#random worker: yo that guy stole my lunch AGAIN
sasudou · 2 years
do you think the port mafia has an HR department
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your-rose-highness · 4 years
Tell me what is Love (ch- 10)
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Pairing- Baekhyun x OC
Special Appearance- JB of GOT7
“So I was thinking, I could take you on a date soon?”, Jaebeom shyly confessed as the two took a walk by the Han river. 
After the quick celebratory hug with jane, Jaebeom, and hye hee sneaked out of the apartment post-dinner. Hye hee felt young after so long. Being in that moment with him as he tried to cure the awkwardness voicing his random thoughts, seemed like a spring day. As they drove away to the Han river, she rolled down the windows and felt the crisp breeze embrace her face. Jaebeom stole glances at her. Something about her seemed so calming to him, yet she looked so drained all the time. He was sure it was more of an emotional turmoil than physical and thus the smiles rarely reached her eyes. At the present moment, she looked like a child. It made him feel warm. 
“Yes, maybe tomorrow?”, she hinted.
“Surely! I’m more than glad you agreed. Any place you would prefer?”
She turned to him with playful eyes before saying, “surprise me.”
Jaebeom pressed his lips together taken aback by her sudden boldness. Not that he was complaining. This was a new her that he was seeing and it was beautiful.
The riverside was quiet, with barely anyone walking past them. It was one of those times when you feel so comfortable with another as you bare your soul out for them. Lying on the grass, they told stories of their childhood, both listening to each other attentively. They laughed at the hilarious anecdotes while spotting funny shapes within the stars. Hye hee forced her brain to stop wandering to Baekhyun. This was a moment she had craved for years and why was she feeling guilty? As she tried to peel away from his thoughts, she felt Jaebeom’s hand brush against hers softly. They turned to each other in surprise, both inching away. Jaebeom’s ears turned red in embarrassment and for hye hee it was an instinct she had developed over the years. 
Just grab his fucking hand reasoned her brain yet something stopped her. She forced herself to place her hand beside his. Picking up courage, her fingers reached him subtly and the two shyly looked at each other once again. This time, Jaebeom fingers curled into hers. She couldn't explain the rush she felt. The warmth of his palm traveled through her body making her shiver.
“Are you cold?”, Jaebeom worriedly asked.
His voice full of concern made her smile, it was so akin to someone she knew, without realizing her heart was still in the old place, striving to find similarities, though unconsciously. 
“A little bit.”, she replied in a small voice and Jaebeom immediately proceeded to take off his denim jacket. 
He fretted around her, trying to help her put on the jacket without actually having to hold her. The two walked around once again, this time hands clasped tight. Sipping on their hot coffees, they watched the sunrise and the golden gleam strengthened their hopes. Hye hee watched him soak in the sun. it was almost as if his skin reflected off the golden rays making them his own. He was beautiful. Laying her head on his shoulder, she looked out towards the wonderful spectacle that unfolded before them. 
“I’m sorry I kept you up all night.”, Jaebeom said as he played with hye hee’s fingers.
“Well. it was long due anyway. Let us skip work too!”, she responded filled with sudden excitement.
Jaebeom smiled widely in shock at her. “What? Hahaha. Do I need to submit the files you know? What do you want to do though? Maybe we can get out early to grab lunch and have fun later. What do you say?”
“I’d love that.”, she whispered, snuggling closer to him.
Jaebeom dropped hye hee soon later, hardly being able to part ways. She found the house cold as she stepped in. jane had left behind a note on the refrigerator.
‘Wanted to wait for all the details, but realized I have a test. You're booked for the evening. 
“ARE YOU SERIOUS, BYUN BAEKHYUN?”, Lee Sooman roared at him as he stood in front of him, head hanging in shame. “The company suffered an immense loss of investors when this scandal unfolded and though the people have been most gracious and welcoming about you two, now, this!”
“I’m very sorry, sir.” Baekhyun gulped. He had decided to take this bullet by himself, leaving Taeyeon out. The backlash would be brutal on her and he didn't think she was to blame.
“What about Taeyeon?”, he asked, settling down on his chair, his eyes never leaving Baekhyun.
“We both want the same thing, sir.”
Mr. lee shook his head in disbelief at every word, pondering over how he can handle this incoming tsunami. Baekhyun peeked to look at him and continued, “Sarang will mostly be out of this. We will shield her from the public eye….”
“Sit.”, he suddenly whispered. Baekhyun cautiously trod over to the seat opposite to him.
“I’m sorry, but this isn't something that could be overlooked so easily. There are investors, partners that run this damn company. Marriage was one thing, but now divorce? It won't be simple. There might be a potential danger to both your careers and you better take care of that child.”
“I’m ready to take responsibility.”
Mr. Lee simply gave him a stare the whole time, before sighing deeply.
Baekhyun was walked through all the formalities before leaving the company that day. His freedom was going to cost him this time. As he drove home, his mind wandered over to hye hee. He hadn't heard from her for a while but refrained from involving her in the mess that was in front of him. He will be the center of attraction once again and peered from every crack like an animal. As he drove to his parents to break the news to them, he stopped a while at the tiny park of his old neighborhood. The place he had first kissed Hyehee and ironically also where he lost her. Sitting in his car by the empty park, he replayed the simpler times as his eyes closed for a minute.
hye hee was furious. Her senior had called off her work for being half-assed in front of the whole office and Jaebeom had seen it all. She didn't like how pitifully he had looked at her. Rushing to the coffee room to fix herself and calm down, she found him enter minutes later, closing the door softly behind himself.
“I’m fine.”
Jaebeom approached her slowly, holding her hand as she stood waiting for the coffee. Their eyes met briefly before she complained, “she never told me what kind of content she was looking for, you know. And now she just yells at me. It wasn’t my fault. Why today of all days? I’m so embarrassed.”
Despite her whining, Jaebeom was smiling ear to ear.
“What’s so funny?”, she shot at him, pissed.
He laughed at her annoyed pouty face and ruffled her hair, “ because you look adorable right now.”
“Waah. are you flirting with me right now?”
Raising her hand to his lips, he softly murmured against her palm, “if I haven’t even begun.”, proceeding to kiss it.
Hyehee’s legs swayed as his voice intoxicated her, forcing Jaebeom to hold her closer. The air thickened between them, their lips only inches apart. She scurried back on her feet, freeing herself from his embrace. Jaebeom's ears turned red and stuttered to find words. 
"Yah, why were you…"
She retorted without letting him finish, "I wasn't falling, okay? There were people outside." Jaebeom turned around to see if anyone could see them, and the realisation hit her- the door is opaque. Mentally cursing her lack of ability to make believable excuses, she met his playful eyes this time. His lips pressed into a suppressed smile he mouthed 'dumbo' at her. Hye hee slapped his arm in desperation and left the room. 
"Take the coffee, Hye hee!", He teased.
"I want tea."
He laughed loudly at her tiny voice. 
The rest of the day, the two kept at it. Jaebeom's change of demeanor came as a surprise. He usually was very reposed and a man of very few words. He was opening up to her and didn't wish to hold himself back.  Hyehee cheeks never went pale for the day. Even at his glance, she’d blush to the point where her co-worker asked if something was wrong. Nobody had yet guessed that they were dating each other. 
“Cold noodles and fried chicken, please.”, hye hee placed her order at the restaurant during lunch, beaming at the waiter.
“Are you sure you can eat it all? The portion sizes in here are a little bigger than usual.”, Jaebeom wondered.
“Oh don't worry, I can eat a lot for lunch, but dinner, that’s the tricky one for me.”
Halfway through lunch, Jaebeom’s phone beeped, and whatever it was, it made his eyebrows scrunch.
“What?”, Hyehee asked with cheeks full of noodles.
He snorted at her and pushed his cellphone towards her.
“He wants the new parts done. I’ll have to stop by my place to get the rest of the clips. I was going to get the hard drive tomorrow, but looks like this particular project has the boss on edge for some reason.”
“Okay, I’ll finish fast and we can go.”
“Yah. eat slowly.”, he scolded, “you’re gonna get indigestion. Also, could you chew through the whole thing? There’s no hurry. I’ll quickly drop you at the office and drive back.”
hye hee wanted to answer, but she chewed her last mouthful carefully before drinking the soup, “Why do you have to drop me? I can come with you. There’s no reason for you to make such long trips for one file.” 
Scrunching his face, puzzled, he stammered “Yo-you’re okay with coming over to my place?”
Hyehee nodded quickly, confused why Jaebeom would ask that. He always comes over to her place, it’s only fair.
“Okay”, his face went blank in surprise.
Throughout the drive, he didn't say a word and had avoided looking at hye hee.
What is he so worried about? Did he have his underwear sprawled throughout the apartment and was now thinking of how to clean up? Or, was he a dirty guy? Maybe his place stinks? What do men have to worry about so much?- were the thoughts running through her head.
She had only been to one man’s apartment all these years and it was Baekhyun. Of course, she didn't know if he kept his pass traits, but that guy was always a mess. When the two took apartments next to each other after they came to Seoul, she would organize his things whenever she came over. After complaining about how dirty his apartment was, he proposed to only meet up at her place. He did bother to clean up if she was coming over and it was cute. He’d whine about how hard vacuuming was and would curse scientists to not have made another invention to block dust entirely. 
The memory made her smile. Strolling through her memory lane, she had forgotten where and with whom she was. 
Jaebeom on the other hand had other things in mind.
The apartment was what modern decor would call, minimalist. There were a few plants by the window and only that added some color. Apart from that, he had a wall full of polaroids, mostly of random objects, animals, his friends, and family. Hyehhe carefully scanned them to find an old picture of Jaebeom, in his school uniform, and a cat. His facial features hadn't changed and the smile had remained. Jaebeom cleaned on his way to his study, diving into the cave of hard drives, finding the one he wanted only minutes later. On seeing her walking over to the window, he stood still, observing her. She booped her nose to the monstera plant that his friends had gifted him, touching it softly with her fingers. A feeling of delight washed over him seeing her there. He wanted to hold her close to him and take care of her. 
hye hee then turned to look at him, beaming. 
“This dingy apartment looks nicer with you in it.”, he exclaimed.
“Well I am quite a ray of sunshine.”, she cheekily responded.
Moving to close distance, she wrapped her hands around him, laying her head on his chest. Jaebeom pulled her close to himself, kissing her forehead, “I’m afraid I’m falling in love with you.”
Laced in each other’s embrace, she looked at him with the most alluring way, “sweep me off my feet.”
Jaebeom slowly approached her lips, brushing it against his, looking for signs of approval. As he hesitated, hye hee stands on her toes to kiss him this time, making Jaebeom hold her closer to him. Stopping suddenly, Jaebeom pulled away from the breathless hye hee.
“Are you sure, you want to do this, I mean…”
“Oh, shut up.”, hye hee cried out, cutting him midway as she kissed him again.
She could feel Jaebeom’s lips curve into a smile against hers. The hard drive lay forgotten as the time stood still for them in each other’s embrace.
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“You brought a lawyer?”, Baekhyun whispered through his teeth.
“Well, you should too.”
“Why do we need a lawyer?”, he said, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Well, the assets, parenting rights…”, she made him count.
“What do you mean parenting rights? Sarang is my daughter too.”, he snarled.
“Just come out. We can't make Mr. Mae waiting. It’s rude.”, she said, slamming the door behind her.
Baekhyun closed his eyes in defeat and followed her, leaving a huge sigh. Mr.Mae was a well-known lawyer and had already seated himself on the table, and had laid a bunch of papers in front of him.
“Ah, yes. Please. Lets’s begin, I have another appointment with a client in the next 3 hours.”, Mr. Mae chided at Baekhyun.
“Then you can go ahead. We won't be needing you.”
“Baekhyun!”, Taeyeon whispered under her breath, while Mr. Mae only laughed soullessly.
Baekhyun sat with a sour expression the entire time as Mr. Mae listed everything that needed to be done. Celebrities couldn't just get a divorce as they wish and entailed a bunch of ways to be free from the public eye.
“....but Mr. Byun will be allowed to visit…”, he continued.
“Excuse me, allowed?”, Baekhyun roared, making Mr. Mae look up from his papers through the top of his glasses.
“Yes, Taeyeon asked for almost full parenting rights.”, he confessed.
“I just don't think you’ll be able to take care of our daughter with everything going on and also with you leaving home unannounced to meet girls.”, she retorted, her face devoid of expression.
“I’m sorry, Mr.Mae, but Taeyeon and I need to talk about this bit of the agreement before proceeding. I have never been irresponsible towards Sarang. You’re making this personal and I won't have it.”, he thundered before storming out of the house. As the cold breeze slapped his face, his face stung with warm tears that escaped. Letting out an ear wrenching scream of despair, he broke down in unstoppable tears, praying that the hurt would stop.
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wondertainmenttoys · 5 years
A Gamer and a Wondertainment intern talk over video chat
Document POI-9874-12
Date: 10/12/2019 - 10/19/2019
Background: POI-9874 (Arthur Mullin) is a suspected member of the group of interest “Gamers Against Weed” and has been under Foundation surveillance since 07/16/2018.
Document Summary:  Document POI-9874-12 are transcripts of online interactions between POI-9874 and Thomas Randall, who is believed to be a friend of POI-98745 and possibly associated with the group of interest “Dr. Wondertainment”. Reclassification of Randall to the status of POI is pending.
For the sake of brevity, POI-9874 will be designated as “Gamer” and Randall will be designated as “Vendor”.
Vendor: DUDE
Gamer: Wat???
Vendor: I GOT A JOB
Gamer: DUDE
Vendor: DUDE
Gamer: [IMG]
Note: Image was an animated gif of a video game character dancing
Gamer: what is it
Vendor: Some vendor job. The interview was kind of weird but I’m just happy to finally get a paycheck.
Gamer: weird? You got nervous or something?
Vendor: Nah. The interviewer just seemed way too happy to talk to me. like come on it’s just a vendor job what are you excited about.
Gamer: lmao probably desperate to get someone to fill the spot. hope that doesn’t mean that they’re about to go under or something.
Vendor: God please no
Gamer: I’m sure its fine
Vendor: hope so
Gamer: when do you start
Vendor: tomorrow
Gamer: dude you have to tell me how it goes
Vendor: lol it’s a vendor job so I’m not expecting much, but I’ll let you know
Gamer: whats the place called
Vendor: it’s dumb. Wild Oddities, Neat Doodads, Rare Terrific New Magic Toys
Gamer: [IMG]
Note: Image was a jpeg of a zoomed in picture of Shrek. The character has a neutral expression.
Vendor: I know. But whatever I’m getting paid for it
Gamer: True true. Good luck tomorrow!
Vendor: thanks!
Gamer: yo
Vendor: yooooo
Gamer: dude how’d that new job go? Did you vend hard. Sell some of those terrific rare toys?
Vendor: it was pretty boring. I sold some things. they’re stupidly cheap.
Gamer: cheap?
Vendor: yeah. Like some of the pricier stuff only costs like $5 max. it’s wild.
Vendor: especially with how much they said they’re gonna pay me
Gamer: how much are they paying you???
Vendor: $30/hr
Gamer: holy shit
Vendor: YEAH
Gamer: Dude not to alarm you but that’s kind of shady. might not be something that stays in business for long
Vendor: I know. Maybe they’re the type of company that sells a ton of cheap stuff en masse.
Gamer: maybe
Gamer: what are you coworkers like
Vendor: uh there aren’t any. it’s just me at this small store I think
Gamer: wait so they’re making you clean up and restock without help
Gamer: that’s some bs
Vendor: I don’t think so? It wasn’t in my job description, so I’m guessing someone comes in at night or something after I close.
Gamer: bro
Gamer: bruh
Gamer: brokowski
Gamer: ngl that’s shady as shit
Vendor: yeeeeeeah now that you mention it
Gamer: you’re like in a front for the mafia or something
Vendor: I’ll see how it goes for the next few days. if it gets way too shady I’m out.
Gamer: bro I’d just get out now
Vendor: but the pay
Gamer: bruh
Vendor: hey so you know how we talked about shady shit
Gamer: uh yeah?
Gamer: please don’t tell me that you had to bury a body or something
Vendor: someone broke in last night and stole a ton of the merchandise and the cash in the cash register
Gamer: oh shit
Vendor: smashed the window in too
Gamer: you ok?
Vendor: I thought i was going to get fired
Vendor: but I got a call from the manager and told them about it
Gamer: yeah?
Vendor: and they thanked me??? like they said that was the biggest sale I’ve done for them and that I’m doing a great job?
Vendor: dude you got your shit stolen why aren’t you mad
Gamer: calling it now that stuff had drugs stuffed in them. it’s too shady
Vendor: yeah it’s freaked me out a little
Gamer: way too shady
Vendor: but that’s not it
Vendor: After my lunch break I went back to the register
Vendor: and all the stolen stuff had been restocked
Gamer: what
Vendor: like when I wasn’t looking someone just restocked the shelves or something
Vendor: and the window as fixed too
Vendor: I didn’t hear the door open or anyone walk in or anything
Vendor: not even a customer
Vendor: It’s a really small shop so I would’ve noticed
Gamer: okay that went from shady to scary way too fast
Gamer: get the fuck out of there
Vendor: I know I’m already looking for a new job
Vendor: this is some paranormal shit
Gamer: you doing ok
Vendor: yeah.
Gamer: your still at that Wild Terrific Toys place right
Vendor: Wild Oddities, Neat Doodads, Rare Terrific New Magic Toys?
Vendor: yeah
Gamer: anymore spooky shit go down
Vendor: no. the shelves are still doing that restocking thing when I don’t look but other than that it’s been quiet.
Gamer: I was thinking
Vendor: what
Gamer: what do they sell again
Vendor: toys and games.
Vendor: board games
Gamer: and this is in Portland right
Vendor: yeah?
Gamer: Just throwing this out there but have you heard of Portland with a 3?
Vendor: ???
Gamer: Like a 3 of Portlands or a 3rd Portland at your job
Gamer: 3 Portlands
Vendor: what no
Gamer: ok just had an idea but I was wrong
Vendor: what was your idea
Gamer: it was about that weird place you’re working at
Gamer: i thought it might have to do with something
Gamer: hey can you send me a pic of the store logo?
Vendor: sure. why though
Gamer: i’m going to see if any of my friends know about it. I know one who is super into bizarre stuff like this
Vendor: yea tomorrow I’ll get you a pic
Gamer: hey you got the pic
Vendor: no. for some reason everytime I try to take a picture it comes out blurry or unfocused
Gamer: weird
Vendor: the store’s haunted or something
Vendor: I drew a sketch of it though
Intern: [IMG]
Note: Image is a sketch of the Wild Oddities, Neat Doodads, Rare Terrific New Magic Toys logo on a yellow sticky note. The font style loosely resembles that of previous logos used by Dr. Wondertainment.
Gamer: thanks
Note: Shortly after this interaction POI-9874 discussed the topic in an online chatroom with other members of Gamers Against Weed. See Document POI-9874-14 for a full transcript.
Vendor: hey so I know it’s 3 AM and you’re probably asleep
Vendor: but i decided to stay late at the shop just to see if any other employee would come in
Gamer: oh fuc
Gamer: k
Vendor: and someone did at like midnight
Gamer: ye
Gamer: dude was it a ghost?
Vendor: no
Vendor: some old lady
Vendor: I think it was the janitor
Vendor: but like everything else there she was weird
Gamer: a ghost
Gamer: calling it
Vendor: she was surprised to see me but didn’t seem too bothered by it
Vendor: like complimented me for working late or whatever
Gamer: ok
Vendor: but I swear dude
Vendor: her eyes
Vendor: but I SWEAR I saw them glowing in the dark
Vendor: like glowing green
Vendor: like a Christmas light
Gamer: ghost
Vendor: She was super nice and cheerful but it was unnerving
Gamer: dude you saw a ghost at your haunted toy store
Vendor: i dont know it was weird like everything else
Gamer: so I spoke to my friend
Vendor: yeah?
Gamer: Does Wondertainment ring a bell to you?
Vendor: yeah I think most of the toys there are from them. why.
Vendor: are their toys supposed to be haunted or something
Gamer: something like that yeah.
Vendor: are you kidding me
Gamer: I mean they said it’s harmless
Gamer: like some sort of urban legend that’s weird but doesn’t hurt you
Gamer: you just do your thing and they’ll pay you
Gamer: I’ll have to introduce you to them later
Gamer: they can explain it better
Intern: ok
Gamer: they also said that Men in Black type stuff can happen if you stay there too long
Vendor: uh men in black? like the movies
Gamer: no like the creepy UFO stories
Gamer: where they show up at your house and try to shut you up or mess with your memories
Vendor: what even is my life right now
Gamer: Like I said, it might be better to get a new job
Vendor: I think I’ll weather things out for now
Vendor: at least until I get my first paycheck
Gamer: I guess. just let me know if more weird stuff happens dude
Vendor: will do
Vendor: ok so weird stuff happened again
Gamer: oh boy
Gamer: you ok?
Vendor: yeah I’m fine. I’m honestly starting to get used to it
Vendor: so the less weird thing was that this morning I found a basket of baked cookies
Vendor: with a note thanking me for being a hard worker
Vendor: they were still warm too
Vendor: so I guess the janitor or someone else just dropped them off right before I arrived Intern: look if it’s just weird stuff happening, then I guess I can live through it
Gamer: ok
Vendor: but then I got a weird customer
Vendor: like some random guy
Vendor: just walked in saying he’s here to inspect the store
Vendor: it’s a small toy store what is there to inspect
Vendor: i mean it’s haunted but that only happens when I’m not looking
Vendor: anyways he said he’s part of some Social something Policy
Vendor: Social Coordination Policy
Vendor: Social Corporate Policy
Gamer: uh
Vendor: something like that
Vendor: Social Corporate Policy. Yeah that’s what it was
Gamer: uh
Vendor: The guy kept wanting to get into the back but I told him I’d need to call the manager
Vendor: really pissed him off
Note: This seems to be describing Field Agent ████████’s investigation into the venue, which was conducted on 10/18/2019.
Gamer: uh
Vendor: uh?
Gamer: I think that’s the men in black stuff my friend warned you about
Vendor: OH
Gamer: what did your manager say?
Vendor: They didn’t seemed really bothered by it. Said it happens and that they’d take care of it, whatever that means.
Gamer: ok
Gamer: so he was basically like
Gamer: [IMG]
Note: image is a jpeg that depicts a cartoon character leaning back with the caption “Not My Problem”. Testing revealed that the image is anomalous in nature and temporarily makes any individual who sees it resistant to amnestics.
Vendor: lmao yeah
Vendor: if this is the Man in Black stuff then the moment I see that dude again I’m running for it
Gamer: not sure if that’s a bad or good idea dude
Vendor: maybe my ghost manager will protect me
Vendor: or maybe I’ll find another job before anything else happens
Gamer: I can help you look for something if you need
Vendor: thanks. I think I got it though
Vendor: uh
Vendor: remember how you offered to help me find a new job
Gamer: yeah??
Gamer: what happened
Vendor: the store is gone
Gamer: waht
Vendor: it’s gone
Vendor: poof
Gamer: like gone gone?
Vendor: the place is empty
Vendor: [IMG]
Note: Image displays a photo of an empty storefront. The inside of the store looks abandoned and shows signs of structural decay. A Foundation agent monitoring the location that morning confirmed that Thomas Randall was the one to take the photo.
Vendor: It’s like it’s been abandoned for years
Gamer: ghost toy company
Vendor: YEAH
Vendor: and this morning I got an email from them
Vendor: thanking me for my work and saying I’m pretty much fired
Gamer: wow what dicks
Vendor: a year’s worth of $30/hr
Gamer: wow what not dicks
Vendor: yeah
Vendor: I got spooked a lot but I kind of don’t regret it?
Vendor: I won’t lie I’d work for a haunted toy company again just for that kind of pay lmao
Gamer: honestly I don’t blame you
Gamer: glad you didn’t get kidnapped or killed
Gamer: especially with the Men in Black
Vendor: lol yea
Gamer: Fucking Tommy’s Bizarre Adventure with Wondertainment
Vendor: [IMG]
Note: Image depicts a heavily edited image of an cartoon character with the caption “IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE”
Gamer: HA
Gamer: Speaking of that I still need to introduce you to my friends
Gamer: they know a lot about this stuff
Vendor: dude please do
Gamer: also might help with anymore weird stuff that happens
Gamer: because after this I think you might be running into more weird shit
Vendor: My Bizarre Adventure begins
Vendor: as long as it’s not shady anymore
Gamer: [IMG]
Note: Image is similar to the last, but with poorer spelling
Gamer: yeah here you go.
Gamer: [LINK]
Note: link leads to a chatroom that POI-9874-12 frequents, which is believed to be associated with Gamer’s Against Weed
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