wwereaderinserts · 2 months
Can you do a story in the late 2000s when the reader and Randy are a part of the legacy, she won the diva title at at Armageddon then after that he confesses his love with the prompt “you are beautiful, my jaw was on the floor the first time i saw you, just thought you should know that.” And “I been wanting to tell you something for a long time.”
A/N: "A few days while I recharge" I said. And yet here I am with something new the first free day I got lmao I couldn't help myself, straight back to work I guess Title: It's About Time Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader Word Count: 779
“Look, I did it! We have to go out and celebrate with the others tonight!”
You practically skip over to Randy, who has been waiting backstage for you to return after your match. He’d been eagerly watching your match, betting on you equally as much as you’d been betting on yourself before you went out there, and you most definitely delivered with what had been arguably the match of your career tonight.
Beaming from ear to ear, Randy greets you with a proud smirk and open arms when you approach him, and you rest a hand over your new title to keep it sitting snugly on your shoulder while you gladly accept a hug from him.
“Told you you could do it.” he gazes down at you when you take a step back from him, his smirk now gradually dissolving into a softer smile, “I’m proud of you, you deserve it.”
Sincerity oozes from Randy’s words as he’s looking at you, and you break eye contact with him only for a moment to let a giggle escape your lips, allowing yourself to be rightfully overcome with joy now that reality has finally begun to set in.
It was exactly what you’d been hoping to hear from Randy. That he was proud of your victory, that he’s happy for you, that he’d had the utmost faith in you every step of the way. Not that you’ve ever doubted him for a second in that regard, but you definitely won’t deny the chance for some affirmation and reassurance on it.
“Thanks, Randy. You’ve been my biggest fan ever since I’ve known you.”
You grin at him, and he nods and falls silent with a smile that mirrors yours. He mulls over his words in his head for a moment, at war with himself over whether now is the right time, but he comes to the conclusion that now is as good a time as any, especially now that you’re riding a high that you won’t be coming down from anytime soon.
“You know, you’re right about that.” Randy begins, his expression turning solemn, “Why wouldn’t I be? Why wouldn’t anyone be? There’s, uh…I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a long time, (Y/N).”
The smile slowly fades from your lips, and instead you purse them together as you listen to Randy’s every word, intrigued with just where he’s going with this. You remain silent and give him an encouraging nod, urging him to continue.
“You are beautiful. My jaw was on the floor the very first time I saw you. And after I got to actually know you? I knew I was screwed, no turning back from it. I only fell even more, and I think I’m still falling little by little as days go by. I want to be with you, (Y/N).”
You’re dumbfounded as you soak in Randy’s words, the hand holding your title firmly in place on your shoulder now slackening before it slips down to clasp your free hand. Of all the things you were expecting Randy to say, you must admit he’s blindsided you with this one.
How long has he felt like this? The same way as you do?
Your heart hammers in your chest, skipping beats once you eventually process his confession. All this time, you hadn’t made a move for fear of him rejecting you and things becoming awkward as a result, but knowing you could have taken the leap and had an immense payoff because of it? It seems surreal to you.
You don’t realise exactly how long you’ve been keeping Randy waiting in suspense until he briefly waves a hand in front of you to catch your attention, and you blink rapidly as you bring yourself out of your own head and focus your attention back to him.
“So…what do you say? Would you want to give this a fair shot?”
Randy’s eyes are fixed on yours, a glimmer of hope in them as he awaits your answer. He knows he’s put you on the spot with this, but he’s not sure he can wait much longer. Though judging by the look on your face, the way you’re smiling right back at him, he’s absolutely right in thinking he’s getting the reaction he desires from you. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this, Randy.” you giggle and nod, stepping closer towards him and taking one of his hands in your own, “I’ve been wanting to tell you how I feel, and knowing you’ve felt the same way the whole time? Yeah, I’d love to take a chance on you. It’s about time we did.”
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 4 months
hehehe thank you for this information i will definitely not use it for evil(i dont know how to write anything let alone smut so unfortunately offbrand you wont be getting the beloved randyxreader fic im so sorry🙏)
damn no fanfic in the inbox 💔
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wwereaderinserts · 4 months
Love your work, can you do a best friend to lover headcanon with Randy orton pls?
Thank you so much!!
Best Friends to Lovers with Randy Orton
You and Randy first meet through work - him being a superstar and you being an interviewer backstage
He’s one of the first friendly faces to make you feel welcome in the company
You’d even go as far as saying he was the first actual friend you’d made
Fast forward a good few months and several group and duo hangouts, you both become practically inseparable when your schedules allow it
Fans and even your own coworkers begin to suspect there’s something going on between you two
Though you’re both simply close friends, even best friends
You both ignore it for the most part and try not to let the thoughts and opinions of others impact your friendship too much
Though it’s different for Randy - he catches feelings first and while he’s typically rather upfront, he decides to bury them deep down rather than act upon them
He doesn’t want to ruin your friendship or make things awkward at work at all
But when Randy finally decides to bite the bullet and tell you how he feels, he’s too late
When you two grab lunch one day, you tell him someone’s asked you out and that you have a date on the weekend
Randy puts on a smile and tells you he’s happy for you, but he’s consumed by jealousy and regret on the inside
He knew he cared for you, but knowing you’ll be seeing someone else makes him realise exactly how much he does
The weekend rolls around and he calls you later in the night to find out how your date went
You tell him that the person upped and left halfway through, using a flimsy excuse
Randy doesn’t hesitate to leave his hotel to come and get you when you tell him you’re still at the restaurant
 He gives you the biggest hug when he gets to you, and you have a brief cry in his arms
He gets frustrated on your behalf over the person - he calls them a fool for leaving, that they don’t know what they’re missing out on, that it’s their loss
“I never would have done something like this. I’d treat you so much better than this. I thought I’d lost my chance by not saying anything before, and I didn’t want to do it like this, but fuck it. I love you.”
You’re stunned for a moment while you process it, but Randy’s admission makes you realise you’ve been subconsciously burying your own feelings for longer than you may have thought
“What are we doing? What we want has been right in front of us the whole time. We’d be silly not to give things a shot, right? Maybe everyone else was right in the first place.”
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wwereaderinserts · 4 months
Can you do a wedding headcanon with Randy orton pls?
Wedding Day with Randy Orton
Randy pulls out all the stops for you when planning everything out
Anything you want for the wedding, you’ll get it
Money is absolutely no object, he just wants to give you the wedding of your dreams
On the day of the wedding, he’s more nervous than he’s prepared to let on
But that’s only because he wants everything to be perfect
And he can’t wait to see you walking down the aisle to him
When he’s at the altar waiting for you in his best tux, he hears the bridal march start to play and he eagerly turns to look towards the start of the aisle
He swears his heart either skipped two beats or stopped altogether the second he laid eyes on you there
You’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen
Even though he promised himself he wouldn’t cry, he sheds a happy tear at the sight of you making your way down the aisle to him with the biggest smile on your face
Randy can’t take his eyes off of you when you’re standing right in front of him
He writes his own vows, showcasing his most vulnerable side in front of your entire family and friends in attendance
He’s staring into your eyes the entire time and he gets so choked up while he’s declaring his undying, everlasting love for you
Naturally, seeing him all choked up sets you off when you’re reading your own vows out to him
Randy is pulling you into him for one of the most tender yet passionate kisses the very second the officiant finishes saying “You may now seal your union with a kiss.”
You’re both equally as absolutely elated to be marrying each other's best friend, the love of your lives, your soulmate
You truly do get the wedding you’ve always dreamed of having and then some
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wwereaderinserts · 4 months
Can you do the proposal hc with Randy orton please?
Proposal with Randy Orton
Randy decides to keep things simple rather than go through with an elaborate proposal
He arranges a long weekend getaway for just the two of you to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
He miraculously manages to give nothing away about his true intentions behind the getaway
Which is very surprising to him since he’s a bit of a nervous wreck inside, he wants the whole thing to fall into place perfectly
He doesn’t jump into action with immediately popping the question - he waits until you’ve seen the sights and have already done everything you wanted to do
Instead, he takes you out to dinner on your final night at your getaway destination
You practically have the whole place to yourself - Randy made damn sure of that
Conversation flows over dinner and drinks without you suspecting a single thing
Randy is on the edge of his seat throughout dinner, unable to keep himself from popping the question then and there
He manages to contain his excitement and eagerness until dessert is served
Before you can even take a spoonful of your dessert, he takes your free hand in his and gives it a squeeze
“I wanted the past few days to be perfect for us. And they have been. I just wanted to spoil you because I know it’s been a while since we’ve been able to get away for a bit like this, but there’s another reason why I planned this all out, too…”
Randy gets out of his seat across from you and paces over to your side before he leans in to give you a quick kiss
And after a moment, he’s dropping down to one knee and fishing a small box out of his pocket
You’re totally bewildered - you think you know what’s going on but your brain is working overtime, and you don’t want to jump to conclusions until you know for definite
“Life with you makes perfect sense to me. You’re my best friend, and I want to grow old with you. I love you.”
He opens up the small box and turns it towards you, and a beautiful ring sits inside it
You’re stunned into silence for a moment, and your hands fly up to cover a shocked gasp that slips from your lips
But Randy doesn’t start to panic over this - he’s still there on one knee, looking up at you hopefully
A wide smile slowly makes its way onto your lips, and you get up out of your chair after a moment while nodding fervently
You dip down to give him a tender, passionate kiss before your arms snake around his neck
“This is the easiest yes of my life, Randy. Yes, a thousand times over!”
Randy beams and pulls you into another kiss before he slips the ring onto your finger - you’ve truly made him the happiest man alive.
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wwereaderinserts · 5 years
Hi! If HC requests are still open could you do a dating Randy Orton?
Dating Randy Orton
Randy bringing you on the road when he’s able to
And when you’re able to come with him, obviously
Watching all of his matches
Whether it’s from home, backstage, or right at ringside
Though he loves it when you get ringside seats
Because he gets to make an absolute show of coming to see you during a match
He’ll tell you to “give him a kiss for good luck”
And you’ll tell him he doesn’t need it
But that still doesn’t stop him
Randy spoiling you
Whether it’s with lavish gifts or a fancy dinner date
He’s determined to treat you like a princess
Meaning he goes all out
Skype dates that last hours when you can’t be on the road with him
Or when you’re quite a distance apart
Randy getting your initials tattooed on him somewhere
Most likely on the inside of one of his fingers
If not somewhere slightly more visible
You get along great with his kids, too
Which means the absolute world to him
Randy’s fiercely protective of you
He knows you can handle yourself, of course
But he’ll be damned if he’s just going to stand idly by and watch anybody do you wrong
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wwereaderinserts · 9 years
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 2,160
Warnings: Smut and swears!
Summary: Your car completely gave up on you and left you stuck out in the rain, but luckily, a certain superstar shows up and helps you out.
“Aw, I don’t fucking believe this!”
You kicked at your car tyre once more after accepting that your car was well and truly fucked. You’d been stranded in the rain for god knows how long all because some asshole had bumped into you and hadn’t even bothered to stop when you managed to pull over. To top it all off, it was raining, so you were soaked through to your skin. Hitching a ride seemed like the only option at the minute. Calling a recovery truck would take far too long, and you really needed to get back somewhere and get into some fresh clothes and even take a shower.
“Excuse me, miss? You look like you could use a ride.”
It was as if your prayers had been answered, because somebody had actually pulled up and offered you a ride. But this wasn’t just anybody. No, this was Randy Orton. You were well aware of who he was, and it was taking everything in you not to completely freak out.
No, (Y/N), play it cool. Don’t fuck this one up.
“I guess you could say that,” You chuckled and paced over to his vehicle, crouching down at the window to directly address him, “If I’m being honest, I don’t really know where I’m going. I’m pretty much cruising along at the minute, just waiting for things to fall into place for me.”
You felt his eyes fixed on you the entire time, wandering from your eyes, to the curve of your lips, and of course, straight to your chest. It was understandable; the way your bra practically glowed under the white of your shirt simply couldn’t be avoided, and the way your shirt clung to you was also rather appealing. It didn’t take Randy another second to think all of this through.
“C’mon, jump in. I’ll take you wherever you need to go.”
He offered you a smirk, to which you responded with a flip of the hair as you strutted your way to the passenger side and slipped your way into the seat. You didn’t care much about leaving your car behind. You could do with a new one anyway, and you were sure that you’d have a call about a day or two later to say that it’d been picked up by some recovery company.
“Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it.”
You dared to give his hand a gentle pat as he changed gears and drove off, almost stalling the engine when he gave you a stare. That was all Randy wanted to do. You didn’t miss the way his eyes wandered south again as he nodded absentmindedly when you thanked him, and this time, you actually called him up on it.
“Hey, eyes on the road. I wanna get outta this car in one piece, and I’m assuming you do too, “You leaned back in your seat slightly, still uncomfortable with the feeling of soaked fabric covering your body, “I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
“Well, (Y/N), your shirt doesn’t exactly leave much to the imagination. You can’t exactly miss that bra,” He shrugged and grinned to himself as he cruised along,
“I’m Randy, and you don’t need to thank me for it.”
Even though you’d practically just met the guy, you were already finding yourself wanting to get your flirt on with him. You had to at least try your luck with him, even if things didn’t go the way you hoped they would.
“This old thing? An asshole ex of mine bought me this set for my birthday, but he broke up with me before he ever got to see me in it,” You trailed off and subtly scooted over in Randy’s direction, “Joke’s on him though, because some other lucky guy is gonna see what he’s missing instead.”
You nibbled on your lower lip, and if your goal was to be driving Randy to insanity, then you were succeeding with total ease. When he’d first caught a glance at you, he thought you were irresistible, but now that you were shamelessly flirting with him in hopes of him catching on, it was becoming too much to bear. He was doing his best to play it cool with you, but it was near enough impossible.
“Christ, even my pants are clinging to my thighs. I’m gonna have to find somewhere to change, because this is beyond ridiculous.”
You murmured to yourself, but it was loud enough for Randy to hear. Cautiously, he stretched a hand to your thigh to feel the material, and you felt some kind of fire surge throughout your body over the way his fingertips danced along the material. You weren’t lying. You were completely drenched.
“Well, I can always take you back to my hotel room,” He began with his hand still resting on your thigh, “It’s not too far from here, and you’ll be able to get outta those clothes as soon as you get through the door. I won’t mind.”
He acted rather nonchalant about it, but his goal was to tease and tempt you. Of course, he’d totally succeeded, and you took the hint too. You glanced down, and his hand was now slowly ascending and descending along your thigh, and part of you was hoping that his hand would just keep going higher. Already, there was some kind of undeniable attraction between you both, and it only made you want to get back to his hotel room even quicker.
“Well, I guess you’d better floor it, boy, because I’m getting kinda sick of sitting here getting this upholstery all damp.”
You smirked, and without even looking at you, he slammed his foot down on the pedal. He was easily going over the limit, but it was all in good reason. That way, you could both get what you wanted from each other.
Being in the elevator with Randy was just as much of a tease as the way you two were acting with each other in the car. True, you’d just met and got on a first name basis with each other, but there was mutual lust there between you both. It simply couldn’t be missed. Randy led the way to his hotel room and unlocked the door, allowing you to slip inside before he did, which gave you the opportunity to kick your shoes off. Even they were soaked.
“I’m just gonna get right to it. I could feel the sexual tension between us in the car and I can feel it now, so how about we just get this over with?”
He huffed, and you gave him a vixen smirk as you crossed your arms and pulled your shirt over your head. He still had absolutely no idea that you were a fan, and there you were, standing right in front of him, stripping down to your underwear. You unbuttoned your pants and managed to peel them off of your skin, kicking them aside to leave you standing in the matching set you’d mentioned to him earlier.
“You’re the first guy to see me in these.”
You purred as you closed in on him, trailing your index finger up and down his chest before pushing your body flush against his. He locked eyes with you and cast you a smirk, bringing his face closer to yours.
“Guess I’m that lucky guy then, huh?”
The question was rhetorical, for he crushed his lips against yours and allowed his hands to freely roam over your body, somehow managing to kick his shoes off in the process whilst deepening the kiss. You moaned when his lips attacked your neck after he’d pulled away from you, kissing you sloppily as he backed you up towards the bed. Randy was already making work of letting his belt drop to the floor, along with his jeans sinking down his thighs, kicking them to the side and breaking apart from you for about a second to tear his shirt over his head, and you had to admit, his body was even more impressive in person. He unclasped your bra with ease and laid you down on the sheets, taking a moment to admire the garment before gently dropping it beside the bed and towering over you, constraining his lips against yours whilst already beginning to subconsciously roll his hips against yours. He was visibly hard through his boxers, and you couldn’t resist palming him through the barrier.
“Oh, Jesus.”
He groaned, forcing your hips upward and dragging your panties down, clearly unable to wait any longer. He reached down into his jeans and pulled his wallet out, digging in to find what you assumed was an emergency condom. He wasted no time in tearing the foil open with his teeth, tugging his boxers down and slipping the rubber onto his now hard cock. He locked eyes with you for a moment, and he didn’t even need to utter another word to you. You spread your legs for him and curled them around his waist, guiding him into your entrance with a loud moan when he thrust his hips into yours.
You practically screamed out, clinging onto him as he powered into you even more with each drive of the hips. He pulled and gripped at your hips, sinking his nails into your skin, grunting and groaning even heavier whilst you clamped your legs around his waist, but there was no more of him you could receive. He’d given you everything he’d had to offer. His pace was rapid, your voice was hoarse from begging him to go harder, and you were both inevitably going to be aching later. Your knee buckled, and with a few more slams of his hips, you were both coming, shattering into sheer pleasure when you finally reached your respective climaxes. Randy pulled out and collapsed beside you, still breathing heavily as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a dopey post-sex grin plastered on his face, one that was similar to yours. He took a chance and turned his face in your direction, and you noticed him looking at you.
“I actually kinda need to be somewhere tonight. Smackdown tapings and stuff.”
He huffed out, reluctantly making it back to his feet and collecting his clothes off of the hotel room floor. You rolled over onto your stomach and propped your elbow up to rest your chin in your palm.
“I know. I uh…I didn’t mention it earlier, but I’m a fan. I know exactly who you are.”
You quirked a brow and smirked at him, and he let out a single puff of air that represented a chuckle as he disposed of the used condom and hoisted his boxers and jeans back up to his hips.
“Goddamn, woman,” He chuckled and took a moment to contemplate something, “How about you come along with me tonight?”
While Randy’s proposition stunned you, there was no way you could turn it down. He’d somehow managed to get you ringside seats, and you didn’t miss the way he tried his best to show off in the ring just because you were there. For two people who’d just met, this all seemed pretty hasty to you, but you weren’t prepared to complain about it. You could honestly say that you wouldn’t mind getting to know him properly, despite the fact you’d just properly went at it with the man earlier on in the day.
“Y’know, my day took a really unexpected turn, but I’ve really had fun, Randy. Thank you.”
You admitted as you ambled your way back up to his hotel room with him. Seeing as you had nowhere else to go, he’d offered for you to stay with him in his room for the night until you figured something out for yourself. He smirked and opened the door for you, watching you as you intentionally swayed your hips on the way in. You span around and he was already glaring at you like he’d done earlier.
“You don’t need to thank me,” He grinned widely, resting his hands on your waist, “But if you really wanna, you can thank me by having a repeat of the activities from earlier on.”
You pressed your weight onto your tiptoes to kiss him, halting when your lips were mere millimetres apart. He glanced down at you, wondering why you’d came to such an abrupt stop.
“Promise me this won’t be the end of this. I know I’m a stranger, but I’d love to get to know you properly.”
You purred, and he responded by tilting his head to the side slightly, ready for his lips to assault yours when he’d mustered a reply. His hands slid down to your ass, copping a feel as he pulled you into him and bruised his lips against yours, allowing you both to pick up where you’d left off earlier.
“This won’t be the end. Don’t you worry.”
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wwereaderinserts · 9 years
Take It Out On Me
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 1,378
Warnings: Smut, swears, mentions of alcohol.
Summary: Randy really doesn’t appreciate other men putting his hands on you, which calls for a way to release his anger.
A night out was totally on the agenda for you. It’d been a while since you’d actually let yourself go a bit and found the time to relax, so a night out with some of the other Superstars and Divas was sure to help you unwind a bit. Randy’s arm was curled firmly around your waist, hand resting on your hip as you stood to the side of the dance floor with him and laughed at the sight before you. Dean Ambrose was trying to show some of the other superstars what he labelled as his ‘dance moves’, and the fact that he’d had more than enough to drink tonight made it all the more hysterical.
“Babe, I’m gonna go get another drink. You gonna be alright here on your own?”
Randy brought his lips right to your ear in an attempt to shout over the music that was blaring throughout the club. You shook your head and rested a hand on his forearm, cupping the nape of his neck with the other.
“I’ll be fine here, but I wouldn’t say no to another drink.”
You yelled back, pecking a kiss on his cheek before he left. You didn’t even need to tell him what you wanted. You were so predictable in his eyes, and he knew you better than anybody else did. Randy was gone for not even a minute, and you were already being approached by some random guy. Surely, it was no surprise that other men were drawn to you, and while you were flattered, there was no way you’d even give them the time of day. You’d politely acknowledge any compliments you were given, but at the end of the day, the only man you had eyes for was Randy.
“Why’s a pretty little thing like you all alone here, baby?”
He leaned close to you and just about managed to slur right into your ear, and you were repulsed by the strong scent of alcohol on both his breath and clothing. You subtly edged yourself away from him, but he only closed the distance between you once again.
“C’mon, you’re not telling me anything about you.”
He whined when you didn’t reply to him, and he even attempted to slip an arm around your waist. You swatted his hand away and sidestepped away from him once again, turning to face him this time with the most disgusted expression on your face.
“Don’t touch me, please. I’m with someone, and I don’t have to tell you anything about me. What, just because I’m a woman, that means you automatically think I owe you something, right?”
You spat your words out at him, and he only chuckled them off. He tried to slip an arm around you for the final time, but Randy swooped in to your rescue. There were no drinks in his hands, so that could only mean that he didn’t even make it to the bar when he noticed this sleazy guy flirting with you.
“Hey, get your fucking hands off my girlfriend, man!”
Randy immediately stepped between you both, acting as a human shield for you. He towered over the other man with ease, and he already had hold of him by the front of his shirt, fist locked and loaded to knock his teeth down his throat.
“Whoawhoawhoa, Randy, no, don’t! He’s not worth your time!”
You were pleading to your boyfriend, not because you didn’t want to see this guy get absolutely annihilated right before your very eyes, but because you were thinking of Randy’s reputation. You were out in public, and you couldn’t watch him run the risk of presenting himself negatively in front of the public eye.
“Randy, let him go!”
You stepped to the side and attempted to slip between them both, but it wasn’t working. In the end, Randy cast you a glance, and one look with desperate eyes was all it took for him to drop him. As soon as he was free, he staggered away and left you with your boyfriend.
“I think we’d better get you outta here.”
You cautiously rested a hand on his arm, knowing he was still completely pissed off. The alcohol wasn’t giving off a very positive contribution either. Regardless, he gave a few nods of the head and aimed towards the exit with you, not bothering to say goodbye to any of the others.
The moment you and Randy got back to your hotel room, he pulled you inside with him and slammed the door, locking it and virtually pinning you against it. His body pressed flush against yours, hands ghosting over your forearms and eventually resting on your hips as his lips crashed down on yours in pent up frustration. The desperation in the way his lips moved against yours indicated that he didn’t even need to express his anger or agitation in words.
“I’m still really pissed off.”
He growled when he eventually surfaced for air, and you already wanted more from him. You knew exactly where this was going. The way his eyes turned dark with lust did all the talking. His lips collided with yours again, only this time, he was scooping you up and carrying you to the bed. He threw you down onto the sheets and tore your blouse open, near enough ripping it off of your body and reached around to unclasp your bra with slight struggle due to his shaky hands, tearing it off and launching it across the room.
“Gonna take it out on me, huh?”
You purred, watching him intently as he hastily unbuttoned his own shirt and tossed it to the floor without a care in the world. Your eyes freely roamed over his body, taking a moment to appreciate your boyfriend’s toned physique. He smirked at you devilishly as he let his jeans thump to the floor, kicking his feet out of them and instantly lurching forward towards you again. You edged yourself further up the bed to give him some space and he crawled towards you, rolling his hips against yours as he met your lips for another bruising kiss.
“You have no idea.”
He husked when he pulled back, dragging your skirt down your thighs and throwing in the bathroom’s direction. You angled your hips up and he almost ripped your underwear clean off your hips, leaving you completely naked and on full display for him to drink you in. All you had to do was spread your legs ever so slightly, and that was more than enough for him. He yanked his boxers down and set his member free, kicking them off to the edge of the bed before proceeding to crawl between your legs.
“Thought you were gonna keep me waiti- O-oh, god…”
You didn’t get the chance to finish, for he thrust into you with ease, already gripping onto your hips as you tangled your legs around his waist. He was already slamming his hips against yours at a relentless pace, knees already buckling from the force as you dragged your nails down his back whilst moaning in sheer ecstasy. Randy leaned down to nip and bite and suck at your neck as he continued to pound into you, grunting right into your ear with each thrust. You were moaning heavily as you continued to claw at him, vision becoming hazier as you climax was nearing.
“Ohmyfuckinggod...I’m gonna come…”
You coped through moans and shallow breaths while Randy muttered something about how great you felt. His lips grazed over your ear, landing a few more nips at the lobe whilst thrusting erratically.
“Come for me then.”
He commanded, and you obeyed, shattering under him. Your walls clamped around him as your cursed and cried out his name, sinking your nails into him harder than ever before. He bucked his hips against your own before reaching his own climax, groaning throughout before collapsing into you limply. Randy managed to break free of the sweaty bond that held you both together and collapsed besides you on the sheets, chest rising and falling irregularly through lack of breath.
“Christ, other guys should flirt with me more often,” You chuckled lightly and curled into his side, “You’re fucking incredible when you’re angry, Orton.”
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wwereaderinserts · 9 years
The Wedding Night
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 1,132
Warnings: Smut!
Summary: You finally give yourself to Randy on your wedding night.
Randy carried you in his arms back to your hotel room, where there were rose petals and a nice, chilled bottle of champagne waiting for you both in the newlywed suite. Finally tying the knot with him had never felt so good, and you knew that tonight was going to be that particular, special night for you. You’d been saving yourself for the right person, and seeing as Randy turned out to be the right person, you knew you were completely ready to give yourself to him.
“How does it feel being able to call yourself Mrs Orton?”
He grinned widely and laid you down on the bed. You giggled at the mention of it. It was going to take some getting used to, but you were already loving it.
“It feels perfect.”
You smiled widely, and he quickly joined you on the bed. He propped himself up on an elbow and held your gaze, gently removing your veil and cupping your face with his hands. He looked at you like he’d looked at no other woman before, and he couldn’t wait to make love to you tonight and make you totally his.
“You’re so beautiful, y’know that?” He whispered and brushed his lips against yours, “I love you so much, (Y/N).”
He kissed you before you could respond, but he knew you were going to regurgitate his words right back to him. He was sweet and tender with you just like he’d always been, treating you as if you were something fragile, like you’d break if he used too much pressure. Randy slipped himself out of his tuxedo jacket and lay it down on the floor, also unravelling his bowtie and unfastening the top button of his shirt in the process.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
He asked with concern in your eyes, which you couldn’t help but smile sweetly at.
“I’ve been saving myself for my husband. Of course I want this.”
You nodded and softly curled your hand at the nape of his neck to initiate the kiss this time around. You managed to maneuver yourself out of your dress with Randy’s assistance, gently placing it down on the floor and leaving yourself in your underwear. It was such a simple – yet gorgeous – matching white set that you were fashioning, with lace lining the garments and even a white garter thrown into the equation. You knew that tonight was going to be the night for you, so it didn’t hurt to prepare a little bit and give Randy something nice to slip you out of.
“Christ, you look like an angel.”
He murmured, lost for words as he rid himself of his shirt and let his pants fall down to the floor. He slipped his shoes off and stepped out of the pants pooling at his ankles, now able to take in the sight of you laying there surrounded by rose petals in your bridal lingerie. He knew it was an image that would be burning in the back of his mind for many years to follow.
“Undress me.”
You whispered almost inaudibly, and he immediately complied. He clambered back onto the bed, towering over you even while on his knees and gently lifting you upwards to expertly unclasp your bra. He slid the straps down your arms and cast the garment aside, hands instantly finding their way to your breasts, cupping and kneading them with care. You moaned when his thumbs flicked over your nipples and he leaned forward to capture your lips in another kiss, only this time, it was more eager, more desperate. His lips trailed down from your lips and found their way to your neck, littering your skin with kisses as his hands danced their way along your waist, over your abdomen and halting at your panties.
He gave you a look and awaited your permission, and as soon as you gave him a nod of your head, he worked the garments from your hips, sliding them down your thighs, over your calves and finally holding them in his fingers when they were no longer on your person. He could feel that they were already dampened, and it didn’t surprise him in the slightest. You’d been anticipating this moment for so long, and you couldn’t wait much longer now that it was finally about to happen.
Just thinking about how everything was about to pan out had gotten waves of arousal coursing through Randy’s veins, and the tent in his boxers was a sure enough sign too. You could feel yourself aching for him, and it was almost as if he read your mind. He was reaching into the side drawer for a condom, knowing that there were bound to be some stored there, seeing as this was a suite for newlyweds. Sure enough, he tore the wrapper open and tugged his boxers down, giving you a moment to fully take in the sight of his length before sliding the rubber on.
You hooked a leg around his waist and pulled him closer to you, and his fingers tangled with yours as he lined himself up at your entrance.
“I’ll be gentle, I promise. I love you.”
He brought his lips down to yours as he inched himself into you, allowing you to adjust to his length before you gave him the all clear to start moving. You moaned when he entered you, and you had to admit, it did hurt, but you knew that pain would soon morph into pleasure. Your hands roamed over his inked skin when you finally urged him to start moving, and he thrust into you with caution. He was so scared of hurting you in some way, it was actually so sweet.
“You okay?”
“God, yes…”
You murmured, now feeling pleasure beginning to set in. You began to subconsciously move your hips against his as you felt his thrusts quicken in pace, moaning and groaning his name when he caught you just right. You could already feel yourself getting closer and your stomach was tightening, but Randy knew you weren’t going to last long. In order to finish in time with you, he let his imagination run rampant, and it certainly worked.
You felt him twitch and pulse through the latex barrier as he reached his climax, pulling out and collapsing at your side once he had finished. He removed the condom and tossed it in the nearby waste bin, immediately turning his attention towards you. You were lying there breathlessly, rose petals fused against your body by sweat, grinning hopelessly.
“I love you.”
Randy pulled you into his arms, and you honestly had no idea what to say other to him than those three particular words in return.
“I love you too.”
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wwereaderinserts · 9 years
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 650
Warnings: Smut!
Summary: You won’t be using his own maneuver against him again.
As far as Randy was concerned, you’d hit him with an RKO for the final time. He’d let it slide the first time, but then it happened again, and again, and again. He refused to let this become some kind of regular thing.
“(Y/N), what’s your problem, huh?”
He called after you as soon as he spotted you backstage. You span around with an angelic smile on your face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb with me. It’s not gonna make you look cute,” He snapped back and brought himself face to face with you, “I really think you should stop this…thing or whatever statement you’re trying to make.”
His voice was low, and he was trying to strike fear into you. The Viper wasn’t going to succeed.
“You really want me to stop? How about you make me?”
You challenged, to which he instantly slammed you against the wall. With wide eyes, you stared right at him. He had you cornered, and you had no chance of getting away.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N). You won’t piss me off again after this.”
He growled, bringing his face closer to yours. He tilted his head to the side and nuzzled your neck, causing your skin to prickle when his stubble grazed against your throat. He took you by surprise when he bit your neck, and you couldn’t supress a yelp.  Being at his mercy was getting you all hot and bothered, and you never imagined that you’d actually like this.
His hand slithered down to your pants and slipped under the material, dragging your underwear to the side to run a finger over your lips. You were already damp.
“Not here.”
“Might be humiliating for you if anybody saw this, right?”
The corners of his mouth ticked up into a self-righteous grin. He continued to run his index finger over your wetness, and you were growing restless. You wanted this; just not where anybody could conveniently stroll past.
“Just like you humiliated me in front of everyone and used my own move against me. That really stung my pride, (Y/N).”
“You’ll get what you’re given.”
He dipped his finger inside you, and you bit back a moan as he began to thrust it in and out. The pleasure was beginning to increase, and you dug your nails into his back and shoulders when he added a second finger.
“Oh my- f-fuckkk…”
You whined loudly when he curled his fingers inside you. Your head fell back against the wall and your eyes fluttered shut, but you were praying that nobody was nearby to have heard you crying out like that. He gave your clit some much needed attention and you urgently began bucking your hips to each thrust of his fingers. As soon as Randy noticed your movements getting more and more frantic and your moans and groans drawing themselves out even more, he stopped thrusting altogether.
“Hm, I’ve got somewhere to be. Sorry, babe.”
He shrugged so nonchalantly. You desperately twisted and moved yourself on his fingers in an attempt to get some sort of stimulation going.
“Randy, please.”
You choked your words out as you begged him. You needed him to finish what he started.
“Not gonna embarrass me again, are you?”
“No, I-“
“Promise me.”
“I promise, now please, just finish me off!”
That was exactly what he wanted to hear. With a few more sharp thrusts and one or two curls of the fingers, he had you coming, muscles spasming and whines intensifying as you rid yourself of all the pent up need through your climax. Randy withdrew his fingers, licking them clean as he held your gaze.
“You’d best keep your promise, (Y/N), or I’ll really make you suffer.”
He winked and walked away without so much as glancing back at you, leaving you a flushed, gasping mess slouched against the wall.
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wwereaderinserts · 9 years
Don’t Mess With The Viper
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 599
Warnings: Smut, swears!
Summary: You pissed Randy off, so he doesn’t finish what he started purely in spite of you.
“Hey, babe-“
You didn’t get to the end of your sentence. Randy cut you short, pinning you against the wall and piercing your eyes with his aqua orbs.
“You’ve been getting close with Reigns lately, huh?”
He instantly began to interrogate you, and you knew he was jealous. Sure, it was no secret that you and Roman had become a lot closer as of late, but it was never going to be anything more than that. You were actually insulted that Randy would even consider anything of the sort.
“Yeah, he’s my friend,” you paused when you heard him scoff at you, “What, you don’t believe me?”
“No, (Y/N), I don’t. See, you know damn well how I feel about him, and I don’t appreciate when people come along and try and take away what’s mine.”
His tone was growing darker, and you swore you felt your blood run cold. You gulped, and before you could get another word in edgeways, his lips were crushing yours, biting and pulling as he kissed you. He was being kind of...rough. He pressed his body flush against yours and rolled his hips, which surely earned a moan from you. Randy’s tongue trailed along your lower lip, but instead of slipping inside your mouth, he trailed it across your jawline and down to your neck, where he licked the flesh a few times, tasting you before actually taking a bite of what was his. You cried out when his teeth sunk into your skin, gripping him and pulling him closer.
“Oh, you like that?”
He murmured, ghosting his hands along your waist, sinking to his knees and hiking your skirt up. He gripped hold of your thighs and trailed kisses all the way up your legs, and you felt chills shooting down your spine when his lips were making their way up higher, and higher, and higher, and…
“Oh, god, Randy.”
You moaned when he kissed you through your underwear was teasing you so brazenly, but you knew he would if he was pissed off like this. You knew Randy was teasing you so brazenly. He knew exactly how to get you all riled up, but you daren’t do anything until he said so. He slipped your garments off of your hips and let his tongue get to work, flicking it out to give your slit an agonising lick. You groaned as his tongue delved into you. If only he could see your face right now as you were writhing against the wall, desperately trying to ride his face as he continued to work his magic on you.
“F-f-fuuucking Christ…-fuuuck-“  You trailed off as his tongue swirled around while his thumb made its way to your clit, giving it some much needed attention.
Not long now.
You could feel your skin blazing and knees faltering as you were getting closer, and just as you started helplessly crying his name when you could feel yourself on edge, his head rose from between your legs with a shit-eating grin stretched across his mouth. He was licking his lips, but he certainly wasn’t going to finish what he started. You glowered at him, but that grin didn’t fade in the slightest.
“What the fuck, Randy?!”
You panted with flushed cheeks. He didn’t even give you the chance to get off. You were inwardly cursing him right now. He could be so selfish when he was pissed off.
“(Y/N), babe, haven’t you heard?” He rose back to his feet, wearing that same grin and swiping his tongue along his lower lip, “You don’t mess with the Viper.”
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wwereaderinserts · 9 years
Patience Is A Virtue
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 840
Warnings: Smut and swears!
Summary: It’s been a while since you and Randy have made love, and you’re feeling pretty daring tonight.
“Y’know what really bugs me, Randy?” You asked him, not caring if he was asleep or not.
“What?” He answered groggily, turning over, still resting his head on the pillow, but now facing you.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been intimate together.”
Being on the road all the time and having to care for your son, Jack, was hard work. It wasn’t often that you had a night off like this, so you were determined to make the most of it. Lately, you’d been wanting Randy, but neither of you had the time.
“(Y/N),” Randy sat up beside you, “Jack’s asleep. What if we wake him up, huh?”
“C’mon, we never get the chance to anymore! I’ll be quiet for once, I swear.” You purred, sliding your hand down his bare chest, gradually getting lower and lower, stopping at the top of his boxers.
You swung a leg over him, now straddling him, leaning down and nibbling on his bottom lip, showing him just the right amount of cleavage to make him want to give in to you. You felt his hands ghost over your waist, down to your hips, gripping you there and holding you in place, and you instantly felt smug at the fact that he simply couldn’t resist you.
You rocked your hips against him, and you could’ve sworn your heard a soft moan escape his lips when you brushed against his crotch. He tugged at the hem of your oversized shirt, lifting it over your head, and the sudden breeze of cool air certainly perked your nipples up a bit. Randy broke his lips away from yours, now latching his mouth onto a breast, teasing the nipple into a hardened peak with his tongue and kneading the other one with a free hand before switching to the other breast.
“Oh my god.” You moaned, still aware that you had to keep as quiet as possible.
He cupped you through your already dampened underwear, running a forefinger over your lips, and you literally had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from crying out. You intentionally brushed your ass against him again, and you soon found yourself being flipped over, your back now flat against the mattress.
You toyed with his boxers, slipping them off of his hips painfully slowly, and you didn’t know whether you were teasing yourself more than you were teasing him. He growled, kissing your stomach, resting one hand on the mattress while he cast his boxers aside with his free hand, now exposing his fully hard member. Randy practically ripped your garments from your hips, and you watched him sink into you. You hissed a string of curses and arched your back as he began to thrust, and your breasts were already starting to ache from how much they were bouncing.
You almost yelled out, but he silenced you with his lips to conceal your moans and cries as well as his own. Your nails raked across his back as his thrusts grew in power, beginning to rock the bed. Your calves clamped around him like a vice, desperate to pull him closer to you even though there was no more of him you could possibly receive.
Fire began to pool in your abdomen, and you knew you were just as close as Randy was, but the bedroom door creaked open just as you were about to hit your climax.
Jack stood in the doorway, having just woken up, and you were praying that he was still groggy enough to not clearly see you and Randy like this. Randy pulled out and collapsed beside you, and you whimpered from the loss of contact. Neither of you even had the chance to get off.
“I heard some weird noises.” He yawned, rubbing at his eyes.
“Everything’s fine, sweetie. Go back to bed.” You rushed, desperate for Jack to leave so that you could relieve the ache you were feeling in your core.
“But what if the noises start again?”
“They won’t. C’mon, it’s too late for you to be awake, kiddo.” Randy intervened, obviously wanting to finish the job just as badly as you did.
Jack nodded sleepily, closing your door behind him, and Randy was back on top of you in an instant, giving you a hungry glare in the dark as he thrust back into you. One set of fingers writhed in the sheets while you were biting down on your other hand, muffling your cries as Randy mustered his final thrusts, and you had never felt so relieved when you both finally came.
He pulled out and collapsed beside you on the bed once again, panting equally as heavily as you were. You caught your breath, and you could feel him glaring at you.
“We’re never doing that again. I knew that would happen.” He sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow.
“That was so fucking wrong, I feel so bad.” You inwardly cursed yourself, but curled into Randy’s side.
“Moral of the story? Patience is a virtue.”
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wwereaderinserts · 10 years
Worth The Wait
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 873
Warnings: Smut and swears!
Summary: You can’t resist Randy for that much longer.
“Will you stop it?! People eat here.”
You yelped, swatting Randy’s hand away from your ass yet again with a chuckle. He was in one of those moods again, and he didn’t seem to quit it with the touching. You had to admit, something about it was giving you a thrill. Maybe it was because you were in public, you didn’t really know. All you knew was that it was putting you in the mood too.
“C’mon, babe…” He was right up against you, hand ghosting on your hip and trailing down to your upper thigh as he whispered in your ear. He knew damn well that it drove you wild when he did that.
Your stomach began to perform somersaults and you let out a soft groan, praying it was loud enough for only Randy to hear. Firmly grabbing hold of his wrist, you yanked him towards the door and made your way back to his locker room. You couldn’t see it, but he had that self-righteous smirk of his stretched across his lips. Pulling him in with you, you burst through the door, kicking it shut and fusing your lips with his. Your hands roamed over each other’s bodies hungrily, pressing yourself flush against each other as the kiss deepened, tongues tangling together desperately.
He grabbed hold of the underside of your thighs, hoisting you up and carrying you to a nearby bench. You instinctively had your legs clamped around him as he carried you, still not breaking the kiss. He laid you down on the bench and tugged his shirt over his head, exposing his impressively toned body. You licked your lips and pulled your own shirt over your head, tossing it to the floor and hooking a calf around Randy’s leg, pulling him towards you, leaning up and kissing him roughly. His hands snaked to the clasp of your bra, unfastening it with ease.
“Years of practice.” He murmured, practically reading your mind, asserting a quick nip to your neck.
He tossed the garment aside, latching his mouth onto a breast, swirling his tongue around the nipple. You gasped and groaned, not caring about how much noise you made as he sucked and flicked his tongue around, repeating his actions with your other breast. He trailed, hot, open-mouthed kisses down your abdomen, stopping at the waistband of your jeans. You unbuttoned and unzipped them, angling your hips up for him to make things easier, and he damn near tore them off of your legs. He glanced down and smirked, obviously appreciating the lace. He slid your soaked panties down, admiring how wet you were for him.
“I think you’re a little bit overdressed too.”
You purred, hooking your fingers through the belt rings on his jeans. You took things agonisingly slow, taking your time to unbuckle his belt, slipping it out of the rings and letting it drop to the floor. You purposely allowed your hand to rub against the denim surrounding his crotch as you unzipped them, yanking them down and leaving them to pool around his ankles. You bit down on your lip at the sight of the tent forming in his boxers, smirking triumphantly at the fact that you had been the one to get him like this. You yanked his boxers down and his member sprung out. His size never ceased to amaze you.
“Fuck, I want you. Now.” He husked, glaring down at you with lust in his eyes.
You didn’t even need to remind him about protection; he was already reaching into his jeans pocket, flipping open his wallet and taking out his ‘emergency’ condom. He tore the wrapper open with his teeth, tossing it aside, aiming for the trashcan but missing, and slid the rubber on his now fully hard member. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling your hips together. You guided him in and he slipped himself inside you. You groaned, adjusting to his size, shooting him a look that gave him the all clear.
Randy moved when he was ready, not starting off slow at all. You raked your nails across his back as you cried out, his thrusts becoming more and more erratic, with him leaning down and sinking his teeth into your skin and sucking on your neck, leaving his mark on you. You knew you would both be covered in scratches and bruises tomorrow.
“F-fuck…I-I’m close…” You just about managed, your hair sticking to your forehead with no way of brushing it away.
You cried out his name as you came, nails sinking into his skin and pulling him closer to you as you rode out your orgasm. You moaned and whimpered in harmony, throwing in a string of curses as you came together, overwhelmed by the shockwaves flooding through you. Randy continued to thrust until he had ridden out his orgasm, pulling out and collapsing into you, sweat bonding your bodies together.
“God, that was worth waiting for.” He panted, breaking apart from you to dispose of the condom.
“Fancy getting cleaned up with me in a minute?” You suggested, throwing in a wink as you brushed back the hair that clung to your forehead.
“I’m definitely up for having a second round of this.”
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wwereaderinserts · 10 years
Tough Lovin'
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 642
Warnings: Smut!
Summary: Randy ups his game a little bit.
“You know, I’ve been thinking,” You began, snuggling closer to Randy in bed, “You’re not exactly bringing your A-game with me anymore.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He turned to look at you with furrowed brows.
“You know what I mean, Randall…” You trailed off with a smirk, hoping he’d take the hint.
“No, I don’t think I do.” He chuckled.
“Put it this way; you can kiss me goodbye if I don’t get the tough love I deserve.” You winked and swatted his chest with your hand.
Finally realising exactly what you meant, his head dipped down and his lips crashed onto yours in a rough kiss. His fingers curled in your hair, gripping it softly as he deepened the kiss and nibbled at your bottom lip. You clawed at him, pulling him closer to you and deepening the kiss, opening your mouth and having your tongues go to battle for dominance. He pulled back and his lips found their way to your neck, causing you to gasp every time he sucked and nipped at the flesh.  His stubble scratched across your bare skin and he stopped at your breasts, grunting at the fabric that was currently obstructing him. He slipped your nightdress over your head, now exposing your breasts. His head dipped back down, taking a nipple into his mouth and rolling it around with his tongue, earning a moan from you before proceeding to show some attention to your other hardened peak as you cussed and uttered his name.
He trailed kisses down to your abdomen, stopping just above the waistband of your underwear. He took a second to reposition himself, kicking the covers off of the two of you. You smirked with sheer satisfaction when you felt his erection press against your thigh. His lips skimmed over your underwear, undoubtedly tasting you; you were soaked. He kissed along your inner thigh, earning some shudders and groans from you.
“I need you.” Your voice was dripping with hunger and lust, desperate for him to relieve the ache emitting from your core.
He hastily searched the nightstand, finding a condom and ripping the wrapper open with his teeth. You slid the rubber onto his now rock solid member, hooking a leg around his and guiding him inside you. He gripped onto your hips and slid inside you with ease. Randy began to thrust slowly at first, building up a rhythm as your moaning and cussing grew louder, and your nails raked across his back, inevitably removing a layer of skin. His thrusts soon grew more erratic; he was also panting and building up a sweat, that’s when you knew he was just as close as you were. Your breasts were beginning to ache from the amount of force he was using to thrust into you.
There was a fire pooling in your abdomen as everything cut to white noise, and everything you yelled was a mixture of cussing and his name as your walls constricted around him as you rode out your orgasm. Randy came soon after you. His hips were still stuttering forward and his cock pulsed inside you as he pumped into you for the last few times. He called out your name, cussing following it, before coming to a stop, collapsing to the side of you and going limp.
You wiped the sweat from your brow, still trying to catch your breath. Your skin was slick with sweat and it bound you both to the bed sheets beneath you. You turned to face him, finding him already looking at you with a smirk stretched across his lips.
“So…how was that for some tough lovin’?” He rasped. He was completely satisfied with himself.
“Hm…” You began, mirroring the smirk that he was still wearing, “Keep it up and you’ll probably never be able to get rid of me.”
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