#rangers of olaran
borderland-ranger · 2 years
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"An unstrung bow is just something extra to carry. A strung bow is a weapon." - Halt O'Carrick, in the novel Ranger's Apprentice 4: The Battle for Skandia by John Flanagan. Just one of a number of photos I'm excited to post soon from a photoshoot yesterday out on the local trails.  Photography by Dos Almas Media, who can be followed at: https://www.instagram.com/dosalmasmedia/ https://www.facebook.com/Dos-Almas-Media-100273485922050
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eir-stoneblade · 2 years
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Less than a week to go! Here I come Olaran! Look out Hearthguard, I'm coming for you first!
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korribanarchive · 2 years
Side Blogs
Hey all! Thought I'd drop a note to tell you all I have two side blogs now!
@ems-back-room is for my controversial ship content. So if you don't like taboo ships or you're under 18 stay away!
And @eir-the-ranger is my new blog for all things LARP. Named and proctored by my LARP character for Fell and Fair's Weekend Warrior Experience, Eir Stoneblade, Ranger of Olaran.
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roccondil · 5 years
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Philos, Ranger of Olaran, member of the expedition to find the Sword of Hope for the king of Olaran. Originally from the province of Raven, Philos’ mother was a Ranger, and he trained with her until he came of age, proving himself capable of taking up the responsibilities of a Ranger. He was eventually was reassigned to various provinces of the kingdom, until the fateful recent Autumn Feast. He volunteered to embark on the expedition to search for the Sword, but he is now looking forward to the return trip home, and the familiar lands of Olaran.
#weekendwarriorexperience #fellandfair #larp (at EastWind Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6dqct7HZ56/?igshid=z5kcd6mlj0cq
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samanthaswords · 7 years
Here you are folks- video 3/3, the short trailer and an interview explaining what this is all about. (Video transcript follows) For more, check out our Weekend Warrior Kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1336679351/weekend-warrior Transcript: Hey guys, I'm Samantha Swords. I'm a medieval martial artist and filmmaker and I'm really excited because I'm joining forces with Skip Lipman and Ron Newcomb of the Forge Studios- they're well known for the series, 'The Rangers', and also Zan Campbell of Fell and Fair, and together what we're doing is we're creating an event called 'Weekend Warrior'. Now Weekend Warrior is an immersive cinematic experience, and what that means is it's like a live-action experience but it's also going to be filmed. So we're going to have a documentary crew led by Arel Avellino, and he and his team are going to be following us around in the word as players and filming it. So it's going to be very exciting because a lot of it is going to be like an unscripted movie where you are actually the heroes and you are creating the story, and role play, as well as fight, and solve puzzles, and basically do outdoor adventure, medieval-style. It's very exciting. We're going to be having some really great sponsors (partners) on board. We've got Calimacil, who are the really beautiful producers of high-quality foam swords that look like real swords. We have Epic Armoury on board, we have Armstreet, we have Burgschneider, we have LARP distribution, we have Crows Head Archery, and many more people who are getting on board as craftsmen for the project. I was able to visit Calimacil at their workshop in Quebec, and it was an amazing experience. They have this beautiful workshop set up to create all these amazing swords, and it was actually a lot like my time at Weta. I got the same kind of vibe- the passion from them, as producers of these beautiful, beautiful weapons. So this event is really getting people excited, and what we're doing is something that hasn't been before. I play Amurin, the Reeve of Olaran, and I'm the leader of the Kingsmen. Now the Kingsmen are one of four factions- I personally think it's the best and you should totally join my faction- but if you feel like you want to join the Men-at-Arms, who are like the Vikings of the world, or the Lords of the Sea, or perhaps the Rangers, then that option's open to you as well. Now this event can't happen without your support. This is a Kickstarter, and we're using it to get people involved, and get excited and also get the event off the ground. We have a little bit of time left, and we're almost there with our funding, but we need you to help us to get this to happen. So- tell your friends, bring them along, and join us for Weekend Warrior. Let's make this a reality. Cheers guys.
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geekandsundry · 7 years
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This September as the chill of Fall begins to crisp the air and turns the leaves into an inferno of colors, war will come to to the Kingdom of Olaran…at least for one weekend. Set in the universe of The Rangers web series, Weekend Warrior, is a Live Action Roleplay (LARP) event that just...
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meadowhawkdesigns · 6 years
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We were so imersed in our adventures in Olaran that we didn't even look at phones much bless take pictures. Managed the energy for one action shot while it was raining at the end of the weekend! It was so fun, if you have ever considered a larp @fellandfair is the place to be, join us! #fellandfair #larp #ranger #archery #archers #southcarolina https://ift.tt/2AmU9yg
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borderland-ranger · 2 years
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Well, not the greatest pics, but I suppose that’s work in progress pics for ya. Made a banner/flag for the Rangers of Olaran encampment for this year’s upcoming Weekend Warrior event by Fell and Fair. Traditionally these types of banners would have had established wooden frames/poles, or affixed to polearms, but I went with the idea of a piece of cloth that easily fit into a pack and is just affixed to whatever deadfall/branches are available lashed together with twine. It’s made of moss green linen I ordered from England, handstitched, with the Rangers of Olaran emblem painted onto it, double-sided. 
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eir-stoneblade · 2 years
Weekend Warrior 6
I can not even begin to describe what an amazing time I had at Weekend Warrior Experience by @fellandfaironline! Their staff put together an amazing event with amazing quests and equally amazing battles!
I felt as if I had never left. My fellow players across the factions welcomed me with open arms. Despite our differences on the field of battle, the Hearthguard welcomed me by their fire and shared food and drink with me as if I was one of their own. It was truly an experience beyond words. (Not gonna lie, Gamble's offer to join them is certainly tempting.)
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borderland-ranger · 11 months
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While unable to join my fellow Rangers of Olaran this year at Weekend Warrior, I did make my way to the North Carolina Renfaire this Saturday. Not the most scenic place for photos, but it was my first outing with the new cloak. Looking forward to going out to the bridge and mountain soon!
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borderland-ranger · 2 years
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New profile pic from my recent photoshoot! I’m very excited for the Weekend Warrior event approaching this month, it’s been so much work for so long to get ready for this. Two and a half years now of working on the ranger outfit, and the camping gear. While some of it was purchased, and most of those pieces have been altered and distressed, much of it all has been made from scratch.  There’s so many things I had to learn to get this far, learning how to make arrows, archery targets, beeswaxing canvas, learning leatherworking, so much hand-stitching, and more. And I’ve documented much of it all as work in progress stuff, and photographed projects as I’ve finished them.  So it’s now kind of surreal that I finally have photos of myself in it all, and knowing that I’ll be among a large number of other Rangers in great looking kits, all working together. Camping together, and exploring atop a mountain ridge, working as a structured force broken into squads with assignments, with a command tent and quests. It’s great going out and getting pics and video, but it can be lonely. Excited to meet the rest of the Rangers of Olaran.  Photography by @dosalmasmedia: https://www.instagram.com/dosalmasmedia/ https://www.facebook.com/Dos-Almas-Media-100273485922050
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borderland-ranger · 2 years
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Weekend Warrior 2022: Day Two (10/22/22) Tired, freezing and exhausted, I put on my outer layers of cold clothes as the temp began rising to the 40s and made my way to the Mead Hall for the restroom and found myself waiting for over 40 minutes, unfortunately missing breakfast during that time period. While there however I overheard that since last night, the Hearth Guard had laid claim to the Thornwood, renaming it the “Queen’s Wood” after a celebration they had seeing a woman named Tove being elected their own “Bandit Queen” in an act of defiance once they heard that Bryce was to be named King of Olaran. Likewise, the Sea Lords had last night also elected their own member Torvin as “the King of Throi” and demanded to be acknowledged as their own nation, also refusing to bow to the appointed bastard son.   These developments would be known back in camp as well, as upon arriving back those things had already become common knowledge, and the Rangers were instructed to gear up and march out with the Kingsmen to face the Hearth Guard on the battlefield. The Kingsmen were only 40 in number, while we Rangers outnumbered them as nearly 100 strong. The heavily armored Kingsmen in plate spread out before us, while we positioned ourselves accordingly, myself being assigned to Arrow Squad of the archers. We heard the Hearth Guard before we saw them, the chants as they marched and the beating of their drums. Rising over the far hill as wide as they could be were the barbarians. 
Another horn was blown, and moments later their ranks were doubled as the Sea Lords approached alongside them. In all, the battle was rough, being an uphill battle trying to fire into the shieldwalls of the Heath Guard as the Kingsmen were picked off by Sea Lord Archers who had greater distance than we did from below. The Heath Guard broke through our ranks and I found myself speared in the gut by one of their number, but not before taking down two of them with arrows and cutting down a Sea Lord in the back who had been harassing another Ranger. During the battle, Order of Luminos member Killian unfortunately dislocated his knee, and the leader of the Hearth Guard, Gamble, hit his head. 
After being healed, and recuperating at camp, it was announced the battle had been lost. Rather than marching back up to the Mead Hall to wait in line for lunch, I retrieved an apple from my tent and with my knife began eating the apple in the shade of the trees, along with a friendly couple of rangers (from Ohio) who were also having a fruit breakfast. Finishing my food, I re-entered camp to find the Ranger Vaarg who had been inspecting a map he’d received from the bar trying to locate where he needed to go for his quest. We rationed that it was directing him into the Thornwood not too far from where the battle had recently taken place. 
Trekking inside, we came to a run down and ransacked wooden cart, and therein found a white cloth bag containing a silver hammerhead tied in maroon fabric. Vaarg was unsure what the item was he had been sent to retrieve, but know it would be wrapped in purple; not this. Still, the item was taken, knowing that everything could be sold to the bar, once it re-opened. 
Back in camp, it was brought to our attention by Commander Brandis that a cart would be coming through the area, from beyond the hills and to the Mead Hall, supplies that would benefit the Kingsmen and Ranger forces, but it was assumed that the Hearth Guard and Sea Lords would be interested in intercepting it. An advance force of Ranger Skirmishers were sent to the treeline of the Thornwood, while us archers were led by Kat to meet the arrival of the cart and to travel along with it, protecting the supplies.  While the Hearth Guard burst from the woods, slamming into the Skirmishers and some positioned Kingsmen, the Sea Lords arrived from up the road sending us into volleys of arrows at each other. During this battle I fired around 18 arrows and took down at least three Sea Lords, and included a back and forth period between myself and Amy the Sea Lord (who operates the Etsy store Folk of the Wood) from behind our respective trees. At one point I was shot in the leg, but before I could be finished off, the battle was called as the Sea Lords had taken control of the cart. The surviving Skirmishers, Kingsmen and Archers were then told to press on into the Thornwood. I however had to retire to the camp to catch myself and recuperate. 
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There I re-met with Vaarg and attempted to assist him in a quest he had received from the quest board; a note from a woman named Keira An’Farde who had been looking for her lost brother and wanted him sent her way. When Vaarg gave up, I continued on, conversing with Kingsmen, Hearth Guards, and Sea Lords (including Amy), but could not find who Kiera was or what faction she belonged to. Before long, it was time for dinner and I entered the line for food, alongside Commander Brandis, who told me of his time working with horses. I had dinner alongside Brandis and two others (who had flown in from England). Afterwards, as the sun had set once more beyond the mountains, I entered the fighting pit, this time finding myself up against a Kingsmen sword wielder who bested me but offered some fighting tips. Back in the mead hall, King Bryce’s coronation began, seeing the Rangers and Kingsmen kneeling to the new king as he was crowned after a few religious statements from the priests of the Order of Luminos. From outside, chants of protest were heard by the Hearth Guard and Sea Lords while from within the Mead Hall echoed cries of “For King and Crown” and “For the People!”
Once the crowd dispersed some I found myself grouping with nearby rangers, learning two female rangers had recently returned from a recon mission into the Sea Lord camp, wherein they had stolen two seashells from their “throne.” Wanting to try their luck again, myself and the commander of the Arrow Squad joined them as they left the Mead Hall to approach. It was decided that the two of us were to act as distractions at their second gate while the other two slipped inside again. I spoke with the guard at the gate, giving him the spiel about Keira’s Lost brother, asking if she was a Sea Lord or if her brother was inside the camp. Unfortunately we were turned away, and the other rangers were caught and told to leave. However, nearly seven more rangers approached us, and a plan was hatched to scout their main gate, and if it were defended poorly to charge the gate. The reason being that one of them had a quest to steal the Sea Lords artifact polearms, large polearms that were used in battle, but when not being used were put prominently on display just at their inner gate. Finding it poorly defended, us Rangers swarmed their entrance and a rallying call was cried out. In moments a number of rangers lay dead inside the camp gate and we were driven out by large amounts of Sea Lords. The captive rangers were released to us after being revived and we were instructed to leave. 
I made my way back to the fighting pit, I spoke with Argus, a skirmisher of the Rangers about how his buckler was treating him. I then sparred with him, using his buckler in addition to my longsword to see how I liked combat with a shield. Still, he bested me with swipes below the shield. Back to camp I headed, spending some time at the fire pit and meeting Azeem, a friendly Sea Lord who had army crawled into the Ranger Encampment just to see if he could. I didn’t stay up late that second night, as I’d had no sleep the night before and I was determined to get wrapped up in bed before I was chilled to the bone. 
It was semi difficult to doze off, hearing the ruckus of the camp, but before falling asleep I overheard Finn the bard singing “The Bard’s Song” at the campfire; a song I’d hoped to have heard at some point during the weekend. 
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borderland-ranger · 2 years
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Because I'm that person that goes absolutely overboard on everything I do, in addition to my Ranger kit and camping gear, I've also created a collection of paperwork notes, maps and this "Commission from the Crown." 
In the world of Adrasil, the fictional land the Weekend Warrior event takes place, Rangers of Olaran undergo training as an apprentice to an experienced Ranger before essentially "graduating," upon which they receive a legal document that appoints them as a 'warden' of a region or location to uphold the law and protect the people of the kingdom. This paper appoints me as a warden to a region known as the Borderlands to the north, my homeland. The document is on laid paper, and is based on surviving historical medieval documents, correct rambling grammar with a long preface of religion before getting to the point (using the setting's religion of the Holy Light of Luminos). In essence, it's the equivalence of a 'badge' while at my appointed location of the Borderlands. The paper reads: 
Commission from the Crown-By the Grace of the Holy Light of Luminos, I, King Osric the Wise, son of Queen Ayn the Gentle, High King of Olaran, Commander of all the United Forces, Head of the House O’Reyne, Ruler of all lands from the Inner Sea to the Keldaran River, to all faithful citizens of our Kingdom and noble members of Olaran, may the Light of Luminos be with you. Those who carry within themselves the spirit of the Holy Light are its true and beloved children, as Priestess Merellar, a mighty warrior, received leave from her liege to travel the land and spread the word of the Holy Light, so will I, as a beloved and humble servant of the Holy Light, King Osric of Olaran, follow in these noble footsteps, to better serve the Holy Light and the needs of its faithful.
And so, Ranger Brynn Edgerton, a stalwart servant of Olaran who has performed great services for the Kingdom under the tutelage of his master, has been granted completion of his Ranger training and so is bestowed his official Commission of the Crown, noting that Brynn Edgerton has been approved for title of Warden as a Scout of his northern home of The Borderlands Region, granting upon him legal jurisdiction to act as Law and Order, as judge and executioner in lack of otherwise present authorities. As spoken in the Ranger Creed, Brynn Edgerton is to serve as the King’s eyes in the woods, protector of his realm, herald of dangers, beacon of hope to those in need, and to be an arrow of the Crown and all it is meant to protect. Brynn Edgerton has sworn an oath to defend this land, defending the creeds of the kingdom and lay of the land, to listen and obey without question to those appointed above him, and has vowed to give his life to the defense of the Kingdom, so help him God of Light. Whosoever of The Borderlands who impedes the legal duties of Brynn Edgerton shall share the fate of all traitors to the Kingdom of Olaran, for to act against the King’s warriors is to act against the King himself, and they shall be punished according to the lawful decrees. This act was witnessed by: King Osric the Wise, Count Rallen Ridgewell, Baron Aldous Lescar, Emissary Taluun, Ranger Captains Rook Calloway, and Captain Arquus. It is sealed by the Royal Seal, and that of the Rangers. It was written by I, Milton Sheaf, Librarian of the Royal Library of Olaran, in the month of Básteach and 20 days, of the year 1117 YL   at the Royal Palace, Capitol City of Olaran. In the name of the God of Light. 
Signed and sealed by: 
Osric O’Reyne the Wise, Lord Ruler of Olaran Count Rallen Ridgewell
Captain ArquusCaptain Rook Calloway ----------------------
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Photography by @dosalmasmedia, who can be followed at:https://www.facebook.com/Dos-Almas-Media-1
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borderland-ranger · 2 years
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Weekend Warrior 2022: Day One (10/21/22) I arrived to the Ranger encampment around two in the afternoon and checked in, and promptly began unloading supplies and erecting my tent at it’s designated location. The ground here was hard packed of iron oxized, orange-tinted earth and clay, which presented some resistance as I pounded the wooden stakes of my tent into the ground. Once fully geared up, and armor donned along with my quiver and longbow, I approached where archery drills were being conducted for those interested in joining the archers of the Ranger forces.
As the hustling forces of the Ranger Skirmishers, a group broken into Red Wolves and Grey Wolves, trained on the slopes beyond the archery range, we were taught basic tactics. These included holding multiple arrows in the hand holding the bow for faster initial re-knocking, conversing with your squadmates about firing at the same time at the same target, speed shooting, and firing arrows on the move as dictated by the squad’s commander. For these training steps, I did so alongside a fellow new Ranger who introduced himself as Alde.
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Wrapping up the training, we all assembled into three lines of thirty-some rangers and marched up the hill to the Mead Hall with a chant of “For the People!” Upon arriving, we positioned ourselves along the building’s side where other forces had rallied as well, where we received a welcoming speech by Zan Campbell and the official start of Weekend Warrior 6. Safety protocol was gone over, and upon its completion we formed lines to have bows tested for poundage by Kat, the leader of the archers among the Rangers, and other weapons inspected for safety concerns by Rolo of the Hearth Guard.
With everything checking out fine, we marched back to the encampment until it was time for dinner. Very soon after arriving however, a messenger from the Kingsmen camp entered requesting to speak with our leader, Commander Brandis. Brandis then led us all into the adjacent Kingsmen camp where Bryce had arrived. Bryce was a surviving bastard child of the old king of Olaran, and the Kingsmen had decided to place him upon the throne. Brandis oversaw numerous documents about the proposal, and agreed to the terms, as Bryce supported the cause of the Rangers as well and no complaints were had. We kneeled to our new king, and were informed that tomorrow night would be his official coronation.
Shortly after the event, the Rangers and Kingsmen travelled back to the Mead Hall, where dinner had been prepared with the two forces dining inside, while the Hearth Guard and Sea Lords dined in tents outdoors. It was here in the Mead Hall as I attained and ate my food, some chicken I cut into with my medieval cutlery, a number of relevant things that had already occurred despite this first night being meant to be a night of peace. Shortly after our departure to dinner, the Hearth Guard had already stolen the Banner from the Rangers, as well as the one from the Sea Lords. These Banners existed as items of interest to capture, with each faction having one, and once captured could either be cashed into the barkeep in the Mead Hall, or held to be ransomed. Also during this time, I overheard discussion that the Sea Lords had murdered an innocent Hearth Guard member at their camp, that a Sea Lord had been assassinated in the Mead Hall, and that since dinner began; a Ranger had been taken captive in the Sea Lord camp and had already been freed. Going forward, none would go to the Mead Hall without weapons again.
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Finishing up there, myself and Alde were approached near the exit by a pair of Hearth Guard berserkers, who alluded to us that a beast existed in the nearby Thornwood should we be interested in acquiring pelts. It sounded suspicious, but I informed others back at the Ranger camp of the rumor and found that others had been approached with the same claim. Fully expecting it to be a trap, myself and twelve other rangers made our way with torches and lanterns down the road and into the Thornwood. Up front we led the way, my lantern outstretched from my left hand, navigating the undergrowth of poison ivy and thorns along trails that had not been recently cut or cleared. Finding nothing in the woods, we exited the treeline. There however, we were ambushed by Hearth Guard warriors, ten in number. Pulling my sword, I found alongside the treeline, dealing with only the warrior directly in front of me. An impact against my chest knocked me to the ground, killing me.  
Arriving back to the Ranger encampment, a number of Hearth Guard assembled just outside and were driven away. I then made my way back to the Mead Hall where I approached the bar and filled my cup with the Rangers mead; a special brewed mead for us of hibiscus and juniper. While there, I met four female rangers who had undertaken a quest that saw them heading for the Thornwood to collect a number of ingredients for a potion for Ranger faction member “Birdie.” I traveled along with my lantern, skirting the edges of the Thornwood looking for elm leaves, goldenrod, a unique root of our choosing, and a piece of fir. However once we returned and found Birdie, we discovered others had beat us to the punch and already fulfilled the request. The Mead Hall however was hopping with music, as Ranger Matthias played his fiddle, while Finn and Birdie led the crowd in song, performing “Wild Mountain Thyme” and “Rattlin’ Bog,” which I sang along to with Alde.
Stepping out for fresh, now cold, mountain air, I approached the gladiator pit after having downed a second cup of mead, willing to give it a go. After the current combatants finished, I stepped into the ring against a Hearth Guard warrior with a spear for “best two out of three.” In quick time I’d been stabbed in the right arm, and again afterwards painfully in the throat. I then decided to head back down the hill to the Ranger camp where a warm fire would provide relief from the dropping temperature. There for an hour or two I conversed with other rangers, listening as Lieutenant Hama played his guitar while I consumed some of the green apple brandy I’d packed for the weekend. Eventually, feeling frozen even by the fire, I retreated to bed to bundle up for warmth. However, the temperature had dropped so low that the wool blanket, my ranger clothes, a fur blanket, and coyote pelt were unable to keep me warm enough to even fall asleep. I shivered and trembled for hours unable to ever fall asleep, and got out of bed five hours later at 7 am as the Skirmisher began to mobilize for morning training. I would later discover that the temp had dropped to 29 degrees that night.
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eir-stoneblade · 2 years
As I am no longer a Ranger of Olaran, I will be going only by my birth name for the time being.
I did not choose the false king. I knelt out of obligation, but I did not choose him. Who of the PEOPLE had a say in this agreement? I did not. I would sooner follow a leader I choose. A leader I respect.
From here to my last breath, I kneel to the Queen I've chosen to follow. I kneel to Queen Tove.
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borderland-ranger · 2 years
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Well, this was today’s project, finally sat down and worked out a Ranger backstory for myself in the Weekend Warrior LARP by Fell and Fair in their original setting Olaran. As usual, I went overboard. Hope you guys enjoy! 
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