iofww · 5 years
I am reaching out to the world for a better understanding of rape and what that means to each of you.
What I’ve learned is rape is not black and white. It does not mean that the rapist drugged or beat the victim.
The reason I am reaching out is for an outside opinion to understand better that is non biased and doesn’t know these people. I know one of these people in the scenario. And this scenario is changing the things I thought I Knew and understood about rape.
Scenario: Manager goes out with employees they manage. One employee was reluctant to go but got persuaded to go out by the other manager and employee going. Once out the employee tried to leave a few times but again stayed because everyone was telling them not to go they should stay. This employee was also stated to have been kissing on the manager throughout the night at the bar. (No proof) During the night the employee is tring to go to the bathroom and the manager pulls them into their gender bathroom to try and have sexual contact. Someone walks in and prevents this. Employee still wants to be going home. Later that night the manager gets in the car with employee and takes them somewhere to park. The employee did not want to and thought the manager was helping her drive home because she had been drinking. The employee later says she nodded yes to consent out of fear. And they took off their own pants and tampon to have sex.
The girl didn’t want to be there in the first place.
The girl wanted to be going home the whole night.
The girl was rumored to be kissing on the man all night and hanging on him. (No proof)
The girl says she nodded out of fear. (But did nod)
The girl takes off her own pants and tampon.
The manager
Says he doesn’t remember he was drunk.
Reason I’m reaching out: Is this rape?
Give me the reasons the details it is or isn’t. Teach me, share with me, give me knowledge to better understand rape.
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