amtaham · 6 years
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Regrann from @sufilive - UMRAH MUBARAK 2018 Narrated Jabir: A Bedouin came to the Prophet ﷺ and pledged allegiance for embracing #Islam and migration to #Madinah. The next day he came with fever and said, "Please cancel my pledge." The Prophet ﷺ refused three times and said, "Madinah is like a furnace: it expels impurities and selects the good ones and makes them perfect." [Sahih #Bukhari: Virtues of Madinah, #Hadith 107] ❤️ #Sufilive #RajabMubarak7007 . May Allah ﷻ accept the #Umrah of #Mawlana #ShaykhHishamKabbani, #HajjahNazihaAdilKabbani, and their companions, and grant all of us a share in their rewards. And may He grant them long life and good health. Ameen. . Give your #salam and tag three friends for #baraka! _______ #ProphetMuhammad #salawat #MasjidalNabawi #Umrah7007 #MSHUmrah2018 #MSHMadinah2018 #ShaykhHisham#SyekhHisyam#SyekhHisyamKabbani (at Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi Madinah Munawwarah)
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amtaham · 6 years
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Regrann from @sufilive - THE MERITS OF RAJAB.5 #ProphetMuhammad ﷺ said: Rajab ​is comprised of three letters: R​aa, ​Je​em, and ​B​aa. R​a​a​ represents ​"wa hiya rahmatullah,​"​ from the Mercy of #Allah ﷻ. J​eem​ represents "joodullah,​"​ ​Allah's generosity in #Rajab​. B​aa ​represents "barruhu,​"​ that Allah will purify you​ and shower you ​with ​His greatness and love. These are the three beautiful characters​ of Rajab​. . ~Shaykh Hisham Kabbani 💕 #RajabMubarak7007 _______ #RajabMubarak #weloveProphetMuhammad #salawat #sholawat #Mawlana #ShaykhHishamKabbani #ShaykhHisham #SyekhHisyam #SheikhHisham #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #Naqsybandi #Qadri #Chisti #BaAlawi #Shadhili #Tijani #Mevlevi #tasavvuf #Tasawwuf #Sufilive #naqshbandinazimiyya (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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amtaham · 6 years
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Regrann from @sufilive - THE MERITS OF RAJAB.2 One of #ProphetMuhammad's ﷺ holy names is "an-Nabi ar-Rahmah al-Mughdad, The Mercy Gifted to Creation,” because were it not for him there would be no Creation! #Allah created everything for his sake and gave him the highest, best gift, Laylat al-Isra wal-Miraj, the miraculous Night Journey and Heavenly Ascension! So to show our love and appreciation, we offer more #prayers, fasting, #salawat and #sadaqa in #Rajab, particularly on that most honored night and following day. ❤️ . ~Shaykh Hisham Kabbani _______ #RajabMubarak7007 #Hadith #sunnah #Muslims #Islam #Mawlana #SyekhHisyam #ShaykhHisham #ShaykhHishamKabbani #Naqshbandi #subhanAllah #Sufi #Sufilive #naqshbandinazimiyya #naqshbandi #sufism (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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amtaham · 7 years
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Regrann from @sufilive - BLESSINGS OF RAJAB ~Shaykh Hisham Kabbani . #ProphetMuhammad ﷺ emphasized Rajab is the month of Allah ﷻ, Shaban is the month of Prophet, and Ramadan is the month of the #Ummah. That means in Rajab we prepare to meet with Prophet in Shaban, and in Shaban we fast and praise Allah and Prophet to prepare for Ramadan. . Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever fasts one day of Rajab, which is going to end, Allah will be happy with him and he will get Allah's satisfaction, and the highest level of Jannat al-Firdaws." . Prophet ﷺ also said: "Give respect to Rajab, the month of Allah, and Allah will respect you." Allah's respect is not like ours, which is common. We are weak, helpless, heedless people. . Whoever makes ghusl on the first day of Rajab with full #niyyah, and on the 15th and the last day, Allah will erase all his sins as if he is newly born. . It is said that on #Qiyamah, Allah will give one thousand respects for every day fasted in Rajab! . #ProphetMuhammad ﷺ said: "The respect of Rajab relative to other months of the year is like the respect of the #Quran above all other books." . Alhamdulillah, Allah ﷻ is giving us lots of ways to save ourselves, to be clean and happy in both #dunya and #Akhira. ❤️ #Sufilive #RajabMubarak7007 _______ #YaAllah#YaRabb#YaRasulullah#ProphetMuhammad #weloveProphetMuhammad #rahmat #mercy #DivineMercy #MercyToTheWorlds #MercyOceans #Muslims #Islam #Mawlana #ShaykhHisham #ShaykhHishamKabbani #Naqshbandi #Sufi #Rumi (at Bintaro Jaya X Change)
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amtaham · 7 years
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Regrann from @sufilive - #Alhamdulillah, our shuyukh recommend we read this heavenly #dua throughout #Rajab, provided here in Arabic written by #MawlanaShaykhNazim, followed by transliteration and English translation. Read details about the dua @Mawlana.Shaykh.Nazim. Better display of Arabic in next post. ❤️ #Sufilive #RajabMubarak7007 #sufism #naqshbandinazimiyya #naqshbandi (at Bintaro Jaya X Change)
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