ruhsalseyler · 6 months
Gelin Ey Aşıklar
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xposetv · 1 year
Peresmian Renovasi Mapolsek Karanggeneng di sertai Penyerahan Mobil Ambulance
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Xpose TV - Peresmian Renovasi Mapolsek Karanggeneng di sertai Penyerahan Mobil Ambulance, bertempat di Mapolsek Karanggeneng Kec. Karanggeneng Kab. Lamongan telah dilaksanakan kegiatan peresmian renovasi Mako Polsek Karanggeneng dan penerimaan bantuan 1 unit ambulance dari KPPS BMT Mandiri sejahtera Jatim kantor pusat Karang Cangkring Dukun Gresik, Jumat (17/12) pagi. Kegiatan peresmian tersebut dipimpin secara langsung oleh Kapolres Lamongan AKBP MIKO INDRAYANA, S.I.K., didampingi PJU Polres Lamongan. Dalam kegiatan tersebut juga dihadiri oleh Muspika Kec. Karanggeneng, pengasuh Ponpes Matholi'ul Anwar sungelebak, dan Nurul Huda Kec. Karanggeneng serta tamu undangan lainnya. Adapun sambutan Kapolres Lamongan dalam kegiatan tersebut, beliau menjelaskan bahwa pembangunan Polsek merupakan bentuk partisipasi dan amanah dari masyarakat. “Dalam pelaksanaan renovasi jangan sampai merepotkan masyarakat, kami harapkan dengan adanya renovasi ini dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada masyarakat. Jagalah kebersihan Mako, apa yang menjadi tugas maka hendaknya diselesaikan dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab dan amanah” ujar Kapolres. BACA JUGA https://xposetv.live/pelantikan-kasun-geger-desa-geger-diharapkan-mampu-menangani-pajak-yang-tidak-perna-lunas/ Dalam kegiatan tersebut Kapolres Lamongan secara simbolis memberikan penghargaan kepada masyarakat yang berdedikasi bagi Polsek Karanggeneng dan melakukan penyerahan mobil ambulance dari KPPS BMT Mandiri sejahtera. Dilanjutkan penandatanganan prasasti dan pemotongan pita sebagai tanda diresmikannya Mapolsek Karanggeneng oleh Kapolres Lamongan. Iptu Raksan Kapolsek Karanggeneng menuturkan " Rehab atau perbaikan Kantor adalah inspirasi dari  berbagai masyarakat dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang lebih baik ", pungkas Iptu Raksan saat di hubungi awak media Xpose TV. Lebih lanjut Kapolsek karanggeneng ini menuturkan harapanya terkait bantuan ambulance " semoga bermanfaat untuk masyarakat dalam menyelamatkan masyarakat baik tindakan penanganan kecelakaan maupun korban kriminalitas " harapnya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan diakhiri dengan pemotongan tumpeng oleh Kapolres Lamongan yang diserahkan kepada Kapolsek Karanggeneng IPTU RAKSAN, S.H. dan ramah tamah. (Peresmian Renovasi Mapolsek Karanggeneng di sertai Penyerahan Mobil Ambulance). Pak ciek suciono TONTON VIDEO DIBAWAH INI https://youtu.be/lGZSkmCdyLY Read the full article
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tanzreisen · 4 years
RAKSAN/Berlin „online - Tanzen in Corona-Zeiten“
RAKSAN/Berlin „online - Tanzen in Corona-Zeiten“: Raksan verbindet in ihren Workshops, Fortbildungen und Bühnenkonzepten tanzspartenübergreifende Bewegungsansätze, Performance und Improvisationstechniken mit der Vielfalt der Orientalischen Tanztradition - unter dem Titel TAI (TanzAusdruckImprovisation)
Raksan lebt in Berlin und verbindet in ihren Workshops, Fortbildungen und Bühnenkonzepten tanzspartenübergreifende Bewegungsansätze, Performance und Improvisationstechniken mit der Vielfalt der Orientalischen Tanztradition – unter dem Titel TAI (TanzAusdruckImprovisation)
Liebe Raksan, was ist Dein Hintergrund / Beruf?
Ich bin Jahrgang 1960, wurde in Hamburg geboren und habe nach dem…
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yourschandu · 6 years
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Photography and concept by me @yourschandu #yeshwanth #colleague #raksan #quotes #quotestoliveby #hyderabad #telangana #iphone7 #iphone7photography #yourschandu #telanganaphotography #gachibowli #theplatina @telangana_photography @streets.of.india @quotes @quoteoftheday @thegoodquote @yeshwanthrachamadugu
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juchechat · 6 years
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Kim Jong Un Inspects Fish Farms [July 17 Juche 107 (2018), KCNA]
The respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un gave field guidance to the Raksan Offshore Salmon Farm and the Sokmak Atlantic Salmon Pedigree Farm run by Unit 810 of the Korean People's Army.
He visited the Raksan Offshore Salmon Farm.
Going round the room for education in the revolutionary history and cage-net fish breeding ground, he acquainted himself in detail with the production at the farm.
It is important to create clean environment and establish a strict hygienic and anti-epidemic system in fish breeding grounds like in stockbreeding, he noted with appreciation that ten-odd settling troughs were newly arranged at rivers flowing to Raksan Bay and at waste water outlets of industrial establishments and seaweed and tangle culture grounds were built around cage-net fish breeding ground to prevent sea pollution and protect ecological environment.
He said that advanced technology should be positively introduced to put the offshore fish farming, cage-net fish farming, on a scientific and industrial basis and big efforts be directed to the work for preserving the uncontaminated ecological environment of sea on a high level so as to expand the water areas fit for breeding Atlantic salmon and produce this kind of fish in a larger quantity.
It is necessary to raise the level of putting the production of processed salmon on a scientific, automatic and modern basis, strictly ensure its hygienic safety and quality and realize its standardization, he said, adding that Atlantic salmon bred on the East Sea of Korea and processed fish should be intensively supplied to the Pyongyang Taedonggang Seafood Restaurant to improve the people's diet.
He also toured the Sokmak Atlantic Salmon Pedigree Farm.
Going round the room for education in the revolutionary history, open-air fishing pond and other parts of the farm, he learned about its management and operation.
He highly appreciated the officials and employees of the farm for having done a lot of work through a dynamic drive for updating the farm on a high level over the last three years to carry out the tasks given by him on the spot in May 2015.
They spruced up the room for education in the revolutionary history, established an automatic control system for water recycling by computer and newly built oxygen-generating station, cylinder caisson and ultraviolet sterilizing station to increase the capability of water purification and oxygen saturation. They also rebuilt the modern fattening ground in a hygienic and anti-epidemic way to raise the survival rate of fry salmon, remodeled 54 concrete fishing ponds at 6 indoor blocks into resin ones and settled the problem of disposing waste water to decisively decrease the death rate of fish. Besides, they newly built superfine grinder, bulking feed plant and 1000-ton feed storehouse and established a system of feed production by antibiosis.
Giving appreciation of such achievements, the Supreme Leader said it is vary admirable that our scientists established a technique for preventing group death of salmon fries and thus made it possible to breed hundreds of thousands of salmon fries at sea this year.
Now it is possible to further activate the culture of salmon given the enough material and technical foundations for safety production of Atlantic salmon and the increase of the level of its scientification and modernization, he noted, expressing his great pleasure over the appearance of a promising delicious fish producer in the country.
He had a photo session with the officials and employees of the pedigree farm, expressing the expectation and belief that they would be a model of the country in implementing the WPK's pisciculture policy by steadily adding to the achievements under the banner of putting the fish farming on a Juche, modern, scientific, industrial and intensive basis.
Accompanying him were Hwang Pyong So, Jo Yong Won, O Il Jong and Kim Yong Su, senior officials of the WPK Central Committee.
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humaspmj · 3 years
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Mayat Warga Surabaya Mengapung Di Karanggeneng Lamongan Warga Desa Karanggeneng Kabupaten Lamongan digegerkan dengan penemuan mayat yang sudah mengapung di Sungai. Hingga berita ini ditulis , Kematian warga Surabaya itu Belum diketahui penyebabnya, Sriono (67) warga Tambak Mayor Barat 1A nomor 6 RT 02 RW 07 Kelurahan Asemrowo Kecamatan Asemrowo Kodya Surabaya ditemukan tewas mengapung di sungai Kendalkemlagi Kecamatan Karanggeneng Lamongan Jawa Timur, Senin (26/4/2021). Adapun ciri ciri Korban tinggi 165 sentimeter, kurus, mengenakan baju lengan panjang warna putih, dan celana panjang warna hitam kali pertama ditemukan aksi Sutri (50) warga desa setempat. Seorang Saksi saat itu baru tiba dari aktivitas dari sawah. Saksi kemudian hendak mandi di kali desa tidak jauh dari rumahnya. Ia terperanjat saat di pinggir kali dan hendak mencebur ke dalam kali, mendapati ada sesuatu yang ganjil dan seperti jasad manusia yang mengapung. "Saya tidak jadi mandi dan kembali lari ke rumah, " kata saksi Sutri kepada polisi. Di rumah ia memberitahu pada anaknya, Hasan, apa yang baru ia lihat di kali. Hasan bergegas bertandang ke kali dan memastikannya bahwa yang mengapung itu adalah jasad manusia. Hasan tak berani mengevakuasi dan melanjutkan lapor ke Kepala Desa Kendalkemlagi dan diteruskan ke Polsek Karanggeneng. Petugas SPKT Polsek, Aiptu Budianto, Kanit Reskrim Bripka Mohamammad Muhtadi bersama dua anggota lainnya di samping dua anggota Satpal PP, dan Kades, Iwan Fanani serta petugas Puskesmas, Afiin ke TKP untuk mengevakuasi korban. "Apa penyebab kematian korban masih dalam penyelidikan. Kalau KTP yang ditemukan, korban adalah warga Surabaya," kata Kapolsek Karanggeneng, " Iptu Raksan kepada wartawan. Korban meninggal kerena tenggelam ini, merupakan temua kedua kali dalam dua hari terakhir ini, setelah sebelumnya nenek di Kedungpring ditemukan mati tenggelam di waduk desa. #KabupatenLamongan #KaranggenengLamongan #MayatMengapung #WargaSurabaya #HukumDanKriminal https://bacasaja.co.id/2021/04/27/mayat-warga-surabaya-mengapung-di-karanggeneng-lamongan/?feed_id=2610&_unique_id=608756e95b98d Kunjungi Website Kami di https://halodunia.co.id https://halodunia.net https://bacasaja.co.id https://bacasaja.today https://halodunia.network https://pakarseo.info http://bacasaja.info http://bacasaja.net
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halodunianews · 3 years
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Mayat Warga Surabaya Mengapung Di Karanggeneng Lamongan Warga Desa Karanggeneng Kabupaten Lamongan digegerkan dengan penemuan mayat yang sudah mengapung di Sungai. Hingga berita ini ditulis , Kematian warga Surabaya itu Belum diketahui penyebabnya, Sriono (67) warga Tambak Mayor Barat 1A nomor 6 RT 02 RW 07 Kelurahan Asemrowo Kecamatan Asemrowo Kodya Surabaya ditemukan tewas mengapung di sungai Kendalkemlagi Kecamatan Karanggeneng Lamongan Jawa Timur, Senin (26/4/2021). Adapun ciri ciri Korban tinggi 165 sentimeter, kurus, mengenakan baju lengan panjang warna putih, dan celana panjang warna hitam kali pertama ditemukan aksi Sutri (50) warga desa setempat. Seorang Saksi saat itu baru tiba dari aktivitas dari sawah. Saksi kemudian hendak mandi di kali desa tidak jauh dari rumahnya. Ia terperanjat saat di pinggir kali dan hendak mencebur ke dalam kali, mendapati ada sesuatu yang ganjil dan seperti jasad manusia yang mengapung. "Saya tidak jadi mandi dan kembali lari ke rumah, " kata saksi Sutri kepada polisi. Di rumah ia memberitahu pada anaknya, Hasan, apa yang baru ia lihat di kali. Hasan bergegas bertandang ke kali dan memastikannya bahwa yang mengapung itu adalah jasad manusia. Hasan tak berani mengevakuasi dan melanjutkan lapor ke Kepala Desa Kendalkemlagi dan diteruskan ke Polsek Karanggeneng. Petugas SPKT Polsek, Aiptu Budianto, Kanit Reskrim Bripka Mohamammad Muhtadi bersama dua anggota lainnya di samping dua anggota Satpal PP, dan Kades, Iwan Fanani serta petugas Puskesmas, Afiin ke TKP untuk mengevakuasi korban. "Apa penyebab kematian korban masih dalam penyelidikan. Kalau KTP yang ditemukan, korban adalah warga Surabaya," kata Kapolsek Karanggeneng, " Iptu Raksan kepada wartawan. Korban meninggal kerena tenggelam ini, merupakan temua kedua kali dalam dua hari terakhir ini, setelah sebelumnya nenek di Kedungpring ditemukan mati tenggelam di waduk desa. #KabupatenLamongan #KaranggenengLamongan #MayatMengapung #WargaSurabaya #HukumDanKriminal https://bacasaja.co.id/2021/04/27/mayat-warga-surabaya-mengapung-di-karanggeneng-lamongan/?feed_id=2608&_unique_id=608756e42a12e Kunjungi Website Kami di https://halodunia.co.id https://halodunia.net https://bacasaja.co.id https://bacasaja.today https://halodunia.network https://pakarseo.info http://bacasaja.info http://bacasaja.net
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ruhsalseyler · 6 months
Gelin de Görün Bizi - Mevlana
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healandsearch · 3 years
Alemde meşhud olan bu devran,
Tekâmül içindir, kemale doğru.
Her nokta cevval, her zerre raksan,
Uçup giderler visale doğru.
Ekvan, insan koşup giderler,
Tutulmaz kapılmaz hayale doğru.
İnsan isen gel matlubu anla,
Yorulma, gitme celale doğru.
Ufk-i ezelde doğan bir güneş,
Gider mi acep zevale doğru?
îfâte etme kıymetli vakti,
Çevir yüzünü cemale doğru.*
*”Alemde görülen bu hareket, kemale ulaşıp, olgunlaşmak içindir. Her nokta ve zerre hareket etmekte olup, hepsi Yaratıcısına kavuşmak için uçarak gitmektedir. Kâinat ve insan belirsiz bir hayale doğru koşup gitmektedir. Eğer insan isen, gel, arzu edilmeye değer olan şeyin ne olduğunu anla da Allah’ın gazabına sebep olacak yolda yorulma. Ezel ufkunda doğan bir güneş acaba doğup kaybolur mu? Değerli vaktini boşa geçirme! Yüzünü Hak Teâla’nın cemaline çevir.”
A’mâk-ı Hayal – 75.sayfa, Kaknüs Yayınları
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tosyamyoitiraf · 5 years
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DUYURU: Raksan Halk Dansları Topluluğu Yeni Dönem Kayıtları Başlamıştır. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Nkxyxj-oWGZLOjkTVmQbzYRozV4e_yMeAUhU0/?igshid=r53jtbknf6i6
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viohra · 7 years
Messing around with proto-zehzh
Using the sentence “Inside the house sits the mother. She drinks water and is practicing magic” I’ve translated into proto-zehzh (PZ), I was able to make a secondary language.
The sentence in proto-zehzh is “retati-no-wisan mira-sa khiti-ret. Larit-eno-tho khi-sa nepe-ret sa lika khi-a iqe-ret.”
The transition goes as so:
*Retati-no-wisan mira-sa khiti-ret. Larit-eno-tho khi-sa nepe-ret sa lika khi-a iqe-ret.
*Rtatin voson midas sitirt. Wartinto sis npirt he wik sia ikkert. (rt – /ʈ/)
*Tatsoso eimüd zitst. Vatita se pit e vih se üket.
*Tasezo äimüð zist. Vossita pit i vih üket.
Tasęza äimüð zista. Vossia pita y üketä vyx. This last sentence being modern Zehzhik
For a secondary language, I took a different route:
*Retati-no-wisan mira-sa khiti-ret. Larit-eno-tho khi-sa nepe-ret sa lika khi-a iqe-ret.
*Rattison mirassa hetrat. Lotenþo hissa napret ta likka hia ekrat.
*Račon miissa etra. Joredo essa navra to likka er ekra.
*Rakšon meeša etra. Jorad aša navra to likka ar ekra.
Raksan sitra meiša. Jorið navra oša t viš ikra or. This last sentence being the modern form of the secondary language – note the loanwords from Zehzhik
I decided that PZ’s word order should be OSV and is Ergative-Absolutive language with a tertiary case marking the agent of an indirect object (*-sa). This grammar continues through to the Secondary Language (SL) and is not lost; however, the word order does change to OVS. The idea I have in mind is that the SL is a minority language and therefore influenced by Zehzhik. It also has a much smaller phonological inventory. 
Here are the final results:
Tasęza äimüð zista. Vossia pita y üketä vyx. Raksan sitra meiša. Jorið navra oša t viš ikra or.
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enderon · 7 years
My thoughts on the Twits & Crits team:
- I fucking love Grimo. Like, Elyse is such a genius and has made him just so wonderful. Just, this tiny ass kid trying to act all tough and gruff all the time but failing miserably at it because he's really a giant sweetheart with a heart of gold and he's so good with all of the kids he meets and I love it. And he has daddy issues and is just progressively gaining dads and I love it. And, I've mentioned it before, but I really do just absolutely adore his relationship with Shattercock. - Dirik is my fav, my absolute, without a doubt fav. Big dog man warrior who acts like a dog a lot? Sib me up. Also, thinking on it, and Grimo are quite similar, on that they both try to put on this colder exterior to hide the fact that they're nice people who care, except that Dirik is way better at it than Grimo. I also feel like Dirik has the most actual relationships with his other team members (like, some of the others don't really interact with certain others, bit Dirik interacts with everyone); him playing the mean jock to Dekker's nerd, he and Myri have history though who knows what it is but Dirik seems to respect Myri, his and Raksan's ....... thing, his seeming distaste for Shattercock and his disgust for her doing things openly sexual kind of makes me thinks he's not straight or is ace but then they became buddies in the more recent eps and it's great, having such an antagonistic relationship with Grimo until finding he cares about this little shit and now becoming his new dad. Dirik just has best relationships. He's 'friends' with everyone. And I still wanna know why he's a dog man. - Dekker is such a wild character and I love him. This fucking, pasty ass motherfucker, long oily hair, horrible physical strength, computer nerd, doesn't know how to talk to girls, gets transported to a medieval and fantasy world where they get to go on amazing adventures and he acts so bored. I love how he starts off trying to act all cool, but then quickly dissolved into the awkward dork he is. Also, him building up that relationship with Grimo makes me happy. - Raksan is wonderful and needs to be protected. He's, just, I dunno, he comes off as a sweetheart to me, and just a bit clueless, and I may or may not headcanon that he's a bit autistic. And this poor noble man with his families curse, I feel for him. But, like, his fucking puppets. I, can't, stand, the, puppets. Though his weird relationship with Dirik gives me life. - Shattercock is an actual goddess of owning your body and being the real leader of this ragtag team. I'm so interested in her back story, since we know she lived on the streets. Please Bruce, tell me more about her. I want to know more. Also, I applaud Bruce for how he plays her. I mean, sure there's a lot of jokes about her boobs and her sex appeal, but he plays her so smart and clever, and that scene where she turns down Grimo is so respectful to women. Like, he assumed that just because she was beautiful and nice to him and comfortable in her own skin that she wanted to sleep with her, and she put him down fast when he said she was leading him on just because she happened to be comfortable in her own skin. Also, I just all tiefling on principle. - Myri is just Myri. I just, I love him on principal. I will say, I love how, as they've played, it seems like Matt has gotten more into it, and I'm so glad, because we get more out of Myri, but also cause Matt seems to be having more fun.
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gcjaya1304 · 5 years
Kitab Negarakertagama: Naskah Asli dan Terjemahannya
Kitab Negarakertagama: Naskah Asli dan Terjemahannya
Kadang kita bahkan sering kita memahami apa yang kita lihat saja tanpa menyadari dan bersykur terlahir dan hidup di negeri ini, alam dan raksaning urip tanpa kita sadari adalah menjadi luar biasa karena Nusantara bukan semata karena kemampuan olah pikiran kita semata.
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surfacetreatment · 5 years
#työturvallisuus , kypärä suojaa. #pintakäsittely alalla on raksan tapaan pakollinen kapistus. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv0gJp7Dubv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=si9373niacgk
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otizmhaberleri · 6 years
Otizmli Çocuklar İçin Dans Ettiler
Otizmli Çocuklar İçin Dans Ettiler
El Mundo Dans Stüdyosu öncülüğünde bu yıl 3’üncüsü gerçekleştirilen ve Denizli’deki 5 dans okulunun da destek verdiği ‘Dans Gecesi’nde elde edilen gelir, Tohum Otizm Vakfı’na bağışlandı. El Mundo Dans Stüdyosu öncülüğünde ‘Dans Gecesi’ düzenlendi. Bu yıl 3’üncüsü yapılan geceye; Raksan Dans Stüdyosu, Pamukkale Üniversitesi (PAÜ) Dans Topluluğu, 20. Cadde Dans Akademi, Tuana Dans Stüdyosu ve Çengi…
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talokahdelle · 7 years
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Lauantain lempipuuhaa
Kehystely, nukkumine, raksan kyttäily, sisustuslehtien lukeminen ja suklaapötkön ostaminen pakkauksen perusteella ja jännittäminen että pettyykö. Puttouksen haukkuminen, silti satunnainen repeily sekä omien valintojen eppäileminen. Mitäs sulle?
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