sincerlycas · 4 months
look what this man got me🙄❤️
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lyhytmat1kka · 5 years
nyt kaikki sormet ristiin et pääsisin kv70:lle isoseks 🤞
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tirahvi · 7 years
Haista VR paska!
Vittu mitä koijausta stana! Lippuautomaatit ei toimi eikä mobiilissa verkko ostoksetkaan. Ja siitä saakeli ilmoitettiin pienellä tekstilläkin aikataulu näytön pohjalla, että on vikaa netissä. MUTTA VITTU SILTI PERITÄÄN LISÄMAKSUA KUN OSTAA JUNASTA! MISTÄS MUUALTA SAATANA TÄSSÄ TILANTEESSA OSTAA LIPUN HIMAA KU JUNASTA?! SENTÄÄN OLI KAUKOJUNA NII SAI EDES LIPUN, MUTTA YLI HINTAAN SILTI!!!
Kaikella vitun rakkaudella VR; HAISTA PASKA!
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ranttiover9000 · 5 years
Kivaa ko kone väittää että peli on poistettu ko just tunti sit pelasin sitä ja sen lisäks väittää että se ei mahu enää koneelle
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esileikkipuisto · 7 years
aina ku nään jonku “kuvaile mua kolmella sanalla/kerro mikä laulu musta tulee mieleen/sano suoraan mitä musta aattelet”-postin, tajuun etten tiiä sen reblogganneesta urlista mitään.
“mutta esileikkipuisto, mullahan on iha saatanan valloittava persoona ja estetiikka, miten et oo voinu huomata?” koska kaikilla tällä sivustolla on ihan yhtä perkeleen ihana ulkoasu täynnä doggo meemejä ja neonkylttejä. sorry
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koomalaama · 7 years
Voi jösses kun toi Hurjat rakkauskilot on vaivaannuttavaa katottavaa, jos jollekin ei ole ohjelmaformaatti tuttu niin tässä pullea pariskunta erotetaan toisistaan viideksi kuukaudeksi ja ne treenaa hulluna ja tapaa sit toisensa taas vähän vähemmän pulleina. Ei muuten, mutta tässä lopussa on aina se Suuri Hetki kun se pariskunta tapaa toisensa uudestaan yleisön edessä, ja juontajaparka tekee niin parhaansa saadakseen näistä jäykistä suomalaisista irti Suuria Tunteita mutta nämä aina vaan hymyilee ujosti ja toteaa suunnilleen “onhan tää ihan kiva hetki :)”
Juontaja: “No oliko sitä kultsimussukkaa kova ikävä?” (epätoivoinen yritys saada ne kertomaan Kaipuusta ja Rakkaudesta)
Mies: “No oli se vähän ikävä välillä.... Ei nyt koko ajan, mutta joskus välillä. :)”
Opetus: Jos haluat tehdä ohjelman Suurista Tunteista, älä ota siihen mukaan suomalaisia.
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love4ya · 5 years
I hate thinking about you, I hate I think about you, I hate overtime I somehow justified what did as okay cause you’re so fucked up but it’s not okay what you did and it’s not okay to do things that you did.
Thank you for fucking me up to the point where I know I’ll do my best to die screaming my head off and flailing every limb I have. You consuming time away from my life and becoming a leech made me just more of an advocate to use my time better. I get off on the thought on how I can live my life honestly in my relationships with people and as much as not hanging out with fake bitches is lonely I have the most valuable people around me in the long run.
You make me want to puke vomit scream and use every ability within me to snap every bone in your body but I enjoy challenging that into bettering myself and my life. I was better than you seemingly when I was 14 but now still four years younger and I’m sure I’m still above you.
Fuck you tho fr
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lecsas · 7 years
Kyllä on muuten kuulkaa aikuisena sairastaminen perseestä, jos on työelämässä. Ensin pitää herätä viideltä todetakseen, että kyllä mä nyt näköjään olen niin kipeänä, että töihin ei ole asiaa. Sitten pitää odottaa kuuteen, että on ensimmäinen ihminen edes töissä, jolle soittaa sairastumisestaan. No sehän ei sitten vastaa kuin vasta vähän ennen seitsemää puhelimeen, jonka jälkeen menen nukkumaan tunniksi, jotta voin soittaa kahdeksalta terveyskeskukseen. Nukun taas tunnin ja terveyskeskuksesta soitetaan, että moro tuu käymään. No siellä menee vajaa tunti ennen kuin on kahdeksi päiväksi sairaslomalaput kädessä ja sitten vielä pitää kerran soittaa töihin, että moro nähdään perjantaina vasta.
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starla-hartz · 3 years
OOO guess what!!???
Okay so i just found bank holiday on Monday and you know what that means, no schoool on Monday, yess. Mondays are horrible, going from a relaxed stage into work mode is not fun. Welp i am so happy right now. HHmm okayy what has been going on so far, hmm yea idk its been pretty chill so far i've just be living the average life of a teenager but i have been trying something new, by learning time management, like doing a little bit of each instead of just focusing on one huge thing. Also i fell like my brain has kinda gone to mush, maybee i'm just tried plus i'm craving garlic bread. Sorry this is so rantty btw but hope you have a wonderful day and a great weekend.
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Argentiina pelipaita MM-kisat 2018  Ranskan
Argentiina pelipaita MM-kisat 2018  Ranskan tähtihävittäjä Nicolas Anelka saapui Lontooseen maanantaina, AFP-valokuvaaja sanoi, kun hänet lähetettiin kotiin maailmanmestaruuskisoilta, kun ottelussa oli Raymond Domenechin röyhkeä rantti.
Anelka, joka pelaa englantilainen Premier League -mestari Chelsea, saapui takaisin Lontoon Heathrow'n lentokentälle lentäessään takaisin Etelä-Afrikan turnauksesta.
Hänen lähtöäänänsä on herättänyt rynnäkköjä ranskalaisessa joukkueessa, kun pelaajat kieltäytyvät kouluttamaan sunnuntaita ja antavat lausunnon siitä, että he vastustivat päätöstä, kun tiedot bust-up julkaistiin urheilutapahtumassa L'Equipe.
"Pahoittelemme tapahtumaa puolivälissä Ranskan ja Meksikon välisellä ottelulla, mutta pahoittelemme entistä enemmän tapahtumien levittämistä, joka oli vain ryhmän liiketoimintaa MM kisat 2018 lasten pelipaita  ja joka oli osa ylimmän tason työtä." Pelaajat sanoi.
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sincerlycas · 4 months
fuck christmas and y’all ugly ass christmas trees and yall bum ass presents and fuck them bum ass kids !
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Over the weekend I posted here and, as is the understandable and typical way Reddit is, it got lost to time. Besides the point. The subject of the post is basically the same as this post. In the dating game of extroverts, to which is 95% of the advice i see being given, how does an introvert make it.I know there are introverts that make it in every aspect of life, from CEO's of some of the biggest business, to rich and famous, to heartbreaker, to married with 7 kids and will happily be that way until they pass, to content being by themselves forever. My point? I know there are introverts that make it; good for them as they have been able to figure out how to play the extroverts game.I am an 18 yo guy. I have few friends as many of them have seemed to have ghosted me recently, have little experience sexually or romantically. I flirt with a lack of words and timidly looking away from someone rather than witty banter. I dont do well in large groups (4 or more) but excel and can be very outgoing in smaller groups.The most common advice I have seen on here or heard anywhere is "go talk to the girl" and while i agree it is the quickest option, many people cannot just work up the nerve to talk to the girl. To a dating "pro" it seems like no problem but for someone like me who will literally freeze should a girl im attracted to says hi to me, just talking to her is the last thing im going to be able to do.The second most, to find girls, is to go to clubs, and bars, and social events, and look through friends, and so on. I will say i agree that going to these events one should never enter expecting to leave with a date, but rather with a friend. Im already part of a group of people that enjoy art like me, but I have never known these groups to yield romantic results. I have always been friendzoned by this method. As well there are those of us that donʻt like parties, or clubs, or bars, and the advice of going to these places doesnʻt help in this situation.I donʻt mean to seem as though I am hateful for people giving advice. Iʻm just am tired of hearing the same 3 things from everyone when none of them work for me. The usual suggested advice always causes more anxiety and depression than I am trying to avoid. I have tried to talk to the girl, but I freeze, I have gone to large group events and I can never get a word in to the whole group or get someone away from the group to chat alone. I donʻt find parties enjoyable, or clubs, or bars, so Iʻm not going to go somewhere I donʻt enjoy.TL;DR I guess the advice part Iʻm looking for is, what is a way an introvert like me can meet girls while playing to the advantage of being an introvert in an extroverted game? Iʻll take any answer, obscure, simple, obvious, complex, as long as its not "Go talk to the girl you are into right off the bat" or, "make a bunch of friends and get them to invite you places where there will be girls". Iʻm sick of not being able to figure out the game, because to me there should be no game, its tiresome and annoying and the more someone tries to play it the less interested I become by the second.But yea... thats my crossroads... Sorry if itʻs rantty.. As i said Iʻm tired of trying to figure people out in the dating game they play, I dont want to chase, I want to see if it works or not, I dont want to try and decode cryptic messages, I want to hear straight up what the deal is. via /r/dating_advice
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youraceandjack · 5 years
All the people I work with are multiple years older than me and recently I was given the nickname gen z. Although I love their thoughtfulness it’s more saddening at their point cause the only reason they criticize me is because I’m the lesser and will one day succeed all these old people 💅💅
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ranttiover9000 · 7 years
Vittu ko vituttaa saatana mikää vitun elektroniikka laite toimi koskaa missää. Paperille piiirtäminen on kivaa ja yleensä rentouttavampaa, mut koneel mul ois automaattisesti kaik värit ja en tiiä sillo en oo nii kriittinen siit tuloksesta ja se o helpompi alottaa yms..vittu, tuntuu ko en saa mitää aikaseks
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sincerlycas · 4 months
it’s a new year ya’ll and I’m already being tried 😭. Tell me why I’m at my house and my sister was here with her man in my room I was in the living room, someone was knocking so fucking hard at my door and was tryna get in I got scared and went to go get my bat thinking it was an intruder and alarmed my sister and her man about it they was actually fucking in my room and shit like… anyways I’m not gone get on that part anyways I found it was just my grandpa he was looking for something he got it and left. Mind you I have two bed in my room on for my sister that’s like a twin sized bed and then there’s my king right? So basically I came in the room to check on my cat and shit since I just got him and I’m trying to get him used to me and the house right and my sister walking pass me asking about the cat and shit and I’m standing in the middle waiting for her to pass cuz the whole reason she got up was to leave the room for a bit and im standing there like 🧍🏾‍♂️ I say “so you going this way or that way” and she telling me to chill out that I’ve been acting hostile. fast forward her man in a mood and im low key waiting for his ass to leave and he finally leaves and my sister gets on the phone with him talking about how I thought it was an intruder and I told her in the mist of him talking that grandpa found what he was looking for tell me why her nappy broke ass old ass bitch ass dirty ass stank ass bitch ass x 2 fixed his dick suckers to say “I know she ain’t in our conversation” all sassy and shit. it goes quiet cuz my sister knows I heard what she said and she don’t even say nothing she’s like “… what you mean bae lol” … but if my man talked about her like that I would never let him see the light of day but he know not to do it but she lets him talk about me like that? not only that in the mist of them fucking his damn boxers were on my damn bed like TF?!? and I’m trippin about this cuz I see a pattern of her letting people try me but it was reversed she blows the tf up like that one time one of her side niggas were here and he had my damn chain on remember that y’all?!? and I told him to give it back and he threw it at me?!? And she let it happen?!? yeah she ain’t ever coming back to this house again word 2.
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sincerlycas · 4 months
nvm y’all I love christmas, I love y’all trees, I love y’all bum ass kid, and I love my man dic- anyways love love love !!!
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