selidor · 6 months
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Lago di Anterselva - aveva nevicato e nevicava by una valle c…
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forumelettrico · 7 days
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La stazione di ricarica per veicoli elettrici Neogy Fast situata presso l'Arena Alto Adige di Rasun-Anterselva BZ: nel Südtirol Arena troviamo bagni accessibili liberamente, bagni e diversi negozi. https://www.forumelettrico.it/forum/colonnina-neogy-fast-arena-alto-adige-rasun-anterselva-bz-via-anterselva-di-sopra-t39059.html #neogy #Rasun-Anterselva #bolzano
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hand-picked-star · 2 months
The 13th Anniversary Arshi Fiesta
Moodboard : Historical AU
Whispers of the heart | Chapter 17
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I am not very good at writing ffs. I even read ffs very selectively. But it was an attempt of me to participate in the 13th-anniversary arshi fiesta.
The story is set in early 20th century. I might be wrong about certain aspects of that age and era, but it's a fantasy, so why not? I don't own Arnav and Khushi and the story is purely fictional and has no relation to any living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Thank you notes: For this chapter I want to thank @featheredclover as she asked me to write about their London life, I got a chance to delve into their psyche and got to write about their fears and insecurities. And also like to thank my husband as I annoyed the living shit out of him by asking how did he think Arnav would react to certain questions.😂😂 and last but not the least @phuljari who inspired me to write in the first place.❤️
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Chapter 17
“I’m hungry. Let’s go out to eat tonight,” Khushi suggested, as she and Arnav lounged on the sofa, both worn out from their earlier activities.
"But we need to shower first. Let's save some water, Mrs. Raizada."
Before Khushi could react, he swept her off her feet. She yelped in surprise, as his strong arms carried her towards their bathroom.
After a while, they found themselves sitting across from each other in a nearby Indian restaurant. Arnav looked at her amusedly as she ordered to her heart's content.
"Kadai paneer, tarke wale daal, sarso ka saag, rasun aur dhaniye ki chutney umm....haan jeere wale chawal, naan aur haan makhan wala naan." Then she looked at Arnav expectantly. "Don't tell me you will only have water," she teased, causing him to break into a grin.
"Order for me too."
"Ek plain naan aur daal makhni, tarke mein mirchi kam dalke, thik hain?"
Arnav took Khushi's hand across the table as the waiter went away to prepare their meal. He played with her fingers absentmindedly.
"What exactly did Lavanya tell you?" His voice was calm but curious.
"I met her at the market the other day," Khushi began, noticing the way his eyes narrowed at her words.
"In this part of the city?"
"Yes. She mentioned they have a farmhouse nearby where... you and she spent last summer together."
Arnav's eyes darkened briefly, but he remained silent, prompting her to continue.
"Then we went to a coffee shop. She said it was your favourite.... that you two frequented it last summer."
Arnav chuckled softly. "She didn't actually lie. She just omitted some crucial details."
Khushi frowned. "I don't understand."
"It’s true we were at that farmhouse last summer," her heart almost stopped at his admission. "But she conveniently left out the ten other people who were there with us as well. Every summer, Mr. Kashyap invites his apprentices to spend a week at his farmhouse with him and his family before the vacation."
"And as for the coffee shop," Arnav continued, "we used to go there as a group every evening during our stay at the farmhouse. It's just an okayish place, nothing special. That you already know since you've been there."
A silence fell between them as they both absorbed the situation, each lost in their own thoughts. The bustling energy of the restaurant faded into the background as they reflected on their conversation. The clinking of dishes and the murmur of other diners became a distant hum. Arnav’s fingers, still gently caressing hers, seemed to hold a comforting warmth, while Khushi’s gaze lingered on him, curious to know more.
"Did Mr. Kashyap give you the proposal that summer?"
"Yes," Arnav replied thoughtfully. "I actually know Lavanya from university. She was my junior but we were in the same debate group... and as time went on, our social circles began to overlap. One of my friends back then suggested I should pursue Lavanya. At the time, I wasn't actually looking for any distraction. I had this one-track mind to finish the course as soon as possible and go home. After graduation, I started my apprenticeship...I didn’t really see her again until last summer when she began attending the Inns of Court parties."
It was as if Khushi’s curiosity was increasing exponentially. She wanted to know so much more but didn’t want to ruin their evening. Still, she decided to let her heart take control and ask him everything she needed to know to find peace.
"Why didn't you marry her?"
"Because I was in love with someone else."
Khushi simply nodded, her lips forming a surprised 'o' as a rush of thoughts and emotions swirled in her mind. She wasn’t sure how to respond, the weight of his words hanging heavily between them.
"You see, Khushi, the summer before that, I kissed a very drunk girl who might not have been in her right consciousness, but she stole all of my senses....that beautiful girl gave me countless sleepless nights."
Her eyes held a playful accusation as she gazed at him, noticing the smirk dancing at the corner of his lips.
"Is that all?" Arnav asked. He had no desire to linger on this subject any longer.
Khushi hesitated and then blurted out, "How did she know about the scar on your left thigh?"
A deep furrow appeared between his eyebrows as he gazed at Khushi, the corners of his mouth set in a hard line. He sighed, "She took it too far, didn't she?"
After a brief pause, he said, "She was there when it happened. There's a lake nearby, and we all went fishing one afternoon. We found an old boat, and I cut my thigh on a sharp edge when we tried to get on it."
Arnav’s mind drifted to that day, recalling how Lavanya had insisted on dressing his wound. David rescued him by taking charge of the dressing himself, though he never missed a chance to remind Arnav of his favour.
Khushi felt a cloak of mortification settle over her. Her downcast eyes were fixed on his finger gently caressing her palm.
"She didn't actually lie about the scar too, I guess. She just said she would have an identical scar on her thigh like you. It was me who assumed the worst."
"That's exactly what she wanted you to assume. Don't feel bad about that." he chuckled humorlessly.
Khushi felt her cheeks burn. She felt utterly embarrassed for being fooled like that. She blinked a few times to clear the blurriness from her eyes. Arnav took her hand in his and gently tugged it, urging her to look at him.
"Hey, don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Fold in on yourself. You need to talk about what's bothering you, Khushi. Don't let it fester in your mind." He sighed, "You used to share everything with me. Now you don't. Did I do something wrong?"
"No," she replied with an embarrassed smile. "I've dumped so many pointless conversations on you over the years. You probably need a break. I don't want you to run away, scared by my ramblings."
He looked at her with an unreadable expression. His eyes softened, and his face transformed into the expression she adored—a look that made him a hundred times more handsome than usual.
"You aren't going to lose me, Khushi."
A lone tear escaped her eye as she gazed at the beautiful face of the man who had become her whole world. She longed for him to want her for the rest of his life, and only her. She wished these caramel-brown eyes would look at her as if she were his entire universe. She wanted him to dream only of her and to feel as if he would crumble into pieces if she ever stopped loving him. Because that’s how she felt about him, and she yearned for him to feel the same way.
"You have no idea how deeply I feel for you."
"I love you too, Mrs. Raizada."
"You mean comparing a small tree to an entire forest?" she said with a teasing smile as she brushed her tear away.
"A small tree, Mrs. Raizada? You could have at least compared it to a garden. You've just wounded me," he replied, feigning pain. Khushi broke into a fit of giggles, her laughter filling the space between them.
Their moment was interrupted when the waiter arrived with their food. Once the server left, Arnav’s eyes smoldered as he asked, "Do you really think it’s just a small tree?"
"I was just teasing you," she said with a soft smile. "Most of the time, I feel it's at least a small forest—except when I'm being a bit 'sanki'." She winked at him as she dug in.
As they stepped out of the restaurant after dinner, the chilling wind of London swept around them. It was noticeably colder than it had been all year. Arnav helped Khushi put on her scarf and coat, his movements gentle and attentive as he wrapped the fabric snugly around her. Khushi shivered despite the layers and rubbed her hands together. She edged closer to Arnav as they walked down the dimly lit streets.
"Why haven’t you brought your gloves?" Arnav scolded gently.
Before Khushi could respond, Arnav removed his left glove and handed it to her. She took it without thinking and blinked down at it.
"Put it on," he urged, coming to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Khushi slid the glove onto her hand. It was too large for her, but it still retained the warmth of his skin. Once her hand was covered, Arnav intertwined their gloved fingers and slipped his bare hand into his coat pocket, guiding Khushi to place her bare hand into her own pocket. As they walked hand in hand through the chilly night, a serene calm settled over them.
"Can I ask you a question?" Khushi said, tugging on his hand to get his attention.
"Why did you fall in love with me?"
"Um...because you kissed the hell out of me."
"Arnav, I’m serious," Khushi whined.
"What? I had dreamed about our first kiss for almost two years. Why can’t that be a valid reason?"
"You are impossible." Amusement and mirth sparkled in her eyes. "You know, I spent a lot of time last summer imagining what kind of person you would fall in love with one day."
"I drew up a picture in my mind, you know, kind of like a blueprint."
"And It didn’t match you at all, did it?" he chuckled.
Surprised, Khushi looked at him and averted her eyes to look ahead.
"What was she like?"
"Strong, independent, smart," she whispered in the air, her voice barely audible over the rustling of the wind.
Arnav fell silent, his gaze thoughtful as he seemed lost in his own thoughts. Khushi watched him intently and wondered what he might be thinking, the pause stretching between them as she waited for him to speak.
"You’re right," he finally said. "That’s totally my type. And I got lucky to find someone who happens to give the best kisses as well." He leaned in to steal a kiss, muffling her protest. Straightening up, Khushi shot him a glare, but he just smiled and began walking, pulling her along with him.
"Buaji thik kehti hain, sanki ho tum. You are really mad." he said shaking his head. "That's why Lavanya unnerves you so much, isn't it? I won’t deny that she does have her own qualities, but I refuse to let you believe you're anything less."
"Come on, I know who I am," her voice so small.
"You don’t give yourself enough credit, do you?"
"What have I done in my life that makes you think I’m all of those things?"
He stopped walking and turned her to face him. "I’m not good with words, Khushi, but I want you to know that I’ve always admired your strength, even as a kid. You’ve even inspired me to keep going at times......and it absolutely breaks my heart to know that you see yourself as the total opposite."
He held her gaze and continued, "You chose to live, Khushi. You chose to love." She broke eye contact and looked over his shoulder. He gently tugged her hands to draw her closer to meet his gaze again. Reluctantly, she turned her eyes back to his, but they remained guarded.
"I am sure It took immense strength to keep going when all you wanted was to curl up and disappear. Yet, you gave life a second chance. Loving chachu and chachi as deeply as you loved your own parents wasn't easy, but you did it. You chose to find happiness with your new family..... Despite the bitterness of your past, you've held on to your inner child." He gave her a soft smile as her eyes shone, held captive by his gaze. "Now, look at yourself. You've grown into a kind, gentle and strong human being. And that’s truly remarkable, I think."
"And let’s not forget 'sexy,' too," He added under his breath, causing Khushi to let out a teary laugh.
As these two souls stood still, oblivious to the people and the chilly wind around them, they sought to uncover treasures in each other’s gaze. A slow smile ghosted over Khushi’s lips.
"You seem pretty good with words to me." Her eyes sparkled in the street lights as she said accussingly, "But you still didn't answer my question."
His lips curved into the half-smile Khushi loved so much as he kissed the tip of her nose, which was turning red from the cold. "You are my blueprint, Khushi."
"Come on, I don’t want to freeze to death," Arnav said, dragging her along as she giggled. The echos of her laughter danced in the cold wind.
As they neared their house, Khushi gently pulled a somewhat reluctant Arnav toward her favourite bench. The quiet of the neighbourhood seemed to invite a moment of stillness. Khushi settled comfortably against him, resting her head on his shoulder. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes and took in the serene surroundings—the faint rustling of leaves, the distant hum of the city, and the gentle embrace of Arnav beside her. The world seemed to pause for a moment, and she savoured the peace and warmth of the simple, shared tranquillity.
“Mujhe yeh bohot accha lag raha hai,” Khushi said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Kya?” Arnav asked, turning slightly to look at her.
“Yeh—ap, hum, aur hamari choti si duniya,” she replied, a gentle smile playing on her lips. The warmth in her words wrapped around them like a cozy blanket.
Smiling, he pressed his cheek against her head.The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their own little bubble.
“Do you remember me as a child, like before my parents died?” Khushi asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
“Yeah, I do. you were like a tiny human being. It’s amazing how something so small could be so annoying,” Arnav said with twinkling eyes.
She shoved him playfully, and they both laughed, the sound echoing in the stillness of the night.
“I don’t remember much,” Arnav admitted after a bit, his tone turning nostalgic. “But I do remember you being a very happy kid.”
Arnav chuckled as a specific memory came to mind. “One time, we went to your haveli during Diwali. You were stuffing your face with jalebis. I asked you for one, and do you know what you did?”
Khushi shook her head.
"You stuck your tongue out at me and told me to lick your fingers,” Arnav continued, laughing at the recollection. “Even then, you were obsessed with me.”
Khushi rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. To emphasize her mock annoyance, she stuck her tongue out at him just like she did back then.
Without missing a beat, he gently grabbed her by the neck and kissed her sweetly. The kiss was soft and lingering.
As they pulled apart, the first droplets of rain began to fall, turning into a light drizzle. Arnav looked up at the sky, then back at Khushi. He momentarily got stuck in that moment. She looked so beautiful, so serene, it stole his breath. Her hair, escaping from her scarf and slightly tousled from their kiss, framed her face beautifully. The soft glow of the streetlights cast a gentle light on her features, making her eyes sparkle like stars. Her lips, still curved in a tender smile, were slightly flushed, and her cheeks had a rosy tint from the cold, with rain droplets catching in her eyelashes and glistening like tiny jewels.
Reluctantly, they hurried towards the house hand in hand, his eyes never leaving hers. The drizzle quickly transformed into a heavy downpour, the rain creating a symphony of splashing water around them. They barely made it inside before the rain came down in full force, drenching the world outside.
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@featheredclover @arshifiesta @phuljari
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Iubito stiu că ai impresia că te neglijez, dar tu ar trebui sa faci ceva pentru mine mai intai! As vrea sa te uiti si pe bancheta din spate, nu doar la mine, te rog.Știu că urmează un act artistic din partea ta, pentru ca stiu ca atunci cand ne vedem tie iti place sa te scalzi in atentia mea, dar ai fost asa prinsa de momentul asta in care ne-am vazut incat nu ai observat buchetul de flori si cadoul.Roșești toată, îmi sari in brate și pupi pe obraz, conduc, deci nu ne putem sărută.(eu)Observ că suntem la ieșirea din oraș. Curiozitatea mă împinge să ma duc în spate, printre scaunele din față, dar nu înainte de a-mi împinge fundul puțin în tine. Îl plesnești, obraznicule. Pe banchetă găsesc un buchet mare de trandafiri albi, o cutie si o pungă. Miros florile ma bucur de ele, apoi mă năpustesc asupra cadourilor. Desfac prima data cutia, rămân șocată când văd ce se afla in interiorul ei. Imi doream asta, imi doream atât de mult sa le încercăm, imi trec o mana peste ele si simt un fior pe spate. Trec la pungă, ating un material catifelat roșu! Țip de bucurie. Simt cum imi ard obrajii. In tot acest timp, tu ma priveai în oglinda retrovizoare, erai atent. Muzica incepe sa rasune în toată mașina, ma cuprinde o stare de euforie.(el)- Știu că ești excitata, te simt. Schimba-te in lenjerie, vreau sa te privesc.(ea)- O să oprești masina când am sa zic eu, ok?(el)- Ok.(ea)Mă schimb, arăt sexy. Mă uit din nou la cutie, apoi la el. Un drăcușor își face apariția. Tocmai i-am zis că nu are voie sa oprească mașina până nu zic eu.În cutie am niște clești pentru sfârcuri, un choker, un vibrator wireless si un plug. Aveam de gând să te surprind. Revin la locul meu, dar acum fierbinte.https://youtu.be/_DjE4gbIVZk răsună acum, excitandu-ma si mai tare
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Siamo a BRUNICO ??bello e incantevole sempre.
Bruneck é uma comuna italiana da região do Trentino-Alto Ádige, província de Bolzano, com cerca de 13 480 habitantes. Estende-se por uma área de 45 km², tendo uma densidade populacional de 300 hab/km². Faz fronteira com Falzes, Gais, Marebbe, Perca, Rasun Anterselva, San Lorenzo di Sebato, Valdaora 🇮🇹
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popcornaddict500 · 2 months
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A 14 yr old Rasun (nonhuman) girl called Juno goes to a magic school for the first time. She is a Beast Hybrid type species, her parents are a beastman (mother) and a dwarf (father). She's bringing along a living plushie who's dry and exhausted all the time. Ghibli vibes. I am going insane please ask me stuff
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Milano-Cortina: Simico, 'bene sopralluogo ad Anterselva'
“È positivo l’esito del sopralluogo realizzato dalla direzione monitoraggio interventi della Società infrastrutture Milano Cortina (Simico) presso i cantieri, aperti a luglio, a Rasun Anterselva (Bolzano), in vista delle Olimpiadi e Paralimpiadi 2026”. In particolare, riferisce la società, il sopralluogo tecnico ha riguardato lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori connessi all’Arena Alto…
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24x7newsbengal · 1 year
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culturepower45 · 1 year
(via Various Artist: CULTURE POWER45 - BEAT TAPE SESSION 1 @culturepower45 #culturepower45 #cp45 www.culturepower45.bandcamp.com)
CULTURE POWER45 - BEAT TAPE SESSION 1 FOLLOW @CULTUREPOWER45 on all Social Media Outlets https://culturepower45.bandcamp.com tracklist: 01: DJ Afar - A Whole Lotta Cash 02: Lord Strange - Science of Life 03: DJ RonRon - Flame On 04: MIXEDBYAO - Slow Evening 05: DaDaSoulFace - saver Rendered 06: Unagi - Rod Sterling 07: Dion Brown - Two and Four 08: Schroeder - Good vs. Evil 09: DJ B-Kill - Pas Le Temps 10: FATCATHAYZE - Pissy Projekt Stairway 11: YODAROC - Grate 12: Abstract Butta Fingas - Pull Up, the PO 33 Assasin 13: Lord Strange - Intro Spring Rain 14: DJ Afar - J Train [East New York] 15: Nex Millen - Hey Street Man 16: Radius ETC - RASun Chop 17: MIXEDBYAO - Rice and Beans 18: DJ BKill - IA Beat (C) 2023 Solar Babies Art Institute / Culture Power45 All Instrumentals on this project are Artist Reinterpretations for creative purposes only. The music on this project was not designed to harm any one this Purely Sound Art.All Producers appear courtesy of themselves as a means to showcase creativity. Curated by Culture Power45 Art by MARCELLOUS LOVELACE www.solarbabiesartinstitute.com www.culturepower45.com @culturepower45
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(via Various Artist: CULTURE POWER45 - BEAT TAPE SESSION 1 @culturepower45 #culturepower45 #cp45 www.culturepower45.bandcamp.com)
https://youtu.be/UceFZdmjOHI CULTURE POWER45 - BEAT TAPE SESSION 1 FOLLOW @CULTUREPOWER45 on all Social Media Outlets https://culturepower45.bandcamp.com tracklist: 01: DJ Afar - A Whole Lotta Cash 02: Lord Strange - Science of Life 03: DJ RonRon - Flame On 04: MIXEDBYAO - Slow Evening 05: DaDaSoulFace - saver Rendered 06: Unagi - Rod Sterling 07: Dion Brown - Two and Four 08: Schroeder - Good vs. Evil 09: DJ B-Kill - Pas Le Temps 10: FATCATHAYZE - Pissy Projekt Stairway 11: YODAROC - Grate 12: Abstract Butta Fingas - Pull Up, the PO 33 Assasin 13: Lord Strange - Intro Spring Rain 14: DJ Afar - J Train [East New York] 15: Nex Millen - Hey Street Man 16: Radius ETC - RASun Chop 17: MIXEDBYAO - Rice and Beans 18: DJ BKill - IA Beat (C) 2023 Solar Babies Art Institute / Culture Power45 All Instrumentals on this project are Artist Reinterpretations for creative purposes only. The music on this project was not designed to harm any one this Purely Sound Art.All Producers appear courtesy of themselves as a means to showcase creativity. Curated by Culture Power45 Art by MARCELLOUS LOVELACE www.solarbabiesartinstitute.com www.culturepower45.com @culturepower45
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theconnollygroup · 1 year
ARGATU – Sa rasune-n toata lumea
from MUZICA GRATIS https://bit.ly/3O40Mdk Download ARGATU – Sa rasune-n toata lumea gratuit de pe MuzicaGratis.net . ARGATU – Sa rasune-n toata lumea
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xye1907 · 2 years
Hi again my dark self 😔🥺
It's almost 5 AM and I am wide awake.
Oh, yes!!! I am wide awake ahahhahaha.
So a couple of hours ago I had a fight with Ralph.
Normal, right? What so new pa beh??
I barrow his phone and blocked his first ex!!!
A week ago or a month I think, I saw he is still following her on Instagram and in FB.
I asked him why and he answered ma na "ano gid haw? Issue naman?"
Nag away man kame that time but I let it passed although I saw na gina heart-heart react nya ang PP ni ex and post.
A while ago as I said, I blocked her sa SMs nya.
He reacted aggressively and he total get mad at me.
Yes! He told lang naman nga...
This triggered me and of all the people in the world.. Sya gid ya mismo nag remind sa akon sang amo ni nga mga tinaga..
The most painful line is...
I know he is a good father to page BUT this one hurts.. I never expected he will say that 😭
From now on I promised my self na ma bakabaka gid ko ubra kag indi mag ngayu sa iya inug gastu sang mga gusto ko para sa bata ko.
Tanang nga OT hap an ko gid para ka suput pra sa bata ko.. Kung amo man lg ni gale nga galain bout ya ki wala nsa para sa pamelya ya ko ara d tnan sa amon ka bata ko.. indi na lang..
Another thing is he reminded me of my insecurities and mental health issues.
I do not know if he is fully aware nga sakit ni sa akon..
As much as I would like to stop and control this.. I am losing it.
I know sa self ko na insecure ko and praning.
You don't need to remind me of my downside.
I am fat because of the pills I am taking just to provide him pleasure but I am getting this???
Not again. I learned my lesson now.
Fuck you kamo sakon!!!!
Instead of comfort amo ni gaka kwa ko.
I am always pleading for a bare minimum when in fact that is very basic.
Tssk! I will treat you how you treat me.
Now have a taste of your own medicine.
I will like and follow men, my ex, and the one wanting me..
I will heart and react to other mans post.
Pabatyag ko simo ano ang insecurity na gina tawag, ang selos, ang sakit, ang tnan nga gina pabatyag mo skon balik ko smo.
I'm so done Ralph.
Na lab ut kona ang point nha wala na gd my na bilin.
Sorry but you created this version of me.
Babalik ako sa dating ako.
I will be back. Stronger and wiser.
You will never see me cry again nga ag rasun ikaw.
Gamitun mko para sa convenient mo???
No. Wala kana asahan nga my batyagun pako aa sbong simo.
Gin ubos mko.
Sugud sbong nha adlaw, Dec 6, 2022
Self kona gina pili ko. Hulaton kona lg mag give up ka kag makipag break.
Nakapoy nako simo kg kong paano mko tratuhun.
Ibalik ko gd ya ang Kate Roan Gacho nga
Gwapa, niwang, wala insecurities, strong,
Palaban, wala na hadlok bayaan, kalmado,
Wala ga pills, gina una ang bata, alam,
Talented, wala my gina hadlokan, maldita.
Indi mo gid ma namian ang ipakita kg epa batyag ko smo.
Amo gid ni gina ambal ko nha kahadlokan mo kong ako na mag las ay kg wala paki alam.
Indi mo gid ko mabatyagan daaaw!
Halongan ko gid kg pabakuron self ko.
Para sa bata ko kg para mismo sa kaugalingun ko.
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Taco Bell deschide al 15-lea restaurant din 24 noiembrie in Electroputere Mall
Taco Bell deschide al 15-lea restaurant din 24 noiembrie in Electroputere Mall
Taco Bell este in Romania din 2017 si are pana in prezent 14 locatii iar pe un website dedicat job-urilor a fost specificat orasul nostru .. Momentan nu se stie data exacta cand o sa fie deschis si in Craiova.. Taco Bell reprezinta o mostenire de durata ce a luat nastere in anul 1962. La inceput, fondatorul Glenn Bell a avut un succes rasunator cu standurile ce incantau lumea cu hotdogi si…
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necrosyse · 2 years
Niste cuvinte parca soptite in urechile voastre, urlate din gurile noastre. Niste cuvinte ce prevestesc viitorul, repetate noapte de noapte. Se scrie din ele o profetie, se povesteste despre cum se sfarseste. Cuvinte de voi ignorate, o sa fie zi de zi derulate. O sa rasune de atunci si pe veci in capul vostru. Atunci o sa auziti strigatele disperate, candva cuvinte soptite. 
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rasunmusic · 4 years
Rasun from the Leisurely Riddim by @koolfacerecords Enjoy The Ride . . . #rasun #donjuancartel #koolfacerecords #teflonzincfence #charleyblack #anthonyb #jamaica🇯🇲 #worldwide #dancehall #reggae https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zt2PnAgMC/?igshid=hhghvk6zpsng
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donjuancartel · 2 years
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Ready for everything and anything blessed . . . #donjuancartel #rasun #musicislife https://www.instagram.com/p/ChLC5AhuieJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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