robertybob · 2 months
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What a thrill…
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With darkness and silence through the night…
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mustarosbukta · 6 years
a kedvenc 2017-es pillanataim
ezek többnyire tényleg csak pillanatok, vagy max pár perces események nem pedig az, hogy de jó elmentem Malibura és ott nyaraltam 2 hétig(ami persze nem igaz, de ettől még biztos kurva jó lenne maga a folyamat, hogy 2 hétig égetem a pénzt Malibun, miközben bőrrákot kapok), ja és nem sorrendben(sőt még időrendben sincs sorrendben)
- amikor Matt-tel a full üres katowicei utcákon részegen hazafelé beraktuk telefonról(tudom elég proli megoldás) a Stayin Alive-ot és arra kezdtünk lépegetni.
- amikor Rómában buliból hazafelé beraktuk a kocsiban a Bohemian Rhapsodyt és együtt üvöltöttük Freddie Mercuryval a szöveget.
- amikor a Rolling Stones játszotta a Midnight Ramblert és a közepén van az a rész amikor lelassítanak és újra elindul a veretés https://youtu.be/DRot9IjNSso?t=9m12s és Charlie odabasz a dobokkal, na az kirázós eléggé.
- amikor Danko Lazovic kiegyenlít a Fradi ellen a 32. fordulóban a 35. percben és utána 10 perc alatt rúgunk még kettőt.
- amikor Stopira befejelte a Gironds Bordeaux ellen a győztes gólt a 45. percben, amivel végül továbbjutottunk. A második félidő masszív 170-es pulzussal telt számomra kb.
- amikor random emberekkel táncolunk(koordinálatlanul mozgunk, vonaglunk) pár feles után a Fishing on Orfű -1. napján a töküres parkolóban.
Igazából csomó király dolog volt még 2017-ben, pl. az egész Fishing on Orfű amíg nem kezdtem el a hígfosást, csomó (Ricsárdgír) koncerten voltam, május volt az utolsó hónap amikor nem voltam külföldön, szóval nincs mire panaszkodnom, de ezek voltak azok a spontán pillanatnyi események, amikre azt mondom, hogy naaa, ez gecijó volt. 
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robertybob · 2 months
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robertybob · 4 months
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Ohhh im a crepe, im a sausage roollllll, im being baked here!!!! I am beign baxked
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robertybob · 6 months
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It's my 6 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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What the fuck 6 years what the fuck what the FUCK
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robertybob · 1 year
Haven’t been posting a lot, just cause the new update is so infuriating but I’ve got more thoughts!
Ok so this world I’m assisting in creating is in its 75% ecofriendly era, oil mining is long dead as is coal mining however a few old factories still blow out pollution, as do a few machines, the technical genius had a father who reigned during the fall of fossil fuels rise of eco-friendly alternatives, he wasn’t always as good as people thought he was BUT he did immense progress for medicine, health and safety, brining emissions down and machinery. His son is tired of doing what his father did and decides he don’t like it. NOT ONE BIT. And so he becomes a big ol stinky who- I can’t say anymore it would give it all away :p
23/03 Edit: I did notice that I forgot to add my usual Music recommendation/what I was listening to so I’ll just add here
-here’s a fancy track you’ll love a lot more than the last, it truly represents what I think of when i think of a highly optimised factory where everybody works without fail and we’re watching a tiny little box go through the factory and get changed with all these pressers and smashers and things it’s awesome I wish you guys could see it :p too bad I’m imagining it and not drawing it :p BLEEUUGH anyway here’s TOAD’s FACTORY from MARIO KART WII
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robertybob · 1 year
I fucking hate iPhones and the way the fucking keyboard will straight up freeze on you for like 5 seconds when you type too fast >:[
I was texting love n kisses to my partner and IT CAME OUT ALL SCRAMBLED CAUSE THE KEYBOARD FROZE MID-TYPING
Fuck you Steve Jobs, I hope someday there exists a way to revive dead people just so I can kill you again
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robertybob · 1 year
Cold Take : Richard Castle is
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robertybob · 1 year
Hot Take: NCIS
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robertybob · 1 year
Hello Tumblr!
I shall be using this account to ramble, show off stuff I really enjoy and sometimes reblog cool and/or interesting stuff!
I shall use #tert for all my fantasy story updates (ITS GONE, ITS ALL BEEN moved to #Eredura)
#ramblert for any dumb shit unrelated to the other two.
#askz.n.answerz for any questions I get.
And #reblogert is for any reblogs (will stay)
K thanks! Love you xxx
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robertybob · 11 months
Cold Take : Seasons 6 & 7 of The Mentalist sucks
[Warning: The Mentalist Spoilers]
I’ve watched The Mentalist over and over now, so I can safely say Season 7 of The Mentalist is definitely its worst season.
Vega is so UNNEEDED, she does nothing to add to the story nor the situation. Most unnecessary character ever.
I feel like if they hadn’t added her to the show in the first place it would’ve gotten better, but they didn’t :p and as such they killed her off and then the season ended much more earlier than was planned.
Cho was definitely the best from Lisbon’s team and I’m glad they kept him but I really hated the way they handled La Roche, Rigsby & Van Pelt. They really shat the bed when trying to utilise them in season 6.
The ending of White Orchid was also shit, they’d fumbled the Jane/Lisbon dynamic during Season 6 and now had to shoe in a way to make them end up happily ever after.
Just sucks soooo much man. :/
Overall, The Mentalist is one of the most entertaining shows of its kind, but falls very hard during it’s final 3 seasons.
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robertybob · 1 year
Cold Take : Columbo is an amazing detective
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robertybob · 1 year
Hot Take : Scooby Doo
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