#raph fans come get your juice
shadowbends · 9 months
“When I did open that portal,” Mikey went on, cutting him off. “Do you know what I was thinking?” He heard Raph’s mouth click audibly shut and waited. When no guesses were forthcoming, he took a shaky breath and hid his face in his brother’s shoulder. “I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t let the Krang out, but I had to help Leo, so…” And oh great, now he was crying too. Mikey sniffed, and forced himself to continue. “All I could think about was wanting you to come and make it better.”
The family sets out to find the ingredients for the elixir meant to help Leo, but is this really the plan? Mikey drags the truth from Draxum and gets more than he bargained for.
(This chapter is a long boy, good lord. The previous ones have all finished around the 12-14 page count, but this chapter's coming in pretty at a full 21. As a reward for all this exposition, Mikey is allowed one (1) f-bomb. As a treat.)
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astral--horrorshow · 1 year
Around-The-Clock Shadows
Platonic Yandere ROTTMNT x Reader
Info: This will be a full-length fic including multiple ROTTMNT characters, the main storyline revolves around the Mad Dogs.
Fic Summary: You sure are likeable, aren't you?
《Chapter 1》
Chapter 2: Juice-Induced Short-Circuit
Characters: Donnie, Leo, Raph, Mikey
A/N: Chapter 2 is here! I'm going to try to write a bit more to get chapters out faster, (dw i'm not burning myself out, i literally sit around at home most days) so ya'll have that to look forwards to!
Tbh I did my most productive writing while listening to video game fan music, maybe it just has magical tendencies from good it is.
If you want to be added to a taglist, just say the word! If you want to draw fanart or make anything based off of this, I would be literally honored. Please don't be shy, I will love whatever you make! If you have any questions about the fic, feel free to ask!
TW: Stalking, kidnapping plans, toxic relationships, Donnie has a bit of an ego, ruining of clothing
I do not condone any of the behaviors found or done in this fic. This story is purely for entertainment purposes. If you or someone you know is being treated like this, please contact the authorities.
Please Reblog writer's work!
Chapter Summary: Donnie gets rid of a tracker in a way that Leo doesn't like very much, and Raph goes over a plan with his brothers.
Word Count: 1176
"Don't let me hear the robins sing above,
What good's their song if I've no one to love?"
You leaned your head back against the porcelain of the bathtub, watching the steam from the water curl up towards the ceiling. The silky-double vocals of Leslie Gore crept beneath the door and echoed throughout the tiled bathroom.
You leaned forwards and pulled the plug to the drain, watching the water swirl into the pipes.
"Don't let that dreamy moon come out, come out tonight,"
You lifted the needle off of the record, slipping it back into its case and strolling back to your bedroom. You snuggled under the warm covers, your wet hair dampening the pillow. Your eyelids were getting heavier with each second, warm water always did make you sleepy.
A hand landed on the outdoor windowsill, pulling the body attached to it upwards, revealing Donatello. He froze for a moment when you stirred in your sleep, but relaxed again when you merely turned your sleeping face to the wall.
Donnie pulled open your window, and slipped inside almost silently. He scanned around the room, before the spot of red light he was looking for pulled him to the jacket it was coming from.
He plucked the tracker the Purple Dragons had planted and glared at it with distaste. How dare they disrespect your privacy like that? He knew that they didn't care about you, not like he did. He wants to protect you, they want to use you. He wouldn't let that happen, over his dead body. Donnie's trackers are for protection purposes, so you need them. You need him, you need the rest of your new family to protect you from people like Kendra.
Now, what to do with the tracker? He obviously couldn't bring it back to the Lair, but he didn't want to leave it on you. He couldn't place it somewhere else, there were still things to prepare for your arrival and they would still see you at school, much to his displeasure. He thought it over, finding no good options even within the deepest depths of his intellect.
Suddenly, he thought of the most intelligent idea. He would spill something on the jacket, so you would throw it in the wash! The tracker would be destroyed! Those horrible, deceiving nerds wouldn't suspect a thing! He applauded himself in his mind, basking in his own intellect.
He was so busy praising himself in his mind that he didn't notice the electric blue portal materializing out of thin air behind him until Leo was right behind him. Donnie jumped nearly a mile out of his skin when Leo's hand landed on his shoulder.
He jerked around, expecting you to have woken up somehow and discovered his presence, but deflated when he saw that it was just his brother, and glared at him.
"What are you doing here, Leo?" Donnie said, crossing his arms with an annoyed look on his face. He could believe that his brother could do what he was doing, but he really wished he wouldn't.
"I'm visiting, of course," Leonardo flipped the ends of his bandana over his shoulder like it was hair, "Also, Raph sent me to look for you. You didn't come back after you left."
"That's none of your business."
"I think it is. If you're here, then it's all our business."
"You'll just do something rash."
Leo put on a half-mocking, half-serious pout, "Nuh-uh!"
"If you don't tell me, I'll tell Raph and Mikey something is wrong."
Donatello clenched his fists and teeth, glaring even deeper at Leo. "Fine. The Purple Dragons placed a tracker on them, and I'm going to get rid of it."
Leonardo brought a hand up to his chest and gasped dramatically like a woman in a black-and-white movie, his eyes widening. "No!" He said it less like an exclamation, and more like a woman gossiping with her friends.
"Yes. Like I said, I'm going to get rid of it. Now go away."
Leo sassily put a hand on his hip, "No. I'm going to stay here and look after them."
"Fine," Donnie snapped, "But if you wake them up, you're going to regret it."
He walked to the kitchen, taking a carton of juice out of the fridge before returning.
Upon re-entering the bedroom, Donnie gritted his teeth yet again upon seeing him sit on the edge of your bed, his three-fingered hand gently petting the top of your head.
“What are you doing? Get off of there before you wake them up!” Leo pouted at his brother’s demand, but sat up anyway. He cocked his head in curiosity upon seeing the juice in Donnie’s hand.
“Yes. This is how I’m going to get rid of that awful tracker.”
Leo launched forwards, attempting to grab the juice. “Don’t do that! You’re going to ruin a perfectly good jacket!”
Donatello jerked his hand back before Leo could grab it. “The whole point is that they’re going to wash it, dumb-dumb.” Upon hearing his brother’s plan, Leo didn’t try to grab the juice anymore, but put a hand on his hip again. “And what happens if it stains?”
“I’ll buy them another one,” Donnie turned back to the jacket, screwing the cap open.
Leonardo made no further attempt to stop his brother, but looked away as Donnie poured the liquid over the fabric. In his refusal to watch him disfigure clothing, he looked over to you, still sleeping soundly even with all the noise they were both making. You really were a deep sleeper, how cute.
“Done,” Donnie announced, interrupting Leo’s thoughts. He turned back to him, trying not to focus on the stained fabric on a hanger behind him. “Let’s just go,” Leo said, sulkily. He didn’t want to leave you so soon, but he couldn’t stand another minute in the awkwardness of the moment. They both walked to the kitchen, checking on you one last time to make sure you were still sleeping soundly. Donnie put the juice back in the fridge, then stepped into Leo’s portal.
The Turtle Tank sped throughout the backstreets of New York City, leaving scattered papers and humans in its wake. Raphael pulled the tank into an isolated alleyway, beckoning his brothers to join in a circle.
"Okay," Raph said, putting his arms on the backs of Leo and Mikey, who were next to him in the circle, "We have everything prepared? Donnie, you have the tranq gun?"
"Of course I do, Raph," Donnie said with a slightly exasperated tone, "We've been over this."
"Okay, fine. Everyone knows the plan, right? We sneak in, get them, and take them home, like a boss!" Upon saying his catchphrase, Raph pumped his fist in the air, hyped up.
His energy spread to his younger brothers, and they put in their words of excitment and encouragement. Raph drove the vehicle out of the alleyway, and sped towards your home.
A/N: Apologies if this chapter drags on a bit! I wanted to focus more on staying on one scene because of all the jumping back and forth in the first chapter! Also sorry that Raph and Mikey aren't very active in the story right now! They'll be a lot more starting in chapter 3! The first two chapters are more focused on the stalking aspect, which I tend to assign to Leo and Donnie. Raph and Mikey are more caretaker-esque, which you'll definently see very soon!
Taglist <3: @yandere-toons @yanteetle @ssak-i @oleander-nin @averagerottmntsimp
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It was nearing the holiday of Easter and you were excited to be spending Easter with the guys for this was your first Easter with them. You entered the lair and just for the occasion you wore a playboy bunny outfit for Leo the turtle of your dreams. Leo was busy setting up and hiding the Easter eggs around the lair for Mikey to find when he dropped the basket containing plastic eggs and he stared wide eyed at you his brow ridges widening underneath his blue mask. He quickly grabbed you and grabbed a carton of blueberries and dashed off to his room locking the door. You gasp but you didn’t have enough time to process what was going on.
“L-Leo! Wh-what’re you doing?!” You ask straight out.
Leo smirked down at you as he set you down on his made up bed.
“Do I get a little Easter bunny as my treat? You know you shouldn’t‘ve come here dressed like that you know.”
But before you could ask why his breath started to fan your neck as he whispered sweet things to you huskily like in your ear where he began to bite and suck on the earlobe. You couldn’t help but let out a small moan and he smirked in satisfaction.
“What’s with the blueberries Leo?”
“Oh you’ll see my darling,” he grinned down at you as he began to hook his fingers on the zipper of your costume and gently pulled down and off of you leaving you naked and he sexily took off your tights between his teeth using them. He placed the blueberries all over your body then lightly and carefully smashed them making sure to not hurt you at all as you now became a canvas of blueberry juice art. He took some into his mouth swirling and sucking his tongue around the helpless bud as he tasted the blueberry juice between his lips. He swallowed it languidly and he then moved on to the next defenseless nipple biting at the areola to get more blueberries into his mouth. You moan and arch your back instinctually at this and gripped the comforter on his bed. He smirked as he knew his teasing was getting you aroused and turned on. Next he sensually caressed his lips down to your stomach where more smashed blueberries met and greeted his long tongue. He lapped at your skin like a dinner plate and you elicited a whimper at this your womanhood dropping drops of precum. He was entertained by this secretly relishing in the fact that he could get you horny. He dove his face in between your inner thighs spreading your legs out farther as he went to sample a taste of blueberries mixed with your juices. You shouted his name in ecstasy at this point as he french kissed your flower petals. Once he gave one final stroke of his tongue to your clitoris you orgasmed into his mouth getting down from your high. He hugged you and nuzzled your neck whispering, “I love you my bunny.”
@nikitaboeve @raph-red-fan @raphsgrl @0x0spunky-monkey0x0 @primroseprime2019 @tkappi @doctorelleth @severelychiefprincess @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @samyp05 @rebellious-mutant @tulipvalley27 @lasttriptonyc @mistyroselove @camibanani
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vintagereigns · 4 years
“Ya’ can repay me in the mornin’.”
Warnings: NSFW (18+), Graphic language, Explicit language... 
Character(s): Raphael (TMNT 14/16) x Reader 
Tags: @aurora-the-kunoichi​ @moonlightflower21​ @donatello-writes​
A/N: I’m new to posting on this platform with my own content, so please be nice lol. This is my first TMNT imagine and, yes, I wrote it for my favorite (Raphael). Please excuse any mistakes that I made, I wasn’t sure what I was doing when I wrote this, haha. And to the lovely people that I tagged, I just wanted to see if you’d check it out, maybe give it a read? Maybe share it and let other people read it? You don’t have to and my apologies if you didn’t want to be tagged. I know Raph may not be your turtle of choice, but I was just looking for some feedback or something. Again, thank you if you do and I understand if you don’t want to read it or share it. 
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The sound of the clock ticking annoyed her right ear and her heavy eyes stared up at the ceiling above, watching as the fan spun just enough for a cool breeze to blow through the room. It was completely dark outside, possibly about two-am, but she just couldn’t seem to fall asleep. The large window on the far wall was ajar, the light curtains blowing with the breeze of the late-night wind. It wasn’t too loud outside, yet she still couldn’t fall asleep. 
Lifting her cell-phone in front of her face, she unlocked it with her thumb and went straight to her text messages. There was a certain name she had been looking for and when she found it she sent a simple greeting just to make sure he wasn’t busy or asleep. She placed the phone on her chest and within the next few seconds, the phone buzzed against her skin. He was awake and had told her to hang tight, that he’d be over within moments. 
She waited anxiously in her spot, her foot rubbing against the other underneath the dark comforter. Her heartbeat slowly picked up with every little noise from outside. She knew he was coming, however, that didn’t stop her stomach from knotting up or her heart to rise until the thumping of the organ could be felt in her throat. Every time she saw him, in light or in darkness, it was as if she had just discovered him. An aching feeling burnt in the pit of her stomach and it spread until her panties were soaked and her toes were tingling. 
The harsh thump against the fire escape alerted her of his arrival. Her hand reached to her right and she turned her lamp on, her eyes now fixating on his tall and strong body. He stood six-foot-six and his muscles made it hard for him to fit through her window, especially with the large shell hanging on his back. They stared at one another, his bright-golden eyes gazing down her covered body with his lip caught between his teeth. She couldn’t help herself and let her gaze rake up and down his form. 
“Ya’ couldn’t sleep?” His voice was decently deep and coated with a thick New York accent. He smiled and stepped forward, watching as she slowly sat up in bed. 
“No. I’m sorry if I bothered or interrupted anything-”
“Nah, ya’ didn’t. I’m actually glad ya’ texted me. Mykie’s been braggin’ about his winnin’ streak on Fifa and it was gettin’ annoying,” he chuckled and took a spot on the end of the mattress. “But I thought ya’ said what we were doing’ was over?”
“...Yeah, I know. I don’t know-” She was completely confused. There was a craving, a yearning, for him. His lips, his cold hands, rough skin, his voice. She had called their arrangement off, yet she seemed to find herself regretting it. 
“Ya’ don’t have to explain. I came, didn’t I? I guess ya’ can take that as a hint that I miss ya’ too.”
She nodded, yet she still wasn’t sure of what exactly to do. He looked at her and watched her face for any signal as to what move to make, but he didn’t find a single one. Placing his large hand on her leg, he slid it up until it grasped hers. She felt a surge of warmth slide down her until it reached the most sensitive part of her. 
“Raph…” She choked on her breath as his hand parted from hers and began to snake down to the band of her panties. He played with the elastic for a moment, one of his fingers rubbing up and down her slit. Raphael began to pull the blanket from her body. He wanted a full preview. 
His eyes flicked up to hers and he felt his cock harden in his shorts. She was staring at him, her mouth hanging open and her nipples peeking through the thin material of her tank top. Raph reached up and began kissing her neck, his teeth and tongue working to mark her flesh all the while one of his fingers circled her clothed clit. She moaned and moved her head, widening the surface area for his mouth. 
“Do ya’ want me to stop?” he whispered, his tongue staining her skin. She looked at him, her arm wrapping around his neck and pulling him in for a deep, tongue filled kiss. “Use your words, baby.” His lips left kisses from her neck all the way down to her cleavage. 
“No… please,” she begged, her eyes watching as he easily pulled her shirt apart, exposing her chest. 
“Please what, baby?” His mouth wrapped around her left breast, his tongue lapping around her already hardened nipple. 
“Please… don’t stop…” 
Raph switched his mouth over to her right breast, his hands still groping and working her left. She let her head fall back before looking back down at him with her tit still in his mouth. He made sure to make eye-contact as he bit down on her nipple and pulled gently before wrapping his mouth around her whole breast again. 
Raph sat up, his mouth coming off of her skin with a wet ‘pop’. His gear had already been removed before arriving in her apartment, but he still stood to his full height and removed the shorts that restricted his hard length from springing free. His dick bounced against the bottom of his plastron before resting heavily in his hand. Raph jerked the covers from his lover’s nearly-naked body and climbed back on the bed, his body resting comfortably in-between her legs. He kissed her thighs and bit down just enough to turn the skin pink. 
She watched him, still, from above and played with the ends of his tattered, red bandana. He was beautiful with it off, but she loved the way it looked on him. She always thought that the red cloth made his eyes seem brighter, yet hidden in the shadows of the mask. Raph began pulling her panties from her, cursing beneath his breath as he watched a string of her excitement detach itself from her pussy lips before resting in the cotton material. She was so wet, and he could smell her arousal. The closer he got, the stronger her scent was. He couldn’t help it and bit down harshly into her thigh, making her jump and jerk. 
“Sorry,” he said, his eyes darker and his voice deeper, raspier. “I’ve just missed how ya’ taste.” 
There was that same jolt of something indescribable. She loved when he talked dirty and, boy, was he good at it. His words could get so filthy, nasty even. Yet she loved it every time. And he knew it too, for he teased her with his voice many times before. 
Raph ran his tongue slowly up her closed slit, his eyes locked with hers again. He watched every deep breath she took, every twitch of her body, and listened to every small sound that left her lips. He watched her as he slipped his tongue between her folds and lapped up her juices, teasing her hole with his tongue. 
A growl-like noise left his mouth as he circled her clit with his tongue before wrapping his lips around it and sucking. He let his hands wander up her body until they grabbed a hold of her chest and squeezed, his mouth still sucking and licking her pussy. Her head had fallen back moments ago and she couldn’t find the energy to pull it back up to watch him. But she did place one hand on his left one as it groped her chest, helping him squeeze her breast. All the while her other hand reached down to the back of his head and pushed his face into her, her hips jerking and grinding his against his tongue. 
Raph could tell that she was close to orgasming by the way her moans increased in volume. A smirk found its way onto his lips as he slid his tongue as far inside of her as it would go, his finger rubbing her clit for extra measure. She was grinding against his face and Raphael felt close to his own orgasm just by that alone. He felt high as he swirled and thrusted his tongue inside of her, flicking and licking against her tight walls. 
Her legs began to shake. Raphael had found that euphoric spot inside of her that not even she or her toys could find. He knew what was to happen next, so he flicked his tongue faster, as deep as his mouth would let him. Her hands grabbed his head as she cried out, her orgasm squirting out of her and onto the bed, her blanket, and even Raph himself. He tried to rub her clit to make her come again, but she was too sensitive and jerked back when his rough digit came in contact. 
Smiling, Raph moved upward until his lips found hers in a slow kiss. She was still feeling it and moved her head to rest into the crook of Raph’s neck. Raph kissed her skin gently before standing up and flicking the light back off, his large frame walking to the other side of her bed and climbing in beside her. 
“I didn’t do anything for you,” she whispered. Raph pulled her in for another gentle kiss. 
“Ya’ can repay me in the mornin’,” he laughed. She smiled and cuddled into him after he pulled the comforter back up and around their bodies. Raph pulled her close, her bare ass against his still-hardened dick,  and wrapped one arm around her torso, his hand grabbing her boob, and his other hand resting warmly in between her legs. “Get some sleep,” he whispered, kissing her head and relaxing against her. 
She had only nodded in response and Raph closed his eyes, his body pressed against hers, and let himself fall asleep- at least until he had to leave.
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waterstar2016 · 6 years
How would each of rhe guys react to their s/o catching a cold. Nothing major just sniffles and a headache.
Thank you for this. I haven’t received many of these types of questions and I was a little nervous when I saw it in my inbox. But, I discovered that this was so much fun to write!
Suggested nudity…it will make sense when you read this. I am an 18+blog after all. You’ve been warned.
Our leader in blue is going to immediately notice that something seems ‘off’ with you. He will approach you, cup your chin making you meet his eyes while running his other hand through your hair. “Tenshi, come with me.” Guiding you with his arm around your shoulder he will want to take you away from all the hustle and bustle that can happen in the lair. After settling you in his room he will bring you his own special blend of tea leaves. He’s spent a long time perfecting this particular blend, it will strengthen your immune system, relieve pain, ease congestion, and give you some cough relief. He will try to stay away from conventional medicine if it is just a simple cold, as he preferably wants to rely upon his own extensive knowledge of herbs. Leo will consult Master Splinter to make sure his treatment method is appropriate.
I think Leo has a superior understanding of pressure points on the body. For you he will offer to massage and will use his knowledge as another way to relax you and provide you with relief. Expect a lovely hot bath with essential oils. He will join you (if you wish) and wash your back for you. He doesn’t want to leave you alone because he would be afraid you would fall asleep in the tub. Leo will try to help you ease into a restful slumber by reading to you or just running his fingers through your hair. He will make sure you’re tucked in, staying close by in case you need anything. A glass of water will be left beside you and you will wake up to blue forget-me-nots on the bedside table.
Poor Raph. His gal has a cold? And she’s trying to tell him that it’s not that bad? It’s just a bit of a headache and stuffiness?! Hell no! This guy is going to run to Donnie to ask for the proper medication and bring you every single flavour of Halls cough drops there is (he wasn’t sure what kind you liked). He will sit beside you and start knitting you a hat and matching scarf…and probably some mitts too. Maybe the ones you bought at the store weren’t good enough. He should have knitted you them in the first place, then maybe you wouldn’t have gotten sick to begin with.
Until your cold is gone, Raph will be at your beck and call. He has to go on patrol? He’s going to ask Splinter or April to watch over you. Like Leo, Raph is a fan of water therapy. He will carry you to the shower and set the temperature just the way you like it (maybe a little hotter to help sore and aching muscles). Standing under the spray with you he will encourage you to breathe in the steam to help ease that rattle he thinks he can hear in your chest. This guy is going to speak in hushed tones anytime he’s in your vicinity. You can still “yell” at people when you’re whispering, ya know? He will also become very good at expressive body language. He will hum softly to you while rubbing Vick’s on your chest, he knows all of your favourite songs so he will pick one of those to try and get you to smile.
O Donnie. He’s going to look you over from head to toe. You may as well let him examine you, because he won’t relax until you do. He doesn’t trust your pharmacist, and would like to see for himself whether or not he agrees with your doctors prognosis. He has tongue depressors, stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, thermometer and blood testing equipment (he will check to be sure that it’s not the beginning of something more serious). You will have to tell him your exact symptoms and he will consult his reference books. Once he’s made sure that it is indeed just a cold he will give you all the right amount of medication that you need, and set an alarm on one of his devices to remind him when you are due for the next dose. He will make sure the room is at the optimum temperature for comfort and that you have a pair of warm socks on your feet.
He will install a humidifier in the room and put a dollop of Vick’s VapoRub in the tray ensuring maximum distribution of the soothing vapours. Donnie will make sure you have orange juice and water beside you, along with a selection of cheese and crackers. He will make you cups of chicken noodle soup and will ensure that you eat and drink plenty of fluids. You will get all the attention you could ever want, but he will encourage you to get plenty of rest.
The moment you walk into the lair Mikey will be reaching for your hands, leading you away from his brothers while whispering “Awww, Baby Cakes you have a cold and a headache? Don’t worry Sweet Cheeks, Mikey is going to take good care of you.” When you reach his bedroom he will offer you a huge and extremely soft copper coloured housecoat. It’s up to you whether you put it over your clothes or get undressed. He just wants you to be comfortable. When he found out you were sick he got April to pick him up the fixings for some homemade chicken noodle soup. If you let him, he will spoon feed you.
Like Raph he wants to make sure that you are getting the right medication so he will talk to Master Splinter or Donnie to make sure. He will do whatever you want to do. You want to sleep he’ll tuck you in and leave a little bell beside you and tell you to ring it if you’re in need of anything. I do mean anything. After all you’re supposed to be resting, and you don’t feel well, so why should you have to get up? If you want to watch a movie, it will be your choice. And just wait till you see his eyes light up when you tell him you just want a cuddle. Mikey’s bed is already piled with pillows and lots of blankets but if you’re not feeling well, expect more. You will probably have to remind him that he’s already fluffed that pillow for you. Twice…
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