#this boy can fit so much trauma
mewunderthetruck · 28 days
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"No closure"
Once you save the world from an alien invasion, you may have a few questions. A few regrets, too. Even some new fears you didn't even know you had before.
But hey, at least the Earth is safe. As long as something new doesn't come up...
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shadowbends · 9 months
“When I did open that portal,” Mikey went on, cutting him off. “Do you know what I was thinking?” He heard Raph’s mouth click audibly shut and waited. When no guesses were forthcoming, he took a shaky breath and hid his face in his brother’s shoulder. “I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t let the Krang out, but I had to help Leo, so…” And oh great, now he was crying too. Mikey sniffed, and forced himself to continue. “All I could think about was wanting you to come and make it better.”
The family sets out to find the ingredients for the elixir meant to help Leo, but is this really the plan? Mikey drags the truth from Draxum and gets more than he bargained for.
(This chapter is a long boy, good lord. The previous ones have all finished around the 12-14 page count, but this chapter's coming in pretty at a full 21. As a reward for all this exposition, Mikey is allowed one (1) f-bomb. As a treat.)
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six-demon-bag · 11 months
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blamethedarkelves · 2 months
I decided to bite the bullet and finally pick up drawing again after a couple of years and make an oc for the Marble Sky comic by @somerandomdudelmao
Meet Farron:
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General backstory
An incident involving a faulty escape pod and an ion storm as an infant altered his DNA and made him permanently bio-electric
Named after the species with similar bio-electric abilities that found and raised him after the aforementioned escape pod crashed
Was taught growing up that other people are not food
He does not get along with others of his kind
His adopted people were slaughtered when the planet he was raised on was found by his kind and he was captured for testing
The only reason he hasn't been killed yet is because his bio-electric abilities are valuable and potentially possible to replicate
His current list of crimes include;
Attempted Homicide
Attempted amputation of limbs when someone unfamiliar touches him
Mass power theft
Biting scientists
Severe disobedience
Several escape attempts
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lisimcpisi · 9 months
Almost witnessing his best friend die was terrifying, and he was so scared to lose her again. Just weeks after the fire Esmeralda had trouble walking and had bad burns on the her toes and the soles of her feet. Just seeing the white of the bandages peek from under her dress caused a pang of guilt in his chest. He constantly checked in on her healing, making sure she wasn’t running or doing anything that could cause her pain. Not to mention the horrible sick feeling he had when he realized she wouldn’t be able to dance as well as she could. Just the thought of taking away the thing that made his friend feel free and happiest.. what kind of a friend was he? His mind constantly echoing the words It’s your fault. Even months after, when her feet had healed, many days Quasimodo found himself reaching for her hand or arm. Needing to feel a pulse that wasn’t fading away, and to remind himself that she was fine and well.
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amaritheartist · 11 months
Some seasonal progression Jon drawings I did!
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chaos-draws · 1 year
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have some !Angst, cause I needed to vent.
The babes are from a SoulEater-fic I wrote together with a friend years ago.
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honey-nut-scooter · 4 months
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Reminiscing on fuzzy memories…
RIP I totally missed Geto’s birthday but I hope this makes up for it just a little bit.
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lurrlonde · 9 months
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astarion and touch
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pumpkincalico · 1 year
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Maric, rowan and loghain have SUCH  chokehold on me it isnt funny
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sarcasticscribbles · 11 months
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Have you ever lost someone close to you?
Audio off tiktok!
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otaku553 · 5 months
What did you think of Sabo when you first saw him (both as a kid and as an adult)? I knew of aces existence before watching one piece and it was inconceivable to me that Luffy had a brother, so I was actually reluctant to believe that he also had a noble looking blond brother too lmao, I was in shock
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This got long again so thoughts in the read more!
Ok so honestly!!! I didn’t know what to think of him at first! I thought it was very expected and slightly cliche at first to have him be a runaway noble because it was rather obvious just by the way he dressed! It wasn’t particularly compelling to me beyond a general feeling of found family. I didn’t really see a problem with him at that point, I just figured he’d be written off or dead because he’d never appeared up until that point
I think the flashback arc was very excellently executed though and I really did find sabo endearing by the end of it! It makes a lot of sense that sabo would have had to act as a voice of reason to Ace’s much more aggressive behavior. I also think that I didn’t like him at first because it felt like he’d run from a place of privilege because of selfish and self-serving reasons, without truly knowing why he hated nobles beyond the fact that they were using him. But he developed fascinatingly into someone who was actually well aware of the atrocities they committed and had a strong sense of moral justice despite whatever conditioning he must have received as a child, and that stuck with me a lot
I didn’t expect him to pop back up again but I will admit I got really excited! Especially because they kept teasing the revolutionary army as a key player before his appearance and having him meant a much more concrete tie to them. I also think it’s rather thematically appropriate to give him Ace’s fruit, especially in the context given afterwards. Sabo is such a fascinating character because his entire life has been ‘too little too late’. He couldn’t stop the gray terminal fire, he couldn’t set sail and become a pirate on his own, he couldn’t save ace, so what can he do besides making sure that ace is remembered, making sure that despite his past he is doing his best to undo the damage that nobles have done?
Sabo is such a great case study of guilt, in a way that is very different from ace. He fits into the three brothers perfectly precisely because of how he is born to a legacy he does not desire and what he decides to do with it.
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4doorssys · 8 months
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anisaanisa · 8 months
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vixendoesstuff · 5 months
So, continuing the Techno!Branch AU from my last post
I sort of got the timeline figured out, like what happens in World Tour and Band Together (might have to watch the TV Shows for further context on stuff), but not completely? Still need to get some stuff figured out
But before I do that, I've gone ahead and made a sort of concept art for Branch in this AU. Keep in mind that this is not the complete design and it's bound to change in the future, I just need to get the ideas out there and see what I'll keep and change and stuff
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Here's da boi
Now that I'm writing this, I realized I should've made his skin darker to match the Techno Troll aesthetic, but eh, mistakes happen, I'll revision it later. But anyway, here's what I got of him so far
I made him wear arm warmers to cover his arm lights, simply because of trauma. Y'all wanna see what's beneath it?
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Man do I love torturing myself with angst material :)
But anyway, hope you enjoy this, I'll be back with more juicy lore once I get things figured out. Suggestions are very much appreciated!
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gideoff · 7 months
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mr.prince of the winter court (i took my pc and turned him into a plothook npc and i am not sorry for the dramatic gay disaster he became)
this was an attempt to design him some archfey of wintercourt outfit
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