#rainbowpufflez writing
rainbowpufflez · 5 months
Bo got one singular note on his last post so here’s Gus and Lys’s breakup scenario he randomly wrote one day
It’s not like Augustine and Lysandre hadn’t had squabbles before. Little things tend to build up in relationships and sometimes things bother someone more than they usually would. But this was the first fight where things got heated. Where something was, different.
Augustine doesn’t remember how it started, what he must’ve said that caused Lysandre’s mood to shift. He remembers watching Lysandre’s muscles stiffen and his gaze go distant, brows furrowing down along with it. He remembers Lysandre making a snide remark, something that implied that Augustine was beneath him. And so it started.
Soon they were both yelling. While they both had issues communicating to each other what they needed, it had never gotten this bad before. They always found a way to calm themselves before exploding. However, they were past that point this time.
Words fell to the floor and meant nothing. Time seemed to stretch on for thousands of years between them. A never ending battle, where Augustine bared his horns in a defensive state and Lysandre squawking out shrilled calls in attempt of explanation.
“You don’t understand!”
Augustine remembers Lysandre choked out. When had they both started crying?
“Oh and how do I not understand?! Have I not been understanding?! Have I not loved you with all my heart and soul?!”
He replied with a harsh gesture back at himself. It felt like there was a ticking time bomb between them and it was on its last second.
Then it slipped out.
“Because I’d KILL for you Augustine. Because I’d DIE for you.”
The room went still.
Before Augustine even could process what was said, he shouted back.
“I NEVER asked you to do that.”
Lysandre took a step back, it seemed he realized what he said as his muscles stiffened again. And Augustine’s response only made it worse. He coiled into himself.
“Augustine, I-“
“Get out.”
He didn’t expect that response. He moved, still stiff. His talons were no longer ready for attack, instead they were opened palm out. A last attempt at solace.
“Augustine please I didn’t mean that—“
“I said get out.”
Augustine was still on defense. His hooves dug into the floor as he stood firm. He didn’t look at his counterpart. He just waited.
“Alright.” Lysandre eventually responded when he realized that it was futile to work it out now. “I’ll leave.”
There was a small shuffle, a collection of things. A bag, his keys, his coat. No words were spoken between the two as he made his way to the door.
As Lysandre reached the door he turned to face Augustine one last time. “Gus… I… I love—“
And so that was that. Lysandre’s brows furrowed down again at his words, not able to hide a bitter, hateful look. He gave a firm nod then swung open the door and left.
Augustine was left in silence in the middle of the room, holding himself in an attempt to not break down. But instead of mustering up any last remaining tears, or truly processing what Lysandre had said, he just felt a wave of exhaustion overcome him.
He found himself falling back on the couch, gripping at a throw pillow with a gaudy checkered design. A design Lysandre hated but he loved.
His energy drained, he found his eyes closing. And with the last remaining energy he wondered.
Had he always been that way?
20 notes · View notes