#ratld october
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I posted 2,295 times in 2022
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I tagged 103 of my posts in 2022
#sortinghatchats - 44 posts
#shc - 34 posts
#badger secondary - 24 posts
#raya and the last dragon - 23 posts
#raya x namaari - 19 posts
#ratld - 18 posts
#raya and namaari - 17 posts
#rayamaari - 17 posts
#namaari - 16 posts
#rayaari - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#climate change is intensifying the water cycle bringing more powerful storms and flooding here’s what the science shows climate c
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1 note - Posted September 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Which sorting type chats archetype are you? I'm a Lion Bird.
No idea at the moment, too many models to know, I'm still looking into/working on it.
1 note - Posted September 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
For a while, I thought that Tumblr Year in Review was from January 1st to December 31st, so I was holding off on generating and sharing this till the absolute last day.
But then I found out it runs from October to October, so here it is now, since October has long since passed.
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teabeeart · 3 years
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ratld october day 12- comfort
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shy-peacock · 3 years
RATLD October prompts!
Master post because, again, I’m too lazy to post the full stories here!This is the first 30(31) day prompt I’ve ever finished. O_O YAY!!!!
Day 1/31- Fight (Rated T)
Day 2/31- Tradition (Rated G)
Day 3/31- Animal Companion (Rated T)
Day 4/31-  Villain (Rated M)
Day 5/31- Best Friend (Rated T)
Day 6/31- God/Goddess (Rated T cause of one potty word)
Day 7/31- Learn New Thing (Rated E)
Day 8/31- Betrayal (Rated G)
Day 9/31- Solving a Mystery (Rated T)
Day 10/31- Dragon Version (Rated E)
Day 11/31- Dance (Rated G)
Day 12/31- Comfort (Rated T)
Day 13/31- Magic Stuff (Rated T/M)
Day 14/31- Costumes (Rated T)
Day 15/31- Ship (Rated G/T)
Day 16/31- Rock Band (Rated M)
Day 17/31- Modern (Rated E)
Day 18/31- Food (Rated G)
Day 19/31- Game (Rated T)
Day 20/31- Selfie with OC (Rated G)
Day 21/31- Protect (Rated G)
Day 22/31- Festival (Rated G/T)
Day 23/31- Happiness (Rated T)
Day 24/31- First Time (Rated M/E)
Day 25/31- Angst (Rated M)
Day 26/31- Soulmate (Rated T)
Day 27/31- Supernatural (Rated G/T)
Day 28/31- Thief/Police (Rated T/M)
Day 29/31- Flower (Rated T)
Day 30/31- Roommates (Rated T)
Day 31/31- Embarrassing Situation (Rated E)
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*Once a* Villain
An AU where Namaari and Raya are parents.
Timeline: Late twenties or Early thirties
Warnings: None
"Gia, Sinh! Bedtime," Raya exclaimed as she made up Gia's bed. The older of her two children.
Gia is six year old who closely resembles her Mama, Namaari. Which makes no biological sense as she was adopted from the heart district. Even so, her tiny face displays a broad nose and plump lips missing their cupid's bow; her skin the same pigments as her Mama. The only resemblance to her Mommy Raya is her long wavy brown hair. 
Sinh is their four-year-old. They resemble Raya almost exactly that many still believe Raya carried them to term. When in reality, they adopted them from the Fang district. The only resemblance to Namaari is their undercut, which wraps around their whole head, leaving some hair on top; their favorite way to style it is a top bun.
With a loud squeak, Gia ran into the room, jumping onto her bed; no sooner had Raya finished adjusting the sheets.
Namaari entered shortly after, making helicopter noises as Sinh sat on her shoulders; their arms extended outward as they were flying.
"Storytime," Gia exclaimed as she crawled under her sheets.
Raya nodded as she settled herself at the edge of the bed. Namaari taking a seat right beside her. 
Sinh now clinging to Maari's chest as if they were a koala. "How about the story of the princesses Nam and Ray?" Namaari questioned with a snicker; she knew this was their favorite bedtime story.
Raya only grinning as she shook her head to the side; they've been telling this story to their children for years, adding more information as they grew; and yet their children still had no idea they were the princesses of the tales. But how could they? To them, their parent's names were Mama and Mommy. 
Both the children nodded excitedly before Sinh buried themselves back into the crotch of Namaari's neck, Maari rubbing circles onto his back. "Once upon a time, the districts we know now as Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon, and Tail were separate lands," Raya spoke in a whimsical voice, "Lands that very much disliked each other, even so, one a day. The brave chief of the Heart asked all the other lands to come together for dinner. Hoping it could be the start of unity between the lands."
"He was wrong," Sinh sighed into his Mama's chest. 
"SHHHHH." Gia whisper-yelled as she pulled the sheets high above her torso, her eyes beaming in excitement.
"That day, all the lands come together only to argue with one another. Even so, the two princesses, Nam and Ray, connected so much that Nam gifted Raya---RAY her favorite necklace" Namaari shuttered, realizing she missed up, Raya elbowing her and snickering. Yet as Namaari glanced over at their children, they lucky hadn't caught her mix-up, so she continued. "Ray was so touched by this that she decided to trust Nam..."
Raya intertwined her fingers with Namaari's, knowing that this is always the most challenging part of the story for her. "Because Ray believed Nam was her friend, she trusted her with Heart's most sacred possession."
"THE DRAGON GEM," Gia yelped as she grasped onto the necklace around her neck. The same sisu necklace Namaari once gave Raya now sits around the neck of their daughter.
With Raya's free hand, she leaned over to her daughter, blooping her nose, "Correct my evening mist" Gia only giggled simultaneously Namaari squeezed her fingers, indicating she should continue. "So Ray took Nam to a hidden location that stored the dragon gem, only for Nam to betray her; setting off a firework that led everyone to the secret location...This betrayal making Ray so anger with Nam; that she made her the villain of her life." Raya looked back at her wife, who was already looking at her, the guilt still prominent years after she corrected her mistake.
Namaari cleared her throat, pushing away her feelings so that the kids couldn't pick up on them. "After the rest of the lands found the dragon gem, all their fighting led to the breaking of it; releasing the--"
"Druune," Sinh whimpered as they finally pulled away from their Mama's chest. Namaari nodding yes.
"The only thing powerful enough to stop the druune was the gem, so each land took a broken piece, running towards the water; a repeller of the druune," Sinh yawned as they laid their-self face down across both their mother's laps. Raya running her fingers through their hair while Namaari continued to rub circles onto their back. "After Nam's betrayal, everyone from Heart, besides Ray, was turned to stone--Sealing the Fang sector as the villains; most specifically Nam."
"Even after Nam betrayed Raya several times, Ray still gave Nam a final chance to make everything right by giving her what she once tried to steal...the dragon gem even if that action turned her to stone," Raya finished before yawning. 
Raya was now laying beside Gia, running her fingers through her hair, while Namaari had left minutes ago to put Sinh to bed as they had fallen asleep.
"And something happened within Nam when she saw Ray turn to stone. She no longer wanted to be a villain--She never did!! Nam just wanted to do what she believed was best--" Ray closed her eyes, letting herself relax into the mattress, her head leaning against her daughters. 
"Mama realized she loved you...so she rebuilt the gem...hoping to fix what she broke," Gia whispered as the story finally clicked in her mind. Raya's eyes opening rapidly from the shock of her daughter's intuitive mind. Quickly looking over at her, while Gia was already staring at her with a smile. "Mama said, Raya."
"My mistake," Namaari admitted; she had been standing at the door leaning against its framing just listening to the end of the story. "Should have known nothing gets past you!" She exclaimed, smiling widely, as she wiggled her fingers, running towards the bed.
"OHH NO, YOU DON'T," Raya squealed as she covered her ribcage with her arms, trying to avoid Namaari's hands.
Once reaching the bed, Namaari began tickling the most important females in her life. The room full of giggles, grunts, chuckling, Raya's swearing, and overall joy.
And to Gia, her Mama will never be a villain, just the person who makes her laugh so hard she pees herself a little. 
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Part 30, 31 one coming asap
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cookiescr · 3 years
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Sketchy sketch
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fantasia-tune-n · 3 years
I'm still working on the next chapter for the Ratld October Prompts...but the winter weather just accelerates my laziness😔
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shy-peacock · 3 years
October 1st: Fight
Day 1/31 of RATLD-OCTOBER!
Benja pulled into the parking lot around 2:00 pm. Cutting the engine, he took a deep breath in to prepare himself for the next God knows how many minutes he’d be inside this building. Wanting nothing more than to start the car and drive back to work.
If only he could.
He got out of the car, locked it and made his way towards the building entrance. On cue, an all too familiar face did the same from her own car. The both of them reaching the doors at the same time.
As always, Benja held the door for her.
“Hello, Mrs. Fang.” Benja sheepishly said, “nice to see you…again.”
Mrs.Fang gave him a pointed look.
“Mr. Heart,” she greeted, “wish I could say the same.”
Ever the charmer that one was.
They walked in silence through the empty halls, passing by one lone adult or two along the way. Which Benja awkwardly greeted, already knowing they knew about the latest debacle. All of them giving him a sympathetic smile or avoiding his eyes all together.
That never being a good sign.
They made it to the office where a receptionist pointed to the room Benja had known fairly well over the last year. Coming here at least twenty times now alongside his reluctant partner.
Once more Benja opened the door for Mrs. Fang, stepping inside after her. Taking one last sigh before he focused on the room before him.
The principal, Mr. Knight
Mrs. Fang’s daughter, Namaari.
And his daughter, Raya.
Both girls turned in their seat, immediately looking guilty as their individual parent stared them down. Namaari, absolutely terrified while Raya gave Benja a sheepish grin. To which he could only shake his head back at.
“Hello..again.” Mr. Knight sighed.
“I just would like to say, I didn’t do anything.” Raya immediately said, the seven year old already throwing Namaari under the bus. “She started it.” She added, pointing towards the girl.
Namaari’s face scrunched up angrily.
“You’re a liar!” She snapped, “you threw the kickball at me!”
“Only cause you said I sucked at rolling the ball!” Raya shot back.
“You did suck!” She yelled, “you couldn’t even roll it straight!”
“ANYWAYS!” Mr. Knight spoke then, firmly, silencing the girls. “Both of them started fighting on the playground and since we discussed this before, I have no choice but to suspend both of them for the remainder of the week.”
“What?!” Mrs. Fang snarled, “that’s completely ridiculous!”
“That does seem a bit extreme…” Benja added “I mean the girls honestly are good friends…sometimes..and like each other very much-“
“Ew.” Both girls said in unison.
“They just have to learn to stay away from each other!” Benja quickly added, “can’t we have another chance?”
Mr. Knight looked at both parents, exasperated.
“I gave you another chance when the girls had a paint war with one another in art, I gave you another when they did the same thing at lunch!” Mr. Knight insisted, “and when they both had detention, I gave them an additional chance when they had a spitting war from across the room!”
“Not to mention that time when Raya pushed Namaari into our library shelves and toppled them, or when Namaari put Raya’s bookbag in the toilet.” He added, “and do not get me started on that time they teamed up and beat up that poor boy in the upper grades!”
Both girls snorted then, finding that amusing, immediately silencing themselves at the principal’s glare.
“Well, to be fair-..he was a bully?” Mrs. Fang stated.
“That is not how we handle bullies, Mrs. Fang!” Mr. Knight yelled, “I’m afraid I’m putting my foot down, two day suspension for both girls..perhaps this will be a lesson to you both.”
“What’s the lesson?” Raya snarked under her breath, “that Namaari is a butt head.”
“You’re a butt head!” Namaari snapped, “and you suck at kick ball!”
Mr.Knight smacked his hand to his head, waving them out.
“Please leave..”
They did, Mrs. Fang dragging Namaari out by her arm while Benja did the same to his daughter. He lingered back as they all exited the office and back into the hallway, hoping to avoid an altercation in the parking lot.
“Ah..well, see you two next week!” Benja said, offering them a weak wave. Only realizing once the words came out how it sounded, “I mean-..not that we will be here..just around you know?”
“We definitely won’t be.” Mrs. Fang sighed, with a glare at her daughter, “Namaari go apologize.”
“WHAT?!” Namaari whined.
“NOW!” Mrs. Fang yelled back.
Namaari stormed over to Raya, absolutely fuming. Throwing out the harshest sorry Benja had ever heard. Her face completely red as his own daughter gave her a shit-eating grin.
“A-hem!” Benja said, clearing his throat and giving his daughter a single look.
Raya folded her arms, now the one who got to pout.
“Sorry…” she spat and then under her breath, “that you’re a butt head.”
“YOURE A BUTT HEAD!” Namaari yelled.
“Okay, we’re leaving.” Mrs. Fang sighed angrily as she grabbed her daughters arm and pulled her down the hall, “Goodbye!”
“Bye Maari~” Raya called, her voice taunting. Namaari was just able to turn and give her a nasty glare, sticking her tongue out, before they were gone.
Benja sighed as well, looking down at his daughter.
“You are in so much trouble.”
Raya nodded sadly then, “I know..”
20 years later
The reception was in full swing. Dancing, cake, happy faces all around.
Benja sat off to the side, his own slice of cake on a place with a plastic fork dug inside the soft treat. Taking a breather and watching his daughter, the Bride, have her first dance as a newlywed.
“Benja..” a familiar voice spoke out, the man turning to see Mrs Fang coming to take a seat at his side. Her own slice of cake in her possession.
“Viranna” he said in reply, the two exchanging kind looks at the other before she too settled on her own daughter, the other Bride having her first dance as well.
“Did you expect it to turn out this way?” She asked, amused, clearly remembering how these two used to behave as children. Nearly killing each other on a day to day basis. That “rivalry” ending sometime around middle school and taking a complete turn at high school. Much to everyones surprise.
Even their own parents.
“I didn’t, but I’m happy it ended this way.” He admitted.
Virana smirked, toasting with her plate of wedding cake.
“As do I.”
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shy-peacock · 3 years
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shy-peacock · 3 years
October 4th: Villain
Day 4/31 of RATLD-OCTOBER!
Protect the Dragon Gem at any cost.
That is the way of the people of Heart. From a young age Raya knew of her role in her family’s history. It had been beaten into her brain since before she knew how to walk. Her Father instilling the traditions in her that she would one day pass onto her own children.
She trained, day and night, to fulfill the role he set for her. Harder than anyone before her. Raya exceeding her Father’s expectations again and again.
When at last her Father told her that she was ready, washing the water of the Sisudatu over her head, Raya felt a newfound strength burst inside of her. Knowing she had arrived, her loyalty to Heart and to the Dragon gem cemented then into her mind.
Her Father invited guests from across the land. A way to “come together”, a promise that threatened to undo them all if they stepped a single toe out of line. The air was tense, mistrust clear from everyone’s face. Her Father’s hand came upon her shoulder, encouraging her as she skimmed the crowd. Finding someone she could relate to, who would connect with her on these experiences. Raya then saw a girl belonging to Fang, whom she went to specifically. Inviting her into their home with a smile and a kind touch of her hand.
Her name was Namaari, the sight of their newfound friendship sent a wave of relief through the people of the other lands. Easing them, opening them up to the idea of creating bonds with one another. Raya even received a gift from this girl, a dragon necklace of Sisudatu herself. The act touching Raya so deeply that she nearly felt bad for what was to happen next.
She offered to take the girl to Sisu’s gem, looking back only once as they excitedly left to get an approving nod from her Father. His own mission near completion as Raya set about finishing her own.
They came across the sacred grounds, depositing their shoes at the door. Namaari was so entranced by the gem that she did not see the way Raya hung back behind her. Nor did she catch the glint of the knife that was hidden away inside Raya’s clothes until it was too late.
A cry pierced the air and the waters ran red. At the end of it, Raya stood watching her work. Hands shaken, chest heaving, feeling sick until her Father placed a hand on her shoulders.
“Well done, dew drop.” He said with pride, “now..comes my favorite part.”
On cue, Namaari’s blood lurched and instead of drawing away from the Dragon gem, it now flowed towards it. The Gem consumed it, rippling a sickly reddish blue color until it was completely red all over. Namaari’s body began to quake and in a single flash of light, it was gone.
Another sacrifice to the Dragon Gem, keeping it alive and thriving.
This time by the hands of Raya.
“You’ve made Sisudatu proud.” Her Father spoke, “and with the additional prisoners we’ve collected..we will have many sacrifices to offer her, giving Heart the prosperity it needs.”
Raya nodded firmly, a wicked smile on her lips as she stepped completely into her role. Her mission, to Heart and the Sisudatu, complete at last.
For now.
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shy-peacock · 3 years
October 12th- Comfort
(I’m definitely late but also-..yeah I’m late XD)
Day 12/31 of RATLD-OCTOBER!
There is no greater comfort in this world to Namaari than Raya.
Raya who is the spark in the flame that is her life, the air that fills her lungs, the motivation in her step.
She had always sought her out. Her eyes finding Raya’s that day they first met, across the entrance to Heart. Like an instant connection, tethering their hearts together by some long string of fate. For a time she searched for her as her enemy, yet now her eyes craved her image for a much more soothing reason.
Seeking the love of her life out because her heart ached for her.
Her laughter
Her cries.
Her everything she was willing to show Namaari, her heart opened to her from day one. Even when Namaari had closed herself off from her, betrayed her and turned against her.
Namaari wondered often why Raya loved her of anyone she could have chosen.
Raya who was kind to her when she felt undeserving. Who made her laugh on her best day and held her when she cried on her worst. This woman somehow filling a hole in Namaari’s heart she didn’t even know was there. Raya like the missing piece of her, as if she were not a whole person until she stepped into her life.
Yet they were so individually and uniquely different from the other, celebrating these differences instead of fighting them. Somehow feeling like her half and yet a whole on her own.
For no one before had accepted her need for space, her moments of isolation where she needed to catch her breath or ride off into the wilderness with her serlot. Just to think, to connect to herself again. Raya always right where she had left her, eagerly accepting her back.
Understanding Namaari more than she understood herself. More than many whom she claimed to be her closest of relations with.
Though, even then, maybe this was not so much Raya but Namaari. Maybe she had closed herself off from all those people before. Choosing Raya as the one who saw this vulnerable side of her. To be the one who cared for her, to aid her, trusting her with who she was. Whereas before Namaari could only rely on herself.
Now she could rely on Raya as well.
Her partner.
Her lover.
And soon her wife.
This truth the most comforting of all, knowing that their love now had their people’s blessings, their traditions solidifying, and a token of their love in the form of a ring.
A ring that symbolized forever.
It was morning, the two of them in bed. Namaari watched Raya as she slept, her mind dizzy with these overwhelming thoughts of her love for the woman. Her chest warmed as if the sun itself had replaced her heart as she explored her lovers skin.
She ran the back of her hand along her spine, her dark skin similar to Namaari’s. Tracing a finger along the curve of her muscles, swiping her thumb across her scars. Finding a joy in how their skin brushed against one another, an easiness in her movements. Namaari so freely touching Raya now, whereas before she hesitated. Held back, insecure, until Raya erased the space between them, taking her hands and placing them on her body. Whispers between them, encouraging and loving, building Namaari’s confidence in time. Said confidence she was showing now as she drew back Raya’s hair from her face. Her touch slipping down her neck.
A snort erupted from Raya then, the woman flinching as a smile filled her lips. Too lazy to open her eyes, knowing still that it was Namaari who was near.
“That tickles.” Raya sleepily said.
Namaari smiled, kissing her neck then playfully.
“We need to get up.” Namaari insisted, though she hardly seemed excited about it. “Come on, dep la.” She said with another series of kisses then on her throat.
Raya giggled, shrinking her neck away as Namaari’s lips brushed lightly on her sensitive skin. Tickling her until Raya shoved her face back, laughing now.
“Ugh I’m up okay!”
“No you’re not.” Namaari scoffed, noting how Raya then moved lower into the blankets and pulled her closer. Hugging her as she rested her head against her chest. Their body’s tangling into one another comfortably.
“Five more minutes then.” Raya countered, bargaining.
Namaari kissed her head, trying to rouse her. Her lover, as usual, stubborn as she would not budge.
“Dep la,” Namaari sighed, “they’ll come for us soon enough.”
Whether it be the guards, their friends or even one of their Parents; Namaari knew that someone would call for either Princess eventually. Perks of being in charge.
“Then let’s stay here till they do.” Raya said, “I want to be with you for as long as I can.”
Namaari sighed, happily, giving in. For she wanted the same thing, holding Raya for as long as she could that morning.
She sank beneath the covers and into her, pulling her warm body against her. Arms wrapped, legs tangled, their hearts beating against one another. Namaari closed her eyes as Raya tangled her hands through her hair, massaging her head, running her fingers gently across the scalp. Trying to soothe her back to sleep, something she did nearly every evening. The softness of her touch alone filling Namaari with so many beautiful dreams.
These little comforts that Raya gave her, were absolutely everything.
“I love you dep la..” namaari spoke, breathing this against her skin.
Raya smiling, placing a kiss onto her lips before saying, “I love you more.”
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Solving a Mystery  (RATLD-October Prompts)
Benja catches Raya with a mysterious person on multiple occasions
Warnings: None
3rd perspective: Focused on Benja
Benja sighed tiredly as he quietly walked through the darkness of the Heart. He had just returned from an important meeting in Spine and was looking forward to getting some well-deserved sleep. What he didn't expect was to catch Raya sneaking someone out for the first time.
He entered the Heart palace, making his way to his bedroom, but was distracted by clatter, following it.
Once he turned a corner, he spotted Raya kneeling in front of an open window, with a hooded person sitting on the ledge of it. Wanting to stay hidden, he quickly hid behind a pillar, peaking from the side of it.
The only source of light being the torches that hung on the walls.
Benja narrowed his eyes, recognizing his daughter as her back was perfectly illuminated; however, the unknown individual was engulfed within Raya's shadow.
He watched as Raya leaned forward, locking her lips with the other person, leaving him utterly confused as she had never talked about liking anyone. Yet, he was witnessing her making out with someone in the darkness of the night.
As the smacking of their lips reached his ears, he became quite uncomfortable, turning away; wanting to grant his daughter privacy, only peaking once the sound of lips smashing together stopped altogether.
"Time for you to leave before I get caught! I love you, idiot," Raya spoke, not in a whisper, but low enough that Benja barely heard her.
He watched as Raya lovely readjusted the hood over her secret lover before aggressively shoving them in the chest, resulting in the person tumbling backward. The sound of them hitting the ground, making a big bang. Luckily for the secret individual, they were pushed off the second floor.
Benja then watched as Raya peaked out the window, giggling as she waved goodbye. Also, noticing how she stood there watching them disappear into the night.
Benja knew his daughter would see him once she turned, so he made his presence known, walking loudly down the hall, Raya quickly turning around and smiling at him.
"BA! You're back!!" She exclaimed, running over and engulfing him in a hug.
"Dewdrop! Why are you still awake" He smiled as she hugged her tightly, waiting for either the truth or a cover story.
"I couldn't sleep, so I came out here to look at the stars" He chuckled as he pulled away; of course, she chose the cover story.
"Ohhh, aren't the stars more visible through your bedroom window? On the fifth-floor?" He asked with a smirk on his lips, her face turning red, caught in her lie. Yet, she didn't budge, only shrugging her shoulders.
"Felt like a change of perspective was best."
That was the first of many times Benja watched someone sneak into his palace late at night, sometimes staying for only a few hours. Other times the individual remained till the early hours of the morning, sneaking out when they believed everyone was sleeping. Benja even caught Raya sneaking in and out, disappearing for hours on end, having no clue where she would disappear too.
These secret make-out sessions occurring once a week for roughly five months, and he still had no idea who this mystery person was.
This mystery person was cautious, always wearing a hood and covering most of their face with a scarf. Benja would have certainly thought they were a thief he hadn't watched and heard his daughter exchange salvia with them on several occasions.
Catching the corporate wasn't working, so he asked his daughter on several occasions whether she was seeing anyone, to which she always responded, "You'll know when I want you to know."
After a while, he stopped lingering in the shadows and stopped asking questions. Even so, he remained frustrated and confused on why Raya's mystery lover had to stay top secret.
The answer to this mystery came about a month after he stopped trying to solve it. He was walking through the heart gardens when he spotted Namaari; confused about her presence in Heart, hiding behind a tree, he got closer, noticing how she lovely ran her right hand against Raya's cheek.
Benja then understood that his daughter didn't want their high professional relationship to be watched and judged by others, so they kept in the shadows. He knew it was only a matter of time before they announced it publicly, and he was more than delighted.
Knowing they hadn't seen him, he turned around with a smile on his face. He had finally solved the mystery and was happy with his findings.
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shy-peacock · 3 years
October 8th- Betrayal
Day 8/31 of RATLD-OCTOBER!
A scream tore through the land of Kumandra, like the bellow of a beast that had been slain. The hallway thundered as someone lumbered angrily through. Walls shaking as something large whipped open the door. Startling everyone inside the room as a burly man marched in, face fuming, eyes wide with rage.
“Which one of you cretins did it!” Tong, of Spine, snarled to the room.
Raya, Boun, Sisu and Noi all sat around a tearoom table. Enjoying the day, the calm breeze in the air. Relaxing that afternoon away. Or at least they were until their friend came tearing through the doorway like some disturbed bear or something.
“Did what?” Boun was the first to ask, his eyebrow arched as he stared the man down. Utterly confused.
“You know what!” Tong spat, “all of you do!”
“Oooookay?” Raya drawled out, “but on the..very likely chance we have no idea what you’re talking about-…what exactly did we do?”
“You’ve betrayed me!” Tong snarled, beating his chest, “torn open my chest, ripped out my heart and stamped it into the ground!”. He slammed his foot down dramatically, as if this heart of his were truly beneath his feet. Spitting on the ground thereafter, the gang all grimacing at the action.
“Ew.” Noi said, one of the few words the baby could say. The single word summing up how they all felt.
“Ew is correct!” Tong yelled, “Ew indeed, for I am disgusted that my dearest of friends would hurt my heart so-“
“Right, so are you going to tell us or-?” Boun began, cut short by Tong’s rampage.
“MY MANGOES!” He cried.
Tong’s mangoes?
“What…about them?” Raya asked, still confused what that had to do with them betraying him. I mean, Raya didn’t even know he had any to begin with. Yeah the man liked the fruit, but this? This was unusual.
“One of you ate them!” Tong snarled, “Or all of you..I demand to know who!”
“It couldn’t be any of us.” Boun immediately pointed out, “we’ve all been hanging out here.”
“And I don’t really like mangoes.” Raya added, “I mean- not as much as Tong at least…they’re okay in my opinion-“
“OKAY?” Tong choked, “are you mad, woman?!”
Raya gave him a pointed look, “Okay, don’t call me-“
Little Noi began to babble, waving her tiny hand around as she spoke. None of her words made much sense, yet somehow the group understood her.
“What do you mean you agree?!” Tong yelled at the infant, “do any of you have taste buds?!”
Noi babbled again, more defiantly.
And..offensively apparently.
“Geeze, Noi..” Boun laughed, “tell us how you REALLY feel.”
“Okay we are totally getting away from the point-“ Raya intervened, “which is that we didn’t take any of your-“
“Hey guys.”
Namaari stepped in on the scene then, walking casually from behind Tong and into the room. In her hand, almost comically, a single mango. Which she took a large bite into, looking around the quiet room. A confused expression on her face.
“What-?” She scoffed, “why is everyone so-“
“YOU THIEF!” Tong screamed, “you’ve stolen my mangoes!”
“What?!” Namaari scoffed again, “no I didn’t-“
“I mean, you kind of got caught red-handed Namaari.” Boun pointed out, “the evidence is literally in your hand.”
“That doesn’t mean she took his mango.” Raya pointed out, “she could have gotten that anywhere.”
“Thank you!” Namaari said, throwing her hand towards Raya. “I didn’t steal it, I got it from this girl at the market.”
“A likely story!” Tong grumbled, folding his arms as he gave Namaari a disappointing look.
Noi babbled, whatever she said, opposing Tong’s comment. Clearly taking Namaari’s side.
“Stay out of this!” Tong said to the baby before turning to Namaari, “what is the name of the girl at the market, where does she live, when did you meet her?”
“I would- also like to know that-“ Raya commented, “and why she gave you a mango..?”
“What is this an interrogation now?” Namaari growled, “she was just being nice?!”
“You’re dodging the question!” Tong yelled.
“No I’m not-“
“You kinda are.” Raya said and then asked, “and like- I don’t care or anything but was she pretty or-..I don’t know, flirting with you?”
“Raya over here having a meltdown over some girl at the market faster than Tong about some stupid mangoes.” Boun teased, earning a nasty look from both Tong and Raya. “Sorry, Namaari..I’m with Tong, you definitely stole it.”
“That’s right!” Tong bellowed as he tried to grab the mango then, Namaari expertly dodging his hand. “Give it back!”
“No!” Namaari yelled back, “I didn’t steal it!”
The two fought, Namaari expertly dodging the man while he tried again and again to grab the half-eaten mango. Eventually causing the two of them to run off down the hall, Noi and Raya following hastily after. Noi babbling away her nonsense while Raya tried to catch up to break up the fighting. (As well as pester Namaari with her own questions) Leaving Boun and Sisu alone in the room. The boy turning to the Dragon then, noting her silence.
“You’re being quiet, Sisu..?” Boun asked then, suspiciously.
Sisu, mouth clamped tight, just stared at the boy.
Blinking carefully, not uttering a single word.
Boun narrowed his eyes, “Sisu…”
The Dragon sighed through her nose and, reluctantly, opened her jaw. Immediately dropping almost a bucketful of mangoes out of her mouth and into her arms. Now dripping wet, coated in her saliva, the sight causing Boun to jerk back. Startled, grossed out for sure, amazed she could fit so many in her mouth.
“I was hungry..” she whined.
“So you hid..all of them in your mouth!?” Boun blurted out.
“I panicked!” Sisu cried and then showed off her best innocent eyes, “are you..gonna tell the others?”
Boun smirked, shrugging his shoulders.
“Maybe I can keep quiet for a little bit of jade?”
“Deal!” Sisu agreed before shoveling the rest of the mangoes into her mouth. 
The others, none the wiser.
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shy-peacock · 3 years
October 15th- Ship
Day 15/31 of RATLD-OCTOBER!
The storms were terrifyingly strong, lightning streaking the sky as thunder rolled through the clouds. Waves as tall as mountains rose and cascaded downward, striking the sea with its heavy waters. Rain fell in bucketfuls, heavy upon the Sisudatu. The ship the only of its kind to battle the monstrous sea waters in this part of the world and survive.
The Sisudatu was a magnificent ship, handed down by the many generations of the Heart family. A legendary lot of pirates who had sailed the seven seas in a continuous search of gold. Finding riches, solidifying their glorious reputation of treasure-hunters. Their friends tight knit, their enemies a great many. The target on their back growing ever the more vibrant. An inevitable fight lurking in every shadow of the world.
The very one that threatened to end Raya and her crew.
They came out of nowhere, their ship nearly slamming into them as the storm proceeded. Harpoon guns firing out, rope strung across the two massive ships, a number of enemies sliding across. Boarding the ship before any of their own could comprehend the attack.
A valiant effort was made to protect the Sisudatu. Raya’s crew had fought tooth and nail to see to their victory. Yet, in the end, their numbers were far too many. The Heart pirates fell, at the mercy of their greatest enemy.
The Fang pirates.
Their leader, the most notorious of them all, Namaari Fang. The Black Cat, bringing bad luck to whoever she crossed.
Namaari’s sword dug into Raya’s neck, firm, threatening to slice her head clean off. The Black Cat’s crew surrounded Raya, her own crew thrown into the sea, while she alone had the pleasure of being publicly executed before her enemies. A send off she took with her head held high, knowing she had given her all. Fighting till the end.
Namaari towered over her, clothes made of leather and dark fabrics to conceal the blood of her enemies and boots that had smashed many heads beneath their heel. A insidious cape billowing behind her in the wind. Strong muscles, sharp eyes, looking much more like a panther than a black cat. Her teeth sharp as she smiled down at Raya, her tongue slipping over her Fangs.
“Any last words, Binturi?” She spoke, glaring at Raya as she adjusted her grip on the sword in her hand.
Raya gave her an equally nasty look back.
“Don’t count me out yet, Namaari-“ she snarled, “I’ve yet to have my revenge!”
Namaari scoffed, “revenge for what?”
“You killed my Father!”
Namaari cackled, loudly.
“I'm sorry to say, you’ll never have your revenge!” Namaari yelled, “ever!”
“Oh yeah?” Raya said, standing up then, “well just you wait!”
She brought her hand to her mouth, whistling loudly there on the Sisudatu. The sound echoing out into the sea.
On cue, the ship began to rumble loudly. Shaking them, bringing Namaari and her crew down to their knees as something large began to slither its way up the side of the ship. Water sprayed, waves kicked back, and a mighty beast rose up and cried into the air. Their noise piercing, painful as it felt as though it were splitting their brains apart. The beast rolling until it was looming over Namaari herself. A massive, terrifying lizard-like creature that hissed as it eyed her.
“My Dragon will stop you!” Raya claimed, smiling as a gasp fell from Namaari’s lips.
Raya paused, her eyes refocusing on the girl standing across from her. Overall shorts and a yellow shirt. A bath towel around her neck, tied together with a hair band, and big boots on each of her tiny feet. A pool noodle in her hand, as well as a belt that was practically falling off her as it was so big.
Namaari, her best friend, now with a big pout on her face.
“That’s cheating!” She whined, the five year old stamping her feet then “we’re playing Pirates, not Dragons!”
Raya, who was wearing similar accessories as Namaari, hugged her stuffed animal close to her. Awkwardly holding both the dragon and the pool noodle in her hand protectively.
“She’s a Dragon-Pirate!” Raya insisted, “so ha!”
“But you always bring your dragon in and then you win!” Namaari complained, “that’s not fair.”
“Yes it is, my dragon is just the most powerful in the whole world!”
Namaari huffed, her nose scrunching up.
“Fine, then I have a dragon and it breathes fire and it eats your dragon!” She countered, “and then I take over the Sisudatu and I win!”
“No you don’t!” Raya yelled, fuming. “That’s my boat!”
Namaari smacked her head with the noodle.
“Nope, you're dead.” She scoffed, “so now it’s my boat.”
“No!” Raya yelled again, “I didn’t die!”
“Yeah you did!” Namaari yelled back, hitting her with the noodle again, “and now you’re dead again!”
Raya hit her with her own pool noodle, “no YOU’RE DEAD!”
“You are!” Namaari screamed, hitting her again and again with the pool noodle.
Raya retaliating just as fiercely.
“No you!”
“Oh my God..”
Both girls turned, watching as an adult walked across the back yard towards them. Her head cocked to the side, phone in the crook of her neck as she spoke to someone on the phone. Eyeing each of the small children with disappointment.
“Hey, Tong I’m gonna have to call you back- the girls are trying to kill each other again.” Sisu, their impromptu babysitter, sighed. “No, not really..I was kidding-..nah, dude I got it handled don’t worry they’ll be fine till you get back…okay bye.”
She shoved her phone in her pocket as the call ended, folding her arms as she looked at the two young girls.
“You two fighting again?” Sisu groaned, “do you do this around Tong or am I just special?”
Tong was their normal babysitter, but Sisu stepped in for him today so he could get some errands done. Which was probably why the girls kept fighting, considering Tong was much better at redirecting their energies.
“She started it.” Namaari claimed, pointing at Raya, “she’s playing Dragons and we are Pirates!”
“Uh..okay?” Sisu replied, sheepishly.
“Yeah but she said I was dead and I’m not dead and she is dead and I can’t be dead because I have my dragon and dragons don’t die so she’s dead!” Raya yelled back, surprisingly in one breath.
“Yeah..I have no idea what either of you mean.” Sisu replied, clearly not as invested as either girl was. “What’s the actual issue here?”
“She’s supposed to be dead!” Both girls argued at the same time.
Sisu sighed, grabbing both Raya and Namaari’s noodles then. Whacking them both roughly over the head, knocking them to the ground.
“There you’re both dead, now play dead until Tong gets back.” She stated, eyeing both girls as they laid on the ground grumpily. Sisu turned, nearly walking away, before she realized she had forgotten something. “And no you're not zombies, you’re dead dead.”
“Awww..” both girls whined, pouting as Sisu went back inside.
They stayed in silence for no more than a minute before Namaari turned onto her stomach. Face full of mischief, shaking Raya until she too rolled over as well.
“She didn’t say no dragon-zombies!” She offered.
“Or pirate-zombies.” Raya added, giggling, “you wanna sneak up on her?”
Namaari smiled wide, “Yeah!”
Needless to say, that was Sisu’s first and last day of babysitting these two pirate-dragon-and apparently zombie- loving kids.
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*Your P^^sy is* God (RATLD-October Prompts)
Timeline: It doesn't matter 
Warning: 18+ as its smut, some profanity
P.s. Raya tops
Namaari's silent whimpers and moans masked her quick breathing. Her back arched off the mattress, pushing her pelvis roughly into Raya's face, who only hummed in approval; her right arm wrapped around Maari's thigh, ensuring she didn't squirm out of her grasp.
"Just like that." Namaari whimpered as Raya rolled the tip of her tongue around her clitoris. Her left hand gently pinching her nipple before kneading her breast.  
Namaari's right hand pulling a handful of Raya's hair as her left hand grasped onto the sheets. She was at her peak, just waiting to start the descend.
"Mmmh," Raya moaned into Namaari's clit as she flattened her tongue, exploring other's folds, giving them broad licks before gently tugging at them with her teeth. Raya was intoxicated by the other's slick encasing the lower half of her face.
With lidded eyes, Namaari looked down at Raya, who was already looking at her. And maybe it was watching Raya smirk as she entered her tongue inside her again or that she whispered against her opening, "Your pussy is god and I love it."
That caused Namaari's orgasm to peak. Her whole body experiencing electrifying contractions as her back arched higher, her head slamming down onto her pillow, "Rayyyaaaa." Her thighs involuntary contracting around Raya's head, the other still penetrating her entrance with her magical tongue.
As Namaari rode her orgasm, Raya made sure that her tongue led her through it. As suffocated as she was, there is nothing Raya loved more than hearing Namaari moan her name as she finally reached her peak: Breathing wasn't necessary when her five senses were overwhelmed by everything that was Namaari. The sweetness of Maari's slick, the scent of arousal, the melodies escaping her lips, the feel of her warm core against her lips, and the sight of watching her love give herself utterly to her.
Namaari's body eased as her involuntary spasms demised, and her waves began to settle, finally relaxing her thighs, allowing the other to breathe. Yet even with the opportunity to stop, Raya continued, making sure she cleaned her plate, only stopping when she was certain she had gotten every single drop of Maari's arousal.
Once Raya was done, she stared the other directly in the eyes as she licked her lips before rubbing her thump against her chin, cleaning off any slick left behind, before sucking on her thumb. She was finally satisfied as she had successfully cleaned the crumbs that fell off her plate. 
Namaari untangled her hand from Raya's hair as the other planted stray kisses on her inner thighs before kissing her way up to Namaari's lips.
Raya only grinning as she reached Maari's face, rubbing her nose against the others before pressing a quick kiss on her lips. "I meant it," She whispered as she pulled away, kissing up Namaari's jaw until she got to her ear, lowering her voice even more as she said, "Your pussy is god."
The breathing against Namaari's ear caused her whole body to shiver once again aroused. So as Raya bit down on her earlobe, she grasped her jaw, pulling her face back towards her. Their eyes meeting, as a smirk began to appear on her lips. "Let me worship your body like the goddess you are," Namaari purred before slamming their lips together. 
The kiss sensual and deep, making each princess moan into the other's mouth.
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*Breaking* Tradition  (RATLD-October Prompt)
An AU where Namaari didn't try to steal the dragon gem.
Timeline: Twelve year old sapphics 
Warnings: none
I will upload it to A03 eventually.
"I don't understand." 
"Ohhh Raya, why the curiosity," Benga asked, raising an eyebrow. Namaari had wandered off with Virana, so Raya used that moment to approach her father.
"Ma once said when I find the right person, I have to gift them what is most valuable to me. If they accept it, then I get to live happily ever after with them. Meaning Namaari and I will be best friend's forever!" Raya yelped as she brought her hands up to her hair, removing her hair cuff.
"Raya..." Benja whispered as he didn't know how to tell his daughter that this tradition going down for several generations doesn't apply to those of the same sex. "Maybe not right now!" He managed to say.
Raya nodded before tilting her head to the right, grinning up at her Ba.
"So I'll get my happily ever after with Namaari?" She squealed.
Benja couldn't help but smile,"I hope so, Dewdrop." 
Benja meant this sentiment, hoping that as Raya grew, the people of Heart would learn to accept a new adaptation to their ancient traditions. As who was he to tell Raya who to love! Or who she could be best friends with!
He couldn't help but chuckle as he ruffled his daughter's hair, completely undoing its neatness. "BA!" 
Raya pouted as her Ba slowly ran his hands through her hair, trying to fix it. 
No matter how many times he brushed his fingers through Raya's hair, it wasn't as tamed as before, but he tried his best to settle it. No sooner had he finished had Raya handed him the hair cuff, which he happily placed back on her head.
"YOU DID WHAT?" Virana whisper-yelled at Namaari, who was smiling up at her.
"I gave her my Sisu necklace." 
"Namaari...You just broke tradition," Virana exhaled, running both her hands through her hair. This is her nervous tick; not many people have seen her do it. 
"It's okay! My child will still receive it," Namaari stated. 
Before gifting the necklace to Raya, Namaari knew she would eventually need it back to pass it down to her heir. This is an ancient tradition in Fang! And she wasn't about to break it; however, she's adapted to her convenience.
"You can't hand down a family heirloom if it's not in your possession," Virana said, pinching the bridge of her nose, frustration her prominent emotion.
"Raya is my friend right now, but eventually, she will be my wife," Namaari said with a smile, Virana's eyes widening as a small smile formed on her lips. "Raya could easily hand it down to our heir."
Viana nodded as she didn't have the energy to argue with the sapphic her child was becoming. "Did you tell her that by accepting a gift worth so much of value, you two are now engaged?"
"NAMAARI" Raya screamed from across the hall, running towards Namaari, her Ba close behind.
As Raya reached Namaari, she pulled the hair cuff off her hair once again before grabbing Namaari's hands placing the cuff on the palm of her hand.
Benja stood a few steps behind, smiling. He caved after a few minutes; he couldn't say no to his daughter. The tradition is important to him, but his daughter is even more so; he'll handle the repercussions when they arise. For now, he'll enjoy the loud giggles and smiles from the girls.
Virana made her way towards Benja. Their eyes connecting as they both slightly bowed their heads towards the other, both of them being fully aware of the traditions they had just allowed to be broken. Even so, broad smiles appeared on their faces as they realized that the segregations of the lands would soon demise if their daughter’s got together, making the breaking of their ancient  traditions less critical. 
Benja exhaled as he was consumed by a sense of relief, "Time to make some new traditions."
Virana nodded, "I agree, but I believe we should leave that to our daughters." Her eyes went back to the girls who were now sitting against a pillar, holding hands while making each other laugh. "They'll make sure of that."
I owe credit to someone for inspiring this; however, I have no idea who they are. I've scoured my archive and my likes but to avail. If you know who originally came up with this concept, please comment their @ below :)
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