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Killers of the Flower Moon (2023)
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876law-enforcement · 3 years
Happenings of the Good Book
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With all great nations there are political instability, murder, rape, extortion, among other crimes that are embedded deep in the foundation of everything others see as spectacular but no one sees the invisible. From the beginning of time there has been unscrupulous activities taking place. The poor have been taken advantage of and exploited, the women have been see as inferior and vulnerable and the children have been seen as insignificant. Even in the bible we read of gruesome acts which have lead to the rise and fall of nations and kings. 
There are numerous stories in the bible where crimes were committed but no one was charged. No justice was served in the making. Even the story of Jesus, there was no real charge on Him but the people choose a criminal to be released in of an innocent man. Isn’t this the same that that goes on today? Innocent people being incarcerated for years with no end in sight. ‘
The story of  Absalom and Amnon sons of David found in 2 Samuel 13:1-32 speaks of a crime that was committed and the victim given no justice. The story tells us that Absalom and Amnon had a fairly beautiful sister by the name of Tamar.  Amnon was madly in love with Tamar despite the fact that she is his sister. He raped her eventually and Absalom was made aware if it. Tamar remained in Absalom house hided hereafter. Amnon was not bought to justice for this crime regardless of the fact that King David knew about the assault. Absalom resented his brother for years and did not speak to him from the moment he found out he raped Tamar. Absalom plotted in his head how he would kill Amnon for years. 
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His plan was perfected when he set a trap and ordered his servant to kill Amnon.  This was Absalom way of getting revenge for Tamar. In those day there were no police to call or any law enforcement. People live by the rules of the King’s guard and justice was given based on the agreed upon terms of the village, town, city or nation you are apart of. Deem it be a woman was rape and no justice would stand for her. The only thing that would happen is taht shame would come to her and she would be seem as an outcast in society and a woman whose pride has been taken from her. 
If I could have done something is this situation in the name of enforcing the law, I would ensure that Amnon was bought to justice for raping his sister and this would have prevented a murder from taken place. If it was in the day and age, Tamar would have the law to fight for her and still feel empowered as a woman. Rape is damaging and this is something that no one can forget. Even when King David found out about the rape, nothing was done. Absalom was wrong to do what he did as it’s murder but that was the way justice was serve for the violation against his sister. 
Google. (n.d.). Google search. Retrieved October 24, 2021, from https://www.google.com/search?q=2%2Bsamuel&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS971US971&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9-pWJ7eHzAhUASzABHYIlD0QQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1536&bih=664&dpr=1.25#imgrc=vKi2Gg571-_SJM.
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iofww · 5 years
I am reaching out to the world for a better understanding of rape and what that means to each of you.
What I’ve learned is rape is not black and white. It does not mean that the rapist drugged or beat the victim.
The reason I am reaching out is for an outside opinion to understand better that is non biased and doesn’t know these people. I know one of these people in the scenario. And this scenario is changing the things I thought I Knew and understood about rape.
Scenario: Manager goes out with employees they manage. One employee was reluctant to go but got persuaded to go out by the other manager and employee going. Once out the employee tried to leave a few times but again stayed because everyone was telling them not to go they should stay. This employee was also stated to have been kissing on the manager throughout the night at the bar. (No proof) During the night the employee is tring to go to the bathroom and the manager pulls them into their gender bathroom to try and have sexual contact. Someone walks in and prevents this. Employee still wants to be going home. Later that night the manager gets in the car with employee and takes them somewhere to park. The employee did not want to and thought the manager was helping her drive home because she had been drinking. The employee later says she nodded yes to consent out of fear. And they took off their own pants and tampon to have sex.
The girl didn’t want to be there in the first place.
The girl wanted to be going home the whole night.
The girl was rumored to be kissing on the man all night and hanging on him. (No proof)
The girl says she nodded out of fear. (But did nod)
The girl takes off her own pants and tampon.
The manager
Says he doesn’t remember he was drunk.
Reason I’m reaching out: Is this rape?
Give me the reasons the details it is or isn’t. Teach me, share with me, give me knowledge to better understand rape.
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oscar-crawford-fan · 5 years
#Repost fromwith @regram.app ... A message from Lady Sarah Charles from Trinidad and Tobago. Post your video with the hashtag #rapeiswrong (at Mesa, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B17ueDcllqe/?igshid=12y57l6fi0mgp
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akilthedj · 6 years
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Black Women Have Been Getting Raped in America For At Least 400 yrs...... as Black Men in America we have been Getting Accused of Rape For At least 400 yrs ..... Have some Black Men Been Sexual predators yes ...inside of our Families ...Yes ....Have Black Men been Victims of False Accusations Yes........ The public Don't Know what Happened .....Justice in America is A Joke .....This Has all the Makings of a Set up ..... Circumstances surrounding the time frame and People .... if you are Celebrating like this is a Victory or Justice ...Then Where is the 400 years of Injustice that should have been served Years ago ....don't tell me you just now being made Aware because of #metoo ....... where was you At When Black women and Women was Getting Raped ..... ? Stop being one sided #justiceforall #Rapeiswrong #Falseaccusationiswrong #nojusticenopeace #nocompromise #akilthemc #knowledgerhythmandunderstanding #nonbiased https://www.instagram.com/p/BoOZ808BB8P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nlt465jdf91n
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atasteofchocolates · 7 years
It’s fair to say I’m extremely upset.
First of all I just want to say that Rape is not a subject that should ever be used as a joke. It is offensive, it is an ugly thing to do. I was horrified today when people I called my friends decided to use it as a joke against me and my partner. 
Rape happens to both woman and men, taking away their pride, their humanity, makes them feel absolutely worthless. 
So sat at the table today, me and my friends were all joking around, my boyfriend had already been brought up in convo by the same guy twice. 
Then One of them says to the other something about Rape, I wasn’t quit tuned in at this point. However I knew for sure it was used as a Joke against the other. Then the third one and the one who brought up my boyfriend the other two times, decided to say “That’s what Blake will do to Megan in December.” To which the other says “Nah it won’t be because she’ll like it.” 
I cannot even hide the rage that blew up within me then, and what still burns within. That fact that they would even use RAPE against me is utterly disrespectful and down right cruel! 
Furthermore, the fact that the second said that I would enjoy it, like any woman likes to be used against their will, is DISGUSTING. 
My boyfriend is just under 3 years older then me. He is not 20 years older. You see many adults with 3 or more years between them, it is very common. SO the fact that my boyfriend is being called a pedophile and being accused of rape by people I call my friends makes me feel ashamed to be associated with them. 
They don’t even realize how much they hurt me.
I classed the one who brought Blake into it as my best guy friend. Someone I could talk to about anything however he seems to be so obsessed with my relationship. Constantly saying me and Blake will have sex this winter. I’m not planning on it but even if I was it’s non of his bloody business. Not only that but If i ever accused him on rape he would be MORTIFIED. I never bring up him and his girlfriends relationship. I tried to help him with it more then once but all he does to repay me is to call my boyfriend a pedophile and a rapist. 
I am absolutely heart broken. I wish they would focus on their own relationships and grow up and realize Rape is NOT a subject to joke about. 
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phoenixwolf876 · 7 years
Imagine you have a nice pair of Jordan's..you bought it because you like the way it looks and you wanted to treat yourself and then you get beaten and robbed.So you go to the police but instead of investigating the crime the police asked you why you were wearing your Jordan's instead of just regular sneakers,then they ask "have you ever given a pair to anyone else?"is it Possible you wanted to be robbed? "Why didn't you wear bell foot jeans to cover the sneakers,if you didn't want to be robbed?" And then after that everywhere you go,they're whispers and constant jokes about your Jordan's getting robbed.People you dont even know whistle at your Jordans and makes jokes of cutting your feet of to get it.The media doesn't help either,they portray whomever wears Jordan's as Flamboyant losers who secretly just want to get robbed,when damn all you wanted to do was wear your nice Jordan's without getting harassed for it,when you start telling people you feel unsafe,people laugh you off and say you're too uptight..Nevermind you getting robbed because of a friggin pair of sneakers.. Imagine all that Sucks doesn't it? Well that's a rape victims entire experience after the fact,so now that we had to dumb it down for some of you,maybe instead of blaming the victims blame the men that are making you all look bad.. So fuck off and stop making them feel guilty FYI: Just because a man is raped doesn't mean you have the right to make fun of him for being too weak to fight the girl off,don't tell him he really wanted it but probably played hard to get, and definitely DO NOT call him a faggot if he was raped by a man.. FUCK OFF ALL MENTAL MIDGETS THAT CALL THEMSELVES MEN WHO BLAME WOMEN AND ATTACK PEOPLE FOR DEFENDING THEM...if all you have to give to the world is vitriol then what purpose do you actually serve in society except steal our oxygen,This goes for the women that victim blame too Stop fucking condoning these creatures actions by saying "boys will be boys" or blame the liquor. I'm a lesbian and I have been around many intoxicated women,some even naked and I managed perfectly well not to rape them.. I STAND WITH THE USUALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT VICTIMS-MEN THAT HAVE BEEN RAPED,I hear your voice and others do too.. There might grammatical errors I'm high as fuck,feel free to message me and correct me but come at me rude,you won't like the reply
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Man some men are stupid a dectectives called me and said some man was planning to give me ruffies tonight and have men gang rape me while I'm unconscious and sell me to them...wtf huh?! Dam someone snitched on him...they won't tell me who?
They just said be careful and some other stuff
Other date rape drugs include flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), and ketamine. These drugs are sometimes called "club drugs" because they are often used at dance clubs, concerts, bars, or parties.
#daterapevictimsspeakout #theresflashbackswithdaterapedrugs #aggravatedrape #rapeiswrong #roleplayingisconsentual #ihateviolentrapists #whatifyouknewyouweregoingtobedruggedtoberaped #imnotconsenting #bewarerapists
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chefseyephotography · 6 years
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For all you people out there attempting to defend William Henry Cosby Jr. aka Bill Cosby, please GTFOOH with that nonsense. Stop mixing issues and accept the fact that no man, and I mean no man has the right to drug, sexually assault, rape or batter a woman. Every one of those actions makes you nothing more than a fucking coward, a predator and someone who needs to be castrated. If I sound pissed off by what I'm seeing from all of these apologists on social media, I am. What if any of these women were your mother, sisters, daughters, wives. Would you make excuses for him too? I'm saddened for the entire situation but I have no empathy for him. My empathy goes to the women who were victims of his cowardice and predatory behaviour. #TrollingForTruth #HeDidIt #StopMakingExcuses #RapeIsWrong (at Washington, District of Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNROl2gs13/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=153gl6mr6qw72
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missypride-blog · 8 years
Some monsters are real: my opinion on rape
The only thing about rape that I support is the victim. I don’t care what’s going on; rape is NEVER a good idea. The problem is that we tell girls to not get raped, but we never tell boys to not rape. If we expect students to sit through lectures about why they shouldn’t drink, do drugs, or have sex, then we should make them sit through a lecture on why they shouldn’t rape and how to stop a rapist. I just wished that Brock Turner had sit through that kind of lecture.
Yes, I’m going to talk about that asshole because the whole thing is full of crap. What sickens me the most is that Turner’s own FATHER made sure sure that his son had a shorten sentence and called the rape “20 minutes of actions.” Dude, there was no consent and the girl was unconscious. There is a HUGE difference between sex and rape. If you truly love your son, you would let him take his original punishment and make sure he understands that what he did was wrong. Also, I don’t give a damn about your son’s favorite snacks and sports that you mentioned in your letter. Hitler’s favorite snacks and sports didn’t let him off the hook for starting WWII. Adam Lanza’s favorite snacks don’t mean crap because he murdered several children at Sandy Hook. Also, who gives a shit if he’s a swimmer? I used to be on a swim team and that didn’t make me powerful or anything. Sure, your son has favorite sports and snacks, but so does his victim. But she’s not your child, so why should you care?
I don’t know if you’ve ever opened a bible, Brock, but I want to share what I’ve found. Deuteronomy 22:25-27 says that if a man rapes an engaged virgin, he must be put to death. It also says, “Do nothing to the young woman, because she is not guilty of an offensive deserving death.” The chapter also says that a man who rapes a virgin who isn’t engaged must give her father money and marry her, but this wasn’t always the case in the Bible. The book of Genesis includes a man named Jacob who had twelve sons. What some people don’t know is that Jacob also had a daughter named Dinah. The reason why she isn’t in the Broadway musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”, the movie “Joseph: King of Dreams” starring Ben Affleck, or in children’s bibles is because she only has two stories: her birth and her rape. In Genesis 34:1-31, Dinah, a virgin who wasn’t engaged, goes to see some young women and make some new friends and is raped by the son of the prince of the region she was in. The son wanted to have Dinah as his wife and doesn’t show any remorse whatsoever in the chapter. To make a long story short (it’s actually not that long, but I don’t want to share every single detail) Dinah’s brothers were so angry that two of them, Simeon and Levi, killed the rapist, his father, and every male in the area. Brock, you should consider yourself lucky that you didn’t live in that time period, and your victim is even more lucky because she doesn’t have to marry you. 
Since no one has ever bothered to do this, students need to be lectured on why they shouldn’t rape and how to stop an idiot who’s going to rape anyway. And it’s not just boys who need this lesson; a rapist doesn’t have to have a penis and a rape victim doesn’t have to have a vagina. In fact, they all need to learn about domestic abuse because girls are not the only victims. If you’re reading this and you’re a huge fan of YouTube, you’ve probably heard of Matthew Santoro, a popular Canadian YouTuber who makes educational and funny videos. If you’re a fan of him, you probably already know that he used to be abused by his ex-girlfriend Nicole Arbour. He was raised thinking that he had to be strong because he’s a man and was embarrassed by the fact that his own girlfriend abused him, so he didn’t tell anyone. However, he later accidentally publicly posted a video about his abusive relationship that was supposed to be a private video. He later deleted it, but not before being viewed by thousands of supporters, causing him to re-upload the video. 
I wrote that last paragraph to let you all know that nobody should get off the hook for rape or any kind of domestic abuse. I don’t care about your gender, race, political views, wealth, etc. Violence is NEVER the answer, and if you’re going to argue that rape doesn’t count as violence, I suggest that you shut up in order to avoid sounding like an idiot. Saying that rape doesn’t count as violence is like saying that there isn’t a difference between sex and rape.
Brock Turner deserves more than three months in prison in order to actually think about what he did, but I hardly doubt that he will actually learn his lesson and apologize after fourteen years in prison. If Brock’s father ever reads this, he should know that he shouldn’t even bother trying to save his son’s future because a shorten sentence doesn’t save him from being known as a rapist for the rest of his life; that fate had been sealed ever since he raped that girl behind the dumpster. 
Some dogs are put down if they attack a person, but this Chihuahua is lucky.
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mamaspark · 8 years
Six months for rape? Such BS
Brock Allen Turner got 6months for raping a woman. Maybe social media can help deliver some additional consequences?
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( a daughter comes home from her first day of 5th grade and comes to her father very confused )
Daughter: Daddy what is sex?
Dad: What on earth did you learn that word honey?!?
Daughter: Well this boy came up to me today and he is in my class and he asked me this " do you wanna have sex?" and I told him I would give him an answer tomorrow because I wanna come home and ask you.
Dad: Well dear it is something that only adults do and you have to be married.
Daughter: Then why did he ask me if we aren't married daddy? ( she started tearing up and ready to cry)
Dad: Shh Shh its okay we will handle this when we get to the school tomorrow okay. What is this boys name?
Daughter: His name is...Mr.Cox daddy he is my teacher.
(the dad gets very mad but tries to stay calm)
Dad: well my dear this isn't my job to handle. We have to call the cops.
Daughter: WHY!!! I don't want my teacher going to jail then I cant learn!
Dad: well my dear he isn't a good teacher he is the bad one that will give you bad grades and... no recess.
Dad: then let daddy handle this.
(he calls the cops and Mr.Cox is arrested for attempd rape and the daughter never knew exactly why )
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yes-tessha · 9 years
The world is a very crazy place. I watched a young woman tell her stories, yes stories plural, of sexual abuse. The majority of the commenters decided to attack her by saying that what happened to her was not really sexual abuse. They said that because she was not full on raped, she should not be putting this out there and making other “real” victims look bad. She simply put up a video to express to other girls that have had similar experiences that it is not their fault. She was immediately attacked by people  who said that because her experience was not like theirs that she was not a victim of sexual abuse.
All sexual harassment and rape experiences are wrong and anyone who experienced them should not attack one another, but should confide in each other because any of these acts are wrong and need to be punished by law. I encourage all victims to seek help and report it as soon as it happens or as soon as possible.
Sexaul Assault Safe Helpline-->(877) 995-5247
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volleyballhimbos · 10 years
Things that need to stop being written about in fanfiction: Incest, Pedophilia, Beastialy, and Rape. I understand that rape is an unfortunate part of our society, but in most works it is being glamorize instead of being shown as the horrible act of violence it is. I support the right to read and write what you want, but if you think an adult inappropriately touching a child is okay, you need help.
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