folightening · 7 months
For the ship grading thing: Cor/Loqi and Ravus/Loqi ^_^
Thank you, haven't thought about my boy in a bit and I missed him.
Corqi - B+
Loqi's obsession and admiration for someone who's an enemy is a huge selling point for me. Loqi's side of things is where my interest lies. And of course the problem of being on opposing sides of a war. One sided rivalry developing in an unexpected direction. Not my biggest ship and I don't actively seek it out, but it's good.
Ravqi - SSS (A isn't high enough so dmc rating)
My beloveds have sooo much potential. They can change each other. They can challenge each other's worldview, especially Ravus to Loqi. I love the idea of Loqi of all people being the one to get Ravus' attention, but of course Ravus tries to ignore it. He can't fall in love with someone from Niflheim. And Ravus is pretty, and fun to mess with, and oops Loqi's developing feelings he really shouldn't have for the ex- prince of Tenebrae. It's a beautiful mess but they sort it out and their personalities are fun to mesh together in AUs as well. A rarepair but it's the one thing I definitely still love from ffxv.
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stephicness · 6 years
Racket Power
"What in the Astral hell is this racket?"
He could feel the veins in his neck ready to combust out of the sheer annoyance he felt for the song. Truly? What the hell kind of music was this? He had asked Loqi to play something that would ease the two into a steady work-flow. And yet, he played this squeaky, beating, god-forsaken noise. Ravus felt his eyebrow twitch as he heard the vocals squeak once more, and he ultimately had to resist the urge to slam his fist into the small stereo to mute the noise. "Loqi Tummelt, you cease this noise at once!"
"What? It's not racket. It’s nightcore and dubstep." Loqi happily seemed the bounce in sync of the music, shifting in his place as he sorted out the paperwork with relative ease with his 'concentration' music on. Loqi began to mouth the words to the song as he pointed at Ravus and 'danced' as best as he could while shuffling through paperwork. "'D-D-D-Drop the bass!'"
“You shall not be dropping anything in my office!"
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cha0ticmimzy · 6 years
Valentine’s Day Drabble: 2
Ship: Ravus Nox Fleuret/Loqi Tummelt
Song: Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 405
Thinking Out Loud
“I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways; maybe it's all part of a plan.
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes, hoping that you'll understand.”
           At first, Ravus hated everything to do with Gralea and Niflheim. He detested the people, outright ignored almost every command given to him. Over time, it changed- he still detested Aldercapt, and Besithia, and Izunia. But the others- the ones who he worked with, he grew to like.
           And somehow, he found himself falling in love with a petit brigadier general.
           It didn’t happen all at once, he doesn’t think. He just began noticing little things- the way Loqi’s hair seemed to curl slightly at the ends, the way his eyes held more lavender than blue, or the small smattering of freckles along his cheeks that were nearly invisible unless one looked closer. After he began noticing those little details, he began to question himself, his feelings. He even found himself speaking to Lunafreya about these feelings, and she’d laughed- not at him, but at the fact that he’d found love in the most unexpected place.
           Perhaps that was why he’d asked the blond to walk with him, away from the Gala that Aldercapt was throwing, into the gardens behind the manor. The sounds of the city were far away, the normally icy wind that seemed to never cease for once, ceased. “I beg your pardon for if I sound too forward, but-”
           He never got the chance to finish his question, for the front of his suit was bunched up and pulled, forcing him down and into a kiss. He’d froze at first before his own hand came up to cup Loqi’s cheek gently, pulling away for a moment before returning to his lips once more in a much gentler kiss than the one before.
           “Does that answer your questions?” Loqi breathed as they parted, looking rather cross but flustered as he kept hold of Ravus’ jacket, not allowing him to pull away. “Yes. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, I was wondering if you’d ever notice or if you were just that- that- that blind.” He rushed out, swallowing harshly as he looked away, lips slightly swollen from their kiss.
           “It does. But I have one more question- will you accompany me to my rooms tonight?” Ravus asked, a smile curling the corners of his lips as he allowed for his fingers to brush through soft blond locks, pushing Loqi’s bangs back from his face. A smile lit up the brigadier’s face as he released Ravus’ jacket.
           “I thought you’d never ask.”
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redarmygrif · 5 years
Now that you mention it: Ship meme continued: Promqi
my thoughts: Totally underutilized!!! it’s Good Shit my friend
when I started shipping it if I did: UHHH I THINK AROUND…. SEPTEMBER OF LAST YEAR????
what makes me happy about them: Opposites attract! and Loqi needs Love so….
things done in fanfic (or in general, fandom) that annoys me: either the explicit sex, or Loqi being characterized as Too Arrogant
things I look for in fanfic: ONCE AGAIN, FLUFF, AND LOTS OF IT
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Prompto goes with Noctis and Loqi ends up with Ravus. because Ravqi is great too
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Sumber FB: Ravqi Castro dan INI dan INI
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folightening · 5 years
I swear we've briefly met before
Summary: This Loqi Tummelt Lunafreya had set him up with looked awfully familiar, but Ravus couldn't quite figure out where he'd seen him before.
Ravus/Loqi - Final Fantasy XV 
Characters: Ravus, Lunafreya, Loqi, mentions others
Rated Teen
Words: 2278
A week ago, Lunafreya had set him up on a date. Ravus had no intention of going; he'd told her as much. Yet here he was, riding with her to meet some Loqi Tummelt she swore would be a good match for him. After her previous failures at finding him a date he was astounded she was trying again. Even if two of those failures were now a friends of his. One of which also thought Loqi would be a good match.
"Lunafreya," Ravus said. "You said this Loqi Tummelt is a friend of Prompto's, and Aranea knows him as well. How did you come to the conclusion that we ought to date?"
"Just trust me. I know what I'm doing."
"That is what you said the previous five times."
"This time, I definitely know."
Against his better judgement, he'd trust hers again this time.
"If this does not work out, no more setting up dates for me."
"Promise me you'll try." Lunafreya glanced at him. "Aranea worked out fine."
"Aranea worked out fine because we established that I am a homosexual before the date was half over."
It had never occurred to him that he might be until he'd met her. She had helped him figure out something important about himself and now two years later, they were close friends. Aranea was arguably the closest friend he had.
"I will try. You didn't find this one through that app I regret downloading."
That hadn't stopped one of the others from being a failure, but it was still preferable. Four times, he'd met someone off that accursed app. Three of those times had been utter failure due to being incompatible with those men. Obviously, the app did not work as it claimed to.
A few minutes later they pulled in to the restaurant. Luna parked and pulled out her phone, quickly sending a text. A few moments later she giggled.
"'Traffic's being a bitch, so I might be late.'" Luna turned and looked at Ravus. "You want to wait inside or out here?"
"Unless you plan to show me a picture, I'm waiting right here. You may introduce us."
"Fine," she sighed and started typing again.
Lunafreya had forbidden him from doing any research and Aranea was on her side, refusing to tell him anything helpful about Loqi. He had been told on numerous occasions that he was too quick to judge people, but that hardly seemed a good reason to keep him in the dark with this one.
"Couldn't you give me some information about him? You knowing him is not enough."
"He's a cute, extroverted, dirty blond Niff from a rich family. Early twenties, five-seven, and you're not getting anything more from me." Lunafreya smiled. "Talk to him and get to know him."
She seemed awfully determined with this one. Aside from Aranea, the previous five hadn't gotten quite the same amount of pushing for it from her. Thinking about it, Aranea had seemed a little eager for it as well. Perhaps this set up date wasn't just for him?
"You really think Loqi is the one for me."
"Perhaps. Though I was wrong about Ignis."
"He and I could have worked had he not been an uptight analytical psychologist with a tendency of judging people and- We're too similar for a romance to work out."
Ignis had agreed, though they remained friends.
"I still think it could have if either of you had been willing to give it some time."
She was probably right. Given time, they could have formed something akin to romance. Maybe.
"He isn't my type."
Lunafreya snorted and Ravus scowled.
"You know what your type is?" The doubtful look she gave him stung slightly. "Why didn't you ever tell me? That would have made this much easier."
"I have only a vague idea- nothing definite enough to tell you about."
Some hard thinking and a late night spent scrolling a site he'd never visited again had shown him what sort of man he found attractive, as well as reinforced the conclusion that he is indeed homosexual. That hardly helped him know what he was looking for personality-wise. Which was far more important and why he hadn't bothered telling her any of his findings.
The rest of the wait was in silence. It wasn't a long wait, just ten minutes before a young man with dirty blond hair was walking over. He was pretty cute: youth clung to his cheeks, full pink lips were curved into a slight frown, and his side-swept styled hair only added to his attractiveness. There was also something familiar about him, like Ravus had briefly interacted with him before at a store or something.
"There he is," Lunafreya confirmed Ravus' suspicions.
They both got out of the car, Loqi and Lunafreya greeting each other with wide smiles. Then Loqi turned to Ravus and extended a hand.
"My name is Loqi Tummelt."
Ravus shook the extended hand but didn't match the smile.
"Ravus Nox Fleuret."
"Let's go."
Loqi turned and Ravus followed, telling himself he wasn't nervous. He'd been on enough dates to not be nervous. So what if this young man was familiar? If he was undeniably attractive? Ravus was not the sort to allow things like that to affect him.
Fortunately they were soon sitting by a window. He much preferred sitting by a window when eating out. It helped him feel less crowded even with all the noise reminding him how many other people were in the restaurant.
Also fortunately, Loqi was happy to fill the space between them with chatter. Mostly about himself, perhaps too eagerly. Ravus looked over the menu as he listened to Loqi's 'here's why you should be interested in me' speech.
"What do you do?"
Ravus raised a brow at Loqi's abrupt change in subject. The man knew Lunafreya, surely he knew what her brother did.
"I assist Lunafreya with running our family's company."
These days, he might as well be the CEO but until Lunafreya fully settled on her new path in life, that title would remain hers.
None that he would tell a stranger about.
"What I do with my free time is irrelevant."
Loqi laughed, a nice sound that had Ravus almost smiling in response.
"What you do with your free time is very relevant."
He leaned forward over the table and Ravus was certain he'd seen that expression before. Though with the small smirk and half-lidded eyes he couldn't think of a single moment such an expression had been directed at him.
"If your free time is as busy as your work, how are we to spend time together?"
"Aren't you the confident one." Ravus leaned forward as well, a small smirk of his own tugging at his lips. "I can yet decide you are not worth any more of my time."
Usually his personality was one of the things people cited as a reason they didn't want to be near him. Arrogant, cold, closed-off, judgemental, just plain mean... all words people had used to describe him. So it came as a pleasant surprise when Loqi didn't pull back and leave.
"Oh, I promise I'm worth it. Just give me the chance to show you."
Truth be told, he was already liking Loqi.
"Are you ready to place your order?"
Ravus broke eye contact first to look at the waiter and place his order. For Ravus, a medium rare steak with a salad on the side. Loqi decided on a cheeseburger with fries.
"Earlier," Ravus said, "you said you were taking classes for engineering."
"It's something I've always had an interest in. If I make a career out of it, I can do something I enjoy and help people. Everyone benefits."
That dedication was admirable. Ravus had never had any particular interests to follow and make a career out of. Just make Mother proud and don't fail. ...Maybe Lunafreya had a point.
"How are the classes going?"
"They're going fine, 'Daddy'."
Loqi chuckled and reached across the table to tap him on the nose. Something about the action flustered Ravus but Loqi continued before he could express any of it.
"We're on a date here. Shouldn't you be asking about things other than my classes?"
Expressing an interest in his date's academics didn't strike Ravus as an odd thing to do.
"If our relationship continues after this first date, your academics will be of interest to me."
"I've a GPA of 3.7 and pulled more all-nighters than I can remember. That satisfactory?"
It was better than what Lunafreya's current boyfriend had. Not that Lunafreya's boyfriend had stayed in college, but... that comparison wasn't important now. Ravus nodded, unsure how to continue the conversation.
"What about you?"
"4.0, recently graduated."
Loqi whistled and once again Ravus was almost certain they had briefly met before. Something about his mouth... Or maybe that was just Ravus being interested in him.
"Perfect honor student, huh? A degree in business?"
"What makes you assume that?"
"You are one of the CEOs of the Oracle Company. If you're anything like your sister, you don't have that position just by blood."
Technically, he did. He just didn't want that to be the only reason he held the postion. He wanted to prove he was good enough. That his mother hadn't been wrong in naming him as the joint heir of the company with Lunafreya.
"Enough of that, though. How do you plan on this date going?"
"I hadn't considered anything beyond dinner," Ravus said.
If over the course of dinner they decided they weren't interested in each other, there would be no point in doing anything else together. Even something simple could ruin it for them.
"Did you have any hopes for this?"
Loqi leaned back in his seat and appraised Ravus.
"Maybe. If dinner goes well."
Technically, they didn't need to do anything after even if they were getting along well. They could easily just decide on a second date and part ways. But what little remained of Ravus' day was open, and if Loqi had the time he wouldn't deny him.
"How open are you to sex on the first date?"
"Not terribly, I'm afraid. It would beg the question of whether or not you are actually interested in me, or if it's merely a sexual attraction."
Sex rarely crossed his mind as it was. Starting a relationship with it sounded ludicrous, and yet a part of him disagreed with his statement about not being interested. Loqi was exactly his type, as far as looks went. In fact, he looked so much like that young man who'd-
As the thought crossed his mind Ravus set his cup back down. He couldn't be.
"Well that's a shame," Loqi said. "It's probably for the best."
The hair curved the same way at the ends. On his cheek was the same beauty mark. Eyes the same shade of gray-blue. The more Ravus stared, the more Loqi's face looked like him.
What were the odds?
"Something on my face?"
"You look like..." Ravus fell silent, unsure how to go about bringing it up. Did he even need to? If he was wrong Loqi was sure to be offended.
If he was the same man, that meant... Ravus's cheeks flushed as he remembered clearly what had happened when he watched that video. Specifically that man in particular had- Oh dear gods above this was embarrassing.
Loqi's lips curved into a grin as his eyes grew understanding and once again he leaned forward over the table.
"I look like what, Ravus?"
That was a tone Ravus certainly did not appreciate his name being said in. Not in public- No, not at all. Even if it did come from Loqi and- Ravus scowled in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. He hardly knew Loqi enough to be attracted to him. Much less act like this. So what if he knows what Loqi looks like naked and the sounds he makes during sex? So what if he wanted to take this chance to experience it himself?
"How many have you watched?"
"Just one."
He really didn't want to talk about the fact that his sister had managed to set him up on a date with one of the men from the single porn video he'd ever watched. Specifically the man he found appealing.
"I do not wish to talk about it," Ravus snapped.
Loqi's laugh was a mean little sound this time, but before either of them could say anything the waiter was back with their food.
Eating in relative silence didn't stop Ravus from remembering that video. Or the fantasy he'd indulged in after hastily shutting his laptop. Which would only be worse now that he'd actually met the man and- Ravus frowned at his food. That was a rather unfair situation between the two of them.
"Loqi," he said. "I believe I shall take you up on your offer. If it still interests you."
He didn't dare look at Loqi to see his expression. He kept his focus on his food instead, feeling how hot his face and ears were. As much as he wanted the suggestion to be a matter of evening out something that didn't really matter all that much, there was no denying that was an excuse. He couldn't remember a time he'd been this stupidly interested in having sex with someone.
"Oh, I'm interested," Loqi said. "Now tell me, have you ever been to Accordo?"
As Ravus informed Loqi that no, he had never been to the island nation, he felt himself relaxing again. Maybe this could work.
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folightening · 5 years
Ways to Kiss Someone: Where it doesn't hurt
Rated Teen
Ravus/Loqi - Final Fantasy XV
Notes: This takes place in some kind of Apocalypse AU
By the time they could stop, Loqi was leaning on Ravus and breathing much heavier than he normally would after three flights of stairs. That more than anything was what worried Ravus. It wouldn't be the first time Loqi downplayed an injury.
"Hopefully the building doesn't suddenly combust while we're up here," Loqi said.
Ravus shoved open the nearest door so they wouldn't be sitting in the hallway.
"Why would that happen?"
Loqi half shrugged as he sank to the floor with his back against the wall. His injured leg was outstretched, the other bent at the knee with his arm resting on it.
"We've been having ridiculously bad luck for the past two weeks."
Carefully, Ravus pushed Loqi's pant leg up out of the way to look at the injury. There wasn't anything noticeably wrong with it, which was better than he'd been worrying. Even still Ravus gently touched the bruising flesh to check for any broken bones. Applying more pressure to be certain got a pathetic half-hidden whimper from Loqi.
"It's not as bad as it could have been. I do not feel any breaks."
"Great," Loqi hissed. "Could you stop touching it now?"
Ravus chuckled and leaned down to press a kiss to Loqi's leg, taking care to avoid what was hurting.
"We can't do much to stop the bruising," he said, "but we should rest here as long as we're able to make certain nothing more happens."
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folightening · 5 years
Early Morning Baking
Summary: "Are you awake?" Loqi's voice came from the other side of the door and Ravus groaned. "I lost a bet and I need you to bake two hundred cookies."
Rated Teen
Words: 1987
Roommate AU
Loud knocking on his bedroom door was not what Ravus wanted to wake up to at... one in the morning. Ravus glared at the glowing numbers on the digital clock as though they were the offenders.
"Are you awake?" Loqi's voice came from the other side of the door and Ravus groaned. "I lost a bet and I need you to bake two hundred cookies."
For a few long moments, Ravus refused to respond to that. Instead he blinked tiredly at his ceiling and wished not for the first time that Loqi wasn't so... Loqi.
"It's one in the morning." Ravus made sure to speak loud enough for Loqi to hear him. "Why couldn't you wait until a reasonable hour to wake me up?"
"I might've forgotten."
"You lost the bet. You make the cookies."
Usually he wouldn't tell Loqi to do anything in the kitchen. The blond was hopeless- a complete disaster, really- when it came to cooking. Ravus wasn't sure how Loqi even managed to mess up as badly as he did. But Ravus was not getting up this early to make cookies because Loqi lost a bet.
Laughter, short and loud came from the doorway along with light from the hall. Ravus scowled over to see Loqi leaned against the doorframe in his stupidly attractive going out clothes with an equally attractive grin.
"Did you just invite me to blow up your kitchen?"
"No," Ravus grumbled. "I invited you to make whatever abomination you call cookies."
"And risk killing Prompto and Gladiolus? No."
That explained why he would accept a bet that required him to cook if he lost. Loqi had a very bad habit of making bets with Noctis and his little group. The two mentioned- but especially Prompto- being the worst offenders.
"You just have to bake the cookies," Ravus argued and tried not to think of how wasteful his suggestion was. "They don't need to eat them."
It was Loqi's turn to not say anything for a few long moments, and Ravus foolishly let himself hope his roommate would drop it. When Loqi inevitably frustrated himself and gave up, he'd go to bed and Ravus could help him at a reasonable time when normal people were awake.
"Your cookies are the most amazing cookies I have ever had."
It wasn't the first time Loqi had told him so, but Ravus was nonetheless pleased to hear the flattery. Before Ravus could remind him that flattery would not get him everything, Loqi was standing straight and speaking again.
"So, you might as well make them yourself. They'll be edible, and thus not a complete waste of the ingredients. It's a solution that works for everyone."
Ravus heaved a sigh and shoved his blankets to the side to climb out of bed. There was no getting out of it if that was the argument Loqi wanted to use.
"This is the only time I will assist you with something so trivial at such an ungodly hour."
That was a lie, of course. Loqi was one of the two people on Eos who could convince him to go along with just about anything and everything that popped into their head. The other being his sister.
"Sure, sure."
Loqi left the doorway and better have gone to the kitchen. If Ravus was going to bake cookies at stupid-o-clock in the morning, Loqi was going to stay up and do it with him.
For once, Ravus didn't bother changing before leaving his room. He did make an effort at finger combing his sleep tousled hair and smoothing his pajamas, and grabbed his prosthetic arm. He was going to need it.
"Did they specify what flavor of cookie you were to make?"
"Nope." Loqi set the mixing bowls on the table. "That was left up to me to decide."
"Then we shall make sugar cookies."
Ravus instructed Loqi on what ingredients to gather, and how to mix them together properly. It took forty minutes to mix together four balls of sugar cookie dough and put them in the refrigerator to chill. If Ravus was right, that should be enough.
"How long do they have to be in there?"
"An hour at the least. We can take the time to get some sleep, and finish-"
"If it's just an hour, we should do it then."
Ravus frowned at Loqi. In hindsight, he ought to have told him it would need chilled for at least five hours.
"You will stay up and help me."
"Of course. I wouldn't abandon you halfway through."
Loqi smiled and Ravus blamed the ridiculous hour for the slight warmth he felt.
A few minutes past an hour later, Ravus set his cup of tea on the counter and got the flour back out of the cupboard. The table had been cleaned and dried ten minutes ago, everything was out of the way, and Loqi was still entirely too awake.
"We'll need to get the sugar out again," Ravus said.
Spreading flour over the newly cleaned table felt silly, but they couldn't very well roll cookie dough onto the plain surface.
"Don't you have a cloth for that?"
Ravus looked up at Loqi, who was staring at him with the mentioned cloth in hand and an eyebrow raised.
"There's more space if we use the entire surface of the table."
Getting a hum in response, Ravus turned his attention back to spreading the flour evenly.
Yet another reason he hated doing anything so early. If he wasn't fully awake, he forgot simple things and had to try and come up with an excuse. Which was usually weak and the thump of the cookie cutter box being set down on the table interrupted his spiraling thoughts.
"We could just cut out the cookies with a knife," Loqi said.
"Is there something wrong with the shapes we have?"
Loqi grinned and Ravus blinked. That particular grin was rarely ever a good thing.
"I'll show you later."
Deciding he didn't want to ask, Ravus went and got one ball of dough out of the refrigerator. He returned to the table and unwrapped it, setting it in the center of the flour before accepting the rolling pin from Loqi.
"Hey, Ravus," Loqi said with a grin. "I've got an idea. We should put things on top of the cookies."
Ravus looked at him in confusion, continuing to sprinkle sugar onto the cookies currently on the baking sheet.
"They are sugar cookies. They do not need anything aside from sugar and icing on them."
"Ravus, Ravus," Loqi said with a sympathetic sigh. "Have you no sense of adventure?"
"What part of decorating cookies is considered an adventure?"
Loqi opened a bag and Ravus looked over as he closed the oven to see Loqi holding a bag of sour patch kids. He couldn't be serious.
"Sour Patch Kids? On sugar cookies?"
Loqi hummed an affirmative and pressed one into the dough. He ate the next one, then pressed another into the dough. Loqi repeated the process a few more times as Ravus watched.
It was endearing, ridiculous, and so wonderfully Loqi that Ravus couldn't stop the smile. Ravus leaned on the counter to drink some more tea and watch. Loqi was having fun with this. He was content seeing Loqi have fun.
"Could you pass me a knife?" Loqi asked. "I need to cut these out."
Ravus set the cup down again and pulled out a knife suitable for cutting cookie dough before handing it to Loqi and resuming his supervising.
"What if you put more dough on top of those pieces?" Ravus suggested. "It would be a surprise what flavor of candy you get that way."
"Perfect, I love it." The look in Loqi's eyes and the smirk he directed at Ravus had Ravus momentarily flustered. "This is why we should do these things together more often."
The cookies in the oven were overdue for a check, so Ravus looked in. They seemed to be done, so he pulled out the tray and moved them onto the cooling rack.
A noticeable thump brought his attention back to the table. He watched as Loqi set extra dough on top of a candy covered cookie and slapped it again.
"You needn't hit it so hard," Ravus said. "Pressing the dough down ought to suffice."
Loqi shook his head, slapping dough onto the next cookie.
"I need to make sure it's on the bottom part properly."
"Very well."
Ravus frowned at the sight of the cookies currently in the oven. Honestly, he leaves Loqi alone in here for five minutes... Ravus turned to frown at Loqi, who was happily carving Astrals know what out of the dough.
"Why are there penis shaped cookies in the oven?"
"Adventure, Ravus."
He may not have been able to see it, but Ravus could hear the grin. Damn Loqi and his annoying tendency of trying to fluster him. He was almost as bad as Aranea.
"That is not what I call adventure."
Really, what sort of adventure involved cookies shaped like penises? And surely there was an actually appropriate occasion for making such cookies. Not early morning with your roommate because you lost a bet to people who loosely qualified as friends.
Loqi chuckled and Ravus watched as he carefully lifted a carved cookie vaguely resembling Ardyn's head off the table.
"I wanted to test my artistic skills."
"With cookies?"
Of all the times for him to try and hone his skills, it had to be now. With sugar cookies.
"Why not? It's more fun that way."
Ravus sighed and walked over to see what he was doing. Already, the cookie he was cutting out was recognizable as Prompto.
"You seem to do a decent job of it."
"Thanks." Loqi smiled up at him and Ravus quickly looked away.
It wasn't much longer before they had run out of dough. Which led to the both of them standing in the kitchen staring at the countertops. Even counting the six in the oven;
"I don't think this is two hundred cookies," Loqi said.
"It definitely is not."
Loqi pouted and looked at Ravus.
"You decorate the finished cookies," Ravus said. "I'll make something simpler to reach the quota."
As much as he'd hated the idea at first, it was fun doing something with Loqi. Even if it was as simple as baking way too many cookies.
Loud knocking on the apartment door woke Ravus this time. He groggily pushed himself up, ignored Loqi's soft protest, and looked at the door. Another knock came and Loqi grumbled this time as Ravus untangled himself from Loqi and got off the couch which was really too small for the both of them anyway.
Opening the door revealed Prompto, who looked more nervous than usual. Perhaps a little embarrassed even, though Ravus could think of no reason why.
"Hey Ravus. Is Loqi awake yet?"
"Oh. Could you tell him he doesn't really need to bake two hundred cookies? That was Nyx's idea, and he was drunker than Gladio and.... Ravus?"
Ravus was glaring, and made an effort to soften the expression. Of all the ridiculous... He'd spent all that time baking cookies with Loqi for Prompto to tell him they'd changed their mind and hadn't bothered contacting him to let him know. He could have been sleeping.
"You couldn't tell him that last night?"
"It didn't occur to me..." Prompto fidgeted nervously. "He woke you up for it, didn't he."
"Unfortunately." Ravus turned to go back into the apartment. "You had best come in. The cookies are in the kitchen."
Ravus walked passed Loqi who was rubbing his eyes as he sat on the couch.
"Hey Loqi," Prompto said. "You seriously woke up Ravus just so he'd bake the cookies for you?"
The bedroom door closed behind Ravus, silencing their conversation so he could try and get more sleep.
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folightening · 5 years
Feeding Lesson
Summary: During a discussion about the subject, Ravus bites Loqi to show his boyfriend what really happens when a vampire feeds from a human not under a trance.
Rated Teen
Words: 785
Vampire Ravus
As the woman on screen softly moaned and pressed more fully into the vampire's grasp, Loqi heard Ravus scoff.
"Something wrong?"
Loqi had always thought it was a little ridiculous- especially since the female victims were the only ones to have such a reaction unless the media was for a certain audience- but it'd be interesting to hear a real vampire's opinion.
"There is nothing sensual about a vampire feeding from a human."
"Really?" Loqi looked over to Ravus. "You've never had anyone react like that to you feeding from them?"
Ravus shook his head.
"Of course not. Nor have I ever heard of a human reacting in such a manner. Not without sexual intercourse being involved. Which is highly inadvisable."
Loqi lowered the volume and turned to look at Ravus.
"Then what does happen?"
This was one of those topics Ravus always refused to give much detail about. Now that the subject had come up again, maybe Ravus would give him some actual details this time.
"A single vampire cannot completely drain a human of blood simply for feeding purposes. So, most of us place the victim under a trance, take what we need, and leave the human with no memory of what transpired."
For a few moments, Loqi was quiet as he processed what he'd learned.
"That's all well and good, but what about the times you do not place the human under a trance? What happens then?"
"I have no experience with that, but-"
"Then you can't exactly tell me the movie's wrong, can you?"
Loqi grinned and Ravus scowled at him.
"I assure you, there is nothing arousing about being bitten by a vampire."
The underlying growl was a sign to back off, but Loqi had always been terrible at actually following warnings when he was almost certain he wouldn't die if he kept going. So he scooted over until he was next to Ravus, turned to straddle his boyfriend's lap, and matched the frown with a wide smile.
"Prove it."
As expected, those two words were answered by a shake of Ravus' head.
"Why will you not take my word for it and drop the subject?"
"You just said you have no experience with feeding from a human who is not under a trance. I know it's been long enough since you last fed. So," Loqi tugged his collar out of the way and tilted his head, "go for it."
"This is ludicrous."
Despite his irritated growl, Ravus moved in to kiss to the side of Loqi's throat. The press of cold sent a shiver through Loqi, as it always did.
"You are far too trusting of me," Ravus whispered.
Ravus was absolutely correct. Anyone else in Loqi's position ought to know better than to trust a vampire as completely as he did. Even knowing Ravus wouldn't intentionally hurt him, accidents happened.
"Only because I know you," Loqi responded without a second thought.
There was a huff, which he felt more than heard, then teeth. Sharp teeth that easily pierced his skin. The pain only lasted a few moments longer than his hissed response.
With a sigh, he relaxed into Ravus' arms. Ravus was right; there was nothing arousing about the bite itself. It wasn't excruciatingly painful either. Everything else though- the embrace, Ravus' mouth on his throat, feeling Ravus grow warmer even if just a little-  that was pleasant. Intimate, even.
"All right," Loqi conceded, "if it wasn't you I would feel very differently about this."
He heard a slight chuckle that sounded suspiciously like an 'I told you so' and gave Ravus a gentle smack on the shoulder.
Ravus withdrew after a few moments longer and pressed a hand to Loqi's throat.
"Put your hand here," Ravus said, "so I can get a bandage."
Loqi placed his hand over the bite when Ravus removed his hand.
"You know," Loqi said a few minutes later as Ravus finished setting the bandage in place, "I could feed you when you need it. That way, there won't be a need for you to go out and find someone."
"It's not as if you take so much I'll pass out. We just proved there is no need to place me under a trance beforehand, so there's less work for you there as well."
Loqi sighed as Ravus' fingers brushed over the bandage. There was no need for Ravus to state his concern; Loqi knew him well enough to know exactly what he was thinking.
"That will heal."
"Only to be reopened again and again."
Loqi took Ravus' hand and held it as he looked into his eyes.
"Then it's a mark I will wear with pride. Just... consider the offer, okay?"
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redarmygrif · 5 years
Ask Meme: Fleurentia or Ravqi
making me choose lmao
but I’d have to say Fleurentia because Loqi is nonexistant in terms of character.
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folightening · 5 years
Mistletoe Kisses: Ravus/Loqi
Rating: Teen
Words: 205
For once Ravus was actually tempted to follow what had always been one of Lunafreya's favorite traditions for the Glacian's Festival. He wasn't really one for public displays of affection, but being with someone like Loqi had given him the urge to try.
Ravus looked to the other guests within Fenestala's grand ballroom. Loqi was near enough that he wouldn't have to yell to get his attention. It was now or never.
"Loqi," Ravus said as he stepped under the plant, "could you join me for a moment?"
As Loqi approached, Ravus noticed him glance upward. And the way his smile widened. Despite everything, Ravus wasn't fully prepared for Loqi placing his hands on his shoulders the moment he joined him. Or the way Loqi stepped in close.
"The mistletoe?"
Unsurprisingly Loqi was quick to move in. What was surprising was how gentle the kiss was. Loqi was a passionate person, all fire and eagerness. Ravus had grown quite used to the sort of kisses Loqi gave him in private. Ones like this were rare; all the more reason for Ravus to cherish them.
Then it was over, Loqi pulling back to smile up at him.
"Let's go have some fun at this party."
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folightening · 6 years
Final Sunrise
Final Fantasy XV
Ship: Ravus/Loqi
Characters: Ravus, Loqi
Rating: T
Summary: Ravus and Loqi greet the dawn together.
Extra info: Daemon Ravus, WoR
Loqi hurried into the place he and Ravus called home with a wide smile.
"Ravus," Loqi called, "I've got great news!"
The daemon looked over to him and Loqi ran over to grab his hands.
"King Noctis has finally returned."
A small, tentative smile graced Ravus' face. It looked more than a little strange with all the Starscourge and the permanent tears on his face, but it was better than every expression that Loqi had seen him with the past years.
"Everyone's talking about how he will finally bring an end to all of this. After all this time..."
Loqi paid no mind to the Starscourge as Ravus cupped his face in a hand. Instead, fully aware it wasn't a good idea, Loqi turned his face more into the hand. He needed to spend every moment he could with Ravus.
"The sun will be back soon," Loqi whispered.
He refused to think of what else would happen. Not thinking about it wasn't the same as not accepting it; he'd done that years ago. Thinking about it would ruin the moment. The prophesied dawn coming was a good thing. It was something to celebrate.
Ravus's thumb stroked his cheek, spreading Starscourge over his skin and not doing much to comfort.
"The dawn can't come fast enough for you, I suppose."
Loqi bit his lip and moved his hands to take hold of Ravus' again. Pulling him with him toward the door, Loqi smiled.
"I don't think we have ever watched the sunrise together," he explained. "That's something every couple ought to do at least once."
Especially this sunrise.
"This one's special, too. Wouldn't want to miss it."
If Ravus were still human, Loqi would still insist. There just wouldn't be inevitable loss gnawing at his insides or tears already threatening to build in his eyes. If Ravus were still human, Loqi wouldn't be dreading the best thing to happen in ten years.
Loqi held on tight to Ravus' hand, as if that would change anything. Walking side by side with him into the darkness.
How long would Ravus stay? Would what humanity Ravus had left let him stay just a few minutes, or would it be instantaneous? Would he even get to say good bye? Would Ravus even get to see the sun, or would he go before it returned? The thoughts choked Loqi.
On the bright side, Ravus would get peace. Finally. After everything, he deserved it.
The deep, inhuman voice held obvious worry and Loqi wanted to cry.
"Just thinking."
He heard a chuckle- that was definitely a chuckle- and looked up at Ravus.
"Do not think too much," Ravus said. "What will happen, will happen."
Moving closer, Loqi rest his head on Ravus' arm. Getting Starscourge in his hair, but who would care?
"I don't want it to."
Being with Ravus, Loqi expected something about fate. Or duty. Or even something about how things faded with time and he'd get over it. What he didn't expect was a sigh, Ravus coming to a stop, and arms pulling him into a hug as Ravus went to his knees.
"I wish it didn't have to."
"That's not fair," Loqi sniffed. "You're supposed to tell me how it's for the best."
Rubbing his face on Ravus got more Starscourge on his skin and in his hair. It would be gone soon enough.
"I have done enough lying in my lifetime," Ravus said. He pushed Loqi back and took his face in his hands. "What is best for you is different from what is best for our star, and this is not it. If there were a way for me to remain with you, I would."
That did not help. If anything, it brought more tears.
"You must know, these years with you have been the happiest I have had in a long time."
"You've been a daemon."
"With you." Ravus continued on before Loqi could say anything.. "I enjoyed all the time we shared. Before and after this night fell."
Loqi sniffled again and frowned- it was more of a pout, especially with those tears- up at Ravus.
"I do want to see this sunrise with you. So don't you dare leave until then."
"I have no intention of leaving you until I absolutely must."
Fortunately, the daemons had learned to leave Ravus alone. So they sat together in relative peace for what felt like hours before it happened.
The first of the sun's rays peeked through as red on the horizon, and the sound of daemons screaming shattered the silence. The arms holding him tightened and Loqi heard a relieved sigh. He leaned back intent on having every second he could.
"Time to go?"
"Not quite."
The sun broke through for the first time in ten years and Loqi let it go. The tears he'd been holding back so well spilled over and he sobbed. A gentle touch on his cheek made him turn to look at Ravus.
"I was trying not to cry," Loqi cried. "But it's..."
A mix of emotions were overwhelming Loqi. He reached up and rubbed his face with the back of his hand before Ravus could try wiping the tears away himself. His wrist got grabbed, his hand moved away from his face, and when he looked up again Ravus was kissing him. Loqi kissed back, hiccuping when Ravus drew back and pressed their foreheads together.
"You'll be okay," Ravus said. "This sadness will pass."
After ten years, Loqi felt the sun's warmth on his back. He smiled and focused on how Ravus was smiling. Not how he was vanishing.
"I'll see you later," Loqi said. Then, he had to say it one more time before Ravus was gone; "I love you."
For a moment, Loqi swore Ravus looked human again. Then, lips pressed against his own again; the feeling of them lingering even after Ravus had vanished.
Loqi took a deep breath and turned to look at the dawn again. Endings brought new beginnings, and he wasn't going to disappoint Ravus. Once he was done crying, he'd go and help what remained of civilization rebuild.
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