belit0 · 1 year
Hello! I hope, you accept my request, although it sounds very strange. But can you maybe write about how Indra, Madara and Izuna react at seeing their lover crying in the bed after sex because they were too rough with them during sex and that they really hurt their lover? But their lover was too scared to tell them so they secretly cry. Can you maybe write how they will react to this and how they will try to make it up for their lover? I know it sounds very weird and it’s a pretty strange request, so you don’t have to do it. Love your blog btw!! It’s my favorite <333
Thank you so much for your beautiful words!! No request is weird or strange, this is a safe space for everyone to share their thoughts and ideas, so feel free to express yourself and ask for everything you want!
I'm a faithful believer about the Uchiha (all but Itachi) not having a fucking clue on how to communicate or talk things out in a grown-up way.
Some deal with it better (Madara), and others don't know what to do about it, consumed by their overwhelming feelings and unable to speak them aloud.
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- What's wrong with her? It wasn't even that hard... was it? A little blood is normal... right? Yeah... it should be fine. If it turns him on it should turn her on too. Since when did (Y/N) become so weak? Should she not like his roughness and violence maybe she should have said so before, now Indra feels like an idiot and has no idea what to say about it. He won't sleep in bed with her tonight, but he'll stay thinking as long as it takes for the sun to rise over the horizon. It will take him days to touch her again, that will be his way of apologizing without genuinely saying it, but next time he will be softer about it.
- He will have no idea how to compensate her for it because he doesn't think it is necessary either. He understands the situation, but he feels insulted, and believes that if anyone should be compensated, it is him.
- Gasp. He first thinks he's hallucinating when hearing (Y/N)'s sobs, and struggles to find the source of the sound. When he realizes it's her, he forces her to look him in the eye and explain what's going on. It may not be easy to talk about it, but Madara needs to know, otherwise he won't be able to sleep. If she decides to explain, he will apologize profusely, and guiltily hug her while feeling bad for not noticing sooner. If she chooses not to talk, he will stay upset, thinking about what might have happened, trying to guess and getting grumpy in the process.
- He will leave flowers on her bedside table when she wakes up, and give her space throughout the day just in case, but he is ashamed to look her in the eyes after knowing he hurt her. The Uchiha can't bear to know he wounded those he loves.
- Wow. I mean... what happened? Why the tears all of a sudden? If they had been fucking like this since they met... he thought she liked it? Of course Izuna feels guilty, but also deceived because (Y/N) never came clean about it. If she didn't like it, she should have told him so they could both find a middle ground, where they both enjoyed it on an equal basis. No need to put up with something she doesn't enjoy, or put him in the position of feeling guilty about it. The Uchiha will apologize, but he won't be able to talk about it because he doesn't know how to approach the subject. He will prefer to avoid contact in general, and if she does not decide to raise the issue, he will pretend nothing happened.
- He will not reward her, as he will ignore her until (Y/N) decides to confront him herself. Maybe it is selfish, but he feels like she has been lying to him, as though she was deceiving him since they met.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hey babe 💕💕💕 thanks for the asks
T - Any fandom trope you can’t stand?
when they make one of the guys in an mlm effeminate. this goes for specifically towards mpreg and abo. this is no hate towards effeminate men. i’m talking about how in order to make sense of an mlm dynamic, there are fic writers who will choose one from the pair to be more “girl-like” and it’s typically the leaner one. 
V - If you could write the sequel (or prequel) of any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
hmmmmm idk
maybe a prequel to You Only Live Once written by @storiesforsomeone bc i love that fic so much and i think it’d be fun to maybe see more of tiny Merlin when he worked for the Dragon
but tbh i wouldn’t touch them. idk if i’d do them justice
Z - Major Character Death-do you ever write/read it? is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
oh dear, uh, me and mcd have a complicated relationship. love her, but also despise her. 
idk if i can write character death in my fics. i would be more upset bc they’re my little babies that i’ve latched on to since i saw them on screen. i would write character deaths for OCs tho lol they’re free game
i will read one-shots with mcd. will not read mcd if it’s a multi-chapter fic bc i will get attached and i will be inconsolable later. however, if i am assured that one of my favorite characters or ships won’t die, i’ll read. even the temporary character death tag will have me reading the most gut-wrenching and heartbreaking pics if i know my babes will come out of it alive (maybe not ok but alive).
basically, i need that reassurance that the ending will be a positive one
for characters i can’t tolerate dying? well, wish i could say arthur but the show beat us to it lol, so every christmas all i get is gifs upon gifs of him dying (spoilers, i guess?). does wonders to the heart. 
anyway, we have Merlin, Gwaine, Gwen, Hunith, Liam, Theo, Jenna, Dr Geyer, Tara (in the college/human AUs), MK, Sun Wukong, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, Macaque (once was enough), Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth *stares at DC*, basically the whole bafam tbh
U - Share 3 of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much
well, be happy you said 3 bc this would have been a longer list
@eneiryu literally everything they write is just *chef’s kiss* i am in love with their characterizations of Theo and Liam. sobbed like a baby when i read ‘built a ship in the morning but the hull’s worn through’ ended bc i loved it so much. reread that 3 times
@theoceanismyinkwell always a slay. saved so many of his fics. doing a reread of regression to the mean and OH MY GOD T^T just as beautiful as the 1st read
@yikeshereiam have not recovered from you top gun au, babe (everybody should read it btw) really love how you write these idiots so well and the frustration from poor communication is beautiful.
O - How do you begin a story? with the plot or the characters?
mostly characters i think
with my dr geyer fic that began bc i wanted to explore characters. the plot was already given to me, i just expanded on dynamics that jeffy man ignored. and tbh my merlin fic, i just wanted to give Merlin a magic friend. someone who wouldn’t die after 1 episode or leave when they both realize they have opposing views or whatever. i wanted to give Merlin a friend and, damnit! a friend he shall have!
however with my og wip, that’s neither plot nor character. i began with the world. then characters then themes then plot.
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veiledbyart · 5 years
Tell us 3 facts from 5 of your favourite OC's :3
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- He has an older twin sister named Aisling! They went separate paths but are actually on very good terms (until she declares that she’s his ‘big sister’, then the bickering begins).
- Despite being part of the Drow community, Ainsel is in fact an Idiot and does not speak Undercommon. They spoke elvish at home and after that he spent most of his time in a monastery. He rather learned Sylvan (Fun fact; The idiot is ME).
- He is very Not Fond of alcohol and doesn’t touch the stuff. Partially because he legit dislikes the taste and partially because he watches half of his party get knock-out drunk regularly. He’s not about That Life.
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- They are actually adopted after running away from a toxic biological family. Meeting them again is one of their biggest fears, but at the same time there is a lot of things they wanna tell them (mainly their father) personally.
- The star-speckled cloak they wear is a gift from their adoptive father and brother! It’s a cloak of billowing, that they then personally customized with the stars so it would fit the rest of their costume theme. It’s one of their most important possessions.
- While they had a few fleeting relationships (which were essentially friendships with benefits), they are very new to actual romance - so now that they have a girlfriend, they are super awkward and flustered which I hoNESTLY FEEL WITH ALL MY HEART. I adore that though– my noodly bard is so pure.
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- He is Very Tall and Very Cowardish and I love him. He looks cool but he’s literally the dorkiest, awkward and most shy noodle you’ll ever encounter. The kind of person you bump into and HE apologizes.
- Takoyaki has a huge crush on Spyke and actually works as a waiter in the café where Spyke usually can be found in Splatoon 2. By now the main focus is the ship with one of my other splatoon OCs, Ikameshi, though.
- His apartment is almost a jungle at this point. He has a bazillion of plants (mostly succulents) and keeps getting more and more. It calms him being surrounded by a lot of green and he’s actually really good at taking care of them!
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- He’s an ESPer and a prime example of the yandere tropes. Seriously, he is easily one of my most messed up OCs, but I love him a lot.
- Before I turned him into this thinly veiled murder machine, he was actually just a comic relief character. I really made him solely to be annoying but funny… I guess I kinda got off-track with that. Whoops?
- He remembers all his past lives and essentially uses his different reincarnations to work towards the goal that he has. So dying is not a big issue to him.
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Jatayu (this is gonna be tricky because he’s an NPC in my LoZ-Campaign, so I gotta be careful with what I reveal)
- He first showed up not in the main campaign but as the main villain of a oneshot actually! The players of that oneshot hindered him from getting his hands on a bunch of dragon parts. He has a very personal grudge against everyone included with that :)
- He became the current leader of the Yiga after he overthrew and killed the original (and much more chill) leader. He gained a big following among the Yiga after he spearheaded an attack that essentially wiped out one of the Sheikah villages.
- While it’s still not clear how exactly, he actually got those scars during that attack against the Sheikah village. Whoever was responsible for that is now either dead or sure to be hunted still.
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dull-bun · 4 years
Them with an S/O who gets sad really suddenly
BNHA boys s ss (once again-) with an S/O who gets sad really suddenly and out of nowhere @chaoswrites​ IM REALLY SORRY I LEFT YOU TO WRITE THIS I WAS JUST FEELING SAD :(
Warnings/TW: Maybe a lil bit of angst, mentions of depression?, crying, swearing Gender neutral
hi- This is, once again, kinda a vent since I tend to get really sad even if just a second ago I was wheezing FVERHBHJR cause ✨mental illness luv✨ GFEJFRBEJ to my purple heart anon and the anon who requested for collot, I promise I’ll work on those after this! I’m very sorry if I take too long!
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You guys were taking a walk in the park (it was Mina’s idea)
You were being your happy self, eating (random snacc)
The rest of the group were walking alongside you both
Bakugou was being his tsundere self, secretly staring at you
you looked so cute🥺🥺
Bakugou started talking to Kirishima
Everyone was talking to at least someone, besides you
You didn’t mind, so you just smiled softly and started humming
After a while you stopped humming and suddenly felt really sad
Katsuki noticed this
You were trying not to cry
You didn’t know why you were sad :(
You were having such a good time, why were your dumb emotions getting in the way? (YOUR EMOTIONS ARENT DUMB BTW >:(() “Uh, I’m going to sit here for a bit, you guys can keep walking” You said as you sat on a cream colored bench, smiling fakely. The group (besides katsuki) kept on walking after they acknowledged what you said. Bakugou huffed and sat down next to you. “Hey idiot, what’s wrong?” He grumbled, making you look at him. You started tearing up and just shrugged, really not knowing why you were sad. “I-I don’t know..” You said softly, your voice sounding strained and quiet.
After that you both went to the dorms
You felt bad that you had ‘ruined’ the day for Katsuki :(
Katsuki just shushed you RBFHJER
You guys went into his dorm and cuddled, Bakugou rubbing circles into your back
You were crying, not sobbing but not crying quietly either
Bakugou didn’t mind you getting his shirt wet
You eventually fell asleep
Bakugou kissed your forehead but you didn’t hear it from me HJFEFRJ
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You and Midoriya were laughing, just watching a shitty movie
You both were having a great time!
Until you weren’t :(
You suddenly felt really sad
You pulled your blanket over your head, trying not to tear up
You laughed with Izuku, trying to act happy for him (he deserves everything)
You soon didn’t have the energy to laugh
So you just buried your face into a pillow you were holding, crying silently
Izuku didn’t hear you, he had thought you had fallen asleep
He was going to ‘wake you up’ so he could ask you if you wanted a snack from the fridge or something
But then he heard you sniffling :(
Mans literally went D: You didn’t notice little babi Izuku being right in front of you, frowning. You just wanted to go to your own dorm and cry, not wanting to ruin the moment for Izu.  Izuku gently put a hand on your covered head, trying to comfort you the best he could. “H-hey.. What’s wrong?” He asked softly, slowly and gently hugging you. “I don’t k-know..” you sobbed out, gripping his shirt.
Izuku comforted you for the rest of the afternoon
He liked knowing he was making you feel comforted, so he didn’t mind not watching the movie
You both fell asleep
In the end Izuku didn’t get snacks :((
But he was happy that he made you feel better :)
And if you’re happy he’s happy
If you’re sad he’s sadder
You guys cuddled on the floor AHBHEWJBFJ
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You and Todoroki were out shopping, just having a grand ol’ time y’know?
You and Todo had been a thing for a couple of months, almost a year
Ya’ll loved each other so much 🥺🥺
It was difficult in the beginning, Todoroki being closed off and all
But he slowly opened up to you
And that made you happy :D
But right now, you weren’t so happy
You thought about all the times he’s done things for you, like buy you something you were eyeing from a store
You felt like you didn’t do much for him :( (Spoiler: You did a lot for him too)
So you started getting sad :((
As the day dragged on, you declined his offers to get something for you, even if it was a small snack
You offered to pay for most of the things
Of course your behaviour didn’t go unnoticed by Shoto
Mans was worried :(((((
You reassured him it was nothing, you were just tired
Shoto and you soon decided to go back to the dorms
You plopped down on his bed and shoved your face into his pillow, trying to seem like you were sleeping
Shoto frowned softly and sat next to you, putting a gentle hand on your head (SHOTO JUST PUSHES YOUR HEAD ON THE PILLOW HJFREHJFEJRW JK JK-)
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he decided to ask You shook your head and shrugged, finally turning your head to face him. “I don’t know..” You said softly and wiped your teary eyes. He understood the feeling of sadness coming out of nowhere. He didn’t need you to tell him more. “It’s okay.. Come here” 
He pulled your head to his chest and laid down on the bed with you
He whispered small reassurances, running his hand up and down your back
It made you feel a little better at least :D
You thanked him softly, kissing his covered chest and saying a small ‘I love you’ then falling asleep
He smiled softly and kissed your head, muttering a small but heartfelt ‘I love you too’
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I’m sorry for you know- The OOC characters :( I made this bcus I always get sad for no reason HWHJWEVRH Anyway, thanks for reading!
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meow-sic · 3 years
hi elliot! can you do a drabble or hcs of how kuroo, the miya twins, oikawa, and bokuto would propose to their s/o? if that's a lot of characters, then pls just take your pick but pls include kuroo! thank u so much!! btw i really like your "they accidentally hurt you" post. it provides realism and a middle ground to the usual extremes we see in reader-insert content - idyllic/saccharine vs dark content (•ˇ‿ˇ•)
how they propose to you 𓍢 ᭡
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includes : oikawa , kuroo , bokuto !
warnings : some misunderstandings in oikawa’s from a prank lolol , some cursing !
a/n : hi anon! ur my first anon message and you warmed my heart<333 also i lowk got inspiration from bokutos from a spanish music video i watched in spanish class today, sue me lololol
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oikawa tooru
he’s just dumb
he thought it would be funny to try to prank you
butttttt knowing his luck, it didn’t go as planned—
okay, well, it started off innocent— he planned to try to casually slide it in, maybe catch you off gaurd, then get down on his knee and ask you to marry him!
but, when you were on top of him tickling him, he wanted to get back at you.
and like tooru oikawa, he didn’t fully think it through.
“mei! stop!” he laughed, as a joke. it was supposed to be a joke.
you stopped your fingers that were wiggling by his sides. you slumped on his lap. “what?”
he peeked at you and smiled. “what do you mean what?”
“who’s mei?”
“i didn’t say mei,” he replied, your eyes watered and you got off of his lap. he sat up and stared at you. “y/n? are you okay?”
he got up but you already were in your room, slapping the door shut.
“stupid tooru! you made ‘em upset,” he scolded himself quietly.
when he walked up to your shared room, he heard the sniffles and sobs that came from the other side that broke his heart. he knocked on the door three times before entering.
“honey,” he walked over to you and hugged you. you sobbed into his chest.
“how long has it been going on tooru?” you asked through your sobs.
he pet your hair, “what do you mean baby?”
“don’t act dumb! it’s like—“ you paused. “it’s like you’re trying to ignore the fact you’ve been cheating!”
he thought you knew he was joking. “y/n—“
“if you’re not going to tell me then i’m leaving,” you turned around to start packing your bags.
his eyes widened in panic. “nonono! no, shit—“ he was embarrassed. “i didn’t mean it! it didn’t happen! mei isn’t real!”
you stopped packing, “what?”
“she—it was supposed to be a joke. a joke to make you stop tickling me. it’s dumb because i don’t think things through. but that’s why i need you— i need you to be there so you can stop me from doing the stupid shit that i do,” he looked at you to see if you were looking at him.
and you were, you looked pissed. he sighed and bent down on his knee, pulling out the ring he had gotten weeks ago.
“y/n, i know i’m dumb. but please, forgive me for this stupid prank, and please stay with me forever. don’t leave, please.”
“stand up.”
he did so, and he wasn’t sure what to expect, but a slap across the face wasn’t it.
“you’re a fucking idiot, tooru oikawa,” you laughed, kissing him. “but— i suppose that’s why i’m here. and i’m not leaving.”
he beamed at those words, he wasn’t sure if he smiled wider in his entire life. he kissed your cheek repeatedly, “i love you so much
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kuroo tetsuro
PLEASE- he would set you upppppp
giving you hints, to where he is
but not random hints, it would be like a mini time line of your relationship
he would through a lil chemistry is there to mess with you
lovingly, though<3
you woke up alone in bed, a little confused since your boyfriend would always be there— to kiss you good morning.
you rolled over to grab your phone from its charger, looking at the text message from kuroo.
boyfrie tetsu<3
good morning baby<3 sorry i’m not there this morning, let’s play a little— hide and seek game, the prize is a big one!
the first hint: we didn’t quite meet there, but it was where i became your “boyfriend” for the first time
good luck baby!<3
you were confused by his text, and honestly, you almost wanted to ignore it. it’s too damn early for this.
but, you can’t. you knew he was going to be waiting for you, and you can’t leave him all alone.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you groaned and started your day. you still got dressed none the less, and went to a café you always go to.
as the barista handed you your drink, you saw a note on it.
dear y/n,
you’re probably here for your morning coffee, but, none the less, this is where we first started to ‘date’! that one guy who wouldn’t stop hitting on you, and your prince charming (aka me aka the most handsome man ever) came to your rescue;)
where we promised each other is your new hint, good luck!<3
you knew where it was once you read the bolder letters. you thanked, and tipped the barista. you were more than happy to remember the memory.
“tetsu, it’s so late out, what if we get kidnapped!” you ranted your anxieties to him.
“kidnapped? you think anyone would dare to fight your prince charming?” he kissed your head as you two walked. “we’re almost there.”
he led you to the bridge that curved over the water like a C shape. you both leaned forward on the cement railing and looked at the moon.
“i’m so in love with you, y/n.” he admitted out of the blue, you looked at him.
“i’m in love with you too, tetsu.” you leaned your head on him, he wrapped an arm around you.
“i know we’re only in highschool. but i promise, i’ll marry you.”
“i’ll be waiting for that day, tetsu. even if it’s till we’re sixty, or if we’re only in our young twenties and being stupid. i’ll be waiting for you.”
you both melted at each other’s words, you shared a passionate kiss.
you ran up to where the bridge was. your pace slowed as your boyfriend came into view. he was holding flowers, and a lock.
you panted, “i hate running tetsu.” you breathed out, he laughed at you. “i know, sorry.”
you stood straight, looking at what he was wearing. it looked fancier than usual. “what’s the lock for?” you asked.
he looked at it and smiled, “i remember, it was our second year of college. you were so mad that they changed the bridge. that they changed the fencing, and couples started to put locks on it.”
“and i was thinking we could do one too?” he questioned. you smiled and grabbed the lock. you bent down and locked it, he wrote both of your initials on it.
you stood up, but your boyfriend stayed on his knee.
“tetsu what are you doing?”
he pulled a little box from his back pocket, a few pedestrians stopped and watched what was happening.
“when we were sixteen, we made a stupid promise to each other at midnight on this bridge. and i promised i would marry you. y/n, i told you ten years ago, when we were sixteen, that i love you.” he paused for a second to look up at your face, which was in shock. “and i still do, so please, keep the promise and marry me.”
“oh my god, oh my god! yes yes!” you got on your knees with him. he laughed at you for getting on your knees with him instead of waiting for him to stand up.
you tackled him in a hug while other people clapped for you two.
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bokuto kotarou
tbh this stressed him out
he wasn’t sure when, how, or what to say
you two had talked about marriage and how you two would gladly marry each other
but he wasn’t sure when!!!
he kept the ring on him at all times just incase:)
you and bokuto were just returning from a walk. the snow was heavier than expected by you two, so when you got home to a pile of snow, you were thrilled.
“kou let’s make a snowman! like we did with your old team, c’mon!” you dragged him by the hand to your front yard.
you and bokuto were always childlike in your relationship, you two getting excited at the tiniest things that makes you two act like children. so when you saw the snow, you felt more than joy.
you began by making a small snowball in your hand, and rolling it as you walked around your yard, to form a big snowball for the base. by the time you were done with the biggest snowball, bokuto was done with the medium sized one.
“okay, if we pick it up at the same time, it shouldn’t break,” you lifed the medium sized snowball with him. you set it on top of the biggest one.
“hey hey hey! y/n! let me make the tinniest one while you get the scarf, carrot, and eyes and smile,” he suggested. you nodded and kissed his cold cheek before heading inside to quickly grab the items.
you grabbed a pink scarf, a white hat that kou got you one year, and a carrot and some coal for the eyes and smile.
when you headed outside, you saw the snowman was all made. your insides felt bubbly as your childlike happiness was showing.
you ran out to him. “i got everything kou!”
“okay! you decorate, and don’t turn around until i say so. i have a surprise for you,” he replied. you were confused at what the surprise could be, but you agreed none the less.
you put the carrot in the middle of the snowman’s face. you then placed the eyes, and tried your best to make the smile symmetrical.
you wrapped the scarf around it’s neck, and put the hat on top. “okay kou, i’m done! can i turn around?”
there was a short pause, “okay now you can.”
you turned around to him on his knee, holding out a ring. your mouth dropped open to see writing in the snow.
will you marry me? ♥︎
“yes! yes yes!” you basically screamed, tackling him and kissing him repeatedly.
“the ring! wheres the ring?” he questioned. you both started to dig it up in the snow, laughing at how stupid you two were.
you found it, and slid it on your finger. “i cant wait to marry you, baby.” your hands slid up and down his chest before you kissed him.
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niks-minion · 4 years
Bnha 303. Top three alliance
So last week I tried my hand at rambling about spoilers and it was fun. I’m gonna indulge myself some more, bc how can I not then my favorite chicken entered the Todo family chat?
Hello, dear sir, top heroes are happy to be at your service. Thanks for talking loud enough btw, very appreciated. Sorry, our third eavesdropping blonde buddy can’t join the party due to, you know, coughing blood.
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Hawks: surprise Enji,Todo,Rei: wtf?
Oh well, it happens you know when you’re in a place with tons of other ppl around ya. Honestly, Shouto you should know better by this point.
Lol, why Enji reminds me of a monkey here? Nevermind. Forget it.
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I’m not sorry. At all. Small details are important, or that’s I’ve been told.
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Pls queen, stand up, you have nothing to apologize for. 😭
that’s the cultural difference for you. I mean if I had fucked up, my mom would have said smth like “ugh why, why this child is mine again?” Pls tell me I’m not the only one.
Also, hawks, my little bird millennial, you’re doing great with fast typing. Is there a crush course somewhere? I mean I can type without looking too but the speed is remarkable. I tip my hat.
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So to all the ppl who were “ugh Hawks is an abuse apologist” may I point out that even if he seems chill, even if he said that he’s sure it’s not like that anymore, he’s still checking and asking about the scar. And I’m sorry but his eyes are saying “tell me you did it to your child and I’ll punch you”
Hawks: Oh, it was his Mom? Ok, cool. Wtf is wrong with this family.
Anyhow this mummies party gets better. 👀 Shouto saying “so close” not once but twice? How not to joke about celebrity crush here? Todo makes it impossible, I swear.
What’s he thinking on the last frame?... pls don’t tell me it’s some kind of guilt trip, bc there are too many things like that in this chapter, I don’t need one more.
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One, two, three: SHOUTO KUN YOURE SUPER COOL! ( he calls him by his first name👀)
Ok I need them to get along well too. Getting along with blondies is Todo special talent, like being a great hand crusher. Can Shouto go to Hawks’ agency with Toko? Pls?
Or just adopt Hawks in the family, I don’t mind.
I don’t like Keigo feeling guilty for leaving his parents. Like yeah, Shouto is a kind little soul, maybe readying himself to forgive all the shit, but Deku’s point is valid. It’s totally ok not to forgive. They were awful parents. And honestly, I don’t see how staying with them would change this fact. You were a kid damn it!
Ok so then we get a two minutes quick review of “previously in bnha” and all the clusterfuck happening in the city. Thanks, feathers.
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Oh. Oh. Hawks says “I’m here” for the man who’s been his inspiration for so long. I might sob just a bit.
Ok, old man, that’s the boost you need to charge your “I’m a hero” batteries. Now wakey-wakey. It’s time to kick some asses. And maybe explain yourself to little commoners on the other side of the window.
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I love Natsuo.
What, your tears must make me forgive you? Pfffffffft, yeah, no.
Thanks Hori really. That it’s not like magically everything is cool and shining, and Todo family is back together hugging his dad bc he’s sorry. Nah.
But let’s get back to business
Talk shit about Enji all you want, but the guy is smart. Not for the first time he’s connecting the dots, coming to a correct answer. (Todo’s got his theory obsession not from this branch)
Pls tell me I’m reading it right. Tell me it’s not only for Hawks and BJ knowledge. Come on AM, it’s time to spill the beans.
MY GREMLIN IS BAAAAAAACK, alive and kicking
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Holy guacamole, Kats chill bro! Deku is not gonna say goodbye to his little coma adventure just bc you’ve managed to disturb even the neighbor building.
These three are the only smart and responsible ppl here. Thank you guys. Put this idiot to rest before he throws up his guts on the floor.
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BJ:Oh hey, great lord explosion Murder, yes I remember all this long ass crap, so you’re good? Was a little worried considering a couple of holes in your body. Bakugou: I can’t believe I was waiting for this moron to reveal my hero name.
So the new meddling duo is on the way to Deku. Who can’t answer at the moment pls, call back later.
Next time we’re gonna get the “ofa secrets reveal” while the bunch of blondies are crowding the space! I kinda don’t want tdbk to miss this party. Pls deliver a special Bakugou package to this room. Todo go visit your precious friend. If ppl can wiggle in your private mess, feel free to do the same, bro!
317 notes · View notes
slaylinski · 3 years
5 Times Something Almost Happened And 1 Time It Did
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Pairing: Sam x Bucky (AU) 5+1
Word count: 8704
Warnings: angst, major character death (mentioned), grief, miscommunication, Sambucky can be absolutely idiots sometimes, mutual pining, fluff, happy ending
Prompt: Sam and Bucky are obviously in love with each other, but each secretly thinks the other is the boyfriend of their recently deceased friend (Steve) and that they should respect the bro code. 
A/N: So, I recently saw that prompt on IG and since there is no fanfiction out there that covers that I decided to write one myself. Prepare yourself for some misunderstandings, angst, grieving and sambucky fluff!
btw, shoutout to @januarystears and @gwen-novella for being my beta reader and emotional Marvel supporters🥰💕
Please be aware that English is not my first language.  
Bucky was looking at the tombstone in front of him, still not able to process what happened the last few days. Steve Rogers was his childhood best friend. He remembered them being 5-year old’s trying to steal some of the cookies his mother had baked; he remembered Steve calling him at 3am on a Sunday, crying and telling him about his mother‘s car accident, the one that had made him an orphan. He remembered his parents not even hesitating for a second before they took Steve in. 
And now Steve was gone. And everything Bucky had left were a few memories that were already starting to fade.
Since his parents were dead not many people came to Steve’s funeral. A few friends he had met in Chicago, Bucky’s family and of course Sam Wilson. 
After he and Steve had finished college, Steve had gotten an amazing job offer in Chicago and since Bucky had decided to stay in New York, they had had to adapt to not being able to see each other every day. They had still managed to see each other monthly, most of the times Steve coming to New York, since Bucky’s family, meaning Steve’s family, was still in New York as well. And every time they had visited each other Steve had talked about Sam. Every damn time. Bucky had felt like he already knew the other man. Obviously, he had been happy that Steve had found a boyfriend in Chicago.
Since Bucky was bi and Steve had been gay, they had had a few first times together. From having their first kiss with each other to some things he was not going to mention here. They had tried to make their relationship work, but ultimately decided they were better off as friends. Since then they had not really talked much about their relationships. The only thing that had mattered to Bucky had been that Steve was happy and the way he had talked about Sam had made Bucky realize that he had been happy.
“You okay, man? “ Bucky looked to his left and stared into a pair of brown eyes.
“Yeah, I am okay," he said quietly, which was far from the truth. He still could not believe that Steve was dead.
“I am Sam, Sam Wilson," Sam introduced himself to Bucky, which made the latter chuckle. “Yeah, I already know that. Steve talked about you, a lot," Bucky tried to smile but his eyes were still focused on the tombstone in front of him.
“You know, it is a shame that he never introduced us," Sam said.
“It really is, but I feel like I already know you from all the stories Steve told me about you. I am glad he had someone in Chicago who took care of him. I am sorry for your loss," Bucky felt terrible. He felt like he could not breathe, like drowning but not being able to swim to the surface.
“I am really sorry too, Bucky," Sam whispered. Bucky barely remembered the next few hours. They went to the Barnes house for a funeral service. He saw his sister Becca who tried not to cry but miserably failed, he met his parents’ eyes. His mom was silently crying, and his dad wore sunglasses, trying to hide his swollen eyes as well. To his parents it was like they had lost one of their children. To Becca and him it was like they had lost their brother. And Bucky could not even imagine how hard it was for Sam to lose his boyfriend, his significant other, the person he wanted to grow old with. However, Sam looked more pulled together, like he tried his best not to cry in front of Bucky. Which Bucky understood, it was not like they knew each other very well.
“Do you want something to eat?" Sam asked and tried to feed Bucky some of the cake that was sitting on the kitchen counter. It was one of the many cakes people had brought over to the Barnes house after they had found out about Steve’s death. Everybody had loved Steve Rogers and it was a real shock to them that he had died at such a young age. Bucky, however, did not feel like eating. He felt like sleeping. Like the kind of sleep that makes you forget reality, the one that comforts you. He had not slept for the last couple of days, he was afraid of dreaming, afraid of dreaming and waking up. Afraid that his mind was going to dream about Steve and then him waking up and realizing that it was only a dream and that he was really gone.
“No, thanks. Do you want something?" Bucky asked but Sam shook his head. It was the first time that Bucky took a closer look at Sam Wilson. He was a little bit shorter than Bucky. His brown eyes were warm, and they looked worried, and Bucky felt like Sam was as close to breaking down as he himself was but tried to hold it together. The longer he looked at Sam, the more he understood Steve when he had talked about how warm Sam's eyes were or how good his smile looked. Sam was exactly the type of guy Bucky would go for. Sam tried to comfort him, and Bucky did not understand why. It was not like he had lost his boyfriend. He had lost his best friend, which was pretty hard as well, but not as hard as what Sam was going through now.
“Sorry, I need to get out of here,” Bucky told Sam and rushed out of the house.
The Barnes house was pretty small, barely enough room for two children, but they had squeezed together when Steve had moved in. The backyard had a small garden. A bench facing the giant cherry tree Bucky and Steve used to climb up.
Bucky felt his lip tremble and sniffed. He was all alone now. Steve was gone and there was nothing he could change about that. He felt a tear slipping down his face and tried to wipe it away with his shirtsleeve, but his stupid shirt was too tight, and he could not reach his eyes, and everything was just stupid.
A few moment later his vision was blurred with tears and he tried hard not to sob. It was horrible. He had not even realized that Sam had followed him outside until he felt a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. “Hey, it’s going to be alright, Bucky,” he said and tried to calm him down. The second he noticed Sam; Bucky felt like shit. Sam had just lost his boyfriend and Bucky was out here crying and not even thinking about Sam for a second.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky looked at Sam. “I just… I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now and I-,” he tried to continue but Sam interrupted him.
“If you try to apologize for having feelings, Barnes, I am going to throw you into your neighbors’ pool,” Sam pointed to his right to the swimming pool next to them. “I’m not joking. I don’t know what Steve told you about me, but I’m a man of my word,” Sam laughed. Bizarrely, Bucky laughed as well, like a real laugh, not the ones you fake to seem polite.
“You know, he would’ve hated that,” Bucky declared.
“What? “
“Us here, moping around. He would have wanted his funeral to be party. Has he ever told you about the first years of his life?”
Sam shook his head.
“When we were younger, Steve used to be sick, like all the time. He had the worst allergies and asthma and everything you could possibly imagine. Some winters were hard, there were times when he was in the hospital for week.
Then one time he had this stupid idea to plan his funeral because somehow in his 10-year-old brain he was thinking that he was going to die. And me, being the other 10-year-old, agreed to that so we were in that chapel and he was reading a text that he’d written and playing some weird ass song he’d found on his Mp3 player and then we were all mushy and crying. A couple of weeks later he was home again. A few years after that, he got his height boost and most of his allergies were gone and he became the Steve you know,” Bucky hadn’t even realized that he was crying again but it was a weird combo of crying and laughing.
“God, I miss him so much already,” he sniffed.
“So, Steve Rogers would’ve wanted a party for his funeral? “Sam grinned, and Bucky couldn’t help but start to notice Sam’s laugh. The way his eyes crinkled and the way his whole body moved when he laughed.
“We’re going to get through this, Buck. I promise,” Sam put his arm around Bucky and patted his shoulder.
“You know, you can always call me if you want to talk,” this was the first time that Bucky saw that Sam had tears in his eyes as well. Sam quickly looked in a different direction but left his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. Bucky was not mad that Sam called him ‘Buck ‘, he felt horrible. He was a horrible person. His best friend had just died and all he could think about was how badly he wanted to kiss his best friend’s boyfriend.
Sam Wilson was fairly sure that Bucky Barnes was one of the strongest people he had ever met. He could not even imagine what it must feel like to lose his boyfriend. Well, until the funeral, Sam hadn’t been quite sure if Bucky really had been Steve’s boyfriend because even though he had known Steve for more than 4 years, he still did not remember one woman or one man that Steve had ever mentioned with as much enthusiasm as he had radiated when talking about Bucky. So, it was kind of weird to Sam that they had only visited each other occasionally and still hadn’t been living together after so many years, but he hadn’t wanted to ask why. It was not his business anyways.
Even though he did not know much about Steve Rogers’ love life, he considered him one of his best friends if not his best friend. Therefore, it was hard on him to have lost Steve so suddenly. He had never heard of somebody dying of an asthma attack. Especially someone who hadn’t had one in more than ten years. He remembered Bucky’s call and nearly dropping his phone. Bucky’s parents had been Steve’s emergency contacts, so it was unsurprising that they, and thus Bucky, had gotten notified first.
He had been in the middle of cooking dinner for him and Steve, since they were sharing a flat. It was not like they were poor or not earning enough money, it was more about not being alone and being able to save up a bit for the future. None of them minded living with a roommate, though.
After the call he had travelled to New York to attend Steve’s funeral. It was not how he’ imagined his first trip to New York and it certainly wasn’t the way he had wanted to meet the famous Bucky Barnes. After the death of Steve’s parents when he’d been a teenager, Bucky’s family had been all he’d had left.
Sam had felt a little anxious, and even though two of his and Steve’s friends, Wanda and Pietro, had come with him, he still felt like an intruder. He still could not believe that Steve was really gone.
He recognized Bucky immediately. He had seen a lot of picture over the years and even met him one time via face time but that could not have prepared him for what he saw the first time he looked into Bucky’s eyes.
Even though he was on the verge of crying, he looked like one of the most beautiful men Sam had ever seen, and the second he thought of that Sam wanted to slap himself. He felt like the worst person on earth. His best friend had just died and all he could think about was how good-looking his boyfriend was. He was going to end up in hell.
For the next couple of days Sam felt numb. Bucky kindly invited him to stay over at his flat in New York, so Sam didn’t have to bother booking a hotel room or anything like that.
Since his boss had known Steve as well but could not attend his funeral due to business, he kindly gave Sam two paid weeks off. Sam was not sure how he was going to handle going back to the flat he shared with Steve. He already felt lonely and was not sure if he could handle throwing out Steve’s stuff.
But right now, he was thinking about a lot of different things, for example about Bucky, who was sitting right in front of him, eating a bagel for breakfast.
Bucky’s flat was not what Sam expected. After living together with Steve Rogers for nearly three years, he thought that he knew the way Steve liked to live. Pretty messy was an understatement. His room looked like it belonged to a messy 3-year-old. Bucky’s flat however was completely clean. So clean that Sam would not have been bothered eating off the floor. The thought of Bucky constantly reminding Steve to put away his stuff made him laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Bucky looked at him curiously and swallowed the last bit of his bagel.
“Oh, nothing,” Sam tried hide his grin.
“Hey, that’s not fair. Tell me,” Bucky protested but he was smiling as well. The pretty smile, the one that made Sam’s heart flutter. He quickly put that thought aside.
“Well, you knew Steve better than me and when I see how clean your flat is all I can think about is how messy ours used to look.”
That made Bucky laugh as well. “You know, I asked myself the same question. Do you remember when you were on that business trip? That time I visited Steve, and it was the first time I saw your flat and I was shocked how clean it actually looked. Not that Steve was a messy, but I’m amazed how you managed to get along with him not putting his stuff everywhere.”
“Well at least he tried with you, whenever he was coming home, he just threw his jacket on our couch and went into the bathroom,” Sam laughed. `
“Yeah, he tried his best whenever he visited me,” Bucky answered.
‘Perks of being the boyfriend, Sam thought but didn’t say it out loud. He did not want to upset Bucky and tried to talk as little about Steve as possible, only referring to him when Bucky told him a story about them.
“You know what, Sam?” Bucky asked after they put away the dishes from their late breakfast. “I’m done sitting here and moping around. I need to get out of here, get some fresh air.”
“Do you have something in mind?” Sam looked at him. It was weird, even though he never met Bucky in person he felt like he already knew him. Steve used to talk about him all the time, mentioning him even when he was talking about the most unnecessary things. At first Sam thought it was cute, but after a while it kind of annoyed him. However, Bucky really was as great as Steve had described him. In the last days he got to know him and found out that he was one of the most generous and humble persons he had ever met.
“I actually do. I have been craving ice cream ever since I saw that Ben and Jerry’s commercial last night and thought that we could go to the Central Park,” Bucky suggested.
“Sound great. Let me get my jacket and I am good to go”.
They each grabbed their phones, wallets and jackets. Bucky stuffed his keys into the pocket of his leather jacket. Sam could swear that Bucky had at least five different versions of the same leather jacket in different colors.
Bucky’s flat was close to the Central Park since he lived in Manhattan. Sam was not quite sure what kind of job Bucky had but it must have been paying really well if he could afford living that close to the city.  They didn’t talk much while walking to the park, but Bucky took the time to show Sam some of Steve’s favorite spots, for example his favorite coffee shop. Whenever they walked past a shop or cafe Steve used to like, Sam knew immediately because Bucky tensed up.
Obviously, Sam had never been to the Central Park in New York and he had only ever seen it on pictures so far, so he was surprised how big it actually was. There were a lot of children, parents and young people walking around. A couple of them were inline skating or even skateboarding. It was a sunny afternoon, which made for a crowded park.
“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” Bucky asked him after they sat down on a free bench they found.
“Pretty much any ice cream flavor,” Sam laughed.
“You know, that was Steve’s answer to that question as well. He ate pretty much every flavor of ice cream I bought so I always had to hide it or buy an extra pack,” Bucky smiled but his eyes looked sad.
Sam wasn’t sure what he could do to make him feel better. And the worst was that he was still thinking about how good-looking Bucky was. “Just surprise me, okay?”
Bucky nodded and quickly walked away to the nearest ice cream van.
Sam leaned against the bank and closed his eyes. His mind was still trying to process Steve’s death. When he was younger his dad had died, and his mom had made him go to a therapist for a couple of months. The woman had told him about the five different stages of grief, and Sam was sure he was still stuck in denial. He just couldn’t imagine his life without Steve Rogers, and he still did not know how he would manage living on his own. He might get a different flat, one that was smaller.
His thoughts were interrupted by Bucky, who returned, carrying two ice cream cones in his hands. There were at least three scoops of chocolate ice cream on each one. Sam’s eyes grew big once Bucky settled the ice cream into his hand.
“I thought we might as well treat ourselves,” he only stated and started eating his ice cream.
If there was something worse than having the hots for your dead best friend’s boyfriend, it was watching his so-called boyfriend licking ice cream.
He quickly looked away and stared at the ice cream in his hand, which was slowly starting to melt.
“You know, I bought this for you so you could eat it. Not watch it melt, but you do you,” Bucky raised his eyebrows and looked at the ice cream that was slowly dripping around the cone.
“Yeah, of course. Is it a coincidence that you chose chocolate because it is Steve’s favorite ice cream or is it your favorite flavor as well?” Sam asked curiously.
“You got me there. It’s my favorite ice cream flavor, too. So now you know why I had to hide my secret ice cream stash in the freezer whenever Steve came around,” Bucky laughed.
They were quietly eating their ice cream when Bucky stood up all of a sudden and grabbed Sam’s hand. Bucky’s hand was warm, warmer than Sam had imagined. The former quickly pulled him to his feet and Sam felt himself blushing. Hopefully, Bucky didn’t see that.
“Come on, we are going to see the ducks,” Bucky shouted and ran to the lake that was in the middle of the park. Sam just laughed. Sometimes he felt like Bucky was still ten years old and not 28. He followed Bucky and found him a few seconds later, throwing the last crumbs of his ice cream cone to a little duck family that was quickly picking up the crumbs.
“You are such a child, Bucky.”
Bucky just rolled his eyes and tried to pet the small ducklings. However, the mother duck was not having that and tried to pick at Bucky’s hand. It even started to flutter towards him. Bucky let out a scream and started running to Sam. “Help me, ahh. It’s trying to kill me. Sorry duck, I was only trying to pet your babies,” Bucky exclaimed. “I wouldn’t hurt them.”
Sam was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. He noticed a couple of other people around him who were watching them. A few seconds later he just gave up and completely doubled over. He was wheezing and already feeling the weird looks he got from the people surrounding him. Tears started to form in his eyes and that was the first time the last few days that the reason for them was not him being sad.
Bucky finally came over to him, laughing as well. “They were so cute, I just had to,” he exclaimed, and before Bucky was able to say another word, Sam grabbed him by his hips and pulled him over to him. He let his hand sit on Bucky’ waist for a short moment until he realized that Bucky was staring at him, especially at his hand. Sam felt blood rushing into his head. He probably looked absolutely flustered and he noticed that Bucky was blushing.
“Anyways. They were cute and Steve loves, I mean loved, ducks,” Bucky said quietly.
After hearing Steve’s name Sam felt guilty again. Following that awkward incident, they quickly went back to Bucky’s apartment and never mentioned it again.
Ever since Sam had left to go back to his flat in Chicago, Bucky felt lonely. He had never felt that way when Steve had left him to go back to Chicago or when his other friends visited. It might have to do with the fact that Sam was the first person who really calmed him down after Steve’s death. His parents and his sister tried their best, but they were still trying to process the fact that Steve was gone. Sam’s reaction to Steve’s death was different. It almost made Bucky a little angry, because how could he not have cared about Steve, but then he remembered that Sam hadn’t know him as well as the Barnes family. Sam might have tried to pull himself together because he had not wanted to cry in front of Bucky. The last couple of days Bucky had gotten to spend with Sam he understood what Steve had loved about him. Sam was kind, made him laugh and the best thing, he was honest to Bucky.
Bucky’s last relationships had not been exactly what he pictured. The last girl he had dated had been someone named Natasha, who he’d met through work. She was nice and pretty, but after a few months she’d told Bucky that she did not see a future with him. He wasn’t sad that their relationship ended, he was sad because it meant he was alone again.
Right then, he was sitting on his couch, watching his favorite tv show. Suits. The first time he’d watched that show he couldn’t decide whether he would rather sleep with Donna or Harvey. Seeing that he was a lawyer himself, he knew the series was nowhere close to being realistic, but he still liked it. Practicing law wasn’t exactly how he’d pictured it in college but still, it made him happy.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. He quickly grabbed it and smiled once he saw the name displayed on the screen. Sam Wilson.
“Hey, Bucky,” Sam greeted him.
Bucky felt his chest flutter but tried to ignore it. Sam was his forbidden fruit, but he already felt like Eva ogling the red apple in garden Eden. Apparently, he and Eva would share going to hell.  
“Hey Sam,” Bucky answered quietly.
There as an awkward pause.
“Something wrong?”
“Well, I don’t know if this might seem weird to you but yesterday, I was finally able to enter Steve’s room and was trying to sort his stuff and because he doesn’t have any family left, I thought you might want some of this and- “
Bucky interrupted him. “Sam, you are rambling. What do you want me to do?” he asked.
“I was just wondering if you might want to fly to Chicago and look through Steve’s stuff. Like, I know he would have wanted you to get most of his things. I understand if you are occupied with work but honestly, I don’t know if I’m ready to get rid of his things. It feels like I’m starting to forget him. I’m already starting to forget what his voice sounded like, and it’s starting to drive me crazy. And I know it’s a lot I’m asking of you and it is a shitty thing of me to cry to you about it, since he was your-,” Sam sniffed and before he could continue Bucky interrupted him again.
“To quote you, Sam: If you dare apologize for having feelings, I might throw you into your neighbor’s pool. Even though I don’t know if your neighbor owns a pool, but you get what I’m trying to say here,” Bucky could hear Sam laughing, although his voice was still a bit cracked. He sounded like he had been crying for at least a couple of minutes. Then again, Bucky would probably react the same if he’d had to sit down and sort out Steve’s stuff.
“I’m flying out to you tomorrow,” Bucky stated. He could hear Sam breathing. “You don’t have to if you have work to do or something else, I can get Wanda or Pietro to help me,” Sam said, guilt lacing his tone.
“No, you’re right. I should have thought about that earlier. It must be hard for you. Of course, I can help,” he assured Sam.
“Thanks, Bucky,” Sam replied.
“You’re welcome, Sam. I’ll text you my flight information.”
However, he did not mention that he was excited to meet Sam again. He was sure that the last thing Sam was worried about right now was finding a new boyfriend, and Bucky still felt guilty about even thinking that he had a chance with Sam. Sam had been Steve’s boyfriend and was grieving, and Bucky was selfish for thinking that Sam could like him that way.
Immediately after the phone call ended, he grabbed his laptop and started looking for flights straight to Chicago. Since it was on such short notice, the flights were way more expensive than usually, but he didn’t care about that.
The day he arrived in Chicago was rainy. The weather was characteristically bad, so he was glad that Sam had offered to pick him up from the airport. Once Bucky had grabbed his suitcase, he made his way into the arrival hall of the airport. He already noticed Sam from far away, due to the fact that the other man was waving like crazy at Bucky, which made him laugh. Sam was such a dork.
“Hey, I’m glad you made it. Thanks again,” Sam tried to carry Bucky’s suitcase, but Bucky pushed his hand away.
“I got it, thanks,” he still thought it was cute.
They walked outside to Sam’s car, talking about random things. Bucky noticed that Sam didn’t mention Steve’s name. He was probably waiting until they got home, and Bucky did not want to upset Sam any further, so he did not mention the deceased’s name as well.
Bucky could count on one hand how many times he had been to Steve’s and Sam’s flat. It was still weird to him that they did not sleep in the same bed. But after knowing Steve Rogers for nearly two decades, it was impossible for even him to sleep next to Steve. Whenever the latter had slept, he’d snored so loud that Bucky had been sure the neighbors next door could still hear him, so he did not blame Sam for having wanted a separate bed.
The flat had not changed much since the last time Bucky had been there. The walls were decorated with a lot of artwork - most of it done by Steve. While Bucky was not able to draw a straight line, Steve had been able to draw the most amazing things with only a pencil.
“You can keep some of them, if you want,” Sam commented and squeezed his shoulder.
“Yeah, that would be nice, but you should keep most of them. They’re in your home, anyway, so why should I take ‘em with me.”
Sam only stared at him in confusion.
“I guess I’ll move into a new flat once we are done here. It’s too big for me anyway. Might as well get another roommate,” Sam stated.
“Roommate?” Bucky looked at him “Aren’t you a bit old to live with a roommate?” he asked, seemingly confused. He knew Sam was nearly 3 years older than him and Steve.
“I am what?” Sam raised his eyebrow.
Immediately, Bucky felt bad. He was such an idiot. Sam had been living with his boyfriend for the last 3 years, of course he was going to feel lonely living on his own. “Nothing. Forget it. So, where did you put Steve’s stuff?”
Sam pointed to a couple of boxes that were lying in one corner of the living room. “I got rid of most of his clothes and furniture, apart from some t-shirts and hoodies. Thought you might want to keep some of these.”
Bucky’s eyes wandered to a green hoodie that was crumpled up in one of the boxes. He quickly snatched it and pressed it against his chest. It was the hoodie Steve had worn the day they had gotten their college acceptance. It even smelled a bit like Steve.
“You should keep it,” Sam mumbled, “I have so much of his stuff, and you have nothing and…” His voice started to crack.
Bucky felt helpless. He was trying to think of something that would make Sam feel better. The only thing he could think about right then was a hug.
He quickly wrapped his arms around Sam and pressed his chest against the other man’s. He could feel Sam’s breathing and heartbeat.
Sam started to calm down, still pressed against Bucky. They stayed like this for a moment until Bucky started to feel something. ‘Oh god’, he panicked. Not now. It had been a few months since he’d last had any physical contact and it was starting to show. Sam clinging and moving against him did not make things better. Bucky felt his face heating up and tried to think of a way to break out of the hug.
“You, okay?” Sam asked and quickly ended their hug. He’d probably felt something was wrong.
Bucky was still red and quickly looked away. ‘So much to not thinking about Sam in that way,’ he thought to himself.
“Yeah, everything’s alright,” Bucky just knew Sam had felt it. However, he was glad that he didn’t mention it. It was already awkward enough for him. They continued to look through Steve’s stuff and neither of them said another word.
“I am glad you are here, Bucky,” Sam whispered after a while.
“I am really glad you called me,” Bucky responded. It was going to be okay.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Sam asked and started zapping through Netflix. It had been a couple of months since Bucky’s visit to Chicago, but he and Sam had been in contact with each other nearly every day. Bucky had started to slowly crawl into Sam’s daily life, but he did not mind it. Quite the opposite. The more he talked to Bucky, the more Sam caught himself thinking about the way Bucky smiled and laughed. The way Bucky’s eyes lit up when he talked about his work or his cat, Alpine. The cat was cute. Sam remembered Bucky finding her near the trash cans in the backyard of his flat and the moment he’d seen her he’d known that she was supposed to stay with him. Just like Steve and Bucky used to do, the two chose at least one time a month to meet up with each other. That month it was Sam’s turn to visit Bucky.
Right now, they were sitting on Bucky’s couch. Bucky was on his phone trying to figure out what he wanted to eat for dinner. Alpine was cuddled against Bucky’s chest.
“I don’t care. Chose something you want to watch,” Bucky answered Sam’s question. He stroked Alpine’s white fur. The cat snuggled closer to Bucky and purred. Sam could not blame her. Bucky’s chest did look comfortable.
“Okay, then.”
It still took Sam more than fifteen minutes to find a series he wanted to watch.
“Have you decided on what you want to eat?” he asked Bucky, who was still scrolling through his phone.
“No,” Bucky let out a groan. “They have so many options. How am I supposed to choose? I want fries and sushi and pizza at the same time,” he exclaimed.
Sam laughed. One of the many things he had learned about Bucky in the last couple of months was that Bucky loved food. It was close to being an unhealthy obsession.
“Well, how about we just get something small of everything and share?” Sam offered but Bucky did not seem convinced.
“Sam, I don’t want to share,” he pouted.
“Okay, well, that’s your problem. I already know what I want to eat,” Sam crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch. It was comfortable and probably cost more than Sam’s monthly salary. He had learned that Bucky was a corporate lawyer, which explained how he was able to live so close to Manhattan. It also explained the amounts of money he was able to spend on food. The first few times, Sam had tried to split the bill, but Bucky had always protested. Sam had stopped trying after that. It was sweet of Bucky, and Sam wondered if that was the way Bucky had treated Steve as well. The more he got to know the other man, the more he caught himself falling for him. He knew it was wrong, and that Steve would probably hate him for feeling that way - he even hated himself a little bit for it - but he couldn’t change his feelings. He tried his best not to get too touchy with Bucky, but he failed sometimes.
“I want pizza.”
Sam looked at Bucky. “Are you sure?”
“Yep,” Bucky started to scratch Alpine’s belly, and the cat purred in response.
Sam shrugged his shoulders. He knew that Bucky would probably change his opinion once the pizza was here, but he still called the pizza place and ordered.
45 minutes later the doorbell rang, and Bucky stood up to answer. Alpine looked up in confusion once she noticed that Bucky was gone and started walking towards Sam. After looking at him, she decided he was worthy and cuddled against his chest. Sam patted her.
“Oh, this is so cute, I need to take a picture,” Bucky had returned with two large pizza cartons and a smaller one containing some garlic bread. Sam smiled, but the second Bucky got his phone out, Alpine jumped up and quickly walked away.
“Stupid cat,” Bucky mumbled. It was almost like she heard him because she turned her head and hissed at him.
“Great, now she’s mad,” Sam sighed.
“She’ll get over it. Here’s your pizza,” Bucky gave him his carton and settled down to eat his own pizza.
“By the way, my sister wants to finally meet you,” Bucky said after a few minutes. It didn’t take him long to finish his pizza and he moved on to the garlic bread.
“I can’t wait to meet her. Steve used to talk about her all the time. He really loved her like a little sister.” Sam didn’t know Becca personally, apart from that short meeting at Steve’s funeral, but back then hadn’t really been the right time to get to know her better.
“Yeah, he really did. She is our little sister,” Bucky mumbled, a sad undertone present in his voice. Sam wasn’t going to lie, he thought about Steve a lot, but whenever he visited Bucky or got a message from him, the thought of his best friend was pushed a little bit further back in his brain. Every time he caught himself doing that, he felt guilty. Guilty for starting to forget the way Steve’s voice sounded, for getting a smaller flat because he couldn’t stand continuing to live in the same flat, he used to live in with Steve and mostly, guilty for slowly starting to fall in love with Bucky Barnes.
He wondered if Bucky sometimes forgot about Steve, too, or if Sam was just a horrible friend. He didn’t have the courage to ask Bucky about it; he did not want to lose the closest thing he had to a best friend since Steve.
They continued to watch the series. After a while, Alpine came back from wherever she had hidden. She settled into the crook of Bucky’s arm and looked into Sam’s eyes. He almost felt caught by her. He did not really like cats; however, he made an exception for Alpine.
Shortly after the movie, Sam noticed that Bucky was snoring. He was leaning against Sam’s shoulder, Alpine still lying on him.
Sam caught himself watching Bucky for a few seconds. He looked so cute and calm and the way he was resting against Sam’s shoulder gave him goosebumps. His skin looked so soft, and Sam had to fight with himself not to touch his cheek. He decided to close his eyes for a few minutes as well.
The next morning, Sam noticed something furry on his nose, tickling him. He sneezed and opened his eyes, only to look at something white. He tried to push Alpine away from his face and started to look around. He remembered falling asleep on Bucky’s couch. He noticed that somehow during the night, Bucky had shifted and was now laying on Sam’s chest. Sam’s arm was wrapped around Bucky’s torso. He tried to shift without moving too much but failed. He looked at Bucky’s face and noticed that the younger man was still sleeping peacefully.
‘Great and now I have to pee’, Sam thought. He ran his other hand through Bucky’s hair. It was as soft as he imagined. A few minutes later Bucky’s eyes fluttered, and a pair of blue eyes started into Sam’s.
“Morning,” Bucky said with a rusty voice. It took him a while to notice that he was lying nearly on top of Sam.
“Have you slept well?” Sam asked.
Bucky nodded and stared at him so intensely that Sam briefly thought he was going to kiss him. However, Bucky quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“So anyways. Do you want some breakfast?” Bucky changed the topic, already half up off the couch and on his way into the kitchen.
Sam stared after at him. ‘What the hell was that’, he thought but shook it off and quickly followed Bucky into the kitchen.  
Today was the 6th month anniversary of Steve’s death and Bucky’s day had already started out shitty. Firstly, he’d nearly missed his alarm clock, then his client had stood him up for lunch and finally he’d managed to spill his coffee all over himself and had to ask his assistant to get another one. He was currently sitting in his office, staring at the framed picture in front of him.
It was a picture of him and Steve when they were younger. He still could not believe that Steve had been gone for 6 months. It felt like yesterday to him how he’d called Steve nearly every evening to talk to him about his boring day.
The only thing he was looking forward today was that he was finally going to see Sam again. Thinking about the dark-haired man made him smile. The last time Sam had visited had been kind of weird. That one morning, they’d woken up all cuddly and Bucky had nearly kissed Sam. Thank God, he’d caught himself in the last moment. Sam would have probably thought Bucky was a horrible friend, and Bucky refused to lose his newest friend to something as stupid as a little crush.
He probably felt like that because the last time he’d had sex had been back when Steve had still been alive. Yeah, that was the most reasonable explanation as to why he could not stop thinking about Sam’s lips and his toned arms. He quickly looked back at the file in front of him. It was a case about a holding company that was trying to sell one of their firms they owned. It was boring, to say the least. He tried to get it done as quickly as possible.
Finally, a few hours later, Bucky was able to close the file. He looked at his clock; it was 20 past 7pm already. His eyes widened. He was supposed to meet up with Sam at 7pm at his flat. He pulled out his phone and noticed that he had a missed call from Sam and a few text messages.
 Barnes, you there?
Where are you, man?
Okay, I am just going to let myself in, I know where your spare key is 😊.
 Sam had added a bunch of random emojis, and Bucky smiled. Of course, he knew where Bucky’s spare key was.
Bucky packed up his things, bid goodbye to the colleagues who were still in the building and made his way home. He was pretty sure Sam was comfortable enough in the flat to entertain himself, so Bucky ended up picking some food on the way. Thai. It was Steve’s favorite food.
As he opened his apartment door, his hands full of takeaway boxes, he could already hear the TV. Once he entered the living room, he could see Sam lying on his couch. Alpine was sitting on his lap and Sam was cuddling her. It was adorable.
“Hello, person who does not live in my home,” Bucky said and walked over to place the food on his couch table.
“Well, I decided I do now.”, Sam exclaimed. “Your cat likes me better anyways. Isn’t that right, Alpine?”
The cat snuggled closer to Sam.
“Traitor,” Bucky whispered. But he was glad that Sam liked her as much as he himself did. They were a package deal.
“What is that?” Sam pointed to the food boxes.
“Food, duh. Thai. It was Steve’s favorite,” Bucky said. After mentioning Steve’s name, he noticed how Sam tensed up. Bucky decided not to comment on it; instead, he sat down next to Sam and started opening the food boxes.
“Fuck,” Sam whispered and ran his hands over his face. “I can’t believe it’s been 6 months already. How has he been dead for 6 months? I feel like it was yesterday that I talked to him, we were planning a trip to California this summer. We wanted to take my nephews to Disneyland. There were so excited and devastated when I told them we could not go anymore and cried when I told them why.”
Bucky felt his heart aching. He knew Sam had nephews.
“I’m sorry, Sam,” Bucky said and put his hand on Sam’s shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance.
“I still cannot process that he really is gone. Some days I forget that he is dead, just for a short moment, and then reality hits and I feel like I just want to fold myself into a corner and cry. He was my best friend.” Bucky looked down and noticed that Sam had started to sniff.
“You know, I still get nightmares about the day you called me,” Sam admitted.
Bucky saw a single tear roll down Sam’s face and he quickly wiped it away with his sleeve. The man next to him looked so small and vulnerable. Bucky wanted to hug him so badly.
“I always wonder what would have happened if I had been with him. I should have made sure he’d take his inhaler with him. God, I am so sorry, Bucky,” he started to sob.
Bucky froze. It was the first time Sam cried in front of him. He felt helpless, the only thing that he could do was try to comfort him.
“It’s okay, Sam. It was not your fault. Steve was an adult, he should have known better than to not carry his inhaler with him, even if he hadn’t had an asthma attack in more than 10 years,” Bucky tried to calm him down, but that made Sam even more upset.
“I was supposed to look after him, you trusted me to look after him-“Sam was starting to hyperventilate.  
“You did, Sam. You did. It was not your fault, and it wasn’t mine either. It was just a stupid, terrible thing to happen, but it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Please stop trying to blame yourself for his death,” Bucky shouted. Apparently, this was the only way Sam understood he was not responsible for what had happened to Steve.
Sam stared at him, not being used to Bucky raising his voice.
“I’m serious, Sam,” Bucky said again.
“You are way too good; do you know that Bucky?” Sam said with a weird mixture of laughing and crying. “God, I still miss him so much.”
“I miss him too, Sam, but Steve would have wanted you to move on with your life. He would have wanted us to live the best life we could possibly have. And I know that sounds harsh but please don’t blame yourself.” Bucky wasn’t sure if his words were what Sam wanted to hear. He would either think that Bucky was a total asshole for thinking that he should move on this quickly after his boyfriend died or he would agree with him.
“Yeah, you are right. He would have wanted me to move on. He would have wanted that for you as well, Bucky,” Sam answered quietly, and the next thing Bucky knew he was pressing his lips against Sam’s.
 + 1
Sam felt Bucky’s lips pressing against his own. At first, he was shocked that Bucky really was kissing him but after a few seconds he returned the kiss. He pulled Bucky closer to himself and started moving his hand to the other man’s neck. Bucky groaned and started to move closer to Sam.
It was everything Sam had dreamed about for the last couple of months and if Bucky was ready to move on from Steve, Sam was ready for that as well. They continued to kiss for a while, none of them saying a word. The sound of them kissing was the only one heard in the apartment. Sam was already starting to slip his hand under Bucky’s t-shirt when Bucky suddenly pulled away from him.
“No, no, no-,” he exclaimed and looked at Sam, both their lips slightly swollen from their kissing.
“This is wrong,” Bucky whined.
Sam could almost hear the crack his heart made the second Bucky stopped their kiss. Of course, he thought it was wrong. Steve and Bucky had been together for more than 5 years or maybe even more, obviously, Bucky wouldn’t move on so quickly.
“God I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, Sam,” Bucky looked at him with blue eyes and Sam wanted to kiss him again, so badly.
“Sorry, I just thought that… you’re right, this is not fair to Steve. God, I’m a horrible person, Steve would hate me,” Sam whispered ashamed.
“No, I’m the bad friend. I kissed you. I kissed my dead best friend’s boyfriend. I’m pretty sure they have a special place in hell for people like me,” Bucky let out a groan.
Sam looked at him confused. What the hell was he talking about?
“I was his what now?” he asked and stared at Bucky.
“Boyfriend, partner, significant other, I don’t know what you called each other, but I’m pretty sure that if there was one rule for friendship it’s that you don’t make a move on your friends’ partners,” Bucky gestured between Sam and him.
“This shouldn’t have happened,” he was out of breath and pushed his hair out his face. His cheeks were starting to get redder.
“No,” was the only thing Sam said at first. “You’re his boyfriend”, he continued and pointed at Bucky.
“Huh?” Bucky replied, still confused.
“No, you are. He always talked about you and he visited you nearly every week and-,” Sam was starting to ramble, but Bucky interrupted him.
“You two were living together?! I thought you were his boyfriend, what was I supposed to think? I didn’t assume two grown men would be living together as roommates,” he exclaimed.
“Hey,” Sam felt offended.
Bucky quickly noticed the way Sam looked at him. “No, that’s not what I meant. It’s just…I thought you were his boyfriend.”
“No, I’m his best friend,” Sam answered, this time a bit louder. What the hell was going on?
“No, I’m his best friend,” Bucky mumbled, still trying to process what had happened in the last few moments.
“Wait. So you’re not in a relationship with Steven Grant Rogers, and you never were?” Sam asked slowly.
“No,” Bucky answered, though it sounded more like a question. “I mean we used to when we were teenagers, but that’s nearly a decade ago.”
“And you’re not in a relationship with Steve either, right?” Bucky added and looked into Sam’s eyes.
“Nope, and I never was.”
There was an awkward silence between them until Bucky asked Sam, “So, the last few months you thought I was grieving my boyfriend, while I thought you were grieving your boyfriend?”
It was the thing that made Sam crack. He started to laugh. Loudly. He even started wheezing, tears forming in his eyes.  
“I cannot believe this. That little shit,” Sam cried out. “He never corrected me when I referred to you as his boyfriend. He knew exactly what he was doing.”
Finally, Bucky busted out laughing as well. “We’re so stupid. We could have just asked each other but instead we just assumed that the other was the grieving widower.”
Sam could feel the way Bucky was staring at him, trying to figure out what to say next. Sam, on the other hand, knew already what he was going to do next. He got closer to Bucky and kissed him again.
This time Bucky didn’t hesitate and pushed himself against Sam. “You know,” he mumbled between kisses, “We could have done that way earlier.” The complaint was evident in his tone.
“Better late than never,” was the only thing Sam answered before he kissed Bucky once more.
And somewhere out there, Steve was looking at them, smiling to himself and thinking how much of an idiot both of his best friends were.
Feel free to leave any comments or any suggestions for improvement!
Thank you so much for reading my first ever English written One Shot! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I'm really looking forward to writing more Marvel fanfiction, especially Stucky and Sambucky.
much love, your local stucky shipper xx
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bruh-haikyuu · 5 years
Hey! Can I request the Seijoh teams reactions to finding out that Kyotani has a gf whose the total opposite of him? She's from another school but these hoes manage to spot them getting close behind a corner when she comes to support Kyotani at an official game or sm. Btw, I really enjoy your writing! 💖
A/N: you see,,, I deadass have this complex for delinquent-looking characters who are actually soft. Even though the chances of coming across one of those is rare, THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE ARE MY TYPE. SO THIS REQUEST REALLY WENT AND S P O K E TO ME. THANK YOU ANON FOR QUENCHING MY THIRST
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cingulomania. | kyōtani kentarō
word count: 2057
warnings: some swearing!
(n.) a strong desire to hold a person in your arms
At first, Kyoutani had been your neighbor. True to everyone’s surprise, he was much shyer in person regardless of how much boys and girls in your neighborhood told you that he was a monster. You thought that he was alright.
It was when both of your parents introduced you to each other that you started to slowly build the foundation of your friendship. He’d timidly nag you to help him play volleyball and dirty your clothes when you accompanied him to check on the stray dogs by the river. You’d drag him up to your room to play pretend restaurant and ask him to pick out one of your frilly dresses to wear to a birthday party. Your differences didn’t matter to any of you. You thought that he was kind.
He was ‘Ken-chan’ to you for a rather long while until he’d snap at you to stop calling him by that nickname. You were hurt, of course. As any other 10-year old would. But you had complied to his demands, even with tears and snot streaming down your face. He had never yelled at you, not even once. So he had hugged you that day, engulfing you with his regret and affection. And that was when it started for you. You thought that he was kind of cute.
Your feelings for your childhood friend didn’t remedy as time passed; much to your chagrin, you felt that it simply multiplied. Especially as the both of you matured into your second year of junior high, when Kyoutani decided that he wanted to have his volleyball skills “known and feared throughout the prefecture”. But was there really a need for it though? You thought that he was already amazing.
In your last year of junior high, you felt a rift beginning to form between the two of you. It had become increasingly difficult to even spend time together, especially with your high school entrance exams looming over the corner. The lunch box you usually reserved for him had gone cold from being untouched for months. You had made many friends in hopes to fill the growing hole in your heart while he had made multiple… adversaries. You didn’t like making hunches, but it had seemed like Kyoutani was deliberately avoiding you. He’d run off quickly whenever he saw you and barely replied to your texts anymore. It was like he never wanted you in his life to start with. You had cried in heartbreak from the thought. You thought that he was selfish.
After what seemed like ages without contact, Kyoutani had finally called out to you, saying he wanted to talk. You were angry, seething even; you considered turning him down. This was the same boy who avoided you like a plague for months. But he was the same boy you grew up with and by the graces of your ancestors, fell in love with. You hadn’t even thought of an outcome when you accepted his invitation. It wouldn’t matter to him anyway. You thought that he was spontaneous.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══��═══
“Sorry for avoiding you,” he had said, sheepishly scratching the back of his hair. “I guess you felt a bit lonely.”
“Thanks for noticing,” your response had been ice cold that day and your frown didn’t falter.
You had agreed to talk to him by the river you used to play at. Silence dwindling between the both of you, you had watched his contorted expression reflect off the river’s waters.
“But you had been making so much friends lately, it was kind of hard for me to talk to you.”
Your frown had only deepened into a frustrated pout, “You’re one to talk! You and your volleyball. Volleyball early in the morning, volleyball late into the night. It’s always been volleyball when we were kids too, Kentarou! I didn’t want to stop you from doing what you love, but it doesn’t have to be like this either, you moron…”
Kyoutani’s lips had fallen into a flat line and his eyes wavered from yours. You had brought your knees closer to your chest and spoke again.
“I got into Wakabayashi Girls’ High School.”
“Ah, congratulations… I heard the criterias for Waka-joshi are the toughest—”
“You don’t get it!” There it was. Your string had finally snapped.
“I know we can’t be together forever. I know that! Our paths to different high schools are proof of it. But somehow I want us to,” you had muttered, slowly unlocking every defenseless part of your heart accompanied with the hot, searing tears that nearly swallowed your face whole. “I want us to be together for a really long time, Kentarou. But… but not as… not as…”
“Not as friends.”
When you had looked up to see him, he wasn’t like he was Kentarou anymore. It was like he was Ken-chan all over again. Your Ken-chan. You’d missed him so much it hurt, but you were glad he was here.
“We’re so different. You’re sociable and cute and you cry at the smallest things. And I’m just… the fucking worst.”
You hand had reached out to take his, fingers lacing with each other. “Ken-chan…”
“But I can’t help it. I hated myself for the longest time for it but I wondered if I really did have a chance with you. I wondered if you’d let me ruin this friendship of ours. Or maybe you’d hate me forever for it. But hearing you say that to me now, I don’t give a shit anymore.”
Kneeling in front of you, he had taken both of your hands, eyes fixated on the small rhinestones you had pasted on your nails. Against the rough palms of his beastly hands, yours had seemed so tiny, but he couldn’t help but to notice how well it fit with the contours of hand.
“I like you, Y/N. Please go out with me.”
Just like that, Kyoutani Kentarou had offered you his entire heart. And you took it unconditionally.
Arms thrown around his shoulder, you had sobbed hysterically into his shoulder, splotches of tears staining his shirt. “K-Kentarou!”
“H-Hey, I’ll fall over! Idiot, don’t just do things like this so suddenly!” he had scolded but ultimately rested his arms around your torso as he fell into the calming lullaby of your heart. You had smiled.
You thought that he was rather silly.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
You felt like you were going to lose yourself in the crowd sooner or later.
When Kyoutani told you it was going to be “a little packed” in the Sendai City Gymnasium, you didn’t think you’d be squeezed in like a can of anchovies. You were going have to ask him to be more specific about numbers next time.
“Hey, Y/N-chan, you think Oikawa-kun will make eye contact with me from the stands?” your friend Natsumi murmured, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“Nacchan, you’re lacking ambition!” your other friend Yayoi chuckled, affectionately ruffling Natsumi’s well-kept hair. “We’ve got our secret weapon Y/N on our hands. If anything, we’ll ask her boyfriend to introduce us.”
“Yayoicchi, I don’t think Kentarou would want to do something like that,” you finally chirped, having given up on trying to interpret the lousily marked venue map.
“So selfish, Y/N-chan! You guys are so different, I don’t get why you don’t just go for the cute guys,” Natsumi groaned.
“But it’s quite romantic, isn’t it? The tale of Seijoh’s beastly Mad Dog and Waka-joshi’s sparkly princess…” Yayoi swooned, her glasses nearly slipping down her face.
Just as you were about to chastise your friends for being annoying, your cell phone piped up, alerting you of a text from your “beastly” boyfriend.
From: Kyoutani Kentarou
Subject: Where are you?
10:34 AM
I’m waiting by the entrance. Hurry up. I only have a few minutes before the others find out I’m missing.
You replied with a quick “I’ll be right there!! \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥” and hurried your way through the bustling crowd.
“Y/N-chaaan! Where are you going?” Natsumi hollered.
“I’ll be back! You two find our seats, okay?”
“Hey, Y/N! Buy us some croquettes while you’re at it!” Yayoi echoed, her voice drifting away with the background.
When the cool breeze of the spring air kissed your face, you felt your shoulders lighten—it was beyond your imagination, but you survived the rampaging influx of people in the gym.
It didn’t take long for you to identify a lanky, scary-looking boy tucked away into a secluded corner of the gym’s field. Approaching him carefully, you felt him flinch violently under your grasp when you wrapped your arms around his torso as a surprise.
“Y/N! Don’t do shit like that!” Kyoutani scolded, turning around in your embrace to pull at your cheeks in annoyance. “I could’ve punched you by accident or something.”
“Kentarou, stop pulling at my cheeks,” you grumbled, hands flying to his wrists to unsuccessfully pry him off your springy face. “If you’re going to punch me, then punch me out of love~”
“No way. You’re weird.”
“Don’t be cruel. I came here to watch you play,” you pouted, crossing your arms in mock frustration. “It was super hard to ask for permission from the teachers and my parents to come here right after school ended, you know!”
Kyoutani nodded solemnly, giving your head a few gentle pats before finding interest in your shoes. “I see. Sorry for all the trouble and thanks for coming, I guess.”
You gave him a pleasant smile, enough to make him hear angels singing in the horizon. “It’s okay, Ken-chan. Do your best today, alright?”
Leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek, you were stopped in motion when a shrill cry broke the atmosphere between the two of you.
“Yoohoo, Mad Dog-chan! We’re done registering, so let’s—Oh?”
Kyoutani tensed up against your skin. Ah, it was him. The elusive captain of the Aoba Johsai Volleyball Club. Heartthrob Oikawa Tooru, accompanied by every other senior Kyoutani had been so dead-set on avoiding just for this moment.
“Ain’t that the Wakabayashi Girls’ High uniform?” Matsukawa said, eyeing your uniform intently.
“Ah, that’s right!” you exclaimed. You had completely forgotten to change out of your uniform when you hurriedly chased the bus to the gymnasium.
Placing his hand beneath his chin in a display of wonder, Oikawa flashed you a grin that was sure to make Natsumi and Yayoi green with envy. “So, what’s a pretty Waka-joshi princess like you doing out here with our Mad Dog? Are you his relative? Or maybe his friend? Or perhaps—”
“Don’t.” Kyoutani stressed, teeth bared in defense. “Let’s just go already.”
Sighing in defeat, Oikawa complied, only once turning back around to simply wink at you and say, “I hope you’ll be cheering for me, Himesama-chan~”
You shivered in disgust. Now you were certain why Kyoutani wanted to evade him at all costs.
Once you were sure Kyoutani’s seniors were gone way past the corner, you called out for your boyfriend again.
“One more thing, Kentarou.”
“What is it now?”
Giving him a light peck on his chapped lips, you grinned when he stared at you with eyes as wide as saucers. “Good luck.”
At that exact moment, you thought that he looked a bit like an excited Corgi.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
“She kissed him!”
“Be quiet, Oikawa, he’ll hear us,” Iwaizumi hissed, craning his neck a little further in hopes to get a clearer view of your romantic escapade.
“I’ll bet you this week’s ramen that he scared her into dating him or something,” Hanamaki said, eyebrows furrowing deeply. “There’s no logical way. She’s just so fluffy and cute and he… Nah, man! It just doesn’t add up like that.”
“Lucky, he’s just lucky. Maybe he drew some kind of crazy fortune on New Years’.”
“I want crazy fortune like that too, we’re going to need it to win against Shiratorizawa this year.”
“Makki, you’re asking for too much. Luck comes from hard work too, you know.”
“Hey, if you think about it… We’re third years who spend our days playing and thinking about volleyball; it’s like we’re married to it or something,” Matsukawa pondered aloud. “Even Kyoutani has a cute girlfriend to balance it all out. At some point, aren’t we kind of…”
The third years sighed, shoulders slumping, realization dawning across their features.
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seasonofthewicth · 4 years
Proposal prompt (quarantine questions au maybe?): “oh my god I’m marrying an idiot” with “...we’re getting married?” or someone accidentally telling the other about their plans to propose Hope it makes sense what I’m saying sorry clarity is not my friend. Btw you’re awesome!
AN: Hi thank you so much for this prompt! I hope this is sort of what you were imagining and that you enjoy it.
This is a sequel to quarantine questions - part 1 - part 3
word count: ~1.5k
Aelin knew she wanted to marry Rowan, had known it for a while. After four years together it was something they had discussed a number of times, but it had never been in a concrete sense, and Rowan was yet to propose.
The first time it had come up had been when Lorcan had proposed to Elide. Aelin had been thrilled for their friends, as had Rowan, and the night of their engagement party she had drank one too many and slid one of the inflatable ring decorations onto Rowan’s finger, slurring that one day she’d make an honest woman out of him.
The rest of their discussions had been slightly more serious; they had discussed how one day in the future they would like to get married in Aelin’s home country of Terrasen but incorporate the culture and traditions of Wendlyn. They would make sure that the essence of each of them was joined in the ceremony that would celebrate their love.
They had discussed how Aelin was looking forward to one day becoming Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius, but how she would continue teaching as Miss Galathynius. She had felt an element of surprise when Rowan had told her he would like to become Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius.
She knew both of their families would be thrilled with the idea, Rowan’s mother especially loved Aelin and Aelin knew she bugged Rowan occasionally about when he would propose.
Rowan hadn’t proposed yet, and she wasn’t expecting him to do so any time soon; she knew that with the events of the global pandemic many people were having weddings cancelled and postponed, so it was something that hadn’t been brought up for a while.
But; she could be patient. She loved Rowan and knew that she wanted to marry him and that he wanted to marry her, the timing was unimportant. She had other things to concentrate on anyway.
Her students in her classes had grown accustomed to their online learning, now many weeks into the school closures, and she had become more accustomed to teaching online. She had found ways of incorporating props to make her teaching more of a historical story telling session to keep her students engaged, rather than trying to talk them through a dull powerpoint presentation.
She wanted to make sure that her students were still learning, not just being tested.
She had lamented how she felt her students’ education was lacking to Rowan many evenings over a glass of wine, but he always reassured her that she was doing her best, and that engaged students were better than nothing. She knew he shared her concerns of his own classes, and she did her best to return his reassurance.
She was currently rifling through one of the storage cupboards in their house, in one of their spare bedrooms, looking for a hat that she knew could be useful in her retelling of one of the wars of Adarlan’s past when she found it.
The cupboard was filled with a random assortment of junk, things that they had both brought with them when they moved in together just over a year ago and had been to reluctant to donate but didn’t often use. She was tearing through old bags and clothes, old accessories and trinkets when she found the small, velvet box.
Her breath caught in her throat.
No. She was surely getting ahead of herself. Rowan wouldn’t hide an engagement ring in a cupboard full of random junk.
She sat back on her heels, turning the box over between her fingers. She didn’t dare look inside.
Did she put it back and pretend it never happened? Pretend she had never found the ring and act surprised when he proposed.
She was definitely getting ahead of herself; she hadn’t even looked inside the box yet and it might not even hold a ring.
She sighed and plopped her hands into her lap, the box nestled between her palms.
She closed her eyes and pulled the lid of the box open.
She slowly peeled back her eyelids and let out a sharp gasp.
It was beautiful.
Standing bright against the black velvet inside of the box was a ring. A shining golden band held a glistening, oval emerald. The gem was surrounded by smaller diamonds, laid in a loop, framing the stone like a halo. Each of the diamonds pointed outwards giving the ring a unique silhouette.
Her hand flew to her cheek as tears brimmed in her eyes, but she was interrupted by the sound of their front door.
Rowan was back from his trip to the supermarket.
“Hey gorgeous, I’m back.” She heard him call, the rustle of his shopping bags muffled by the distance. “Where are you?”
“Upstairs,” Her voice was weak, and she cleared her throat and tried again.
She rose to her feet at she heard his footsteps thumping up the stairs.
He appeared in the doorway; his lips spread in a wide smile. His silver hair was un-styled and flopping across his forehead, strands of it brushing his eyelids where it had grown long since her failed attempt at cutting it herself once the barbers had closed.
“What is this?” She held the box up to him, the emerald catching the light and glowing.
A guilty look flashed across his face, eyebrows drawing together slightly.
“I think you know what that is,” He let out a soft laugh, coming into the room further. The blush spreading across his cheeks answered her question enough.
“Why would you hide this in a cupboard of junk?” She asked incredulously.
He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“I thought it would be a safe hiding place, I didn’t know you would go snooping.”
She scoffed, but he grabbed her hand and gave it a playful squeeze.
“I’m not a snoop,” She pouted at him but let out a gust of a laugh.
“Gods, I’m marrying an idiot.” She shook her head, but her cheeks strained where she smiled.
“We’re getting married?” He asked, teasing her. “I haven’t even asked you yet.”
He held his hand out in the small space between them, palm upturned in an unspoken request for the ring.
“This wasn’t how I wanted to do this,” He murmured as she slipped the box into his waiting hand.
He took a step back from her and knelt down on one knee in front of her.
Her heart took off, pounding a relentless rhythm as he positioned himself. Holding the ring up to her in one hand, the other cradling one of hers.
“Aelin Ashryver Galathynius,” He started, and a gentle sob escaped from her throat. She sniffled as he paused to smile reassuringly up at her.
“I love you. So, so much and I want to spend every day of the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up next to you, share all of my best days with you and make you smile every day. I want to have children with you and grow old with you and be with you forever, to whatever end.
“I would be honoured to call you my wife and you would make me the happiest man alive if you agreed to marry me.”
He paused, swallowing as he looked up at her, his gaze so full of love and his voice thick with emotion.
“Aelin, my love, will you marry me?”
She nodded, a few tears breaking free and slipping down onto her cheeks.
“Yes,” She whispered. “Yes, I will.”
He rose, sweeping her up into his arms, as he pressed his cheek to the crown of her head. He leaned down to press his lips to her own, only leaning back to whisper his adoration onto her lips.
“I love you,” She whispered back, her palms cradling each of his cheeks and she pressed her lips firmly to his own.
He pulled back even further and grabbed her left hand. He slotted the ring onto her fourth finger, providing a reassuring weight she hadn’t known she missed.
He lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against the ring.
“Future Mrs Whitethorn.” He grinned and she let out a squeal as he hoisted her up by the thighs and turned to carry her to their bedroom.
The following week, she was in the middle of another of her dramatic historical retellings of a lesson when Evangeline interrupted with a question.
“That’s a really beautiful ring, Miss G.” She smirked. “Did Mr Whitethorn buy it for you?”
Aelin couldn’t fight the blush that flooded her cheeks.
“Thanks Evangeline, that’s very kind. And yes, it was a gift from Mr Whitethorn.”
Her heart warmed as her students rushed to congratulate her, and she couldn’t help but let her eyes drift to the photograph of herself and Rowan sitting on her desk, next to her computer.
In the photo he was stood behind her, his arms encasing her waist, both of them smiling brightly at the camera. She sighed, imagining that day when their wedding photos would fill the space next to it.
As always I hope I haven’t missed anyone and please let me know if I have!
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peaceisadirtyword · 4 years
Try (Modern!Hvitserk/Reader)
A/N: Hello! Sorry for not posting this yesterday, my grandma was at the hospital and then I stayed with her the entire day and didn’t have my laptop :( I'm really sorry! I managed to finish it now, though. I want to apologize because this took me an entire week (I was writing Neon Lights part 2 but as I couldn't keep writing, I started writing this... and when I couldn’t write this, I wrote another one) and it’s not even close to what I really wanted to do. It’s shit. I wanted to write for Hvitserk and I’d like to write more fluff/emotional themes, because I feel that I suck at writing these things. Anyway, I had this request and I thought I'd try to write it. It turned out to be more angst than fluff, but I hope it’s okay. Btw dear anon I hope you’re feeling better now and that you like this😘  Thank you for the request!
Btw, I also wrote an Ivar fic (another request) that I will post tomorrow if I don’t think it’s shit when I edit it. And I'm trying to write Neon Lights too, but for now it’s two am, I'm crying and I need to sleep a bit because I'm waking up in like five hours. I’ll answer all the messages and asks tomorrow! Thank you🥰
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Warnings: my block, my bad writing, angst, fluff, I’d like some cuddles too, mentions of sex and alcohol.
Words: 2483
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gif belongs to @azlaug
This was supposed to be your night. You were supposed to go out and have fun, to drink and dance until you couldn't stand. And then you'd go back home and snuggle under the covers of your bed cuddling him, with his soft breathing on your neck and his arms around you. 
Instead, you were at home. Staring at your own reflect on the dark window as it rained outside. You felt stupid, a fool. Like an innocent girl that just had her heart broken by her crush. 
Your phone vibrated next to you for the third time in less than half an hour, but you didn't even bother on looking at the screen. You knew who it was, and the last thing you wanted was to hear his voice. 
Your eyes fixed on the bouquet you had received earlier. So many soft pink lilies that made you hurt even more, you didn't even read the small note attached to them. They were beautiful and delicate, and some of the petals had fell down to the floor. Drying your tears with the back of your hand, you looked back to the window. You didn't even know what you were waiting for.
And then someone knocked at your door. You tensed up and gasped as you heard your name being whispered at the other side of the wooden door. The voice you didn't want to hear ever again made you sigh and rub your eyes. 
"Please, Y/N, let me in, I need to see you"
His voice sounded broken. You kind of enjoyed hearing him beg, he deserved it. 
Five minutes later, he knocked again. You let a couple of tears fall down your cheeks in silence as you looked at the door. 
"I promise I will leave you alone" he sighed at the other side "I just need to... See you" 
You stood up, walking slowly to the door. You took a deep breath before opening it. 
He seemed surprised. His green eyes were puffy and reddened, he had obviously been drinking. You couldn't help but worry about him, holding yourself back from hugging him tightly. 
"Hi" he muttered, taken aback.
"Hvitserk" you said his name softly "What do you want?" 
Suddenly, Hvitserk seemed to forget why he had dragged himself to your door. His eyes fixed on yours on a silent plea. He didn't know what to say, he had never apologized to anyone, and even if he had hurt a lot of people during his life he never cared about their feelings. 
"Y/N" your name left his lips in a whisper "Can I...?" 
You looked away from him, but nodded slowly and let him enter your house. Hvitserk walked slowly, almost as if he expected you to push him out again and close the door. He ran his hand through his honey colored hair, ruining his already messy bun. 
"I never meant to hurt you"
You crossed your arms on your chest and sniffed. The vivid images of him kissing that blonde girl in the middle of the club made your heart clench again. 
"I swear, Y/N, I don't even know why I did that, I..." 
You shook your head, rubbing your eyes tiredly.  
That day you had had a fight. 
Hvitserk wasn't fond of fighting, usually he'd just let people yell and talk until they got tired and left him alone. It had worked with Sigurd and with Ivar his whole life. He didn't like to argue, and had learnt to control his temper from Ubbe. 
But even if he wanted to be more like Ubbe, sometimes he felt more like Ivar. 
Hvitserk liked you, he'd lie if he said he didn't. But he didn't imagine he'd end up so attached to you. Suddenly, he wasn't interested on the beautiful girls that approached him on the clubs, he stopped visiting Ubbe and Margrethe's house, he didn't hit on girls on the pubs... The fact that he only could look at you scared him. And then you confronted him about your feelings. 
He didn't want a girlfriend, he didn't want to settle down and fall in love, he was too young for that, he wanted to live before finding a woman and having children.
And then you came and said the magic words.
I think I love you, Hvitty. 
That had scared him. He didn't know how to react and his silence alarmed you. Then Hvitserk got out of bed and put his clothes back on. And a couple of tears rolled down your cheeks as you stared at him. 
At least you could say something, you had said softly. He had turned to look at you, panicking. Why was so hard to tell you what he had been telling every single girl he had met? 
"We only fuck, we're not a couple or anything" 
That made your heart break. Hvitserk frowned when he saw you crying, but didn't try to comfort you either. And the fight started. 
You knew about his reputation, you knew he wasn't looking for a girlfriend, but those months you had spent with him made you think that maybe he felt the same way you did. He took you to his apartment, he introduced you to his brothers, he invited you to dinner and then the both of you went clubbing and ended up in bed. After a few weeks he didn't leave before dawn, and you'd wake up between his arms, with your head on his chest. 
And his rejection hurt so much. 
But you didn't give up. You were willing to keep seeing him even if he made very clear that you'd never be a couple. You were too addicted to him, so that night you texted Ubbe and asked where were they. You weren't surprised when he texted you the name of Hvitserk's favorite club. 
What you didn't expect was to find Hvitserk nearly fucking with a blonde girl in the middle of the club. 
That hurt even more than his words, the fact that he was able to go out and fuck someone else when you couldn't even look at another man after being with him was devastating. You realized Hvitserk didn't have any kind of feelings for you, just lust. You were his little fuck toy and as soon as it got a bit more complicated, he just moved on. 
So you decided to forget about him, even if he ran after you, even if he yelled your name and tried to stop you as you walked out of the club. Even if he sent hundreds of texts, flowers and even a giant teddy bear. You were no one's plaything. 
"I do know why you did it" you muttered "Because everything's a game for you, Hvitserk, you only think about yourself, about your own fun and your life, you never stopped to think about my feelings, or anyone's feelings, you just want to party, drink, smoke and fuck, that's life for you" you spat.
He seemed taken aback by your answer, you expected for him to get angry, as people usually did when you said the truth to their faces. 
"You're right" he blinked a couple of times, this time you were the one surprised "You made me realize that, these past days... I think I never missed anyone as much as I missed you" 
You didn't expect that. You expected he'd excuse himself and then proceed to apologize poorly, surely believing you'd go back to him as soon as you'd hear a couple of nice words. 
"I... I'm supposed to apologize now, Ubbe said that" he muttered as you just stared at him. His eyes fixed on the bouquet of lilies on the table, he sighed and rubbed his face "I don't know how to do it, to be honest, I know you don't want anything to do with me, I respect that, I would probably do the same" he shrugged "But I needed to tell you"
He paused again. It was the first time you saw Hvitserk Lothbrok nervous, and maybe in another context you'd think it was cute, but now you could only feel that it was a goodbye. 
"I've never been with someone for so long" he continued "Usually, it was a one night stand, you know, maybe I'd see them a couple of times more if I liked them, but I never went to the cinema with anyone, or to have dinner, I never introduced anyone to my brothers, and I never stayed for breakfast, I suppose I never did it because I didn't feel the need" 
You felt your eyes tear up again, remembering all the moments you spent with him. 
"I knew it, I knew it would happen" you shrugged "Every night I went to bed all alone, I wondered if you were fucking someone else, or if you couldn't even look at other people, like me"
"I wasn't with anyone else for months, Y/N" he assured you, sighing "That day I... I was confused, and scared, and I needed to get you out of my head"
"Scared of what?" You felt the need of hitting him on the face. 
"Y/N, I never felt anything like this, with anyone" he frowned "You need to understand me too, I saw my parents getting divorced and I saw my mother losing her fucking mind after that"
Your expression softened a bit. You knew Hvitserk's childhood had been far from perfect, it was one of the few things you knew about his life. He wasn't very open with it, but after getting drunk and having slow sex, he had opened a bit to you, you had respected and appreciated that. 
"But what do you feel?" You nearly sobbed in desperation "You're obviously not in love with me, because you made out with someone else"
"I don't know" he rubbed his eyes again "I just know that I miss you, that I want to keep seeing you, and that I regret being an idiot and a coward"
You stood silent, biting your lip. A part of you already forgave him, even if the other part knew you shouldn't. You couldn't help it, you forgave him as soon as you opened the door and looked at him. He had to care about you, right? He came to your house, he apologized, a concept that Hvitserk Lothbrok wasn't very familiar with. 
His green eyes fixed on yours, and he frowned when he saw the tears running down your cheeks again. 
"Don't cry" he whispered, approaching you slowly, waiting for you to move away from him. 
You let him hug you, sighing in comfort when you hid your face on the crook of his neck. You inhaled his smell, oh how you missed waking up with him. 
"You're an asshole, Hvitty" 
He chuckled against your hair, and you smiled softly. 
"I am, but I never meant to hurt you" he repeated "I swear, you don't deserve that" 
"Then don't do it" you muttered "I missed you"
Hvitserk kissed your temple and immediately felt that warmth on his chest that he had been trying to ignore for weeks. Was that what Ubbe spoke about when he said he wanted to marry Margrethe? 
"I still haven't forgiven you" 
"Okay" he smiled "What should I do, then? Are you hungry?" 
You shook your head, moving away from him and taking his hand.
Hvitserk knew the way to your bedroom very well, he lost the count of how many times he had walked down that hallway drunk and with you between his arms. This time it felt different, though. He always got excited whenever entering a girl's bedroom, but this time was more intimate, this time he didn't rush to take your clothes off and lay you down on the bed. He stopped and stared at you as you laid down. The bed wasn't made, and you didn't even bother to cover yourself, just looked at him and patted the bed next to you. 
Hvitserk laid beside you, his fingers caressed your cheek and you looked away. 
"You're pretty" he smiled, realizing he had never told you just how beautiful you were. 
"Nice words won't fix shit, Lothbrok" 
Hvitserk chuckled, nodding. 
"I know, I just wanted to tell you" 
You held back a smile as your eyes scanned his face. The first time you met him, you wondered how he could have such genes; all of his brothers were handsome, his whole family was beautiful, but he had something else, like a light. He had that charm, that big smile that could brighten up an entire room. You just wished he smiled a bit more. 
"Promise me we'll try" you muttered. It was the first time he could remember being in a bed with someone without having sex. 
"You know I'm not good with these things" he sighed.
"But you can try" you frowned. Hvitserk moved to hug you again. 
"I know nothing about relationships, Y/N" he muttered "I don't even know what to do, Ivar knows more about this than me" 
"Then we should ask Ivar" you bit your lip with a small smile. 
Hvitserk closed his eyes and brought you closer.
"Ivar would probably tell me I'm stupid, and then roll his eyes and tell you that you should move on, that I'm not worth it"
You raised an eyebrow. 
"I think you're worth it" you shrugged. 
"Yes, if I didn't think so I wouldn't have opened the door" 
Hvitserk stayed silent. 
"I was never worth it for anyone" he frowned "Everyone enjoys spending time with me but at the end of the day... Margrethe chose Ubbe, like my mother chose Ivar, and my father chose... To leave" he scoffed "So when you said you loved me I... It's the first time I heard that" 
You widened your eyes, raising your head to look at him. 
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah" he chuckled "I think that's why I'm so afraid"
You leant in to kiss him softly. Hvitserk closed his eyes and smiled against your lips. You tasted salty, the result of all the tears you had shed that evening, but he didn't care, your lips were as soft as he remembered, and he found himself not wanting to kiss anyone but you. His arm sneaked around your waist and he pulled you closer, his free hand caressed your neck as your lips moved against his faster. You moaned and he sighed.
You broke the kiss and pressed your forehead against his. 
"I would tell you every single day" you muttered "We can try, right?" 
Hvitserk stood silent for a couple of seconds, but then nodded softly, he had made that decision when he walked to your door, abandoning that amazing party that he was supposed to attend with you. 
"Yeah" he whispered softly "We can try"
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @chimera4plums @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @anarchy-is-coming @gruffle1 @justacripple @heartbeats-wildly @letsrunawaytotomorrow @inforapound @sallydelys @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @xinyourdreamsx @funmadnessandbadassvikings @tgrrose @flokidottirsstuff @lovessce @tootie-fruity @didiintheblog​ @belovedcherry​ 
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
An Email-A.E
“could i please request an imagine where the reader doesn't have a good relationship with her dad (emotional and verbal abuse) and she cut him out of her life but he contacts her again by email of text or something and she has a breakdown? reader is dating alex btw”
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Gif cred. @sdmngifs​
Pairing: ImAllexx x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k+
Pronouns: She/Her
TW: verbal abuse, emotional abuse!
After a day of shopping, Y/n's arms had been filled with bags. She had decided to take a day off and just spoil herself. Y/n had been dealing with quite a bit of stress recently, she definitely needed this day off. When Y/n was younger, she had normally never received anything extra than the bare necessities she needed to survive. Their father, Mr. L/n had always been harsh towards her. Maybe it was just because she was his least favorite child, or it could've been because of how cruel of a person Mr. L/n was. But it didn't matter now, as soon as possible Y/n had moved away from her father. She had ended up starting a new life in London and had cut off all contact with her father. And as months passed, Y/n had developed new and healthy relationships with good people. Y/n had even started dating someone, a brunette boy that went by the name Alex Elmslie. They couldn't be any happier together. Walking into their flat, Y/n had dumped their bags onto the couch sitting in the living room. She was parched, all she wanted at the moment was a glass of water. As Y/n waited for her glass to fill up, she had taken a moment to look into her phone. It had been a couple of days since the last time she checked their email, so why not start there? A bit of spam mail. Emails from YouTube. But just one had stuck out to her. F/n L/n sent an email. Dread overwashed her as she stared at the name. Why had he suddenly reached out to her? He hadn't cared where she was for the past couple of months. The subject had only been titled, 'Hello.' Hello. Even just a simple word like that reminded Y/n of all the bad memories. Some days she would come home from school after having a terrible day, she would just want to be alone the rest of the night and not talk to anyone. Walking into the kitchen, Y/n would pass by their father on the way to the fridge. He'd be sitting at the table, a newspaper sitting in front of his with a cup of coffee. He loved his coffee, even after a long day of work, he'd come home and have a cup or two. He always said coffee helped him relax. "Hello." He'd grumble, not bothering to table a glance away from the newspaper he was skimming over. Y/n hadn't even taken a second to listen to him. She had one earbud in, blasting her favorite song while rummaging in their fridge. (They had also come up with the conclusion that if they just interacted with him, it'd always turn out bad). After a moment of silence, He's clear his throat, speaking a bit more stern this time. "I said, hello." Y/n winced, overhearing him speak this time. But still, she didn't say a word. "Aren't you gonna say hello?" At this point, Y/n's father could feel his blood pressure rise. He felt like a fool for being ignored. Within seconds, Y/n could feel something grip her shoulder, turning her around. There stood there father, a look of anger mixed with disgust being sprawled across his face. "Listen to me when I'm talking to you, idiot." Y/n couldn't stare into those cold eyes any longer, she couldn't help but look down at her feet. She winced at the feeling of their father's grip tightening on her. Again, there was a moment of silence. "Fine, be that way. You're a pathetic excuse for my child. You're weak and worthless, you couldn't even try to say hello to the man who created you." He had stepped away from Y/n, letting her out of their grasp to sit back down at the kitchen table. As soon as she was out of his grasp, Y/n ran out of the room with whatever  she were holding in her hands. Reaching her small, empty bedroom, she shut the door quietly, trying not to alarm her father. She didn't want to upset him any more than he already was.
Alex had just finished his video with Lewis. Today his friend had come over to do a bit of filming with both him and George and just to hang out for a while. As he waited for George and Lewis to finish their video together, Alex found himself sitting on the living room couch. He had decided to spend a bit of time looking through his social medias. Sometimes it could all be a little overwhelming, other times to could be boring and bland. It was a more boring moment for his social media. But it had only seemed to be perfect timing when a new notification had popped up on his phone. Y/n was calling. Placing the phone to his ear, Alex grinned wide. "Hello love, I was just thinking about calling you." As fast as his grin appeared, it disappeared in seconds. The sound of Y/n's sobs could be heard over the phone. Hearing Y/n in so much pain broke his heart. "Y/n? What's wrong? Talk to me," he spoke quietly, sitting up as he listened closely. "M-My... my f-father is t-trying to g-get b-back in c-contact with m-me." At this point Y/n couldn't help but stutter as she spoke, she could barely speak. "What?" Alex let out a breath. He remembered Y/n would never talk about her family, nor would she talk about having Alex ever meet them.  But if Y/n was sobbing over her father, she obviously had a reason to not want to get in contact with her parents. "D-don't m-make me s-say it a-again." "No, no, no... I'm sorry, Y/n... do you want me to come over or would you like me to get you something?" "C-could you j-just c-come over?" "Yeah, I'll be on my way over now." "Alright, l-love you." "Love you more."
Opening the front door, Alex made his way through Y/n's flat. After seconds of searching, he had found his girlfriend sitting in her room. Y/n had wrapped a blanket around herself, she hadn't quit crying yet. "Oh, Y/n..." For a moment, they sat there, Alex holding Y/n close as they cried. At this point, Y/n could barely breathe properly from her sobs. All Alex could do was whisper sweet nothings to her while keeping Y/n close as he gently rubbed circles on her back. When her breathing calmed back down and the tears began to disappear, Alex had decided to ask Y/n a few questions. "Do you wanna talk about what happened?" Y/n gave a nod before speaking. "My dad... he's not a good person. He had always treated me like shit when I was living with him." She took a breath, her eyes flickering from the ground to meet Alex's eyes, only looking back down at the ground. "He wasn't the kindest to me... he never got physical, but all the verbal abuse did a number on me." "Oh god... I'm so sorry, Y/n." Alex did feel terrible, but he knew he had little control over this situation. It was all up to Y/n about what she wanted to do next. "Are you gonna respond?" "No. I don't want anything to do with that scum bag. He's put me through enough pain, I'm not gonna sit through it any longer. I left for a reason." "Alright, I think that's a smart idea," Alex hummed softly, rocking Y/n back and forth in his arms as they spoke. "Alex?" "Yes?" He made eye contact with Y/n, her eyes were still a bit glossy, but she looked much better than when he first saw her. "Would it be okay if I spent the night over at your flat? I don't want to be alone tonight..." "That's perfectly alright, love. Of course, you can." "Thanks Al," Y/n sniffled quietly. "Yeah, no problem. Why don't you pack an overnight bag then I'll take you out to get something to eat?" "Sounds great," Y/n grinned, hopping off of her boyfriend's lap. Alex let out a soft chuckle, watching Y/n disappear into her closet to pack.
Taglist: @anyasthoughts @multifandom-but @springholland @blondiee-seaveyy @caswinchester2000
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Sirius! (Sirius Black x Fem! Reader)
A/N: Happy birthday to my favorite marauder ever! 
Request: by @siriuslysirius1107​ :I saw that you are taking asks and I was wondering if you could do a Sirius Black fic since it's his birthday. Maybe where he just got a letter for home or something?
btw, thank you so much for request this
Words: 1,587
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Music comes from every corner of the Gryffindor common room, no students are in their rooms, even some from other houses are gathered to celebrate the birthday of Hogwarts most famous marauder.
His best friends were in charge of organizing the best party of the year, and although now it got out of hand, they don’t give it any importance. James laughs at a joke some sixth-year boys tell him, wrapping an arm on his girlfriend's shoulders as he staggers a bit from the drinks they got.
Remus is not far behind and in no better shape than his friend. In honor of Sirius, he promised that tonight he would have fun and drink a little, although James saw to it that that little became a lot.
Peter’s in one of the corners talking to a girl who seems to be interested in everything he says, but no one can be sure.
Three marauders in a fun, laid-back habitat while others make fuss and eat cake like nothing else matters.
But where’s the birthday boy?
"Lily!" Y/N yells, drawing the attention of the redhead, who laughs slightly.
"Hi!" She yells back. Y/N notices Lily smells a bit too much like firewhiskey too, but she ignores it.
“Where’s Sirius?"
Lily shrugs and turns to her boyfriend, but then jumps in place.
"He came out and had a piece of paper in his hand, I don't know if he's here or outside, or eating or drinking, but you must listen to this, you’ll die laughing!"
"Maybe next time…”
Y/N leaves the common room, meeting more people wanting to enter the big party.
"Hey, have you seen Sirius?" She asks them, but no one has.
She thanks them and walks through the dark corridors of the school until she hears sobs coming from a corridor. Y/N approaches and just below a window that overlooks the gardens, there he is hugging his legs.
"Sirius?" She asks cautiously and walks over to sit across from him. "What happen?"
His body tenses, but he quickly recognizes her. Sirius sighs and wipes the tears from his cheeks, then turns his head up and sees the girl.
"It's nothing, I'm just sad because James said I'm old, don't worry, love," He says feigning indifference as he takes a cigarette out of his pocket.
She crawls to be next to him, they both lean against a wall.
“He's said worse things to you…”
The girl doesn't buy the poor excuse, but she doesn't want to push him either. Sirius laughs, shrugs and brings the cigar to his lips.
"He's an idiot, he knows I always get sensitive on my birthday.”
They are silent for a few seconds, simply staring at the wall while the cigarette smoke rises each time the boy breathes it out.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?" She starts.
“Yes. I uh, I just didn't expect you to find me…”
"Surely someone would come looking for you at some point.”
"No, I made sure the three of them had enough drinks, even Lily." They both laugh.
"Why don't you want them to see you?"
Sirius drops his shoulders.
“Everyone will want to know what's wrong with me.”
“Like I’m doing?”
Y/N bites her lower lip. “Then I better go…”
"No! Wait–” He stops her. "It's not that you bother me, it wasn't what I wanted to say…”
"It's okay, Sirius. I understand that sometimes we want to be alone. I just wanted to let you know that, whatever happens, I’m right here.”
Sirius has always been used to these situations and when his friends ask, he's told them that, on this date, there’ll be a moment when he’ll want to disappear for a few hours. They never insist.
"I know,” He smiles sweetly.
The boy’s never had the courage to confess, although he knows they were suspicious every year. But with Y/N, it could be different. He sighs, showing the crumpled piece of parchment with his shaking hands.
“Every year…” He says, throwing his cigarette on the floor. “Since I started school, my parents send me a letter for my birthday. And over time their words have turned into complaints,” the boy's eyes water again. “I know what you thinking… I must not let that affect me, they’re bad people, but…” the lump in his throat stops him. “But I no longer live with them, I didn’t expect a letter and, even so, they wanted to ruin my day. It’s stupid and cruel, I don’t understand... after everything that's happened…”
The girl doesn’t hesitate to surround Sirius's body in a strong hug and he responds by hiding his face in her neck. Y/N holds him, strokes his hair and whispers little 'it's okay', 'I'm here,'everything will be fine’…
After a few minutes, Sirius calms down, but his head rests on her shoulder.
“I know that even though you no longer live in the mansion, they want to hurt you in some way. Maybe you’re not angry because they ruined your birthday, but you’re angry because they still have some power over you…”
“Maybe…” he whispers.
"I'm not sure how I can help you with that, but you don't know what I would do to make you no longer feel pain, to make you forget all the bad things they caused… I can't do it and I know that It sounds horrible or weird, but thanks to everything you've been through, what you've lost, you’re here.”
"We don't know what your life would be like if your parents had treated you better or if you had been sorted in Slytherin…” He makes a face making her laugh. "What I'm going to say is, if everything had been different, maybe you wouldn't have James, Remus and Peter as friends,” She takes her hand. “Maybe we wouldn’t be together…”
"I'd be with a group like my little brother's" He says horrified and she nods. Sirius looks down and notices their clasped hands. "I think I would at least flirt with you,” He jokes
"I don't think so, but we'll never know,” Y/N smiles and raises her free hand, touching the boy's cheek to bring him closer. “The important thing is that you’re here, you have the best friends, you are popular, one of the best in the class, surprisingly,” She jokes. “You have me… We can’t change our families, and I know it will always be a sore spot for you. But you’re lucky to have something better, Sirius. A real family.”
The black-haired man genuinely smiles and thinks about everything his girlfriend has told him.
"How did I not win you over before?" He says raising an eyebrow.
She lets out a laugh and shakes her head.
“You were too busy distracting yourself with other girls. And you can't say I made it easy for you.”
He winces as he remembers all the effort it took to even go out with the beautiful girl next to him.
"It was worth it,” he answers, kissing her gently.
Sirius throws away the letter from his parents and then deepens the kiss, placing his hand on her cheek. However, the beautiful moment is interrupted by the exaggerated screams of a rather drunk James. The poor boy with glasses staggers until he falls in front of the lovers.
"Sirius!" James gasps. "I've looked everywhere for you! I looked for you in the bathroom, behind the tables, next to the bottles, under the chairs, in Remus's sweater– but you weren't there!"
Sirius and the girl try their best not to laugh.
"Sorry, mate. But you already found me, what wrong? " Sirius says, helping James to sit up.
"I forgive you because it's your birthday, old man,” He chuckles, then he gasps again. “Sirius, it's your birthday! Y/N, we haven't given him his gift!"
She laughs. "That was about to get done, silly.”
Sirius frowns.
"But you both already gave me gifts…”
James rolls his eyes.
"No, Paddie, we have a better gift,” he searches in his pockets and panics. “I can't find it– Y/N I lost the letter! I’m the worst friend in the world!”
"James, lower your voice,” Sirius laughs.
“I have the letter, James. Calm down,” She rolls her eyes, takes out an envelope and hands it to Sirius.
"What is this?”
She smiles.
"Walburga and Orion are not the only ones who wanted to send you a birthday letter.”
“It's a letter from my parents! Do you remember them, Sirius? They gave you permission to stay in our house,”adds James lying on the floor with his head resting on one of Sirius's leg.
The black-haired man looks at the girl still confused.
“Euphemia and Fleamont wanted to congratulate you. I don’t know what that letter says, but I can assure you that it is much better than the one you received a while ago.”
"Yeah, it's better," James babbles.
"Do you want to be alone to read it?"
Sirius nods, but now the need to be alone is different.
“Okay," She kisses his lips chastely. "Come on, James. Lily must be looking for you…”
James lifts his head and stands up awkwardly.
"Lily flower?"
Y/N shakes her head laughing, kisses Sirius's cheek and then stands up. "Happy Birthday, my love.”
Sirius watches as his girlfriend helps his best friend to walk. Only when he is alone does he see the fine print on the envelope in his hands and he can’t help but smile at the written words.
'For our son, Sirius.’
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iwaisa · 4 years
request. Hi hello I've never requested anything so I'm sorry if I seem unpolite but could you maybe write something with oikawa, bokuto or kuroo with male reader that usually is silent but has been under a lot of stress and started to go down the old roads of not eating? If you don't want to write it thats okey, its a sensitive topic and I saw in your rules you don't write suicidal stuff and this seems close to that. I wish you good day or night, I really enjoy ur writing and probably had recently spammed ur inbox while hyperfixating at ur blog a bit too much haha - anon
a/n. hello !! you’re totally fine you’re not impolite in the slightest! thank you for requesting!
(btw i only did oikawa since i haven’t written for him yet but just send in another ask if you want another character :) )
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► now playing...
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- genre. angst to comfort
- pairing. oikawa x male reader
- warnings. mentions of eating disorders, swearing
- word count. 1.3k+
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you were, and always have been, one of the smartest of all your classes. however, you were about to be kicked out of the top spot by none other than aoba johsai’s volleyball team captain. said volleyball captain never talked to you, and you were perfectly fine with that. it’s not like you were asking to be attacked by all of his fans. however, one day your perfect world of never having to talk to the chocolate-haired boy came crashing down.
“oi, l/n-san, what’s up with those bags under your eyes? are you getting enough sleep? are you drinking enough water?” you stared at the boy in front of you, with his hand placed on both hips. you quirked your eyebrows at him, eliciting a chuckle from the boy. “hellooo~” he squatted in front of your desk, waving his hand in front of your face. 
alongside the title of being known as the smartest of the class, you were also extremely quiet. you didn’t find it necessary to talk to each person in your class, so you kept up the act of going to school by yourself, studying in the classroom after school alone, and walking home. of course, you had one or two acquaintances, but outside of them you never felt the need to talk to others. 
“yahoo~” oikawa continued getting closer to your face, making you lean back in mock disgust. “what? yeah, i’m fine.” oikawa’s eyes widened in surprise, “oh! so he can speak!” you rolled your eyes, “of course i can talk, i’m not a mute.” the chocolate-haired boy stood up, shaking his head while chuckling. “i never pegged you as the sassy type, l/n-san. i like it!” 
did i forget to mention that you used to have a crush on the boy standing in front of you? key words: used to. after finding out how many people were after him, you quickly lost interest, investing your time in studying rather than watching his volleyball games. 
“i haven’t seen you around as much anymore, l/n-san. why did you stop coming to our games?” wait what? he noticed? “of course i noticed. you came to each one, silly.” you were taken aback once you realized you had thought out loud. oikawa noticed your shocked face and continued laughing. “i liked seeing you around. it made me want to play better,” oikawa sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
standing up, you collected your notebook and papers, shaking your head. “you’re kidding.” as you continued stuffing your materials into your bag, oikawa stood frozen. “i’m not! i think of you as my lucky charm.” you squinted your eyes at him, making him chuckle for the umpteenth time that day. 
“oi! shittykawa, hurry! coach is gonna make all of us run extra laps if our lazy captain is late!” iwaizumi popped his head into the classroom, startling the two of you. “ahhh~ iwa-chan. so aggressive! i was only talking to l/n-san! hopefully he’ll be watching our match tomorrow,” oikawa turned to you with a wink. with that, the pair left the classroom, both of them waving goodbye. you sighed, slinging your bag over your shoulder and walking home alone.
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the way tooru oikawa had asked you out was...awkward to say the least. just as he predicted, you went to one of aoba johsai’s matches for the first time in a while.
as you were trying to get through the door, you were instantly bombarded by some of oikawa’s fans. “why is oikawa talking about you so much?” a plethora of comments and insults were thrown your way, overwhelming you quickly. 
“now, now~, let’s not attack my boyfriend like that,” oikawa slung an arm over your shoulder, shaking his head at the crowd in front of you. “so he actually is your boyfriend?” one of the girls whined exaggeratingly. you stared with wide eyes at the boy next to you as he nodded his head, humming. “yep. i would appreciate it if all of you would stop attacking him. pretty please,” oikawa said menacingly. 
the crowd quickly dispersed leaving the two of you alone at the side of the gym. “b-boyfriend?” you asked, causing him to whip his head to face yours. “sorry! i wanted them to leave you alone. if you’re uncomfortable, i apologize,” he clapped his hands in front of his face, bowing slightly. 
“i don’t mind,” you muttered, causing him to snap his eyes open. the two of you stared at each other in silence. oikawa looked away, clearing his throat. “you don’t mind, huh?” he turned his eyes to lock onto yours, a smirk making its way onto his face. you nodded confidently. he chuckled while shaking his head. “you shouldn’t lead someone on like that, l/n-san. you know i like you.”
your back straightened at his words, and your eyebrows furrowed. he noticed your face and instantly jumped to defend himself. “i’m always flirting with you! you couldn’t have not realized,” he mumbled, placing his hand over his mouth. “i’ve never dated anyone,” you admitted. as he stared into your eyes, you felt your face growing warm. “i-i mean sure i’ve liked people but i’ve never actually been anyone’s boyfriend-” 
“be mine,” oikawa cut you off. even iwaizumi, who was coming to smack oikawa on the back of his head to get him back onto the court, stopped in his tracks. “i...uhm...sure,” you whispered, nodding your head slowly. oikawa let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding in. “i’ll walk you home after the match, f/n-chan,” he winked. 
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things were smooth sailing between the two of you for a while. your personalities balanced each other out perfectly, and you were a great help with oikawa’s inferiority issues. you never found it tiring how many times you had to reassure him that he’s doing the best he can and that you’re proud of him. 
oikawa constantly reminded you how many times he thought your quiet personality and unbothered demeanor was something he admired. the two of your said your first ‘i love you’ a week ago after four months of being together. 
however, things began changing. exams were approaching rapidly and you felt yourself losing your grip on life. you began pulling all-nighters to study, you began showing up to classes late, and you started to miss some of oikawa’s games to study more in the library. oikawa was growing disappointed and hurt, until he saw the dark bags under your eyes and the way you seemed to avoid food at all costs.
“f/n-chan! eat this!” oikawa held his chopsticks out with a piece of egg. “say ahhhh~” you were quick to cut him off with your hand, not sparing him a glance. your eyes were glued to your textbook, and you didn’t notice the way oikawa’s face fell.
“i know you’re not eating, f/n.”
you snapped your head to stare into oikawa’s brown eyes. “what?” you whispered. “come on f/n, i might be caught up in volleyball most of the time but i’m not an idiot.” 
you were about to snap back at him until he leaned in to kiss your forehead. “can we go back to my house after school to make some milk bread? i promise you’ll like it,” he whispered, his forehead resting on yours. 
you felt your eyes welling up with tears, and he went to shush you as you began to sob. “i’m sorry, tooru.” he closed his eyes and ran his hands through your hair, still shushing you. “don’t be. i know how busy you are with studying and i think that’s amazing. you’re going to ace the exam. but, in order to keep your body healthy, you need to eat and drink water. and sleep,” he chuckled, rubbing his middle and forefinger over the bags underneath your eyes. 
you were quick to take him up on his offer of making his favourite food. he clapped his hands in delight, and went to take his seat as the teacher walked back in. he turned around to wink at you, making you giggle. ‘thank you,’ you mouthed to him, eliciting a smile from your boyfriend.
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the-goddessfighter · 4 years
by: Little1993lamb
Yayy it's my birthdayyy~! On September 6th, btw 😚🎉🎉🎊
Let me share Demon&Angel Monster Batarou AU as my treat for you, Temperans-sama!
At some point in his life after living together with reformed Human Monster Garou, Badd suddenly underwent a monsterification which allowed him to transform into a new form: a six-winged Seraphim-like Angel Monster.
And today is Badd's birthday, but he's must still going to do his daily duty as a professional S-Class hero along with Garou. What Garou can do to cheer his beloved Angel up on his birthday?
The headcanons that have been mentioned in this AU are not 100% mine. Some ideas were created by @the-goddessfighter, @beautifulnightmareus, and @kaincuro .
I only combined and mixed all of them together with my own ideas into one (hopefully) coherent AU headcanon. So, thank you so much guys for giving me brilliant ideas!
Nothing was explicit here, so it's safe I assure you. But there are some soft yet passionate kisses between Garou and Badd, and some loving embrace/hugging from this Demon&Angel Monster couple.. 😚💋❤
OOC characterizations of Badd and Garou, I'm pretty sure of it. There are many amazing authors who can nailed their characterization perfectly and rest assured I'm not among them *sobs*
No beta. So many typos, grammar mistakes, very limited vocabulary, and broken English. I'm so sorry for my bad English, it's not my mother language I'm still learning on it, so I apologized if it makes you feel very uncomfortable during reading this writing, forgive meee... 😭🙏🙇
 Please enjoy it 😉💕
Badd was deep in thought, contemplating his life journey together with Garou for the last 4 years.
It's been 4 years since Badd was harboring a fugitive Garou in his home, just a day before his 18th birthday. It's been difficult to play some cat-and-mouse game against Heroes Association, knowing they were still hunted the ex-Hero Hunter, who currently hiding in his own house.
He realized that Garou is actually not a bad guy, they quickly became bestfriends without knowing there's something else was blooming between them.
 It's been 3 years and a half since Badd partnered with Garou after he was getting pardoned by Heroes Association and became a hero, climbed up his way from the very bottom of C-Class rank until he could stand beside Badd as a fellow S-Class Hero in no time. Badd was so proud of him.
It's more easier to have Garou as his partner, fighting along side-by-side, sharing their glorious victory together just like old friends, or maybe more than that but nobody have a courage to confess it out, resulting on them hopelessly pining for each other like idiots in love.
 It's been 3 years since Garou finally asking him out to be his lover, that he accepted immediately. They started living their love life together while still continuing their heroes works as partners.
Everyone had already know them as inseparable hero couple duo or power couple duo, while their friends just feel deeply relieved that at long last they become an item after too many obvious mutual pining moments for years.
He's grateful to have a very caring boyfriend like Garou, as it turned out Garou is secretly a softie and sweetheart, even though he always denied it immediately. Everytime Garou showering his love to him, Badd feels like his life is complete now.
 It's been a year since Badd underwent unexpected monsterification which allowed him to be turned into an Angel Monster, a six-winged Seraphim kind of Angel, complete with a halo above his head and pure white light emanating from his entire body. Total opposite from Garou's own monster form, which looked like a Demon.
It confused the hell out of him because it occured so suddenly, made him freaked out and slightly afraid of people's bad opinion for him if not for Garou's presence that soothing him and always taking care of him during the transformation.
Garou always comes to comfort him whenever they'd just transformed into monsters together, ensuring that he will always be there for him, telling him no matter what Badd has become he’ll still loving him unconditionally.  
 And it's been half a year that Badd had accepted his new form and learnt how to control his monster transformation, thanks to his lover's teaching and neverending supports. He later learning from Garou that his monster form was born from benevolent intent to protect people he loves, and his kindhearted personality. Unlike common monsters especially the criminal scums, Badd's motive is considered very pure.
It's kind of similar to what happened to Garou when he wanted to become monster: a noble intention to make himself a sacrifice target for humankind, so people would be united together and wont have to hurt eachother anymore, just focusing to defeat him only. Even though the plan was failed, he's glad that now he already found a new purpose.
 Garou had said to him back then, as a human monster himself, he understand how it feels to be transformed into something frightening and facing people's harsh misjudgement. But that's before Garou met Badd, who patiently coaxing him, giving his humanity back, and never afraid of his monster form.
 Now it's time for Garou to do the same things for his beloved "Angel", he wanted to make sure Badd feels loved despite after getting his new form so suddenly.
 During the process of learning with Garou, they also always make time to talking heart-to-heart about their own experiences when they're turning into monster form. That way, Badd slowly understand what hardship Garou had been through after all this time, and how much suffering his lover had felt during difficult time.
 It makes Badd became more empathetic towards Garou. They have bonded over the struggle to overcome their disadvantage under the same fate...
 Speaking of the same fate, Garou once asking Badd, could they be considered as Soulmates?
 Because their monster form are like a matching pair: Demon and Angel. Polar opposite, hellish versus heavenly, dark versus light, evil versus good, villain versus hero, always depicted as mortal enemies, but somehow looked fit together as dangerous complement pair.
It's not coincidental they also become a couple before Badd's monsterification, made it seems like Garou's Demon finally found its other half: Badd's Angel. Like Yin Yang, they complement each other.
 Not to mention, their first time meeting actually had Badd fell from the sky in front of Garou, just in time after Garou wished to meet Badd as soon as possible. Hence whenever someone asking how they met before, he always jokingly says that Badd was a godsend angel who has fallen from heaven and he caught him. Never thought that it would become real once Badd completed his monsterification: Badd is really an Angel!
And not some random Angel form, he got the form of highest rank Angel, the most beautiful and also most powerful, depicted as "fiery angel" who has a duty on performing purification. All of those descriptions suits Badd perfectly.
 Garou could say he was too stunned when he saw Badd's majestic new form at first time, he fell in love so much deeper than before. Finding out that your lover has a matching monster theme made you become extremely happy! That's what Garou was feeling at the time. Now they could be Demon-Angel monster pair together!
 But of course, Garou's first and main job is to make sure Badd feels comfort enough on his transformation, to teach Badd controling his monster form, and the most important is to give all the support and unconditional love for him.
 Slowly but sure, Garou would guide his lover to accepting himself. Just like what Badd had been doing to him in the past, when only Badd the person who brave enough to love and giving so much care for a "ultimate evil monster" until he can love himself for what he is.
 Badd has taught Garou that lesson, and now Garou wanted to do the same for him.
 With lots of patient and support, now look at them.
 Heroes Association has giving Badd permission to use his monster form while fighting, just like what Garou received years ago. Thus, Badd is allowed to transform whenever the situation required him to do so, as long as Garou supervised him.
They also already have people’s approval about their monster form, even people thought they’re really cool monster hero couple. People have a special nickname for both of them, something like “Knights of the Last Judgement”.
 Badd also have their family’s full support. Zenko, upon knowing his big brother's new form, never seems afraid for his intimidating figure. Not at all.
She even said Badd becomes even more cooler with that appearance, complimenting nonstop about the beauty of his "angelic" form. Badd is like, courtesy by Zenko, live-sized pretty angel doll.
And those fluffy six wings! Zenko asked Badd if she and Garou can buried themself into it and snuggle it, also if he can take her flying someday after a mission it seems very exciting for her! Badd can't say no to her.
 Bang didn't say much but Garou can see how much his master (or father, honestly) is very proud of Badd. He trusted Badd can handle his new form easily, just like the way he tamed Garou's monster side and helped Garou to become a better person.
That way, Bang gave his blessing for both Garou and Badd to use their other form, wishing them for the best.
 Those evidences had proved they all understand fully that deep down Badd is still remained as himself, nothing has really changed. Not even his new monstrous appearance can chance that fact...
 As usual, Badd and Garou attended Heroes Association meeting along with another fellow S-Class heroes. Each of them were given a dangerous important mission, because on that day there are so many Dragon-level monsters attacking many cities at the same time.
Heroes Association executives under Sitch's order hoped that S-Class Heroes could aided A-Class heroes who currently battling the monsters and helped on evacuating civilians to the safer place.
 Everyone already got each of their own job to manage at different cities, while Badd and Garou were ordered to work in pair to fight a bunch of biggest monsters that heading towards City-S' border. Considering the huge amount and size of those monsters, also after receiving reports on how severe the monsters causing damages on the cities they have destroyed, Heroes Association recommended to send both Garou and Badd together at once, as their combined power could demolished those monsters without wasting much time.
 So, the S-Class heroes couple quickly heading towards the mission's location. As soon as they arrived, those monsters were already attacking city border while many B-Class heroes still in the middle of evacuating people, and some A-Class heroes trying to buy time by fighting or distracting the monster.
 Understand what they should do, Garou and Badd begin their job. At first, Garou divert the monsters' attention to him and riled them up so they only focused on Garou and Badd only. Then they're doing collaborated multiple attacks with coordinated strikes, cornering the monsters without stopping so they moved towards outside city border.
 It must be done like that to minimalize the destruction that both the heroes and the monsters caused in the city, also to reduce the risk of civilians getting involved into dangerous areas during fighting happen.
This new protocol was applied after the Hero Association reformed themself back then when Garou still being fugitive, so much things must be re-evaluated from the inside to make Hero Association better in the future.
 Succeeded at beating back and leading the monsters bunch into a remote area outside the city far from any population, now it's time for Garou and Badd finishing the job with their ultimate power. Concentrating on their aim and purpose, both of them begin the monsterification.
As soon as their "Fighting Spirit" activated, their human bodies slowly changed.
 Garou's body was engulfed by spinning dark spirals which growing from his left abdomen scars he got from Orochi's attack years ago, made him entirely covered by black hardened skin "armor" of his monster form, all of the nails on his long slender fingers turned into sharp claws, his bright yellow gold irises changed into vivid gold colored irises and his normally white scleras turned into red colored ones, and finally his snow white colored hair turned into black-and-white sharpened spiky hair before it formed into big pointy menacing horns.
Now, Garou was returned again on being the "Demon" Human Monster, bringing back his brutal satanic monstery image. He's ready to hunt again.
 Badd's entire body was glowing bright of white blinding light while emanating a dangerous aura, there's velvety ribbon-like white clothes appeared and wrapping his torso, Badd’s jet black hair rapidly turned into pure white colour, along with the halo-like appendage that circling around his head. And the last thing, he's sprouting six pairs of wide feathery wings from his back, all of them were beautiful fair white colored, at first the wings looked soft but as the "Fighting Spirit" building up in his body those feathers changed into razor-sharp needles.
Now, Badd revealed his other self to the enemies what is the meaning of "Avenging Angel", showing them how terrifying his Angel monster side is and how much he's fully capable to put the fear of god into their mind.
 Monster Garou smiling maniacally when he saw the monsters' terror-stricken expression on their face when they witnessing Monster Badd's imposing figure. Apparently they never heard of Hero Metal Bat's monsterification rumour before. Poor them, though. This will become the first time and the last time they ever seen Angel Monster Badd in action.
 Monster Badd has already in his fighting stance, signaling Monster Garou to be ready for their ultimate finishing moves.
With devilish smirk (Garou) and triumphant smile (Badd), together they shouted:
 [It's time for "slaughter party"/"punishment"!!]
 In the end, everything went alright for the heroes, mission was successful just as planned. All of the monster attacks on several cities has been stopped. The Dragon-level monsters themself has already annihilated. Total building destructions and casualties has been minimized. Civillians who had been evacuated before can go back to their home and continuing their daily activities.
 Still standing in the middle of monsters remains and carcasses, Monster Garou and Monster Badd were basking in glorious victory of successful mission while calming themself from the rush of pumped up adrenaline in their bodies.
 Badd thinks he should be happy that at last they could finished their mission as soon as possible. It's just... Badd feel so tired. Not only physically, because of his monsterifaction had been eating most of his energy, but also emotionally. He's practically drained.
 Today was supposed to be his 22th birthday celebration, where he originally wanted to spend his family time with Zenko and Garou only. It's one of few times Badd could be taking a day-off so he would arranging a private small party with Zenko (now also with Garou) in their home without any people trying to disturb them.
But unfortunately, he got a sudden emergency call from Heroes Association, who gave a dangerous mission and it's the very important one because only S-Class heroes could solved it, so Garou and him must go to do their work. Despite with heavy heart...
 Badd just couldn't reject the hero obligation, it's always been duty come first then their own life. That's the contract and consequences of become S-Class hero, he already knew it very well. But still... It's feel disheartening.
 Decided to take a rest until his body reverted back into human form, Monster Badd gave a cue for Monster Garou that he will moving to more comfortable place to lay on at the area around them. He's flapping his enormous fluffy wings and then takes off from his previous spot, began to searching where he could rest on.
 The battle against the monster enemies took a place near a meadow, not too far from where they stand before, which consist of both grass field and flower field.
Monster Badd carefully landing on the flower field, walking towards the center of it, then proceed to flopping down face first in the middle of flower field, made the flower petals bursted in the air from the impact. He's incapable of sprawling on his back because of his huge wings so it'll be better to lie his tired and worn out body down just like this.
 He hated to feel let down and disappointed, when he should be stay energized or at least feels cuddly enough to have some "monster-loving" moment with his lover. Badd could sensed Garou has already noticed what he's feeling right now, that's because Badd acted unusually dejected since they have finished their mission. He didn't want to make Garou worried but he can't help it.
 It's already bad that he's already depleted of his stamina, now his emotional burden makes it worse. He didn't have energy for flapping his wings to both fly and carrying Garou who still in his monster form back to their home anymore, so he's just take the last resort to stay lying down horizontally on the dirt until his body shifted back again.
 Maybe after this he could ask Garou to carry him back instead. For now, Badd just wanna sleep for awhile, surrounded by flower bush.
 Where is his boyfriend right now? Shouldn't Garou followed and joined him like usual? Like, suddenly appeared next to him without warning and immediately buried himself on his huge fluffy wings and snuggle them while holding him tightly? Whispering soothing and loving words to calm him down from battle adrenaline, or kissing him tenderly to remind how much Garou love him..
 Good. Now he's craving for all of Garou's affections. He needs them, right now. But he didn't have any energy to call him anymore..
Slowly closing his eyes, Badd was waiting for Garou's arrival for any seconds.
 It hurts Garou's heart terribly to see his lover in a miserable mood. He can't watch him moping in sadness like this, especially on his birthday date. Of course they still could celebrate his birthday party later on the day, as it's still much time left.
 But Garou understand Badd's feeling, that deep down he felt disappointed his anticipated plan was ruined by this emergency mission.
No matter how Badd trying to hide or deny it, Garou just. Know.
 Afterall, they have been bonded since long time ago, right? That their heart practically become one: they would know what they are thinking or feeling without saying any word.. or maybe they just sharing one functional braincell?
 It's time for Garou to cheer Badd up! Maybe he could find something that would lifted Badd's mood. He observed their location's surrounding and environment, so far he's only seeing flower field with various flower plants on it. All of them kinda looked pretty--
Oh, Garou got an idea! Even though it's just a simple thing, Garou was sure Badd would appreaciate it...
 In half-sleeping state, Monster Badd could hear Garou's voice from afar, or rather his monster form's voice, there's a bit different. Followed by the sounds of both his footsteps and soft rustle of grass leaves. Until it stopped just right a few meters from where Monster Badd was sleeping.
 He called Monster Badd gently so he would wake up and sit for awhile. But he also asked him to close his eyes until he tell him otherwise. Monster Badd didn't understand what Monster Garou was planning but he complied to his requests.
 Slowly but surely, Monster Badd lifted his worn out body from the ground, brushing the dirt off from his velvety clothes, enormous wings also starts flapping to shake off any leftover dust or dirt on his body.
 Once Monster Badd was awake and changed his position into a sitting position, he was told by Monster Garou that he can open his eyes now. Right at the moment, Monster Badd could feel something was poured on his body from above.
 Curiously, he opened his eyes and looked around.
 He was surprised by Monster Garou hovering over him, while sprinkling, or more like throwing, a lots of tiny colourful flower petals on Monster Badd's hair and his pretty wings. Soon enough, Monster Badd's entire figure was decorated by those pretty flower petals.
 Still confused about what had just happened, Monster Badd found Monster Garou already standing very close, just right before him, slowly and gently tilted his chin up, and kissed him softly yet passionately. It made him letting out a whimper followed by soft moans.
He really loves it whenever Monster Garou kissing him, it feels like he consumed all the fire that "the Demon" has been offering to him from the kisses. He was in bliss.
 When Monster Garou released their kiss, he cupped and caressing Monster Badd's soft cheeks tenderly, gaze deeply into his eyes and whispering,
 "Happy Birthday, my beloved Angel. May happiness will always given to you",
 with a raspy voice, yet in very affectionate tone, before giving a lingering kiss on Monster Badd's forehead.
 Monster Badd was strucked by Monster Garou's sweet gesture. He didn't expected that his lover would gives him a thoughful surprise present like this. Yes, it was a simple thing but it's really brings him a lots of joy.
And the huge amount of love he was receiving from Garou... He feels like his heart would bursting from the happiness.
Garou really care for him, and that single truth was enough to make Badd back to his happy self.
 Then, the next thing happened truly made Monster Garou left astonished for a hot minute:
 Monster Badd was giving Monster Garou his sweetest smile and laugh in his majestic angelic form. Complete with bright light that emanating from Monster Badd's figure whenever he's in happy mood or in fighting mood. And those various tiny colourful flower petals sprinkles on his flawless body, on his silky smooth pure white Angel hair, and his soft feathered wings, somehow made him even more beautiful than before..
 For him, it was the most gorgeous thing Garou ever seen in his life. He was too stunned to move or even blinking his eyes just from witnessing majestic angelic Badd's precious smile.
And his laugh was the most mellifluous voice he ever heard, it sounds like a heavenly music in his ears.
Is this how an angel sings in heaven? He was lucky enough to have one performing it to him right now.
 Watching his lover finally back to being happy again today, in the most beautiful monster form that Garou have ever seen, on this beautiful and serene flowery scenery, it made Garou's heart fluttering.
He wants to pampering Badd more and spoiled him rotten after they get back to their home.
 Make his lover's birthday feel special today! Heroes Association's mission report be damned. Those can go to hell, Badd's well-being is the top priority right now.
 Monster Garou noticed that Monster Badd still smiling softly at him, who suddenly opened his arms wide, enthusiastically asking Monster Garou for some loving hugs. The Angel wanted to hold his Demon as tight as possible, as he also wanted to convey how grateful he is for the heartwarming gift he received before.
 With a grin full of fondness, he picked Monster Badd up and held him in his strong arms, kissing his silky soft white hair that full of tiny flower petals. While Monster Badd encircled his arms around Monster Garou's neck, and his huge white fluffy wings covered them both so they would be as close as possible in an intimate embrace.
 Neither of them had realized that some reporters and photographers were approaching while taking videos or pictures of them from afar..
 And neither of them seems to care for that, all that matters are the warm embrace, sweet nothings words and love vows they whispered softly to each other, and the love they have been sharing during their intimate moment together...
 Hours later, Badd and Garou, who are already back in their human form, were seen walking side-by-side together on their way back home in City-S. Despite still being tired as hell, in tattered clothes, and also looked a bit bloodied with some monster blood smeared on them, too. But they both seems happy, nonetheless.
 They just don't care for people around them, who are either admiring their heroic deeds or giving weird look on their battle-ragged appearance. Both only have focus on eachother, enjoying quality time by chatting casually while handholding together, re-planning for Badd's small birthday party with Zenko once they get back to home, or just sharing sneaky kisses on the cheek during walking.
 Just when they're taking a stroll in the middle of S-City downtown, something happened unexpectedly. On a big screen in the S-City downtown, there's a birthday celebration video broadcast for Badd. It consist of 3 main video contents:
Firstly, a beautiful angelic Monster Badd smiling sweetly with many tiny and pretty colourful flower petals decorating his form and his white fluffy six-wings, surrounded by flower field and green scenery, his expression looked so majestic and heavenly, truly like a godsend Angel because he rarely showing this special kind of softest smile ever,
 Secondly, a scene of Monster Garou hugged Monster Badd very tenderly, full of affection, revealing the softer side of both Garou and Badd, also showing pure sweet intimacy, emotional support, and huge amount of unconditional love that have been shared between the S-Class monster heroes,
 Lastly, a huge congratulatory message "Happy Birthday, S-Class Hero Metal Bat!", followed by the compilation of many smaller congratulatory messages from fellow heroes or important figures.
 At the end of video broadcast, people around them clapping simultanously together while apparently Garou, being the best boyfriend ever, start to sing "Happy Birthday song" for Badd in the midst of clapping. Hence everyone can't help but also followed his lead to participate in singing the song along with Garou.
 Those spontaneous and voluntary actions quickly brought Badd to tears, he's very touched by the fact everyone around him actually cared enough for him, despite he didn't ask anything from them. He feels so loved right now.
 Not to mention, once again Garou doing something wonderful to him, successfully giving a lots of joyness just to make Badd's spirit lifted again. He couldn't think if he can pay all of Garou's kindness he did today, because he knows Garou would says, "No, just let me pamper you in YOUR SPECIAL DAY. Please don't fight me on this I beg you".
 At the end of Birthday song choir, everyone cheered on him and giving a loud standing applause. Badd just flopped down sitting on the ground, he's crying so hard from the sheer happiness. Garou immediately come to his side consoling him, wiping his tears off. Once Badd stopped crying, Garou congratulate Badd again before kissing his tears streaked cheek, which causing even more louder applause.
 Applause sounds then also added with many other voices, such as cheering, cat calling, hollering, praises, congratulatory, complain for their PDA, and many more noises. Seeing all being very caring to them, Badd wanted to cry happily again. And then he’s really bawling in the middle of City-S main street, in the arms of his very confused dorky boyfriend, in the center of equally confused people’s attention.
 After a lot consoling by Garou to make Badd calmed himself again, both of them thanking all the people for their kindness. Of course it followed by everyone thanking them instead, for being very good heroes who always protected people.
 Just when Badd and Garou start to continue their walking, Badd's phone suddenly ringing. It was a call from Zenko. She questioned where are they right now and why did they still haven't at home at this hours. They feel so bad for making Zenko got worried alone in their home.
 But of course Zenko didn't forget to congratulate his dear big brother for his 22th birthday, wishing for all the happiness and prosperities for Badd. She then ended her call by saying,
"I love you, Badd-niichan! Please go home ASAP with Garou-niichan I just finished baking your birthday cake we can eat it together. Hurry up before Tama stepping on your birthday cake frosting again like 2 years ago!".
 With that, Badd urged Garou to quickened their steps, basically asking Garou to have impromptu race competition against him. Seems like got an energy boost from Fighting Spirit, Badd immediately start running towards their home leaving his boyfriend behind. Garou just smiling amusedly before joined running to catch up to his lover in a race.
 Badd was very grateful for everything that happened to him today. This is his BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!
 The next day, so many weekly heroes magazines or fashion magazines begin to publishing Monster Badd's beautiful pictures. From the photo collections, pin-ups, posters, magazine covers, or even as aesthetic photographs using his famous Birthday documentation that has been made from yesterday. The one with flower petals is the most favorite.
 Those are really loved by people, all of them. It also indirectly helped raising Badd's popularity as an S-Class hero among civillians and fellow heroes. Badd was so happy, because it seems everyone was accepting his monsterous (or angelic) form completely by now. No more ill-judgement towards him, only enthusiastic acceptance.
 Of course Garou enjoyed this trends as well. He proceed to hoard all of newest "Angel Monster" Metal Bat merchandises and premium edition of Monster Badd photo collections in their bedroom. Badd wasn't sure if he should feels flattered, happy, proud, exasperated, flustered, or embarrassed.
 While Badd still blushing hard by Garou's antics, Garou hugged Badd from behind, keeping his adorable lover in his strong arms. He whispered,
 "Don't worry babe, I just wanted to support you. Beside, I already got the best one that nobody else have: YOU. You're my beloved Angel... and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you Badd, for being the most beautiful monster, most amazing Angel for my own Demon".
 Badd smiled happily in respond, he turned his head a bit to catch Garou's lips in a heartful kiss.
 "You're welcome, Demon-boy", he answered as Garou tightening their loving embrace.
 If there’s anyone who still haven’t know about the origin of this AU, these are the illustrations for Angel Monster Badd, drawn by @the-goddessfighter, which are used for the story (he looks so beautiful in these drawings, tysm Temperans-sama! 💖):
 •https://the-goddessfighter.tumblr.com/post/625111244297453568/ (Badd's monster form concept art)
•https://the-goddessfighter.tumblr.com/post/626035692265488384/ (NSFW! with Demon Monster Garou)
 So, this idea was created when I was thinking about,
"What if Angel Monster Badd smiling sweetly for Demon Monster Garou with tiny flower petals decorating his hair, his body and his six-wings while surrounded by colourful flower field?".
 I really wanted to see him like that, the imagery seems beautiful in my imagination. So soft, so pretty, so majestic...
I know Badd is already a very beautiful man, but his Seraphim-like monster form, especially his angelic feature combined with tiny flowery decoration... While giving his special smile for his lover..
 If there's someone willing to make an illustration for this particular image, or just any scene from this story, I will be forever grateful for that! 😳😍👍💖✨
Pleaaseee make this happen aaaa-- 😣💦😭🙏💝
 I hope you like it, Temperans-sama! Just think of it as my birthday cake treat for you, please enjoy it 😉🎂🍰💝
Also, this is my grateful gift after you gave me the MAJESTIC Monster Demon&Angel Batarou (the HOLY F*CK™ art 😋👍😈👉👌💦🔥💕💖😇) on last month, thank you so muuuch I LOVE IT! 😘💋❤💜💙💖💝💐
 On the other hand, although my writing skill is very far from being decent or enjoyable (actually I don't have that talent whatsoever I'm just trying to scribble down a bunch of random headcanons, lol), I still want to share happiness by sharing it to everyone in the fandom!
Because this year I can celebrate my birthday with Batarou fandom. I love you guys! 😚💕
 Thank you so much for accepting me in the fandom *bows deeply* 😭🙏🙇💕💖
   Temperans_ First: this is beautiful by any measure, second: this must be the most passive-aggressive media stalking ever. They were lucky they were just doing sweet things. And if the temperature rises, doing what we already know in the field of flowers???? OMG what would they have put on the screens? I want to think that they "respectfully" would have left them alone. Anyway, this gave me a lot of encouragement to start classes again tomorrow. I am so grateful that you took a whole month to prepare for this. You are a valuable member of the fondom and no one can deny it.
 Dedicated for:
@the-goddessfighter, @beautifulnightmareus, @kaincuro, @metalbatandzenko , @guby1620, @irisvseyelash, @jusqu-une-etudiante, @garous-nipple, @charmehs, @aforrestofstuff, @dies-first, @personne-tmblr, @mythic-blood, @justin-peudeau, @nancchan, @no1deahowthiswork, @freedomaboveallelse, @rayadraws, @guppys-paw, @mydearmagnoliamay
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Can you do MC rejecting Seven's proposal because she loves Jumin (after all he does on the Secret Endings who could blame her?) So no photo? How would that reunion go?
Oop more angst >_<
I’ve realized I really like writing this sort of stuff pfttt
For some reason I like making myself and other people sad, I’m sorry lmao, anyway I hope you enjoy it!
(This hurt so much to write btw I just love Seven so much T_T)
Also when you said no photo? It reminded me of the vine where the guy is like: so no head? 😡🤳🏻💥 🛹 💥
Anyway I’ll shut up now lmao, enjoy it.
Rejection (idk can’t write titles lmao, Seven x MC angst):
It was a beautiful night. Right now you were on a very beautiful mountain, looking up at the stars with Saeyoung.
That day he had dragged you to his car and brought you some place really far away. Saeran decided to stay at home so that you two could have some alone time. Saeyoung saw you feeling a bit down, so as he drove he made sure to crack as many jokes as he could, and to put on your favorite music.
But he didn’t notice if you felt better or not, since he kept one hand in his pocket, and every once in a while he would check that whatever he had was still there. He was pretty nervous.
You both arrived at this beautiful place at about 6pm, and you saw that there was a picnic laid out for the both of you. You smiled dryly, as Saeyoung helped sitting you down.
Everything looked beautiful. Saeyoung had prepared the picnic to be looking out to the whole city, and he had adorned some of the trees around with some cute lights. Around you were pictures, notes and things he had made for you. You took the album that was beside you and started going through it, while Saeyoung took some wine glasses and poured some Dr. Pepper in them.
“And here’s a glass to the most beautiful mademoiselle ever. One glass of Dr. Pepper and a bag of Honey Buddha Chips! Tonight we’re dining like royality!” He jokingly said, as he handed over the glass and bag of chips to you, and then he sat down beside you, looking up at the stars.
“Thanks...Saeyoung. Um...what’s the occasion? Did I miss something?” You asked.
Saeyoung laughed and took a sip from his glass, then he put a finger up to his lips. “It’s secret! You won’t find out until a bit later! For now please enjoy the view and eat to your hearts content!”
You ate very little. Saeyoung was happily chatting to you, but you weren’t listening to what he was saying. That was until you noticed he went quiet and that it had become quite dark, since the little lightbulbs he had hanging around suddenly were turned off, leaving you with only the light of the stars.
“Y/N. Actually, I...umm, I brought you here because...well. It’s just, you’ve changed my life. You made me realize so many things, you helped me find my brother, you helped me be happy again! I owe you so much. And well, now since everything is fine, the RFA is all together, and Saeran has recovered. I thought that now...it might be time to take it to the next step. Y/N. I love you so much. And I know that, we’ve been through so much, I know I can be a lot, but you’ve been with me the whole time. Which is why...I want to ask you....” Saeyoung got on one knee and looked at you, tears starting to form in his eyes and a big smile on his face.
“Y/N, you’re the love of my life. You’re my everything and I, I want to spend the rest of my days with you. Y/N L/N, will you do me the honor, of becoming my wife?” He asked.
You gasped. No. No no no, was he really proposing to you?
You gulped and looked somewhere else, somewhere that wasn’t Saeyoung and you felt your chest tightening.
Saeyoung’s smile slowly faded and he moved close to you.
“Y-Y/N? Is...is everything alright?” He asked in a small voice. Then he ran a hand through his hair and bit his lip.
“I’m sorry Y/N, was it too soon? If you don’t want to get married yet it’s ok, I’m sorry, I knew I should’ve waited a bit more! Damn, I’m so dumb I-”
“Saeyoung.” You sniffed. Saeyoung slowly looked at you. Shit, did he fuck up? Goddamit, stupid Saeyoung you should have waited why didn’t you wait?!
You both sat in silence, the light of the stars gone since clouds had started to cover them all.
Then you looked at Saeyoung and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Saeyoung. I really am. I just...I can’t...get married to you.”
“W-what do you mean Y/N? D-did I do something? I’m sorry if I did, I really am!”
You shook your head.
So you weren’t mad at him? He didn’t understand, what was the problem?
“Saeyoung...listen. You are a wonderful person. You’re amazing, you care so much for your brother, for your friend. But...I can’t do it anymore. Ever since, well. The whole cult ordeal, everything has changed. At first it was fine but...you would still pull away from me sometimes. And I tried and tried, but whenever you were feeling down you just ignored me, and made feel so bad. I get that you’re sad, I know we all have bad days but...I can’t take it anymore, I just can’t.” You started sobbing, and Saeyoung looked at you, his face filled with guilt and sadness. Then he tried to grab your hand.
“Listen Y/N, if it’s because of that I promise that I can change, I promise I won’t-”
You pulled away and stood up.
“It’s not that Saeyoung! I just, agh. I-I just...I think I’ve fallen out of love with you. And I am so sorry, I really am, you’re wonderful and you’re so sweet, but I think we’re...we’re not right for each other. I’m sorry.” You yelled.
The both of you kept quiet, and stood in your places even when droplets started falling down.
Saeyoung hugged his knees and looked forward, a cold expression on his face.
“Saeyoung....I’m sorry. I confused my feelings for you, and you ended up getting hurt, and it’s all my fault, alright? So please don’t blame yourself.”
Then Saeyoung gave a dry laugh and looked up to the sky.
“Wow. I mean, I guess it makes sense. All this time...you were acting so different. I thought you were angry at me, so I tried to do anything I could to make you smile again. Honestly it is my fault for trying to delay the inevitable. I tried to ignore the feeling that you were pulling away from me, and I tried to make everything better. But I still managed to screw it up.”
You bit your lip and looked at the ground, then Saeyoung looked up at you.
“You know, the first thing I noticed was at this years party. Remeber? You know, before...whenever you were around me everyone in the RFA said that you looked happier, as if you were glowing. Everytime you looked at me you’d have this spark in your eye...and I felt so special, so happy that that one spark, that expression you made, was only because of me. But you stopped. And that night, at the RFA party, I saw you talking with Jumin. And you were looking at him...the way you looked at me. That’s how I realized...but I just...I didn’t want to let you go. I’m sorry Y/N. I’m sorry that you had to deal with all these feelings because of me.”
Saeyoung forced a smile, as his tears mixed with the droplets falling down.
You were both completely drenched now. Saeyoung slowly stood up and raised his arm in front of him.
“No hard feelings, ok? You can go and be with Jumin. I won’t stop you. Thanks, for everything Y/N. Really.” He said.
You slowly shook his hand, and pulled him into a gentle hug.
“Thank you Saeyoung.”
When he pulled away he asked if you wanted a drive home, well, to his home now, to see if you wanted to pick up any stuff, but you refused telling him that you had moved everything back to Rika’s place a week before.
He drove you over to your apartment, and he didn’t seem any different. Saeyoung put on some music, and even joked around for a bit.
When he finally dropped you off, you thanked him once again.
“No problemo! Good luck with Cat Mom! Really! I’m sure he’ll be hard to pin down, but...I’m sure he’ll fall for you in no time.” He smiled.
You blushed and waved goodbye, and Saeyoung watched as you went inside the building.
All the way home he kept driving with a smile on his face. He didn’t think, he didn’t cry. He was quiet.
He came home and opened the door, then he made his way to the kitchen, where he found his brother.
“Hey you two, congrats! Here’s the stupid cake, seriously, I can’t believe it took so long for the idiot to propose, it’s great that he finally stopped being a pussy.” Saeran said sarcastically, but he still looked happy as he carried the cake. But he stopped when he saw his brother standing in the doorway, alone.
“Saeyoung? Where the hell is Y/N? Don’t tell me you forgot her in the mountain like you did with Yoosung the last time?”
No response.
Now Saeran was a bit worried. He placed the cake on the counter and walked over to his brother, who was still smiling and standing on the doorway without saying a word.
“Saeyoung...what the hell happened?”
Saeyoung just smiled, and Saeran was getting impatient.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!! What the fuck happened back there, why isn’t Y/N with you? Don’t tell me, did the two of you have a fight?! Saeyoung what did-”
Saeran stopped as Saeyoung quickly wrapped his arms around him, tightly. Saeran squirmed, and started yelling at his brother, telling him to let go, but then he saw Saeyoung start shaking, and he suddenly heard sobs.
He grabbed Saeran even tighter and kept sobbing. Saeran he...he didn’t know what to do. Every single time, Saeyoung had been the one comforting him, whenever he felt sad or anxious.
But this time...Saeyoung was leaning on him.
Saeran awkwardly put his arms around Saeyoung and hugged his brother tight.
That night, Saeran stood all the time by his brother’s side.
He waited until Saeyoung felt comfortable enough to tell him what had happened.
When he heard that you rejected him...and that you broke up. Saeran...felt conflicted.
You were a close friend of his. He loved you so much. But you...you had hurt his brother deeply. He knew that you couldn’t control how you felt but...it still made him mad.
Saeyoung wasn’t in the RFA chatroom for months. Saeran would be the one to sometimes log in to reassure the other members that he was alrighhr, Saeran was taking care of him.
It took him so long to get over you. And when he was finally feeling better you and Jumin announced that you were pregnant, and that you were getting married soon.
Saeyoung acted as if it was fine. Around the RFA he was all smiles and jokes, he even offered to be the baby’s godfather.
Saeran was the only one who knew that at night Saeyoung would close himself off in his room, and that he wouldn’t come out.
It was hard. After all Saeyoung always thought he’d be the one being with you, the one to start a family and to take you to different places, instead of Jumin.
Sometimes it got so bad that he...well.
Saeran had to stop him from harming himself multiple times. Saeyoung was so depressed, and since Saeran was better he felt as if no one really needed him anymore.
Saeran will always be there for him though, and he began acting more caring to Saeyoung, he got less mad, and he even took him to travel to different places.
Even though it may take so long, Saeran will work hard so his brother can find happiness again.
A few years later Saeyoung was back to his normal self. Though it sometimes hurt to remeber the times he spent with you, he didn’t resent you.
All that mattered to him, was that you were happy.
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lihikainanea · 4 years
How was the first time Bill and tiger started sleeping at each others bed? Like... when they were just friends without benefits. Ignore this ask if it was sent before lol. I love your blog btw, you are very honest and have big sis energy.
oh bubs hello :-) Thank you so much for the kind words! I am indeed honest to a fault, and I get such warm fuzzy feelings whenever somebody tells me I have big sis vibes. I never had the privilege of being the big sis (but I have the privilege of having a great big sis) and I just always loved the idea of having a little sister. So instead I just like...I’mma adopt all of you. Sorry, finders keepers.
One thing I have always been adamant on in their story is that they really were just friends. Best friends. There was no sexual tension, there was no misplaced feelings. Tiger and Bill were best friends, and it really came from a pure place when he offered up to do her so good one night. That one night, many moons ago. In Bill’s mind, it was simple. Tiger is an amazing girl. She deserves amazing sex. She had been pent up. And Bill had seen her date other guys, and rather than see her run into the arms of some dude and only end up unsatisfied, Bill thought he’d just...offer to get the job done himself. Because he knew that tiger trusted him, he knew that they trusted each other, and sex was never really a big deal to him.
Shit got a little complicated uh, after. But the origin of it, for me, will always be that they were purely platonic. Bill offered up some pleasure because it’s not a big deal, she deserved it, and he’d rather she get it with him than one of the fucking idiots she had been dating recently.
So on the platonic note, let’s talk about trust and safety--two other things extremely important to their timeline. Tiger trusted Bill because she always felt safe with him. Because Bill never tried, you know? He never tried. I swear to god my ears go red with rage when I talk about these guys--these guys that I call the Untils. The creepy, predatory guys who pretend to be nice, until--until your skirt is a little short, until you’ve had a little too much to drink. Dudes who act as if they’re ruled by their dicks and have no say in the matter, and will push the trusting boundaries of friendship as soon as they are given just the opportunity. Those dudes, the Untils, are fucking terrifying.
But Bill never did that. When tiger got too drunk, he’d take her home. And to keep an eye on her--he’d sleep there. But he’d put her in bed and sleep on the floor. He’d get her make up off, but he never changed her out of her clothes. Bill never tried with her, he never got sleazy, he always just took care of her and respected every boundary in their friendship. And when you trust someone, you know, after awhile those boundaries get relaxed. Because you know you’re not in danger.
Maybe it was after a breakup one time, tiger was just in shambles and Bill had come over with a bottle of strong liquor and a whole kilogram of gummy bears--just like he always did, whenever she got fucked over by a guy not worth her time. And he stayed with her, hugged her, let her sob it out. And when it came time for bed he went to set up her couch but she pulled him in bed instead. And maybe she stopped crying, stopped hiccuping long enough just to look up at him for approval.
“Is this okay?” she asks. Bill just hugs her tighter.
“I’m good with it,” he says, “You?”
Tiger knows that Bill is a touchy dude, I think since the beginning of their friendship she’s known that. He always has an arm slung around her, or he’s pressed in just a little tighter to her if they’re sitting on the couch. It’s no surprise to tiger that once she pulls him into her bed platonically for the first time, they kind of just....keep doing that.
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