revengexdriven · 5 months
;; ...so I am gonna assume this is a big ol no, but does anyone know where @ratherxintense went? We were mutuals and rp partners way back in the day, and I dearly miss the dynamic Keegan and Vulpes had ;w;
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renoxvated · 4 months
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Smell fuckin' what air-- fuckin' bat shit ass asshole. The only lottery that matters? He thinks to himself, confused he eyeballs the stranger as he comes to a full stop, Nipton.
'Fuck off! Win your own fucking lottery!' The other mans words hit Roy's ears like an annoying BUZZING bee, he wants to swat the other man down. It would be so easy and his trigger finger itches at the hilt of his pistol. He was a powder ganger by the looks of it, so truth be told he was lucky The Courier didn't shoot him on sight. Instead he barks back as the stranger runs off past him. Goddamn lunatic.
“Yeah FUCK YOU TOO PAL, up yours!” Roy sneers and when he does the smell of fire hits his nostrils, singes at his senses-- what's worse was the STENCH of flesh cooking itself wafting from the pyre, the CROSS beside him.
'Up on a cross, head on no pole,' Roy replays the words back in his mind and for a moment there's a look of brief fleeting HORROR registering across his features. "Fuck." He utters, staring at the body to his left and the others as his gaze shifts further down, so many; it reminded him of the things his father told him about, from that old tattered bible. Thinks these guys ain't coming back three days later from this. Roy clinches his fists, he should pull out his gun, but he doesn't.
Just what the hell happened here? He steadies himself, swallowing hard. He hadn't seen anything like this before and if he had, well he couldn't remember it anyway. Roy bounces on his heels, he doesn't know if it's just excitement or a nervous tick anymore. He doesn't care either way, doesn't notice it as he bounds forward, fists clenched-- just incase.
More bodies strung up, more heads on pikes, it took a great deal to disgust Roy if he was being honest, he took SPLENDOR in his own violence, sure. As messy and macabre as it was, but this? This was clearly a whole town...it was a MASSCACRE. His nose scrunches, the smell of fire and burning bodies starting to get to him. He wants to be angry, but most of all he wants to understand why.
Then he spots the town hall, a few guys; five from what he could count, there had to be more...always was. He doesn't think he could fight anymore if that was true, that wasn't even considering the dogs up ahead-- AND a dog headed man before them all at the top of the stairs, surveying the scorched earth like some sort of GOD KING among the riffraff. Roy's hand etches, creeps towards his gun, he needed to leave, needed to get out before he became one of the unlucky lottery losers, apparently. Then he's spotted, he knows it even with sunglasses blocking the dog headed mans GAZE, feels like it's burning into him as if he was on the pyre too.
"Fuck." Roy speaks again, that seemed to be the mantra of the day.
starter for @ratherxintense
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armageddonpitchman · 4 months
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@ratherxintense sent: "I don't know who you are or who you work for, but I don't care. I'm leaving."
"That right huh?" The Ghoul said, gathering his rope, not really giving them any mind. "Well don't go that way, you got a mutant stronghold about a mile down the path."
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meadowlarksabove · 2 months
Justice: When has your character felt satisfied with the conclusion to a major dispute or concern?
Major Arcana Asks ( Open )
/Definitely when he’s won a discussion with his brothers, or when he’s been shown right about a situation. Gabban’s often fighting his siblings over differences in opinions (especially on the topic of Caesar), and he’s not above an “I told you so” after things go exactly the way he predicted they would. 
The same can be said when planning with other frumentarii. While he doesn’t have the best reputation among his peers, considering the nature of his work, it doesn’t mean he’s any less capable. When other soldiers/frumentarii underestimate the skills he wields, he doesn’t so much as fight them as he lets them fall on their ass and prove him right. 
Gabban can get very petty when others try to minimize his aptitude since he already struggles with feeling like a whole person. The second they have to turn around and admit they were wrong, he might gloat a bit- but he simultaneously forgives and just feels relieved.
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waste-land-artist · 4 months
Strike a Deal
The East Coast was quickly becoming too crowded for Yun and her gang. Between the Enclave, the Brotherhood, mercs and other gangs - competition and threats of being eliminated grew to heights that Yun was no longer comfortable with. So, she packed everyone and everything up and headed West, looking for an area they could safely establish a territory in but populated enough they could have steady business. Which proved difficult until she managed to come across the Mojave.
A desert of several small settlements, mainly tribes in the area with their small territories and only two large factions who were struggling and fighting with each other too much to care about a small time raider gang.
She managed to find a decently preserved ghost town and went to work, repairing the buildings and setting up defenses - namely a decent sized wall around the area of the town they occupied, with small look out platforms on either side of the gate. One advantage to the desert was that there was little for people to hide behind, so any potential unwelcomed visitor was easy to spot.
It took several months for her gang to establish themselves but once they did they began to do their usual business. Taking out potential competition, trading chems - namely to the Khans, and taking payment from the caravans to let them travel safely through their small territory. Rinse. Repeat.
Today wasn't much different, though she was personally on lookout duty as the young man who was suppose to had fallen sick. So she sat on top of the little wooden platform, smoking a cigarette as she watched the desert landscape. Seeing an occasional Nightstalker or Gecko cross the dust and rocks. Not much else.
Until she saw a figure on the horizon. Human shaped. Immediately she grabbed her shot gun and the half working binoculars to try and see who this possible visitor might be.
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ratherxintense · 1 year
[[this blog is kind of ancient and my posting has been sporadic at best, but please go ahead and interact or follow if you’d like to rp with a canon-compliant vulpes inculta.]]
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sleep meme 7+8 !
sleep-related headcanons!
7. is your muse a still or active sleeper? do they move around a lot in their sleep?
((Kira is a very still sleeper. I often describe her as 'sleeping like the dead' due to how still she is. She sleeps hard and very deeply so once she's comfortable in bed, she likely won't move til morning. Her breaths are also very drawn out and soft so at a glance it may not even look like she's breathing.
This is also why she often wakes up sore from being in the same position for hours.))
8. does your muse typically prefer sleeping by themselves or do they prefer the comfort of having another person in the room with them?
((Kira's sleep is hardly disturbed by whether or not someone is with her or nearby or not. She sleeps pretty soundly either way. (Unless under dire circumstance where one would be more at ease with another keeping watch?)
If you asked her, she'd say it didn't matter to her.
But Kira loves sleeping around other people. She loves being cuddly and cozy and tends to be pretty clingy. The physical touch she adores. But she'd never admit that out loud.))
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"oops is right! Forgetting my birthday!"
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vezhave · 4 months
WHAT KIND OF TRAGEDY ARE YOU — doomed from the start
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there was no way of winning, and you knew it too. but you still tried. you tried again and again and again to change it. you fought tooth and claw to change your fate, but she cannot be easily manipulated. it’s not your fault. the game was always rigged against you. from the moment you entered the narrative, your fate was sealed. you didn’t stand a chance.
tagged by: stolen
tagging: @zhavorsamayes, @ratherxintense, @pearloflannisport, @armageddonpitchman, @vaulttecexec, @ruinouss, @ofyorkshire, @immortalled, and you! you beautiful son of a gun, whoever u are reading this
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cold-steel-eyes · 2 years
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╳   FLAWS.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power - hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | easily bored | restless | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | deranged | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | cheater | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | sewing | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor/major potion tricks & trinkets
tagged by: Stole this from @tabellariume
tagging: @ratherxintense, @daggersandsparks, @cicero-the-assassin, and you too!
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the-last-command · 4 years
“That is so pathetic and truly lovely.”
“That’s what you think of yourself Vulpes? Well you’re half right, at least, about the pathetic part.”
{ Ares replied, standing tall before the Frumentarii. The Mercenary wondered why Vulpes was even here? Surely Vulpes would not travel here, to invite certain death. Then again, Ares wouldn’t mind granting Vulpes exactly that. }
“What are you doing here Vulpes? Are you here to annoy me? I don’t tolerate fools Vulpes, even you know that.”
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revengexdriven · 4 months
@ratherxintense {cont'd}
🎲;; "Figured I'd get some work done, make it a bit more livable around here. There's an old junkyard, a way's off from the canyon - salvage should be good, if I can find what I'm lookin' for..."
There was a pause, as Keegan's eyes glanced between his rifle, and the door. She quirked a brow, and a look of almost concern crossed her features. It was odd, the fact that she wasn't looking at him with disdain for once.
🎲;; "...you're welcome to tag along if you're feelin' up for it. I could use someone watchin' my back in case someone else decides they ain't exactly keen on sharin'." And, she thought, perhaps it would help to get his mind off of whatever was keeping him so... tense. His words lacked their usual bite, and it was a little unnerving.
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renoxvated · 4 months
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ooc: Current Thread Tracker down below, there is an updated Google-Doc on my pinned as well for future access. If you'd like to drop a thread/put it on hold OR write a new one let me know! I don't mind multiple at once either as long as you don't mind the wait. If you would rather write something else with me, I'll never be offended if you wanna drop a thread lol. I can promise you I'm the Most Chill™️ about things. Also if you ever want shorter threads don't hesitate to let me know so I can try to write less LOL. I'm also not gonna be mad if you write less than me, as a heads up. If I'm missing anyone or didn't mark the thread correctly please let me know! For the record if we're mutuals and you send me meme stuff or tag a random starter for me, etc; chances are 100% I'm gonna respond at some point haha, so don't feel daunted by talking to me or including Roy in things. My discord is renoxvated for those that don't have it yet!
I wanted this to double as a plotting call, so if you'd like me to hop into your messages, so we can work out writing something, LIKE this and I will.
Tag: thread ; badabing (FNV CONTENT)
greesemonkeyiggy ; Updated cisnecorazon ; Updated aamusedly (boone) ; Drafts butnobodyhome ; Updated thx-lost-yxars ; Drafts
Tag: thread ; dead on arrival (END GAME / AFTER DLC CONTENT)
ruinouss ; Drafts shathyar (house) ; Updated
Tag:  thread ; into the unknown (FO4 TIME PERIOD)
Colonelmade (now bldrdsh) (jamie) ; Updated
Tag: thread ; back in the saddle again (FALLOUT PRIME TIME PERIOD)
hcartsleeved ; Updated 
walkswastes ; Updated
mettleborn (samuel) ; Updated
Tag: thread ; so i’m back to the velvet underground (MODERN VERSE)
veildrider ; Updated donmoreno ; Updated
Tag: thread ; i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies (LEGION VERSE)
N/A Currently
Tag: thread ; i took my love and i took it down (COMPANION VERSE)
nefariuus (wade)
dead on arrival verse PLOTTING W/ CURRENTLY;
thechipsaredown deadmxney mx-001-e
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thx-lost-yxars · 4 years
⌛️ - How often does your muse think about death? Do they think about it at all?
{{ Death surrounds Scratch. In The Fiends, death is common, death spares nobody. The young and the old, both are susceptible. Scratch takes everything with stride, death too. Violence has desensitized Scratch, numbing him to death. Sufficed to say, witnessing death hardly shocks Scratch. }}
{{ Yet deep down, death still frightens Scratch. Dying scares him, just not enough to change his ways. It does however; drive him to live, to survive. He doesn’t think about death, not wanting to obsess over it. There are more pertinent things to concentrate about. Though every once awhile, Scratch does ponder death. He also ponders life after death. }}  
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meadowlarksabove · 3 months
Vulpes blinked at the body in the chair, then turned toward Gabban. "…No." It was just a punch. Maybe Vulpes had put a bit too much force in it, and with the capture's awkward position - strapped down without a headrest - he had taken the strike fully, and his neck had snapped. "He had more to say. I hadn't intended to cut him short." A touch of irritation in his cold voice. Vulpes grabbed the corpse by the jaw, observing for any fleeting sign of life. Nothing, but his work wasn't done yet. He resolved to act more carefully this time. "We will have to see if his friend tells the same story."
With Vulpes in charge of the interrogation, Gabban had opted to relax on one of the chairs on the opposite end of the room and catch up on sleep. He’d already let his princeps take the contents of his pack to use at their discretion, wholly believing they’d know what to do when the time was right. 
Though somewhere along the way, just as his shoulders slumped with exhaustion, everything had gotten out of hand. The frumentarius all but fell off his seat at the sharp crackling of bone, almost as loud and quick as the lash of a centurion’s whip. His heart crawled up his throat, and fell somewhere beneath the midline of his stomach as he then saw the crumpled neck of their captive. 
This was his fault, really. He shouldn’t have assumed Vulpes was as experienced at torture as they were with outright murder. 
He rose to his feet, calming the patter of his heart with a hand to his chest. “I’ll bring in the next one. Don’t remove this one from the chair just yet, I’d like them to see this.”
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makeyoucxre · 4 years
🍳- Describe their breakfast
Nah, kidding. Usually whatever I can get at the time. Lately though, with room service? I love pancakes. 
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