brutalscaled · 2 years
"What's takin' so long?"
"This isn't as easy as it looks, Croc. There's a lot more stuff to go through than I thought there'd be and NONE of it is organized," Otis hissed through his mask, thumbing through one stack of shipping orders before picking up another. "I know your hands are as big as manhole covers but having an extra set of eyes in here would help."
"You'll have to settle for extra eyes outside, I already said I can't fit through the damn door."
A few of his rats nibbed at what he'd already looked at while several more huddled in various locations around the dock yard's office. The shipment in question was supposed to be an order of weapons, something quick to get their hands on in the wake of Chimera's threat. It wasn't like everyone wasn't already armed, but more defenses never hurt.
Every couple minutes or so, Croc would sniff the air, searching for anything besides salt, wet rust, and fish guts. Nothing so far. Assuming they found those documents quickly, they could leave before anyone even knew they were there… but then the wind shifted. He caught a new scent, something sort of metallic that wasn't there a moment ago. He didn't have a second to consider what it might be before something pattered past his feet… and exploded in a cloud of peppery eye-stinging smoke.
Croc coughed and retched as he tried to swipe away the fumes, lifting watering eyes to the office roof, expecting to see Batman silhouetted against the dark sky. He couldn't see the pointy eared shadow, but he felt something just as chilling that drew a shout from his throat: the pain of three different darts punching through vest and hide, two in his chest and one in his leg… and he could feel the numbing cool of a sedative already spreading through his veins.
Otis made to bolt for the office door to see what was happening when another smoke bomb hit the floor inside. It didn't affect him thanks to his mask, but he could hear his rats squealing and running for air that didn't sting their eyes and lungs. He burst out into the night air only to be met with more smoke, only barely able to see Croc's hunched shadow. He called for him, running over before the taller could utter a warning. A dart wasn't wasted on the former exterminator; the butt of a gun slammed against the back of his head did the trick just as easily. 
Croc had wrenched the needles from his body as quickly as he could, but even with a half dose each, three of them was enough. His vision swam, balance lost as he hit one knee, snarling weakly at the shadows in the smoke. That threat was all he could muster before he hit the ground, the words "Target EX-311 secured" echoing in his mind before the drugs dragged him under.
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It was an hour later that Otis groaned and slowly rolled himself over, feeling his head pound in time to his heartbeat. He could hear tiny claws scratching as his rats investigated their awakening master. Something had hit him pretty damn hard, he'd be feeling that for a week… but then the events of before came to mind and he pushed himself up, swaying at the surge of dizziness as he looked across the dock yard. 
Croc was gone. A short distance away lay his knife and his smashed phone. He wouldn't leave those behind. A chill crept down Otis's spine as he caught the glint of a discarded tranq dart. Batman didn't use those. Did this… did this mean Chimera had him? 
His heart stuttered as a sudden panic seized him. When Croc's friends found out that he was gone– under Otis's watch no less! HE'D been the one to suggest the buddy system!-- fuck, he wasn't going to stick around and see what they might decide to do to him. He snatched up his lantern and ran for the nearest sewer pipe, dozens of rats trailing behind him like a shadow.
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elisethetraveller · 2 years
Continued from; ratctchr
Otis was about to comment on how seventy years was quite a long time… but then the first half of the year clicked and his words died in his throat. He squinted at her. She didn't even LOOK old enough to be seventy, let alone… over six-hundred and seventy??
"You're pulling my leg, right??"
The mage met his eyes with a barely restrained grin. She was clearly trying to get a rise out of him, though not because she was lying. No, Elise was speaking the absolute truth; after all, it was entirely unbelievable. Or, most of the truth. Her life wasn't that linear, after all.
"Not at all." She let the grin shine through, though it wasn't one of a liar. "Mind you, I might have seen some rats in the following years, but it is honestly such a long time ago."
( @ratctchr )
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king-crane · 2 years
crane: otis i need your help to find croc
me, knowing damn well that otis already knows:
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masquenoire · 2 years
(Ratctchr) [Text]: She's a smaller woman with curly brown hair. Lmk where to send her so she doesn't end up at the wrong office or something.
[Text]: Please.
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Roman knew Croc had his own life outside of working for him and he’d always respected the big guy enough not to pry. A smaller woman with curly brown hair? He frowned as he thought back to past conversations with his missing compagno, vaguely recalling him mentioning the name Madeline. Croc had spoken of her fondly, the deep growling baritone of his voice turning softer, thoughtful even as they’d talked about other people in their lives. [Text]: Steel Mill, the Industrial District. There’s enough public security on the streets to discourage our mutual nemico from trying their hand at a second kidnapping. The Sionis Steel Mill was one of his legitimate businesses and while it did serve as a front for his more nefarious dealings, it was by far one of his most public and guarded properties due to the heavy industrial nature of the job. A lone woman would have no trouble passing through, like anybody else merely seeking a job. [Text]: Let her know my aides will be waiting outside. They know better than to cause trouble around here. A petty jab at Otis perhaps, but it was a promise of reassurance for Croc’s friend that no harm would come to her while on his turf. Roman would make sure of it.
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byanyan · 2 years
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@ratctchr sent: "That's none of your business."
rough around the edges ✧ * º • accepting
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ㅤㅤ" oh, is it not? "
ㅤpeering down at the stranger from the perch of a fire escape they'd clambered and jumped up to after sweeping his bag away from him, the teen tips their head to one side. expression a played up skeptical look, they look from the man to the item they've clearly just stolen from him, then back again.
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ㅤㅤ" i dunno, i mean... it's in my hands. " there's something about the way they say it, an edge in their tone of voice that gives the impression that they're toying with him. because they are, of course — they're stringing him along after they've so obviously just robbed him, painfully confident that there's nothing he can do about it. even if he makes for the ladder to come up after them, they'll have enough time to climb higher and be across to the next rooftop before he even reaches the top. they have the power here, and they're rubbing it in.
ㅤㅤ" seems to me like it is my business. " shrugging as they swing the bag back and forth in their hand, brandishing it in a way that almost dares him to come chase them for it, byan's acting finally cracks. the mocking, shit-eating grin breaks its way through the façade of incredulity and they take the bag more securely into both hands, preparing to pull it open and get a good look at the contents they've won for themself. " finders keepers, and all that. ...guess i could give it back if you wanna pay me what it's worth, though. y'know, if y'wanna make a compromise. "
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sanguine-salvation · 2 years
Slurred words for ratctchr? :3c
“Hmmmmm… is that… the one with the ratss?” They very slowly cock their head. “I don’t thinkk… we’ve met much, but I like rats… they’re cleverr, soft, like the dark, I can relate… so if he likes rats, I muszt assume he has… gooood taste?” They cock their head the other way, just as slowly. But their vision sharpens a little. “Hm… now I’m curious. How many do you think he hasz?”
They pause, then loom thoughtfully over their glass before hushedly speaking, “… Szerinted mmmegsimogathatom az egyik patkányát?”
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n0v4-z3r0 · 2 years
Irina slid under the railing into the spillway, running as fast as her legs could carry her.
She still hadn’t managed to lose VentureTech’s latest hunters, less security personnel and more fully-armed commandos. They’d been chasing her through the darkness of this city for at least an hour now, with no signs of stopping. They had one mission: bring back Subject 457. Dead or alive.
Looking to her right, she saw the entrance to the sewers. While not keen on entering a place with no obvious alternate exits, she had little choice as she heard the heavy footsteps of the mercs.
Sighing, she darted into the darkness of the sewer.
Night vision mode activated.
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Adjusting her cybernetic eyes to the darkness, she dashed further in, the mercs not far behind.
There’s got to be somewhere with a vantage point, she thought, some place I can get the drop on them. If I can just catch them off guard…
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ectoamerican · 2 years
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YOU HAVE JUST DIED. ↳ what loot items do you drop?
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Phantom has dropped:
a recipe for cookies, some words seem like gibberish
enamel pins
a broken Fenton thermos
polaroid photos featuring a blurry figure
ghost zone money, glowing neon purple and blue
a vial of glowing green ectoplasm
Tagged by: @ratctchr (ty) Tagging: @whoyoulove @sonxflight @inhxuman @stygicniron @madefate @rxtroskull @universestreasures and anyone alse on the dash right now!
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[ bold any fears which apply to your muse. ] [ italicize which make them uncomfortable. ] [ REPOST. do not reblog! ]
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the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ open spaces ⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ death ⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆ not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ lack of noise ⋆ being touched ⋆ forgetting ⋆ insects ⋆ disease ⋆ falling ⋆ needles
Tagged by: @ratctchr
Tagging: whoever's reading this!
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cosmic-gemstone · 2 years
@ratctchr from here
Qessyn frowned. “Well…sort of lost, sort of exploring. I was watching the little creatures going about their business, when I found the entrance to these tunnels. I got curious, and decided to explore.”
She gestured to one of the rats scurrying about. She did not seem to regard them with the same disgust that other humans did…and she did not seem to know what they were called.
“You look hurt though…may I offer my help? I’m a doctor, a surgeon. I might be able to help you.”
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elisethetraveller · 2 years
🎶✨ When you get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers ✨🎶
Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer
Revolting Children from Mathilda the Musical
I wanna be your Slave by Måneskin
Sinners by Barn Courtney
Danse Macabre by Tempus Quartet
Tagged by; @misstantabismuses & @independentzaun (thank you, you two!!)
Tagging; @arkhampsych , @who-is-muses , @masquenoire , @ratctchr , @riddlethat & @sanguine-salvation
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masquenoire · 2 years
[Text]: I'm sending one of Croc's friends over with something we found that might be helpful in finding him. We think it's one of the tranq darts Chimera used. (Ratctchr)
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The sound of a new alert on his burner phone caught his attention, Roman immediately flipping the thing on to view the incoming message. An eyebrow raises beneath the mask when he see it’s from the Ratcatcher, bearing promising news no less. Dark eyes scan the other man’s message; it’s hard not to feel a shred of satisfaction that Otis might have learned his lesson since their little talk, but more important was the message he’d sent, and whoever Croc’s ‘friend’ might happen to be. His fingers fly, responding curtly the way he always does. [Text]: We’ll see about that. Mind telling me about this ‘friend’ on their way? Wouldn’t want my boys getting jumpy and mistake friend for foe.
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masquenoire · 2 years
↳ what loot items do you drop?
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Black Mask has dropped:
Twin Semi-Automatic Pistols, Sodom and Gomorrah.
Silver hip flask containing Macallan Whiskey (Gold)
Modified Swiss Army Knife.
A tube of paste from the now-defunct Janus Cosmetics.
American Express Centurion Card (Black)
Half-empty packet of luxury cigars.
Tagged by: @ratctchr Tagging: @arkhampsych​, @defectivexfragmented​, @elisethetraveller​, @nervousleaderr​, @oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot​, @riddlethat​, @sanguine-salvation​ and anybody who’d like to do this?
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elisethetraveller · 2 years
How do you need to be touched?
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Tagged by; @independentzaun & @misstantabismuses (thank you to both of you!)
Tagging; @masquenoire , @chiropterx , @ratctchr , @brutalscaled , @arkhampsych , @cursedfortune & @king-crane
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