veiledbyart · 5 years
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And another artfight revenge piece, this one for @raydamy, featuring her OC, Ameku. Ainsel does not forgive headbutting easily Q7Q
Don’t use or repost my art without permission.
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vani-candy · 7 years
My dude. For nooo reason in particular, what kind of art of what character would you love to see? Aaalso for absoooluuute nooo reasooon in particular, what is your favourite human animal hybrid? (Example: centaur, dridder, mermaid, harpy, naga/lamia ect - or just tell what kind of combination you'd love to see - for nooo particular reason ;) )
since i’m on a massive Vocaloid + UTAU high right now, i’d love to see more art of Rana and especially Teki Hiyaku since Teki is so obscure no matter where you look…both are rather underrated and they deserve all the love they get
hmmuu, i like mermaids, as well as fairies and aliens (if those count lol…)
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raydamy · 7 years
Crimson Song
Looking at my body
I begin to recall
The feeling i had
When crimson began to fall
Felt the panic rise
And yet sudden laughter
Filled the tensed up air
Underlining the despair
A careful hand
Placed on my skin
Trying to undo
The beautiful sin
The shard in need to tore
Desire filling my core
Lusting for crimson
Starving for care
When will it be
The long awaited dare?
It is wrong
But feels so right
I’d sing to it a song
Singing trough the night
Oh Crimson Sin~
Paint everything red~
Sing me to sleep~
Bring me to bed~
No tears in need to be shed~
For the night sings~
For me~
For the dead~
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bekaroth-reads · 7 years
It's a damiana disaster
(this is one of the stories that was based on an awful subject on purpose, suggested to me by @raydamy) "Do we really have to go to her house?" Jamie whined as they were being dragged along by their friend down the street. "Yes, we do. Gurty hasn't had everyone come over to her house in a very long time." David explained as he tightened his grip on Jamie's arm because he got a feeling that they would run away or something. "Yeah! There's a reason for that! There's something in her head that's so broken that no amount of gorilla glue could ever fix!" Jamie snapped as they tried to dig their heels into the ground even more so than they already were. "Don't be rude." David huffed as he kept dragging his friend to their destination. The duo soon arrived at the door to the small house where Gurty lived. A moment after David knocked on the door that hostess of the party answered. Gurty opened the door and as usual, she had bushed out in a giant, frizzy, rust-colored mess. "Hello, friends." Gurty honked out through her nose. "Gurty! How nice to see you." David said with a with a smile. After a a few seconds where Jamie said nothing, David elbowed them in the ribs. "Oof! Hey." They mumbled before rubbing where they were just hit. Gurty lead the two of them into the living room where the three other guests were waiting. "They look like they're being held hostage." Jamie muttered under his breath, barely avoiding the second elbow attack that was sent his way. "Look friends; more friends." Their hostess croaked as her seemed to almost disappeared causing her head to seemingly sink even more into her turtleneck while one of her eyes suddenly started to go the other direction of the other one. "Um, Gurty... No offense, but, uh, what in the name of all that is holy is going on with your eye?" Jamie questioned with a slight look of horror on his face. "The right eye is full of pollutants, James. I read so on the internet." Jamie scrunched their nose at what the she just said before replying, "First off, my name is Jamie, not James. Secondly, how the hell did you get a doctor to remove your eye based on something that some wack-job wrote on the internet?" "Not, doctors, James." Gurty slurred as she started to shuffle out of the room. "Nature helped me. The eye was destroyed when I did the lightning treatment. Did you one that lightning is a good way to get antioxidants, friends? I can show you the page where I found it..." Jamie gave a sigh of relief when Gurty walked out of the room before she could finish what she was saying. He and David sat on the couch that had a plastic covering over the top of it. Almost all of the furniture had plastic over it now that they looked around. Looking over to the other chairs in the room the two of them saw the other three that were in the room. There was Brit and her brother Jack and right next to Brit was their other friend Annie. As much as David hated to admit it, they all did kind of look like they were being held hostage like Jamie said, simply because of how awkward everything seemed right now. Most of the time everyone in this group would already laughing and having a good time, Gurty included in her own special way. But, there seemed to be some sort of unspoken risk that you couldn't talk here, like there was almost nothing to say. David decided that he wanted to break the silence anyway, but it ended up that he didn't have to. Right before he could say anything, Gurty came back into the living room holding a pot with some yellow flowers. She first walked up to Jack and held the flowers in his face. "Smell, John. It's good for your digestion." Jack, not being one to want to insult anyone quickly smelled them, albeit with a concerned face. Gurty then did the same thing to the two girls, who, weren't as quick to do it as Jack was. Then their hostess turned and started heading to the small couch that Jamie and David were sitting on. "Smell, Daniel." She said as she shoved the plant into David's face, leaving little to no choice in weather or not he wanted to. Jamie had already decided that they were going to have no part I whatever plant based ritual that was going on here, but, unfortunately for them, Gurty held up the flowers to their face right as they were inhaling to say no, so they got a big wiff of the plant anyway. Almost as soon as Jamie inhaled that scent, they knew that something was different. They felt drugged, somehow, but at the moment they couldn't place any exact feeling. Upon looking to the other side of the room, he could tell that the others were already experiencing more effects of whatever it was, by the way they were all sort of fidgeting, yet had a glazed over look in their eyes. "Hey, uh, Brit. I'll hold your purse for you." Jack said suddenly as he reached down and picked his sister's purse off of the floor and placed it in his lap. There was definitely something odd going on here. Right when Jamie was about to ask why Jack wanted to hold the purse, David, whom Jamie just noticed was very close to them, grabbed one of the small, decorative pillows off of the couch the two of them were sitting on, and held it in the same place on his lap where Jack was holding Brit's purse. Just then the effects that Jamie was feeling caught up with everyone else, and he knew exactly what they were feeling. This caused them to go red in the face, especially when they realized that they were looking at the pillow that David was holding for a little too long. Brit and Annie were both blushing furiously, and avoiding eye contact with each other, while trying to have a conversation with Gurty. Suddenly, Jack asked desperately, "Gurty, d-do you have a bathroom I can use?" Gurty looked and pointed down the hall. "That way, Daniel." David had sat Brit's purse back down and was almost running down the hall before Gurty could even finish. Shortly afterwards, Annie stood up, grabbed Brit's purse and then Brit's hand before pulling her to the door say, "Sorry to leave so soon, Gurty! Brit and I need- I mean, I just realized that there's something important that we need to do. Bye!" And with that the two of them were out the door. At this point, Jamie was more than upset with Gurty. "What kind of flower was that?" They asked as they tried to keep all of their emotions under control. "Damiana. It helps with digestion. I read it in the internet. That's why John went to the bathroom." Jamie quickly typed the name into their phone's search engine, and had what little trust that they had in Gurty's so called research taken away. What they thought was happening was actually happening, and that meant that Jack was taking care of something other than digestion problems in the bathroom right now. "David, we're leaving." Jamie said as they started pulling David towards the door. "But-but, Jamie we just got here and-" David started, but stopped when Jamie put a hand over his mouth. "I know you need to-leave- as much as I do, so don't even try to argue." Jamie scolded David, who knew that his friend was right. On their way up the the street, Gurty stuck her head out of that door and honked, "Bye, friends!" right before her glass eye fell out. This time it was Jamie pulling David down the street, and it probably seemed a little humorous to the people who saw them earlier and now. "Where are we going?" David asked as he tried to keep up with the person on the other end of his arm. "My place. Any objections?" Jamie responded without turning around. David got a smile an lad replied, "None at all." They would have to go over to Gurty's more often.
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veiledbyart · 5 years
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And another revenge on @raydamy with Hachiwa!
Don’t use or repost my art without permission.
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veiledbyart · 5 years
Tell us 3 facts from 5 of your favourite OC's :3
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- He has an older twin sister named Aisling! They went separate paths but are actually on very good terms (until she declares that she’s his ‘big sister’, then the bickering begins).
- Despite being part of the Drow community, Ainsel is in fact an Idiot and does not speak Undercommon. They spoke elvish at home and after that he spent most of his time in a monastery. He rather learned Sylvan (Fun fact; The idiot is ME).
- He is very Not Fond of alcohol and doesn’t touch the stuff. Partially because he legit dislikes the taste and partially because he watches half of his party get knock-out drunk regularly. He’s not about That Life.
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- They are actually adopted after running away from a toxic biological family. Meeting them again is one of their biggest fears, but at the same time there is a lot of things they wanna tell them (mainly their father) personally.
- The star-speckled cloak they wear is a gift from their adoptive father and brother! It’s a cloak of billowing, that they then personally customized with the stars so it would fit the rest of their costume theme. It’s one of their most important possessions.
- While they had a few fleeting relationships (which were essentially friendships with benefits), they are very new to actual romance - so now that they have a girlfriend, they are super awkward and flustered which I hoNESTLY FEEL WITH ALL MY HEART. I adore that though– my noodly bard is so pure.
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- He is Very Tall and Very Cowardish and I love him. He looks cool but he’s literally the dorkiest, awkward and most shy noodle you’ll ever encounter. The kind of person you bump into and HE apologizes.
- Takoyaki has a huge crush on Spyke and actually works as a waiter in the café where Spyke usually can be found in Splatoon 2. By now the main focus is the ship with one of my other splatoon OCs, Ikameshi, though.
- His apartment is almost a jungle at this point. He has a bazillion of plants (mostly succulents) and keeps getting more and more. It calms him being surrounded by a lot of green and he’s actually really good at taking care of them!
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- He’s an ESPer and a prime example of the yandere tropes. Seriously, he is easily one of my most messed up OCs, but I love him a lot.
- Before I turned him into this thinly veiled murder machine, he was actually just a comic relief character. I really made him solely to be annoying but funny… I guess I kinda got off-track with that. Whoops?
- He remembers all his past lives and essentially uses his different reincarnations to work towards the goal that he has. So dying is not a big issue to him.
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Jatayu (this is gonna be tricky because he’s an NPC in my LoZ-Campaign, so I gotta be careful with what I reveal)
- He first showed up not in the main campaign but as the main villain of a oneshot actually! The players of that oneshot hindered him from getting his hands on a bunch of dragon parts. He has a very personal grudge against everyone included with that :)
- He became the current leader of the Yiga after he overthrew and killed the original (and much more chill) leader. He gained a big following among the Yiga after he spearheaded an attack that essentially wiped out one of the Sheikah villages.
- While it’s still not clear how exactly, he actually got those scars during that attack against the Sheikah village. Whoever was responsible for that is now either dead or sure to be hunted still.
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veiledbyart · 5 years
*literally first thought on Jataru:* ... I'd bang that *hears my austrian friend screaming in the distance*
Trust me, listening to some of my players and my own kinks I can assure you that you’re not the only one ;D
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raydamy · 7 years
Kiss of a knife
Looking into the water
I ask myself
Who is that captured girl in there
Not knowing herself?
In her hand
A lustful knife
Placing soft kisses
All over her skin
Leaving scars
Claiming her life
In her head
In her very own world
It is a lover
A symbol of luck
Always there
For a loving embrace
Painting the water red
Is it Passion?
Is it Lust?
Or just a helpless cry
For the happiness
Called Love?
With every kiss
More scars
More color
Her mind in the clouds
Moaning, screaming
But no one knows
Begging for more
The knife kisses deeper
Drinking the sweet nectar of life
A suffering moan
A lustful look in her eyes
Not knowing of its disguise
she looks at me
I look away
ashamed of what i’ve seen
Nobody shall ever know
Nobody shall ever see
That pitiful girl
That calls out to me
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