98rad · 27 days
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imaanoverdesires · 8 months
Tahajjud is Hope, No matter how tough life gets, you're not alone, and there's always hope in the darkness. So, never underestimate the power of tahajjud, for it can ignite a light within your soul that will lead you through the darkest of times.
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invitetoislam1 · 2 months
‎“When an oppressed says:
‎حَسْبُنَا اللَّـهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
‎HasbunAllaahu wa ni’mal Wakeel
‎It means he took the case out of all worldly courts and filed it in the court of Allah.”
‎— Shaykh Ahmad Jibril (حفظه الله)
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taqwatawheedtales · 5 months
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The believer looks to learn, and speaks to understand, and remains silent to stay safe, and isolates to profit.
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his-heart-hymns · 2 months
We don't need sugar-coated diplomatic statements. We require this same harsh criticism and condemnation of Israel.We must name and shame Israel at every international stage.
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Bolivia and Coulumbia has backed Brazil president's statements.
African Union that consists of 55 member states kicked the Israeli delegation out of its recent meeting in Ethiopia.
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theveiledpoetesss · 6 months
“The Muslim Ummah is like one body; when one part aches, the body reciprocates.”
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atiredmuslimah · 11 days
A man said to Zayn al-‘Ābidīn:
“Why do you sit with people who are inferior to you, from the slaves and the freed slaves?”
He replied: “I only sit with those who benefit me in my religion!”
- gems from the salaf on telegram.
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frommydiary · 19 days
"And Each time everyone lets you down, let it be a reminder for you, that you truly have no one, but Allah".
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aqimilhujjah · 26 days
The responsibility is heavy upon you. You are half of the Ummah and you give birth to the other half.
"Men used to fight w@rs", ahh but who birthed and raised those men? Who supported them from home and taught the cubs? The Ummah is in need of Khalid, Miqdaad and Al-Muthanna, but without women upon correct aqeedah and steadfastness, we will not see them again.
So your life isn't all giggles, shopping, fun, and carelessness. Wake up, make Tawbah and follow the examples of the great women before us who lived their life for the sake of Allah.
May Allah grant us sincerity and thabat upon Tawheed أمين
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imaanoverdesires · 6 months
Ya Allāh, remove all arrogance and selfishness from my heart, and teach me to be humble, to always remember You in everything that I do.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
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taqwatawheedtales · 5 months
وَذَكِّرۡ فَإِنَّ ٱلذِّكۡرَىٰ تَنفَعُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ
“And go on reminding [people], it is good for those who believe to be reminded.” [51:55]
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tessalationstation · 7 days
These countries are aiding and abetting the genocide: Consider expanding the boycott to these countries major brands too. (Not an expert, so grain of salt.)
The US is the major culprit, I made a previous post👇🏽 about boycotting major American brands, to express your disgust. (I'll reiterate later.)
Other countries that are continuing to support the genocide by supplying weapons are Germany, Britain, Italy, France, and Denmark. Strongly consider expressing your dissent by boycotting these countries major brands too. Just the major multi-nationals, MAJOR corporations will do, if you can, (I'll update later.) PUNISH YOUR COUNTRIES!
Previous supporters are Canada, Netherlands, Japan, Spain, & Belgium. These countries state govs. HAD to have known that the apartheid was going on FOR YEARS, so don't show them mercy either! Boycott their national major brands, LET THEM FEEL THE HEAT TOO!
Egypt is occupying Palestine/Gaza too. India is DIRECTLY participating in this genocide, and commiting their own back home. RAISE SOME NOISE!!!
UAE, Saudi, Jordan, Morocco, Bahrain have normalised ties with the Zio-state! For God's sake, don't go to Dubai, boycott Umrah, & Hajj indefinitely! GET ANGRY! STAY ANGRY! 35,000 MEN, WOMAN, & CHILDREN!
Sorry for any errors.
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esmaelnourukbayev · 6 months
Покойся с миром невинные люди..
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hadeth · 1 month
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عن سهل بن سعد الساعدي، أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:” لا يزال الناس بخير ما عجلوا الفطر ‏"‌‏.صحيح البخاري‏ ومسلم حديث ١٩٥٧ - ١٠٩٨
Narrated Sahl bin Sa`d: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten the breaking of the fast." Sahih al-Bukhari 1957 In-book reference : Book 30, Hadith 64 Sahih Muslim 1098a (https://sunnah.com/muslim:1098a) In-book reference : Book 13, Hadith 60
وفي تعجيل الإفطار إتباع هدي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم والعمل بسنته، فقد كان صلوات الله وسلامه عليه يعجل الإفطار….بل إن تعجيل الإفطار من أخلاق الأنبياء كما قال أبو الدرداء رضي الله عنه: "ثلاث من أخلاق النبوة تعجيل الإفطار، وتأخير السحور، ووضع اليمين على الشمال في الصلاة." رواه الطبراني في" الكبير" كما في "مجمع الزوائد" (2/150). وفي تعجيل الإفطار مخالفة اليهود والنصارى الذين نهينا عن التشبه بهم في عباداتنا وعاداتنا، قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: "لا يزال الدين ظاهراً ما عجل الناس الفطر لأن اليهود والنصارى يؤخرون" أخرجه أحمد (27218)، أبو داوود (2353)، وحسنه الألباني في "صحيح أبي داوود" (2063). وفي تعجيل الإفطار تيسير على الناس، وبعد عن صفة التنطع والغلو في الدين، وقد امتثل هذا الأدب خير القرون صحابة رسول الله ﷺ، قال البخاري رحمه الله: "وأفطر أبو سعيد الخدري حين غاب قرص الشمس." فتح الباري (4/196) وقال عمرو بن ميمون الأزدي رحمه الله: "كان أصحاب محمد ﷺ أسرع الناس إفطارا وأبطأهم سحوراً." أخرجه عبدالرزاق في" المصنف" (4/226) قال في "فتح الباري" (4/199) إسناده صحيح. الإسلام سؤال وجواب ()
مِنَ المَعلومِ أنَّ الخَيرَ كُلَّ الخَيرِ في اتِّباعِ هَدْيِ النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ، والشَّرَّ كلَّ الشرِّ يَأتي مِن الابتداعِ في الدِّينِ، ولَمَّا كان الصِّيامُ مِن أجلِّ العِباداتِ وأعظَمِ القُرُباتِ، كان لِزامًا على المُسلِمِ أنْ يَلتزِمَ هَدْيَ النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ فيه الَّذي حَثَّ على تَعجيلِ الفِطرِ. وفي هذا الحديثِ يَحكي سَهلُ بنُ سَعدٍ الأنصاريُّ رَضيَ اللهُ عنهما أنَّ رسولَ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ أخبَرَ أنَّه لا يَزالُ المسلِمون على خَيرٍ وحقٍّ وهدًى مِن اللهِ، مُتمسِّكينَ بسُنَّةِ نَبيِّهم، واقفينَ عندَ حُدودِه، غيرَ مُبدِّلينَ ولا مُغيِّرين؛ ما عَجَّلوا بالإفطارِ مِن صَومِهم عندَ غُروبِ شَمسِ يَومِهم مُباشَرةً، وإنَّما كان تَعجيلُ الفِطرِ خَيرًا؛ لأنَّه أحفَظُ للقوَّةِ، وأرفَعُ للمَشقَّةِ، وأوفَقُ للسُّنةِ، وأبعَدُ عن الغُلوِّ والبِدعةِ، وليَظهَرَ الفرْقُ بيْن الزَّمانينِ في حكْمِ الشَّرعِ. وفي الحديثِ: بَركةُ اتِّباعِ السُّنَّةِ وبَقاءُ الخيرِ في النَّاسِ بسَببِ اتِّباعِهم للسُّنةِ، وأنَّ فَسادَ الأمورِ يَتعلَّقُ بتَغيُّرِ السُّنةِ، وأنَّ مُخالفةَ السُّنَّةِ في ذلِك كالعَلَمِ على فَسادِ الأُمورِ. الدرر السنية ()
…because by doing so they are preserving the Sunnah. If they do not do this and they delay the break of the fast, then this will be a proof that goodness has been removed from them for abandoning the Sunnah of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) upon which he has left his Ummah and to which he has ordered them to adhere. Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Sinhala Uyghur Kurdish Hausa Portuguese: https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/4438
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hamdosana · 6 months
What can we do for Palestine and Gaza?
Here are a few things that we can do:
1) Pray for the people of Palestine and Gaza, ask Allah for help.
2) Donate for them if you can.
3) Boycott Israeli products!! We hold so much power that we can literally damage the economy of Israel. Boycott all the restaurants like McDonald's, Starbucks, KFC, products of Nestle, platforms like Fiverr and switch to local or other international alternatives which donot have roots in Israel.
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