Nikolas Lintulaakso, Wikimedia Commons. Right: A rake of Dm11's inbound to Helsinki to be returned to the builder. Photo Jarkko Voutilainen, Vaunut.org.
Several new rounds of tenders were held over the subsequent years, none of which resulted in acceptable bids, until finally in 2001 ČKD Vagonka (today a part of Škoda Transportation) in the Czech Republic offered railbuses that fulfilled the specifications of the tender put out on that year. 16 units were ordered, with an option for 20 (which we never took up – a mistake, as we shall see).
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A two-carriage Dm12 rake at Seinäjoki, with the first car in the original livery apart from the added green high-visibility tape in the front. My photo.
The Dm12 railbuses finally entered service in 2005-2006. They have a service speed of 120 km/h and a capacity for 62 seated passengers. Funnily enough, they actually weight 8 metric tons more than the Dm11's abandoned due to excess weight. The new railbuses replaced locomotive-hauled trains on the routes Pieksämäki-Joensuu-Nurmes, Iisalmi-Ylivieska, Savonlinna-Parikkala, Jyväskylä to Tampere and Seinäjoki via Haapamäki and Karjaa-Hanko. Due to the better acceleration compared to locomotive-hauled trains, two stations (Oriveden keskusta and Kolho) could be (re-)opened without increasing travel times.
However, it quickly turned out the 16 Dm12's were not enough to cope with the passenger demands on all these services, and most notably Jyväskylä-Seinäjoki reverted to locomotive-hauled trains already in 2007 (but returned to Dm12's in 2011). For reasons unknown to the author, despite the clear need for more railbuses the option for additional units was never taken up, and no additional DMU's of other design have been ordered to date, despite there being more demand than the Dm12 can cope with on many routes.
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The middle passenger compartment of a Dm12. Otto Karikoski, Wikimedia Commons.
Perhaps a reason for not building any more Dm12's is their unfortunate habit of catching fire. Between 2007 and 2022, Dm12's have burnt no less than 15 times. The whole class has been out of service due to the fires twice, first in 2012 and again in 2022. One unit was damaged so badly it had to be withdrawn from service entirely. And the fires have not been the only problems with the class, often less than a half of the Dm12's have been in operable condition.
Still, despite the persistent problems, there have been no concreate plans to get new, less combustible railbuses, or even to simply get more railbuses so there would be enough of them to go around. The situation was slightly improved in 2020, when passenger services between Karjaa and Hanko ceased for the duration of electrification works. Passenger services on the route will restart next week, but using Sm4 class electric multiple units.
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ohjeeztrains · 20 days
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train-of-the-day · 10 months
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Train of the day is: DB 515/ETA 150! ( X )
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jossarisfoto · 1 year
Miljoenenlijn | Tijdreizen door nostalgie en charme
Zaterdag, 8 juli 2023 | Een bezoek aan de Miljoenenlijn is als een reis terug in de tijd, waarbij je de nostalgie en de charme van het spoorwegvervoer uit vroegere tijden kunt ervaren. Het avontuur begint in het pittoreske Simpelveld bij de Zuid-Limburgse Stoomtrein Maatschappij. Zodra de stoomfluit klinkt en de wielen in beweging komen, word je meegevoerd op een betoverende reis door het…
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wolftattoo · 6 months
aaaand i got on the wrong bus 🙈 im just getting off at the next stop and ubering . this is eughhhhhh
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holespoles · 1 year
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Ryo Takemasa "Railbus through Rice Fields" (2022)
武政 諒
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frenchcurious · 2 days
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Fiat Littorina Railbus 1930's. - source Myra Clergé.
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happyspookysteamer · 1 year
On the 30th of September was the 175th Anniversary of the Schiefe Ebene in Neuenmarkt Wirsberg where the German Steam Locomotive Museum is. The Event lasted two days but I was only there for one. But I saw two large steamers, a class 50 and 52 (primarily goods engines). An old Railbus from the Wisentatalbahn, a pump trolly, and a narrow gauge steam locomotive.
Here are some pictures of the class 52 8195-1
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closeted-goth · 9 months
brisbane city welcomes me back with a railbus driver who has a portable stereo on the dash and is blasting jump around and drumming along on the steering wheel.
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dampfloks · 1 year
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Museumsfahrzeug Turmtriebwagen 701 099-4 unterwegs in Nordrhein Westfalen (Trostpflaster für abgebrochene Dampfzugfahrt der 01 1104)😶
Eigentlich habe ich an diesem Tag auf die Dampflok 01 1104 gewartet, die nach 50 Jahren Stillstand und jahrelanger Wiederaufbereitung und nun eine ihrer ersten Sonderfahrten machen sollten. Der Fahrplan war recht bekannt und so tummelten sich viele Eisenbahnfreunde an der Strecke um Fotos und Videos zu erhaschen. Leider gab es aber auch so viele unvernünftige “Zuschauer”, die sich verbotenerweise zu nach am Gleis und gar im Gleis bewegt haben, dass die Fahrt abgebrochen ☹ werden musste. 
Ganz traurig für alle Mitreisenden, Veranstalter und vernünftigen Eisenbahnfreunde, die sich auf diese so Fahrt gefreut haben.
Museum vehicle tower railcar 701 099-4 on track in North Rhine-Westphalia (Consolation for aborted steam train journey of 01 1104)😶
Actually, I was waiting for the steam locomotive 01 1104, which was to make its first special tour after 50 years of downtime and years of reconditioning. The timetable was quite well known and so many railway enthusiasts flocked to the line to catch photos and videos. Unfortunately, however, there were also so many unwise "spectators", who moved too far along the track and even in the track, that the trip had to be stopped ☹. Quite sad for all fellow passengers, organisers and rational railway enthusiasts who were looking forward to this trip.
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7ooo-ru · 18 days
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Создан первый в мире поезд сразу с двумя источниками энергии — водородом и аккумуляторами
Экологически чистый поезд работает как на электрической, так и на водородной энергии, или на их комбинации. Он имеет дальность хода 1000 км и разгоняется до 120 км/ч.
Швейцарская компания Stadler Rail разработала поезд, который может работать как на водороде, так и на батарейном питании для обслуживания местных железнодорожных линий, сообщает New Atlas.
С 1996 года по европейским железным дорогам курсирует узнаваемый Stadler RS1 Railbus. Уникальный дизайн с трапециевидными окнами стал его визитной карточкой. Будучи одним из первых дизельных поездов нового поколения, RS1 широко применяется в Германии и Чехии. Он может работать как на традиционном дизеле, так и на биодизеле из рапсового масла. Сегодня в эксплуатации находится около 500 таких поездов.
Однако часть поездов серии RS1 уже достигла конца своего жизненного цикла. Поэтому компания Stadler Rail Germany представила новую модель — RS Zero. Этот поезд с нулевыми выбросами CO может работать как на электрической, так и на водородной энергии, или на их комбинации.
Благодаря легкому весу RS Zero идеально подходит для региональных линий, соединяющих основные железнодорожные магистрали. В Германии, где 38% путей не электрифицировано, такой поезд с нулевыми выбросами станет ценным дополнением к транспортной системе. Более того, на электрифицированных участках он может переходить на питание от контактной сети.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/03/278-sozdan-pervyy-v-mire-poezd-srazu-s-dvumya-istochnikami-energii-vodorodom-i-akkumulyatorami-grss-337968010.html
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xylophonetangerine · 1 month
My dad has a story about having to flag down a railbus in the middle of the night in the winter when he was young. The batteries in the flashlight were flat and the stop was unlighted so his dad lit an entire box of matches on fire to signal the train to stop.
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guerrerense · 5 months
KWVR Haworth West Yorkshire 26th September 1976
KWVR Haworth West Yorkshire 26th September 1976 por loose_grip_99 Por Flickr: Three more from the LNER Society rail tour from London St Pancras to Keighley for a visit to the KWVR. Immaculate in BR green livery on shed at Haworth is Waggon und Maschinenbau diesel Railbus 79962. Purchased by the KWVR in 1966 it ran regularly into the 1990s. Following withdrawal it languished in store until 2014 when it was purchased by the Vintage Carriage Trust. It has been cosmetically restored.
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supertrainstationh · 11 months
BRE-Leyland 'Railbus' DB977020 Colchester Shed 29 June 1985. by Michael J. COLLINS Via Flickr:
This may not be a popular opinion, but I think these units are neato.
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wolftattoo · 2 years
they cant get anyone else in so i gotta railbus and then walk for like 40minutes cos no bus goes close enough to work -_- because theres a driver shortage .
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