#raon packs
anrisimps · 10 months
Polysoos arranged marriage au
Duke lsh was already happily married to cjs but his aides urged him to take on another spouse. Polygamy was very common in nobility but Lsh had vowed to be faithful to his only husband. Neither of them are very happy with this.
Their neighboring kingdom, Roan, was the land of beastmen. Humans generally treated these beastmen with distaste so it was no wonder the kingdom was closed off except for the yearly trade. The rate of young beastmen being captured and experimented upon has been significantly reduced since then. 
lsh and cjs were quite fond of beastmen though- mostly because of their adopted kids. 
Ohn and Hong were malnourished kittens when they first found them. They had been severely abused at the hands of their family and it took a long time to open up to them.
Raon was a baby dragon who cjs had chanced upon. He was being tortured at the hands of the Stan Family. Lsh wondered how that bastard Venion Stan had the gall to torture a dragon out of all things. Marquis Stan had a wonderful time dealing with a vicious 4 year old dragon after that. This had not been made public because lsh feared other greedy nobles might try to harm the dragon and of course, Marquis Stan didn’t want to ruin his reputation and incur the wrath of other beastmen. 
This was also why he was the first one to line up in selling away his adopted son to get married to lsh. Now, as a bribe or as a spy..? That was yet to be decided.
Krs was kidnapped when he was a little kitten and was smuggled out of the Henituse territory into Stan Territory. He would have met the same fate as other beastmen if it wasn't for his exquisite looks.  
They still treated him like a servant most of the time. And he had to hide his cat ears and tail lest they cut it off out of sick amusement. Taylor was probably the only person who treated him like an equal but he was forced to leave the house after his accident.
He wasn't surprised when the marquis decided to sell him off to the only duke in their kingdom. A duke who was already happily married. Krs had heard stories about their love story in passing from the servants. He wondered just how far the marquis could go to ruin someone’s happiness. 
-despite what he thought, he still had to go through with it. It barely took a day before all his meager belongings were packed up and he was shipped off to the duchy by morning. 
The marriage ceremony just consisted of signing the certificate and the Duke hadn't bothered to show up. Not that krs hadn't expected him to. 
- cue in to everyone treating krs as air because he was of the Stan Territory and ever since Raon came to live with them, everyone had a general prejudice against the Stans, adopted son or no adopted son. 
-krs was extremely happy at the prospect of not being beaten up anymore and having achieved his desired slacker life so he hardly left his room.
The duke and the servants who were prepared for him to create trouble “...”
- Out of everyone, it was Raon who warmed up first to krs, followed by Ohn and hong. 
Raon had been wandering around as a kitten in the garden ( he often polymorphed into a kitten because his hyung and noona were kittens too) and came across a beautiful human who was sleeping (sleeping????) on a swing. Raon had heard from the servants how they sent off another human to their house to marry his father - ahem- the duke. 
- Raon keeps stalking krs everywhere after this. He wanted to ensure this human (who smelled weird. Somewhat like his noona and hyung but different) didnt harm his new family. None of the Stans he had met were nice people after all. 
-at some point krs noticed the little shadow following him everywhere and began to leave extra servings of food beside his plate. The snacks he had on hand increased too. 4 weeks later, Raon had started eating alongside this weirdo human instead of sneaking after him. 
-one time, after ohn and hong joined them too, they had a sleepover. It wasnt planned, the kids all fell asleep on krs’ bed after playing around all day and the redhead didnt have the heart( or energy) to wake them up. He simply curled around them naturally - his instincts taking over 
 after suppressing them for so long. He steadily ignored the ‘must protect the babies’ feeling and fell asleep. Unbeknownst to him, his ears and tail came out and this was how Ohn, hong and Raon found out their new father was also a cat
- This secret was guarded more religiously than their apple pies. Their new father asked them not to, so they won't tell anyone! Not even their father and appa! (No they weren't bribed by hugs and cuddles)
- after some time, cjs and lsh realize that maybe krs isn't as bad as they had expected. And thus krs’ slacker life gradually began to fade away. 
Instead of lazing around in bed all morning, he had to get up early to have breakfast with them or the kids and cjs would cry. 
Instead of lazing around in the afternoon he had to play with the kids. 
Instead of lazing around in the evening he had to go on walks with both the Duke and his husband. He didn't understand why they wanted him to be a third wheel so bad. And why were they looking at him so fondly now????
It was only at night when he finally had time for himself but that disappeared too when Raon asked to sleep with him. Krs realized he was weaker to children (and cjs’ puppy eyes) than he initially thought. 
- and much, much later when they finally had sex with krs only then did lsh and cjs realized that their husband was ,in fact, a beastman (krs will never forget the look on cjs’ face when his tail accidentally popped out and smacked the brunette in his face) 
- they get married again??? And have the grandest wedding ever?????
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asterefflores · 1 year
How are you?
I Just wanted to say that your story truly touches my soul and i love it sooooo much 😭♥️
And one more thing ...
It's kinda a reaction but can I know what happens If:
Cale and rok soo have a little argument with each other but it gets so bad and Cale snaps and shouts at Rok soo :
"I wish you were never my brother from the start and even if you ever were I wish i hadn't made that deal to change our places to see you again!!"
I wanna know what the twins and others reaction is..
You know.. it has been running like shit in my head...
And.. Can I have some fan arts about it please?
I'm sorry If it's too much of a request 😭😭
Glad you're loving and enjoying my fanfic 🌸🌸
As for the requested fight, I'm sorry I don't feel like drawing it *cough* but I did write a mini- or I think it's the average length for a single novel chapter? lol anyway I wrote a chapter for you I guess, I'm guessing it's based on Cale and RokSoo in my fanfic, right? Otherwise it would probably turn out differently, cuz my Cale here is stable(?) and I can't add too much angst into the fight without being realistic to their characters in my fanfic lol but here it is, hope you enjoy it.
“I wish…”
Rok-Soo observed as Cale before him sighed quietly with his eyes covered as he rested his forehead on his palm. The air around the younger redhead made everyone tense up.
“…I wish…”
“…Cale?” Rok-Soo slightly frowned as Cale's voice grew weaker and more weary.
“I wish you were never my brother from the start…”
It was barely audible, but everyone seemed to have heard the whisper coming from none other than Cale.
“I wish you were never my brother from the start…and even if you ever were, I wish I hadn’t accepted the deal to change our places to see you again…”
The room was so silent it was hard to tell if anyone was even breathing.
Rok-Soo’s face remained the same, looking long at Cale, whose eyes were still hidden behind his pale hand.
“I see,” His calm voice nearly echoed in the room after the heavy silence. He nodded as he pushed himself to his feet calmly. “I’ll let Ron pack everything for me and leave tonight. I’ll be in Super Rock Villa.” He heard a quiet sound like a scoff from the other.
“I don’t see why you need to tell me where you’re staying at—”
“I’ll be in Super Rock Villa, Cale.”
Seeing as Cale fell silent, Rok-Soo turned to the others in the room, glancing at the Henituse family, and they silently turned to leave the room, their eyes lingering on the younger redhead, who was still in the same position in his seat beside the window.
Rok-Soo carried the worried Ohn and Hong in his arms with Raon around his shoulders and looked at Ron’s stiff face, receiving a nod, and the old butler got to work immediately.
Cale sat still, staring at his lap, as the sounds of everybody else around him faded until he was left with only the sound of a single person standing at his door.
“Eat and rest well.”
That was the last thing he heard before the quiet sound of the door closing behind Rok-Soo. The faint click strangely sounded loud in the silent room.
He was all alone, feeling like a ghost in his own room. He barely heard his own breathing as he was more aware of the slight tremble in his hands.
‘…he noticed, didn’t he?’
He finally let out a long sigh, removing his hand from his forehead and resting his head back with his eyes closed.
Of course, Rok-Soo would notice him trembling pathetically and feel sorry for him.
“Now you’ve gone and done it.” He mumbled with a scoff at himself, “Good job ruining everything in a matter of seconds.”
Opening his eyes, Cale stared long at the ceiling that looked too plain and far at that moment, making him feel the room was far too large for just him alone.
It is the past all over again, he thought.
After staring blankly for what felt like a whole day until it was late and dark outside, he finally decided to move from his seat and function again.
By function, he meant going to bed. He thought of taking a bath to freshen his mood before sleeping, but it only made him feel cold and alone in his spacious room. Well, he wasn’t expecting much change, anyway.
He threw himself on the bed with a heavy sigh, which he felt was still stuck inside and wouldn’t come out, no matter how many times he tried to force it out and get rid of the tightness in his chest.
Closing his eyes, he slowly accepted the coldness and felt numb and unbothered to think of anything anymore.
It’s for the best.
He drifted off to sleep with the thought, as he did every night for the next whole month…
A month passed, and Cale more or less moved like a ghost in the castle, silently leaving his room to his office and then back to his room after he was done with his duties as the Duke, rejecting his fidgety father’s offer of resting and leaving the work to him and Bassen or Violan. At the very least, he joined his family during meals every day.
Lilly and Bassen made it their mission to follow him around but maintain a reasonable distance, wanting to give him space but too worried to leave him alone. Violan, his mother, never misses a day of assuring him that she is there for him whenever he needs someone to talk to, and she leaves his side with one stern request asking him not to drink too much alcohol.
He won’t drink, not in front of anyone and not when the family is watching him like hawks and ready to jump his way if he so touched any bottle during their silent meals. He enjoys a few glasses before bed three times a week alone in his room when he’s sure no one will come to find him during late hours.
Today, however, he finally decided to rest and accept his father’s offer to leave the reports and documents to the family to finish. He woke up with a horrible headache, feeling so heavy he could barely bring himself to bathe or push anything into his mouth. The food the servants left for him for breakfast was left cold on the table for three hours or so.  
He lay on his back, eyes closed and feeling numb with the humming silence. It was funny how it seemed not even a soul passed by his door outside ever since Rok-Soo left with everyone. It felt like all the liveliness around the house was solely for the older redhead, and Cale’s relationship with everyone in this world didn’t improve. He felt like it was all an illusion now.
He sighed silently, knowing he should stop thinking this way, but it strangely felt relaxing the more he stayed alone. He was developing bad habits again, and he couldn’t care to stop them.
He expected no one from Rok-Soo’s people would ever want to look at his face again after the things he said. He believed Ron also would be too disappointed to even think of him anymore, but…
Cale sighed again, recalling how often he had to pretend he wasn’t aware of some of them sneaking into his office using invisibility magic and watching him. Don’t they already know he could use and sense magic well at this point? Really, he thought of it more as them provoking him than checking on him.  
It started with Raon sneaking in through the opened window with only Ohn and Hong, and sometimes, they’d bring Choi Han and Choi Jung-Soo with them. Cale may have left the window to his office and room open on purpose for them to sneak in any time, and they may have noticed his silent message of welcoming their presence to start visiting more than once a day.
He also noticed Sui Khan stopping by once every week to watch him for hours from the window before leaving as silently as he came.
Ron would drop by on days and ask him directly with his benign smile if the Puppy Young Master needed anything, and Cale would always say no, thank the old butler, and leave, as coldly as that, but at least he wasn’t rude. Cale was not acting Trash, after all.
‘Ah, maybe that's what's worrying them…’
He opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling with the soft sunlight seeping through the windows. He isn’t acting like Trash; he’s genuinely wanting to be left alone. Perhaps Rok-Soo was the one telling them to check on him, but he doubted it. This was more Deruth’s style of caring than Rok-Soo’s.
Rok-Soo is probably worried, or is he?
He shook his head slightly. No, that hyung of his must be worried, as he’s secretly been since before the start of that last conversation.
Then, the crew was probably checking on him just to reassure Rok-Soo.
He quietly clicked his tongue with a slight sigh and frown. Calmly flipping to his side, he decided to stop thinking about anything at all.
With his eyes closed, his mind was becoming numb again, and he slowly drifted to dreamland with the humming silence and the soft rustles of trees moving with the breeze outside and birds chirping.
Knock, Knock—
His eyes snapped open at the sudden interruption. He stiffened as he thought something must have happened since his family promised to leave him to rest unless it was urgent.
Before he could ask, the answer came from behind the door.
“Young Master, it’s Hans.”
He pushed himself to sit up, “What is it?” he slipped his cold feet into his slippers as he heard the man eagerly answer.
“Um, there is a letter for the Young Master.”
He frowned and stopped walking midway to the door. A letter? And why does Hans sound excited instead of alarmed? Not that it’s a bad thing, but he suddenly feels like going back to his bed.
However, he walked with a silent sigh and pulled the door open, slightly startling the ginger-head, but Hans looked so happy that he forgot even to let out a yelp this time.
“Here’s the letter, Young Master!”
He accepted the envelope that was pushed into his hands and raised an eyebrow as Hans didn’t turn around and run off as usual but instead waited with a broad smile like an excited brat awaiting his reaction after giving a gift.
Cale sighed as elegantly as always, staring intently at the envelope with a scroll attached. Confirming by using magic and his ability that it was safe, he opened the envelope in front of the Deputy Butler and pulled out the paper, leaving the scroll for later.
He opened the letter and found the first line with the familiar handwriting…
[ I’m still in Super Rock Villa. ]
Cale blinked at the words, blankly reading the rest of the letter that was obviously written by others as well listing down things and foods that could tempt him into paying a visit soon.
His hands slowly moved to open the scroll, and as he expected, it was a teleportation scroll to Super Rock Villa.
‘…of course Rok-Soo wouldn’t wait forever.’
He was still a bit shocked...
Cale was more used to people waiting for him to approach first and fix whatever damage was there or to address any problem, whether he was the cause or not, and most of them would eventually give up. After all, his family usually chose the waiting game, and he may have made a habit of taking advantage of it at some point. However, this is Rok-Soo he’s dealing with now, not Deruth, not anyone else.
“Young Master, the Master requested to know your answer as soon as possible.”
Cale looked at Hans’ bright eyes before he sighed, brushing his hair back with one hand, “I’m going to see hyung today. Tell father I won’t be with them at tonight’s dinner.”
“Yes, Young Master!”
Cale watched the butler run off to deliver the ‘long awaited’ news. He shook his head as he thought surely the man was happy the suffocating air around the castle would finally disappear soon, as were the rest of the Henituse family and the staff members.
He closed the door and looked at the letter again with the many handwriting styles. ‘…even with this, you guys sound vicious.’ A light puff of air left him as a silent chuckle, looking at the letter written by the kids and the rest, along with Rok-Soo, all crying out a big “Come over or else we’ll drag you this time.”
He took a deep breath and let it out calmly, feeling somewhat light for the first time after a month.
“…I’m nervous.”
He silently scoffed at himself for feeling this way at his age. Of all the things he had gone through, he was now nervous about facing Rok-Soo after their first fight.
He can’t refuse, and he should stop this while Rok-Soo is still giving the chance. The raging storm in his head from months ago had cooled off considerably by now, and maybe the reason was that he regretted the loneliness he had caused himself once again after all the years.
He nodded to himself with a silent sigh, looking again at the one sentence Rok-Soo wrote in the letter, then at the blue sky outside.
…he has plenty of time to relax before seeing his vicious hyung for the first time after a whole month.
“Human! Gentle Human! We’re leaving now. Remember to make up and never fight again!” Raon announced brightly as they were leaving Rok-Soo’s room after eating together, as if nothing had happened between the two redhead siblings.
Cale watched silently as Rok-Soo relaxed in his seat and waved away the kids, Choi Han, Choi Jung-Soo, Sui Khan and Ron, with a stoic face.
The door closed, and the room was too silent after the soft click.
Cale stared into space as Rok-Soo comfortably sipped his tea in the seat beside him. He didn’t expect eating dinner with the group to be… this easy, as if everything was all right, as if they trusted everything was already solved by his presence here now.
“…I’m sorry for what I said.”
He finally mumbled, and he noticed Rok-Soo stopped sipping his tea for a moment beside him.
Rok-Soo went back to sipping his tea leisurely with a quiet hum, “Ready to talk about what’s been bothering you, dongsaeng?” he looked at Cale and smiled a little at the little nod. He couldn’t stop himself from patting the brat’s head to make him finally look at him.
“Good, I’m listening.”
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Miracle Creator's Chapter 145
TLDR; Frustration galore. Talks about future plans. HD going out to the outside world for the first time.
Soos? LSH = ❌ CJS = ✅
Frustration Galore We're back to Cale making people frustrated with his "I'm perfectly fine" line, but this time, by the murim people. 😂 Cale kept claiming that he was perfectly fine, and everyone who witnessed that bloody mess during HD's purification all felt sad. But our Cale was like, why are they acting like that? 🤣🤣🤣
Good Faction Elder Ho: *sighs sadly and looks up the ceiling when Cale replied that he was perfectly fine* Splitter Saint: *does the same. Also goes into some introspection on how his past self was wrong about lots of stuff*
Evil Faction Sima Dan: *offers Cale expensive alcohol. Drinks alcohol out of frustration at Cale wanting to purify more Living Jiangshi* Sima Gong: *snatches the alcohol Dan offered to Cale, saying that it was bad for someone with internal injuries. Feels very sad when Cale denies that he suffered from internal injuries*
Demon Cult HD: *chuckles yet has vicious eyes at Cale talking about purifying more Living Jiangshi. *
Future Plans Not much here, just the usual planning and coordination. Cale's itinerary was Kunlun School -> Evil Alliance headquarters -> Blood Cult's presumed location.
Heavenly Demon Joins Cale's Group This part was the funniest today. There's this Korean idiom something called "to go to the rivers and lakes." In martial arts fiction, it means a sect disciple going out to experience the murim world outside their sect.
So HD said that idiom, reasoning out that he accompanying Cale would be helpful for Cale in purifying Living Jiangshi. Of course, Cale was confused, thinking that there was no need for HD to personally accompany him because HD could just lead his troops.
And then, Raon relayed HD and BD's conversation... BD said that he would support HD in his goal. Cale was even more puzzled on what they meant. 🤣🤣🤣
It doesn't stop there. We get a time skip of three days later, with HD telling Cale that he had finished packing up his luggage and it would be his first time going to the rivers and lakes. Cale was still in disbelief of what HD said... 🤣🤣🤣
Someone in Ridi commented that HD was like a kid who was going on a picnic for the first time, and I agree with them. 😂Poor babysitter Cale. But is this foreshadowing that just like Durst, it would be HD joining Cale's group? We can only hope...
Ending Remarks When is this arc going to end? Even Cale today badly wanted to go home. Unfortunately (for him), we still have a long way to go. But with HD joining Cale's group (and the Demon Cult joining Caleism), I'm looking forward to the future chapters.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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𝐭𝐨𝐩  𝟓  𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠  𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬,       share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire / represent  your  muses  the  most.    bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it.  
1. Gathering Storm - Pentakill - It’s a song to rally an army to rise against the enemy, a legion that has gathered to face whatever threat stands against them and salvation. it doesn’t matter how many soldiers or demons or angels you bring to the fight, the army that has gathered to answer the rally will die to their last breath fighting for what they believe in! The very definition of the Legion and what Zoya stands for. syndicate will change whether by force or fire. \m/
2. Touch Off - Uverworld - The song is an allegory for freedom and a future that’s so close within reach. how it fits with zoya is her own ambition to remake syndicate into a land that’s actually worth the dirt that it’s on, the fuse mentioned in the song itself can be taken literally in this case if you look and listen to it in the perspective of one like zoya who has such strong ambitions. fuse is lit, about to go boom, if syndicate has to burn for it to change, then she will light that fuse and remake it from the ashes of her destruction.
3. The Call -  2WEI, Louis Leibfried, Edda Hayes - Here’s where the pattern starts to be clear, this is a more emotional rallying song but it fits a lot more with the Legion itself, the group that zoya leads as their alpha and beacon of hope. they will answer and rise to her orders, willing to put their lives on the line to fulfill their leader’s wishes. and without a doubt, zoya will lead from the front as an example to her fellow wolves, the pack that she had raised and nurtured. they will rise to the call and achieve their goal no matter the cost. 
4. Primal Wonder - Raon Lee - This song very much fits along with what takes place after chapter 6 and I can’t really say why it means a lot without spoiling things that are part of the plot. But the main gist of it, or at least my interpretation is that it’s a song about new beginnings. What you did and failed to do? It doesn’t matter, even if it was a lie, turn it into truth. Make it a reality and grab fate by the throat and tell it to fuck off. You are the one in control, and the lyrics translated speak volumes for Zoya when taking what happens into account. But I suppose it can also fit with Zoya’s self-doubts when becoming leader of the legion. Even if what she believes in turns out to be a lie, she’s gonna fight for a brighter future no matter what happens. 
5. What Could Have Been - Sting - Yes, it’s that really sad song at the end of Arcane. Not only does this song make me cry a lot but looking at it and listening to it as zoya hurts harder than a truck hitting you at 100mph. again, i won’t say spoilers but the song really epitomises a cacophany of emotions and feelings. sorrow, reminiscing of past days without responsibility and of course, a looming dread of vengeful retribution, revenge. she puts up a strong front but... i honestly feel zoya perfectly encapsulates this song. 
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Tagged by: @furiaei
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inventorymessblog · 2 years
# Mili # 5943 por Mili Miklos Via Flickr: Blog: Mili Mix ■ Hair-DOUX - Dreemy hairstyle ■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Milan Head 3.1 ■ Eyes Applier-AG. Glasslike Eyes Pack ■ Dimples-Sap ~ Dimples (Lelutka / Evo / EvoX) ■ Face applier❤**RAON & Elegy** // Max // EvoX (Be.raon Ivory) ■ Body applier❤Be.Raon - Buzios Wavy //Ebody// - Ivory ■ Mesh Body-eBODY - REBORN ■ Body Freckles❤[theSkinnery] Bom Body - Freckles Light ■ Body moles-Izzie's - Body Moles V2 Izzie's - Body Moles V2 ■ Body details-Izzie's - Body Imperfections Izzie's - Body Moles V2 ■ Tattoo-Hoodlem - Blessed Tattoo ( omega / legacy / BoM ) Unisex ■ Tattoo-Hoodlem - Bardi Tattoo ■ Nose Piercing-~LF~ Demi Pack D (avalon) ■ Necklaces-ATD - Butterfly Choker Set ■ Necklace-[VEX] Diamond Picture Necklace Platinum 14inch ■ Cuban Necklace-ATD - Baguette Cuban ■ Necklace-**RE** Eternally Couple Necklaces ■ Diamond Ring-ATD - Baby Girl ■ Outfit❤RIOT / Bree Outfit ■ Pose❤Overlow Poses - Pack 115 .......... Facebook Plurk Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Instagram
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/milimiklos/52405410910/in/dateposted/ https://milimiklos.wordpress.com/2022/10/04/mili-5943/
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raon needs to be open for just a sec.
hello, open air! how are u doing?
i am in a bit of a pickle here in and i am hoping that venting to tumblr will make me feel better. so i have been seeing this guy, and just for my own record and anyone who might be listening let me explain how we got here.
i wanna spare u the personals so let's make this quick. i'm 20, as of writing this, and my ex (who i just broke up with a week ago) is 33. before u say "raon wtf that is not healthy" i know. that relationship was a form of self harm bc i am addicted to my own chaos. most ppl need some form of chaos, they find it in trashy guilty pleasure reality shows, or maybe they have a friend who is annoying sometimes and they indulge in that. i need personal chaos. i like when my life is off of the rails, however, it is detrimental to my mental health. and before u say "raon u said ur gonna be quick", i did! but,,, this ties into something later.
anyways, the day after we broke up i met this guy. lets call him sam. he comes up to me on the bus and hits on me. he was smooth and it was nice. i give him my insta and my number. we start talking and he's great! like everything i've wanted in past relationships. he's affectionate, an amazing communicator, and very relatable. and literally my type.
he is all i'm looking for. and it feels weird. maybe i am seeing him for him and actually learning him instead of lusting, which would be so fucking pathetic LMAO. or even though he's a great guy he's not a great guy for me. or or or back to my earlier point!!! he's perfect for me and i am addicted to toxic, chaotic relationships bc i cannot enjoy myself in a little bit of peace. i want something to go wrong esp when it comes to another person. that's all ive known and seen. my mom has had hard relationships and i've been in some bad ones myself. but now that someone treats me like a human, i'm baffled. and the 33 year old, he was terrible. lived in a shitty motel and smoked a pack a day. told me how to spend my money when he smoked away his. i was blessed enough to afford a trip to texas and he told me i was young and stupid. you see how it's proof of how much i'm addicted to romantic chaos even though it kills me. that's what i mean, i think for once i am the god damn problem.
(one last spur of the moment typing from roan getting upset and remembering things: "we shared locations and i realized he has a bunch of ppl in his find my (iphone's location app). i literally want to throw up. is he just talking to a bunch of girls and i am just another girl in the roster running the race for his heart. bc what in the brent fucking faiyaz???")
that's all roan has for yall tonight! i hope ur day or night is gorg! and u are loved by me and your own (most high).
-roan <3
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luxstylestylesl · 2 years
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☽ Dotty's Secret - Raya Gloss [REDS] - HD Lips [LELUTKA EVO X] @ Anthem
☽ OG. The City Pose Pack @ DREAM DAY
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ALSO SHOWN ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ••••► [avarosa] Jack Eyes - Brown ••••► MICHAN - Mayhem Lashes [Lel EVOx] HUD ••••► [BODY] Legacy (f) (1.3) ••••► Ascendant - Vip List XL 01 - Legacy ••••► .N X LELUTKA EVOX JUNII SKIN (CHOCOLATE) WB ••••► / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.1 ••••► $pce. BBL Skin Overlay // 2 ••••► Bdrop / / BackDrop Norman Street - 01 Thank you for viewing & Thank you to my Sponsors!
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frgiez · 4 years
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                       𖤥 : raon  ⧉  layouts ﹅  
                       @ sakugfr on twitter.
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moon-ies · 4 years
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𖥻‎ raon · layouts
ㅤㅤlike or reblog if you save.
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kgirlsblog · 5 years
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🌿🖇..⃗.  raon packs!
like or reblog if you save!
☆ @rosievoir in twitter.
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bboobo-web · 5 years
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⛤ 天の🌷 ##_raon icons ★
(ꐦ •᷄ࡇ•᷅ ) 𝗹ּׄ𝗶ׂ𝕜ּׂ𝗲 𝗼ׁׄ𝕣 𝗿ׂ𝗲ֹּׁ𝕓͟𝕝ּׅׄ͟𝗼ֺֹׂ͟𝗴!! 🥛🌷
✰ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ 𐑾ᧉ𝅼𝖼Ꭵpᧉ𝅼 bꭚ @looxz ! !★ 安城 ♡ 🌱
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cupid-icons · 4 years
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’ @ * lıkᥱ or rᥱblog 🏹 ¡ (𝒄.) : % rᥲon _ ᥲns ›
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pporappipamcons · 4 years
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˓ ☆ ៸៸  raon icons
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ivecardan · 4 years
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lara & raon layouts
please like or reblog if you save !
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inventorymessblog · 2 years
# Mili # 5963 por Mili Miklos Via Flickr: Blog: Mili Mix (sponsors ads in comments) ■ Hair❤RAON Hair // Hanna Hair Strand layer (EvoX) ■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Fleur Head 3.1 ■ Eyes Applier-AG. Felicity Eyes Pack ■ Dimples-Sap ~ Dimples (Lelutka / Evo / EvoX) ■ Face applier❤Be.Raon // Madison // EvoX (Beraon Cotton) ■ Body applier❤Be.Raon - Buzios Wavy //Ebody// - Cotton ■ Cow Paint+Accessories❤Be.Raon // The Cow Pack ■ Mesh Body-eBODY - REBORN ■ Earrings-e.marie // Katrina Earrings - Silvers ■ Nose Piercing-~LF~ Demi Pack D (avalon) ■ Necklaces-ATD - Butterfly Choker Set ■ Necklace-[VEX] Diamond Picture Necklace Platinum 14inch ■ Bracelets-ATD - VVS Bracelets ■ Watch-[VEX] Ten17rm Watch Platinum ■ Diamond Ring-ATD - Baby Girl ■ Lingerie-.little fox. - Klara Collection // black (Saturday Sale) ■ Pose-Lyrium. Blaya - Barely Here Breathing Series .......... Facebook Plurk Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Instagram
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/milimiklos/52481690042/ https://milimiklos.wordpress.com/2022/11/06/mili-5963/
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ansluv · 5 years
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🍁..⃗.  dalyn and raon packs.
– say my name era!
like or reblog if you save!
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