#rare sasharcy from me
marstectomy · 1 year
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bi gf venting to her trans man bf
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balmora-citizen · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)
Oh ok, so...
My Cat (and the neighbours cats who come to visit, wich my cat hates...)
My Friends, talking with them and playing PC
All The amazing Amphibia Artists and Authors, its crazy how many insanley good Art and Writing we get treated with (also can't wait for the Sasharcy Zine)
Clear Blue Sky, that grey Winter weather was killing me
The Rare Moments my Depressions fucks of and I can get stuff done and like play Guitare and stuff like that
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kaseyskat · 2 years
felt inspired by one of vinnie's recent arts and had to write a little sasharcy piece because... i care them very much thanks
Her favorite cape is torn. 
Well, calling it her favorite cape when they’re all the same is… not entirely correct, and yet Marcy had only sewn pockets into one of her capes– the one she had been wearing for most of her time with her friends. Sure, she has others, but she had only had the time and nervous energy to add pockets to that one cape, so it was, by default, her favorite. 
And now it’s torn straight through the middle, burnt at the edges. 
This is fine, Marcy tells herself, staring down at the cape in her hands. I’m just being silly. I have other capes. I don’t even need a cape, do I? I mean, this isn’t some fun fantasy anymore… I don’t need a cape right now. 
Yet she can’t move, staring transfixed at the spot where her cape is torn down the middle. If she concentrates hard enough, she think she can see the fire of the sword ripping through fabric, through flesh, through everything, taking out her last chance at atonement with it. 
There is something heartbreaking in the way her stomach drops at the name, orange crowding around her vision before her brain catches up and realizes that the voice isn’t Andrias’s, isn’t The Core’s– it’s Sasha, and Sasha’s hands are gently holding Marcy’s wrists, and that means surely she can see the torn cloak too, right? 
Marcy trembles, but she forces a smile anyways. “Oh. Hi Sasha.” 
“You’ve been staring at this thing for like, twenty minutes now,” Sasha says, and while her tone is amused, her eyes are sad and far away. She must be thinking about it too, Marcy thinks. “Or longer, that’s just when I came back from letting General Yunan treat me. Are you…” 
She doesn’t finish the sentence, and Marcy doesn’t really expect her to. Sasha doesn’t ask people if they’re okay, just like she rarely apologizes for her actions even when they have negative consequences. It’s a fact of life; Sasha is the type of person to assume people are okay even after a scolding, and continue on like nothing happened. Marcy had admired that about her once, because she could never have that courage, no matter how much she tried to copy it. 
“I wish I knew why he did it,” she says, answering the silent question. “But I don’t want to ask him, so I guess I will never know. It’s… funny, a little bit, isn’t it? That despite it all, we’re still here?” 
“Not funny,” Sasha says quickly, and she’s frowning at the cape dubiously. “Marcy, you can’t wear that one, it’s damaged.” 
I noticed, thanks, Marcy thinks dryly– but she doesn’t dare say so out loud. 
“I was taught how to sew by… while I was with the toads. Let me patch it up for you first?” And maybe there’s a quiet apology in the offer, because while Marcy doesn’t doubt that Sasha now knows how to sew, she can’t think of any other reason why Sasha would volunteer to patch up her cape. 
“Uh,” she answers, very smartly. 
“Here, you can just borrow mine in the meantime.” Sasha, who had only just gotten her cape back from Grime after they had both gone to be checked up for injuries, unclips it, her cheeks flushed red as she drapes the furry monstrosity over Marcy’s shoulders. 
It’s… warm. Fluffy. Not as scratchy of a texture Marcy had thought it’d be for a cape made entirely of fur, she almost wants to bury herself into it instead. It reminds her of something out of some animated fantasy movie, but she can’t quite put her finger on it– nevertheless, it’s… a decent, not brutally torn cape. 
“Wow,” she blinks, and her face is burning up now– she has to resist the urge to bury it into the cape. “Thanks, Sash.” 
“Hey, no problem,” Sasha smiles, though it’s strained, and she quickly looks away. “Now come on, don’t wanna keep Anne waiting.” 
“Right, right.” Marcy hesitates, and then commits, reaching for Sasha’s hand. Sasha lets it happen, holding the torn cape tucked underneath her other arm, and it’s out of Marcy’s sight so she doesn’t have to think about it anymore, and she smiles to herself. 
And if she leans a little bit too heavily into Sasha’s side so that Sasha’s forced to readjust the cape and hold Marcy’s back instead to keep her upright… well, she has her reasons. 
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waybrights · 2 years
watched,,, watched the blackpink documentary on netflix,,, got me thinking abt my sillies in the sats au!!! here is some short sasharcy for the soul!!
the door to their hotel room being slammed open is what pulled sasha from her ever so rare bought of sleep. she sat up from the couch she'd fallen asleep on and squinted at the door and the figure surrounded in a blinding white light.
"god?" she asks, voice heavy with sleep, "is that you? has my time finally come?"
the light flicks on and the figure is revealed to be the sweat-soaked, panting form of sasha's best friend, marcy wu.
"oh, hey marbles," sasha mumbles, dropping her head back onto the arm rest. maybe, if she hadn't just been rudely awoken, she would ask why marcy looked as though she'd just ran the boston marathon, but she was running on an hours sleep and the adrenaline that comes with thinking you've seen God only for it to turn out to be a angel in disguise (a great disguise, many would probably not look at marcy, all sweaty and red faced, as though she was an angel, but sasha did), so it never even crossed her mind to ask.
"sasha," marcy whines dramatically, slamming the door shut behind her, once again shaking sasha out of her sleepy state. "sashy," she calls again when realising her friend is half asleep. "wake up!"
"i am up," sasha grumbles, lifting her head to glare at marcy.
"well wake up properly, i have to tell you something!"
"but I'm so comfy," she pouts up at her, hoping to elicit some sympathy.
"you're dramatic that's what," marcy huffs and crosses her arms with a frown.
she sits up and pushes her hair out of her face, blinking up at marcy. "what's with the frown mars? did they not have the muffins you like?"
"what?" marcy giggles and shakes her head. "no they did," she pauses and the looks around the room, "why? did you want one? i can go grab you one i'm pretty sure they're still there-"
"it's alright, marmar," sasha smiles, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "thanks for the offer though."
marcy nods but doesn't make any further move to sit down, instead chosing to stand by the coffee table covered in airport magazines and snack wrappers, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
"you... you want to come sit and tell me what on earth has you looking like you've just ran the full length of california?" sasha asks. marcy let's out a relieved sigh and sinks into the couch, curling up next to sasha, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist.
it's then when sasha realises the mistake she's made, but she can do nothing to stop her as marcy, in all her sweaty glory, snuggled right into sasha's side.
"i did dance practice. in the gym downstairs," she says with a yawn.
"dance? at this hour?"
"it's 4 in the afternoon, sashy."
sasha pauses for a moment, her eyes shooting to the glowing clock that read 16:34. "huh, so it is."
"so yeah, i was doing dance practice. anne did too for a while but she got pulled away for a guitar emergency, so it was just me and miss yunan for the next few hours!" marcy tells her happily, a smile on her face as she looks up at sasha.
"miss yunan? you are smiling after practicing with yunan for hours?" it's a well known fact in the industry that yunan is one of the toughest choreographers out there; her dances are fast, complicated and require a knowledge of gymnastics half the time, she's hard-core and (though she will never admit it aloud) terrifies sasha.
marcy nods and hums quietly, the noise reminding sasha of anne's cat - domino. "she's actually really nice once you get to know her sashy. just because you're intimidated by her-"
"uh, no, i am not scared by her!" sasha shoots back, rolling her eyes at marcys teasing comment. "she's just..."
marcy giggles, her hand going to tug at sasha's already loose hairtie. "yeah, yeah, whatever you say, saturn," she mumbles, pulling the blue scrunchy out and letting sasha's hair fall against the back of the couch. "but yeah, she's alright. plus! she helped me learn the bit i didn't get? right before the second chorus? y'know the bit with the legs?"
sasha nods in understanding, but doesn't say anything, feeling herself drift off again to marcy's familiar voice.
"i think i do it better than you now," marcy mumbles after several minutes of quiet. her breathing has evened out and the slow rise and fall of her chest, the way it reminds sasha of the calming waves from when they would go to the beach together, it's relaxing. so, so very relaxing.
"you think?" she responds in a whisper, words slurred as she forces her eyes open to peer down at marcy's face. she looks calm too, with that small smile that used to be so common and her eyes closed, sasha almost fears she's asleep, but then she feels the rumble against her chest of agreement and she nods, putting her head back where it was resting on the back of the couch.
"totally. i'll show you later, you and anne versus me... i'll win... for sure..."
"m'kay," sasha nods. "if you say so."
anne finds them a few hours later. she came up to the room to remind them about the band meeting they were supposed to have, the words are on her lips as she enters the dark apartment, but they die as soon as she spots them. curled up on the couch, sasha sleeping upright, her head hanging over the back of the couch at an extremely uncomfortable angle and marcy fast asleep on her lap.
they look relaxed, far moreso than they have in a while. so anne doesn't wake them up when she goes over to them, only tucks a blanket around marcys shoulders and, ever so carefully, moves sasha so she's lying sideways, her head resting on the pillowed arm rest instead.
just as she's about to turn to leave, a quiet noise makes her pause.
it's sasha, her voice so thick with sleep and body so tired she can hardly lift her head. anne crouches down next to her and runs her hand through her tangled strands. "hiya sleepyhead."
"mmm, marcy dance... tomorrow," sasha mutters with a dopey grin. "gonna win."
with a quiet laugh, anne tucks a strand of hair behind sasha's ear. "sure you will, sash. you're my winner, always and forever."
"mhm," she moves her head down, in an attempt to nod, yet doesn't bring it back up, too tired to do so. "where going?" she asks when anne stands up.
"you're so demanding when you're tired," anne snorts.
"to have dinner," she felt bad for lying, but there was no point in stressing sasha out about the band when she's finally getting the sleep she so desperately needs. "maybe i'll even bring you both something back, if you're nice."
"'m always nice, annie."
"i know, sash. the nicest."
"mmm, night annie," she hums before falling asleep with a smile.
"night sash," anne replies, standing up to press her lips to sasha's forehead.
"wha'bout me?" 
"you too, marmar," she giggles, giving her a swift kiss on the cheek.
then she stands and ever so quietly leaves the room, making sure to close the door with as little noise as possible. "sleep tight girls."
because they deserve it, after everything they've gone through as a band over the past five years, they deserve to have a nap. besides, they can't have a band meeting with only one member of the band present. can they?
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space-lynn · 3 years
For Sasharcy Week Day 2: Calamity!
This is set in my Stranded Sasharcy AU and the girls are around 17 in this, so a few years before the events of Do You Love Me Too? (If you haven't checked it out, please check it out!) I’m surprised I didn’t write angst for this day. If you've read DYLMT?, you can know why they live on a boat in the end notes.
Enjoy reading this!
Marcy Wu rarely gets bored. She always has a lot on her plate. The political paperwork as Queen Olivia’s Chief Advisor, the numerous research, reports, and discoveries of all that has yet to be learned in Amphibia, the metaphorical and literal weight as one of Amphibia’s protectors, and her simple job as an inventor/builder in Wartwood kept her very busy.
But here, sitting at her desk with a report, she can’t help but feel… just a little bored.
“I need a break,” she mutters, pushing herself away from her desk. She leaves the room that was her study, walking down a hall and up a flight of stairs that led to the boat’s deck. She spots Sasha leaning against the boat’s railings and looking over the swamp they were in. Marcy quickly walks up to her and wraps her arms around Sasha’s waist, placing her chin on Sasha’s left shoulder.
“Sasha, I’m bored,” Marcy whines.
“I thought you had some reports you wanted to work on,” her girlfriend says, chuckling and reaching up with her left hand to cup Marcy’s face.
The noirette leans into the touch, mumbling, “That’s what got me bored in the first place.”
“Well, that’s surprising.”
“I know right?” Marcy huffs. “Let’s do something fun.”
“What do you have in mind?”
Marcy thinks for a moment before an idea popped into her head. She tugs Sasha away from the railings and stands in front of her.
“Well,” she starts, wrapping her arms around her partner’s shoulders. 
Sasha raises an eyebrow.
“Why don’t we…” she continues, glancing at Sasha’s lips and moving closer to her.
“Why don’t we…?” the blonde asks, moving close as well.
Before their lips could meet, Marcy pulls back and grins at the confused look on her partner’s face.
“Play tag,” she chirps, tapping her finger against the tip of Sasha’s nose. “You’re it.”
The noirette quickly turns and leaves, jumping overboard and giggling as she hears Sasha splutter her name behind her. She activates her powers just as she hits the swamp’s water, her body disappearing for a moment in the swamp’s depths before popping right back up a few meters away from the boat. Marcy landed on the riverbank, looking back at Sasha staring and smirking at her.
“Oh no,” Marcy whispers under her breath, noticing the determined, competitive pink-red look in Sasha’s eyes. When her girlfriend’s hair flared the same color as her eyes, Marcy couldn’t help the smile on her face despite the trouble she knew she’d be in. And the moment Sasha’s form flickered and blazed and she turned into a ball of flame, Marcy knew she needed to bounce.
With a yelp and Sasha heading straight for her, the raven-haired girl jumped back into the water and teleported away. Marcy’s laughter filled the air as she narrowly avoids Sasha tagging her.
The noirette squeaks in surprise when Sasha does tag her, feeling strong arms wrap around her torso and lips press against her temple.
“Tag,” Sasha whispers before she zips away.
Marcy chases after her and the two continue their little game, tagging one another until they were tied. For the final point, after a quick chase into the woods and rolling down a hill, Marcy ends up on top of Sasha with a grin on her face.
“Tag,” Marcy says. “I win.”
Sasha smiles beneath her and slumps back against the grass. “Yes, you did.”
The noirette chuckles for a moment, falling onto her girlfriend and earning a small grunt. She tucks her head under Sasha’s chin and huffs, getting her breathing back to normal after the adrenaline had worn off.
After a few moments of peace, a few minutes of enjoying one another’s presence, Sasha asks, 
“Wanna head back?”
Marcy gets up to her feet and pulls the blonde up, both girls stretching their limbs.
“You know,” Sasha starts, “why don’t we make this into a fun little game?”
“What do you mean?”
Marcy turns to look at Sasha, eyes widening as her girlfriend’s irises and hair turn pinkish-red.
“Race you there,” Sasha laughs out loud, quickly changing into a little fireball and zipping away.
“Sasha!” the noirette laughs back, running straight towards the river that led to Wartwood. 
Marcy doesn’t mind losing to Sasha. Not at all. Not when the blonde gives her a congratulatory kiss when she arrives back at the boat. Not when they cuddle and chat afterward, content in each other’s arms.
Thanks for making it to the end! :DD
Hope you have an amazing morning, afternoon or evening! :]
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