#random oc lore drop lmao
tartsinarat · 1 month
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Woo okay, because I like designing ocs as it’s fun and doesn’t take too much energy so here’s my basilisk oc… number 3!!
…Aka the poor guy who got her organs harvested by Belos in order to use in the making of Pip.
Even though they’re straight up dead and have been dead for years I still love his design and vibe.
She’s a similar type of basilisk to Vee, this is important as that specific type of basilisk has extremely strong magic draining rate.
Vee and 3 did know each other, but Vee was really young. They met each other during experiments that they had to do together in order have their magic draining rate tested and compared at the same time to see which one had the fastest speed, uh 3 won most of the times they did this which is unfortunately why he ended up basically being a sacrificial lamb
To make this even more horrific fun
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Some traits of 3 still ended up in Pip or well mostly his curse, obviously physically like the ears, tail floof shape and splotchy patterns as well as his red irises rather than the typical grimwalker magenta but also bits and pieces of personality/mannerism
Though Pip can’t copy other people but his curse is able to mimic voices/ sounds it hears perfectly which it uses to hunt/ trick people because of the basilisk parts being mixed in
it’s as smart as a parrot but in the way where it can repeat stuff for specific people and kinda knows what context to use it for though you’re not able to have a full conversation with it as it won’t understand anything
This really freaks Vee out when she first saw Pip in his full cursed form and it started copying 3s voice screaming in pain. (Its not got the memories of 3 or anything, its a split off part of Belos’s curse who would have heard 3s screams from when Belos vivisected her for fresh parts)
Pip later had to awkwardly explain to Vee that he has no control of it and is its own thing separate from him.
Vee is convinced it’s messing with her mentally especially as it does similar stuff to Hunter by using Belos’s voice randomly at 5 am to scare him awake.
It is very much messing with her and Hunter for its idea of funnies but this backfires hard on it as every time it takes over Pip it gets locked into the backyard like a dog (this actually makes it stop doing the creepy voice stuff after a couple times because it hates being outside in the cold.)
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On a lighter note I can’t un-see how 3 looks kinda like the Salmonids from splatoon, that was completely un-intentional and I only realised like a while ago that he reminds me of them lmao
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aelyosos · 10 months
unimportant lore of the day: ocean worked as a bodyguard for a lil bit to a high noble lady ,
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inkwell-and-dagger · 5 months
just to let y'all know, Foster wasn't always an orphan. they had a wonderful relationship with their parents
the reason their parents are gone is what drove Foster to kidnap Rayan years later. just to let y'all know. if it matters :3
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tommyarashikage · 2 years
For Paz and Simon
Thank you Mika for always enabling every single one of my ships 😭💕
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5. Who buys the groceries?
Paz does, for obvious reasons.
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
Answered here!
7. Would they go to the beach?
I'm not sure how they'd do it tbh sksks. I guess that's a no for them. Unless they go to the beach at night, when it's empty and no one's around to see them.
13. Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
Both of them have awful sleeping schedules. Paz barely sleeps and Simon only does power naps. However, once they get together, they try to sleep for at least a few hours. It's easier for them to sleep when they're sharing a bed (and get to cuddle). That definitely changes as soon as the kids arrive though! Their sleeping schedule gets a lot better.
15. Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
Paz has a whole list of places she wants to visit with Simon. Most importantly Argentina and Germany, her 'home' countries. (At least those of her parents). She doesn't remember any of her time in the program. So no memory of anything outside the facility she was held in. Also, she'd love to visit Mexico with Simon again, but as tourists, not soldiers. Otherwise, any place really. Girl wants to see the world, but they still decide together where to go!
1. How often do they have sex, if at all?
Once they start to get intimate, they want to start out slow. Yeah that didn't work out. If their work schedule allows for it, they're doing it almost daily.
6. Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Most of the time, Paz tops and Simon is the well-behaved bottom. Though, they also switch from time to time.
9. Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?
Honestly, Simon doesn't even necessarily have to put effort into it and it embarrasses Paz to no end. His voice, his size, his arms… the mask. And if he actually puts in some effort, she melts into a puddle, basically. For Simon, it's when she's purposefully teasing him and pretends to act all innocent immediately afterward. Also, her being cheeky and giving him a sultry look is the final straw. Sometimes their training sessions can get uhh steamy? The adrenaline kick plus the close proximity, which he enjoys a little too much for his own liking. Paz uses her legs a lot when fighting and her wrapping them around Simon does something to him. Good thing they don't have to fight each other haha :)
Looking at their respective pasts, any sort of pain or infliction of pain would be a big turn-off. I guess hickeys, red handprints or faint scratch marks would be fine. Additionally, arguments are an immediate turn-off. No hate sex for these two. Also, Paz thinks calling a lover "daddy" is really weird. Not that he ever asked her to, but still.
11. Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
Answered here!
13. Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Answered here!
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your-ne1ghbor · 20 days
Random OC drop
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Meet Axe. I have been working on his lore for 2 years, and I drew him a lot before I started drawing and rewriting Disney Wish. Idk, just wanted to show some other character stuff I've draw.
Plus, I've put his story and development on hold to just draw more disney wish.
hehe what a goat
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my oc with my friends oc fr
Btw he is a fucking bastard, I'd tell you that
homeless, probably has a dead sister, and being hunted down. Not only that, he is a sarcastic bitch, looking out only for himself, and loves being a troll
fuck yeah
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he was also my first pfp on here lmao
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Yeah...he got that OC trauma.
Ya'll can ask me some questions about him if you want too ofc.
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wowie. Lore :3
He is a faun btw
thats also @sewerpalette's oc.
Btw the story of the mYsTeRiOuS blue hedchoge is cannon in his story lmao
Also Im not taking a break from Wish, I just wanted to draw my oc. Haven't drawn him in a while, and kind of glad to see his bitchy ass face again (yes he is my personal punching bag, but also not glances over at star boy)
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lnkedmyheart · 8 months
sigma is one of my dearest characters but calling him a y/n fic mc is so fucking funny. sigma messy bun when
Bro is so Y/N watpad protagonist coded though! Excessively pretty, unnaturally multicoloured hair (like those half and half oc ship kids from 2000s), name that doesn't fit into the naming lore (for mystery reasons but still), random appearance out of nowhere and from another world (i got dropped into the world of this show self insert au, used to love those lmao), ends up working for the big bad and seems to be a real acknowledged threat to said big bad despite doing nothing, magically connected to the magical macguffin (we already had Atsushi but sure lets add him too and make it super direct), immediately catches the main character's eye (yes as an innocent and a pawn but its still hilarious), gets compared directly to 2 characters the main character is close with (Atsushi, Kunikida), is the key to beating the big bad, the mc must protect him, is considered more compatible with the mc in 10 minutes than his established emphasised relationship of 7 years with the "romantic rival" by the fandom. Has no past, no history, not much in the way of established personality due to lack of low stress situations so more than half the fan content is just fans projecting onto him and head canons. And he just conveniently got handed all the info from Fyodor instead of doing it himself.
No hate to the character cause he has so much potential but honestly he isn't really all that interesting to me. He mostly seems to combine a lot of random tropes for now. I need Asagiri to drop that Sigma centered light novel already so we get more on him.
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bigt1e · 7 months
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Hello! My name is Bigite, some nicknames I use: Airy, olivegarden, and olive oil I'm okay with different nicknames, just ask before using them!
I am a minor (but my birthday is aug 28 :3)
I go by he/they pronouns
Im Biromantic, Demiromantic, Ace, and Nonbianary!
Im an osc artist, though I do draw other stuff and I can take requests!
REMINDER: I am human, and I may be stressed, tired, or busy so I may take longer to do some requests!
My persona is the character on the image, I will use him when ever I want tbh. Most of the time for silly thoughts, but that's it!
I also have tons osc, which I will post here and there and sometimes do lore drops for them lmao
°No Nsfw
°Basic dni (homophobia, transphobia, etc)
° anything else that's hella gross or something triggering (I can't think of anything else rn)
Object shows (favorites: hfjONE, ii) Music (Favorites: TV Girl, Lemon Demon !!, Will Wood!! I love show/game OSTs sm!! Mother Mother and plenty more) I love mephoj (mephone4 x Oj) so much my comfort ship fr, also my favorite characters are Me phone and Airy, if you see art of them pls @ me!! I love to see it!! I also like chatting with people, so don't be afraid to dm if you're a moot!! (Small interactions help me go through the day) I'm in so many random it's concerning, so if you do have a special interest or hyperfixating on something share it! I will most likely join in lmao. I love seeing art in gen, so if you're my moot and do art you also can @ me in it! :D
Also. I love fan art of my ocs so like yk... 👉👈
don't dislike many things lmao, besides like body fluids and stuff like that (which I most likely won't have to worry about lmao)
Also vegetables if you place one in front of me I'm dead/j
Art request!:
If you would like to request a drawing you can dm, ask box, or @ me in a post, anything is fine!
I will draw:
Ocs (original characters)
Furry characters
Characters from shows/ games/ books etc.
Object show characters
Ship art of characters
Not heavy/detailed gore (like blood thats basically it)
Angst (I'm not that well at drawing angst 💔)
i won't draw
nsfw (or anything like that)
Pro/com ships
heavy/ detailed gore
Full backgrounds (it's because I will cry if I tried to do that for a req)
please send a reference picture with your req! Or I will cry and violently attack you/j
I will TRY to be organized with my posts, but probably not if I am then here's the hashtags I might use
#bigtie's art #bigtie rambles abt something #bigite's req
Thats it I think ill probably edit in future...
thanks for reading!! Have an amazing fay/night!!
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
so what was the s1 hiatus era like?
Beautiful chaos?
We had only Season 1, which was still flawed but had a hell of a lot of promise. We only had so much info. So everyone made things up in terms of both lore and future stories!
Things I remember:
Everyone clocked the Alya = Fox and Chloé = Bee thing. Most people had Nino as the Turtle, but some said he'd get the Peacock somehow based on the clothing theme. If people made him the Turtle, then the Peacock user was up in the air(we saw the Peacock in Gabriel's safe in Volpina, the 'last' episode of Season 1 other than Origins. Though no one knew if it was real or just similar because Plagg didn't react to seeing it at all. Which.... is now a plot hole).
Nathaniel was a bit more prominent in the shipping scene. If you were into mlm you had Adrinath(because fandom prefers mlm white prettyboys so since Luka didn't exist yet Nath was the option). And if you were straight then you had Chlonath.
Speaking of, Luka and Kagami didn't exist yet.
Though it was obvious, we didn't know for sure that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. This led to a few different tropes. Sometimes fics would have an entirely different person be Hawkmoth(sometimes random OC, though Alim Kubdel was a popular choice for 'if it's not Gabe'). I saw a few where that whole 'Peacock in the safe' thing led to Gabriel having been a Hero with it before, and with the Hawkmoth thing he breaks it out to try and help keep the new Heroes safe
There was some speculation on Gabriel and Emilie being Heroes before Canon in general because how did they get the Miraculous and what did they do with them?
We didn't have exact powers for the other Miraculous. We /kinda/ guessed that Volpina was correct and the Fox has Illusions, and the Turtle being a shield made sense. But no one knew what to do with the Bee or Peacock. Also no Hero names existed yet so you'll have variations of those.
The Zodiac Miraculous didn't exist. People creating new Miraculous either yoinked whatever animal(s) they like, or used the old concept art.
Up until the Christmas Special, we had no context for how long Emilie had been 'missing'(a plot in the special is that it's Adrien's first Christmas without his mother). So most people had assumed she'd been missing for a while, not just less than a year.
We also had no idea what happened to her! Did she die? Is she legit missing? What's going on?! (tbh we also didn't know her name. If you read my fics from that era I called her 'Felicia'.)
Speaking of mothers, Chloé's mom was unknown! Some wrote her as dead. I accidentally predicted the 'she had an affair that resulted in a half-sister and abandoned Chloé' bit lmao! Though I didn't predict her being as /actively/ awful as Canon.
Lila was in a weird kind of limbo? Technically the end of Volpina implied she'd come back, but most people kinda forgot about her. People who did write her tended to have it that the events of the episode revealed her lies so the class knew her shit was fake. This resulted in either her being the 'opposite Chloé' where she likes Mari but hates LB, or she dropped the nice act all together and started bullying Marinette either with or instead of Chloé(depending on the writer's ideas of Chloé!Redemption)
Fu's ability as a mentor and overall backstory was up in the air. We knew he was hands-off at first, but we assumed he'd be more directly helpful in Season 2. We know he 'made some disasterous mistake', but we didn't know what it was. A lot of people speculated that he had his own team of Heroes that went sideways.
On that note, the Order of the Guardians wasn't known. We had Fu, but no knoweledge of them or other Miracle Boxes
I thiiiiiink there were more tropes, but I cannot for the life remember them. And tbh reading old fics is a TRIP
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jerrsterrr · 6 months
guys guys the afternothing guys the after notjing guys guys look you guys
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wip (fanboying below)
OMGS okay this THE ocs/persona ever OKAY
Its been so long since ive started drawing this FREAK ASS storyline and on like a random tuesday it dropped back into my lap AND im always thinking abt it ALWAYS thinking abt lore im a nerd)) BUT IM DRAWING THEM AGAIN YIPPIEEEEEEE
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its so insanely cringe talking about these 3 guys lore cuz they are like,,, the same guy,,,, which happens to be ME LMAO
ANd then im reminded that this entire story is like Life and Death and Heaven and infinite realities and found family and open ended ending because there is nothing that deems these guys will ever find peace,, which all comes from this dream i had in 2019 LOL
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Im very slowly putting out the story on my toyhouse and its very fun but id much prefer lik talking about it or just jumbling it all out irl and just ranting out the storyline through words (BUT ITS SO EMBARRISINGBHIDRGFY) and yet at the same time i crave to just have it ALL ORGANIZEDDDDD and out of my brain!!!! rAHHH
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man i draw these guys a LOT though the story is not just like about these three, i reallly like getting into all the backgrounds and hinting at like lore and stuff (MORE LIKE TRAUMA LOL) Like what makes these characters work and such,
Whenever i do think of like the rest of the story and how id actually express the stpryline, and the whole plot of The After Nothing its more or less from outsiders (the other ocs) finding out about everything, "who is this guy and how did he get to the After?" "How are you alive but souless??" "Ew oh my god is the DRAGON YOUR SOUL???" "What do you MEAN youve died and every peice of soul is going to you because youve LOST YOUR OWN REALITY????" "YOURE BEING CHASED??????" and all of that info being forced out of some guy who just does not know how to comprehend being a person (because he isnt exactly one)
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i have a few comics in mind!!! (shitty sketchbook example above) so as soon as i reintroduce like the main characters to my insta (through the wip in this post) Ill definetely get a move on to some silly interactions, before they meet the whole main plot and other characters!!!!!
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so yippieee!!!! major coping being done through my creative process and my enjoyement of alternate realities, vessels, Life and Death, Heaven and Hell, and exploring what exactly makes a person act the way they do!!!!!!!!!!!
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!
(@moenmomentsthemoe-en tag cuz this counts as oc loredumping?? i thinks UH OKAY RUNS)
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sunnibits · 1 month
If you want an excuse to talk about highly specific parts of dmitri backstory, you can have this!
I used this post as a chance to post the big-picture basics of his lore, so I’ll use this as an excuse to talk about some more random/niche details!! (you will need the big lore to understand some of these lmao)
putting it under a cut again because I am truly physically incapable of talking about my ocs without going off the walls beserk and writing an entire essay
when Dimitri tried to escape the Weavers, one of the ways the Broodfather punished him was by branding him with the Weavers’ symbol, like marking cattle. even now, he still has that huge ugly scar on his back, a lingering message from the Broodfather. a reminder that the Weavers - and by extent, the Broodfather himself - own Dimitri. as far as he runs, he can never fully escape them…. :D
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it looks kinda like this btw ^^^
the golden snake arm band on his arm (meant to be a reference to jörmungandr) is a gift from his patron Loki, and acts as his arcane focus. it’s more than that though - it’s part of his link to Loki, and through it Loki can exercise his will. the snake has a tendency to come alive, winding and coiling its way up Dimitri’s arm. sometimes when Loki wants to remind Dimitri of his place or express displeasure, the band will subtly tighten, acting as a silent warning. nobody in the party has ever noticed his flinches of pain, however.
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(I actually did an extremely rough animation of this at one point lmao ^^^)
when he worked for the Weavers, he acquired the nickname/alias of “the Magpie”, acting as a masked thief that stole everyone’s shiny shit and pissed everyone off (hence the name). this also led to the Broodfather referring to him with this nickname a lot, particularly calling him things like “little magpie” or even “my lovely little magpie”. (and yes, it’s meant to be creepy, Dimitri is like 12-17 in this era). after he left the Weavers to serve Loki, he shed the alias completely. naturally, half of my motivation for this was to make him even more of a Cool Edgelord™️ (can you tell I like the movie The Crow?) but the other half was specifically so that me and my DM could have a phrase we could drop in to any dialogue as a way to instantly call back to his backstory or to create a shock factor (because it’s a trauma trigger for him, it freaks him the fuck out to hear people call him that again). let me tell you, getting to hear THAT one name-dropped for the first time was VERY fun in game. (one of these WIPs is trying to capture that scene actually).
ok enough angst, let’s unwind with some silly stuff 😌
he canonically invented waffles in his universe. (I know I’ve mentioned it a million times, but it is my favorite fun fact about him. I can’t express how funny it is to me.)
there have been at least two verified, specific instances of Dimitri jerking it. it’s official canon.
ok that’s it for this one thank you!!! if you read all of this we’re making out with tongue btw.
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spotaus · 2 months
HOWDY!!! I got another question about your little oc guys 😈!!! Where do they live? I’m trying to decide if one is living in a huge mansion, or maybe even if some are just wanderers across the galaxy with no home. Ooorrr if they are all just in one tiny suburban house heheh!
Ooooo and another good one that kinda goes along with this: are any roommates with each other?
(Also you make me smile and giggle every time I see your ocs! You make me happy never stop 😭👍)
AHHH!!! HI!!!! Always happy to see you back, Anon! ♡♡♡ (and ooh??? I hope you'll drop another ask if what I throw out here helps ur curiosity lol! You spoil me with compliments too!!!)
This is a bit of a silly one since a lot of their stuff is Omega!Timeline style... but for ease I'll explain my world building vibes: I call the space where all these guys exist the Goldverse. Most of my ocs travel the multiverse, abd those who do have AUs usually exist in a different timeline to end up there. So, we'll be going off of Goldverse lore here! (<- It's the home-universe of Eternal Ashes) Everyone can freely move between AUs and timelines.
Ichor: His universe (in GV) was destroyed by the Human. He lives in the Omega Timeline in a little apartment in a "city" portion! It's cozy, a living room, a nice bed, a kitchen, a bathroom. The usual! More cushy than most apartments in the area tho (favoritism lmao) EDIT: His apartment is actually 2 bedroom because he has Sons to watch over. They're immortal and don't stay with him often, but they do need an extra set of beds lol-
Pretender: His universe was... also destroyed by his human. Kinda. He ends up living in a suburb house, I think, on the outskirts of a city. Two bedrooms, two bath, one floor + a basement. He visits the city often though, and can be spotted staying across the multiverse when given the chance (ex. Nightmare's Castle)
N: ??? She just kinda pops into existence when she's needed. But also? She's a couch-surfer and sleeps under the stars. Ichor once found her on his couch in the morning, had no clue how she got in. (So, occasional roommate to Ichor :3)
Orchid: Lives strictly with Nightmare in his castle, even post-story EA. She has her own room that's decorated in purple decor and dreamcatchers she made and a bunch of books! Very Cozy. (I say strictly. Sometimes she goes to Underswap and stays with the bros there for a week or two when she gets overwhelmed.)
Reset: Used to live with Geno in the save screen (he and Kane went out to visit Reaper often tho) but now he has his own place in the Omega Timeline. An apartment, a few buildings down from Ichor. A bit small, but filled to the brim with video games and movie posters. And guitars. He's not the best at playing, but no noise complains yet, so that's good!
(The two above Eventually might be roommates, but as of now they get limited (and supervised) times that they can see eachother due to the whole.. genocide thing.)
Stereo: Post-EA he lives with Fresh still (I Imagine it to be like a random house in a void or maybe a Van? Yeah, I could see Fresh living that Van/Modified Bus life). It's an ever-changing living situation tbh, but Fresh is a good role-model, so who's to judge?
Monochrome: He's living with Cross after the whole EA situation. Aka, he lives in Nightmare's castle too. His room is one over from Orchid's and has a bunch of art supplies and crafts happening constantly. Orchid doesn't mind him, but does Not let him in her room... (Unless he's having a nightmare.)
Teddy: She has two houses! One that Ink made for her in a pocket void (she only goes there to sew now) and Haphazard's house in the Omega Timeline. She likes staying with Hap because he's her older brother, and she also hates being alone. (She's also been known to stay with Stereo or Sprite and Merlot.)
Haphazard: A house in the Omega Timeline as previously stated. Pre-story he never had time to stop moving so he ended up sleeping very little, but post-story he and Lost move in together and relax a bit.
Shotput: A lil different, he moves from AU to AU. Technically he prefers a Royalty AU (the one where he met his boyfriend, Roman) because it's an au where his parents actually pay attention to him. Besides that though, he'll bum at Nightmare's (thanks to Killer) and does technically have a room but it's pretty barren. So, 90% he's at a castle.
Ark: Lives in the city. But like, specifically in the Lab sectors. Work-a-holic that's a danger to everyone? Yeah. No. He's gonna stay Mildly Contained.
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wroughted · 5 months
instead of a big formal post im just going to continue to spit out random wrought lore when i feel like it :)
• wrought killed his abusive parents when she was 7 to escape with her little sister but his sister got sick with something mundane like a cold and died anyways within the week. he has never fully processed or recovered from this.
• wrought doesn’t know how old he is <3 (its about 35 probably) but he has no clue he doesn’t know his birthday or anything i don’t think his parents celebrated it in the first place but also. the…brain damage from how she grew up plays a part
• pre-tadpole he was in an extremely toxic situationship and with a dragonborn named epitaph who was a Bad Person. wrought wasn’t good either but in comparison to epitaph she’s an angel lmao. toxic butch on butch violence yay :)
• he LOOOOOVES lying its her favorite pastime :) think shawn spencer from psych type lying. like ridiculous levels of tomfoolery and shenanigans >:)
• he’s EERILY good at mimicking/changing his voice. she used a completely different voice from his actual voice around the companions until one day he just dropped it and everyone was like “DID ANYONE REALIZE THAT WASN’T HIS VOICE?!?!”
• continuing from the last 2 points wrought doesn’t understand how to be a Person unless she’s mimicking it for most of his life. wyll is key in him understand who He is and how to like. be okay with Feeling!!! [my brother’s ocs are also MAJOR factors, one of them and wrought were roommates before the epitaph incident when wrought got too…unsettling and scared him off but they reconnect and are like siblings :’)]
• for some in game mechanic/play lore a BIG defining thing was he let astarion kill him when drinking his blood. wrought SOMEHOW hasn’t died after living so stupid and dangerously (and being yknow homeless. yay urchin bg) and basically has no fear of death now as long as its weird and for a bit or something. just very curious and unfazed by the whole deal and thought it would be cool to see what would happen if a vampire drank all his blood. wasn’t even mad @ astarion the next day which i think freaked astarion out a bit because well. thats weird wrought!!!!
• wyll is wrought’s first REAL relationship he’s NEVER had these feelings!!!! he slept with people all the time (milfs mostly bc they are obsessed with her 😌) whether for fun or mostly to get info/steal from people lmao…the closest to a “relationship” was epitaph which was bad and fucked up in every way and wouldve gotten wrought killed if epitaph hadn’t just happened to die
• besides wyll, wrought’s best friend is astarion and they are VERY codependent and sooo fucking weird together they make me want to cry <3
• need to talk more about just wyllwrought but they are t4t. this is essential. <3 <3
• most importantly wrought has a giant dick. <3
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myymi · 1 year
nah that’s crazy cus i was sitting on a couple of merc characters that potentially kidnap tails in a scrapped idea of mine lmao. great minds am i right?
random question but do u got any sonic ocs that u think are particularly cool or got a special place in ur heart?
we're obviously just that cool
hmu somewhere and info dump abt them, im curious /nf
and yes!!! though, tbf, i did project onto a lot of them so im a bit attached to all of them (which lmao i counted them up recently and we have 138 with names/lore)
to name drop a few, id say lincoln, daffodil, and evie
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Dunno specific things to ask about your OCs, just drop the entire lore, everything (if that isn‘t too overwhelming)
Thank you!!!
But I was hoping I'd get asks to develop the lore more ^^'
For now all I have is this:
Art went to Detroit. No one really understands why. Also Art isn't planning to stay there permanently. This is neither a vacation nor a business trip or anything. Their goals are beyond our understanding.
And I like to have a certain random/mysterious vibe for them just to make them look silly.
Mysterious not as in "Oh what a mysterious stranger" but as in "What is this guy doing??"
Art mostly does dumb but harmless stuff. They could show up at your door at any time. How did they find your address? No one knows. But they're not dangerous. If anything they'll probably just bring cookies.
They're Prowl's biggest fan. Because I must project onto my OCs lmao. I love Prowl.
I also love Wreck Gar and since Art is random af they might as well meet in a dumpster or something.
Art also says things that make no sense sometimes.
They're not totally dumb tho. They have SOME skills but they don't talk about that. Art is just here to have a good time.
Yeah I just kinda dumped all my concepts into this post. Things might change if I'm being honest. All of my OCs slightly change over time. But I think this is their basic vibe: silly
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manadesia · 7 months
❥ Introduction post ! ★⁺
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“I could be looking into the night sky to see the universe, but the stars in your eyes are so much more beautiful.”
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My name’s Blue, and I absolutely adore doodling wholesome things, writing stories, and looking for obscure facts about my special interests! (⸝⸝˃⤙˂⸝⸝)♡
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I’m v fixated on the show ‘Dude, that’s my ghost!’ right now so you’ll see a lot of that. ‹𝟹
⁀➷ It’s so incredibly goofy but leaves a lot of creative freedom within it for me to work with, and to be fair it’s been having a chokehold on me for nearly a decade lmao, especially Billy! You will 100% see me visibly brainrotting about him with his silly presence.
And if I’m feeling a little daring I’ll drop some random lore about my funky story dedicated to it, cause the creative freedom has granted me big amounts of inspiration juices. ^^
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My most present hyperfixations aside from DTMG right now include Amphibia, DuckTales, Final Space, Spongebob, the band Ghost, Inside Job, and The Walking Dead.
And some special mentions… Breadwinners, Regular Show, MLP, the Casper 1995 movie, and Adventure Time seems to be getting a chokehold on me too. (˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)
I can’t even lie, the list goes on and on as I have multiple other shows and movies that I am absolutely not normal about, but these are the ones that I’m thinking about the most recently.
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Using tone indicators around me is fine with me as I use them too, they’re very insightful!
Thank you for reading! ^^
I can’t wait to post my silly little headcanons, rambles, and drawings here, along with finding new amazing people to support along the way. <3
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…Also, I might use the words cringe or based in specific posts in an ironic way, but I absolutely do not support cringe culture or bashing someone for their harmless interests. I rather adore being ‘cringe’ with my silly little interests, self inserts, OCs, and creativity. <3
This does not apply to the problematic weird content that some people have cause that is actually cringe.
pr*ship/comshippers & whoever supports that bs DO NOT INTERACT !!!
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angsty-prompt-hole · 2 years
monkaStare Jez I am one of the Manor collaborators
Creek imagine if I dropped Cyber or Phys or Lyniaas on a random person's lap. Or Ace.
Imagine what the fuck will happen on my OC blog when I get into Hell lore oh my god
@jezifster Bing bong you are being summoned by a wild Isa lmao
Cyber become Tumblr sexyman /j
I know a few people who would probably love your chaos gremlins. It would be hysterical to just drop one of those idiots on someone tho ngl. Just be like "here, have a gay disaster" and then explode gjdkfkgkg
No one would survive
I'm so excited for you to do more lore stuff tho I love frothing in the tags going "!!!! My friend!!!!"
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