#ratee luang
rinbylin · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @howdaretrashships thank you!! <3
3 Ships You Like: "like" hm. "three" only hmm. :( anyway I'll limit these to dramas AND one ship one drama only: 1) dihua from 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook; 2) xiao dingquan and xu changping from 鹤唳华亭 royal nirvana; 3) anran and mu ze from 覆流年 lost track of time
First Ship Ever: um. pretty sure it's a pairing from a Channel 8 (local sg) drama I watched as a kid.
Last Song You Heard: oh.. I was just listening to the newly released OST of the upcoming DJT series, so I'm now on my Thai playlist. the last play is Violette Wautier's Kam Welah ข้ามเวลา from Prom Likit OST <3
Favorite Childhood Book: I was not an avid reader as a child like the majority of tunglr dot com seem to be, regrettably... but I loved Horrible Histories
Currently Reading: main ones in the current routine are my slow but steady reread of 中国哲学史 - very close to the end, and also very close to the end of Kate Buford's Burt Lancaster biography after a looong time. (I just read extremely slow.)
Currently Watching: trying to finish up the last quarter of The Starry Love 星落凝成糖 - hopefully very soon so I can move on from it lol. on top of the regular movies routine, have been taking my time with first full rewatch of Royal Nirvana, and recently started my first full rewatch of Mysterious Lotus Casebook (I very rarely do full drama rewatches so this is just a special time in my life lol)
Currently Consuming: ribena
Currently Craving: a new satisfying lakorn (i was replaying a Ratee Luang OST last night and now desperately need lakorns back in my life again!!! - you've caught me right in my lakorn mood)
Tagging (the usual note about consider yourself tagged if you see this etc etc): @bocje-ce-ustu @redemption-revenge @angryundies @seeorseem @mademoiselle-red @tytangfei @bemybabymp3 @karinyosa @valancystirling48 (also bonus tags @markiafc @ananeiah @dtriad)
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cheesocado · 2 years
Hai. Gue seorang perempuan berusia 23 tahun. Kali ini gue mau menuliskan pengalaman yang sebetulnya agak memalukan untuk diceritakan. Iya, di satu sisi gue malu untuk cerita, tetapi di sisi lain gue sudah enggak kuat.
Gue perlu untuk menumpahkan unek-unek ini. Gue harus mengeluarkan sampah ini dari dalam diri gue. Maka dari itu, gue bikin blog anonim di tumblr sebagai sarana buat gue bebas berekspresi.
Well, pengalaman yang ingin gue ceritakan ke khalayak adalah tentang kecanduan porno.
Sejauh otak gue mampu mengingat, pertama kali gue nonton video porno, yaitu ketika gue kelas 5 SD. Waktu itu gue lagi iseng download video dan mp3 di suatu situs populer. Kalau enggak salah, sih, Waptrick. Mungkin, ya.
Saat berselancar di situs itu, tiba-tiba gue tertarik dengan video yang thumbnail-nya agak lain, yaitu cewek dan cowok tidur menyamping di sofa dengan kondisi tubuh telanjang bulat.
Selesai diunduh, gue tonton video berdurasi tidak lebih dari satu menit itu. Ternyata video itu berisi adegan si cowok masukin alat kelaminnya ke kelamin si cewek dan si cewek menjerit-jerit.
Ketika itu gue belum paham tentang aktivitas yang mereka berdua lakukan. Jujur, di situ gue tidak merasakan rangsangan apa-apa. Gue malah berpikir si cowok lagi menyiksa si cewek, dan yang ada gue justru kasihan sama si cewek karena dia jerit-jerit begitu. Pengalaman nonton video itu cukup traumatis bagi diri gue.
Lambat laun gue baru paham bahwa video yang gue tonton itu adalah video porno. Pahamnya gimana? Entahlah, gue enggak tahu, yang pasti gue paham dengan sendirinya tanpa tanya ke siapa-siapa.
Ketika masuk SMP, gue mulai benar-benar penasaran sama hal berbau porno. Selain itu, gue mulai ngerasain ‘enak’ tiap nonton begituan. Gue juga mulai tahu tentang mastrubasi walaupun saat itu gue belum paham bahwa apa yang gue lakukan disebut demikian.
Waktu gue SMP adalah waktu ketika media sosial Twitter lagi mulai rame-ramenya di kalangan anak muda. Nah, selain menggunakan Twitter untuk berinteraksi dengan teman dan fangirling, gue memanfaatkan media sosial berlogo burung biru itu untuk cari GIF porno.
Selain GIF porno di Twitter, saat SMP gue juga sudah mulai membaca fanfiction rating 18+ yang waktu itu bisa gue temukan dengan mudah di Blogspot atau Wordpress melalui Google, lalu kemudian di Wattpad.
Makin tumbuh dewasa, gue makin canggih dan berani. Bukan sekadar cari GIF porno di Twitter, menginjak SMA gue sudah bisa buka situs porno meskipun seluruh situsnya diblokir pemerintah.
Kendati sudah akrab dengan porno, gue merasa bahwa kebiasaan gue akan hal itu saat SMP dan SMA masih dalam batas wajar. Dalam sebulan gue nonton porno dan masturbasi mungkin cuma dua sampai tiga kali. Yah, pokoknya enggak pernah lebih dari lima kali dalam sebulan. Jarang banget lah.
Kala itu gue tidak pernah merasa ada yang salah dengan kebiasaan gue. Gue merasa demikian kerena meskipun gue ngeporno, gue tetap berprestasi di sekolah. Ketika SMP, gue sering masuk peringkat 10 besar di kelas, bahkan ketika SMA gue pernah jadi peringkat ketiga pararel satu angkatan. Gue juga diterima di salah satu PTN favorit di negara ini. Gue jaman sekolah tuh pintar dan percaya diri banget.
Sayangnya, ketika kuliah terutama saat jadi mahasiswa semester akhir, kebiasaan gue ngeporno makin parah. Parahnya kebangetan. Efeknya, gue terjun bebas dari sosok pintar dan percaya diri jadi sosok yang sampah abis.
Saat masa skripsian, gue jadi minim kegiatan. Gue pergi ke kampus kalau bimbingan doang. Sebagian besar waktu cuma gue habiskan untuk mengerjakan skripsi di kosan sendirian. Teman-teman gue juga pada sibuk skripsian. Hal itu bikin gue kesepian sekaligus punya waktu luang yang cukup banyak.
Jadi, setiap merasa mentok dan capek ngerjain skripsi, gue pasti melampiaskannya ke hal porno.
Apalagi gue pas kuliah mulai menemukan media baru selain video dan cerita sex, yaitu audio sex atau ASMR plus-plus. Wah, dari situ kebiasaan gue masturbasi makin menjadi-jadi.
Gue juga pernah sekali dua kali melakukan sexting dengan stranger. Beneran cuma sekali dua kali karena entah mengapa gue merasa dosa banget kalau ada orang lain yang terlibat. Padahal enggak melibatkan orang lain juga tetap dosa.
Bisa dibilang masturbasi adalah coping mechanism gue di kala stres skripsian. Pernah suatu waktu skripsi gue disuruh rombak total oleh dosen penguji. Saat itu gue stres banget dan gue melampiaskan stres itu dengan masturbasi tiga atau empat kali dalam sehari.
Sialnya, kebiasaan gue yang sudah terlanjur melampiaskan apa-apa ke hal porno terbawa hingga gue lulus kuliah.
Kini gue semestinya sibuk cari kerja dan menikmati stresnya hidup di usia 20-an awal. Namun, gue malah stres dikit, ngeporno. Stres banyak, ngeporno. Apa-apa, ngeporno. Hidup gue ngeporno mulu. Brengsek.
Bulan lalu, gue mulai paham bahwa gue kacanduan porno. Gue sadar akan hal itu karena beberapa hal. Pertama, gue sering enggak bisa tidur kalau enggak masturbasi dulu. Kedua, gue sengaja tracking kebiasaan masturbasi gue di bulan Januari 2023, dan hasilnya seperti ini.
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Melihat hasil tracking di atas, gue merasa seperti ditampar wajan sekencang-kencangnya. Gue mulai sadar betul bahwa gue kecanduan porno. Lihat aja, hampir 50% hari di bulan Januari 2023, gue isi dengan masturbasi, dan setiap masturbasi gue pasti menonton video porno, membaca cerita sex, atau mendengar sex audio alias ASMR plus-plus.
Sadar akan hal itu, gue mulai merasa malu dan jijik sama diri sendiri.
Sebenarnya banyak dampak lain yang gue rasakan akibat seringnya gue ngeporno.
Susah Fokus Semenjak kecanduan porno, gue sadar gue jadi susah fokus. Orang bilang A, gue menangkapnya B. Gue benar-benar merasa bodoh. Ilmu yang masuk ke otak seakan-akan cuma lewat aja.
Jadi Pelupa Hal ini baru gue sadari beberapa hari lalu ketika ngobrol bareng teman-teman, dan gue lupa dengan beberapa istilah yang mesti gue ucapkan. Tidak cuma sekali di perbincangan itu gue ngomong, “Hmm apa ya namanya? Kok gue lupa, sih?” Kampretnya, begitu sampai kosan gue baru ingat dengan istilah tersebut.
Kurang Percaya Diri Salah satu dampak yang paling gue rasakan sejak kecancuan porno adalah gue jadi kurang percaya diri. Gue jadi suka minder dan was-was setiap bertemu orang lain, khususnya orang baru dan terutama lawan jenis.
Pikiran Jadi Kotor Setiap bertemu dengan sosok lawan jenis yang gue tipe gue banget, otak otomatis traveling mikirin hal-hal jorok. Padahal orang itu sedang bersikap biasa aja, enggak menunjukkan gelagat nakal. Nah, jujur, gue sedih banget. Gue merasa diri gue nista banget karena sudah memikirkan hal jorok tentang orang itu.
Memasuki bulan Februari ini gue punya niat untuk berhenti ngeporno. Namun, brengsek susah banget!
Gue baca pengalaman-pengalaman orang lain, katanya cara untuk berhenti ngeporno selain hapus akses yang memudahkan kita untuk membuka porno adalah dengan ngomong ke orang lain bahwa lo akan berhenti ngeporno.
Akan tetapi, gue enggak seberani itu untuk jujur ke orang terdekat bahwa gue kecanduan porno dan ingin berhenti. Lagipula, kayaknya tanggapan dan respons mereka nanti akan menambah masalah di hidup gue daripada membantu gue untuk berhenti ngeporno.
Oleh sebab itu, gue bikin blog ini untuk mengumumkan ke dunia bahwa gue akan berhenti ngeporno. Gue akan terus bikin update tiap pekan terkait kemajuan gue dalam mengatasi PMO (Porn, Masturbate, Orgasm).
Jadi, sekitar tanggal 22 Februari 2023 gue akan bikin update tentang apakah gue mampu satu pekan tanpa ngeporno dan tentang hal-hal yang gue rasakan atau alami sehubungan dengan itu.
Baiklah, kayaknya sudah sampai sini dulu aja.
Dari awal, gue sengaja enggak bicara terlalu jauh dari sisi agama karena dari sisi kehidupan sosial aja dampaknya sudah sebegitu buruk di hidup gue. Yah walaupun kalau boleh jujur sebenarnya gue takut kebiasaan ini bisa jadi penghambat gue mendapat hal-hal baik dari Tuhan.
Kamar Kos, 15 Februari 2023
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haisabrina · 2 years
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Analisis dan review Novel Resign by Almira Bestari Rating di Goodreads 4.17 dari 1,302 review Dibaca sebanyak 4,26 Juta di Applikasi Wattpad Novel 'Resign!' karya Almira Bastari sukses mencapai cetakan yang kelima sejak rilis pada Januari 2018 lalu. Novel ini bergenre comedy-romance yang segar. Suka geregetan dengan interaksi Alranita dan bosnya, Tigran. Belum lagi para rekan kantor Alranita (mereka menyebut diri mereka Cungpret alias kacung kampret) yang membuat kisah ini hidup dan riweuh, sehingga bikin tidak membosankan. Rasanya, ingin ikut heboh bergosip dengan para Cungpret cs mas carlo, mas andre, mba karen dan sandra. Bahasanya ringan dan lucu dan jadi bacaaan rekomendasi buat waktu luang *Premis* Kompetisi sengit Seorang pegawai atau Cungpret (kacung kampret) bernama Alnarita dan 3 temannya yang berusaha resign di kantornya karena load kerja yang makin tinggi dan seorang Bos yang arogan dan membuat tidak betah para pegawai, Namun ada saja kegagalan mereka dalam wawancara entah karena kerjaan atau hal lainnya. *Alur* Alur yang di gunakan sepanjang novel di sepanjang novel sangat rapi dan runut, seluruhnya beralur campuran karena di awal-awal dan akhir menggunakan alur maju, sementara di pertengahan menggunakan alur mundur ketika Flash back Alnarita menjadi pembuka Stand up comedy di Australia *Karakter* Alnarita : Berani, jujur dan Pekerja Keras Tigran : tegas, ga bisa ungkapin perasaanya dengan jelas, arogan, manipulatif *Sudut Pandang* Sudut pandang yang digunakan. Kak Almira Bastari konsisten menggunakan sudut pandang orang pertama sejak awal sampai akhir cerita. #5CC #BookdragonCareerClass #bentangpustaka https://www.instagram.com/p/Coclhg_JWuO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayakshethra · 2 months
Discover Hidden Gems: Your Ultimate Travel Guide
Traveling is more than just visiting well-known landmarks; it's about uncovering the hidden gems that truly define a destination. These hidden gems provide a more authentic experience, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in local culture, history, and natural beauty. Whether you're an intrepid adventurer or a casual tourist, discovering these lesser-known spots can make your trip unforgettable. Here’s your ultimate travel guide to uncovering hidden gems around the world best travel agency in kochi
Why Seek Out Hidden Gems?
Authenticity: Major tourist attractions are often crowded and commercialized. Hidden gems offer a more genuine experience, reflecting the true essence of the place.
Less Crowded: Avoid the throngs of tourists and enjoy a more peaceful, personal experience.
Unique Stories: Each hidden gem has its own unique story, often intertwined with local legends and history that you won't find in guidebooks.
Support Local Communities: Visiting off-the-beaten-path locations supports local businesses and communities, helping to preserve their culture and traditions.
How to Find Hidden Gems
Research and Planning: Use travel blogs, forums, and social media to find recommendations from other travelers. Websites like Atlas Obscura are dedicated to uncovering unusual and lesser-known locations.
Talk to Locals: Locals are the best source of insider knowledge. Ask them about their favorite spots that aren’t typically mentioned in travel guides.
Get Off the Beaten Path: Sometimes, the best discoveries happen when you stray from the main tourist routes. Explore side streets, rural areas, and less-trafficked parts of a city.
Use Apps and Technology: Apps like Google Maps, TripAdvisor, and even Instagram can help you discover hidden gems. Look for places with high ratings but fewer reviews.
Hidden Gems Around the World
Sintra, Portugal: While Lisbon is bustling with tourists, Sintra offers a magical escape with its fairy-tale palaces, lush gardens, and mystical forests. The Pena Palace and Quinta da Regaleira are must-visits.
Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic: This small town in the Czech Republic is a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and charming riverside views.
Ghent, Belgium: Often overshadowed by Bruges, Ghent boasts stunning Gothic architecture, vibrant nightlife, and fewer crowds. The Gravensteen Castle and St. Bavo's Cathedral are highlights.
Luang Prabang, Laos: This serene town in Laos is rich in culture and history. With its beautiful temples, night markets, and the nearby Kuang Si Falls, Luang Prabang offers a tranquil retreat from bustling cities.
Hampi, India: An ancient village in Karnataka, Hampi is filled with ruins of temples and palaces. The surreal landscape and historical significance make it a fascinating destination.
Jiufen, Taiwan: A charming mountain town that inspired the movie Spirited Away, Jiufen’s narrow streets, tea houses, and stunning views over the Pacific Ocean offer a unique cultural experience.
Valparaíso, Chile: This colorful coastal city is known for its steep hills, vibrant street art, and bohemian culture. The funiculars and views from the hilltops are particularly captivating.
Tulum, Mexico: While Cancun and Playa del Carmen are tourist magnets, Tulum offers a more laid-back vibe with its pristine beaches, Mayan ruins, and eco-friendly resorts.
Montreal, Canada: Often overshadowed by Toronto and Vancouver, Montreal’s blend of French and English cultures, its historic Old Town, and a vibrant arts scene make it a hidden gem worth exploring.
Chefchaouen, Morocco: Known as the Blue City, Chefchaouen is famous for its blue-painted buildings and stunning mountain backdrop. It’s a great place to explore Moroccan culture away from the crowds of Marrakesh.
Lamu Island, Kenya: This UNESCO World Heritage site offers a glimpse into Swahili culture with its narrow streets, historic architecture, and beautiful beaches. It’s a peaceful retreat compared to Kenya’s more touristy areas.
Tips for Enjoying Hidden Gems
Respect Local Cultures: Always be respectful of local customs, traditions, and the environment. This ensures that these hidden gems remain unspoiled for future visitors.
Be Flexible: Hidden gems might not have the same level of infrastructure as popular tourist spots. Be prepared for less comfort and more adventure.
Pack Accordingly: Depending on the location, you might need to bring specific gear, whether it’s hiking boots, a good map, or extra supplies.
Document Your Experience: Keep a travel journal or blog about your experiences to share with others and preserve your memories. Traveling to hidden gems is about experiencing the world in a more intimate and authentic way. It requires a spirit of adventure, a willingness to explore, and an openness to new experiences. Whether you're wandering through the colorful streets of Valparaíso, hiking the mystical landscapes of Hampi, or sipping tea in the mountain town of Jiufen, these hidden gems offer unforgettable experiences that enrich your journey and create lasting memories. So next time you plan a trip, consider stepping off the beaten path and discovering the hidden gems that await best travel agency in alappuzha
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laotravellinks · 3 months
Unforgettable Adventures: Planning Your Trip With A Premier Travel And Tourism Agency In Laos
Investigating Laos ensures an embroidery of surveys that blend well off social history in with stunning natural magnificence. While making arrangements your experience, collaborating with a decent travel and the travel industry business in Laos can raise your experience, guaranteeing consistent operations and insider get admission to the first-rate venture reports in Quite a while.
Fitting Your Agenda with master directing:
A most reasonable travel and the travel and tourism agency in Laos gives customized schedules tailor-made for your diversions and choices. whether you are looking for to dig into the old sanctuaries of Luang Prabang, leave on a stream voyage close by the Mekong, or trip across flawless wildernesses to find stowed away cascades, proficient vendors can make a tailor made venture that adjusts along with your movement wants.
Approaching unmistakable stories:
Past broad visits, a first class association opens ways to restrictive reports that submerge you profoundly in Laos' lifestyle and scenes. envision partaking in traditional functions, where local people give endowments through consecrated ceremonies, or turning into an individual from a directed investigation of distant ethnic minority towns to capture their way of ways of life firsthand.
Guaranteeing solace and comfort:
Best travel experiences in Laos of a decent partnership ensures comfort and accommodation at each step. From consistent air terminal exchanges within reach picked inns that reach from store cabins to resorts, each detail is organized to decorate your typical experience. This allows in you to awareness on drenching inside the attractions, sounds, and kinds of this hypnotizing place for getting away.
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Making Extraordinary memories:
The legitimate expense of joining forces with an ideal excursion and the travel industry business in Laos exists in the memories you make. Whether it is seeing the tranquil dawn over the fields of Vang Vieng, investigating the old marvels of the undeniable of Containers, or communicating with pastors at a peaceful cloister, each second turns into a cherished piece of your excursion story.
Conclusion: Leave in your Laos experience
In the end, entrusting your experience to an ideal excursion and the travel and tourism agency in Laos guarantees that your experience unfurls into a grouping of great excursion stories in Laos. From fastidious making arrangements to wonderful neighborhood bits of knowledge, every component is intended to surpass your assumptions and leave you with recollections that wait long after your return. Encapsulate the best travel experiences in laos with a friend zest for investigation and disclosure, and set out on an excursion that vows to be earnestly extraordinary.
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togtok · 8 months
Country Overview
Laos, officially known as the Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a landlocked country located in Southeast Asia.
It shares borders with five countries: China to the north, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the southeast, Thailand to the west, and Myanmar (Burma) to the northwest.
Covering an area of approximately 236,800 square kilometers (91,428 square miles), Laos is a predominantly mountainous country with diverse landscapes.
The Mekong River forms a significant part of its western boundary and plays a crucial role in both transportation and agriculture.
As of 2021 estimates, Laos has a population of around 7.
4 million people.
The capital city is Vientiane and serves as the political and economic center of the country.
Buddhism is widely practiced by most Laotians; it shapes their way of life and culture.
Laos has seen rapid economic growth in recent years due to increased foreign investments in hydropower dams, mining projects, and tourism.
Its economy primarily relies on agriculture which accounts for about 25% of its gross domestic product (GDP).
Major crops include rice, corns, vegetables, coffee beans.
The nation holds abundant natural resources such as timber forests and mineral deposits like tin ore gold copper gypsum lead coal oil reserves.
However,, maintaining sustainable development while preserving these resources poses challenges for Laos.
Tourism has also become an important sector for Laos' economy; visitors are attracted by its stunning landscapes including waterfalls like Kuang Si Fallsqq famous historical sites such as Luang Prabang – a UNESCO World Heritage site – that showcases unique architectural fusion between traditional Laotian styles with European influences from French colonization.
Despite progress made in recent years,, Laos still faces certain developmental challenges.
Poverty remains prevalent among many rural communities due to limited access to basic services such as education healthcare infrastructure safe drinking water internet connectivity In summary,, Laos is an enchanting country nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia.
Its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and warm-hearted people make it a unique and fascinating destination to explore.
National Currency
Laos, officially known as the Lao People's Democratic Republic, has its own currency called the Lao kip (LAK).
The kip is the official and only legal tender in Laos.
The current exchange rate of the Lao kip varies but generally hovers around 9,000 to 10,000 kips for one US dollar.
The value of the kip against other major currencies like the euro or British pound is also comparatively low.
Although it is possible to exchange foreign currencies at banks and authorized money exchange counters in major cities like Vientiane and Luang Prabang, it may be more convenient to use local currency for transactions within Laos.
In smaller towns or rural areas where tourism may be less prevalent, it might be difficult to find establishments that accept foreign currencies or credit cards.
While traveling in Laos, it is recommended to carry some cash in Lao kip for day-to-day expenses such as food, transportation fares, entrance fees to historical sites or national parks, local market purchases, and other typical expenditures.
Credit cards are accepted at larger hotels, upscale restaurants or shops catering primarily to tourists.
However, please note that a surcharge might apply when using credit cards due to processing fees imposed by local businesses.
It's important for travelers visiting Laos to consider their financial requirements ahead of time and plan accordingly by exchanging their desired amount of currency either prior to arrival at international airports or upon arrival through authorized channels.
Additionally, keeping a small amount of US dollars as emergency backup could prove beneficial in case of unexpected situations where accessing cash becomes challenging.
Remember that knowing about current exchange rates before traveling can help ensure you have an idea about how much your home currency will convert into Lao kip when exchanging funds during your stay in Laos.
Exchange Rate
The official currency of Laos is the Lao kip (LAK).
Please note that exchange rates can vary and fluctuate over time.
As of September 2021, the approximate exchange rates for some major currencies are: - 1 USD (United States Dollar) = 9,077 LAK - 1 EUR (Euro) = 10,662 LAK - 1 GBP (British Pound) = 12,527 LAK - 1 CNY (Chinese Yuan Renminbi) = 1,404 LAK Please keep in mind that these rates are subject to change and it is recommended to check with a reliable source or bank for the most up-to-date exchange rates.
Important Holidays
Laos, also known as the Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a country in Southeast Asia that celebrates several important festivals throughout the year.
These festivals are deeply rooted in traditional beliefs and customs of the Laotian people.
Here are some of the significant festivals celebrated in Laos: 1.
Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year): Pi Mai Lao is one of the most important and widely celebrated festivals in Laos.
It takes place from April 13th to 15th, marking the beginning of the New Year according to the traditional Buddhist calendar.
During this festival, people engage in water fights, visit temples for blessings, build sand stupas symbolizing renewal and purification, and participate in cultural activities.
Boun Bang Fai (Rocket Festival): This ancient festival is held during May and marks an attempt to summon rain for bountiful harvests.
Villagers construct gigantic rockets made from bamboo filled with gunpowder or other flammable materials that are then launched into the sky with great fanfare and competition.
Boun That Luang (That Luang Festival): Celebrated towards November each year at That Luang Stupa – Laos' national symbol – this religious festival gathers devotees from all over Laos to pay respect to Buddha's relics enshrined within That Luang Stupa complex located in Vientiane capital city.
Khmu New Year: The Khmu ethnic group celebrates their New Year on various dates depending on their community but usually falls between November and January months each year following ancestral rituals comprising dancing performances, colorful costumes portrayal etc.
Awk Phansa: Occurring at different times across October or November based on lunar calendar's full moon day following three months duration rainy-season retreat period 'Vassa' being followed by Theravada Buddhist monks; it commemorates Buddha's descent back down to Earth after his celestial sojourn during monsoons.
These festivals play a vital role in preserving the cultural heritage of Laos and are an excellent way for locals and visitors alike to experience the rich traditions, vibrant costumes, traditional music and dance, as well as delicious food that define Laotian culture.
Foreign Trade Situation
Laos is a landlocked country located in Southeast Asia, sharing borders with several countries including China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Myanmar.
It has a population of approximately 7 million people and its economy heavily relies on agriculture, industry, and services.
In terms of trade, Laos has been striving to expand its international connections.
The country primarily exports natural resources such as minerals (copper and gold), electricity generated from hydropower projects, agricultural products (coffee, rice), textiles, and garments.
Its main trading partners include Thailand, China, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea among others.
Thailand plays a crucial role in Laos' trade activities due to their geographic proximity.
Many goods are transported via road networks across the border facilitating the movement of products between the two countries.
China also plays an important role as a major investor in infrastructure projects such as dams and railways.
However , it is worth mentioning that Laos faces several challenges in its trade sector.
Limited infrastructure development along with bureaucratic procedures can hinder smooth trade operations.
Additionally , the lack of skilled workforce poses challenges for attracting foreign investments.
To boost trade activities , Laos has been actively engaging in regional integration efforts through memberships with organizations like ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) .
This provides opportunities for market access via preferential tariffs within member countries.
Despite these challenges,Lao's government continues to work towards attracting more foreign investment by improving business regulations,making it an attractive destination for investors .Better transportation infrastructure developments are underway which will help enhance connectivity with neighboring countries thus helping facilitate smoother cross-border trades .
Overall,Lao's trade situation shows potential opportunities but also some hurdles.Its rich natural resources along with efforts towards regional integration show promise,but improvements must be made to attract more investments that can contribute towards sustainable economic growth for the country.
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supitsgdo · 9 months
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Book review: The Poppy War trilogy by R.F. Luang
The Poppy War: 4⭐️
The Dragon Republic: 4⭐️
The Drowning Faith: 4⭐️
The Burning God: 4⭐️
Woaw. This trilogy was something. Let me tell you there were some chapters that I had to stop, look at something else, breath and procede with the book. I’m glad the author didn’t shy way with the details, I like it when they do that. And after I ended the trilogy, I decided to do some research because I got the feeling I was missing something. And then I was shocked. I didn’t know that 80-90% of these books was based on historical facts and I was speechless.
And now I don’t know if I’m qualified to review theses books 😅
Either way, judging only the books: the story plot was amazing (and yes I’m aware saying this considering the real facts, it’s bad, but imagine this was purely fictional), however, it did repeat itself on manny occasions. I don’t know if it was done on purpose because “history is always repeating” or because it was following the main source where the books were based on.
My least favourite thing was the female main character. Seriously, she irritated me, she didn’t grow the fuck up. I read that the author created her as an anti-hero , but I think her traits weren’t anti-hero type…
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farjiahossain121 · 10 months
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punyainyow · 10 months
Rencana nikah
Curiosity killed the cat That's what they said.
Akibat kepo ngintipin layar laptop cewenya pas cewenya lagi kasih kucing makan, Ino shock berat menghadapi kenyatan bahwa sedari tadi cewenya sedang mengelompokkan gambar design undangan, design baju, design dekor nikahan di pinterest. Pantas saja sepertinya seru sekali, dia pikir itu hanya ide DIY implusif yang sering cewenya lakukan, bulan lalu merajut tali, minggu kemarin origami, siapa yang menyangka hari ini rencana nikah dan resepsi.
Malamnya, keadaan semakin pelik, dari belakang punggung, dia bisa dengan jelas melihat kekasihnya serius menonton video tiktok rating rekomendasi alternatif engagement ring pt.2 (hal ini mengimplikasikan cewenya telah menonton pt 1!) disimpan dan didownload pula itu video.
Buat apa cewenya liat-liat itu semua kalo bukan untuk berharap dirinya untuk segera melamarnya?
Ketika Ino masih memikirkan enaknya malam ini makan soto atau sate ya, cewenya ternyata sudah berpikiran jauh ke depan untuk menikah?? UDAH NYIAPIN DEKOR NIKAHAN MALAH. EMANG BOLEH?
Ya, memang sih tiap weekend adaaaaa saja undangan dari temen-temen mereka. Lamaran lah, nikah lah, hamil lah, eh ketos SMA dulu malah udah punya anak dua loh! tapiiiiiiiiiii itu kan orang lain, sedangkan ini hubungan Ino dan pasangan, kenapa harus ikut-ikutan?
Sepemahaman Ino, keduanya sepakat bahwa hubungan ini dibawa santai saja. Waktu untuk semua itu pasti akan datang, pasti, namun bukan sekarang. Jadi aneh gak sih? kok malah mikir untuk nikah, santainya dimana? Ia tau betul MBTI cewenya! She is the planner type!! J banget mempersiapkan semuanya jauh-jauh hari, ya bagus sih, tapi ini kejauhan! Siapa tau trennya sudah berubah?
Ino tertidur dengan pikiran penuh pertanyaan, bahkan ia sampai terbawa mimpi suara sales live mbak-mbak tiktok jualan batu-batu berharga, tidurnya tidak nyenyak dan ia bangun dengan perasaan gusar.
Kini waktu luang Ino dihabiskan menonton video macam-macam perbatuan, dari batu berharga hingga batu akik penyembuh segala penyakit (dia sempat terdistraksi menonton orang membuat tumbling stone, seru juga)
oke fokus kembali mencari batu!
Pencarian batu ini tiada habisnya, ini masih batu loh, belum cincinnya, belum izin orang tua, belum rencana buat acara lamarannya betulan? Haruskah di restoran bintang 5? Ajak liburan ke Labuan Bajo? Naik helicopter? Nonton konser Taylor Swift The Eras Tour, lamar saat Love Story? AAAAAAAAAAAA kepala Ino hampir meledak. Ia tidak siap. Ia benar-benar tidak siap. Apa ia curhat saja ke teman-temannya? Siapa tau mereka ada kenalan yang paham perbatuan? Koneksi terdekat yang dapat ia pikirkan adalah teman SMAnya yang anak tambang batu bara, agak jauh dengan batu yang ia cari tapi batu bara gak kalah mahal kok, saham batu bara untuk mahar lumayan tuh wkwkwk
"Kamu kenapa ketawa-ketawa?" Cewenya menaikan alis, memutar diri menatap Ino yang sibuk sendiri di sofa dari kursi kerjanya
"kepo” Kilah Ino, layar ponselnya segera ia tutup, bisa gawat jika rencananya ketahuan, sudah payah menghayal sampai Labuan Bajo, malah ketahuan di kamar ini, kan gak lucu. Ingat curiosity killed the cat, tho satisfaction brought it back.
"Udah semingguan kamu kaya orang gila."
"Masa?" Ino berpura-pura tak acuh
Wanita itu diam sejenak mengamati skeptis Ino dari ujung kepala hingga kaki  "itu kenapa hapenya ditutup-tutupin, selingkuh ya?"
"Bercanda kali, panik banget"
"Nanti gak surprise" lantang Ino, ia memang panik dan jelas tersinggung, bisa-bisanya dituduh selingkuh, heyyy pacar kesayanganmu ini sedang memilih batu terbaik dari seluruh macam batu untuk diberikan ke cewenya, Ino memaknai ‘ku berikan dunia seisinya’ secara harfiah, Ino akan memastikan untuk memberikan batu yang tidak hanya terbaik di dunia tapi juga yang paling sesuai untuk cewenya.
"Surprise? Wah aku boleh ngarep dong?"
Senyum wanita itu mengembang, senyum Ino memudar
Realita itu kembali menghantam dirinya, tidak ada yang lebih berat dari menanggung harapan orang lain. Tekanan itu makin bertumpuk, lupakan Labuan Bajo, ini bukan hanya masalah batu dan lamaran saja, semua itu hanya distraksi dari masalah yang sesungguhnya.
Ino bukan tidak sayang kekasihnya, bukan ia tak ingin menikahi kekasihnya, bukan ia tidak ingin menjadi suami kekasihnya. ia hanya belum siap. Ia belum siap mental berurusan dengan hukum dan tanggung jawab, pernikahan tidak hanya tentang cinta, namun juga tanggung jawab, mengikat keluarga dan pemberkasan resmi negara. Ia akan memberikan batu terbaik dan dunia seisinya, ia akan berikan pernikahan terbaik tapi semua itu mustahil jika dirinya sendiri tidak siap. Ini bukan waktunya, ini bukan saatnya. IA BENAR-BENAR BELUM SIAP.
"Sayang maaf-” pelas Ino Kekasihnya menatapnya pias, sekilas wanita itu kira jantungnya berhenti berdetak karena mengira Ino benar selingkuh dan meminta maaf, tapi lanjutan kalimat Ino seperti mencabut kasar setengah nyawa wanita malang itu “-aku belum siap nikah"
"HAH?" Lengkingan tinggi menggema di ruangan
"Hah?" Ino balas tak kalah bingung
"Nikah...? Kamu... dijodohin...?" Tanya wanita itu pelan mengkonfirmasi, mencoba memproses ucapan yang baru saja pasangannya lempar
"Kok dijodohin sih?"
"Nikah sama kamu lah?"
Keduanya menatap satu sama lain tidak percaya, Ino di tanduk krisis, wanita itu seperti ditusuk keris
"Maksud kamu apa kita nikah? Ini suprise yang kamu maksud? Kita nikah? Tapi terus tiba-tiba kamu gak siap nikah?"
"kamu mau nikah sekarang kan?!"
"Kenapa aku mau nikah sekarang!?"
"Kamu udah rencanain nikah"
"Rencana apa!? Bukannya kita udah setuju hubungan ini mau dibawa santai aja"
"ITU YANG AKU MAKSUD! kita udah setuju ini dibawa santai, tapi kamu malah udah siapin dekor resepsi, aku bingung, aku maunya cuma sama kamu tapi gimana kalo kamu tiba-tiba ninggalin aku, milih yang udah siap nikahin kamu sekarang, kamu jangan buat aku panik"
"Kok jadi aku yang punya rencana resepsi? Mana ada aku punya rencana resepsi pake ninggalin kamu lagi? Dari mana kamu dapat ide itu?"
"Itu depan mata, pinterest kamu, tiktok kamu"
Wanita itu melirik layar, lalu menutup mata setengah mati menelan kembali emosi yang meluap, ia menarik dan menghela nafas panjang sekali, akhirnya menyadari asal muasal konflik ini
"Ino... Kamu gak lupa kan? pasanganmu ini kerja di creative industry? coba tebak project aku bulan ini apa :)"
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huongduong1412 · 11 months
      XẾP HẠNG RATING – CH3 PRIME TIME LAKORN 2023 (13.09.2023) Rating Tập cuối – Cao nhất: Matalada / #มาตาลดา (James Ji & Toey) – 5.7 – Thấp nhất: Tai Ngao Tawan / #ใต้เงาตะวัน (Mark &Bow) 2.4 Rating Trung Bình: 1. Mor Luang #หมอหลวง (Mario & Kimberley) – 4.16 2. Matalada #มาตาลดา (James Ji & Toey) – 3.61 3. Tee Sud Khong Huajai #ที่สุดของหัวใจ (Push & Patricia) – 3.46 4. Luerd Chrao Phraya…
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vacationguidesblog · 1 year
LIMITED OFFERS Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner
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Discover the Hottest Trend in Travel - Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner! , Are you searching for a travel experience that will ignite your sense of adventure and leave you with unforgettable memories? Look no further than Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner - the hottest trend in the world of travel!Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner has taken the travel industry by storm, captivating the hearts of explorers and wanderers from all walks of life. Its unique blend of excitement, authenticity, and cultural immersion has made it the must-have experience for discerning travelers like you.Time is of the essence! The popularity of Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner continues to soar, and tickets are selling at an unprecedented rate. Don't wait until it's too late - secure your spot now and ensure you don't miss out on this incredible journey.Prepare to be enthralled by the wonders of Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner. Picture yourself embarking on thrilling adventures, discovering hidden gems, and immersing yourself in the local customs and traditions of each destination. With each step you take, you'll be creating memories that will last a lifetime.For a comprehensive overview of Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner, including a detailed itinerary, a captivating photo gallery, and testimonials from our satisfied travelers, please visit our website at [ https://thingstodo9.com/luang-prabang-mekong-sunset-cruise-and-hot-pot-dinner/ ]. As a bonus, you'll also find an exclusive Discount Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner offer available only to our online visitors!Join the ranks of those who have experienced the magic of Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner firsthand. From the moment you set foot on this extraordinary journey, you'll be greeted with unparalleled hospitality, knowledgeable guides, and a sense of awe that will stay with you long after the tour ends.Ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Don't hesitate! Contact our dedicated customer service team at [ https://thingstodo9.com/luang-prabang-mekong-sunset-cruise-and-hot-pot-dinner/ ] to secure your tickets for Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner or to inquire further about this incredible experience. They are standing by, eager to assist you in planning the trip of your dreams.Time is running out! Secure your place on Luang Prabang: Mekong Sunset Cruise and Hot Pot Dinner now and prepare to embark on an unforgettable adventure that will surpass all your expectations.
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Chiangmai has many ancient temples such as Cheli Luang temple, Phra Singh temple which also preserves a lot of ancient treasures. Doi Suthep Temple is the highest point, from here you can see the whole city, above there is Phuping Palace decorated with fresh flowers. Sankamphaeng Street is the busiest area in Chiangmai at night, where visitors can find handicrafts, artworks, clothes and a full range of imported items in a large number, rated price is a modern mall.
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 21 of 2003
Title: Low and Slow: Fly and Fight Laos Authors: William Platt ISBN: 9780692600863 Tags: LAO Khang Khay - Chinese Cultural Center, LAO Khang Kho, LAO Khmu, LAO Lao Loum, LAO Lao Theung, LAO Laos, LAO Laotian Civil War (1959-1975), LAO Lima Site 02 - San Tiau (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 03 - Nong Het (LCW), LAO Lima Site 103 - Phu Da Pho (LCW), LAO Lima Site 108 - Moung Soui (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 113 - Moung Cha (LCW), LAO Lima Site 15 - Ba Na (LCW), LAO Lima Site 184 - Houei Tong Kho (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 20 - Sam Thong (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 20A - Long Tieng (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 22 - Xieng Kouang / Lima Lima (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 249 - Ban Ne Then (LCW), LAO Lima Site 32 - Boung Lam (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 36 - Na Khang (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 54 - Luang Prabang (Laotian Civil War), LAO Lima Site 72 - Tha Tam Bleung (LCW), LAO Moung Soui, LAO MR Military Region (Laotian Civil War), LAO MR2 (Laotian Civil War), LAO MR3 (Laotian Civil War), LAO MR4 (Laotian Civil War), LAO Muang Koun, LAO Nan Ngum River, LAO Nong Pet, LAO Operation About Face / Kou Kiet (1969) (Laotian Civil War), LAO Pathet Lao, LAO Phou Bia, LAO Phou Khe, LAO Phou Nok Kok (Black Lion), LAO Plain of Jars / Plaine des Jarres, LAO Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma, LAO RLA General Vang Pao, LAO RLA Royal Laotian Army, LAO RLA RT Hotplate (Laotian Civil War), LAO RLA SGU Special Guerrilla Units, LAO RLAF CPK Chao Pha Khao Hmong Pilots/Backseaters (Laotian Civil War), LAO RLAF Royal Lao Air Force, LAO Route 4, LAO Route 6, LAO Route 7, LAO Route 71, LAO Route 74, LAO Sala Phou Khoun, LAO Salavan Province, LAO Sam Nuea, LAO Sam Thong, LAO Savannaket Province, LAO Sung Meo, LAO USAF Butterfly FAC (Laotian Civil War), LAO USAF Project 404 (Laotian Civil War), LAO USAF Steve Canyon Program - Ravens FAC (Laotian Civil War), LAO Vientiane, LAO Vientianne - US Air Attache (Laotian Civil War), LAO Xieng Khouang, LAO Xieng Khoung, Nungs, O-1 Bird Dog, Son Tay (Vietnam), Son Tay Raid, T-28 Trojan, THA PARU Border Patrol Police Aerial Resupply Unit, THA RTA Royal Thai Army, THA RTAF Royal Thai Air Force, THA RTAFB Udorn Royal Thai Air Base, THA Thailand, US Ambassador George Godley, US CIA Bill Lair, US CIA Central Intelligence Agency, US COA CASI Continental Air Services International, US COA Continental Airlines, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, US USA Green Berets, US USA United States Army, US USA USSF Special Forces, US USA USSF Team A-236, US USA USSF Team A-239, US USAF 1st Special Operations Sqd - Hobo, US USAF 21st TASS - Mike FAC, US USAF 602nd Special Operations Sqd - Firefly, US USAF 7th ABCCC Airborne Command and Control Sqd - Cricket, US USAF 7th ABCCC Airborne Command and Control Sqd - Moonbeam, US USAF 7th/13th Air Force, US USAF United States Air Force, US USIS United States Information Service, USA 5th SFG, USAID, VNM Bu Prang, VNM Bu Prang Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM CIA Air America (1950-1976) (Vietnam War), VNM DRV NVA 144th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 312th Division, VNM DRV NVA General Vo Nguyen Giap, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM Duc Lap, VNM Duc Lap Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Annie (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Helen (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Kate (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Martha (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Susan (Vietnam War), VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail (Vietnam War), VNM II Corps (Vietnam War), VNM RVN ARVN 23rd ID, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM US USSF Mobile Strike Force (MIKE) (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975) Rating: ★★ (2 stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Laotian Civil War.Aviation.FAC.Ravens
Description: Non-fiction, Faith, Secret War, Laos 1970, combat photography, personal account, LS 20A, Raven Forward Air Controller, O-1 Bird dog, AT-28D, and U17B pilot. General Vang Pao, Hmong freedom fighters, CIA employees. Volunteers. We were birds of prey; finding and destroying targets of opportunity and defending allied outposts. We dueled with dragons every day. In a flash of time, at the speed of haste, we pressed forward in the straps to the next battle, knowing many of us would die very young. Living in the present, and sculpting the future as best we could; we did our best to free the oppressed. Allied pilots flew with conspicuous bravery that others could live in Freedom's dignity, and love in her blessings of peace. Worthy dreams are too often victims of reality, like wilderness and paradise, light and dark, and long life. Ravens shared leaded air and warrior stories. "It feels so good when gunners miss. This work is an expression of my experiences as a Raven Forward Air Controller during the secret war in Laos. My window of participation was from December 1969 thru June 1970. This work is about people I knew who risk their life in a fight for the freedom of others and whose lives were twisted and tempered in the crucible of Regional Civil Wars. This is a story of promise, betrayal, and hardship that progressed to a refugee gateway leading to compassion, freedom, education, and prosperity. The Hmong, Lao, Cambodian, Montagnard, and Vietnamese refugees from the Vietnam Area produced vibrant communities in the United States. The Hmong preserved and learned to adapt to the American system without losing their cultural identity as Hmong or Americans. The Hmong have cleared the path and set the example for new refugees to follow. I hope this work is helpful to many in understanding the Raven's mission during the Secret War in Laos. This work should be encouraging for war refugees new to America. The United States military veterans should find goodwill in stories of survival and courage against great odds. "Freedom is not Free."
Review: This book could have been good... it could have even been a 3 star if it had an editor and a narrative arc. It needed both so badly. Instead it repeated itself almost every chapter, it had acronyms it never explained and are not common ones used in other books about the same topic, and it really didn’t have much to say beyond a cursory look at the Laotian Civil War and his love-letter to the Laotian Hmong. The guy was there, he saw stuff, he did stuff, with a good ghost writer, he could write at least two brilliant books about his time as a Mike FAC and a Raven FAC... this book wasn’t it.  
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datiak · 2 years
Daftar Film Terbaik Sepanjang Masa: Rating IMDb Nyaris 10, Sudah Nonton?
Daftar Film Terbaik Sepanjang Masa: Rating IMDb Nyaris 10, Sudah Nonton?
Akhir tahun, banyak waktu luang karena bakal masuk libur panjang. Nonton salah satu kegiatan yang pas mengisi kekosongan aktivitas. Jika malas ke bioskop, bisa lihat daftar film terbaik sepanjang masa yang Datiak.com sajikan. Dalam daftar film terbaik sepanjang masa ini, terdapat 25 film dengan rating tertinggi di IMDb. Bahkan, ada film yang ratingnya nyaris di angka 10. Yakni  Shawshank…
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laotravellinks · 3 months
Indochina Laos Tours: Discover The Best Of Laos With Our Guided Tours
Leave on a remarkable excursion through Laos with our carefully created Indochina Laos trips. This Southeast Asian jewel guarantees a blend of verifiable customs, wonderful scenes, and intensity cordiality, making it a need-to-visit holiday destination for travelers looking for credibility and investigation.
Exploring Laos: A Cultural Odyssey
Our laos travel and Tour focus starts with a profound jump into the social heart of Luang Prabang. find UNESCO global legacy sites like Wat Xieng Strap, in which elaborate design and non mainstream quietness join. Witness the age-one of a kind subculture of morning aid giving, a hallowed custom that gives a brief look into Laos' Buddhist legacy. go to the Imperial Castle Gallery to dig into the us of an's illustrious inheritance by means of its glorious relics and verifiable shows.
Home grown Miracles and outside Capers:
Past social inundation, Laos flaunts amazing normal excellence. Sail down the Mekong Waterway to the mysterious Pak Ou Caverns, decorated with incalculable Buddha sculptures. Journey through rich wildernesses to Kuang Si Falls, wherein turquoise pools overflow in the midst of verdant climate, giving a spotless desert spring to vacationers. For all encompassing viewpoints, rise Phousi Slope in Luang Prabang to observe exquisite nightfalls over the cityscape — a picture taker's heaven.
Culinary Enjoyments and close by stories:
No Indochina laos tours is whole without enjoying the country's culinary fortunes. design neighborhood treats at clamoring markets or appreciate traditional Lao dishes in riverside restaurants. draw in with craftsmans at Luang Prabang's evening market, in which homemade makes and dynamic materials flaunt the locale's creative style.
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Making Your Indochina experience:
Making your Indochina Laos outing involves settling on from a number stories tailor-made in your conceivable outcomes. pick lodgings that mix relief with nearby allure, ensuring a relaxing live after days loaded with investigation. pick directed trips drove through proficient local people who rate experiences into Laos' rich culture and normal miracles, guaranteeing you reveal stowed away gemstones serenely.
Our Indochina laos tours guarantee a vivid excursion by means of a place where there is social wealth and natural quality. Dig into notable customs, find perfect scenes, and savor the experience of neighborhood flavors on a directed experience intended to enrapture and energize. Whether exploring antiquated sanctuaries, climbing to cascades, or enjoying genuine food, Laos allures with its various administrations, welcoming voyagers to delight in Southeast Asia's allure firsthand. Plan your next experience with us and view as the superb of laos travel and Tour focus with unbelievable comprehension and friendliness.
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Trick 💡 in Laos 🇱🇦 you can use Thai currency, Lao currency, dollar currency, people here prefer to use dollar currency especially in hotels because they will get the best rate, but if we are tourists using currency Kip to pay in general stores will be the most valuable for us, and the government here will campaign to use only Kip money because now Kip currency is relatively low, and if we use baht to pay people here will like it very much, because they will feel it is worth it. Value, if you want to exchange money, it is recommended to exchange it at the gold shop at Dara Market to get the best rate, especially Thai people don't need to carry money, just use their mobile phone to transfer money, you can transfer money from any bank. Banks in Thailand, they are willing to exchange money with a fee of only 100 baht and get a good rate with a rate of 500. For example, if we exchange 10,000 baht, you will exchange money up to 5 million kip, but if you exchange money at the airport for 10,000 baht, you will 4 million 850,000 kip, but if you exchange at a small shop or general money exchange, you may get at a rate of 470 to 496, which means you can exchange 10,000 baht equal to 4 million 700 kip to 4 million 96,000 kip, Then the general money exchange shop will only accept cash and may not accept credit cards and not accept money transfers, but only for Thai people The general public prefers to use credit cards, cash cards or ATM cards. There are many ATMs here and you will pay a fee of 100 baht each time or according to the usual bank rate. Follow more content at the ExciteView TV page on YouTube. Visit a new perspective. : PAGE and via YouTube @exciteview Thank you 🙏😊 #สบายดี #หลวงพระบาง 🇹🇭🙏🧡🇱🇦 More my pic, vlog , blog , food, hotel, city, walking, no knowledge, excited at... 🌟https://www.facebook.com/ExciteView (page) 🌟https://youtube.com/user/myloveinmyli (walking city & LongTake LongLive) 🌟https://Instagram.com/exciteview 🙏☺️Please be my friend, follow and subscribe to encourage me to start my vlog trip. Thank you very much for your encouragement, you are my gift. #laos #laostrip #trip #luangprabang #kip #money #moneyexchange #banknotes (at Luang Prabang) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cje5yaMvv3V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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