#rangercon is on
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stumbled upon these while searching for a different file, these were submissions for rangercon’s logo contest back in 2014, and since that very much looks like it won’t be happening, I might as well release these into the wild
free to use for whatever non-commercial if you want to!
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rangercon · 9 years
Update & Suggestion
So I’m a high school senior now and applying for colleges and stuff so things will be more certain within the next year as to where RangerCon will be. I know for certain that it won’t be in NY or on the east coast. It’ll probably be held somewhere on the west coast. Either way don’t forget to fill out the location form if you haven’t already~ Also the suggestions form has been updated OvO 
That was the update, as for the suggestion... Who’d be up for some kind of event/contest thing that has to do something with RangerCon while we wait? Like some sort of online contest or event or something. I have no idea what kind of contest/event thing it should be so if you have ideas feel free to suggest them!
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ranger-34 · 10 years
every ranger with a deviantART should be part of this group
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hawk-windrider · 10 years
Seriously though. I'll help plan whatever I can. :D So shoot me a message if there is anything I can do! 
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one-riot-one-ranger · 10 years
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so excited for rangercon I made a quick graphic for it
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rangercon · 9 years
Also here is a place to suggest things
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rangercon · 9 years
So um it probably won’t be in NY... Maybe... Idk I need to get my life together then I can plan things like this wtf did I start I’m sorry don’t hate me
I’m gonna start a poll I’ll post a link when it is completed
edit: here’s the poll thing
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rangercon · 9 years
The fandom has chosen this as their favourite version so this one it shall be
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rangercon · 9 years
Vote for your favourite logo!!
And the logos are in! Thank you to those who participated! As we only got one logo that fit all of our requirements, you will be voting on your favourite version of that logo! Congratulations to dear-ranger-i-drank-your-coffee!!
Vote here for your favourite! Poll closes on January 31st!!
~The RC-Team
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rangercon · 9 years
Happy new year everyone!!! A reminder that the logo contest is ending soon!! Please submit your logo(s) if you haven't already! And if you are just finding out about this and want to enter, you can find the rules and requirements here.
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rangercon · 10 years
Firstly, I love the idea of Ranger Con, it sounds really cool and I really hope that it happens. Secondly, if this becomes a thing, would I be able to come? Is there a set amount of people that are able to come? And, lastly, keep up the good work. I would love to help in anyway I can :)
I highly doubt there’s going to be a set number of people allowed, because we’re planning on letting kids and people outside this little community here also attend, it’s just since there are things we have to prepare for and prizes, gifts, etc and such, we need a good rough count so we’re prepared for the amount of people showing up. Since it’s not for a while I don’t think that that’s an issue thus far. To keep count, we’ll most likely sell tickets and depending on however many sold that will ultimately decide how we chose to run the con.
So, to answer your question, yes, you are totally welcome to come!! We WANT you there!! We NEED more attendees! And I don’t think I’m as qualified to be answering this as some other admins on this blog, so I hope I didn’t miss anything major!
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rangercon · 10 years
I would definitely be able to go to rangercon! I'd be able to bring a family of ranger-loving people and maybe a few friends! ((My dad read RA originally, giving it to me and my brother to read shortly after, so I have no doubt I could at least bring them with me xD))
Oops! Forgot to include an estimate of people I could bring xD, anywhere from 3-7 people depending on how many friends want to/can come with me -u-
aw yessss more people!! we welcome you to await Ranger Con with us uwu
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rangercon · 10 years
A place for Ranger's Apprentice fans to hang out while they wait for RangerCon to happen. 
We are now on deviantART!!
~The RC-Team
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rangercon · 10 years
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I made this a while ago but here have it now uwu
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ranger-34 · 10 years
So I have a jar too guys!! It currently contains $407.39 and its a little bit over a third full. Money will go towards moving to NY and Ranger Con uwu
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I felt like sharing~ 
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rangercon · 10 years
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Calling all artists/graphic makers!!! How cool would it be if the logo you designed is used as the official Ranger Con logo? Well we need a new logo and we were hoping you guys could help us out. Here's how it works: you design and submit a logo that fits the requirements listed below and it could be picked as our official logo!
~ Rules
You don't have to be following us but that'd be cool
reblog this post to get the word out
fill out this form
submit a logo to rangercon with the tag 'logos for rangercon' by the deadline 
the last day we are accepting submissions is January 16th
we will not post any of the submissions until after the poll has ended and the winner is chosen
~ Requirements for the logo you design
It has to be square (bigger than or equal to 1000px by 1000px would be nice)
It has to say 'Ranger Con' somewhere visible on there
It has to be Ranger's Apprentice themed
Maybe put (an) oakleaf(s) on there 
no porn
~ How we will pick the winner
There will be a poll to determine the winner
The poll will start on January 17th and will run through the end of January
The winner will be announced February 2nd
~ If you win
The logo you designed will be the official Ranger Con logo that we put everywhere!!
You get a coffee mug (if you want)~ either mug #1 or mug #2
You will get a message from Alex (ranger-34) telling you that you won
You have to give Alex your address if you want a mug
If you have any questions/concerns feel free to message us!
~The RC-Team
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