#ramez never end
egsoon · 1 month
مسلسل يوميات زوجة مفروسة الحلقة العشرون |20| Yawmiyat Zoga Mafrosa - Ep
مسلسل يوميات زوجة مفروسة الحلقة العشرون |20| Yawmiyat Zoga Mafrosa – Ep …………………………………………… #الهجمة_رمضان2023 #يوميات_زوجة_مفروسة #دراما_رمضان_2023
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evmorfi-a · 1 year
برنامج رامز نيفر اند الحلقة 1 الاولي حلقة محمد رمضان
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qorago · 1 year
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khartoumnews · 2 years
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thatdarkdivide · 4 years
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mordred abbott / task 011.
Name: mordred abbott Nicknames: mor Birthday: 24 aug  Age: seventeen Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: bisexual (closeted)  Siblings: none Other Family: madoc abbott (father) & verity abbott (mother)
Wizard Fun:
Hogwarts House: slytherin Year: seventh Clubs: astronomy, frog choir, divination Favorite Class(es): potions, astronomy  Least Favorite Class(es): history of magic Pet: hyperion Blood Status: muggleborn Species: human Patronus: fox  Boggart: his father  Wand type: elm, mermaid scale, firm Affiliation: death eaters
Height: 5′8″ Hair Color: black, sometimes blond Eye Color: brown Typical Hair Style: cropped, curly Fashion Style: he wears a lot of dress clothing, mostly in blacks and blues. very simple, but classy.  Distinguishing Features: his smile 
Biography: abuse tw, alcoholism tw 
Mordred Abbott’s life began with a bottle of firewhiskey. Madoc Abbott’s family would have never picked Verity Ramez as a match for their son—and technically, they didn’t. They were never really a couple, one of those on again, off again type situations. They were the couple at school that everyone just wished would break up and be done with it—but they didn’t, much to everyone’s dismay. Barely a year after graduating, Verity got pregnant. Madoc’s family was furious when they found out. He could have dumped Verity without a second thought, but the Abbott family was traditional and not long after finding out she was pregnant they were wed. It wasn’t a huge affair either, like Madoc’s brother’s wedding the year before. They were wed quickly and quietly, regardless of their own wants, and that was that. Mordred was born seven months after his parent’s wedding—and by the time that seven months had rolled around, his parent’s marriage was already in shambles, though they knew better than to show that to the world. Mordred grew up with a father who found solace at the bottom of a firewhiskey bottle and a mother who found comfort with anyone else.
Unfortunately, things didn’t improve for Mordred as he got older. His father blamed his mother for his own unhappiness, his mother blamed his father and his family for her unhappiness, and the Abbotts blamed Mordred. His home life was awful at best, unbearable at worst. As long as Mordred stayed quiet, they typically left him alone. Though his home situation was bad, his parents kept up appearances—after all, they needed to be seen as a happy loving family. It was only behind closed doors did things get ugly. Mordred got used to it: a public face versus a private one. There were some things a person just kept hidden and appearances, in a world like his, they were everything. He wouldn’t dare defy the expectations that were placed upon his head because he knew he’d be the one that got hurt in the end. Mordred learned he was good at it too—but maybe he was only good at it because he knew that if he wasn’t, the alternative was his father’s wrath. He kept quiet, didn’t make waves, and tried his hardest not to be seen, not heard—and for the most part he was successful.
Mordred was relieved when his Hogwarts letter came, if only to have it be an excuse to get out of his house for most of the year. He was the first of his peers to be called for sorting and a hatstall. Nearly six minutes passed before the hat finally called Slytherin. So Mordred took his seat with the rest of the snakes, and didn’t look back or think about all the things that maybe he could have been if he’d chosen a different path. Mordred made friends fast in Slytherin—he had to, really—with his family ties and the pureblood society being close knit. He’d always been more of a follower than a leader though, content with letting the rest of his friends tell him how he should act and what he should say. Mordred never really questioned the behavior of his pureblood friends. If there was another way to live, then he’d never been made aware of it. No, he was content with the abuse and ugliness that came along with pureblood society because being different made a person bad and Mordred Abbott never wanted to be a person that got cast aside for making a scene.
By fourth year, Mordred has had enough of his family and the people that were supposed to be his friends. He closed himself off from them a little bit at a time, not particularly caring if he lost friends along the way. It was easy to explain that he wanted to focus on his education, not being a terror around the school. Even by then, he was too afraid to say he was beginning to question the path he was supposed to be following. While he couldn’t outwardly defy the pureblood society, he did begin allowing himself to listen to the rhetoric of the people who did openly defy his society. That’s how he found himself involved with Lily Evans. He somehow convinced himself that he could somehow have something of his own, away from that life that was planned for him. Still afraid of what it would look like, they kept their relationship secret. Mordred thought that maybe if he kept this hidden from the world, that he could keep it safe—shield the small spark so it could become a fire. He stupidly allowed himself to fall for her, stupidly planned a life away from pureblood society, stupidly thought he was worth something.
In the end, it was his desire for things to stay the same that broke them up. They’d been walking a tightrope the whole time and as much as he wanted to, Mordred couldn’t take the leap. He hadn’t been ready for it then. After getting caught and his parents finding out about Lily, his family told him he couldn’t make any more mistakes. With his relationship over, Mordred hoped that things would go back to normal. He’d wanted everything to happen quietly and he hadn’t been afforded that. He could have chosen a different path, but he chose to end things. He picked his family—duty and honor to them—above a romance. Mordred tried to tell himself he did the right thing, though as time wore on, he stopped believing in his ability to make decisions.
Finally in his seventh year, Mordred has begun to realize that he has some decisions to make on his future. He can’t procrastinate anymore. His family expects him to be a certain way and that’s not particularly the path he wants to go down, though it is the easier one—or he can choose the path that maybe he should have all those years ago, even if the bridges might have been burnt along the way. Mordred isn’t sure he’s ready to make these decisions yet either. He’s hoping that something will happen that will push him towards the path he’s meant to take.
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actiobellicahq · 4 years
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Name: Mordred Abbott Year: Seventh Age: 17 House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Allegiance: Neutral/Death Eaters Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher
Mordred Abbott’s life began with a bottle of firewhiskey. Madoc Abbott’s family would have never picked Verity Ramez as a match for their son—and technically, they didn’t. They were never really a couple, one of those on again, off again type situations. They were the couple at school that everyone just wished would break up and be done with it—but they didn’t, much to everyone’s dismay. Barely a year after graduating, Verity got pregnant. Madoc’s family was furious when they found out. He could have dumped Verity without a second thought, but the Abbott family was traditional and not long after finding out she was pregnant they were wed. It wasn’t a huge affair either, like Madoc’s brother’s wedding the year before. They were wed quickly and quietly, regardless of their own wants, and that was that. Mordred was born seven months after his parent’s wedding—and by the time that seven months had rolled around, his parent’s marriage was already in shambles, though they knew better than to show that to the world. Mordred grew up with a father who found solace at the bottom of a firewhiskey bottle and a mother who found comfort with anyone else.
Unfortunately, things didn’t improve for Mordred as he got older. His father blamed his mother for his own unhappiness, his mother blamed his father and his family for her unhappiness, and the Abbotts blamed Mordred. His home life was awful at best, unbearable at worst. As long as Mordred stayed quiet, they typically left him alone. Though his home situation was bad, his parents kept up appearances—after all, they needed to be seen as a happy loving family. It was only behind closed doors did things get ugly. Mordred got used to it: a public face versus a private one. There were some things a person just kept hidden and appearances, in a world like his, they were everything. He wouldn’t dare defy the expectations that were placed upon his head because he knew he’d be the one that got hurt in the end. Mordred learned he was good at it too—but maybe he was only good at it because he knew that if he wasn’t, the alternative was his father’s wrath. He kept quiet, didn’t make waves, and tried his hardest not to be seen, not heard—and for the most part he was successful.
Mordred was relieved when his Hogwarts letter came, if only to have it be an excuse to get out of his house for most of the year. He was the first of his peers to be called for sorting and a hatstall. Nearly six minutes passed before the hat finally called Slytherin. So Mordred took his seat with the rest of the snakes, and didn’t look back or think about all the things that maybe he could have been if he’d chosen a different path. Mordred made friends fast in Slytherin—he had to, really—with his family ties and the pureblood society being close knit. He’d always been more of a follower than a leader though, content with letting the rest of his friends tell him how he should act and what he should say. Mordred never really questioned the behavior of his pureblood friends. If there was another way to live, then he’d never been made aware of it. No, he was content with the abuse and ugliness that came along with pureblood society because being different made a person bad and Mordred Abbott never wanted to be a person that got cast aside for making a scene.
By fourth year, Mordred has had enough of his family and the people that were supposed to be his friends. He closed himself off from them a little bit at a time, not particularly caring if he lost friends along the way. It was easy to explain that he wanted to focus on his education, not being a terror around the school. Even by then, he was too afraid to say he was beginning to question the path he was supposed to be following. While he couldn’t outwardly defy the pureblood society, he did begin allowing himself to listen to the rhetoric of the people who did openly defy his society. That’s how he found himself involved with Lily Evans. He somehow convinced himself that he could somehow have something of his own, away from that life that was planned for him. Still afraid of what it would look like, they kept their relationship secret. Mordred thought that maybe if he kept this hidden from the world, that he could keep it safe—shield the small spark so it could become a fire. He stupidly allowed himself to fall for her, stupidly planned a life away from pureblood society, stupidly thought he was worth something.
In the end, it was his desire for things to stay the same that broke them up. They’d been walking a tightrope the whole time and as much as he wanted to, Mordred couldn’t take the leap. He hadn’t been ready for it then. After getting caught and his parents finding out about Lily, his family told him he couldn’t make any more mistakes. With his relationship over, Mordred hoped that things would go back to normal. He’d wanted everything to happen quietly and he hadn’t been afforded that. He could have chosen a different path, but he chose to end things. He picked his family—duty and honor to them—above a romance. Mordred tried to tell himself he did the right thing, though as time wore on, he stopped believing in his ability to make decisions.
Finally in his seventh year, Mordred has begun to realize that he has some decisions to make on his future. He can’t procrastinate anymore. His family expects him to be a certain way and that’s not particularly the path he wants to go down, though it is the easier one—or he can choose the path that maybe he should have all those years ago, even if the bridges might have been burnt along the way. Mordred isn’t sure he’s ready to make these decisions yet either. He’s hoping that something will happen that will push him towards the path he’s meant to take.
+   Resourceful, Loyal, Empathetic
-   Conflicted, Fiery, Guileful
This is a wanted connection for Lily Evans*
A match made in secret passageways and stolen moments, a match that came crashing down in a glorious explosion. Loyalty to the family or loyalty to the girl? And if choosing family was right, why does everything feel so wrong?  
The mun does not need to be contacted before applying!
                                           contact II open II application II submit
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Remotely Controlled (revision 3)Part 1 - An Alien/Cyborg Sci Fi Novel
Remotely Controlled by Kevin Michael Kappler 
Victorine, a government robotic firm, use convicts constructed for use a cyborg war enforcement soldier. To employ a “drone “Human army, to end a movement, that had started when aliens (like those from Witch mountain movies) reveal that all humans had originally come from their planet.    We were not native to earth. We built star-ships. From the alien ship blue prints. To escape. The new world government knew we were close. They wanted to stop us or kill those fighting to finish and fly away. The escape prototypes blasted off. As We rushed from the Victorine onslaught. Faster than the speed of light.    Blasting the engines powered by magnetic, kinetic, nuclear fusion plasma, and kinetically energized beams of laser light- we forged our way back to planet K-Nutrix.   They designed Each escape craft from the Blueprints and schematics provided by the two brilliant planetary visitors.    Most space crafts, which were remakes constructed on Earth, their designs individually customized to house the number of persons living in the builder’s family.    The ships resembled small jet liners. Except, instead of long wings with large jets attached to them, the wings were shorter. Alike the old Space Shuttle by NASA.     The Fusion Powered Magneto Laser Energized Plasma Engines were smaller. Almost cigar shaped. The two small reactors( as the main reactor was alike the current prototypes advertised as “small nuclear farm” units, refitted to become connected to a smaller Breeder - Plasma Converter reactor. Such converted the materials (within the spent fuel rods) of the first reactor and converted them into fissionable plasma.    A 1,500 square foot room housed the particle accelerator which used the kinetically charged molecules to harness energies from the magnetic, microwave charged energy through a powerful laser (which combined its high temperature and energetically charged kinetic light) through the energy beam to achieve “faster than light” thrust.      A “satellite dish” shaped collector, at the front of the craft, sucked or “folded empty portions of space” inward.      Smaller ports, aside the Plasma kinetic Warp Engines, would provide a “sling shot” effect.     Lowering the time to travel the space which was once void of any true content and go strait forward into the mass-filled portions of space.      We built The first prototype after two years. When over 123,000 Humans from Earth, formed the Human Alliance Relocation Regimin. Or HARR. Henry Vicker stood ready to fight Victron Soldier inmate Roger minster to the death for the cause. Tram 17 Hit the skids to a slow, squealing stop, at the Corporate Rail Station in Old Lower Manhattan. The two aliens, from Planet K 35 (K Nutrix) Step out of the second car to attend a local Astrological/Alien Encounter’s Meeting. In order to express their proof of where the Human race originally came from. Such wasn’t Earth. Blasting through the Victron barricade, Henry Vicker and Robert Schmall pilot their newly built craft. Out of Earth’s atmosphere and starting a few hundred light year ftl trip to planet K Nutrix Robert Schmall was an avid inventor. A very gifted artist with electronic repair hands like a surgeon. In his early teens, Robert constructed an energy rifle out of old microwave and radio parts, fashioned together a working, burning laser pistol, and built computers from scratch. He was busy testing his maned drone (which he had just built in 2017). This got the attention of the uprising leaders of the Human Escape Legion. A local Television Scandal News Service, “Get the Dirt or GTD” filmed and air Schmall’s flight as a piece concerning “crack-pot inventors.” “Air Born Craze” The two Human-Aliens, from Nutrix (who were the leaders of the huge Earth Movement to prove Humanity’s real planet of origin and help provide the supplies to help them to create vessels to speed them back . (As Nutrix was peaceful, cleaner, and has never waged wars or lived outside of peaceful coexistence), caught glimpses of Ned Peezles’ Spot on the Scandal program and made Robert Schmall a Recruit. Orion. From planet K-Nutrix. Levitating and projecting planets and scenes in the hopes, that us fellow humans, will understand and learn, that we were not of this Earth. They brought us to the Earth., our arrival dated thousands of years ago. They then forced humans to different severities of labor and were the alien’s prisoner slaves.To another alien race. The reptilians. Assistant leader of the Nutrix Alliance of Human Relocation (nahr) as it would become  re-organized  and  become  renamed. Xion Luxe, known (soon) under the alias of Jeffery Jazz, is a 300-year-old cyborg. Having the brain of a Nutrix Human and the body of a robot–his wisdom and knowledge has no boundaries. Cyborg and human machine / brain controlled machines are steady technology. Dr.Victor Ramez has been working on half human half cyborg for over ten years. Controlled human soldiers who could enforce whatever laws or fight any war that the government sees implementation for. They flew convicted Alabama Murderer, Alfred Simm, to a secret hospital in Virginia. Prepped and ready to go under further installation of cybernetic parts, Skunk Works, the brain child corporate entity funded by the Department of Defense, has funded his project.Dubbed “operation recycle and enhance(O.R.E) was now becoming a new army force. . Maned drones made the more feared army drones ,more elegant. This quad jet Hover van was the final project of Michael Stephens. The future partner of inventor Robert Schmall. Computer controlled defense army units were on the rise. Fear of the lack of human intervention and a machine takeover was filling the united states public. Programing and robotics were Stephens’ expertise. Starting an intervention program was what they contracted Michael to do by DARPA. K Nutrix Vulcar shuttle   They found The alien craft outside Las Vegas. The authorities found no tracks and couldn’t trace what the aliens looked like or why they left their undamaged ship, parked. Out in the open along the dusty two-lane highway. Little did the men in Black know–the visitors’ telekinesis allowed them to travel without touching the ground.    They had their orders and search, ahead of them, for the humans to start the relocation movement   They were levitating like a genie on a rug. Floating swiftly to their first of many contacts.
Zinc Japan hotel The human relocation Artificially Intelligent protector unit Victorine Human Relocation Computer (or nicknamed the transport unit “The  AI   van.” The Nutrix Ancient Temple The Nutrix temple, accidentally  discovered, unintentionally, by Indian miners from Cuba. was nestled in the mountains of the____________________________ Region. The Hieroglyphic messages were a little different from the ones in Egypt, but varied by simple shapes and simply symbol inconsistences. When compared, someone compared them to being the same difference as American English Versus British. The minors uncovered the massive structure while blasting the side of a Rocky Mountain area and the remains from the explosion’s leftovers, was the building, itself. The details of the steep steps… the razor accurate lines and computer-like appearing Hieroglyphics raining down the front doors made pushing, forward, inside – that was a hunger burning to unmask the mystery. Of a New Form of Civilization, freshly uncovered. Like a flash new pyrotechnic show at a rock concert, the hearts of the miners and scholars beat heavy and fast in excitement. Also, in fear. As the archaeologists studied the Temple, the Visitors from K-Nutrix were plotting their “origin confession” “proving” Humanity’s “Bastard” role on Planet earth. The Reptilian’s were a filthy, greedy, and perverted lot of Beings. They cast hundreds off their planet because of Cosmic Crimes. Slavery, murder, trafficking of other world species (just to mention a few)–thousands of years ago… They were forcefully  exiled. Lacking the armies and the laborers needed for a resettlement on a distant planet, the reptilians had to first find slave labor. Passing along the K-Nutrix Planet, they flew down in their shuttles, collected, and captured Humans from Nutrix, for slave labor. earth was an uninhabited planet of animals and vegetation along the route when the reptilians were losing fuel and their weakened engines  forced the reptilian crews to emergency land and resettle, here. The grays were smart, yet crude. Sexual and stuck in their own telepathic minds (as a collective community). The lesser of the two huge evil world beings. Earth was a Dinosaur ridden, lush, uninhabited, and virgin planet to intelligent life. The Reptilians would dominate this planet until the Human uprising of 3000B.C   Aliens have been visiting our planet for years. Since the Egyptians helped build the pyramids and ever since we earned their interests exploding nukes during World War 2.     The United States Army assumed too much credit for “advances in technology” which had historically and truthfully , where reverse engineering made  such advancements , quickly, in Human Technology possible. Only through technological “donations” from the country’s alien connections.    The Greys had been aiding the Government for decades. Exchanging whole ships and other forms and parts of machines or weapons technology for Humans to experiment upon, study, and use such findings to keep their own dying race, alive.      The Aliens later, would return the Human beings. Such captured individuals, the Greys bound and  commanded, by government - alien Contracts , would then become moved back in the locales in which someone had abducted them.. The test Humans. Back on Earth, test subjects were medically and mentally inspected for damages or injuries, treated and fixed up. They guaranteed subjects released, by the Greys to become released unharmed, with only their memories of the Alien encounters, erased, completely from their minds… As so the Grey’s thought.    The aliens implemented A lot of the memory wipes, however, the alien mind clearing equipment designs were architecturally and physiologically functionally incompatible with Humans.  Mistakenly, the Greys put into service,  machines which could only “appear“ to erase a Human’s memory. These machines would give a HUman temporary amnesia. Someone designed such apparatuses To successfully Work with the Physiology and Brain Neuro pathways that only other Grey aliens possess and in which the machine, was Successful, only with compatible Grey Minds, to work on. Erasing criminal Alien’s memories of any valuable home world information that the prisoner could escape and share to rival alien armies, providing a vulnerability to the Grey’s Empire.    The aliens mistakenly thought their brains were more “complex” because of having a “Telepathically Driven Communications system with their own race.”    They never verbally spoke. They conveyed thoughts between Greys and Humans to communicate. Little did they know that we, when compared with the Grey’s Brain Anatomy, were genetically identical; however, we were far more developed, at our birth, as  “telekinetically Advanced.” As with any language, we required  instruction, real world usages and training,  becoming more aware on  how to tap into this “higher functioning.” Our brains were equal, if not more advanced, than the Greys’ Brains.    We had shown such proof as we reverse-engineered their own technology. Right with the Grey soldier who had crash landed on our planet at Roswell Air Force Base in New Mexico.   The memories of the individuals, who the Greys’ selected for their genetic experimentations and anatomy studies (by the alien doctors) recovered all the memories in which the Aliens were unaware could resurface. Such memories  instantaneously  became stored  and protected,  in files (like a computer’s hard drive).  These memories our Brains quickly transferred all stored memories ,automatically .Restored and moved to the other side of the brain.  The less dominant part used to help restore higher functions. Should the dominant side become damaged The Greys Brains were one huge lobe. With a smaller autonomically system Proportionally mapped out lobe, was right below the upper lobe. Their brains resembled Half a watermelon with a grapefruit underneath.  When the United States Doctors dissected and studied the deceased Grey alien’s anatomy way back in the 1940s. Humans were exceptionally gifted intellectually and emotionally. However, their emotional side often hindered their higher learning functions of the mind. Because of the limitations of what scientific, art, or medical discovery We had just achieved - defying what definitions of logic our society defined as “fact or non-fact.Because of other scholars becoming mindfully bound to never rewriting “what was to be” or “wasn’t to be”  future fact or fiction) our advancements were remaining, unuseful. As they lie in our minds as dormant. “. When no argument could disprove the once “iron clad logic defined,” we nearly blocked out the topic and selective forgot what the topic was even about.   Along with trauma issues creating “selective amnesia,” our advanced minds could voluntarily “selectively” erase memories it deemed, “unneeded “or “avoidable” at will. Because of our psychological deficit which also helped us bridge the gap over logic to reason.  Unlike a computer, we could leap beyond “logic” and “decide” if our own “routines” or “programming” should be continuate in processing, deleted, or rewritten. As we grew as a more advanced race (through years of mankind’s teachings, discoveries, and self-discovery) we grew into an arrogant, war-mongering animalistic spirits. Because of our “reasoning” being more “flawed” (as we allowed our instincts to become reprogrammed. As we need such instincts to avoid logic or emotion’s blunders, destructive intentions, and blindly moving to act. Rather than thinking - we would create  larger scale world catastrophes, deadlier wars, larger famines, more geostrophic accidents, and many more brutal ways to murder than our original “logic” had dictated us to “not respond to.”   Because of such logicless and less instinctive actions being made, we were destroying all in which we created, built, held dear, or the countries in which we founded, lived and fought for. All were being destroyed as "actions, or reactions to” such incidents or “Challenged Events” would lead us down the road as animalistic driven and prehistorical hunting creatures. We were born into this galaxy as advanced and brilliant thinkers. To control our powerful Animal urges and place before them, the logical and more practical redeterminations of such urges, to work.We then were more organized, in thought and spirit. Organized between ourselves and other Human Beings, who inhabited parts in our living spaces, we could then, more peacefully,  plan, discuss, and compromise past problems and arguments. So we can peacefully coexist and hold true to our sentient and more gentle ways of ruling our emotions and our lives. The original Human Rule of Thought - (Compared with Gene Roddenberry’s Vulcan Alien Characters of Fiction), “Logic determines our survival. While emotions place damage to it. We need to ‘learn  how to suppress our primitive Animalistic emotions and allow our race to  use ‘Logic for Civilization, ‘ as our guides.”
The Grey Aliens (who oversaw the exchange of technology for humans) reported such findings of us being a more intellectually superior being, as us Humans were to the Greys. In actuality. Almost ignoring the logic  that narrates “however destructive and deadly, advanced brains (that might exceed their own in physical functioning) could become- we (as highly intellectually capable beings, must never forget to always remain planted… with our minds not wondering because of primitive ideals.”   The elders of the Grey Political Order Counsel, from their Planet X-Zenon, (over 2 light years away from Earth) became alarmed by such scientific results of the Human brain studies, that they once contemplated taking rule, over Earth, to stop ourselves from self and galaxy annihilation. Although the Elders contemplated gathering an armada of ships to send out to Earth (to start the coup) The fear we were outnumbering them, already on Earth, their species dying on their home planet because of scientific advancement and alteration of the Alien Genetics of their Offspring, unborn, lead to infertility and reproductive handicaps. They needed a solution. We were the solution. However, the Greys knew of our manipulative, psychological warlike strategies and feared that the Humans could rise above them and enslave, or kill their whole race. There were fewer Greys on their home planet, then in Russia (as a country size in a whole). Even with their “advanced technology,” they knew that once we figured out our telekinetic capabilities and also other psi abilities (which we’ve suppressed by will for hundreds of years), we would become even more powerful than they. We had taken the technology that the Greys had given us. Which they had a law governing the prohibiting of expanding technological designs (once developed) and we extended the function and usage of ALL items of Technology. The Velcro bands, the protective fabrics, the unbreakable metals and glasses, their propulsion systems, and communications systems (involving brain “thought and telekinesis amplification and transmission. Recording of dreams and thoughts.“(We took some of the simplest Grey Technology and we made it more “advanced and improved).   Sometimes we had gone too far with this process. Nuclear fission and bombs were the main example.   it had known The Grays to use magnetic energy, hydrogen space gas scooping and ignition for propulsion, and their sound wave anti-gravity hovering propulsion engines to make their vehicles work.   They would store kinetic energy, or form of particle fission accelerators, to store and create power for the long hauls, and shout cuts in space.  Their crafts were disc in shape because of the aerodynamic efficiency of the design, the movement of their engine’s magnetic components to rotate at quick speeds to change the gravity from zero to heavy, and to project the fission-sped particles from the bottom of the ships via molecular particle accelerators built along the edges of the disc of the craft. A form of “warp drive.” Gene Roddenberry, an earth soldier, scientist, and famous story writer learned of this process and used information, which he had learned from  it  -for books he had written. Science Fiction Novels of Humans “going on A Star Trek To Discover New Alien Worlds and Go Further Than Any Man Had Ever Gone Before.” The government forbid him from disclosing, to the public, such findings of technological research successes. Fearing that the “enemy nations” might send spies or have had spies in our country to steal and use such high-powered technology to enslave or wipe out our own nation.  The greys knew that us Humans were brutal fighters, dictators, and sometimes power-hungry entities and tried their best to invent “cloaking devices” to make their presence unknown to us. While running survey missions or abducting humans for their genetic species saving research trips. However, even in the 1940s and 1950s, the Greys assumed we’d still be far too primitive to see past their “mirror and light disguises” and never figure out that we were being watched.  All technology has its drawbacks. And the Grey’s holographic, light adaptation, and rotating mirror projection systems had signs of visual defects.  The weird lights, which fighter pilots had seen in pairs or in numbers, were in fact the lights beamed from the projectors and into the various machine parts – in attempts to (like a chameleon) become “part of the scenery.”  As we figured such processes out, to perfection, we could target such faults and capture whole ships (with crew) without firing a single missile.  We would use energy weapons and Energy Magnetic Pulses (like what the Greys used as weapons and propulsion) to cripple their crafts and force their vulnerable alien bodies into submission to land and surrender.   When the aliens from Planet K-Nutrix discovered where their lost relatives crash landed centuries ago, figuring out our location and layout of nations during the 60s and present – being the “original Humans” or “Nitruxians,” they could land, hide their machines, and blend in with us to learn how to adapt and how to find their lost links. What they discovered filled them with hope. We were their missing relatives, genetically enhanced by the Reptilians’ for speed, strength, and higher intellects for slavery…occupying and controlling a distant world that equaled almost a half and two-thirds of their own planet population. They had realized, because of such genetic modification by the Reptilians’, that we would have to be taught how to cope with the aggressive, animalistic properties or “deficits” because of such higher intellects. The Reptilian race way far more intellectually advanced than the Greys in every aspect. They were a lot more like Humans in hand structuring, muscular and stance, and were stronger fighters. While the Greys tried to fight within the aspects of defense, the Reptilian Race were not only fighters to conquer whole planetary systems, they were shrewd businessmen and ladies. The species were cunning, like the Humans, they knew how to adapt technology and even medical genetics to better their causes and species. Similar in theory to the Human Simien to Modern Day Human, the Reptilians’ were rumored to have crawled from a lake as huge Alligator-like 4 legged reptiles (as found on Earth), however, on their home world of X-B3 – it was a humid, jungle ridden, and bug swarmed planet. No deserts, no snow-laden areas, and few mountainous regions. As the reptilian race evolved, they grew to stand upright, the front two paws became their five fingered hands, and their hind legs became their legs and feet. The tail also fell off, however, unlike most Earth reptiles who lay eggs to bear their young, Reptilians’ give normal “Human-Like” births. However, 13 months was their normal gestation period before giving a healthy Reptilian Birth. They ruled the Government of X-B3 by two dictators. The High Priestess, Drunix Larg family members or “heir to the High Governing Priestess Thrown” and the Front King Alinx Frednig “Base Level Governing Male Thrown Heirs.” They considered female Reptilians’ smarter, more patient, and very much the caretaker for all she had in her family. The males    were  classified  as being   “lower in class” because of their horrible temperaments, lack of patience, war like obsessions, and something regarded them as “less intelligent.” These species of aliens knew how to adapt to ANY environment and survive. That if you hacked off one of their limbs, unlike Humans, they grew the missing parts back, in their place. Unlike the Greys, who were purely telekinetic in communication, the Reptilians were both. With one another, for privacy and secrets of high government and family laws; they communicated with Telekinesis. A Female was the courier, and the male was the “Legal Note Bearer.” Taking own notes, from across the planet, as the Females pushed the notices through the males mind. Instincts took over, and they transcribed whole doctrines – Legal State and Legal Family Bodies in such a manner. Such had worked for thousands of years. Reptilian Scholars would later know the books teaching Human Slaves as the “Books of Secrets -Power Balance and Life Structure.” Their writing was also hieroglyphic. In nature, almost like the Aztecs and Ancient Egyptians. We discovered only a small variance in what they used pictures in their languages in the late 1970s. It was after another Grey attempt to abduct Humans. However, this alien species got discovered after he tried to steal the forbidden “Book of The Spirit’s Language” (from the sacred Reptilian Library) when a “Legal State Male Law Enforcer” stowed aboard his vessel and forced landed the alien spacecraft. The Hanger 18 issue of 1981 was when the spaceship landing, became detailed in  research.  Facts lead to the craft being programmed, by the alien pilots, provide  a “controlled crash landing to Earth.” Scientists in the mid-1990’s, refiling the transcripts from this crash investigation, discovered that the libraries on the spacecraft that were supposedly from a Humanoid Type Race, was in fact a stolen Reptilian Fighter Craft. The one the Spinx Fer Grey alien tried to used to smuggle the ancient texts in and also flooded the computers with contents from the other sixty-two copies of the one thousand page Holy Doctrines from the Reptilians’ “Sacred Hall Of Heaven’s Light.” The Reptilian Commander “Low Base Legal King Thrown Heir” sabotaged the vessel by dumping toxic chemical beakers over, to create a deadly gas. Killing the two “Humanoid Genetically Altered Physical Appearances (a disguise for the Grey Pilots) and shot out the airlock in a jet pack-equipped pressure suit. Just before landing, the Reptilian King changed the clues (in the original computers) so that it appeared if Human-Like Beings were monitoring Earth’s signals and returning to the planet to investigate the progress of their genetically identical cousins back on Earth. Reptilians’ brought the Humans to Earth from K-Nutrix. As the Humans on the home world were peace-enforcing, scientifically minded, and technologically advanced telepaths sought as intelligent slave hands for the Reptilians’ who wished to mine precious metals, resources, and set up another “satellite regal center” among the vegetation in the ancient area of Samaritan. The Samaritans were the first genetically altered K-Nutrix Humans to form a rebellion to their slave masters and vanish them back to their home world. However, as slaves, the ancient Humans got  taken care of well. Lovingly in fact by the Priestess of High Law (on the satellite city on Earth.”   The Reptilians’ had a strict Regal Law prohibiting the misuse or treatment of slave labor (as they were considered “precious gifts of living tools” as “shined down on the Humans, for the Reptilian Race’s Living Aid Spirit Tools, as anointed by the “Holy Aid of The Eternal Spirits(priests), by their “Reptilian Eternal God Spirits.”).   According to the Reptilian Laws, (which were also part of their religion), Humans were low in intellectual, identity, and being-advancement levels; however, the scripts enforced strict education of such “spirit Tools(Human Slaves),” Healthy Keep and Medicine for their Spirit Tool, and “Technology teachings” (only to aid the Reptilians’ in helping the Humans build machines (and tools to make their labor tasks, less dangerous or less in burdens,) while working their assigned Family Kingdom Labor Tasks (everything from washing clothes, building new homes, refurbishing relics and ancient books, and also providing the Kings and Priestesses(of their assigned Reptilian Family Kingdoms), their “Royal” Toilette and Bathing Services). On Earth, they used the Human “Holy Spirit Tools to make the bases, Castles, and Ancient Energy Manufacturing Plants, and Administration buildings. It housed them in long, luxurious tents filled with oils, furs, and bedding. Inside the Royal Hall of The Eternal Spirits”. (alongside of the main Castle. About the size of a modern-day large scale 4 floor army barracks). Each living quarters tent had twelve beds. There were 1,000 Human Spirit Tools in Total. At first, the Humans looked up to their Slave Owners as “gods” and worshiped them with temples (pyramids) - lined with gold, beautiful sculptures, and stories of their greatness and history along the halls leading to the most prized mummified Reptilian Remains. Coincidentally, each Reptilian King or Priestess buried or “mummified in their golden tombs,” had their most faithful Spirit Tool Slave, Buried alongside of them in the same sarcophagus. Since the reptilians had hollow bones and scales, even when mummified; after thousands of years lying untouched and naturally degrading over time, the bones turned to powder. As did the scales. Only the crown, Royal Kingdom Jewels, and the Royal Crown on their Spirit Tool Human’s Heads, and lastly the body of the Human, lie beside the ‘Now Invisible Master’s Body,” would lie intact. Earlier archeologists attributed the extra Jewels and Crowns as “Gifts to the Pharos and their Gods.” Little did they know, these were the spaces which marked the final resting space of the Reptilian Ancestry. History of Mankind’s TRUE Origin. When the Egyptian and Aztec Hieroglyphics compared with the symbols as noted as the “Historic Origins of Humans” (as left in the stolen Reptilian Space Fighter Craft by the Thieving Greys), it was then after the Spring of 2020, when the Humans discovered the whole truth. Pieced together by all the information got from the ancient writing on the walls of the Pyramids and also from the printouts from the Starship’s Computers.   We were still “not of Earth Origin,” however, we were not monkey-mates of aliens looking to reproduce. They smuggled us Humans, from another world. Trafficked by the Great Leaders of Business and the Morally Upper - Classed Slave owners. Those of Whom planted our species, on the Earth, and helped to start another “Human Parallel Life Race,” here on Earth. Religion, crude governmental imposed laws (based upon religion rules and fear of the unknown) and for centuries – we trained our minds to erase and inhibit all traces of advanced mind abilities. The governments were all organized alike the Reptilians who had enslaved us on Earth , centuries ago. The rich drew in followers and claimed rights of power because of “gold influence” and “truth-sounding ‘Speeches of brainwashing propaganda.” We defined “what society needs to be,” “what it has to be, “and who is acceptable and who is not,” We based our laws upon perceptions influenced upon religious influence, personal perceptions on “what is wrong and what is right,” based rules upon “parental teachings and ill-practiced emotional and physical disciplinary practices” and also “emotional conditioning based upon life’s interactions.” Such reasoning to avoid the “extraordinary, “Avoid the unknown,” “Discredit the scientific facts which conflict with personal religious and personal life views,” “denying witnessed events as ‘Mental weaknesses-’” all were due to our yet “readiness” to  reach  a thinking point of “acceptance” of what is or was above our logic( defined upon ancestors who were right, but, they were “still locked into a one way one answer” unlogical ideals that, until ready to accept a “correction or admission to another addition or explanation of our rightful logical start” It doomed us to remain on the same “looped generationally evolutional track” until we could learn “to switch to the endless tracks” of expandability. The alien visitors from K-Nutrix grew in a society well more advanced than our own. The world in which they grew up in and  instructed why ideologies, in which  no “one big government ruling body” or “Country Governmental Systems-“ they grew up in a unilateral, equal leveled, worldly “order” who drew their laws upon expandable theories and disciplines .That of which  are based on human “understanding “ and “discipline to research opposing theoretical points of view” and who, how, and at the moment of action our actions “did and would affect the parts of the world “ as in “cause and effect,” “emotional and physical damages to self and others” . All of which understood as “reaction” responses to interactions in the moments of excursions and we then trained our Human minds to “never react upon emotion,” however, to “determine what logic should set aside in their place . To help the emotions become processed and help to bring about Self Beneficial and worldly actions, responses, and logic rules” to benefit the self and also the world around them.
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Name: Mordred Abbott Pronunciation: m·ore·dred Meaning: Brave Birthday: 24 August Age: Twenty-One Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual (Closeted)  Siblings: None Parents: Madoc Abbott (Father) & Verity (Mother)  Other Family: Bors Abbott (Grandfather), Mildred Abbott (Grandmother), Lionel Abbott (Uncle), Clarabelle Abbott (Aunt)  Languages: English Current Residence: London, England  Hometown: Bristol, England 
Wizard Fun:
Education: Hogwarts - Slytherin  Year of Graduation: 1977 Occupation: Musician Pet: Fox named Hyperion Blood Status: Pureblood Species: Wizard Patronus: Fox Boggart: His father  Amortentia: tbd ! Wand type: Elm & Mermaid Scale Affiliation: Death Eaters 
Height: 5′8″ Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Typical Hair Style: Cropped close to his scalp and curly, natural Fashion Style: Typically sort of eccentric. Lots of bright bold patterns and cuts. Anything high fashion or considered “fashionable.”  Distinguishing Features: Eyebrow always looks slightly raised 
Positive Traits: Resourceful, Empathetic  Negative Traits: Conflicted, Fiery  Quick Facts: Thinks being able to read music should count as a foreign language Theme song: Peter and the Wolf Op. 67, Composed by Sergei Prokofiev
Triggers: Abuse
Madoc Abbott’s family would have never picked Verity Ramez as a match for their son—and technically, they didn’t. They were never really a couple, one of those on again, off again type situations. They were the couple at school that everyone just wished would break up and be done with it—but they didn’t, much to everyone’s dismay. Barely a year after graduating, Verity got pregnant. Madoc’s family was furious when they found out. He could have dumped Verity without a second thought, but the Abbott family was traditional and not long after finding out she was pregnant they were wed. It wasn’t a huge affair either, like Madoc’s brother’s wedding the year before. They were wed quickly and quietly, regardless of their own wants, and that was that. Mordred was born seven months after his parent’s wedding—and by the time that seven months had rolled around, his parent’s marriage was already in shambles, though they knew better than to show that to the world. Mordred grew up with a father who found solace at the bottom of a firewhiskey bottle and a mother who found comfort with anyone else.
Unfortunately, things didn’t improve for Mordred as he got older. His father blamed his mother for his own unhappiness, his mother blamed his father and his family for her unhappiness, and the Abbotts blamed Mordred. His home life was awful at best, unbearable at worst. As long as Mordred stayed quiet, they typically left him alone. Though his home situation was bad, his parents kept up appearances—after all, they needed to be seen as a happy loving family. It was only behind closed doors did things get ugly. Mordred got used to it: a public face versus a private one. There were some things a person just kept hidden and appearances, in a world like his, they were everything. He wouldn’t dare defy the expectations that were placed upon his head because he knew he’d be the one that got hurt in the end. Mordred learned he was good at it too—but maybe he was only good at it because he knew that if he wasn’t, the alternative was his father’s wrath. He kept quiet, didn’t make waves, and tried his hardest not to be seen, not heard—and for the most part he was successful.
Mordred was relieved when his Hogwarts letter came, if only to have it be an excuse to get out of his house for most of the year. He was the first of his peers to be called for sorting and a hatstall. Nearly six minutes passed before the hat finally called Slytherin. So Mordred took his seat with the rest of the snakes, and didn’t look back or think about all the things that maybe he could have been if he’d chosen a different path. Mordred made friends fast in Slytherin—he had to, really—with his family ties and the pureblood society being close knit. He’d always been more of a follower than a leader though, content with letting the rest of his friends tell him how he should act and what he should say. Mordred never really questioned the behavior of his pureblood friends. If there was another way to live, then he’d never been made aware of it. No, he was content with the abuse and ugliness that came along with pureblood society because being different made a person bad and Mordred Abbott never wanted to be a person that got cast aside for making a scene.
By fourth year, Mordred has had enough of his family and the people that were supposed to be his friends. He closed himself off from them a little bit at a time, not particularly caring if he lost friends along the way. It was easy to explain that he wanted to focus on his education, not being a terror around the school. Even by then, he was too afraid to say he was beginning to question the path he was supposed to be following. While he couldn’t outwardly defy the pureblood society, he did begin allowing himself to listen to the rhetoric of the people who did openly defy his society. He somehow convinced himself that he could somehow have something of his own, away from that life that was planned for him. Mordred thought that maybe if he kept this want hidden from the world, that he could keep it safe—shield the small spark so it could become a fire. The problem was that he never actually knew how to achieve his desires. He never stopped bullies, never apologized for their behavior, and acted the same the entire time he was trying to change. He could have chosen a different path, but he chose to follow the path that was laid out for him. He picked his family—duty and honor to them—above a romance. Mordred tried to tell himself he did the right thing, though as time wore on, he stopped believing in his ability to make decisions.
His family expected him to be a certain way and that was not particularly the path he wanted to go down, though it was the easier one—or he can choose the path that maybe he should have all those years ago, even if the bridges might have been burnt along the way. Mordred graduated and took the Dark Mark, later than most of the other Death Eaters his age took it. Mordred wondered if people can tell his whole heart isn’t in the conflict and given the opportunity he’d walk away from the whole conflict altogether. He is part of it because he knows that’s the path that was set for him and he has not yet found the courage leave his family behind. While he is a Death Eater, he doesn’t have much respect. He’s never been one of the violent ones and tends to stick to himself. Mordred doesn’t have much of a place among them and he knows it. With the abundance of new recruits to the Death Eaters, he might not be the complete bottom of the barrel anymore, but he knows he’s close. As long as he keeps his head down, he can handle everything people throw at him.
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bookishlife · 7 years
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“Principles were important, but all of them cracked at the extremes. At some point, under some circumstances, everyone became a pragmatist.”
“Never trust a soldier who’s eager to go to war.” 
“‘Freedom?’ Bo shook his head. ‘Bao, you know as well as I do. Abstractions don’t matter. Real freedom is a bigger house in a better neighborhood. Real freedom is enough money to travel; to eat what you want, when you want; to buy the clothes you want. Freedom is a better school for your child, the best hospital when you’re sick. And more entertainment than you can watch or hear or play in a lifetime. That’s what people actually want.’” 
“Every soldier knew death would come. When it did, it would likely come at the hands of someone like them. All soldiers were brothers, doing a job or fighting for a cause, putting their lives on the line for someone or something besides themselves.” 
Book: Apex (The Nexus Trilogy #3) Author: Ramez Naam Published: Angry Robot (2015)
My Review: Well, Naam pulled it off. A perfect finish to an all around excellent, well-written, ultra-entertaining trilogy. Five out of five stars for all three books (I don’t know if that’s ever happened for me before...)! 
I won’t spoil any surprises, but I do want to give Naam a shout out for a few really cool things: A) He made all three books in this trilogy interesting and adventuresome in and of themselves as opposed to incorporating a lot of fluffy filler to draw out the storyline; B) He weaved both non-fictional science and non-fictional Eastern/Buddhist meditation and mindfulness practices into the plot of all three books, which made the series super interesting and refreshing; and C) He didn’t succumb to the temptation of a saccharine, gift-wrapped conclusion. Loose ends were tied up in Apex, of course, but Naam avoided the easy route and ensured that it wasn’t all pretty, overly simple, sugar-coated endings. 
In this last installment, you’ll discover complex twists and turns that will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat right up until that last page is flipped. All I can say now is that I wish this were a series rather than a trilogy! I need a fourth book! Instead, I’ll get a gnarly book hangover. I can already feel it coming on... Worth the read, though. Absolutely. 
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Session 5 Part 1 - Confronting the Past
The 21st Day of Tarsahk
A village under siege by a band of gnolls and a trap by half-elf Jeflen Eliminatar. As our adventures fought his gnoll minions, Jeflen stole Lia Liadon’s satchel of notes and escaped through a portal with Lia following behind.
Forza Highnote had spent several hours in the town’s library-- which consisted of a simple wooden shelf and no more than two dozen books-- looking for any clues as to where Jeflen might have escaped to so they could rescue Lia. As he searched, he heard a knocking at the window. This turned out to be large raven, who as Forza approached it began to speak in Lia’s voice. “Ruins of ancient city, same tall grass plains, danger, hurry.” As Forza questioned the bird further, it spoke “Never More” before leaving off into the distance. So Forza went back to his research and luckily found one book that was a history and geography of the local area, in it Forza discovered a nearby ruin that had once been a city long before humans and elves came to Ebios.
Brunar was deep in a feverish sleep when Forza came to find him. As Forza helped him up from the bed he stumbled and fell, catching himself on the wall. Through the window, Brunar saw some men strolling into town; one of them being instantly recognizable.
The six men casually walked into the town, with an air of attitude as if they owned the place. Three of them wore the colourful garb of pirate raiders, which was unusual as they were in the middle of a grassland, far from the sea. The other three wore fancier clothing, with the recognizable grey cloak and deep red sigils of the Camcosian Empire’s militant faction ‘Lao’s Fist’; two wore the sigil of the Vanquishers, a sword cleaving through darkness; while the third wore that of the Inquisitor, a question mark wrapped around a dagger. It was one of the pirates, though, that caught Brunar’s eye; his name was Ramez Calabra, son of the Crimson Fang Second Anton Calabra: Brunar’s former owner.
Ramez Calabra walked a little ahead of the others, “I know you’re here, pit-fighter!” he called out. “The people in Riverpass were all too happy to help once they met our blades.” With renewed strength, Brunar stood up a little straighter and stumbled out of the house, followed by Forza. Oti snuck around the side of the carriage and began stalking the newcomers, hidden by the shadows of the rising morning sun.
As Ramez Calabra saw Brunar, he smiled and motioned to the other two pirates who began to walk towards Brunar with hands on their swords. The Inquisitor whispered into Ramez’s ear, and he called out after them. “Don’t harm the property, we have to get him to his new owner in one piece. You can kill his friend though.”
The Pirates drew their swords and charged towards Forza and Brunar as Oti leapt out from the shadows, surprising the Inquisitor. Forza easily maneuvered out of the way and gave a heavy riposte with his double bass. Brunar stumbled forward, but failed to raise his greatsword higher than his waist and was quickly put on the defensive as one of the pirates taunted him with a volley of non harmful strikes.
The Inquisitor saw the pirate slashing at Brunar and ran over to make sure his property came out unharmed, leaving Oti to fight the two Vanquishers. As Forza killed the pirate he was fighting, he thrust out his hand towards the Inquisitor, making the heavy metal armor around him heat up and burn into his flesh. As the Inquisitor fell to his knees, Brunar mustered all of his strength into one powerful swing that chopped the man from the base of his neck to his waist.
Ramez Calabra watched as his second pirate mercenary was cut down, too, by Brunar’s rage. Seeing their leader killed, one of the Vanquishers started to run while the other took out a cubic machine and pressed a button that activated an antimagic field around him. In response, Oti killed the one Vanquisher unmagically while Forza used heat metal on the running Vanquisher. The Vanquisher fell to his knees, but against all odds stood up and began running again; at a much slower pace. He didn’t make it far as Oti shot out a chromatic orb filled with acid that pierced right through him, killing him instantly as he began to melt.
Alone, Ramez decided to surrender as he told the party that his death, or prolonged absence will make things a thousand times worse. So the party stripped him down and tied him to the carriage of golden apples. They also bought two horses to help Ramez pull the carriage.
They then set off towards the ruins where they believe Lia is being held. Brunar still suffering his strange fever, Oti eating some golden apples, and Forza playing some tunes.
And so ends the first part of the fifth session of many
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tacanderson · 3 years
To the authors who encouraged and inspired me to write my first book.
A version of this appears in the acknowledgements section of my book, Super-Borg Dies, but there was so much more I wanted to say about each author that made little sense to put into an acknowledgements section, so I'm expanding on it more here.
I want to thank all the authors who took the time to pass on advice, answer my many questions, or just be really cool.
William Hertling and I worked together at HP. He was the first person I knew to write a book and self publish it. You should check out his first book Avagardo Corp (the first book in the Singularity Series). He then continued to write and publish several books (Kill Process is the first book in the Kill Chain series). Will answered all of my questions and was super helpful. He's the one who first got me interested in self-publishing.
Eliot Peper is a prolific writer. Since 2014 he has published two trilogies and three standalone novels. Bandwidth is the first book in the Analog series and a great place to start, but I think my two favorite books are Cumulus and Neon Fever Dream. Eliot is an amazing individual who has shared so much over the years. He's jumped on calls to answer my questions and is really the one who solidified for me my self-publishing path. Eliot is very active online and on his blog (be sure to sign up for his newsletter). Someday I hope to meet him IRL.
Nick Harkaway is the kind of writer I know I could never be, but I hold up as an unattainable example that keeps me striving to be better. Nick loves to write, and he loves words, and that joy comes through in his writing. He is a pleasure to read. After picking up his first book, Gone-Away World I fell in love with the mad and brilliant story telling. I then found him online (he was and is fairly active on Twitter) and proceeded to digitally stalk him for years - which he endured with grace. Then when we moved to London, not only did he have lunch with me but was kind enough to invite Jen and I to the book launch party for Angelmaker. Jen and I have a select few authors which we both love and read, and we have different favorites, but if you were to make a Venn diagram of the authors and books we both love, Nick and Angelmaker would be the center of that diagram. I also highly recommend Tigerman and if you're up for a Gordian knot of a read, Gnomon.
While in London I came across Tom Pollock and The City's Son (the first book in the Skyscraper Throne series). He also endured my digital stalking and after I moved back to the US I continued to order his books from the UK. When he found out that I had ordered his book from Goldsboros in London to have it shipped to the states (it wasn’t available in the states yet) he went down and signed my copy with a special message.
When I woked at IMDb we would bring a boat to San Diego Comic-Con and do celebrity interviews for several days. We would also have these really lavish parties for our sponsors and any celebrities we could get to show up. I always ended up on the bottow deck of the boat trying to escape the noise and crowds. This is where I eneded up talking to Andy Weir (The Martian), who hung out with me and talked about board games and described the economics of the Moon’s society for his yet to be released next book, Artemis. The amount of work that Andy puts into the back story of his books, but never actually make it into the book is astounding. It taught me that so much of writing isn't actually about writing.
Do you know that Zombie Rom-Com movie, Warm Bodies? Did you know it was based on a book by Isaac Marion? And did you know that there's a whole series of books? Well I did, and I was a huge fan. Isaac is a Seattle local and often attends Emerald City ComicCon. One year my daughter and I went and got my book signed by him and he was really cool. As we walked away my daughter (whos seen me interact with celebrities before) said, "Wow, I've never seen you fan boy out before." Celebrities don't make me geek out, but authors do. Isaac and the Warm Bodies series have had a difficult journey and watching him persevere as a writer has been encouraging.
Lastly, I love getting to meet authors. All authors I've met are gratious and appreciative of getting to meet their fans, but not all continue to engage with thier readers online, and I don't expect them to. But that's why I find it extra encouraging when authors do. Ramez Naam (the Nexus Trilogy), Wesley Chu (The Lives of Tao series), and Ben Aaronovitch (the Rivers of London series) not only were kind, and took the time to talk to me at events, but they have continued to stay engaged online, which is just real cool. Oh yeah, and they're all amazing authors.
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egsoon · 1 month
مسلسل يوميات زوجة مفروسة الحلقة الحادية عشر |11| Yawmiyat Zoga Mafrosa - Ep
مسلسل يوميات زوجة مفروسة الحلقة الحادية عشر |11| Yawmiyat Zoga Mafrosa – Ep …………………………………………….. #الهجمة_رمضان2023 #مش_سليمة #دراما_رمضان_2023
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evmorfi-a · 1 year
برنامج رامز نيفر اند الحلقة 2 الثانية حلقة احمد السقا
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qorago · 1 year
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emilyemcnabb · 6 years
Sarah and Ramez’s Destination Wedding in Florence
Sarah and Ramez were accustomed to the large weddings of their culture—they even met at one! When it came to their own nuptials, however, they preferred an intimate affair where their guests felt like they were on vacation. And what better vacation than the breathtaking scenes and stunning views of Florence?! Planned by Exclusive Italy Weddings, vows were said in a traditional Coptic Orthodox ceremony at Chiesa di San Salvatore in Ognissanti followed by an incredibly romantic celebration at Villa di Maiano. Garden party vibes were accentuated by florals EVERYWHERE by Tuscany Flowers and guests enjoyed the outdoor dinner seated to view the sunset over the city. The couple enlisted the genius of Katie Mitchell Photography to capture all the details of Sarah and Ramez’s stunning destination affair and we’re thrilled to be sharing the photos with you today.
How did you meet, how did you become engaged and for how long had you been engaged before your wedding day?:
Ironically enough, we met at a wedding! It was about 5 years before we got married, and we were actually both unsure if we were going to be able to make it (it was in Canada!). At the time, we both were focusing on catching up with old friends and family and weren’t in the “single and ready to mingle” mind set but another guest: “Mike from Toronto” introduced us and we will forever be indebted to him. We talked a while and Ramez tried to drag me out to the dance floor a few times but we missed each other at the end of the night and didn’t say goodbye. I came home to a Facebook message from him and while it was a little cheesy, much to my surprise I had no inhibitions talking to him. We would have long chats about our closest family and friends, our life aspirations, and eventually what we expected from the friendship. At the time, he lived in California and I in Virginia so long distance was difficult at times but we knew it was worth trying. One of my favorite things about him is he was bold enough to express his feelings for me yet allowed a natural progression of our relationship. A few months went by and he came to visit me in Virginia. My family fell in love with him just as much as I did and I knew it was right.
Ramez proposed about 1 year before the wedding, he had an elaborate plan for us to go skydiving and on the way down he had his friends hold up life- sized signs asking if I would marry him!! We were all set to go but before we got on the plane to jump, the winds changed and it was considered too dangerous. He was able to come up with an alternative, and took me to a winery where his friends emerged from the background with the signs! It was one of our favorite days but we’re still due for our skydiving date!
What was most important to you when planning your wedding?
In our culture, we tend to have extremely large weddings (think +300), but we wanted our wedding to be more intimate and make our guests feel like they were on vacation with us which is why we decided on having a destination wedding, so location was very important to us. We came up with Italy because it was the perfect location that gave us the romantic vibe we were looking for but also had ancient roots and and a rich culture.
We wanted our wedding venue to have amazing views and what’s a better backdrop than the city of Florence?! Villa di Maiano is perfectly positioned on a hillside that overlooks Florence so for dinner, we had everyone seated so they could view the sunset over the city.
Your outfits and accessories – what made you choose them and what did you love about them?
I always had a vision about my dress, I wanted something dramatic but romantic and tasteful. I imagined a lace dress with a low- cut back, I must have visited 10 different bridal stores before finding the perfect dress but when I tried it on, I knew it was the one! I love the dress because to me, it’s elegance is timeless yet it still had a “wow factor” to it that made it unique.
RAMEZ: We wanted a break from the norm of grooms in black tuxes so I wore an royal/electric blue, and thought it would make me stand out that much more from my groomsmen who did wear the traditional black tux. We also love how sharp the groomsmen looked wearing their ivory pocket squares which matched the bridesmaid dresses. The list goes on and on for accessories! I wore Pantherella merino wool socks, Calvin Klein loafers, a T.M. Lewin Marcella wing collar tuxedo shirt, a Tissot watch given to me by my father. Perhaps my favorite accessory though were the Italian flag cuff links I purchased for me and my groomsmen. They were elegant, but also very fitting for a wedding in the Tuscan Hills!
What made you choose your flowers/general decorative arrangements?
We wanted lots and lots of flowers at our reception, so the idea of a pergola with hanging flowers over the guests tables captured the garden feeling we were looking for, we hung lanterns from the pergola for warm lighting at night. We wanted to match that with floral table arrangements that were full and lower to the table to balance out the look. From there, with the help of our planner and florist we came up with the gazebo floral arrangement for the sweetheart table and around the chandelier on the dance floor. We were blown away by the results!
I initially wanted a bouquet of peonies but our florist told us they were out of season in July but then I saw this amazing round bouquet of garden roses on Pinterest that my florist was able to replicate. I fell in love with it and wish I could have brought it home to the states with me. The bouquet was simple, pale peach garden roses with no greenery, but since my dress was intricate, I thought it was the perfect balance.
Tell us more about your ceremony including any readings, any special moments and your vows:
We are Coptic Orthodox which is one of the most ancient denominations of Christianity so our wedding ceremonies are very traditional. We are robed and crowned as a symbol of becoming king and queen of our new home together as we take the responsibility of making our home in a sense, a Church, where God will be the center of our marriage. We embrace our traditions and couldn’t imagine doing it any other way.
  Where there any DIY elements?
Though it was difficult to transport items from the US to Italy, we wanted to give our guests a favor that would be memorable to our location so we asked Villa di Maiano for bottles of olive oil that they make and we tied “Grazie” notes to each one for our guests. Since the wedding, many of our guests have told us they use the olive oil when they cook. We love that our favors were a little taste of Italy and something our guests could use when they came home.
My sister, Marina Salama, was pivotal in our wedding planning. We were both first years in residency and dental school so our hours were long and we were exhausted by the time we came home. She was so helpful in keeping us encouraged and worked to make our vision into a reality. A lot of the time, she was the point person that would be speaking to our planner and vendors and did a lot of research with our vision in mind, this wedding truly couldn’t have happened without her help! She understood what we were looking and worked tirelessly to make sure we were happy and we are forever thankful for her. By the way, she did this when she was 7 months pregnant! Talk about superwoman.
What was the vibe of your day? What colors/styles/themes did you use?
We wanted the vibe of the day to be whimsical and romantic which is why we wanted our reception to be outdoors with an emphasis on the flowers to make it an elegant but airy garden party. We kept the color scheme simple, mostly shades of ivory, white, and peach with gold accents seen in the flowers, the tableware, and the decorative pieces on the tables. Our tables were full of vases and delicate candle holders and votives. While it was a formal event, we still wanted everyone to feel relaxed so we decided to have long tables to make it feel more family style.
        What was the most memorable part of the day?
This is an almost impossible question to answer, but if we had to pick we would say we loved the moments we had alone after the ceremony. Driving through Florence in an old school Bentley and taking pictures at some of the cities most famous landmarks had to be the highlight for us. It was the first time in the day when the nerves seemed to settle and we were able to just catch our breath, and process the fact that we just got married. Those private moments we spent together, and the undying smiles on both of our faces in the car on the way to the reception were moments we will never forget for the rest of our lives!
If you could impart any words of wisdom to a couple planning their marriage and their wedding day, what would they be and is there anything you would do differently?
We would tell anyone planning their wedding to try not to stress too much. That’s certainly easier said than done because ultimately everyone has different opinions and there are just so many options out there it’s hard to pin it down! Pick the most important 3 elements for the wedding day to your (ex: the food, the entertainment, the decor) and focus on those initially then tackle the rest. Be prepared for a few set backs and always be open to other options. Ultimately, your wedding will always be the most memorable to you, no matter what!
  Wedding Video at Villa di Maiano Florence from Marcoabba on Vimeo.
Photography: Katie Mitchell Photography // Wedding Planner: Laura Frappa of Exclusive Italy Weddings // Second Photographer: Fontaine // Floral Design: Tuscany Flowers // Stationery: Minted // Preparation Venue: Florence with a View // Ceremony Venue: Chiesa di San Salvatore in Ognissanti // Reception Venue: Villa di Maiano // Videography: Marco Abba // Dress: Pnina Tornai, Dress 4372 from Kleinfeld Bridal // Veil: Kleinfeld // Jewelry: Swarovski // Bride’s Shoes: Kate Spade // Bridesmaids’ Dresses: Jenny Yoo // Groom’s Shoes: Calvin Klein // Groom’s Watch: Tissot // Groom’s Attire: 3 Day Suit Broker // Hair and Make Up: Laura Navarinni // Décor, Styling & DJ: The Alma Project // Transport: Alterini // Caterer: Galaeto // Cake: Sugar & Spice
  The post Sarah and Ramez’s Destination Wedding in Florence appeared first on Grey Likes Weddings | Wedding Fashion & Inspiration | Best Wedding Blog.
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مسلسل يوميات زوجة مفروسة الحلقة الثانية عشر |12| Yawmiyat Zoga Mafrosa - Ep
مسلسل يوميات زوجة مفروسة الحلقة الثانية عشر |12| Yawmiyat Zoga Mafrosa – Ep …………………………………………….. #الهجمة_رمضان2023 #مش_سليمة #دراما_رمضان_2023
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